Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 26, 2000


Here ya go...not much to say...thanks to those that write and if you don't - start! :o)

For those legal minded people - I do not know any of the people in this story, nor their life choices - it is entirely made up. Period. Enjoy!

Chapter 21 - It makes me ill

The mall was unusually deserted, which suited Lance just fine. As hard as he and the others tried to remain incognito, it seldom worked and they almost always got hounded by fans.

It was the middle of the week and lunchtime, so kids were in school and the only people in the food court at that time were business people, rushing to finish their Big Macs so they could get back to their offices. Lance sometimes envied these people - ones who had a set schedule that rarely wavered. They knew what the next few weeks had in store for them. In his profession, Lance was lucky if he knew three days in advance of things. Impromptu fan gatherings or interviews popped up often and it sometimes got to him.

But, today, Lance was not going to worry about anything. Rehearsal had ended early that day, due largely to the fact that Chris was sick as a dog. He had gotten the flu from Dani when she had visited a the previous weekend and now he was out of commission for a couple of days.

This gave Lance and JC plenty of time to spend with each other and Lance was glad of it. Things had been going so well with Josh recently and he wanted to enjoy every second of it. So, when they got the extra time off, Lance suggested a simple day of shopping.

JC had agreed and invited Joey and Drew along to join them. Drew was heading off to New York the next day to do a special for MTV about their new album and Lance was actually looking forward to seeing him one last time. Joey, on the other hand, was not so happy, since he knew their time was short and Lance made a note to himself to pay extra attention to his bandmate over the next few days.

So, the four of them had put on disguises (basically hats and baggy clothes) and made their way to the local mall. The first thing they decided to do was get some food, so they made their way to the food court. Lance hit Taco Bell, while JC and Joey hit the pizza place. Drew got Chinese and soon they were all sitting at a table, munching and talking. Lance liked the idea of having some other guys (especially ones who were in a couple) to talk to. Lance had felt like an outsider for so many years and it was great to be with other people in the same boat as him.

After they had eaten, JC wanted some ice-cream and Drew agreed. Lance and Joey were full, so they passed. Drew gave Joey a 'friendly' pat on the back before heading off. Joey sighed and played around with the remains of his pizza.

Lance tried to console his friend, "Feeling a little down? He'll be back in a week and you can see him then".

Joey shrugged, "I know, but a week seems like an eternity and that's not really all".

Lance's interest was piqued, so he asked. Joey hesitated and then asked bluntly, "Is JC hung?"

Lance nearly choked on his drink and stared at Joey. He didn't expect that question and just stared at Joey, expecting an explanation. Joey saw he didn't really make himself clear and elaborated, "What I mean is, well, I think it's pretty obvious from some of the clothes he wears that he's somewhat endowed."

Lance was quiet, so Joey continued, "I'm not trying to pry or anything".

Lance stopped him, "No, it's okay and I guess you are right about the clothes thing. I guess he's proud of what his mama gave him".

Joey smiled, "So, I take it that's a yes?"

Lance nodded, "Yeah, I would say he's bigger than average".

"So, I'm assuming he's bigger than you?" Joey meekly asked.

Lance thought for a second, "Well, it's not a cocktail wiener, but it isn't as big as his".

Joey sipped his drink, "I didn't mean to offend you. I was just wondering if it bothers you that he is bigger than you".

Lance set down his cup, "You know, I honestly haven't really thought about it. I'm fine with mine and he's never complained. Does this have something to do with Drew?"

Joey's face got blushed and Lance leaned in, "So, I take it you've seen each others' members?"

Joey nodded, "Last night was our first time together. We didn't do too much - mostly oral stuff. But, it was so incredible. I like women and all, but being with a man is so different in a good way".

Lance couldn't really compare, but still hadn't put the whole thing together, "I'm happy for you guys. But, what does this have to do with the size thing?"

Joey looked around to see if anyone was around. Lance spotted JC and Drew, still in line at the Baskin Robbins and pointed them out to Joey. Joey turned back to Lance, "Well, it's just that I'm bigger than Drew. Don't get me wrong, he's amply endowed and looks great. But, when he first saw mine, I got the sense that he was kinda disappointed".

"Because you're bigger than him? Don't most gay guys like big ones?" Lance asked jokingly.

Joey cocked his head, "I don't know. I just think maybe he feels that I won't like him because he's not as big."

Lance responded, "But you do. So, tell him it doesn't matter".

"Well, usually when that topic would come up, we're not exactly at the talking stage".

Lance spoke, "Well, just make a point out of complimenting it next time you see it. Don't make a big deal. Has he never been with other guys before?"

Joey began cleaning up his tray, "A couple, but I don't think anything serious. And we don't really talk about it. I just don't want him to go away tomorrow thinking anything but good thoughts".

Lance glanced over at Drew, who was now at the counter ordering. He looked over at Joey and smiled. Lance turned to Joey, "I don't think you have to worry. That guy is crazy about you".

Joey seemed satisfied and got up to clean his tray, "You know what? I think I do want some ice-cream now".

Joey headed off to buy some and JC returned with a sundae with two spoons. He sat down, "Thought you might want a bite".

Lance squeezed JC's knee, "I hope you're not talking about the ice-cream".

JC took a bite, "I am now, but later I won't be".

Lance faked pouting, "And I thought you were gonna drip it all over my body and lick it off".

JC lifted a spoonful and fed it to Lance, "It's kinda sticky and there'll be plenty of sticky stuff on us afterwards".

Lance took a bite. JC scooped up some more, "So, what were you dispensing advice to Joey about?"

Lance sighed, "I have to get out of this advice business. Everyone's gonna be coming to me with problems".

JC still wanted an answer, but Lance skimmed over it, "Nothing much. We were actually discussing how we could swap partners without you guys catching on".

JC looked over at Joey and Drew, who were laughing over their dripping cones, "I think the beard would give it away".

Lance smiled and moved his hand up JC's thigh a little, causing a stir. He raised his eyebrows and smiled and the other guys made their way back to the table. As they sat down, a young girl walked over to the table, "Can I get your autograph?"

"Guess our cover's blown," lance said as he smiled, "Of course you can. You want all of ours?"

The girl looked around the table and stopped on Drew, "Aren't you in 98 Degrees?" Drew nodded and she went on, "I thought all the boybands hated each other?"

Drew turned to Joey and smiled, "No, we get along really well".

If only she knew how well, Lance thought as he signed his name and passed the paper over to JC. He sipped his drink again and thought about what Joey had talked about. He hadn't thought about it before, but now he was wondering.

"Are you satisfied with me?"

Lance turned to JC, who was lying next to him in the bed, clad only in a pair of briefs. The fan whirled above them, throwing a light breeze across their semi-nude bodies.

JC, still looking up, placed his hand on Lance's bare chest, "What are you talking about? Of course I am". He turned over and climbed on top of Lance, "I love you. Everything about you".

Lance ran a hand through JC's dark, thick hair, "But, are you happy about me physically?"

JC kissed Lance on the eyelids, "Oh definitely. Your eyes, your face, your hair, your chest".

Lance pointed his head towards his crotch, "But, what about there? I mean are you happy with the size and all?"

JC climbed off Lance, "Where did this come from?"

Lance turned on his side and put his head on his arm, "Well, Joey was telling me today that he thinks Drew might have a problem because he's not as big as Joey".

JC sat up, "So you were giving advice. I knew you were into something serious this afternoon".

Lance sat up, "So, are you happy? I know I'm not as big as you, but,"

JC leaned in and interrupted him with a kiss, "You know what they say. It's not the size of the pencil, it's how you write with it," this didn't satisfy Lance, so JC went on, "You have a great dick. It's wonderful. Does that help?"

Lance turned on his back, "I guess".

JC was not convinced and climbed back on top of Lance, grinding their crotches together, "Let me show you how happy I am by giving it a little worship service".

Lance liked the sound of that and kissed JC. JC quickly made his way down to Lance's boxers and began licking his penis through the fabric. Lance was getting erect quickly and soon, JC reached into the fly of his underwear and pulled out his hard cock. He extended his tongue and lightly licked the head of Lance's cock, already wet with precum.

JC was now on his knees at the foot of the bed. He grabbed the waistband of Lance's boxers and slid them off. He returned to his position and grabbed Lance's shaft, taking it into his mouth. The wet sensation shot through Lance as he arched his back and let out a sigh.

JC began working up and down Lance's cock. Lance could feel himself getting close to coming, but JC seemed to notice and slowed down whenever he felt him stiffen, causing Lance a feeling of both immense pleasure and torture.

JC let go of Lance's dick and made his way down to Lance's awaiting balls. He took them in his mouth, sucking them one at a time. Lance was having a fit and grabbed his dick to start jacking himself off. JC pushed his hand away and moved his mouth back up to Lance's cock. He stared sucking it and with one hand also began jacking him to the same rhythm. With his other hand, he made his way down to Lance's hole and inserted a finger.

Lance let out a loud moan and caught himself. The other guys were all in their rooms and Chris was still sick and he didn't want to wake him. Still, the sensation was too much and Lance felt himself getting close.

JC worked his finger in and out of Lance's tight hole and Lance knew he was on the verge. His cum shot out of his dick, filling JC's mouth. JC hungrily swallowed the load and kept sucking the cock until it had become semi-erect.

He climbed off of Lance, kissed him and laid his head on his lover's chest.

Lance began stroking his hair. He lay there for a minute and soon heard the steady sounds of JC's heavy breathing and knew he as asleep. Lance reached for the blanket, pulling it up around he and JC and soon he drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next day, Joey wandered back into the hotel after breakfast. He was sad, but also had a look of happiness on his face. He and Drew had spent the night together and he had just seen him off at the airport.

Lance, of course, wanted details, but Joey wasn't very forthcoming and Lance chalked it up to Joey not wanting to think about Drew too much, for fear of missing him more than he already did. Joey did mention that he complemented Drew on that thing they had discussed and everything seemed to be okay.

Joey wandered off to his room to catch some sleep. Justin joined Lance a few minutes later, his hair a complete mess. Everyone was being lazy. It was the weekend and they all wanted to enjoy it, since they knew the closer it got to the new tour, the more intense rehearsal would be.

So, Lance sat there for awhile before making his way over to check on Chris. He was snoring heavily, and the noise could be heard before he even opened the door. He knew that Chris didn't usually snore this loud, but the cold must've been acting as an amplifier. He stuck his head in the room and Chris was there, dead to the world. He figured the healthy snore was a sign that he was fine and he left, making his way back to the bedroom.

JC was still asleep of course and Lance just sat there, staring at his thin frame as he slept. Soon, Lance dozed off and when he opened his eyes again, the bed was empty and JC was gone. The shower was quiet, so he figured he must've made his way into the living room.

He walked in and saw Justin and JC sitting there, watching TV. Joey joined them a few moments later. The four guys sat around, half awake, barley talking. Lance liked this whole thing, but he couldn't help but feel something bad was about to happen.

And sure enough, something he never expected occurred. Chris walked out of his room and sat next to the guys. He looked a little better, but he was still coughing a bit. In what seemed like slow-motion, Chris suddenly started a huge coughing fit, ending with him spewing blood onto the carpet.

The guys stood up to run to him, and Joey reached him just as he collapsed.

Lance heard JC screaming something about 911 and saw Justin run for the phone. Chris lay there, cradled in Joey's arms, his body limp. He stood there, paralyzed, not knowing what to do.

Sorry for the cliffhanger and sorry it's so short, but I just didn't know what to say today (a little writer's block, I guess). Chris' dilemma is going to open up a big story for Lance in the next chapter, so tune in soon!

Next: Chapter 20

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