Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 25, 2000


I am back...thanks to all of those that wrote is my 20th installment! I can't believe I've written this much and there's plenty more coming. Keep those responses coming!

You know it and you hate it, I'm sure - this story is fiction and in no way implies these people's sexuality. And if it is illegal to read this, please go away and find a nice G-Rated website.

Chapter 20 - I just wanna tell you how I feel

Joey was pacing the room, wearing a look of worry that rarely surfaced. He hardly ever let anything get to him, but Drew's revelation that Nick was about to blab to the world that his brother, along with three members of NSYNC had homosexual tendencies made him nervous.

Chris and Justin had gone off to contact Johnny their manager to prepare him and see if he could talk to 98 Degrees' manager and get Nick to back off.

JC didn't appear as worried though, "Look guys, Nick isn't stupid. He has to know that by telling the press he's risking his own career".

Drew, who was standing by the window turned to the others, "I don't think he's really thought it out. He's just so irate".

"Well, maybe after he's calmed down a little, he'll rethink his plan, Lance offered.

Drew shook his head, "We talked - actually, we yelled - all night about this. I tried to calm him down, but he's just so mad. I've never seen him this way.

We all tried to calm him down. Jeff finally had to separate us because things almost got physical".

Drew sat down, placing his head in his hands. Joey went over to him and sat down on the couch, putting an arm around him.

JC took Lance aside, `What are we going to do? He's supposed to make his announcement at two, which gives us just a couple of hours to stop him."

Lance had been thinking of this ever since Drew walked in the door. And the more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He wasn't sure if this anger was all directed at Nick or not. He was mad at the guy for hitting Joey the night before and he didn't like the way he was treating his own brother, but part of it he figured was misguided anger towards his family for not totally accepting him. He could deal somewhat because he didn't have to see them every day, but Nick and Drew were together all the time and it made him red in the face to think his own blood could be so cruel.

He glanced over at Drew, who was on the verge of tears and turned to JC, "I'll be back in a little while".

JC grabbed Lance's arm, "You're not going to do anything stupid are you?"

Lance said nothing, but kissed him on the lips, "I'll be fine".

He glanced over at Joey, nodded towards him and walked out the door, feeling JC's worried gaze upon him. He really didn't know what he was going to say or do, but he knew this had to end now.

Fifteen minutes later, Lance found himself at the door of Nick Lachay's hotel room. He heard voices on the other side, sometimes loud and knew that Nick was still mad. He knocked. The voices stopped and a second later, Jeff Timmons opened the door. He opened his eyes wide and quickly shut the door behind him.

"Lance! You shouldn't be here," he sympathetically said.

Lance stood firm, "I need to see Nick. There is no way he's gonna out us".

Jeff understood, "Look, I see why you're upset and I think I can talk him out of this. He's just mad".

Lance grimaced, "Well, he has no right to be mad, Jeff".

"I know he's being irrational," Jeff began, "But he can't help how he's feeling".

Lance's voice rose, "Well, you know what? I am tired of people being mad about something so petty as other people's personal lives. I know they're brothers and all, but this is not the worst thing that could happen."

Jeff tried to calm Lance down, "Look, I just don't think that you're being here is gonna make things easier. I mean, if he's not listening to his best friend, he's not gonna listen to you".

Lance grabbed Jeff's arm, "I have to. For Drew, for Joey, for Josh and for me".

Jeff lowered his head and stepped aside. Lance gave him a reassuring smile and opened the hotel room door. He stepped inside.

The place was quiet. He heard movement coming from the bathroom and sat on the bed, waiting for Nick to emerge. A minute later, the bathroom door opened and Nick walked out. His expression was still angry, but upon seeing Lance his face got red and he just stared at him, clenching his fists.

Lance was deathly afraid. Nick was bigger than him and Lance knew he would be no threat if this thing turned ugly. Still, he didn't show his fear and stood up, pointing to Nick's fists, "So, do you want to hit me now or can we talk like civilized humans?"

Nick said nothing, but did release his hands. He turned away from Lance and went to the minibar, pulling out a Coke, "What the fuck do you want?"

Lance decided he was going to be as calm as he could for as long as he could, "I think you're making a big mistake by planning on outing us. You have to know the career ramifications, Nick".

Nick spun around, "You know? I didn't want to hear it from Jeff and I sure as hell don't want to hear it from you".

Lance was getting a little angry, but pressed on, "You have no right to expose us. What we do is our business".

Nick walked up and got in Lance's face, "No, my business is this group. I started it and I won't have queers like you and Fatone screwing it up".

Lance was still calm, "And you think by going public with this, you're gonna help things?"

Nick backed down and turned away, "Look, I honestly don't give a rat's ass who you stick your dick in, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you corrupt my brother".

Lance decided to cut to the chase, "Nick, let's cut all the bullshit okay? This is not about the band or your career. You just can't accept the fact that your brother is gay, is that it?"

Nick turned around and for the first time, Lance saw a hint of sadness in his expression. That quickly went away as he sneered at Lance, "My brother is not a fag".

Lance sat down on the bed, "Yes he is and he was that way long before Joey came in the picture".

Nick slammed his Coke down on the table, "No he wasn't! He's always had girlfriends. And I know he's had sex with them".

Lance got up and laughed, which angered Nick. Lance explained, "You think that sex is what makes someone gay or straight? Josh had lots of sex with women before we got together and he is 100 percent gay. That means nothing".

Nick fell silent, as if he knew and understood exactly what Lance was saying. Lance walked up to Nick, his voice calm again, "He's still you're little brother, Nick".

Nick turned away, "Things were fine until Joey came along".

Lance looked at Nick, "You knew about him didn't you?"

Nick held his head down, "I knew he wasn't into girls the way the rest of us are, but I didn't want to admit it. I would even say some gay jokes to see if it got to him, which it did. I just don't want this to change things".

Lance replied, "It's not. So, he likes boys. He still dances, sings and acts like the Drew from two days ago. Come on, Jeff had a child and that didn't change the dynamic of the group. You still love him".

Nick nodded, "I do love Drew. I just don't want him making a mistake and then regretting it".

Lance put a hand on Nick's shoulder, which could've been bad, but Nick didn't squirm, "From the way he was this morning, almost in tears, I would say the only thing he regrets is you finding out the way you did".

"It was just a big shock," Nick began, "I mean you think things about people, but actually seeing him act on those feelings is almost too much to bear".

Lance backed away from Nick, "It's gonna take time. Believe me I know about giving people space. But, right now he needs love, not anger".

Nick nodded again, "I know. I know that our management would never let me do that. Truth is, I never actually called any press people. I wouldn't have.

I was just so mad".

Lance responded, "It's okay to have emotions - even negative ones. But, don't take them out on people."

Nick knew what he was talking about, "I'm sorry I hit Joey. I should call him".

"Well, you can kill two birds with one stone. Come back with me, apologize to Joe and talk to your brother".

Nick said nothing, but went to his dresser and grabbed his keys. As they opened the door, they were nearly knocked over by Jeff and Justin Jeffries, who were obviously listening in. They acted nonchalant when Lance walked by, but Jeff gave him a slight smile. Nick apologized to the guys from being so crazy and followed Lance onto the elevator.

The reunion was tense, but at least it happened. Joey almost blocked the door upon seeing Nick, but when Lance appeared a second later, he let him in. Nick immediately apologized to Joey for hitting him, and Joey reluctantly accepted it. Joey led Nick and Drew into his room, so they could do some talking.

Chris and Justin were back and reiterated the fact that there never really was a press conference and Johnny was calling 98 Degrees' guys to just discuss some things. Justin told everyone that he made it clear to Johnny that the Jive guys were to be kept out of this if possible. All they needed was the bigwigs there butting in and trying to do damage control. Lance remembered the last time they interfered and the chaos it caused.

Luckily, Johnny also got their rehearsal for the day cancelled, so Chris seized the opportunity to go get his hair cut. Justin, who Lance noticed looked kinda withdrawn, declined to go with Chris and slinked into his room.

JC and Lance settled on the couch, snuggling.

"Did I tell you how proud I am of you for standing up to Nick. Joey's gonna love you". JC said as they stared at the clouds through the living room window.

"He can love me, just not LOVE me," Lance joked. JC laughed and they sat in silence for a second.

Lance sighed, "I just wish I could stand up to my father like that".

JC squeezed Lance close to him, "It's easier to confront someone you aren't so connected with, and even easier when it's not totally about you".

"Yeah, Josh, but I know that anger I was feeling was mostly aimed at my father. I was afraid that I was gonna hit Nick".

JC laughed and kissed Lance's neck, "I'm glad you didn't because I don't think I would find you as attractive with your teeth in your hand".

Lance sat up, "I'm serious Josh".

JC sat up and held Lance's hand, "Honey, I know. I'm sorry. But, if you're this unhappy about the situation with your dad, go talk to him".

Lance was not happy now, "It's not that easy. My family isn't doing flips like yours".

JC stood up and replied defensively, "That's not being fair. My family is accepting, but hardly what I would call doing flips. Well, maybe my sister".

Lance got up and smiled, "She was a little excited for us, wasn't she?"

JC hugged Lance, "Maybe we should get her and Justin together".

Lance kissed JC, "Speaking of Justin, he seemed kinda upset today. Did you notice?"

JC nodded, "Yeah, maybe I should go talk to him".

Lance spoke up, "I'm sorry about what I said. I guess I still have issues I need to deal with".

JC touched Lance on the nose and traced his finger down to his lips, "It's okay. This thing got us all on edge a little. You can make it up to me".

Lance rubbed his crotch into JC, who backed away, "Actually, if you want to make it up to me, you can go talk to Curly and see what's wrong with him".

Lance backed away and saluted JC, "Just call me Ann Landers".

JC headed into the bedroom, "I'd rather not".

Lance knocked on Justin's door and was okayed in. Justin was lying on his bed, watching something on the TV, although Lance could tell he wasn't paying much attention.

Lance sat next to him on the bed, "Well, I figure I'm on a roll today with solving other people's problems, I though I would see what's wrong with you".

Justin mumbled something and then shut off the TV, "Just some women troubles, man. I can deal".

Lance laid down next to Justin, "Well, tell me about it anyway. I may not understand women all that well, but..."

Justin broke in, "What are you talking about? You ARE a woman!"

Lance reached back and grabbed a pillow and flung it at Justin's head. Justin laughed and rolled off the bed, avoiding being hit. Lance got up and was ready to pounce on Justin, but Justin shot up, causing Lance to fall back on the bed. Justin grabbed the pillow from the floor and began hitting Lance. Lance screamed for him to stop.

Justin stopped the hitting and settled on the bed next to Lance, "You scream like a girl too, buddy".

Lance sat up, "Look, I'm just trying to be helpful".

Justin sighed, "I know and I appreciate it. It's just I'm trying to avoid dealing".

Lance got serious, "Well, if you wanna talk, I'm here".

Lance got up, but Justin stopped him, "It's just this thing with Brit. I'm worried she's getting to get more serious than I am".

Lance sat back down and Justin continued, "You know the press is really speculating on the whole couple thing and we tried denying it for awhile, but there's too many people saying we're together and I think Britney's ready to go public".

Lance spoke, "Is that really a bad thing?"

Justin lowered his head, "I don't know. I think she's in love with me and I don't know if I feel the same about her yet".

Lance sympathized, "I love Josh more than anything, but when we started dating, he had much stronger feelings than I did. It was a little hard to deal at first, but he was patient with me and I know Britney will do the same. Just be honest with her".

Justin smiled, "I do really like her".

Lance put a reassuring hand on Justin's back, "Then tell her and let her know your true feelings. You gotta talk or nothing's gonna happen".

Justin turned to Lance and hugged him, "Thanks, man. You should write an advice column".

"I'd rather just start charging for my advice. I could make a ton".

Justin laughed and Lance got up. Justin told Lance he was going to call Britney and meet her for dinner that night. Lance gave him a thumbs up and walked out into the living room, where Joey sat.

Lance plopped down next to him, "Drew and Nick still here?"

Joey shook his head, "No, we had a group talk for awhile and then they went off to have a brotherly chat. I think Nick will come around".

"Good," Lance replied, "I just think he needed to get over the shock of it all. He really does love his brother".

Joey agreed, "Yeah, but he still hurt me with his words not to mention his fist and that's gonna take a while to get over".

"I hear ya," Lance said as he stood up, "Has Josh come out of the room?"

Joey answered, "Nope". He got up, "I wanted to say thanks for helping out.

You are the master".

Lance shrugged, "I do what I can for those I love".

Joey leaned into Lance, "If you do stuff like this for me, I can only imagine what you give to JC - oh wait, I don't have to, because I hear it every night!"

Lance playfully shoved Joey. Joey laughed and headed to the door, "I called Chris and we're gonna meet for a late lunch. Wanna come?"

Lance shook his head and pointed to the door, "I'm gonna see what Josh is up to?"

Joey opened the door, "Or maybe what's up on Josh?" He ducked out before Lance could reply.

It didn't really surprise Lance that JC was taking a nap when he walked in the room. It didn't matter what time of day it was - he could always sleep.

But, the night before had been busy and Lance knew that JC hadn't slept well. He knew because he was tossing and turning all night too. So, he settled onto the bed and snuggled up to JC who unconsciously wrapped his arms around Lance.

Lance fell into a light sleep. He always had trouble napping when the room was bright and their hotel room faced the afternoon sun. The blinds were closed, but it was still light. At one point, Lance heard Justin poke his head in the room. Then, he heard the door close and knew J had gone out somewhere. He was all alone with Josh and cursed himself because he was too tired to enjoy it.

Eventually, he fell into a deeper sleep, because when he opened his eyes again, he noticed it was close to four o'clock. The hotel suite was still silent. Lance felt JC's hot breath on his neck become less rhythmic, which meant he was waking up.

JC squeezed Lance into him, and Lance felt the slight bulge of his lover pressing into his butt. He moved a little, causing JC to stir. He felt Josh lift his head and kiss Lance on the neck, "How'd your talk with J go?"

Lance turned around and faced JC, "Good. Just Britney problems. He's gonna talk with her tonight to discuss his feelings".

JC wasn't fully awake yet, so Lance didn't go into detail, since he would probably have to explain later again. JC asked, "What about Joe?"

Lance again replied with a short answer, "I think things are gonna be okay with that."

"Good," JC said as he inched closer to Lance and kissed him on the lips. Lance felt Josh's hand trail down to his crotch, which was getting harder by the second. JC massaged Lance's penis over his pants and unbuttoned the top of his jeans. He began slipping the zipper down and grabbed Lance's now-hard cock through his boxers.

Lance moaned and JC kissed him again. He began nibbling on his ear and whispered, "Can Poofu come out to play?"

Lance laughed and sat up, "Of course, but first we need to brush our teeth.

It may be afternoon, but you have morning breath something awful".

JC got up, "You sure know how to charm a guy".

Lance helped JC up and they brushed their teeth. Then, they started kissing - a lot. By the time they made it back to the bed, they were both stripped to their underwear and those were off by the time they climbed under the covers.

Lance immediately began sucking on JC's lips, forcing his tongue into his lover's awaiting mouth. Lance slid down to JC's neck and began sucking on it. He wanted to be careful not to give him a hickey, but he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to taste every inch of JC. He made his way down to his nipples and took one in his mouth. Unlike Lance, JC had chest hair, which tickled him slightly as his mouth suckled on JC chest.

Although Lance loved all of JC, it was his cock he wanted at that moment and before he knew it, his mouth was engulfing the rigid shaft of his boyfriend. JC let out a loud moan and Lance really did wonder if the others heard them at night. He took one hand and cupped JC's balls and began fondling them. His mouth moved up and down JC's penis, licking the head all the way down to the balls.

Lance moved off the cock and moved his mouth over JC's nuts, taking them into his mouth. He used his other hand to gently rub JC's moist dick. Soon, he felt JC tense up and as he licked the underside of JC's balls, he felt a wetness cover his hand as JC shot his load.

Lance quickly moved up and licked the head of JC's penis, taking in the last bit of the come. He then ran his tongue up JC's chest, licking some of the jizz off of him. He made his way up to JC's mouth and kissed him. JC hungrily accepted the salty kiss and Lance found himself on top of his lover, the wet semen between their hot bodies.

JC pulled free of the kiss and looked at Lance, "I want you to fuck me".

Lance stopped and sat up, "Excuse me? Isn't that my line?"

JC smiled, "Not today. Today I want to feel how you feel when I make love to you".

Lance wasn't sure. He had never topped before, but the thought did excite him. He could tell JC really wanted it and he began to climb off the bed to grab some lubricant. JC stopped him and ran a hand over his cum-soaked chest. He took his wet hand and ran it up and down Lance's throbbing cock, lubing it up. While JC did that, Lance reached around behind him and slowly inserted his own cum-soaked finger into JC's tight hole. JC moaned and stopped rubbing Lance for a second. He gave Lance a reassuring look and Lance inserted another finger.

Soon, JC was relaxed and Lance climbed between his legs. He placed the head of his penis against JC's ass and slowly pressed it in. JC winced in pain and Lance pulled out. He gave JC a minute to recoup and JC stared at Lance, "It's okay. I want this".

Lance tried again and soon his penis was in. JC was obviously in pain and Lance moved slowly, allowing him time to adjust. Soon, however, Lance could feel his pubic hair against JC's cheeks and knew he was in all the way. He sat there for a minute and leaned on top of Josh.

JC had sweat running down his face, which expressed both pain and pleasure.

Lance wondered if it was the way he looked when JC fucked him. He stared at JC for a minute, before JC finally asked, "Are you gonna stay this way all day or are you gonna fuck me?"

Lance smiled and slowly began moving his dick in and out of JC's hole. JC was tight and Lance could feel it clamping on his dick, which sent wonderful sensations through him every time he thrust. He didn't know if he would prefer being a top or a bottom after all was said and done; but, right now he loved the thought of filling up JC and shooting his wad into his lover.

JC grabbed his dick, which was fully erect again and began stroking it. He was definitely in the throes of pleasure now and he moaned lightly everytime Lance's cock rubbed against his prostate. Soon, Lance began pumping faster and he knew his orgasm was inevitable. JC stroked his cock faster and soon another load of milky cum sprayed out onto his chest. Lance felt the tightness run through all of JC's body, especially on Lance's cock. This sent him over the edge and soon he was shooting his own load inside of his boyfriend.

After he had finished, he gently pulled out of JC. JC was silent, his sweat and cum soaked chest heaving up and down. Lance fell next to JC and breathed into his ear. He was also sweaty and still recovering from one of the most intense orgasms he had ever had.

Finally JC spoke, "I think we'll be doing that again!"

Lance sat up, "Fine with me. As long as we can do it the other way too".

JC climbed off the bed, "Don't worry. The other way works for me".

Lance joined JC as they walked into the bathroom and climbed into the shower. Both guys were tired again and the shower time was remarkably unsensual. Still, it felt nice to Lance to have JC's body pressed against his as the cum and sweat washed away from their bodies.

Afterwards, they got dressed and decided to go out to dinner and then come back to "try the other way" as they had talked about earlier. They had both worked up a hearty appetite and needed to refuel for the night ahead. As they got onto the elevator, Lance kissed JC, "I love you, Josh".

JC kissed him back, "Me too. I hope this never ends".

There is it...hope it was worth the wait for you! More is coming...send in the comments!

Next: Chapter 19

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