Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 18, 2000


Here is a simple happy major trauma for the boys. I do want to thank those of you that write to me - I love hearing from people all over the's great! So, keep sending the feedback!

You know the drill - don't read if this is illegal for you. I do not even presume to know the people in this story or their sexual preferences and nothing I say here should be taken seriously. Enjoy!

Chapter 18 - Never thought that love could feel like this

Lance laid there in the bed, listening to the slow rhythms of JC sleeping next to him. JC was on his side, with his back to his lover and Lance just stared at him, taking in the curves of his tight muscles and smooth skin. He placed a finger against the top of his spine, slowly tracing it down until he reached his firm ass. JC twitched slightly and Lance pulled away, not wanting to wake him.

It was a little after eight and the sun was cascading through the windows, causing the room to heat up. In their moment of passion the night before, they had forgotten to shut the blinds and now the temperature was getting a little unbearable. Lance slipped out of bad, pulled on a pair of boxers and a T-shirt and walked to the window.

The bedroom faced the ocean and Lance stared at the waves crashing against the shore. He wanted to go swimming, but knew the water was probably too chilly. He backed away and closed the blinds, making the room somewhat darker. Lance turned back to look at JC, who was now facing him. His eyelids fluttered, meaning he was dreaming and Lance only hoped it was about him.

JC had a habit of kicking the sheets off himself during the night and now the sheet barely covered his nude frame. Lance walked over and grabbed the sheet, pulling it up to Josh's shoulders. As he began to back away, he heard JC mutter, "What time is it?"

Lance leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "It's early, Go back to sleep".

JC muttered something that he didn't understand and Lance backed out of the room. The kitchen also faced the morning sun and it took Lance a minute to adjust to the brightness which glared off of the bright white countertops. He put on a pot of coffee and walked into the living room. He sat down of the couch and clicked on the TV, looking to see if anything interesting was on. MTV was broadcasting the VMAs for the umpteenth time and Lance had no interest in seeing them again. So, he clicked off the television and sat back. He felt himself starting to doze off, so he got up, went into the kitchen and prepared himself a cup of coffee.

He sat at the dining room table to drink his coffee. It was loaded with cream and sugar, which was the only way he would ever drink the stuff, since he wasn't a big fan of the bitter beverage to begin with. He looked over and noticed the phone on the wall and thought for a minute of calling his mom. He hadn't spoken to her since she had come to visit him that day and had only communicated via a couple of e-mails.

So, he got up and retrieved the cordless handset and took it on the porch, so he wouldn't wake up JC. He seriously doubted a freight truck would wake up Josh, who was quite a heavy sleeper; but, he still wanted to be considerate and sat on one of the porch chairs. It was cool outside, but not so bad that he felt chilled. He dialed his parents house and put the phone to his ear.

He hadn't really thought much about it, but when a male voice answered, it quickly hit him that he hadn't talked to, nor had much of an inkling to talk to his dad since he left. But, he knew the Bass family was famous for its stubbornness and someone had to take the plunge. So, he spoke to his father, "Hi Dad".

There was a silence on the other end and Lance feared his father might just hang up. The truth was, he had no idea how his father was really doing. Sure, things had been bad at first and his mom had said that he was trying to deal, but it had been over a month since last contact and he may have calmed down.

The cool reply he got showed that maybe things weren't too hunky-dory, `Hello James. How are you?"

Lance tried to keep his pleasant tone, "Fine, thanks. I just wanted to call and see how things were going with everyone".

Again his father paused, "Okay, I guess."

Lance wanted to probe for a more expanded answer, but decided to leave well enough alone. He was about to just ask to speak to his mother, when his dad spoke up, "Son, can I say something?"

Lance prepared himself for a long tirade on the evils of homosexuality or how he had let his dad down or how he was Satan incarnate and awaited his dad's statement.

Instead, he was somewhat surprised, "I want you to know that I love you."

Lance was in shock. This was the last thing he expected his father to say and didn't know how to respond. So, he simply replied, "I love you too dad".

James was quiet on the other side; but Lance was too happy to even notice. His dad was never one for big emotion and this one statement showed Lance that he was at least making an effort to deal. For weeks, Lance wasn't sure how his dad felt and if he would stop loving him or even hate him. But, now he knew, no matter what he thought about Lance's lifestyle, at least he did love him.

James finally spoke, "Well, I'll let you talk to your mom," and he was gone before Lance could respond. His mom got on the line and they had a pretty normal conversation. He didn't mention what his dad said to his mom, but instead talked about regular things. It was actually quite nice to just shoot the breeze with his mom about random and unimportant issues. It made it feel like old times, and although she had an air of trepidation in her voice, at least her words were kind and not at all condemning.

They talked for a few more minutes and finally Lance said his good-byes. At one point in the talk, she had asked where he was and he told her about the beach house. She asked who he was with and he had blurted out Josh without even thinking. His mom's demeanor hadn't changed, so he wasn't sure if she even considered that they may have been there 'together'. She knew all the guys were close and maybe she just thought they were there as buddies. He did want to tell her about JC - about how much he loved him - but he would wait awhile.

After he hung up, he sat there, staring out at the sea. A couple of people were wandering along the beach and they exchanged casual waves. Luckily, the house was far enough away, that these people couldn't recognize him.

Lance felt himself crying again, but this time they were tears of happiness. For the first time in a while, he actually felt that his personal life was going to be okay. Sure, he had JC and they love each other, but even when they were together, there was a little piece of his heart that was hurting inside. And now, with his dad's acceptance, however vague it was, that part was beginning to heal and he felt warm inside.

The porch door opened and Lance looked over to see JC, dressed in sweat pants and a tank top, walk out with a cup of coffee in his hand. Josh, unlike Lance, loved coffee and probably would die without it.

He took a seat on Lance's chair and smiled at him. Lance ran a hand through his hair and smiled back, "I'm sorry if I woke you up".

JC sipped his coffee, "It wasn't you. I forgot that room gets all the morning light. As heavy as I sleep, I need darkness. Good coffee by the way".

Lance smiled and JC leaned back into his arms. They sat there, staring out at the water. People came and went, but they didn't move. Lance didn't really care what anyone thought. Chances are, they didn't really even notice it was two guys holding each other on the deck, but even if they had, Lance was glad to be in JC's arms and to feel his warmth pressed against him.

"Who were you talking to?" JC asked, pointing to the phone.

Lance told him about his phone call and what his dad said. JC sat up and faced his boyfriend and smiled, "I'm so happy for you. I know how much this has hurt you".

Lance leaned in and kissed Lance, tasting the hot coffee on his lips, "It does make me feel a lot better. It was like something was missing and now I feel a little more complete." He kissed JC again, this time more longingly, "I don't know how I would've gotten through this without you, Josh".

JC said nothing, but smiled. A slight breeze came and sent a chill through Lance. Suddenly, his T-shirt and boxers were feeling a little too light. JC saw him shiver and pressed his body against him, rubbing his arms. Lance felt the warmth return and hugged JC. He felt a hardness poking into his stomach and pulled back. JC's pants were somewhat tented out and Lance had to ask, "I guess I know what's on your mind this morning".

JC looked down and embarrassed said, "I told you it has a mind of it's own".

Lance got up, and pulled JC with him, "What do you say we go get showered and then drive into town for a nice breakfast".

JC kissed Lance, "Sounds great. Especially the first part". Lance smacked JC on the rear and followed him in the house.

The two guys spent the day in the small coastal town (which Lance didn't even know the name of) shopping and just hanging out. They got recognized, but most people left them alone. It still pained Lance to know that he couldn't show affection, but whenever he knew there was no one around, he managed to sneak in a peck on the cheek or firm grasp of JC's hand.

They headed back to the house as the sun was setting. JC had stopped by the grocery store and promised Lance a homemade meal. Lance had been privy to JC's various attempts at cooking over the years and dreaded what the outcome would be. Still, he loved the thought of someone cooking for him and when they got back he headed into the bedroom to lay down for a minute while JC cooked.

That minute turned into an hour and Lance would've probably slept for another two if a loud piercing sound hadn't awoken him with a startle. He shot up on the bed and tried to get his bearings. He finally realized the sound was the smoke detector and one glance over at the shut bedroom door made him see things weren't going well. Smoke was coming in through the door cracks and Lance shot up, running towards the kitchen.

The hallway was filled with smoke and he could barely make out JC's form standing there, swatting at the smoke detector for it to stop going off. Lance went up to JC, who jumped a little upon seeing him. His eyes were watery from the smoke and Lance grabbed a large wooden spoon from the counter and gave the detector one good whack. It shut off immediately and Lance led JC into the living room to catch his breath.

He went into the kitchen and saw the cause of the smoke. A frying pan, filled with some black something or other was on fire and emitting a large amount of fumes. He grabbed a lid and covered the food, dousing the fire. The smoke began clearing and he turned off the stove.

He walked back into the living room to see JC sitting there, with his head hung. He had black smudges on his face and his eyes were bloodshot. Lance couldn't help but laugh, but it was the last thing JC wanted to hear.

He stood up, a look of ire in his face, "You think this is funny? I nearly burnt down the place and ruined dinner and all you can do is laugh?"

Lance couldn't help himself and kept chuckling, "Come on, hon! It's funny!"

JC said nothing, but Lance could tell he hurt his feelings. JC turned around and went out onto the porch. Lance finally calmed down and realized what he had done. He headed out onto the porch, but JC spun around and screamed at him, "Leave me alone!" Lance backed up and JC tore off the deck, and headed towards the dark beach. In a minute he was enveloped in the blackness.

Lance felt bad for what he did and made a plan to try and make it right.

It was about 20 minutes later when JC reappeared on the beach. Lance was out on the sand, sitting on a blanket, with a pizza box by his side. There was also a bottle of wine and two glasses, already filled. JC smiled and sat next to Lance, saying nothing.

Lance handed JC the glass and he sipped it. Lance put his hand on JC's knee, knowing that he wasn't mad anymore. Still, he felt he should apologize, "Josh, I am so sorry for laughing at you".

JC shook it off, "You shouldn't be. I ran into a gas station on my walk and took a look at myself in the mirror. I would've laughed too".

Lance leaned into JC and kissed him, "You know I love you no matter how many smudges you have on your face".

JC was humbled, "Thanks. It's just that I had this nice dinner of barbecue chicken..."

Lance interrupted, "Was that what that was?"

JC glared at him, unamused, "Anyway, I wanted to make this night special for you".

Lance set down his glass, "What have I told you a million times? I don't care about what we do or where we do it. As long as you're here with me, I'm happy".

JC sipped his wine, "I'm sorry I stormed off like that. I need to control my temper".

Lance began massaging his shoulders, "I don't know. I kinda like you when you're aggressive".

JC kissed Lance, "You got that pizza kinda quick". Lance replied, "Well, I told the guy to put a rush on it and I'd make it worth his while". JC lifted the box lid and peeked in, "What kind did you get?"

Lance opened the box all the way, "It's actually barbecue chicken," he said laughing. Soon, JC laughed too and grabbed the box, tossing it to the side.

He pushed Lance down onto the blanket and put his weight on top of him. Lance was giggling.

"You think this is funny?" JC asked, jokingly.

Lance nodded and JC smirked, "God, you're cute when you're silly".

"I'm always cute, dear," Lance responded.

JC shook his head and climbed on top of Lance, straddling him. Lance smiled and began to grind his hips a little into JC's crotch. JC lowered his head down to Lance's and began to lightly kiss him. Soon, JC became more forceful with his lips, forcing his tongue into Lance's mouth. Lance took it eagerly and soon their mouths were entwined.

After a minute of making out, JC sat up, "What about the pizza?"

Lance looked over at the box lying in the sand, "I think I'd rather have a slice of JC for dinner".

JC laughed, "That was really bad you know".

Lance shrugged, "I know, but this will be better". Lance raised up and put his arms around JC, who was now sitting on his lap. JC pulled his legs so they wrapped around Lance's waist. Lance hungrily kissed JC and the makeout session resumed.

It was completely dark outside and the air was much chillier than that morning, but Lance was very hot. So hot in fact that he pulled his shirt off and helped JC do the same. Soon, his lips made their way to Josh's neck and finally to his hard nipples.

JC moaned lightly as Lance bit on JC's chest. His hand made it's way down to JC's belt and soon that was lying in the sand next to the pizza.

JC whispered, "Should we do this here? What if someone comes?"

Lance went up to JC's ear and nibbled, "The only people who are coming tonight are you and me".

JC smiled, "You are really bad tonight".

Lance leaned forward, causing JC to fall back on the blanket. Lance mounted him, "You ain't seen nothing yet, my boy".

Lance made his way down to the waistline of JC's jeans. He slipped one hand in them and began playing with the band of his underwear. With the other hand, he undid the button on the pants. He then gripped the zipper with his teeth and slowly led it down until the fly of JC's pants was fully open, revealing his swollen cock pressing against his briefs.

Lance eased JC's pants off and returned to the crotch. He placed his mouth against JC's underwear and lightly began blowing on his penis. JC shivered and squirmed a little. Lance now grabbed with both hands JC's waistband and began lowering his briefs. JC lifted his hips slightly to allow the underwear to slide down his legs and off his body.

Lance climbed between JC's legs and spread them apart. He took one hand and ran it down one thigh and up the other. JC's eyes were closed, and Lance knew he was really pleased. Lance moved his hand up to JC's penis and lightly rubbed against it. he then ran his fingers over JC's balls and down below them, stopping at his asshole. He ran against that lightly causing JC to shudder.

Lance removed his hands and lowered his face to JC's cock. He licked the shaft from the base to the tip and when he reached the head, he took the penis in his mouth. JC's cock twitched as Lance filled his mouth with JC's swollen member. JC was moaning louder now and Lance wondered if maybe they would get caught. But at this point he didn't care: all he wanted was to taste JC.

He moved his head up and down JC's cock, using his hands to cup his balls. The saliva on the penis would cool almost immediately when Lance exposed it to the cool air, which only seemed to excite JC more. He felt JV tense up some more and eased off.

He removed his mouth from JC and went down to his balls, taking them in his mouth. He suckled them, taking in the sweet aroma of JC's sweat and precum.

JC put his hand on his penis and began rubbing his cock. Lance saw this and grabbed his hand, stopping him. He removed it and went up to JC's face, kissing him, "Nope. I'm doing all the work tonight. You just lie back and enjoy it".

JC nodded and Lance returned to his cock, taking it in his mouth again. He thought back to the previous night when JC had swallowed his come for the first time and now Lance wanted to do the same. Not out of some sense of obligation, but because he wanted to taste all of JC and to have him feel warm lips wrapped around him as the orgasm ripped through his body.

Soon, JC was tensing up again and Lance knew what was coming. He began working quicker on JC's cock and soon he felt a flow of warm, salty liquid fill his mouth. He gagged a little, but soon his throat accepted the waves of come that poured in and he swallowed every drop of jizz.

He climbed off, still tasting the hot come on his lips. JC pulled him into a kiss and licked Lance's lips, as if he was cleaning them. Soon, Lance fell beside JC. JC turned to him, "Want me to relieve you now?"

Lance looked at him and shook his head, "No, I'm okay. I just want you to be happy".

JC ran his hands over Lance's bare chest, "I couldn't be happier now. Are you sure?"

Lance grinned, "No, I'm good. Besides, I don't want to get sand in my butt or anything".

JC pushed Lance away and laughed. He sat up and pulled on his underwear. Lance was starting to feel the chill of the night air, but he didn't want to move from this spot. So, he pulled JC back down and snuggled close to him. They lay there for the better part of an hour, not saying anything and enjoying the soft sounds of the nearby ocean.

Finally, JC spoke, "You know, I'm kinda hungry now."

Lance sat up, "Well, we could reheat the pizza in the microwave".

JC grabbed the box, "You think it's okay? Not too sandy?"

Lance grabbed it and got up, taking JC with him, "We better eat it. I told you I told the pizza guy I'd make it worth his while if he rushed it? Well, that rush cost me fifty bucks".

JC opened the door as the reached the deck. The smoky smell was still there, but there was no trace of it, "Well, I'm sure I'm worth it".

Lance closed the door when they got in and grabbed JC's head, pulling him into a big kiss, "Don't worry. You are".

Hope that you enjoyed this bit...probably gonna get into another story arc starting next chapter, but I assure you, Lance and JC will remain happy through this one...keep sending those comments.

Next: Chapter 17

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