Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 13, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Wyatt and I had a great romantic dinner that evening. We decided to take a walk outside in the neighborhood. We knew we had to be back by a certain time because we promised Aunt Piper we'd be back at a certain time. Before we left we had to clean up the rose petals all over the floor so when everyone came back they wouldn't suspect anything. So thats when we decided to take our walk. We had been walking for 30 minutes now.

"So Wyatt you know homecoming for our school is coming up you want to go?" I asked.

"You know I have to go I'm the top defense football guy and I've been nominated on homecoming King," Wyatt said. "Will you be mad at me if I won homecoming King and I had to dance with a girl." Wyatt asked.

"No Wyatt as long as you're not cheating on me with her," I said smiling. "If there was something going on between you and her then I'd have to feed the both of you to the Underworld."

"Oh you are such the jealous boyfriend type but thats why I love you," he said as we stopped walking for awhile and then paused in the middle of the street and looked at each other. Wyatt put his arms around my waist and I put my hands around his neck and we then kissed. Our kiss was then interrupted by a shout.

"Help Someone Help me!" A voice was shouting. Then we heard and explosion. Wyatt and I quickly ran towards where we heard all the noise from. Wyatt was running pretty fast he was 10 feet ahead of me. When we finally got to where the explosion happened we saw a man not old but about the age of 26 running. Wyatt stopped him so he could find out what happened. "Help me please they're after me," the guy said.

"What who's after you," Wyatt asked.

"Them!" the guy yelled pointing a a woman and a man standing there in black.

"He belongs to us hand him over." they said.

"Look walk over to Chris," Wyatt told the guy as he pointed to me, "Chris take care of him," The guy stumbled over to me. I could see that he was hurt so I used my white lighter powers to heal him. Wyatt then came and stood up 20 feet from the demons face to face.

"Out of our way Charmed Ones we have no beef with you guys we only want our reward for that charmelon," the lady said pointing at the guy that I was tending to.

"Yeah so move out of our way or we will be forced to terminate you." The man said.

"Well guys if you want him you're gonna have to go through me first," Wyatt answered them.

"With pleasure our names will go down in history if we destroy the Charmed Ones," They said. They both hurled energy balls at Wyatt. Wyatt then put up his blue shield and blocked both energy balls from them. They then kept shooting him with energy balls and Wyatt just kept his blue shield up. I wanted to help him but I couldn't leave the guy alone. Then the demons stopped for a second and Wyatt let down his shield. One of them then shimmered out. "So you're a powerful Charmed One," one said still there.

"Yes so you better scat with you buddy or else." Wyatt said.

"No matter we can still destroy you," the demon said. All of a sudden the other demon then shimmered in behind Wyatt and both sent energy balls at Wyatt.

I then was scared for his life I shouted, "WYATT LOOK OUT! ENERGY BALL," I said as I held out my hand pointing to the energy ball that was coming up behind him. All of a sudden the energy ball turned into whitelighter orbs. I was shocked. Was I doing that. Wyatt was able to put his shield up in time to block the other one.

He then turned around and looked at me. I was in shock I still had my hand up and hadn't moved an inch. "Chris don't just keep it there move it somewhere," Wyatt said.

"How?" I asked. This was a new power for me I've never done this before.

"Direct the way you want it to go with your hand," Wyatt responded. I did what Wyatt told me and directed it to a tree and then it turned back into an energy ball and broke a branch off the tree. "Enough!," Wyatt yelled in a low voice. Wyatt then turned side ways and lifted he hands and sent out a blast of energy that blew up both demons at the same time. I was amazed. Wyatt then walked over to me and the guy. "Is he ok?" Wyatt asked.

"He's fine but Wyatt what was that I just did." I asked.

"Well it was your same power to move things with your mind but I've only seen Paige do that, but we'll ask mom and everyone else when we get home but right now we've got to get this guy to the manor." Wyatt said, "Hey whats your name pal," he said talking to the guy.

"I'm Peter I'm looking for the Charmed Ones," Peter said.

"Well hi I'm Wyatt and this is Chris and we're the Charmed Ones," Wyatt said shaking Peter's hand.

"You couldn't be what happened to Paige, Phoebe, and Piper." He asked.

"They're not the Charmed Ones anymore we are," I answered.

"Well can you please take me to them I have to see them now, I have to tell them something," Peter said.

"Okay," Wyatt said. "Everyone grab hold me me." Both of us grabbed Wyatt as he orbed us back to the front door of the manor. Wyatt opened the door and let me come in first and then behind me was Peter and Wyatt walked in last. As we walked in we heard Piper coming downstairs.

"Guys where have you been I told you to be home at a decent hour," she said coming down the stair. She then walked into the living room where we were and caught sight of Peter. "Peter!" She shouted.

"Piper!" Peter said as he smiled back at here.

She then ran up and hugged him. "Oh my you're all grown up last time I saw you, you were just 8 years old. How have you been."

"I'm good Piper where is Paige and Phoebe." Peter asked.

"They're at their house with their families I mean since we last saw you I've grown up I know you've met my son Wyatt and my nephew Chris and I don't think you've met my other son Chris. Chris! Get down here I have someone I want you to meet. Yeah Phoebe got married and she has three daughters and Paige also go married and she has two daughters and a son." Piper said.

"So who's child is he," Peter said pointing to me.

"He's my older sister's child but its a long story how about you sit down so we can catch up," They both sat down and Wyatt and I sat on a couch next to each other. Then Chris finally came from upstairs. "Chris I want you to meet a friend of the Charmed Ones, Chris this is Peter and Peter this is the other Chris." Piper introduced them.

"Nice to meet you," Chris came down and shook Peter's hand and was blushing as he did. Peter smiled back at Chris. "So whats going on,"

"Yes Peter what is going on and what brings you hear I mean the last time you saw us you wanted us to bind your powers." Piper said as Chris came and sat next to her.

"There's trouble in the Underworld," Peter started. "Since the Source has been vanquished the earth demon has taken over and he knows not many demons will stand for it so now he's trying to gather all of us Charmelons to protect him like we do the Source."

"Okay so what's a Charmelon if you don't mind me asking," I asked.

"I'll take care of this Peter," Piper said. "A Charmelon is not exactly a demon but they have the power to start fire with their mind. They're used to protect the Source when they are ready. The Source has money out for them and so many demons capture them and bring them back to the Source for money. Years ago before any of you were born with the exception of Chris, we met Peter and well he had a problem with him starting fires. We were asked to bind his powers and we did for until he became 18 and he should have his powers no don't you Peter." Piper asked now looking at him.

"I do but thats why I've come to you again. I want you to bind my powers again and never let me have them." Peter said.

"But Peter I'm not doing it and you need to learn how to control your powers or you'll be running forever." Piper said.

"How am I going to learn how to control my powers there's no one to teach and I hurt so many people all the time," Peter said.

"Look Peter I think Chris E can teach you," She said pointing at me.

"Me why me?" I asked.

"Because I think as the newest witch to our line I think you should be the one to teach someone else." Piper explained.

"Thats not fair I didn't even learn from you guys, I learned how to control and use my powers from someone else." I said back.

"Chris look please don't argue with me now I picked you because I think you're the best one for the job, now please don't prove me wrong. I believe that you can do this." Piper said.

"Okay Aunt Piper I'll do it but I need to talk to you about something else." I said.

"What is it," Piper asked.

"Today when Wyatt was fighting off the demons from Peter, one of them shot an energy ball at him and well I orbed it away can you please tell me how that happen," I asked

"What?! Okay you orbed it away like Paige instead of moving it away like Prue. I know you are half whitelighter but I thought if it was going to work that way it would have came on when you became a Charmed One. Hmm, let me see you move that candle with you mind." Piper said pointing to the candle on the table.

"Okay," I said. I focused on the candle and brought it to me the way I always do it. "See it didn't orb this time." I said.

"Now try focusing on the other one on the table and call for it." Piper said.

I then focused on the other candle and called for it "CANDLE!" I shouted then all of a sudden the candle orbed into my hands. "Wow okay now I'm freaked out." I said.

"This is just great there are guys after Peter and he doesn't know how to control his powers and you now have the same powers as Prue and Paige just great. Could you guys just go to bed and I will deal with this all in the morning." Piper said hurrying up the stairs to her room. "Oh but yeah Peter I want you to stay with us from now on and you can take Chris E's room and Chris you can share a room with Wyatt since you two are engaged." She said going up the rest of the stairs.

"I'll show him his room," Chris said gladly as he started going up the stairs and Peter followed behind him.

"You ok my little angel," Wyatt asked grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs.

"Yeah I guess," I said as we walked up the stairs.

"No you're not whats wrong," he asked.

"Its just that I thought I had my mom's powers to at least have a piece of her but now I feel that since I have Aunt Paige's powers also I might lose my mom's powers and well this is all my mom left me was her powers." I said as we finally made it to his room and he opened the door and sat me down on the bed to talk to me.

"Look you will always have a piece of your mom with you. You're a part of her. I know all this might have come to you as of shock but I know the elders wouldn't have given you this power if they knew you couldn't handle it," Wyatt said. "Now come on I need you to be brave because its up to you to show Peter how to use his powers can you do that." Wyatt asked

"Yes I can, Wyatt you always know how to make me feel better." I said.

"Well I learn from the best, dad use to have to help mom with some of these similar problems." Wyatt said kissing me.

"Hey I've got to go get something to sleep in from my room I'll be right back." I said getting up and walking to the door.

"Why can't you just sleep in your boxers like you always do," Wyatt asked.

"Because I'm well...not wearing any right now," I said smiling.

"Well you could just sleep naked." Wyatt said.

"Nice try Wyatt but not today," I said leaving the room and walking to mine.

Meanwhile, while all of this was going on between me and Wyatt other things were going on between Chris and Peter. Chris showed Peter where everything was including the bathroom and the closet where all the towels were. He finally took Peter into my room and they were now having a talk.

"So Chris what happened with the other Chris E and how is he your cousin." Peter asked.

"Well he's not just my cousin he's my brother you see, before me and Wyatt were even born our mom had an older sister named Prue and well her and my dad had an affair but I'm glad they did because if they didn't we wouldn't be able to make the power of three again." Chris explained.

"Wow he's your brother and cousin but Piper never mentioned to me anything about having an older sister what happened to her," Peter asked.

"Well I'm assuming this happened before they met you but she was killed by the Source and mom probably didn't mention it because at the time she was still dealing with her death." Chris said.

"I find this pretty interesting, I mean my life hasn't been that exciting. I never really knew who my real parents were. Ever since birth everyone has been looking at me for money." Peter said.

"Hey," Chris said touching Peter on his shoulder, "Its gonna be ok," he said and then he pulled Peter into a deep kiss. I then walked in and caught them kissing each other. I folded my arms and waited for them to notice me. Finally after I did a fake cough they broke the kiss. "Oh crap, I've got to go Peter," Chris said running out the room. I then ran up to my drawers and got my boxers and walked out without even saying a word to Peter and walked into Chris's room.

"What is wrong with you?!" I asked.

"Nothing Peter's just a nice guy," Chris answered.

"Yeah and you know what he's 26," I said.

"So," Chris answered.

"So, you shouldn't be going out with a guy that old," I said.

"You can't talk you're going out with Wyatt and you're older than him." Chris said.

"Yeah by 9 months not 9 years," I answered , "Look Chris you're 17 and you've got a lot to live for but Peter is 26 and what do you guys think is going to happen for the both of you?" I asked.

"I don't know I mean I haven't had a chance to even be with the guy, but I like him a lot," Chris said.

"Chris you need to stop this now before you get hurt." I said.

"I won't and look no one even knows and I need you right now so please don't tell anyone about this." Chris said.

"Okay I won't but you know if Wyatt finds out about this he'll be even more angrier than me and so will Aunt Piper," I said

"Yeah thats why I need you to keep quiet about it until I can find a way to tell them." Chris said.

"Okay Chris I'm only doing this because you're my brother and I love you but if he hurts you I promise I will make his life a living hell," I said.

"Thanks Chris," he said as he hugged me.

"Thats what I'm here for and you know you can always talk to me, but I've got a question for you what about Bianca I mean you said you went back to save Wyatt from becoming evil so you two could be together so what happened." I asked.

"Well because I changed the past well it changed the future and since that changed I found out that Bianca isn't the one I'm destined to be with." Chris explained.

"Aw Chris I'm sorry but just be careful with Peter okay, love ya bro." I said as I walked out of my room and into Wyatt's. He was already laying down in his boxers and no shirt like he always slept. "Wyatt I can't believe you're just laying there and you're not sleep yet," I said pulling of my shirt and pants.

"No, I'm waiting on you oh and my that nice ass is calling my name," Wyatt said.

I then put on my boxers, "See thats why I brought these and I can't believe I'm changing right in front of you, but this is to prove that I love you and trust you," I said as I picked up my clothes and put them in the basket with Wyatt's.

"Well how about you show me that you love me and come over here," he said rubbing the space he had for me.

"Wyatt Halliwell are you trying to seduce me," I asked.

"What are not not able to be seduced," Wyatt asked.

"Not tonight Wyatt," I said coming over and laying next to him.

"Why not I'm so ready for you right now, you can't just show me that hot ass and everything and not expect me to get a hard on." Wyatt said.

"Wyatt please I'm tired, I'll do what you want tomorrow just please let me get some sleep right now ok," I said as I felt his kissing me on the neck.

"Okay, but remember you owe me for tomorrow," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and was holding me the whole time that we were sleep. I mean I'm glad he could understand that I wasn't up for it today.

The next day I woke up to a knock at the door. I untangled myself from Wyatt's arms and then went to the door and answered it. It was Chris at the door. "Hey bro Peter doesn't have any clothes to change into so can he barrow some of yours." Chris asked.

"Sure," I said as I closed the door and then looked at the bed and saw Wyatt was awake.

"Who was that," He asked.

"Oh it was just Chris asking if Peter could barrow some of my clothes nothing big" I said.

"Well I've got something big under these sheets you wanna come over here and take a ride on it," Wyatt said smiling.

"Wyatt what is wrong with you," I asked. "I mean did that lust sin get into you or what, all you want to do is have sex and its driving me crazy what is your problem." I asked.

"Nothing its just...I don't get to hold you as much as I want with all of this demon hunting and stuff we're doing and well sex is the only time I get to feel you and when we're sleeping but thats it. I just want to feel you a lot more often than the little time we are," Wyatt explained.

"Wyatt why didn't you say this when I was feeling this way I mean when I told you all of this you said that it was because we were the Charmed Ones." I said.

"Well I had a little change when you told me about it and I've realized it and I just don't want you to leave me because we're not romantic enough." Wyatt said.

"Wyatt," I said as I came and sat on the bed next to him, " I wouldn't leave you for anyone or anything. Do you know if John came back from the dead right now I wouldn't go back with him because I love you. There's no man that could make me leave you and I would hope you'd understand that after how much we've been through."

"I know I just don't know anything anymore," He said.

"Look," I said grabbing his hand, "You're my destiny and nothing can change that," I said kissing Wyatt. "Now if you want to hold me now you can come take a shower with me and we don't have to have sex 24 hours a day."

"Yes I'll be joining you in the shower lets go," he said grabbing my hand and taking us both to the bathroom and locking the door. We then turned on the shower and waited till the water got hot enough. While we were waiting I took off my boxers and Wyatt took off his then he opened the shower door and let me go in first and then he came in after me. We started kissing as the water was coming down from above us. I then got the soap and started washing him and rubbing it everywhere on him. After I go it all over him he took it from me and started putting it on me and then he turned me around and started putting all over my back and started massaging my back. It felt so relaxing. This just was a good feeling. After he was done with my back he turned me back around and we started kissing again. He then started licking on my neck and sucking on it giving me a hickey. It was only fair since I had given him one the other day. After doing all of that for 20 minutes we finally got out and put our towels on and he walked to his room and I went to my room and peeked in to make sure that Peter wasn't in then I ran to my closet and got my clothes that I wanted to wear for the day and went back to change in Wyatt's room. Wyatt and I walked downstairs together holding hands. I didn't want him to feel like we can't be romantic anymore. We walked into the kitchen and saw both Chris and Peter sitting next to each other and eating breakfast. We went and sat in the chairs on the opposite side of them and just started talking.

"So Chris how's it going," I asked.

"Its good everything is good," he said. "I saw the both of you coming out of the shower together can y'all even going five minutes without doing it." Chris said laughing.

"No we didn't do anything in the shower neither did we do anything last night," I said.

"Oh you two expect me to believe that," Chris said.

"Its true," Wyatt interrupted, "he's been depriving me from sex trust me I tried getting him last night and this morning and he rejected me both times."

"Ouch thats a bummer Wyatt, but don't worry I can't wait till the future and I get to see my two nieces little Patrica and Penelope." Chris said.

"Chris be careful since we saw it the future might change I mean when mom and dad were having me they thought I was gonna be a girl since they saw it in the future." Wyatt said.

"That's because a lot of things changed like Aunt Prue was still alive when they went into the future but I don't think things are gonna change for us because nothing or no one here has died." Chris said.

"Don't say that I'm sure they didn't expect my mom to die like she did so be careful of what you say could anyone of us could die at any time but I hope none of us do because I mean the Charmed Ones wouldn't be the same unless we have some hidden relative that we don't know about that but then again our family is known for having relatives that we don't know." I said.

"Now that is true," Chris said, "though there is a chance Aunt Prue could have had another child without telling us."

"My mom wouldn't have done that I mean yeah she didn't tell you guys about me but for a good reason why wouldn't she have told about any other kids if she had any," I said. "Plus the demons in the Underworld would have gone chaotic over it and we at least would know if something was up."

"Yeah you're probably right," Chris said.

Piper then entered the kitchen, "Okay boys look I know I'm not suppose to do this unless its an emergency situation but this time I do feel like it is so I've called in sick for you guys at school so you won't be going to school today." Piper explained.

"What?!" I said with disbelief, "Why did you do that I mean what's the big emergency," I asked.

"Well first off Chris you have a new power and I really don't want you going to school with it and not knowing how to control it and next thing you know you orb something on someone's head and then I didn't want the stress of last night on Chris H and Wyatt because I know it was stressful so you guys are staying home to do some witch training. Oh and Peter I've been meaning to ask you how did it feel to live a normal life when you went to high school and got your diploma." Piper asked. "I just wanted to know so these three would know how not to use their magic in school."

"Well Piper, I never really finished high school I dropped out," Peter said.

Piper then gasped. "Why not Peter?"

"Well because I turned 18 before my senior year and well my powers came back and I just kept burning everything in sight so I quit for the safety of everyone else," Peter said.

"Peter you should have came to us we would have helped you but don't worry tomorrow I gonna call the school and put you back in and you better finish school you hear me mister. Now Chris E Paige is coming a 12:00 to come help you with the new powers and I'll be working with you guys on your powers but until Paige comes I want you Chris E to work with Peter on his powers and Wyatt and Chris H will be working with me ok then when Paige comes Peter I want you to come up in the attic and join the rest of us ok guys we're gonna start in five minutes so be ready." Piper said walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey guys you know I think we should work as life guards for summer," Chris said out of nowhere.

"What for," I asked.

"You know to see all these half naked people run around in the beach and all," Chris answered.

"Chris do you even know what you're saying," I asked, "I have no interest in seeing anyone run around half naked plus if someone drowns you might have to give someone mouth to mouth and the only one I want to see run around half naked and give mouth to mouth to is Wyatt over here," I said turning to him and kissing him.

Meanwhile in the Underworld Brad was again fighting with the demons about how to take out the Charmed Ones. "Mr. Pitt you again failed to take out the Charmed Ones and this is your second time failing. You assured us that you could take care of them." A demon from the crowd said.

"Well I'm trying but they're always one step ahead of us and if it hadn't been for that past Charmed One named Piper they would be eliminated by now, you see I've got to find a demon that is powerful enough to take them out and it seems none of them are but wait I've got a plan. How about we bring back the Source." Brad said.

"The Source is dead the Charmed Ones vanquished him or did you not know," The demon from the crowd said.

"I know that you fools but lets just bring him back," Brad said.

"And how are we gonna do that," the demons asked.

" I know how to..... magic school and make sure we take it over," Brad said as him and the rest of the demons shimmered out and went to magic school and scared off as many witches and demons from there as they possibly could. They then went to through the books looking for the spell to bring back the Source. "I've found it but we're gonna need someone related to the Charmed Ones and I've got just the person and the idea of just how to capture them for our little spell." Brad said looking out of the book.

Back at the manor I was in the basement training with Peter in the basement. It was now 11:30 and almost time for Aunt Paige to be here. I had been training with Peter since 8:00 and well I worked with him for an hour on his powers and he was pretty good with them and then I worked with him on his fighting skills for two hours since he had to at least know how to defend himself against demons. Now for the rest of the time I had been working with him on fighting and using his powers at the same time. Now I was about to test him on how much he has learned. I was wearing my sleeveless shirt and silk shorts that I always wore for managing the football team. Peter was wearing a wife beater and some jogging pants. I saw that he had muscles, they weren't as big as Wyatt's but he did have muscles. So it now had come down to it to see if he learned anything or not. I started by charging at him with my sword and he moved out the way and the I started swinging at him ever way. He kept countering back. We then knocked the swords out of each others hands and I made that happen on purpose because I wanted to see how he would do. So I waited he then pulled out something from his pocket and set it on fire and hurled it at me while I dodged it. He then set the carpet I was stand on, on fire but I jumped in the air and moved away from it then I finally jumped to where he was and jump kicked him to the ground.

"Wow where did you learn that," Peter asked.

"From my ex," I said as I helped him up.

"He must have been pretty good at what he did to teach you all of that," Peter said.

"He was," I said.

"What was his name," Peter asked.

"John Bregar," I said.

"Where is he now," Peter asked.

"He's gone but I don't care I've got Wyatt now and thats all I need." I said. "Hey take a break for now and when I come back we'll work some more," I said going back up the stairs. When I went other Chris came down to talk to Peter.

"Hey Pete how's everything," Chris asked.

"Everything is going great I mean your brother is a great teacher I mean I haven't learned so much from anyone before." Peter said smiling.

"Yeah I came to talk to you about us being a couple," Chris said.

"Look Chris we can't I mean you're to young and well I don't want to get in the way of everything you're working so hard for," Peter said.

"You won't I promise and don't worry my dad is like hundreds of years old and my mom isn't that old so come on please could we give it a try," Chris asked.

"Okay I'll do it but only because you asked me out first," Peter said smiling and Chris ran up and kissed him.

I then entered looking at them kiss and I don't think they noticed me as I was half way down the stair. "You know if you two want to keep this secret you might always want to look now and then to make sure no ones looking," I said.

"Oh crap," Peter said breaking the kiss with Chris.

"Its ok Peter I know about you guys and I don't care but you might want to start doing that on the down low because I'm telling you the family is not going to be too happy with what you guys are doing," I said finishing my walk down the stairs.

"Well I have to go anyway I told mom that I was just going to the bathroom so bye guys," Chris said as he ran upstairs.

"Okay so where did we leave off," I said as me and Peter continued training.

Meanwhile upstairs Chris had just entered the attic again. "Chris how long does it take you to go to the bathroom, but never mind how about you and Wyatt take a break I'm gonna go wait for Paige at the door and greet her when she gets here and I'll be back but don't you two leave this room." Piper said as she walked out of the attic and downstairs into the living room and sat on the couch. She waited there only five minutes until Paige orbed in. "Okay I thought you'd be using the front door."

"Hey I had to get here in a hurry if I was gonna be here on time," Paige answered. "Now where is Chris so we can get this thing started already."

"What's the rush," A demon said coming behind Paige and grabbing both her hands and then another behind Piper grabbing her hands and covering her mouth and both demons shimmered out with both of them and went back to magic school and brought Piper and Phoebe up to the Earth demon.

"Wow what have we here two former Charmed Ones which is more than what I need," Brad said setting up the spell.

"What are you trying to do," Piper asked.

"I'm gonna bring back the Source," Brad said.

"Are you crazy that could destroy you also," Paige said.

"Thats why I need your power and trust me the Source will take out your new Charmed Ones." he said.

Meanwhile Peter and I stopped training and saw it was now 1:45. Him and I ran upstairs and up to the attic where we saw Wyatt and Chris sitting and talking. "hey you guys have you seen Aunt Piper and Aunt Paige." I asked.

"No they were suppose to be downstairs talking," Wyatt said.

"They weren't there when we checked." I told him.

"What?! Where could they be," Wyatt said. "We've got to find them I hope nothing bad has happened. Chris H and Peter you guy stay here and scry for them while me and Chris E will go out looking for them. We're both gonna check places like the club but we'll be right back. Me and Wyatt then ran downstairs to his car and began heading for the club. It wasn't like them to leave us and not let us know where they were going. I was really worried. We were out looking for them for hours.

Now back at magic school Brad was setting everything up for the Source to come back to the world. Piper and Paige were busy trying to escape the hands of the demons but they wouldn't let go. Finally Paige just stepped on the demon's foot and the demon finally let her go and then she punched the demon that was holding Piper and Piper then started blowing the demons up and said, "Paige get out of here and go back and warn Wyatt and everyone."

"Not without you," Paige answered.

"Paige look I'll be fine just go," Paige then orbed out and headed for the manor.

Now in the manor Chris and Peter were downstairs and they had been scrying all night and it was now 9:00 and Wyatt and Chris still hadn't come home. "Seems like they could be anywhere," Chris said.

"Who knows," Peter answered.

"Do you think they're ok I mean what happens if they're dead I mean I'd have lost my family again," Chris said panicking.

Peter then pulled Chris close to him, "Don't worry we're going to find them," Peter said kissing Chris as Chris started to lean on top of him and they were now making out and Chris then gently pulled off his shirt and got on top of Peter and they were now making out on the couch.

Then Wyatt and I were worried because we couldn't find them anywhere. We searched and searched we even asked Aunt Phoebe if she's seen them and no such look. We then pulled back into the drive way and went into the house and the sight we saw just blew our minds. Chris was on top of Peter making out with him and Chris had no shirt on. Wyatt then just blew up the chandler above them. Chris then got up in a hurry and put his shirt.

"Okay bro this isn't what it looks like," Chris said.

"I know what it is and I know what it looks like," Wyatt said angry. "You," he said pointing at Peter and then he went up to him and punched him in the face so hard that Peter fell to the ground. I stepped he front of Wyatt and kept trying to push him away but he kept throwing punches around me while Chris was trying to help.

"Look Wyatt calm down see this is why I told Chris not to tell you because we both knew you were gonna react this way," Chris said.

Wyatt then looked at me with an angry look, "Oh you knew about this and you didn't tell me," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt look it was for a good reason," I said.

"Oh good reason my ass," Wyatt responded. "I thought you loved me and I tell you everything and for you to keep a secret like this from me." Wyatt said.

"Wyatt its not his fault I made him promise me," Chris interrupted.

"Don't worry I'm not even half way done with you, you're going out with a guy who is 26 Chris, 26! He hasn't even finished high school and you're on your way to college," Wyatt said still me holding him back.

"I don't care what you say Wyatt I love him and there's nothing you can do to change that," Chris said grabbing Peter's hand.

Right then Paige orbed in. "You guys you're mom is in trouble and she needs your help." She said as she looked around and saw me holding Wyatt , "Is there something here I need to know about," Paige asked.

"No Aunt Paige now what about Aunt Piper," I asked.

"Look you guys are not going to believe this but the demons have taken over magic school and they're holding your mom there," Paige explained.

"What do they want with magic school and Aunt Piper she's not even a Charmed One anymore," I said in a confused way.

"Well this isn't going to be easy to tell you guys but they're planning to bring back the Source," She said. Everyone then stopped what they were doing and looked up at Paige. "Yes thats right the Source."

"Oh man I didn't want to deal with this again," I said running back up to the room and then Wyatt, Chris, and Peter followed me up there.

"Chris whats the problem," Wyatt said being the first one in my room with Peter and Chris behind him.

"I just do want to go through this again," I said.

"Chris you're not alone we are all here with you now come on lets all join hands I've got something I want us to do before we go rescue mom," Wyatt said. I grabbed Wyatt's left hand while Chris grabbed Wyatt's right hand.

"Peter come on you too," Chris demanded.

"But I'm not a Charmed One," Peter answered.

"I don't care you're still part of this family," Chris said. Peter then came over and grabbed my hand and Chris's hand and we were all in a circle.

"Now I remember mom telling me this was their first spell and I want to let you guys know if something happens to any of us I want this to be our last spell now I want you guys to say this with me, THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE,"

I first joined in with Wyatt, "THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE,"

Then Chris joined in, "THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE,"

Finally though Peter wasn't a Charmed One he still said it with us, "THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE

Then we were all now saying it, "THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE, THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE, THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE," We finally said it for the last time then Paige came in.

"Guys if you want to save Piper we have to go now," Paige said.

"Okay and Peter you're coming with us though you're not a Charmed One you're just as close," I said to him.

"Thanks I'm glad you can accept me," Peter said.

"Lets go," Wyatt said as we grabbed onto him and he orbed us to magic school. When we got there we saw Piper laying on the ground and Brad performing some weird spell.

"Mom!" Chris shouted.

Brad spotted us, "The Charmed Ones," Brad said, "Get Them!" he demanded the other demons and they all started coming towards us.

"Everyone hands in," I said as put my hand in the air and Wyatt's went on top of mine and Chris's went on top of Wyatt's and Peter's went on top of his, "Okay Power of three on 3. 1,2, 3."

"POWER OF THREE." we shouted as we lifted our hands. Then all the demons came toward us like vultures and we split up into four different sections each section handling their own set of demons.

I was surrounded by at least four demons I finally told them all to bring it on. They each came and attacked me one by one. I jump kicked one of them to the ground . Then another I threw. The third one I back kicked into the fourth one. "You guys ready for more," I said as the started to attack me again.

Wyatt was surrounded by five demons. Wyatt just took them all out real easily. One of them he back kicked to the ground. One tried grabbing him by the neck by Wyatt took his arm and flipped him. Wyatt then jump kicked and knock two others out at time. For the fifth one he just blew up with his powers.

Chris was surrounded by three demons but he shot energy balls at each of them taking them all out one by one.

Finally it was Peter who was surrounded by two demons. He was able to focus his power on one of them and set them on fire the other one he used the martial arts moves I taught him and did two fast punches and a jump kick that sent that demon flying.

"Okay its now time to finish this," Wyatt said. We knew what he was talking about. We all grabbed hands again and started saying the spell.

"THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE, THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE, THE POWER OF THREE WILL SET US FREE," We kept saying it and one by one each demon started blowing up like a domino effect until the very last demon was blown up. We then started walking up to Brad where he had our mom on the ground.

"You're to late Charmed Ones, I'm almost done," he said as he closed his eyes and said a few words. Then all of a sudden a black hole appeared in wall and then John flew out of it.

"Aunt Piper," I yelled and orbed her over to where we were, "Aunt Paige take her back home," Aunt Piper was still knocked uncontentious.

"Are you guys gonna be ok," Paige asked as she got a hold of Piper.

"We'll be fine no go and hurry," I said. Paige then orbed out with Piper. Then John got up and pulled off his hood that was covering his face.

"Who dares to bring me back," he asked.

"It is I Brad the Earth demon asking for your help I was hoping you could help me destroy these Charmed Ones." he said pointing to us.

"Well, Well I see there's now four of you," John said. "Who is he," he asked pointing at Peter."

"He's not a Charmed One but he's still apart of our Charmed family, John," I said.

"Wait this is John, the one you were talking to me about," Peter said. "I thought you told me he was gone."

"He was gone Peter and now he's back." I said

"Well look its Chris Evans, the one who decided to be a Charmed One instead of be with me." John said.

"You're evil I had no choice." I responded.

"You had no choice?!" John started yelling. "You know what we could have had I mean I loved you more than anything in the world and I would have given you everything you wanted but you spit in my face and chose the Charmed Ones over me."

"I had to," I said.

"No you don't and you still don't just be with me," he said as he held out his hand.

"Sorry I'm taken," I said as I flashed him the ring on my finger.

"Wow and who's the lucky guy," John asked.

"Me," Wyatt said raising his hand.

John then started laughing hysterically, "So you gave me up for this guy. Wow I guess that Charmed blood has really caused you to lose it. I could have given you so much more then him and you know what you'd throw away two years just for this guy I mean come on do you think he can love you as much as I did or do."

"He has and he always will," I said.

"So you take my life and then you decide that you don't want everything that I offered you," John said.

"You know what you're talking about taking life I've got something to tell you," I said with tears coming down my eyes. "You know what I was pregnant with your child and I couldn't have it because of you. You had to go of and be so evil and become the Source of all evil and because of that I had to have the child vanquished before it was even born so it didn't grow up and become like you and you want to talk to me about taking life. I cried over you for three days John, three fucking days and even after that I still had days I cried because I missed you but you know what that is over now I'm so sick and tired of missing you and it consuming my life because I loved you so much. If anyone took anyone's life around here you took mine." I explained it felt so good getting all that anger out I wanted to tell John that for the longest.

"You didn't have to do it you could have ruled the Underworld by my side and we could have had the child," John said.

"I'd rather die and rot in hell than see my child grow up and become like you," I said.

"Yes and I hate to interrupt but speaking of hell you bought yourself a first class ticket back to hell where you came from," Wyatt said.

"Oh yeah and how do you plan to send me there I don't see no crystals around here," John asked.

"Like this," Wyatt said lifting his hand and throwing a blast of energy that hit Brad.

"What are you crazy you just missed me," John said making and evil laugh.

"I know," Wyatt said lifting his hands again hitting Brad again and sending him through that hole that John came out of and then after Brad flew in John flew in with him and the hole blew up.

"Wow Wyatt how'd you know that was going to happen," Chris asked.

"Because to bring him back they had to be connected once he went the John was going to go," Wyatt then looked at me as I wiped the tears away from my eyes. "You ok angel," he said coming and putting his arm around me.

"Yes I fine. As a matter of fact I'm better than ever." I answered. We then orbed back home and Chris and Peter ran to Chris's room while me and Wyatt went to his. "Wyatt I just want to let you know that I don't have feelings for John anymore I just had to say all of that because well it had to get out for me to finally close the chapter on him," Wyatt then put his hand on my mouth.

"Look I know why you had to do it and I'm glad you finally did," he said as we kissed. "But there's something else we've got to do," he said grabbing my hand and leading us to Chris's room as he opened the door. "Hey you guys look I've got something I want to say. Peter I'm sorry about the whole thing that happened earlier I've finally decided that if you make Chris happy then I'm happy."

"Thanks Wyatt," Peter said as he got up and hugged him.

"One last thing if you hurt my brother I will kick your ass, you hear me." Wyatt said smiling.

"Thanks Wyatt," Chris said coming over and hugging Wyatt also.

"Group hug," I said then we all got into one big hug.

Yes I know there was no sex in it but I figured it was long enough and I didn't want this Chapter to have sex in it so still tell me how I'm doing so I know if this should be the ending or whether or not to continue the story email me at

Next: Chapter 8

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