Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 8, 2000


First of all, congrats to the guys on their wins at the VMA Awards...they won 2 awards, but their video actually won 3, although they didn't present the award for best choreography, good for them...and did you like their outfits?? Interesting is all I can say!

Per guidelines, no young'uns allowed. Also, this story is pretty much fiction, especially the parts where I discuss people's (ie NSYNCs') sexuality...I plain just don't know their bed habits...please continue those e-mails - even just to say hi, so I know people are reading and (hopefully) enjoying my work.

Chapter 13 - Cause in the final hour you made me proud

The Chasez house was crowded. On top of JC and Lance, Roy and Karen were also awaiting the arrival of their other two children, Tyler and Heather. The place was a madhouse and Lance tried his best to stay out of everyone's way as they cleaned up the house and got things ready.

Their plane had arrived a little early and JC immediately began helping to clean the house. Lance had never really spent any quality time at the Chasez house and tried to help, although he seemed to get in the way more than anything else.

So, he just took a seat in the living room. Karen wandered in a minute later with a armful of sheets, "Lance, would you take these up to Josh? He's on bed duty".

Lance was delighted that he had been asked to help. In fact, he felt totally at ease. Even though Lance had known JC's parents for years, this was the real first time he would be in their presence as JC's boyfriend and he knew it had to be a little awkward. But, they had treated him no differently since they arrived from the airport and he was grateful.

Lance grabbed the sheets from Karen and she smiled at him. He bounced up the stairs and found JC in the back bedroom, throwing some clothes into a closet.

He grinned when Lance entered and grabbed some of the sheets, "So, she has you making the beds, huh?"

Lance grinned back, "Actually, she asked me to give these to you".

JC frowned, "Fine, but you're gonna help me," and with that he handed him a corner of one of the fitted sheets.

Lance walked to one side of the bed and JC the other. As they were making it up, Lance thought about how nice it would be to one day be doing this same thing with JC in their very own home. He knew it would probably be several years before either guy was in a place where they could "settle down", but he knew in his heart that the day would come.

JC saw Lance deep in thought and threw a pillowcase at him, "What are you thinking about?"

"Not much," Lance replied, "I'm just so glad your parents are cool with us sharing the same room".

JC grabbed a pillow, "I don't think they're all that excited about it. But, with Tyler and Heather coming home, there aren't any more spare bedrooms. It was either here or the couch".

Lance placed his pillow on the bed, "My parents would've put you in the broom closet before letting you share my room".

JC walked over to the door and closed it, "They don't even know about me, remember?"

Lance went to JC and hugged him, "They will one day."

JC held Lance close, "I'm not worried about it. You'll tell them when the time is right. As long as we're together, I'll be okay".

Lance breathed deep and took in JC's great scent. It was a mixture of cologne and the fruity soap he used in the morning. It was a smell Lance would always be fond of. He looked at JC, "Good. Now, which side of the bed do I get?"

JC shook his head and walked to the closet, "I guess I didn't tell you the whole story, but you aren't supposed to exactly be sharing my bed".

Lance was confused, but got the idea when Lance pulled out a small cot from the closet and laid it down, "This is where you get to sleep".

Lance went to JC and placed his hand on his backside, "Now we both know you don't want that and I cant believe your parents think I'm actually gonna use it".

JC sighed, "They aren't stupid. But, I guess it makes them a little more at ease if they can pretend that we aren't sharing a bed".

Lance agreed and the two moved on to the next room, which Lance took to be Heather's.

As they made the bed, Lance asked, "So, what year are your sibs?"

JC thought for a second, "Let's see. Heather is a senior and Tyler is a sophomore".

Lance was dying to ask, and so he just spat out his question, "Are you going to tell them?"

JC stopped making the bed and sat down. Lance sat next to him, "I talked to my folks about it. They say it's up to me. I really don't think they'll have a problem, but you never know these things".

"You're preaching to the choir," Lance said as he placed his hand on Lance's. He squeezed it lightly and JC turned to him. He leaned in for a kiss and his lips had just reached Lance's when he heard a clapping sound from the hallway

They bolted upright and looked in the doorway to see Heather standing there. Lance hadn't seen her in over a year and she had matured a lot. She didn't really look like Josh, except for the blue eyes. Her hair was also lighter, but Lance figured it was not her natural color. He remembered her being very dark on top.

JC stood up, "Heather. Hi, uhh...I can explain."

Heather went in and hugged JC, "Not much too explain, Josh. My big brother likes boys. Not a big surprise".

JC stood back, "You're not surprised?"

Heather laughed, "You never really got the college experience, bro. It really opens your eyes to a wide variety of things and makes you see others.

One of my best friends in school is a lesbian. She's taught me how to hone my gaydar".

JC was a little shocked. Lance knew it was because most people wouldn't peg him for gay. Heather was the first person who said she knew.

Lance sat there and Heather looked him up and down, "Now, Lance, I'm sorry to say, I kinda knew about you a long time ago".

Lance groaned, "I think everyone suspected".

Heather returned to her brother, "But, I honestly never expected the two of you to get together. I always pictured you with someone like Joey".

JC stuck a finger in his mouth, "You're kidding right?"

Heather chuckled, "Hey, I said my gaydar worked. I didn't say I could pick out you guys' types!"

JC turned to Lance, "Well, that's my type. I love him Heather".

Lance felt his face flush. Heather hugged JC again, "I'm glad you're happy, Josh. I assume the parental units know about this?"

JC nodded and Heather went on, "And Tyler?"

"I was planning on telling both of you this weekend." JC answered.

Lance stood up, "Well, then that's one down and one to go". He went to JC and hugged him from the side.

Tyler Chasez looked much more like JC than his sister did. All three shared the eyes, but Tyler had the dark hair and the same frame. When Lance looked at the youngest family member walk in the door, he sort of felt like he was in a time warp, looking at Josh five years earlier.

Tyler hugged his parents, and siblings and gave a hearty handshake to Lance, "Glad to see you Lansten," he joked. Lance hated being called that name. It was a concoction created by TransCom so the name thing would work.

Lance was called in as a replacement for another guy who had left and his name ended in 'N' and the name was in place. So, Lou Perlman, in all his misguided wisdom, changed his name to Lansten. Hell, Lance went by James until he joined the band. He liked being called Lance okay - it was a little more distinct - but he abhorred the added letters and Tyler knew it.

Lance wrinkled his nose and glared at Tyler, "Good to see you too".

Tyler smiled at him and turned to his parents, "When do we eat?"

The family headed into the dining room a little while later to begin eating. Lance was starving: the plane served lunch, but he could never really eat while airborne and he hadn't had any breakfast. So, when Karen emerged from the kitchen with a big pot roast, Lance dug in.

The conversation was the usual stuff: school happenings from Tyler and Heather and band stuff from JC and Lance. Lance kept glancing at Heather, who would occasionally turn his way and smile. She had taken this really well and he was glad. Tyler would be okay, he hoped. He wanted this weekend to be relaxing. He knew that the next few weeks would probably be hell and he wasn't looking forward to it. Besides the MTV awards, they were scheduled to appear at the Latin Grammys. They were going as a sort of favor to Gloria Estefan, with whom they did a duet the previous year.

And then, it was back to tour rehearsal. Long days of reworking and remembering choreography. Lance was amazed at how a little time off could make he and the guys forget some simple things; but, he knew it would all come back once they heard the music.

As dinner ended, JC asked Lance to go take a walk. The Chasez house was located in a development with lots of secluded pathways through the trees and by the lake that was nearby. As soon as they were out of the view of any houses, Lance slipped his hand over JC's.

They made it to a spot on the lake. It was dusk and a light breeze blew off the lake, making it chillier than usual. Lance shivered and JC put his arm around him. They sat there for awhile, just watching the sun go down. Occasionally, someone walking their dog or jogging would go by, but it was dark enough that they couldn't make out who was sitting on the lake shore.

When the sun had finally set and the stars began appearing, Lance turned JC's cheek and kissed him, "I could sit out here with you forever".

JC kissed him back, "Our management might have some objections to that".

Lance smirked, "Frankly, I could care less what our management feels at this point.".

"I hear ya," JC softly replied. He leaned over to Lance and hugged him tightly. Slowly, JC began applying kisses to Lance's neck, making him extremely aroused. His neck was definitely his main erogenous zone.

"You know," Lance began, "if you don't stop, I may have to ravish you here."

JC licked Lance's ear, "Oh, if you get to hot and bothered, I can just throw you in the lake".

Lance giggled and turned to face JC. He stared into his eyes, "You have the most gorgeous eyes. Your whole family does".

JC cracked, "So, does this mean you're going to leave me for my parents?"

Lance shook his head, "Hardly. But, your brother is kinda cute".

JC lovingly pushed Lance, "I really don't want to think about that".

Lance placed his arms around JC, who scooted in front of him. Josh leaned back against Lane's chest and now Lane began kissing the back of his neck. JC moaned slightly and put his head on Lance's shoulders, giving the blond access to the other side. Lance ran his tongue across JC's neck working his way to his ear. He began nibbling on the lobe, causing JC to moan again.

A rustle in the nearby grass caused both boys to jump. They looked over and saw nothing.

"Do you think someone saw us?" Lance asked as they stood up.

JC replied, "I doubt it. It's too dark. Who would recognize us? But, to be on the safe side, maybe we better head back".

Lance agreed and followed JC back to the house.

It was dark in the house when they got back. There was a note on the counter from Karen:

Hi guys!

Heather and I headed to the mall to get a little shopping done. Your father

has gone to his club meeting. There's ice-cream in the freezer. Enjoy.

JC showed the note to Lance, who asked, "Where's Tyler then?"

"Probably out with some of his friends. He never stays at home much when he visits," JC answered. Then, pointing to the note, "How would you like some MooseTracks ice-cream?"

Lance cringed, "That sounds gross,"

JC went to the fridge and pulled out a container, "No, it's really good. It's just like fudge ripple, with little chocolate pieces shaped like moose tracks".

Lance went over to the counter, "Sounds yummy. What person would think to do something like that?"

JC shrugged, "Who knows, but it's damn good".

And it was. Lance loved food, although Joey was the one in the band known for his culinary penchant. And even more, he loved desserts. The ice-cream was very tasty and Lance finished before JC had gotten halfway done with his.

JC looked at Lance's empty bowel, "Hungry?"

Lance licked his spoon in a provocative way, "I love sweet things. That's why I'm so into you".

JC blushed slightly, "You know what I would like to do with this," he said indicating the half-melted dessert in his bowel.

Lance played along, "And what might that be?"

JC leaned in with his spoon, "I would like to drip this on your neck and watch it run down your bare chest to your bellybutton before I licked it slowly off".

Lance leaned into kiss Lance when he heard a coughing sound from the other room. The guys spun around to see Tyler standing there. JC hopped off the stool at the counter, "Hey man! Didn't know you were home".

Tyler reply was monotone, "I can see that".

JC and Lance stood there, saying nothing. Lance wasn't sure if Tyler had heard them or not.

His next statement revealed he had, "Are you queer, Josh?"

Josh was obviously taken aback and tried to mumble out something before his brother interrupted, "I saw you two at the lake".

He might have not heard Josh's erotic rant, but he had seen them kiss. That was probably a little worse.

JC nodded, "Yeah, Tyler. I'm gay".

Tyler nodded back, "Were you ever gonna tell me or were you just hoping I would walk in on you and your current boytoy?"

Lance started to protest, but felt it wasn't his place. JC stood up for him instead, "Lance is not a boy toy. He's my boyfriend and I love him".

Tyler fell silent, "I'm sorry. That was out of line. It's just that this is kind of a shock".

JC spoke, "I was going to tell you this weekend. I've only come to terms with this recently myself."

Tyler opened his mouth to ask a question, but Josh anticipated it and answered, "Yes, mom and dad know. And Heather found out tonight too".

Tyler stood there, not speaking. He glanced at Lance and then back at JC, "You aren't gonna become the next Ellen DeGeneres are you and be on like every magazine in the world shouting how gay you are?"

JC smiled, "Definitely not. I know the risks of this and we're ready to tackle them. I'm not going to deny it though. But, for the sake of the group, we're gonna be mum about it for now. And I would appreciate it if you wouldn't say anything to anyone about it either. Loose lips, you know".

Tyler walked into the kitchen and hugged JC, "I'm not gonna tell. I think my friends might be a little wierded out. But, hey, it's your life. I just don't wanna hear you guys going at it. My room's next to your remember."

JC looked quite relaxed, "No problem. I'll stuff a sock in Lance's mouth".

Tyler jumped back, "Too much information, okay?" he turned to Lance, "You better take care of my big brother or you'll have me to answer to".

Lance replied, "No problem. I'll treat him like a king".

Tyler smirked, "Or a queen," JC shoved his brother playfully. Tyler laughed, "Kidding, man!" and he walked out of the room.

JC went back to the counter and sat next to Lance. He began playing with his ice-cream soup. Lance laughed and turned to JC, "So, are there anymore relatives we can have catch us making out?"

JC pursed his lips, "I don't think so. We could go kiss in front of my grandmother, but I'm not sure she would get the idea. She's from a whole different generation."

Lance looked at Josh, "Makes it easier to have them ask, doesn't it?"

JC turned to him, "I'm not gonna say I prefer to have people find out by walking in on an intimate moment, but you are right: it prevents me from wussing out".

Lance smiled and put his hand in JC's, "I am proud of you, though".

JC smiled back. Lance looked at the ice-cream, "Your moose tracks are melted. Want to test your little idea out?"

JC shook his head, "You heard Tyler. And I know you couldn't contain yourself as I ravish your body".

Lance raised an eyebrow, "Who says we have to do this in the bedroom?"

JC reached over and put a hand on Lance's thigh, "You are a dirty bird, you know that don't you?"

Lance sat up and said proudly, "Of course I am. That's why you love me".

JC kissed Lance on the lips, "That I do."

The rest of the weekend was relatively tame. Lance went with the Chasezes to church the next morning and they spent the day Sunday, just hanging out, watching TV. MTV was playing an endless parade of old Video Music Award clips and specials, which made Lance a little uneasy. The thought of this upcoming performance was not appealing to him.

He would've loved to just sit there and sing their new (slow) song, but they had to top the previous year's remix and not they were singing all three singles, the first two remixed and accompanied by totally new dance moves. Still, Lance was a trooper and was getting the hang of it. Tuesday, they would be rehearsing on the stage and he just hoped the other dancing acts weren't watching.

Monday, their flight left in the early afternoon and luckily, it was a short jaunt from Maryland to New York. The family said their good-byes at the house: Heather had left in the early morning to go to some meeting that day and Tyler was going to stick around until the last possible moment.

Both of JC's siblings had been great to him after finding out. They treated him just like one of the family and he even spent the better part of an hour talking to Heather about guys. It seemed they shared a lot of the same tastes, with one notable exception (that would've been gross).

Even Roy and Karen were good, although Karen seemed to have a little trouble here and there. Lance had tried his best to not force any PDAs on them and made sure to set JC's alarm early, so he could crawl back to his cot in case Karen walked in the room to wake them. He still felt a little weird sleeping with JC, but they had kept the hanky panky down to a minimum out of respect.

Of course, now Lance longed to get to New York and more importantly, the hotel, so he could spend some "quality" alone time with his boyfriend.

They arrived in New York a little after two and went immediately to the hotel for a little nap. This turned into a long nap and they were awakened at around six by the noise of Justin, Joey and Chris heading back. Justin and Joey had spent the weekend at Justin's mom's house, while Chris was spending time with his girlfriend, Dani. Joey immediately headed out to go have dinner with his parents. Chris and Justin snuck into Lance and JC's room and jumped on the bed, waking them.

"Wake up sleepyheads!" Chris said as he bounced up and down on top of them.

JC tried to push them away, but in his half-awake state he wasn't very powerful.

Finally, Chris calmed down and Justin sat on the bed, "Hey, guys wanna grab dinner with us or do you have special dinner plans?"

JC looked at Lance. They had discussed this on the plane and did want to have dinner with the guys. So, Lance answered for them, "Yeah, but no Mexican food Chris. I know how it gets to you and I don't intend to sleep with a gasmask tonight:"

Chris grabbed a pillow and began smacking Lance. Lance grabbed one and tossed it, but it missed and hit Justin. He went for a pillow as well and smacked Lance, who fell into JC. This brought in Josh and soon all four were having a pillow fight.

After a few minutes, they calmed down and Justin, panting said, "Man, that's a good way to get your aggressions out."

Chris laughed, "Sexual aggressions, J?"

Justin sat up, "Not for me. For you maybe?"

Chris half-heartedly threw a pillow at Justin, "Shut up, Curly!"

Lance jumped in, "Aw, did you not get any this weekend, Chrissy?"

Chris was not amused, "At least I don't sound like a dying gorilla when I get it on."

Lance grew silent and Chris went on, "Hotel walls are notoriously thin".

JC retorted, "And you just love to listen, huh?"

Chris stood up, "Can we just go eat now?"

They all agreed and headed out. They chose a Chinese place and sat there, discussing the show: what they were wearing, the dance, the nominations. Lance was excited about the show, even if the performance part wasn't all that appealing. He liked seeing all different types of musicians gathered in one place. As he munched on an eggroll, he secretly wondered to himself exactly who would be there. And what interesting things would happen.

The Awards should be interesting...stay tuned next week for the next chapter. And e-mail me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next: Chapter 12

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