Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 11, 2000


Not much to say - Just write me!

And of course, the disclaimer - You know the drill: if you are underage, please don't read this and as much as I would like to believe it, this story is made up and the contents in no way imply anything about the sexuality of N-Sync, 98 Degrees or any other celebs mentioned. Enjoy!

Chapter 14 - I am only scared from wonder

Lance loved New York. But, he really didn't like awards shows. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy getting nominated and even winning honors, but it seemed like there were so many ceremonies these days, that most seemed pointless and not really important.

The Video Music Awards were a little different in that they were the only award ceremony that honored videos. Of course, they were all a popularity contest still. All one had to do was look at the nominees. The five choices for best video were a virtual Who's-Who of MTV's Total Request Live for that year. Lance was no expert, but there were other videos that had been made over the year that were far superior.

Lance couldn't really believe he was thinking like this, considering that NSYNC was smack dab in the middle of those nominations. Still, he was in kind of a foul mood and he was taking it out on the hand that fed him.

Lance and JC had a little spat earlier that day and until these things were resolved, they tended to fester inside of him. And unfortunately, JC was off doing some promotional stuff that morning and they hadn't had time to make up.

The fight was silly, really. And it was about clothes, of all things. How stereotypically gay was that, Lance thought. But, the guys had been sent over a ton of clothes from various places to decide their wardrobe for the show. They had to choose two outfits - one for sitting and one for performing. They all decided to go a little retro in their tastes, but the coat Josh had picked out was a bit much.

It started with a simple comment from Chris of all people. JCs jacket was lined with this frilly fur and Chris stated that it looked a little "queeny". Well, JC did take this too well and turned to Lance for back-up. Lance was feeling overly honest today and told JC he agreed with Chris, upon which Justin and Joey chimed in their agreement. This royally pissed JC off, who stormed into his room.

Lance, as the boyfriend, was designated peacekeeper and had tried to calm JC down, but a few harsh words were exchanged and JC had rushed out before anything could be resolved. Lance knew Josh just needed to calm down a little. It was a stupid argument and Lance would apologize as soon as he saw him.

Which he did when they arrived at rehearsal that Wednesday. It was their second day on the stage at Radio City Music Hall and Lance was very happy. He had gotten to perform at the Met last year and now Radio City. It was an awesome experience many people would kill for. Now, if they could just get to Carnegie Hall.

Lance found JC stretching in the corner. Things were running behind, so they were going to have to wait a little while before taking the stage. This was a full run through and the first time they really had to work with those crazy TVs. It was an interesting concept - having their heads enlarged and prerecorded to show on screens while they stood behind them dancing; but, in actuality, it was kind of a pain in the butt.

Still, the guys were excited that it would top last year's performance, which was what they wanted to do; so, Lance went along with it. JC was especially excited - he loved dancing in big groups with professionals. It gave him a chance to really shine and Lance loved looking at him sway his hips.

He smiled as he walked up to JC, wearing his pleather camouflage pants and muscle shirt. JC looked up and quickly looked away. He was a stubborn fellow and Lance knew to cut him some slack.

"I like the pants," Lance said, hoping to make up for his other fashion comments earlier that day.

JC didn't look at him, "I'm surprised. I have such bad taste, you know".

Lance walked up to JC and lifted his chin up, so they were looking at each other, "You know you could be wearing a potato sack and I would think you were sexy".

JC didn't smile, "But, just not masculine, huh?"

Then, Lance realized what JC was upset about. It wasn't his fashion sense at all, "Are you worried people will think you are gay?"

JC shrugged, "I mean, I don't really care, but if I like stuff like that, maybe I'm a little more flamier than I thought".

Lance sat next to him, "I don't think you're flamey. But, that wouldn't be wrong anyway. People act different ways. There are flamey-acting straight guys and there are masculine gay guys," and leaning into JC he whispered, "which I think you are".

JC finally loosened up his frown and grinned at Lance, "I'm fretting over nothing".

"You're right, you are," Lance replied, "And you wear what you want to wear to the show. It's not like this is the Oscar's where conservatism reigns. I'm sure people will be wearing a lot more outrageous outfits than any of us".

JC nodded, "Yeah, I guess. Look, I'm sorry I was a jerk this morning. I just don't like being ganged up on and made the brunt of jokes".

Lance put his arm around JC, "I know, hon. We were just playing. We all love you, frills or not".

There was an announcement made over the loud speaker that NSYNC was to get ready to perform. Lance looked around and, upon seeing no one, kissed JC lightly, grabbed his hand and walked with him to the stage, where the other guys were waiting.

The next day, the guys were busying themselves with getting ready. The awards didn't start until eight, but by noon, everyone was in their own world, getting ready, mentally and physically.

Lance was sitting on the bed, looking at JC. He was running around the room, desperately searching for the shoes he was going to wear. He had told everyone that he was wearing the coat to the show, but would take it off anyway, and there was nothing they could say. The guys really didn't care all that much and that business was dropped.

There was a new topic of discussion that had arisen. The day before, the guys had given interviews on TRL about the show and Lance was interviewing with JC and Joey. Chris and Justin were doing sound check and were gonna be on later. Anyway, during the interview, Lance made some excuse about how he felt short next to everyone since they were on an incline and he made his way behind JC, making sure to grab his ass as they stood there. He was playing a joke to see if JC would crack. Being the consummate professional, he did not.

Still, it ticked Joey off, because even though the camera didn't catch it, he did and it almost caused him to lose it. JC took it in stride and laughed it off, but Joey chastised him about keeping up "straight" appearances. They hadn't talked the rest of rehearsal, but later made up at the hotel.

Lance hated fighting with the guys, but Joey had taken it in stride. Lance saw his point - it could've been a disaster, but he just couldn't keep his hands off of Josh. Man, he was horny!

So, as JC bent over to look under the bed, Lance grabbed him and pulled him onto the mattress. JC smiled, "I need to find my shoes, dear".

Lance pointed to the clock, "We have plenty of time".

JC shook his finger, "I just showered. I'm not getting all dirty."

Lance agreed, "Fine, but who says we can't make out a little?" Lance leaned in and placed his lips onto JC's, sending them both into a passionate frenzy. Soon, they were frenching and Lance moved his arms to JC's chest, pinching his nipple through the fabric of his T-shirt. JC let out a little moan and buried his hand in Lance's hair. He moved over and began nibbling on Lance's ear, sending him into a fit of pleasure.

Lance backed away, "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea if we don't want to get mussed up".

JC licked Lance's ear, "Well, consider this a preview for later tonight".

The show went off without a hitch, at least from the guy's perspective. Sure, the opening monologue was dull and they lost the first couple of awards they were up for, but the second half was much more exciting. They won Best Pop Video, performed (very well Lance thought) and then won the Viewer's Choice Award. Add to that the choreography award and they were the biggest winners of the night. Sure, that blond rapper had won two and shared one with another guy, but NSYNC won 3 by themselves and this made Lance happy.

Lance wanted to go back to the hotel and finish what he had started earlier, but he wanted to hit some of the after-parties. Justin, at Britney's encouragement, really wanted to go too. And Joey and Chris were always up for free booze, so they all headed out to celebrate.

The party they ended up at was rather tame, but once a good song came on, JC took to the dance floor and began to shake it up. Several female admirers joined him and soon the place was hopping. Lance sat back, sipped on his Coke, and watched.

Justin saw the huge grin on Lance's face and went over to him, "You look like a Cheshire Cat, man. Why so happy?"

Lance pointed to JC and his posse, "I just like the fact that most of those women probably think they have a chance of going home with Josh tonight".

Justin frowned, "That's not a very nice thought, dude".

Lance corrected himself, "I don't mean it in a bad way. It's just nice to know that no matter what happens out there on the floor, I know that he is coming home with me tonight".

Justin looked over at JC, who glanced at Lance and winked at him. He turned back to Lance, "It must be great to have something like that. Full trust and everything".

Lance sipped his drink, "Yeah, it's great. But, it looks like you might be getting there yourself".

Justin looked at Lance, who pointed to the floor, where Britney was dancing with Joey. She would occasionally look over and smile at J.

Justin smiled back, "Yeah, well we're not quite at you and JC's level yet".

"So, you are getting there, I take it," Lance asked.

Justin replied, "Sorta. We talked and we both want a relationship, but we're gonna take it slow. We're not even 20 yet and neither of us is ready to settle into a serious thing".

Lance hit Justin on the arm, "Dude, I'm only 21! Are you saying I'm an old fogey?"

Justin put his hand to his lips and acted like he was zipping it shut. Lance just smiled at him. Britney motioned for Justin to join her. He jumped off the stool and was soon in grind mode with his kinda-sorta-girlfriend.

Lance looked over at JC, who turned his way. His face was covered with sweat, which made Lance wish was being caused by something besides dancing. JC mouthed the words "I love you" to Lance who simply held up his drink in a toasting manner. JC grinned and returned to the bevy of beauties that surrounded him.

"Is this seat taken?" a voice asked. Lance swung around to see Drew Lachay of 98 degrees standing there with a drink in his hand.

Lane stuttered, " Go right ahead". Drew smiled and sat down. He was still dressed in the leather pants he was wearing earlier that evening. It amazed Lance how short Drew really was, but he thought it suited him well. Of course, if Lance had a body like Drew did, he could've been 5 feet and been happy.

Drew extended his hand, "I know we know who each of us is, but allow me to formally introduce myself to you. I'm Drew Lachay".

Lance took his hand, "Pleased to meet you. Lance Bass".

Drew took a swig of his drink, "Congrats on your wins tonight".

Lance thanked him, "And sorry your whole intro deal got interrupted by that crazy guy on the set".

Drew laughed, "Well, he made the show a little more exciting, that's for sure. But, your performance did that too. Loved the TV thing. You guys looked really good".

Was Drew flirting with him? Lance's gaydar was hardly honed and he had no idea about Drew. Either way, it wasn't like he was interested. JC looked just as hot as these guys - in a different way, but still hot.

Lance thanked him again and turned back to JC, who as now drenched in sweat, still shaking his groove thing. How he could be that active after that nerve-racking performance was beyond his comprehension.

Drew coughed and looked at Lane, "You two make a cute couple".

Lance slowly turned to Drew. "Excuse me?" he asked, flabbergasted.

Drew pointed to JC, "You and JC. Your cute together".

Lance sighed, "What gave it away? Is it that obvious?"

Drew shook his head, "Oh no. I wouldn't have even noticed if my gaydar wasn't so good".

"Well, mine sucks. So, let me ask you..." Lance began.

Drew interrupted, "Yeah, I'm 100% homo. But, don't go spreading that around."

Lance giggled, "Don't worry, I won't, if you do the same for us."

Drew finished his drink, "Consider it done".

Lance had a 100 questions. He hadn't really had the opportunity to talk to someone who was in the same predicament as him besides JC and that was somewhat different, "So, do the other guys know about you?"

Drew pointed to Jeff Timmons, another 98 dregree-er, who was standing in the corner, "I told Jeff last year. He's been really cool about it. I'm kinda worried about telling the others - my brother especially. I don't think he'd take it well. What about you?"

"Yep, they all know about Josh and me and therefore, my lifestyle choice and they all are pretty cool about it," Lance wondered how it would've been if one of the guys hadn't accepted it. It seemed so long ago that he came out to them, the worry was a distant memory almost.

He looked at Drew, "I'm sure it'll work out for you".

Drew nodded, "I really don't think I'll have to worry until I meet a guy. Then, things might get more complicated".

"I hear you," Lance commented.

"Is it hard for you and JC, working together and all?" Drew asked.

Lance thought for a second, "You know, it's not. Some people can't live and work together, but we've been together almost every day for the last 5 years. I really can't imagine not being with him".

"Man, I hope I can find someone like that someday," Drew lamented.

Lance looked at Drew reassuringly, "You will. Mr. Right is out there," and then, looking over at JC, "After all, I found mine".

About an hour later, JC and Justin were feeling a little tired. Chris and Joey were still wide awake and opted to head to another party. Justin told the guys he was going to ride home with Britney. JC and Lance got in their limo and headed back to the hotel. JC could barely keep his eyes open, yet insisted to Lance that they would have some quality alone time. Lance just played with his hair. He knew it wasn't going to happen, but he was fine with it.

And he was right. For as soon as they got back to the room, JC's head hit the pillow and he was out. Lance removed his shoes and his pants and tucked JC in the bed. He climbed in beside him, planted a kiss on his cheek and was soon asleep himself.

Lance had the dream again. It was the sexual one he had from time to time.

He hadn't had it in a while, he guessed since he had someone to fill that faceless void that always appeared in his dreams. Tonight, things went the same as usual. This faceless shape was giving Lance pleasure orally and he laid back and enjoyed it. He felt a tingling sensation in his body and looked down to compliment this imaginary lover. Only when he looked at the man connected to his cock, it wasn't a faceless entity. It was Drew Lachay!

Lance awoke suddenly, a million thoughts racing through his head. What was he doing? How could he possibly be thinking about Drew? He loved JC, yet his subconscious was telling him he was attracted to Drew? Sure he had a nice body and seemed like a nice guy, but Lance loved JC...only JC. He was severely disturbed and to top it all off, he had a raging hard-on.

He looked at the clock, which read 4:30am. He turned to see JC, still in the same position, lying there, breathing heavily. He didn't know why he did what he did next, but before he could think, he had leaned over and was whispering for JC to wake up.

"Wh-What is it?" JC asked sleepily.

"I need you now," Lance said pointedly.

"What time is it, Lance?" JC mumbled.

Lance grabbed JC and pulled him on top of him, causing him to wake up some more, but still not fully. He kissed JC, forcing his tongue in his mouth. JC reacted and fell into the kiss.

Lance began kissing his neck, each buss more powerful than the previous one. He worked his way to JC's ear, "Make love to me please".

JC was now almost fully awake and Lance could feel his lover's erection against his pelvis. JC was clueless as to what was really happening, but Lance was so persistent, that JC couldn't refuse.

"Let me get a condom," JC said as he tried to climb off.

Lance stopped him, "No, just fuck me now. I don't care about anything except having you inside me. Please". His tone was almost begging.

Lance removed JC's underwear, and grabbed onto his throbbing cock. He quickly inched down the bed and wrapped his mouth around JC's member. JC moaned and Lance quickly engulfed all of JC's penis.

He moved back up the bed, removing his own underwear. JC had removed his shirt and Lance took in the smell of sweat and perfume that still lingered on his body from the after-party.

"Go for it," Lance commanded. JC licked his finger and inserted it into Lance's hole. Lance moaned and JC put in another finger. Finally, Lance felt JC's wet cock pressing against him and soon, JC had put himself in.

The pain was much worse than it had been before, but Lance didn't want JC to stop and he bit his lip to contain his discomfort. Eventually, the pain eased as JC began to move in a constant rhythm. Lance wanted to feel JCs cock swell up and fill him up with his sweet load.

JC began breathing in more shallow breaths and Lance knew he was about to come. JC, who was still not fully aware of everything, was pressed on top of Lance and when he moved, his chest rubbed against Lance's own aching cock. Soon, Lance felt an orgasm rush through him. He felt his come hit JC's chest and drip down onto his own stomach. A minute later, JC thrust one last time, sending his own come into Lance. Lance sighed heavily as he felt the warm jizz coat his insides.

JC slid off of Lance and fell back onto the bed. Both guys were a mess, but were too tired to even move. JC mumbled, "I love you" to Lance, kissed him, and was soon fast asleep. Lance wondered if he would even remember what they had just done. He assumed the mess JC would find in the morning would make him recall the events.

Lance lay there for a minute, silently hating himself. What had he just done? Did he just have sex with JC to prove he loved him or to prove that he wasn't attracted to Drew Lachay? He felt so confused and he felt even worse for having used JC - not that he really even knew.

Still, Lance found he couldn't fall asleep and he spent the rest of the night, perplexed and scared that he was about to encounter something that he wasn't prepared for.

Well, this is the beginning of a new story arc for the guys...and it IS just the a lot can and will happen...You know I love JC and Lance together, so you shouldn't be too worried! Stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 13

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