Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 7, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

So Wyatt and I had just decided to be a couple last night. Yeah I'm no longer single but then the thought came to me was I rushing things a little. No I couldn't be I have to move on. Life goes on without John. Why is John still in my head its been over a month since we vanquished him and I still think about him. I guess your first person you've ever had sex with sticks to you like glue. I was having all these thoughts while I was in the shower. It was now Saturday morning and we all were suppose to have some training time to see how our powers worked from the older Charmed Ones. Wyatt was suppose to train with Piper, Chris was suppose to train with Phoebe, and I was suppose to train with Paige just because Wyatt inherited Pipers power and more, Chris inherited Phoebe's power and more, but I really inherited the power from my mother but Paige was the closest thing to her so whatever. I was still in the shower rinsing off till I heard a noise and someone came into the bathroom. I knew I wasn't alone.

I then opened the shower door and stuck my head out saying. "Wyatt is that you," I said. When the fog cleared there stood a demon with a beard. He was wearing all black like demons do. "Ahh" I was screaming loud. Quickly I got the closest towel next to me and put it around my lower area.

"Wow a Charmed One afraid of me." the demon said as he hurled an energy ball at me but using my telekinesis I sent it right back at him. Then Wyatt orbed in.

"Sorry I tried to come in but the door was locked whats with all the commotion?" Wyatt asked.

"DEMON!" I shouted pointing to the demon that was in front of us. Then he hurled another energy ball at us and again I used my telekinesis to send it right back. "Don't just stand there blow it up." I yelled. Wyatt the lifted his hand and blew up the demon. It was now vanquished.

"Wow" Wyatt was now laughing. "Never thought you'd be afraid of one small demon"

"It came in on me while I was naked." I said with an angry tone and Wyatt was still laughing.

"So what? I've seen you naked before and you don't look half bad. Plus I'll be seeing you naked a lot more often since someday we're gonna be married." He said smiling.

"Keep talking and you won't see me naked till we're married." I said opening the door and walking out. I was dripping since I didn't get to dry off that good. As I walked out Wyatt was following me.

"So whats that suppose to mean." Wyatt asked.

"Meaning if you keep up those smart ass comments you and me won't be having sex again till we're married and about to conceive little Patrica." I said walking in my room and slamming the door. Wyatt then headed down stairs where Chris, Aunt Piper, Paige, and Phoebe were sitting.

"Wow whats with all the noise up there." Piper asked.

"Oh nothing except for Chris got attacked by a demon and he's now mad at me for laughing at him scream." Wyatt said.

"Wyatt Matthew Halliwell," Piper said putting her hands on her hips. "You know you don't laugh at that, I'd slap Leo if he ever did that. If you even want him to be with you , you might want to try buying him some roses and apologizing."

"Well you see mom thats the point." Wyatt replied , "When you left last night and he came in he said that he'd be with me as long as I didn't hurt him."

"Do you think you can make that commitment." Phoebe asked.

"I do and I am we're now a couple as of last night." Wyatt answered.

"Congrats" Piper said clapping , "but I still think you should make it up to him for laughing though you might be together now you two can still break up and I want to see my grandchild, Patrica in the future."

"Okay mom I'll make it up to Chris best I can," Wyatt said.

"I heard my name." I said walking down the stairs now that I had my clothes on.

"Not you I was talking about other Chris." Wyatt lied.

"Okay whatever," I said.

"Now today we're going to do something different." Piper started, "I'm going to be training one of you at a time with your powers, Phoebe is going to be teaching martial arts or fighting whatever you want to call it, and Paige will be teaching you how to make potions ok?" she explained. "So Chris E you'll be with Phoebe and martial arts, other Chris you'll be with Paige trying to make potions, and Wyatt you'll be with me trying to better your powers then we'll switch when we're ready ok?" she finished. I went with Phoebe to the basement, Chris went with Paige to the kitchen, and Wyatt went with Piper to the attic.

"Okay so Chris," Phoebe started. "If you ever see a demon charging at you, you use a back kick like this." She demonstrated. "Now I want you to try to kick like that okay." I tried to do it the first time. "That was good but try to kick a little higher than that." I did what I was asked. "Perfect Chris now we're gonna put it into action. Now come charge at me so I can show you." So I charged at her like she asked and she used the back kick on me and sent me flying.

"Awesome" I said getting up.

"Now I want you to try that on me. You ready." she asked and I nodded. She charged towards me I hit her with the back kick, she didn't go flying higher than me but she went flying. "Thats good Chris." she said getting up.

"Hey Aunt Phoebe can I ask you something."

"Sure, Chris ask away." she said.

"Well I was wondering, John was about the same age and was a senior like me. So how is that possible if Cole became the Source after you guys vanquished the Source after I was born. That would have had to make him born 2 years after me but he wasn't I mean yeah he was still younger than me but only by a few months hows that possible." I asked

"Well," Aunt Phoebe started to explain, "Things for demons work differently than they do in human society."

"Come again?" I asked

"See the Source was vanquished a month after your mom died. Within that week Cole became the new Source and planted his seed in me. I didn't know he was the Source though, but yeah see when you're pregnant with the source the pregnancy is sped up times three meaning that the time it takes to be pregnant with a child like that is 3 months instead of 9 like a normal pregnancy."

"Wow so John was only how many months younger than me."

"He was only 4 months younger so yeah I know its complicated and hard to explain but enough about that its time to keep training if you want to be better Charmed Ones than we were." she said

In the attic Wyatt and Piper were training with their powers. Piper had set up three figures who she wanted Wyatt to pretend were demons. "Okay Wyatt," Piper said. "I want you to try to blow all three of them up at one time."

Wyatt close his eyes and extended out his and not just blowing all three up but sending a big blast causing many broken windows. "Whoa mom I can't believe this" Wyatt said realizing what he did.

"Yeah your powers are developing faster than expected." Piper said. "But let me look through the book and find a spell to fix this."

"Mom wouldn't that go under personal gain." Wyatt asked

"Yeah well I don't care I have to fix this somehow." She said flipping through the pages of the Book of Shadows.

"So mom theres something I wanted to ask you," Wyatt asked Piper.

"Go on ahead," she said still flipping through the Book of Shadows.

"Well how long did you and dad know each other before you guys got married."

"Your dad and I knew each other for awhile though we had our separation times but yeah it was awhile and we were forced into marriage because of the white lighter witch rule. Why are you asking?"

"Because I want to ask Chris to marry me." Wyatt said.

"What?" Piper said finally looking up. "Wyatt I usually support you on your decisions one hundred percent but this time I think you're rushing things. I mean though me and your dad didn't know each other as well as you and Chris do you should still wait. I know its been awhile but Chris still has to deal with vanquishing John and his mother I mean Phoebe never thought she was going to date again when she vanquished Cole."

"I know mom but we've known each other for years now and we might not have been together but we've been intimate for 2 months now. So I think this would be the perfect time." Wyatt said back.

"But then there's college and everything what about that." Piper asked

"We're all planning to go to the same college but if we don't I'm just an orb away and so is he."

"Wyatt if you think you're ready then you have my blessing to marry him." Piper said finally.

All the training was now over and the sisters brought us back into the living room for a talk. "Well guys" Phoebes said, "Y'all have worked hard and we are extremely proud and I just want to say that I know the Charmed Ones are in good hands. Paige is there anything you want to say I mean you hardly say anything."

" I just want to say that I know all of you guys are white lighters and I need to start teaching you guys about orbing and everything especially you Chris E because do you even know how to orb yet." I shook my head. "Well I'm going to have to set up a time where you and I get together to teach you about your white lighter powers so you'll have them in case of need." Paige said.

"Yeah and I would also like to say that Chris I'm glad that you came into our family again and because of you we at least have something left of Prue. Your mom was the bravest of the Charmed Ones and is missed most of all but I know shes in a better place and if we need to talk to her we can." Piper said

"I'm glad I could help" I said smiling.

"So we're done for the day and you guys can go do what you want" Piper said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"Well I've got to get back home to Henry and the kids but I'll see you guys later," Paige said.

"Yeah me too I've got to go cook I know Coop isn't going to do it," Phoebe said as she and Paige orbed out and Chris ran upstairs leaving me and Wyatt in the room alone.

Wyatt started walking over to me and held out his hand, "Chris come with me I want to show you something." he said.

"Okay," I said as he held my hand and walked me to his car. He then took me to the movies to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. At first nothing was going on we were just sitting there. I then moved my hand towards Wyatt's and tried to grab it but I pulled back scared.

"Hey its ok," Wyatt smiled and grabbed my hand. We were holding hands for the rest of the movie. When the movie was finally over I kissed him. I didn't care who saw.

"Wyatt thanks for a great time. I can see why I married you in the future. You're so sweet and I can now say I know everything happens for a reason. I know everything in the past couple of months happened so I could be with a kind guy like you." I said as we were walking back to the car.

"Thanks Chris you know there's something I want to ask you." he said. "Well I know we've only been going out for a year but." Wyatt was then interrupted by a demon who looked old and had gray hair.

"So you guys are the new Charmed Ones," the demon said.

"Who are you," I asked.

"I'm Barbus," the demon said

"Who?" I asked

"The demon of fear." Wyatt said, "Chris get in the car now!," Wyatt demanded.

"Not without you." I said pulling his his arm.

"Oh don't worry I can destroy the both of you at the same time." he said laughing. I was then so angry I stepped in front of Wyatt and and flung my arm sending Barbus flying on to another car setting off its alarm.

"Get in the car," Wyatt said. I did what I was told and Wyatt got in the car after me and we drove back to the manor. We then ran up to the house and went in. "Mom, Chris, Aunt Phoebe, Aunt Paige we need to talk!" Wyatt shouted calling everyone into the room. Piper came down in just a robe. Chris was coming down in a t-shirt and shorts while Phoebe just orbed in with Paige

"Wyatt what's with the commotion its 10:30 pm" Piper said.

"Well we've got a problem on our hands," Wyatt said

"What kind of problem is it that you had to have us all here at 10:30" Piper said

"Do you know anything about a demon named Barbus," I asked

"Who did you just say," Paige asked.

"Barbus," I repeated.

"Oh no," Phoebe said. "He's back again."

"What?" I said.

"Where did you see him at?" Piper asked.

"It was at the movies." I said.

"I can't believe he's back, but Barbus is the demon of fear. He takes you fears and uses them against you scaring the life out of you. The thing is you don't die from your fear you die from it scaring you so much." Piper explained.

"Well how do we vanquish him." I asked

"You can't. You see a long long time ago when we first faced him your mother, Prue, trapped him in the underworld where he couldn't get out. So then he tricked Cole and took his powers but we were able to take Cole's powers back and send him to the Underworld again. When he put the Charmed Ones on trial for our magic he got the board to strip Phoebe of her powers because of that he was allowed back into the world." Piper explained.

"Why can't I just send him to the underworld like my mother did." I asked

"We don't know how she did it, though you might have her powers its up to you to figure out how she did it, but for now we all need to get some sleep." Piper said as she went back up to her room and so did Chris while Phoebe and Paige orbed out.

I started walking up to my room when I felt arms come around me I knew it was Wyatt it couldn't be anyone else saying, "Hey you ok," he asked

"Yeah I'm fine," I replied as I felt him kissing my neck.

"Look I know I was about to ask you a question and well it has to wait," he said

"Wait for what Wyatt. Why can't you ask me now?" I asked anxious to know what the question could be. I was scared he wanted to break up.

"I don't want you to have to go through this stress especially since we're facing Barbus now but when its over I'll ask you," he said letting me go.

"Well see you in the morning." I said walking up stairs to my room. I'm scared I think the question Wyatt's going to ask me is if I'm ok breaking up. I know I'll be hurt more than ever and he promised me he wouldn't do that I guess we probably weren't destined to be together. He probably thought I was rushing things when I wanted to hold hands in the movies and then to top it off I didn't listen to him when he asked me to get in the car only to protect me. Maybe he figured since I wouldn't listen to him that it wasn't going to work out. I've got to stop thinking and get some sleep since tomorrow is going to be a big day especially with that demon Barbus on the loose I thought as I drifted off to sleep. The next morning I felt a hand rubbing my back. I looked up seeing it was Wyatt.

"Hey sleeping beauty its time to get up." He said kissing me. I then sat up. He was only wearing his boxers. I wanted to just pull him into bed right then and there but I knew I couldn't. I was also wearing nothing but boxers.

"Did you have to come in just boxers and make me horny?" I asked

"No," he said laughing. "Don't worry I'll go put something on before your hormones explode and we get in trouble." he walked out of my room and back into his.

I got up and walked to the bathroom with just my towel to take a shower. I got in the shower enjoying the warm water run down my body. I then saw something black appear in there with me. I didn't know what it was the rubbing my hand against the glass to make some of the fog go away only proved that it was Barbus. He then waved his hand over his face and looked at me and said, "Wow the apple don't fall far from the tree," I didn't know what he was talking about but right then the how shower area started to fill up with water. I was scared more than ever I started to scream out for Wyatt, Chris, Piper, Paige, Phoebe, Leo or Dad just anyone. The water was up to my waist now I couldn't believe this was happening. The worst fear I had was drowning and I don't know how Barbus figured it all out but he did. Wyatt and Chris finally orbed in. Chris threw an energy ball at Barbus sending him against the wall causing him to shimmer away.

"I'm going after him," Chris said as he orbed out.

Wyatt then pulled open the door of the shower and handed me a towel. I looked around and saw all the water had disappeared I put the towel on and Wyatt grabbed me and hugged me for awhile though I was wet he didn't care. "You ok Chris," he said as he let me go.

"Yeah," I replied. "I just was scared but I'm ok now." "Put some clothes on and meet us down stairs ok," he kissed me on the forehead. "Everything is going to be ok." he said as he left out of the bathroom.

I ran into my room and put on whatever clothes I picked out first which were my jeans and my school shirt. I put them on as fast as I could and ran back down the stairs to see everyone sitting. I came and sat next to Wyatt and we all started having a conversation about Barbus.

"Okay first things first if we are going to defeat this demon we need to know what you all fear starting with the youngest to oldest so starting with you Chris H" Piper asked

"Well I think I'm afraid of Bees," Chris said.

"Okay now you Wyatt." Piper said going down the line.

"Well the only thing I'm afraid of is elevators." Wyatt said.

"And last but not least you, Chris E" Piper asked

"Barbus already knows that I'm afraid of drowning." I said

"What? You too." Piper said

"Yeah , what do you mean me too. Neither Wyatt nor Chris said they were afraid of drowning and Barbus mentioned something about the apple not falling far from the tree , could someone explain this to me?" I said

"Prue, your mother was also afraid of drowning ever since she was little. I can't believe you're inheriting so many traits from her its like you're just another Prue but just in a guys body." Piper said.

"I wish I could have met her but now I've got to figure out how she sent Barbus to hell?"

"We'll figure it out but Chris Evans you need to stay here while I need Wyatt and other Chris to go to the graveyard to see if you can find a potion that we hid there awhile back, it will be in the funeral home under the tile. The potion will protects from fears. Its the last one Prue made before she died." Piper said.

"Why do they get to go and not me," I asked.

"Because Barbus already knows your fear and we can't take the chance of him killing you. Without you there is no power of three and you're what we need to destroy Barbus." Piper explained. "So go now and hurry." Piper urged as Wyatt and Chris orbed out to the graveyard. I was still scared because once this was over I knew the question Wyatt was going to ask was to break up.

Meanwhile Wyatt and Chris had finally reached the graveyard. They were standing a few yards from the entrance. They didn't know who was in there so they figured better not orb in. They started to walk towards the entrance but heard a voice behind them. "So you are the other two fellow Charmed Ones." they both turned around and realized it was Barbus.

"So what are you gonna do I mean there is no elevators here for me." Wyatt said.

"Or bees around here for me." Chris said also

Barbus then waved his hand again. "You're not afraid of elevators," he said pointing to Wyatt. "You're afraid of loosing you beloved Chris Evans oh how sweet now I can get a two for one. And you," he said pointing at Chris. "You're not afraid of bees you're afraid of Wyatt turning evil again. This is going to be a piece of cake to take out the Charmed Ones." Barbus said throwing a potion at Chris and Wyatt causing them to pass out and go to sleep. When they woke up they were both tied to chairs outside of this mansion with a pool. "So you guys are the new Charmed Ones. You're pathetic the last ones were better than this. What happened to the third One." Barbus asked

"He's in none of your business land." Chris said.

"No matter I'll destroy all of you one by one." he said as he pulled out a camera and took a picture of Wyatt and Chris. "Starting with the oldest one of you." He said writing a message on the picture and shimmering it away.

I was in my room lying on my bad worried about Chris and Wyatt. It had been a long time since they were gone and hopefully nothing was happening to them. If I lose Wyatt I know I'd never date again. We're suppose to be together in the future and I can't imagine a better future. Just then a picture was next to me. I saw it was Wyatt and Chris tied up in chairs. I then looked at the back and saw a note that said "COME TO THIS ADDRESS IMEDIATLEY IF YOU EVER WANT TO SEE THESE TO AGAIN COME ALONE OR ELSE THEY DIE"

I didn't know what to do or how to orb, but I remember being told by Aunt Paige that orbing wasn't hard you just had to concentrate on where you want to go and think of that place. I stood up and closed my eyes I thought of that address and trying to save Wyatt and Chris. I thought it wasn't working till I opened my eyes and saw them in front of me but little did I know I was standing next to a pool.

"Chris!," Wyatt shouted , "Look out!"

"Well looks like your fear is about to come true and don't worry it'll be over before you know it." Barbus said smiling.

I then felt Barbus come and push me into the pool this time there was no escape and no one to save me this time. I kept trying to swim I didn't know how. I was holding my breath for the longest. I guess this was it. The end of the Charmed Ones, the end of me and Wyatt, and the end of my life. I felt my life leaving me but out of nowhere came a light. In the light was a woman I had never seen before. The woman out of the light said, "Chris my son."

"Mom," I said. She was beautiful. This was the first time I've ever seen her.

"Yes Chris its me, you must conquer your fear of drowning. You have to save your brothers." she said

"How did you overcome it?" I asked

"I had my mother too. I was also afraid of drowning and she came to me knowing I had to save my sisters for the future of the Charmed Ones as do you. Now go and help your brothers." she said as she disappeared back into the light. I finally realized that I could swim. I started swimming back to the surface and jumped back out of the water seeing Barbus still torchering my younger brothers.

"Hey Barbus," I called out to him and he looked back shocked. "Your time is up." I said as I used my powers to to free Wyatt and Chris from being tied up and sent Barbus flying into a field. "Chris, Wyatt are you guys ok" they nodded. "Good, now its time to send you back to the Underworld where you belong." I said pointing to Barbus using my powers to make an opening in the Earth and made sure Barbus fell in then I closed it back. "And thats an end to that chapter," I said.

"Good job Chris." Wyatt said smiling.

"Thanks," I said smiling back

Later on that day I was at P3 with Piper working there. We were talking about it all at the bar where she was selling drinks.

"So how were you able to conquer you fear of drowning?" Piper asked.

"Well believe it or not I saw mom. She was there. She told me how she had to overcome the same thing and knew she would be there for me when I was going through the same things." I said. "Wow she was so beautiful I finally got to see her. My real mom."

"Yep, your mom sacrificed herself to save us, and I would hope you would do the same for Chris and Wyatt."

"I would in an instant." I replied to her.

While me and Piper were talking Wyatt walked right in and walked right over to where I was. "Hey mom do you mind if I steal Chris from you," he asked grabbing my arm.

"No go ahead." She smiled.

"Thanks," Wyatt said pulling me off the chair and leading me into the back room and orbed us back to the view on the bridge where Leo would come to think. "So Chris now that we're alone I can ask you that question I've been wanting to ask you."

"Look Wyatt I'm sorry about everything with last night and me not listening to you but please don't..." his hand came and covered my mouth as he started to get on one knee and pull out a ring. It was the ring I saw in my vision.

"Will you marry me Chris?" Wyatt asked.

I was shocked I couldn't believe this. I knew it was going to come soon but not this soon. Should I say no because its to early or should I just say yes because I know it was going to happen in the future, but I finally reached deep into my heart and the answer came out. "Yes Wyatt Halliwell. I will marry you." I said smiling.

Wyatt then slipped the ring on my finger and picked me up while giving me a hug and started swinging me around. "Chris you just made me the happiest man, witch, Halliwell, or whatever I am in the world." he said as he put me down and gave me a long kiss that lasted for 4 minutes.

I couldn't believe it. I thought he was going to break up with me and turns out he was only asking to marry me. "Listen Wyatt, I don't care about the trouble we went through or that we are going to go through. I know we're going to college and I know we're going together and I know we're gonna have relationship problems but I can't think of anyone else I would rather go through it with than you." I said pulling him into another kiss.

That night there was a bad thunderstorm that kept me awake and I couldn't sleep. I kept rolling around but I just couldn't sleep because I was so scared. So I got up and I was still just in my boxers and walked over to Wyatt's room. I first knocked on the door and there was no answer so I just peeked in and opened the door. Wyatt was there lying in just his boxers also. He then woke up as I closed the door behind me. "What are you doing Chris." Wyatt asked waking up

"I can't sleep I'm scared from the storm." I told Wyatt.

"Come over here," he said making a place for me. I walked over there and lied right next to him and he put his arms around me. I then felt safer than ever. "I love you," he said kissing me on my forehead. I was now crying because this was the best feeling ever.

Yeah so still send me feed back about how the story is so far email me at so I know whether or not to still continue this story and yeah I know there was no sex in it this time but hey not all good stories have sex in them.

Next: Chapter 5

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