Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 19, 2000


Well, here we go. Keep sending the feedback. That's all I have to say, except for the usual junk: you know it and you probably hate it, but please don't read this unless it's legal and this story is all made-up so it is not meant to imply anything about anyone's sexual orientation. Enjoy!

Chapter 19 - Things are getting out of hand

Lance and JC pulled into the parking lot of the hotel in Los Angeles about 3pm on Sunday. They had to be out of the house by one and spent some time driving around, just enjoying the coast and each other's company. Lance was feeling really relaxed. He had spent the night, sleeping in JC's arms and it had been one of the more peaceful night's sleeps he had gotten recently.

Lance got out of the car and grabbed the bags. JC said he had to go call the car rental guys and wait for them to come pick it up. Lance offered to wait with him, but JC, who hated unpacking, sent Lance on ahead to perform that duty.

When Lance got to the room, Joey and Chris were there, once again going at it over some shoot-em-up video game. Lance liked video games okay, but he never got into the whole slice-em/dice-em genre. He was happy with Super Mario Brothers, but he would never tell the guys that. He would never hear the end of it.

They smiled and waved when he walked in. He waved back and went into his bedroom to begin unpacking. A few minutes later, Lance heard some muffled voices and the front door closing. Next, he heard a knock and Joey stuck his head in, "You busy?"

Lance waved him in, "Nope, just putting away things. Did you beat Chris?"

Joey plopped down on the bed, "Of course. How was your weekend?"

Lance turned to Joey, "Wonderful. I think we really just needed some alone time".

"Yeah, and I'm sure the people in the room below you appreciate that you had your alone time away from them so they could sleep," Joey kidded.

Lance threw a T-shirt at him, "We aren't that loud, are we?"

Joey tossed the shirt back, "Naw, I'm just playing with ya. But, it sounds like things are going good with you and JC. So, where is your stud-puppy?"

Lance put some clothes in a drawer and shut it, "He's returning the rental car".

Joey laid there for a minute, looking at Lance, as if he was waiting for something. Lance kept glancing over at him and finally Joey gave up and spoke, "Well, aren't you gonna ask me about my weekend?"

It suddenly hit Lance that he had no idea how things with Drew had gone the other day. From the huge grin on Joey's face, he figured it must've gone well. Still, he wanted details and he asked, "So, did you enjoy your shopping spree with Drew?"

Joey nodded, "Yep, and the dinner afterwards and the movie after that".

Lance went to the bed and sat next to Joey, "So?"

Joey got coy, "Oh, I don't know. We just had fun, that's all".

Lance shoved him, "Please! I have never seen you grin so wildly in your life. You like him don't you?"

Joey sat up, "Is it that obvious?"

Lance responded, "Yep."

Joey collapsed on the bed again and began spouting like a giddy school girl, "Oh, Lance, Drew is so awesome! He's sweet, caring, not to mention hot as hell. And I think he likes me too".

"Well, that's great, Joe," lance said, "Are you gonna see him again?"

Joey said yes and added, "He's gonna be back in town tomorrow night to start promoting their new album and he wants to go out again".

Lance was truly happy for Joey. He had been so lonely the day before he and JC had left for the beach and he felt somewhat responsible for playing matchmaker. It warmed his heart to see someone else so happy. He just hoped the continued presence of Drew in their lives wouldn't upset Josh too much.

Joey turned to Lance, "That actually leads me to a question Drew told me to put to you and Josh".

Lance asked what it was and Joey went on, "Well, he was thinking maybe we could all go out on a double know me, you, Josh and Drew. If you feel comfortable".

Actually, Lance kind of liked the idea. Not that he didn't love spending alone time with JC, but it might be fun to go out with other people, especially those in the same boat more-or-less and hang out. Still, not everyone might like the idea and he told Joey, "Well, it sounds good to me, but it really depends on Josh."

"What depends one me?" a voice said and the guys spun around to the door to see JC standing there.

Joey got up, "Well then, I'll leave it to you. Just let me know so I can call and make plans".

He patted JC on the shoulder as he walked by and shut the door. JC sat next to Lance on the bed, "So, what's up? Another show or something?"

Lance shook his head, "No, actually, Joey was asking if you and I would be interested in going on a double date tomorrow with him and.Drew".

JC got up and enthusiastically said, "So, things went that well the other day with them. That's great!"

Lance got up off the bed and hugged JC, "So, it doesn't bother you?"

JC laughed, "Why would it bother me? I'm not mad at Drew. I know that what happened was a moment of weakness and not even really about sexual attraction or anything. I like Drew. He really does seem like a nice guy. And besides, if he's with Joe, then there is no chance my man will ever go to his room alone again".

JC was joking and Lance was relieved. He kissed JC on the chin, "Don't worry. The only person I want to be alone with right now is you".

JC looked over at the half unpacked bags, "You didn't finish your task".

Lance glanced at the bags and turned JC away from them, "Well, let me make it up to you," he said as he kissed JC and lowered him on to the bed.

The next night was the big date. JC and Joey were ready by seven, the time Drew was to arrive. But, JC, ever the fashion pioneer, was still trying to figure out his wardrobe for the night. So, when Drew arrived, the three guys who were ready sat in the living room, discussing various things. Drew and Joey sat close to each other on the loveseat and on more than one occasion, Lance noticed one or the other's hand slip down and brush the knee of the person next to them. Lance decided to give them a little privacy and excused himself to go check on JC.

When he got in the room, it looked like a tornado hit. JC was standing in the middle of a big pile of clothes clad in his boxers and tank top. He had a look of confusion on his face. Sometimes JC could be so indecisive and Lance was feeling hungry. So, he grabbed a pair of slacks and a blue button up shirt and tossed them at Josh, "You know you'll look fabulous no matter what you wear and I am starving".

JC smiled, "I will won't I?" He slipped on the clothes and in five minutes the foursome were headed out the door to this Italian place downtown. They were immediately seated in a special VIP section to keep fans away and Lance found out he felt entirely comfortable. Partly, it had to do with the fact that there were four guys instead of just two. Whenever he was alone with Josh, he always had this underlying feeling that people would think they were together and although it really didn't matter too much to him, he knew it couldn't get out. But, now, it was just four guys hanging out and no one would suspect a thing. Lance knew he was being overly paranoid, but he couldn't help it. They had to be careful.

But, not too careful that he couldn't slip his hand under the table and place it on JC's knee. They ordered their food and the conversation turned to coming out. Both JC and Lance recounted their stories of their trials and tribulations, which both eased Drew and Joey's concerns and scared them.

Drew took a sip of wine, "I just don't know about my family. I think my parents would be okay, but Nick has said stuff about gay people that leads me to believe he might not approve".

Lance asked, "Well, have you dropped any hints about it to him just to see?"

Drew nodded, "Yeah, one time I got Jeff to talk to Nick about one of his gay friends - which was me although he didn't name names - and Nick said he didn't care what anyone did, as long as they didn't hang around him".

"That sounds kinda harsh," JC chimed in.

"Yeah," Drew sighed, "So, I don't know. I think I need to tell our Justin first and if I can get him on my side it should help when I tell Nick".

Lance munched on a piece of bread, "So, you are gonna tell?"

"Someday soon. I mean before I never had a reason, but I think I may now," Drew turned and smiled at Joey and lightly squeezed his hand. Joey blushed and smiled back. The food arrived and the guys dug in.

Eventually, Lance turned to Joey, "So, what are you gonna do about telling the others?"

Joey set down his fork, "I don't know. I really don't plan on hiding it from the guys. I mean, Drew's gonna be around and I'm sure Chris and J might start asking questions."

JC reassured him, "Well, you know they'll be cool with it and if Justin acts anywhere near the way he did with me and Lance, it should be a breeze".

The guys laughed and Lance explained to Drew Justin's enthusiasm when they came out. He joined in on the giggling.

After a minute, Lance probed further, "What about the family?"

Joey paused, "That, I have no idea about. Maybe I'll tell them all over Thanksgiving".

Drew smirked, "That seems to be the time to tell everybody. I had a friend from college who told them then. It was something like `pass the turkey please and by the way, I like boys'. His parents flipped."

The guys shared another laugh at this, but Lance could tell this thing was weighing on Joey's mind. He knew this was one thing you could never really tell what the outcome would be and all he could do was offer his support.

After dinner, the guys took a stroll, doing all the touristy things. They went to Mann's Chinese Theater and walked along the Walk of Fame. Lance thought it was cheesy, but it was still fun to just be out, having a good time.

The guys eventually found themselves at a club. The crowd was a mix of gays and straights and the four agreed this would be a good place to party. It still bothered Lance, because he couldn't dance with JC the way he wanted to, but at least he could watch him shake it around a little bit and get him in the mood for when they got home tonight. Not that Lance needed much stimulation to get in the mood. Just the thought of Josh's sweaty torso caused a stir in his pants.

They walked in the club and since it was still early, the place wasn't too crowded. They got their share of looks and even a couple of young women came up for their autographs. Then, as they sat down in a booth in the back corner, a man who was obviously gay, approached and asked for their autograph. Lance knew they had lots of gay fans, but as he signed his name on a cocktail napkin, he secretly envied the guy, who be so open about his sexuality and never have to hide.

Lance had wrestled with this dilemma for years. He knew there were tons of people who probably would hate him if he came out, both gay and straight. He knew he could be a positive role model for the gay community, but right now he wasn't ready for it. And it wasn't fair to the other guys to potentially destroy their livelihood so he could be politically correct. There were pros and cons to the whole thing and he had to sort through them, but for now, he had to be discreet.

JC and Joey got up and headed to the dance floor, while Lane and Drew hung back, drinking.

"You don't wanna dance?" Lance asked as he sipped in his Coke.

"No," Drew replied, "I like dancing okay, but I'm not the best dancer. In fact," he said pointing to JC, "compared to your guy there, I dance about as well as Will Smith."

"You think the Fresh Prince can't dance?" Lance asked.

Drew smiled, "Have you seen the guys videos? I mean I like him and all, but he has less rhythm that Vanilla Ice".

Lance faked a shiver, "That's cold man".

Drew laughed and drank from his glass, "JC seems to be cool with me here tonight".

Lance replied, "Yeah, he's a great guy. Sees the best in everyone and forgives easily. Guess that's why I love him so much".

Drew looked at Joey, who was now dancing with some young lady, "I think I could fall for Joey, you know?"

Lance was glad to hear that. Joey seemed to be genuinely interested too and was happy Drew felt the same. He congratulated him, "That's great Drew".

Joey smiled at Drew, who returned it, "He's just so funny and crazy and spontaneous."

Lance jumped in, "And eats like a pig".

Drew sneered at Lance, "Hey, he needs to eat well, what with all the energy he is expending."

Lance wanted to ask what that meant, but dropped it. He thought from the joking tone of Drew's comment, they weren't at that advanced stage in their relationship, but he would find out in time if and when Joey wanted to say something. So, he just sat back and watch JC dance, his face already dripping sweat. He couldn't wait to get him home and make him sweat some more.

They stayed at the club for a couple of hours at which point it started getting crowded and the autograph requests became more frequent. They slipped out the back door into their awaiting car and they headed back to Drew's hotel. He was staying with the other 98 Degreers in a place across town from JC and Lance's place. Still, Joey wanted to make sure Drew got home safely, so he drove. Drew had taken a cab to meet them and wasn't sure of the directions, but after stopping at two convenience stores, they made it back.

Drew had a key to the back entrance, because even though they weren't as big as NSYNC, 98 Degrees still had their share of loyal and aggressive fans. When they pulled up, Drew and Joey got out, while Lance and JC snuggled in the back seat.

"They really are cute together. Joey likes him a lot," JC said as he pulled Lance close.

Lance took in the sweet scent of JC's sweat as he kissed him lightly on the neck, "Yeah, Drew's into him too. I think we have a love connection".

JC kissed Lance back, "I know we said the guys were gonna be okay with this, but I know how close Joe and Chris are and he wasn't exactly jumping for joy about us. He might not take Joey's revelation too well".

Lance had thought about that. Joey was closest to Lance and Chris in the group and while Lance was there to keep Joey grounded, Chris was his outlet whenever he needed to get wild and crazy. Sure, Chris was okay now, but he might see Joey's announcement as having lied earlier and not trusting him enough.

Lance sighed, "Guess we'll just have to deal with that when it comes up".

JC was looking out the window, "Well, it probably isn't too far off".

Lance looked up and saw what JC meant. Joey and Drew were standing under the archway of the back door, kissing. It was an innocent kiss, but meaningful.

Things were going well with them and JC was right: this was going to be out in the open (at least group-wise) sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, the number of people they had to make their announcement to was about to be shortened as Nick Lachay came bursting out of the back door, a look of anger and disgust on his face. JC and Lance slouched down in their seat, but still high enough they could see what was going on.

They didn't stay low long, as Nick punched Joey in the mouth, sending him sprawling to the ground. JC and Lance jumped out of the car. Lance never saw JC run so fast and when he got to the guys, he tackled Nick, sending them flying into the big glass door. A crack ran up the paned glass and JC backed away. Nick tried catching his breath and when he did, he came at Josh again.

But, Drew, who was in shock saw this, he jumped between JC and Nick and stopped his brother. Lance ran to Joey to se if he was okay. His nose was bleeding.

"Stop it dammit!" Drew screamed, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Nick laughed, "Me? This faggot is the one who came and attacked me!"

"Only after you hit Joey!" JC screamed. Lance helped JC up and went over to JC in case he needed to halt him from advancing again.

"Well, he was kissing my brother. How should I act?" Nick cried out.

Drew got in his older brother's face, "Hit him again and you'll have to deal with this faggot, Nick".

Nick backed off, "Man, I told you hanging out with a bunch of queers like them would change you".

Drew shot back on the verge of tears, "I was gay long before I met any of them."

Nick said nothing but just gave them all a dirty look. He turned and headed back inside, opening the door. As he stepped inside he turned around and looked at the guys, "There is no way I'm gonna let you get away with making my brother queer".

Nick went inside, slamming the door behind him. Drew went to Joey and hugged him, "God, I'm so sorry. I never thought he would be violent".

Joey shushed him, "It's okay. I'm sure he's in shock".

JC looked at Joey appalled, "I can't believe you would defend him after he just decked you like that".

Joey said nothing, but turned to Drew, "You'd better go talk to him".

Drew nodded and hugged Joey again. Without saying goodbye he ran inside, slamming the door also. Lance pulled out his handkerchief and handed it to Joey to clean up. Joey looked at the guys and whispered, "Let's just go home".

The ride back was silent, although both JC and Joey were pissed. A little was at each other for their comments about Nick and the other was just at the situation in general. When they got in, the suite was silent. JC sent Lance into the room, telling him he had to talk to Joey. Lance went into the bedroom and stripped to his boxers. The mood for sex had long disappeared and now he felt so drained he just wanted to sleep.

He must've drifted off, because the next thing he knew, he felt JC's warm body slide in behind him and pull him close.

"Is everything okay?" Lance asked.

JC sighed, "Yeah. I told him I was sorry for saying what I did. I was just so mad. He told me he was only defending Nick because he was Drew's brother and he didn't want to make things worse. I see his point now."

Lance turned around to face JC and looked into his blue eyes, "You were angry. It was a volatile situation. I don't think anyone was thinking straight - no pun intended."

JC chuckled, "Right. Now, if you don't mind, Mr. Bass, I think I want to kiss you and then go to sleep".

Lance smiled, "That sounds great, Mr. Chasez".

The next morning, Lance got up early and made his way into the living room. Joey was in there with Chris and Justin. They both were sitting there quiet. Lance could tell from their expressions, that Joey had told them the whole story about the previous night, which meant they knew about his being bi.

Justin looked up when Lane came in and smiled, "Well, looks like you have another member to add to your ranks".

Lance sat down next to Chris, "Only halfway there".

Chris looked up at Joey, "Justin, just swear to me you don't like boys".

Justin crossed his heart, "Promise guy".

Chris looked over at Joey, "Dude, I wish you had told me, but it doesn't change a thing. I can still get farther on Resident Evil than you can".

Joey smiled, as did Lance. Chris seemed to be okay with it. Joey hugged Chris, who playfully shoved him off, "Look, you aren't gonna recruit me, okay?"

Justin looked over at Joey, "So, Nick was really pissed, huh?"

Joey nodded, "I just hope Drew talked him down".

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Chris got up and opened it. Drew was standing there, a look of anxiety on his face. JC walked out of the bedroom and saw the seriousness in the room, "What's going on?"

Drew walked in, "We got a problem. I went to talk to Nick last night and he wouldn't listen to me. Then, this morning, I caught him on the phone scheduling a press conference".

Justin didn't understand, "What, about your new album or something?"

Drew shook his head, "No. He told me he's gonna tell the press about us".

Okay, I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger today. I also have to tell everyone that I am going out of town for a few days, so the next part won't be up until next week. Sorry about that, but I won't be around a computer at all. Still, send in your ideas and comments. I'd love to have lots of feedback when I get home!

Next: Chapter 18

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