Next Charmed Line

By moc.liamg@55560777edalb

Published on Jun 25, 2007


All rights to the Halliwells and Charmed go to The WB and Aaron Spelling and Brad Kern. This is a spin-off of the original tv show and i have no control of what actually happens in there lives. If it is illegal for you to be reading this story obviously stop reading it. This is a story involving sex between more than one male.

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Wyatt had orbed us home and I was now laying on him crying until I just cried myself to sleep. Once I woke up I saw that Wyatt was still asleep and the sunlight came in on our room from the window. I remembered what my mother had told me so I went up to the window to take a look outside and I saw a circle of birds flying towards the sun. I knew what it meant, and that was that mother was still alive and she never left.

"What are you doing," Wyatt asked. I could see he was now awake.

"Nothing I was just looking for someone and I've found them," I said smiling back at him and walking back over to the bed where he was. "Look Wyatt I know I scared you last night and I'm sorry I just don't know what came over me but thanks for being there," I said.

"You know what doesn't kill our relationship will make it stronger and last night you proved to me that you loved me and thats all I ask and don't thank me I just got you off the building you should really thank your mother she's the one who helped the most," Wyatt said.

"I know she's here and she's watching us from a distance," I said smiling and kissing him.

"So you're ok now," Wyatt asked.

"I'm better than ok," I said and hugged him. There was then a knock on the door. "Come in," I said. Chris and Peter then entered the room and shut the door behind them. Chris came and sat next to me on the bed while Peter came and sat next to him.

"So you ok bro," Chris asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Never been better thanks to Wyatt here he always saves the day," I answered.

"Wyatt," Chris yelled as him and Peter jumped on him hugging him at the same time.

"Okay guys that enough," Wyatt said smiling at them and they finally got off of him.

Aunt Paige then walked in seeing us all together. "Wait I like this, hold still don't any of you move I've got to get a picture of this," She said running down the hall and coming back with a camera. "Okay everyone say brothers," she said taking the picture. "Thank you guys," Aunt Paige said as she left.

"Well Chris we just wanted to make sure you were okay after everything," Chris said standing up and hugging me.

"Thanks Chris I mean I couldn't have gotten through it without all of you guys I mean you all are always there for me when I need you," I said.

"Thats what we're here for," Peter said getting up and hugging me also. "Well we're gonna go but well we just wanted to make sure you were ok and you know our door is always open if you need to talk to us."

"Don't worry I will be coming in," I said as they left.

"You know Chris I saw that picture Aunt Paige just took in our future." Wyatt said smiling.

"I can't believe you remember so much from the future oh and might I add you have the sexiest smile ever," I said kissing him. I left the room and went in the bathroom to take a shower. I took off my clothes and let the water run down on me and I started having visions of the future. I saw the same thing that I saw when I first went to the future. Me two months pregnant and little Patrica coming up to hug me and Wyatt orbing in. Then out of nowhere I started having visions of the past first I had that vision of us vanquishing John. I started feeling the emotions again. Then next thing I knew I was having a vision of my mom dying. I could feel her pain. To make things worse I started having a vision of me killing my brother. "NO NO NO!" I was shouting as I was seeing all of the vision. I finally snapped to and then saw Wyatt come in.

"Chris I heard you in here are you ok," Wyatt asked.

"Yes I'm fine," I said feeling blood coming down my noise.

"Chris you're bleeding," Wyatt said.

"I'll be fine," I said.

"Okay but if you need me don't hesitate to call," Wyatt said leaving the bathroom.

After having those visions I knew something wasn't right. I quickly got out of the shower and dried off. I knew there was something that needed to be done to make all of this go away. I ran back to the room and got my clothes on quickly. I went down stairs because I knew I had something to explain to everyone. Once I got down there I saw them all sitting on the couches talking like they always do.

"Chris I'm glad to hear that you're okay," Piper said as she greeted me.

"Yeah thanks Aunt Piper look everyone there's something I've got to tell you all." I started, "Look I know that I said I was okay with everything and with all the people I've lost and I am, but there's some missing answers that I've got to find. So there's a journey I'm gonna have to make." I said.

"Thats okay I'll come with you," Wyatt said.

"No Wyatt this is something I have to do alone," I said.

"Where are you gonna go," Leo asked.

"I don't know but I have to find some answers," I said.

"Do you know when you'll be back at least," Piper asked.

"No its gonna be however long this journey takes and only then with I be able to leave this old life behind." I said.

"Well Chris I wish you luck on that journey," Phoebe said coming up and hugging me.

Paige then came up and hugged me, "Be careful remember you're still a Charmed One and a whitelighter."

"Well Chris I want you to know you're still my son and I love you very much and I'll always be there," Leo said hugging me.

"Chris you might not be my child but I'll always love you as my own," Piper said crying and hugging me at the same time.

"Hey I'm glad I know ya," Peter said as he hugged me.

"Look bro you're so awesome and I just want to let you know that," Chris said as he hugged me.

Last to hug me but not least was Wyatt, "Look are you sure you don't want me to go with you I mean its gonna be hard with you not around," Wyatt said holding my hands.

"Wyatt you've been there for me so many times I owe you my life but this is something I have to do alone," I answered.

"You know if you ever need me I'll be here," Wyatt said kissing me in front of everyone. The kiss lasted for three whole minute.

"I have to go now Wyatt," I said letting go of him.

"May the power of three protect you," he said.

"As may it be with all of you," I said as I orbed out not knowing where I was going.

Wyatt then ran upstairs without saying anything to anyone. Chris and everyone else still remained downstairs. There was silence for a moment until Chris had to break it with a confession.

"Mom I have something I want to tell you and everyone else," Chris said.

"Chris are you sure this is the right time," Piper asked.

"Yes because if I don't get this out now then I never will and I'm tired of living a lie, mom I love Peter and we've been going out," Chris said.

Piper paused and smiled, "Chris I know whats been going on I'm you're mother," and went up and hugged him.

"Wait so you knew this whole time but how," Chris asked.

"Theres nothing you can hide from me I mean the way you two look at each other and you both were blushing when you guys first saw each other and I also got a glimpse of the future and I saw you two in it," Piper said.

"Piper aren't you worried that could ruin the future," Phoebe said.

"No it won't because it hasn't ruined Chris and Wyatt's future so I'm sure it won't ruin theirs," Piper answered

"Thanks for understanding mom," Chris said. "Now that I've gotten that off my chest Peter and I better go check on Wyatt we know he's not okay," they said as they walked up the stairs to Wyatt's room. They opened up and saw Wyatt laying on his bed with and angry face. "Hey Wyatt you okay bro," Chris said as he came and sat on the bed.

"Yes I'm fine," Wyatt said in a mean tone.

"No you're not Wyatt look I know this is hard for you but he'll be back you just gotta hang in there," Chris said.

"How am I suppose to hang in there when the one I love has left me," Wyatt said still laying on the bed and not moving at all.

"Look Chris wouldn't want you to be like this," Peter came in , "He would want you to be strong Wyatt like you were for him when he needed you,"

"I appreciate the help guys but I don't think I'll be the same without Chris I mean he's my other half. He's whats missing in me. Before we were together I felt like all I had and ever was going to be was Charmed. I mean I love being a Charmed One but the future showed me that I'm gonna be more than that. I'm going to be a father, a husband, and most importantly Chris's best friend. I just want him back," Wyatt explained.

"Wyatt don't worry I promise you Chris will be back soon okay just hang on. Can you do it for me," Chris asked.

"Yes I guess," Wyatt said finally sitting up.

"Thats the spirit," Chris said hugging him. Suddenly they heard Piper scream and something break. "Mom," Chris said as all of them left the room and rushed downstairs to see a man standing over their mother with an athame in his hands. They saw Leo wounded on the ground and Phoebe and Paige also wounded.

"Where are they," the man said with the athame in his hands over Piper.

"Hey get away from my mom," Chris yelled coming down the stairs.

"Didn't I kill you already," The guy said.

"Its you," Chris said.

"Who," Peter asked.

"This is Gideon the elder who tried to kill Wyatt when he was a baby," Chris answered.

"Yes and now I've come to finish the job," Gideon answered tossing the knife at Wyatt but he was able to get out of the way and he pulled the knife out of the wall and threw it back to Gideon only scratching his arm. Gideon then gave an angry face and shimmered away.

"Mom," Chris said running to help her up.

"I'm fine go help your father," Piper said.

"I got him," Wyatt said as he went to Leo and healed him while Paige healed herself and Phoebe. "Mom who was that guy and what does he want with me." Wyatt asked.

"His name is Gideon he use to be an elder and he was a good family friend before he betrayed us and tried to kill Wyatt. When we found out about him Leo vanquished him and we thought he was gone for good but now somehow he's back and he still wants to kill Wyatt." Piper explained.

"Isn't there someway to vanquish him again," Chris asked.

"Yes there is," Phoebe said as she flipped through the Book of Shadows , "but it requires the power of four to work," Phoebe said.

"Even if we had Chris that's only three," Wyatt said.

"No but you have Peter, because you guys are so willing to accept him into the family his power will be enough to complete the power of four if you guys need it," Phoebe explained.

"The problem is Chris is gone and without him we don't stand a chance of vanquishing Gideon and we have no way of contacting him," Chris said.

"Can't we scry for him," Peter asked.

"Only in certain areas I mean if he's left this world there's no way of finding him," Chris answered.

"Wyatt I know you're souls are connected we need you to concentrate and see if you can feel him and where he's at," Piper said.

I finally orbed to a place unknown. I looked around and caught sight of a woman stirring something up in a cauldron. I was scared I mean I didn't know what she was or how I randomly ended up in her place. "Hello," she finally said, "I've been expecting you Chris." she said.

"Who are you and how do you know my name," I asked.

"I knew someday you would come here and I'm the Seer, I know everything, I met your mother before and knew that you would someday come here looking for answers to why you have so much pain in your life and everything," The Seer said.

"Yes now can you please tell me what is wrong with me," I asked.

"You're still having guilt over the past Chris. You say you're over it but you're not. You keep hiding those feelings instead of dealing with them and now that its become so much for you to handle they're starting to take over," The Seer explained.

"So what am I suppose to do," I asked.

"You have to go back to the past and face it all. Thats the only way your feeling want take you over and destroy you in the end," The Seer said pulling out a spoon full of what she was making in the cauldron, "Drink this it'll take you back." she said. I took it and drunk whatever was in the spoon next thing I knew I was in front of the manor. I started looking around till I saw my mom in the street with a baby in her hand talking to my mother who adopted me. I finally realized the baby was me. I saw my mom handing me over to my adopted mother. My adopted mother then took me and put me in her car and drove off. I saw my real mother waving goodbye and then I saw her crying as she ran into the house. I knew that giving me up must have really hurt my mom and I realized that must have been a hard decision. I know she never meant for everything to happen that way but for me to be where I am now it had to. Once I realized that everything went blurry and now I found myself inside the manor. I then saw my mom rush through the door with Aunt Piper. Only minutes later did I see this tornado come in and once it stopped revealing a demon. I realized that demon must have been Ajax the one Piper told me about. I saw him shoot lightning at my mom and Piper sending the both up against the wall with blood coming down from their heads. I then ran over to my moms aid begging her to wake up but she didn't. I was now crying again and still trying to get my mom to wake up.

Everyone else was still at the manor trying to figure out how to reach me. Wyatt was still meditating trying to find me while Chris was scrying. "No such luck," Chris said. "Wyatt can you feel anything," Chris asked.

"Yes I can he's in pain a lot of pain," Wyatt said.

"What are you talking about, pain from what," Chris asked.

"I don't know but I can feel his pain," Wyatt said.

"Yes and you're gonna be feeling a lot more when I'm done with you guys," Gideon said as he came back in. He then shot lightning at Peter sending him flying against the wall. Piper kept using her power to try to blow him up but it had no effect and Gideon just threw an athame at her and Leo knocked her down to the ground so she'd avoid it.

"Enough!" Wyatt said in a low voice and shot his powers at Gideon breaking the windows and causing Gideon to go against the wall.

"So I see you've gotten more powerful than I thought, no matter I'll be back and next time I will kill you," he said as he shimmered away.

"Let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen," Wyatt chanted and it fixed everything that was broken and restored everything back to where it was.

"That was a close call," Chris said.

"Yeah and next time we might not be so lucky, we need Chris wherever he is I hope he comes back soon we need him." Wyatt said.

I then awoke from me aiding my mother back to the Seer's place. "What was the point of that," I asked.

"It was to show you that your mother loved you so much that she gave her life for you and you need to understand that," The Seer said. "For you to understand you had to see it for yourself and now you're ready to move on to the next stage," she said handing me another spoon of what was in her Cauldron. I took the drink and then I found myself back at my house on my eighteenth birthday where it all began that I was a Charmed One. I looked and saw me standing over my adopted mother and her dying. I now know why that had to happen. If she didn't die I would have never found out that I was a Charmed One and I mean I wouldn't have met Wyatt and known who my real family was. I now realize that she died for a reason. After I realized that there was another blur and I found myself in the attic. I saw John fighting with Chris and Wyatt. I remember that day. I saw myself walking up and kissing John and Wyatt and Chris both holding my arms as we said the spell. I knew that was one of my worst days I mean I cried for three days straight because I lost John. I knew the lesson of this was that I was meant to be with Wyatt and I couldn't do that until I let go of John. If John hadn't of died I would have never gone with Wyatt and that was my destiny. So I blurred again and found myself this time in front of the manor again only it was dark and when I looked around I could see myself on one side of the street and Robert on the other side. I remember this day. I this saw myself orb the energy ball at Robert killing him and me falling to my knees crying. I now finally understand for me to save the family I had to kill Robert or else Robert would have killed them all and there wouldn't be anyone else to protect us. When I realized that I found myself back in the room with the Seer again.

"So I see that you finally found the answers you were looking for but there is one more test you have to do to complete your journey," she said.

"What I thought I've already completed my journey I mean I've found the answers to what I've been looking for what more could there be," I asked.

"Yes you have found the answers for your past and present but you must find your answers for the future," She said as she drew one last thing from her cauldron and handed it to me. I then took the drink.

Meanwhile at the manor everyone was still trying to find a way to contact me but I didn't know what was going on. "We've got to find him before Gideon comes back or we're toast," Piper said.

"How do you plan on doing that," Chris asked.

"I don't know, but Wyatt you said you could feel that he was in pain, can you tell me what kind of pain," Piper asked.

"It was emotional pain I mean thats all I could feel nothing else," Wyatt said.

"I wonder where he could be where he's feeling emotional pain," Leo asked.

"I don't know where that is but I know I'm sending you all somewhere where you will feel a lot of pain," Gideon said as he shimmered in.

"Look I'm warning you go and leave us or else," Wyatt said.

"Or else what I heard you guys can't vanquish me without the power of four so looks like I might as well destroy you guys now," Gideon said sending an energy ball at Wyatt and Wyatt was able to dodge it. He then started sending them everywhere and everyone was taking cover.

After I finally took the potion I found myself in front of an elementary school with lots of little kids coming out of it. I didn't know what the point of this was but I knew it must be important if I was sent to the future for a reason because I've learned a lesson from each and everything that happened to me. I looked around and was trying to find something unusual. I finally spotted what didn't belong. I saw myself standing in front of the school waiting for someone. I then saw two little girls come up and hug the future me. It was weird because I was staring at the future me and I wonder who the little girls were that came up to the future me. When I finally heard them both say daddy I knew it was Patrica and Penelope my future daughters. I could tell that Patrica was eight now and Penelope was four. "So did you girls have a good time at school," I heard the future me say to them as he got on his knees.

"Yes daddy we did," little Patrica said as the future me kissed her then looked over my way. I could tell that he spotted me and then he left the girls there to play while he started walking my way. I was scared I didn't think he could see me but he finally reached me and started talking. I thought I was going crazy was I talking to myself.

"Hello Chris," future me said.

"How'd you know I was going to be here," I asked

"Because fourteen years ago I was standing where you are right now," he said

"Okay so lets see if you were here fourteen years ago then who was where you're standing when you were here," I asked.

"Don't try to figure it out," he said. I just then looked at the two girls playing which were Penelope and Patrica, "they're beautiful aren't they," he said as he saw me looking at them.

"Yes they are," I said. "Is this my future," I said.

"Yes it is Chris," he said.

I then saw his hand and the same ring Wyatt bought me was on his finger , "I can see we're still married to Wyatt," I said.

"Yes we are," he answered me. "Look Chris I know what you're here for and thats to find answers and thats what you'll get. Chris the point of this trip to the future is to show you that everything happens for a reason but in the end this will be your future with your daughters and Wyatt. You can't give up every time you lose someone or else you won't be able to make this future come true. There will be many loses but it will all be worth while so don't ever give up." my future self told me.

"Wow so I guess you've already lived my life so can you tell me anything interesting that happens to me," I asked.

"I can't tell you or it would risk changing this future," he said. "Now you need to go our family needs you," he said.

"What?" I asked with a confused look. "How do you know," I asked

"Remember I've been where you were standing so go and remember that everything happens for a reason," he said walking back to Patrica and Penelope. I then found myself back in the Seer's lair again.

"It seems you have completed your journey Chris now go help your family or else the future you saw won't happen," she said as I orbed out.

Wyatt, Chris, and Peter were behind the couch and Paige was down on the ground badly wounded and so was Phoebe. My dad was in a corner holding Piper and Gideon was walking over to them holding a energy ball about to hit them with it. "Any last words," Gideon said to them. I finally orbed in and saw everything that was going on.

"Hey leave my family alone," I said pointing to him. He then took out the athame.

"What are you going to do about it," he said to me.

"This, ATHAME," I shouted orbing the knife over to me and throwing it at Gideon and he went straight into he chest.

"Hey Chris over here," Wyatt said standing up along with Chris and Peter. I came to their side. "Its good to have you back," Wyatt said.

"Its good to be back," I answered.

"Guys hurry up say the spell," Piper yelled.

"We call upon the ancient lore to punish with the power of four, strike down this threat from both there and here, Make him suffer then disappear," we all said in unison. Gideon then cried out in pain as he was consumed in fire and blown up.

"So Chris I'm anxious to know where did you go to," Wyatt asked.

"Lets just say I found the answers that I was looking for and I now know everything that happens, happens for a reason but the future will be worth it all," I said.

Thank goodness we didn't have to go to school that week because we had it off for Thanksgiving week. We didn't think nothing of it with all that we've been through that week we thought we deserved a break from all of this school work and demon hunting. Lately we've been noticing that the house has been acting a little strange. I mean nothing has happened but something seemed wrong. This one day we all were in the kitchen talking and then we felt an earthquake

"Did you guys feel that," I asked.

"Yes I think its coming from the basement I'll go check it out," Chris said as he walked down to the basement. He searched everywhere until he came to a crack in the floor. He didn't know what it was so he thought he'd check it out so he went closer to it. All of a sudden a huge puff of black smoke came out of it and went right into Chris. His eyes darkened and he now had a deep voice.

"Hey guys you know Chris has been down there a long time should we go check on him," Peter asked.

"No Chris is okay if he wasn't he would have called for us by now," Wyatt answered.

"Okay well you guys have fun down here I'm about to go take a nap, I'm so tired," I said leaving the kitchen and going up the stairs and into the room and stripping down to my boxers. I was about to take those off until I heard a voice from behind me.

"Wow I like what I'm seeing," Wyatt said.

"Wyatt," I said pulling my boxers back up after I had them half way down. "How long have you been standing there," I asked.

"I was coming up to take a nap with you," he said smiling.

"No you weren't you were trying to seduce me again, weren't you," I said.

"Okay you caught me but come on can you please just let me have it I mean you've been beating around the bush and giving excuses about it and I'm sex starved, so what do you say," Wyatt said.

"I say how about not, now if you don't mind I would like to sleep in peace," I answered.

"Please I'm begging you," Wyatt said as he grabbed my hand and got on his knees.

"Okay Wyatt but next time I say when we do it again okay agreed," I said.

"Yes!" he said in excitement , "agreed," he said then he got off the ground and kissed me and then pushed me on the bad and slowly pulled of his shirt and made sure I was watching. He then got on to of me in between my legs and started coming up and kissing me. "So should you go first or should I," he asked.

I knew what he was talking about , "I don't care who goes first," I said.

"Okay well then I will," He said as he continued kissing me. He then started going lower and lower kissing every inch of me that he could. He got down to my nipples and took one in his mouth while he was pinching the other. I had to admit I was enjoying this. He then started kissing me lower and lower till he reached my boxers and just pulled them off slowly. He started massaging my legs as he came back up and kissed them and went up to my cock and kissed it a few times before he took it into his mouth. This was the best Wyatt has ever done, I guess robbing him of it for awhile will cause some crazy things to go on. He just kept sucking me off like there was no tomorrow. Going up and down faster than usual. After five minutes of that he started licking lower and lower until he just pushed my legs into the air and started putting his tongue in between my cheeks. I've forgotten how good it felt. He kept spreading my cheeks farther apart and started even burring his face in between them to get a better try. He kissed my butt before he went in and he went back to eating me out while holding my legs in the air. I was just having a great time. He kept moving his tongue in and out like it was his last supper. He finally came up and kissed me and flipped so that I was now on top and he was on the bottom which was fine with me I didn't mind. "Okay its your turn," he said smiling. I was not to happy that he was taunting me but I had to do what I had to do. I started kissing him all over and worked my what down from there. I didn't suck his nipples but I pinched them and he still moaned. I then started licking him down everywhere till I finally came to his lower area and he still had his jeans on so I just started rubbing his cock through there. I knew it would get him the way I wanted so I did it till I felt that he was hard enough. So I slowly unbutton his jeans and pulled those down. The I first started licking his manhood through his boxers for a minute till I pulled those down with my teeth and started jacking him off for awhile before taking it in my mouth. I took it in only this time Wyatt got to put his hand on my head and made me go down lower and he just was loving every minute of it as he started sweating and moaning, and his face was now red with pleasure. I started going up and down faster and faster because I was glad to pleasure him. I moved down to his balls and started licking them but he pulled my face back up to his dick and I took it back in my mouth and started sucking better this time. I knew Wyatt was liking what I was doing to him. He even started moving in the same motion that I was. I finally started tasting precum so I decided to stop because I knew it couldn't end this soon. So I pulled back up and went straight for a kiss then I stood up waiting to change positions.

"So Wyatt aren't you gonna switch with me," I asked.

"No you get to do the work this time since you've had me waiting for so long," he replied.

"Okay where is the condom," I asked.

"We don't need to use a condom," he said.

"Yes we do I don't want to get pregnant just yet so where is it," I said.

"Come on using a condom feels like fake sex and I just want the real deal," he responded.

"Well we can either use the condom or we can stop now," I said.

"Fine Chris have it your way its in that drawer," he said.

"Thanks," I replied as I went into the drawer and got out a condom and tore it open with my teeth and placed it on Wyatt's dick. After I put the condom on I just came and sat slowly on Wyatt's dick entering it inch by inch. I know Wyatt was in a hurry to go but I wasn't it was hurting me really bad but I finally got all of it in me.

"This is gonna hurt," he said smiling.

"I know," I responded as I tried to start going up and down and it hurt so much though I could see Wyatt was in pleasure. "Wyatt I have to take it out it hurts to much," I said.

"No Chris I promise you're gonna feel better just hold on," he said as I continued bouncing off his dick and it was still hurting me and pleasure him. I was getting angry because he was getting all the pleasure while I was getting the pain and I knew I was in so much pain because I hadn't done it in awhile. It just hurt as I bounced up and down and I was just about to get off until it started turning into pleasure that I liked. I finally was liking what was going on. Wyatt then wanted to change positions to where he was on top so he flipped us without taking his dick out of me and put my legs on his shoulders and started fucking me again. I was loving this position since I didn't have to do any work but just sit back and enjoy the ride and I did. "AHHH I'm gonna cum," Wyatt said pulling out of me and took off the condom and shot his loads all over me. Just about the I started jacking off and soon I was ready to cum and I did. Wyatt then cleaned me up by licking it all off of me and he then just collapsed on top of me but I didn't want to sleep that way so I moved from under him and he wrapped his arms around me as we settled in for a nap. We fell asleep for about an hour.

We then heard someone knocking at the door and then try to come in and we quickly woke up, "hey what are you two guys doing in there," we realized the person was Piper.

"Oh nothing mom just having hot sweaty sex like couples do," Wyatt said sarcastically.

Piper just laughed and said, "Wyatt I just love your little jokes, well whatever you two are doing in there come downstairs we need to talk and don't worry you guys aren't in trouble," she said. We could hear her leaving down the stairs.

"Well that was close I'm glad you remembered to lock the door," I said.

"You know while the door is still locked we can go again I mean we're already dressed for it," Wyatt said smiling.

I just rolled my eyes and got up and started putting my clothes back on.

"Hey whats the problem now," Wyatt asked.

"Nothing come on lets just go downstairs," I said still putting on my clothes and Wyatt started putting on his clothes. I got finished first but then I waited for him to finish putting on his clothes before we went down the stairs. Once we got there we saw Chris and Peter sitting on the floor and this was a kind of a surprise but Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe were there also. So Wyatt and I just came and sat on a couch together and waited.

"Okay since everyone is here we've got some news to tell you guys," Piper started out, "we think you guys have got things covered here so Leo, Paige, Phoebe, and I have decided to take a trip to Hawaii for a week because we haven't been on vacation in so long," Piper said.

"So when are you guys leaving," Peter asked.

"Right now we are packed and everything now Peter you're in charge and no parties okay you guys can have a few friends over but thats it and if you need to reach us you know my cell phone number," Piper said

"Okay so why did you wait till the last minute to tell us," I asked

"Because it was a last minute decision so we best be going now, oh and Evans could you please cook everyone something to eat I would do that but our plane leaves in an hour so bye," she said as her and all the other grown ups left the house.

I was not to happy. To me this seemed like a bad day I mean some people wouldn't say it was because I got to have sex but who cares it wasn't like I couldn't do it another time. I just didn't want the adults to leave I mean what happens if a demon attacks or one of us gets hurt. They just left us on our own to fend for ourselves though Peter might be an adult but still I mean I just don't like this. After they left Chris went up to his room and Peter came over to me and Wyatt and started talking, "hey you guys haven't y'all noticed something wrong with Chris," he asked.

"No I haven't why whats going on," I said.

"I don't know he just seems different I mean ever since this morning he's been acting weird," Peter stated.

"Now that you say that he has been acting a little weird I mean its not like him to sit quiet like that when mom and dad are going on a trip he would usually be mad," Wyatt stated.

"Well I'm gonna try to see whats wrong with him," Peter said as he started going upstairs. I just went into the kitchen I knew Aunt Piper wanted me to cook something for the brothers but I didn't know why she asked me and not Peter or Wyatt. I started taking out pots and pans and started cooking. I mean yeah I knew how to since I've been in the kitchen with Aunt Piper a lot so I know some of the stuff she does. Cooking does relieve some stress but right now I wanted to be alone since today was a bad day. Wyatt entered in the kitchen smiling but that didn't make things better.

He then started singing that song from Scream 2 like he did the other night, "I think I love you and what am I so afraid," he kept on singing and I was not in the mood.

"Wyatt cut it out," I said as I started turning on the stove and boiling water to make some stuff. He kept on singing and this time he came behind me and grabbed me from the waist. I was really getting irritated, "Wyatt stop," I said as I brushed him off and continued trying to make things in the kitchen. That only made him want to do it more so he came from behind me and grabbed me from my waist again and then started kissing me on my neck. I really wasn't in the mood so I pushed him off again. "Wyatt leave me alone!," I said. He then came and picked me up and started spinning me around and after about three spins he finally put me down. That was the final straw I just shoved him and then walked into the living room.

Wyatt quickly came in after me , "What's wrong," he asked as I just went and sat on the couch.

"I asked you to stop and you wouldn't stop," I answered as he came and sat right next to me.

"I'm sorry I just saw you were a little upset and I thought I'd try to cheer you up," he responded.

"Well look I was having a bad day and that only made things worse," I said turning away from him.

"Hey I'm sorry please don't be mad at me," he said as he grabbed my arm and kissed my hand, "can you please forgive me," he asked.

I looked out the corner of my eye and saw he was giving a sad look and I couldn't help but smile at him, "of course I can you know I can't stay mad at you," I said hugging him. "Now you do that again and you and I will be fighting," I said.

"You wouldn't want to hurt me now would you," he said smiling as he pulled me into a kiss. Peter then came running down in a rob and he was not to happy. "Wow Peter did Chris reject you again," Wyatt said smiling.

"Very funny did someone mess with the heater the water in the shower is lava temperature," Peter said.

"Thats peculiar thats never happened to me," I said. We then heard some dishes breaking in the kitchen. I knew no one was in the kitchen so all three of us rushed to the kitchen to see all the dishes moving around on their own.

"Evans what are you doing," Wyatt asked.

"Its not me, I mean I don't think its me I don't think my power has developed fast enough to where I think about it and it moves," I said.

"Then who's doing it," Wyatt asked. Then we heard a noise come from behind us and we saw Chris. His eyes were all black and he did not look happy to see us. The plates then started hitting us and Wyatt put up his shield to block them. "I can't keep this up for much longer. I then grabbed Wyatt and Peter and orbed up to the attic and made sure I locked the door magically. "What was that," Wyatt asked.

"It looks like Chris is possessed," I answered. "Wyatt try calling dad and getting them on the phone while I try to find something in the Book of Shadows," I said flipping through the book of shadows while Wyatt took out his phone and started calling the adults.

"What happened to him," Peter ask.

"I don't know but how long as he been acting this way," I said still looking through the Book of Shadows.

"Since this morning ever since he went down into the basement," Peter answered.

"Guys they're not answering," Wyatt said.

"That is not good," Peter said.

"Bingo," I said as I found the page I was looking for, "I think Chris has gotten possessed by the Woogy," I said.

"What's the woogy," Peter asked.

"It takes control over one person in the manor and then it starts controlling the house," Wyatt answered, "does it have the spell to vanquish it," Wyatt asked.

I then turned to page to find one missing, "its gone," I said, "the page to vanquish the woogy its not here,"

"Darn Chris must have ripped it out," Wyatt said.

"Thats just great now how are we gonna get it out of him," I asked.

"Doesn't any of the sisters know the spell," Peter asked.

"Hello did you not hear Wyatt they're not answering the phone," I said.

"Wait a minute," Wyatt interrupted, "Chris knows it,"

"And how would he know it," I asked.

"When he was a little boy he would always try running into the basement to hide from everyone. Aunt Phoebe started telling Chris about the woogy man being in the basement to keep him out of there. She told him about the time she got possessed by it and how Grams defeated it when she was little so he would know the spell by memory," Wyatt said.

"Thats a great plan only one little problem," I said, "what makes you think Chris would vanquish the woogy if he's possessed by it," I asked.

"I've got a plan but you guys are gonna have to trust me on this one," Wyatt started, "We're gonna have to put ourselves in danger by going down to the basement where the woogy is," Wyatt said.

"And how's that gonna help," I asked.

"Chris will have to make a choice he can either choose to let us die or he can save us," Wyatt said.

"Its risky but it just might work," Peter said.

"Wyatt are you sure about this," I asked.

"We're his brothers he wouldn't let us die," Wyatt said.

"Okay I'm ready when you guys are," I said. We all then grabbed hands and Wyatt orbed us into the basement where we could see a crack in the cement and a puff of black smoke coming out from it. "Where's our brother," I asked.

"Behind you," Chris said as we looked behind us and saw him at the top of the stairs.

"Chris listen to me don't do this," I started pleading, "look I know you're in there so come on Chris fight it," I said. He still just stood there.

"Chris he's right come on I know you can do it, look I've known you since you were a baby and well you saved me from turning evil now its my turn to do the same for you so come on don't do this," Wyatt was also pleading.

"Hey look I know we haven't known each other for long but these past few weeks have been the best of my life with you and I don't want you going evil so please Chris fight this for us," Peter finally pleaded.

Chris then started breaking down and started chanting the spell, "I am light, I am one to strong to fight, Return to the dark where shadows dwell, You cannot have this Halliwell, go away and leave my sight, and take away this endless night," Chris finally said the last words as the shadow came out of him and went back into the ground and it closed the crack in the floor back up. Chris then passed out and we all ran up to his aid.

"Hey Chris you okay," I asked him as he started to wake up and stand up.

"Yeah I'm fine," he then looked at the kitchen and saw it was a mess, "I guess I messed up our dinner," he said as we all laughed.

"Thats fine we'll just go out," Wyatt said.

"Okay but let me fix this before we do so that we don't get in trouble when the parental units come in," I said, " Let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause the seen to be unseen," right then everything went back into place and we all just jumped into Wyatt's car and dined in at a cheap restraunt. We just sat there laughing about how Chris was possessed. "You know Chris I never thought I'd see you with black eyes," I said.

"Well there's the woogy for ya," he said as we all laughed.

"Hey Chris there's something I want to ask you," Peter interrupted.

"Sure go ahead," Chris said.

"Well I know I've only known you for a few weeks but I think now is the perfect time," Peter said.

"Time for what?" Chris asked.

Peter then got up from the chair and then got on his knees and pulled out a small box from his back pocket and opened it and in it was a ring, "Chris Halliwell will you do me the honor of marrying me," Peter asked.

Chris was in shock he paused for a moment then the answer finally came out, "Yes I will," he said as Peter put the ring on his finger and they hugged.

"Hey I propose a toast since we're all engaged now," I said lifting my cup. We then toasted.

Hey guys thanks for all the feedback that you've been giving me its really prompted me to right more and sorry if you have g-mail its hard for me to respond. So just keep telling me if you want the story to continue by emailing me at thanks and I'll try to respond.

Next: Chapter 10

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