Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Oct 2, 2000


Here it is...sorry there's been a delay...I've been somewhat busy and haven't had much of a chance to write, plus I sent it in and my mail got returned...but, hopefully this chapter will be some payoff for everyone. As always, please send me feedback...I love getting e-mail!

And, if you are not of legal age to view this, go away. I do not make any claim on the true sexuality of anyone in this story. It is strictly made up. Enjoy!

Chapter 22 - Feel free and feel the rhythm

"Well, I do have someone special in my life," Drew Lachay commented to the MTV cameras.

Brian McFayden pushed the issue, asking who, so Drew reluctantly responded, "My girlfriend".

Lance smiled and turned to Joey, who was watching the television along with Justin in Chris' room, awaiting his return from recovery. Joey looked a little embarrassed and saddened at Drew's statement and lance understood. At least Drew mentioned someone special. And Lance knew there was no way for Drew to be able to tell.

The show went on with Nick, who looked strangely uncomfortable (too bad no one really knew why), changing the subject. Justin waked up behind Joey and started staring at him, "So, you're Drew's girlfriend now?"

Joey wasn't taking this lightly and stood up, "You know he had to say that.

He couldn't very well say that he is screwing a member of NSYNC!"

Justin backed down, "I know, bro. I was just playing with you. I think it's cute that he acknowledged you and he woulda remained ambiguous about it if blond boy there hadn't pushed it".

Joey smiled, "I'm sorry. I'm just a little on edge".

The truth was they all were, even though the last couple of hours had been a whirlwind. Chris had been rushed to the emergency room and apparently some reporters were listening to the 911 scanner, for the place was packed with press when they got there. Chris was wheeled off and the guys were shown into a private lounge.

They waited for word. JC was in charge of phone calls and called Chris' mom and Dani. He was actually out of the room right then talking to his own parents.

After an hour of waiting, the doctor came in saying Chris had been taken to emergency surgery. Apparently he had appendicitis, not the flu. Luckily it wasn't anything worse. Still, Lance asked about the vomiting of blood, which couldn't have been good and the doctor informed him it wasn't blood - it was cranberry juice.

Joey suddenly remembered giving Chris a glass shortly before he passed out. Lance and the others were quite relieved. Chris was expected to make a full recovery and be out of the hospital in a few days.

So, now, they all sat in his room, waiting for him to get back. When they did wheel him in a few minutes later, he was still pretty out of it, but happy to see the guys. He wasn't much company and soon, he was out of it again. Lance agreed to stay behind with him while Joey and Justin went in search of food.

JC walked in a minute later, "Hey! I saw the others. You got bed duty, huh?"

Lance scooted over on the loveseat and JC sat down. He grabbed his hand and held it tight. JC smiled and Lance whispered, "How are the folks?"

"Fine," JC began, "Apparently, the news was running the story, but since Chris' name hasn't been released, all anyone knew was it was one of the NSYNC boys.

My parents were frantic. Glad I called them when I did, or they might've taken the next plane out here".

Lance suddenly thought, "Maybe I ought to call my mom and what about the other guys?"

JC held up his cell phone, "Well, that's what I've been doing. After I called Chris' mom, I called Joey's parents and then Justin's. I tried your family, but they weren't home; so, I left a message".

Lance leaned over and kissed JC on the cheek, "Thanks, hon".

JC smiled back, "You kind of freaked out when Chris collapsed back there".

Lance sighed, "Yeah, I froze. Sorry I wasn't more help".

JC shrugged, "That's okay. We handled it fine. It was a shock".

Lance got up, "And here I thought we were going to have a boring weekend ahead of us".

JC said nothing but hugged Lance close to him and held him tight. It felt good to Lance to be wanted like that and he relished in the warmth of JC's body.

"Hey, you two. I'd like to keep this place sterile".

JC and Lance swung around to see Chris lying there - grimacing in pain - but awake. They went to him. JC sat next to him on the bed, "Gave us quite a scare there, buddy".

Chris smiled and managed to get out, "I try to be interesting in this group. It's hard to when two of the guys are dating, a third is dating a pop princess and the other one plays both sides of the field".

Lance laughed and Joey and Justin walked back in the room, each carrying an armful of various food and drink products. JC reached for a Twinkie from Joey, but he pulled it away, "Hey! This stuff is for me, dude. Get you own!"

The guys all laughed and began eating and talking. After awhile it became apparent that Chris was really tired, so they all agreed to leave for awhile. JC had checked the messages at the hotel and one was from Chris' mom saying they would be there around eight that night. So, they snuck out of the room, went to grab dinner and then head back to the hotel suite.

When they got back, Lance pulled JC into the bedroom and began kissing him, "I don't know what I would do if you were the one in the hospital".

JC ran his hands down Lance's back, "I don't know. I kinda like the idea of you giving me a sponge bath,"

Lance reached around and tightly grabbed JC's butt as he forced his tongue into his awaiting mouth. They were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Go away!" Lance yelled.

Justin was on the other side, "Hey, Lance I think you'd better come out here. You've got company".

Lance let go of JC and looked at him confused. He walked to the door and opened it. As he walked into the living room, he got a big shock: his parents were there sitting on the couch. His mom stood when she saw him and hugged him. JC stood silently behind them.

Diane smiled, "Oh, James, I am so glad you are all right. We took the first flight out here when we heard."

Suddenly, Lance remembered. The news had only said one member of NSYNC had been rushed to the hospital and not specifically who or why.

Lance's mom ran her hand down his cheek, "When we heard the news, we got so worried. We called the hospital, but they wouldn't tell us anything. We saw Chris' mom when we got there and she told us what was going on. I was so scared".

Lance saw the terror in her eyes and smiled at her, reassuringly, "It's not that serious. Everything is okay. I'm okay".

Lance looked around to his father, who had stood up and was standing near JC. Lance wondered if Jim would stand that close to Josh if he knew the truth. Jim finally moved and went to Lance and hugged him. Lance was shocked, and felt tears form in his eyes.

Lance didn't know what this meant exactly, but embraced his father back. Eventually, Jim let go and backed away, "Can we talk somewhere private?"

Lance looked at Diane who nodded to him. JC saw this and spoke, "Why don't you two go in the bedroom and I'll keep Mrs. Bass company here".

Lance smiled at JC and led his father into the bedroom. He realized that the room was littered with both his and Josh's clothes and he wondered if his dad would notice.

They sat down at the table in the corner and Lance waited for his dad to speak. He hesitated for a minute and finally said, "I'm glad it wasn't you that got hurt. I woulda felt so bad if it had been".

"Would that be because you care or because you feel guilty?" Lance knew his words were harsh, but he didn't feel like holding back. He still had anger where his father was concerned and he was going to take JC's advice and confront him.

Jim looked away, "Guess I deserve that, huh?"

Lance coldly replied, "Yeah, I guess you do".

Jim stood up, "James, I know this is difficult for you, but you have to understand this isn't easy for me either".

Lance was calm, "I know you need to deal, but there's a big difference between coping and abandonment. When you told me to get out of your house, you tore me up inside."

Jim turned to him and sat back down, "I know and I am so sorry about that. It was the worst thing I could've said at that time".

"Then why did you?" Lance asked.

Jim sighed, "It was an unconscious thing. You know I've spent my whole life thinking that your lifestyle was wrong and it was fine as long as I didn't have to deal directly with it. But, when you told me, all those prejudices that have been engrained in my head for so long surfaced".

Lance was beginning to understand and said nothing. Jim went on, "Truth is, it never really bothered me how people live their lives and with you, all I want is for you to be happy. What happens at the end of our lives, well, that's not up to me to say."

Lance looked away, "Why did you wait so long to talk to me?"

Jim got up again, "James, you're my only son. I always had these illusions that you would grow up and follow in my footsteps. I thought you would marry a nice girl and have a couple of kids and settle into a normal life".

Lance snickered, "Dad, my life hasn't been normal ever and I'm not just talking about the gay thing. I've been on the road constantly since I was 16. You had to know I wouldn't be like you long before this".

Jim frowned, "I never thought this band thing would work out. I thought you'd have some fun and then return to the real world. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad your a success. I'm proud of you because of all you've accomplished, but it's hard to see your only son take such a different path than you".

Lance went to his dad, "But, I'm happy. You said that's all you wanted for me and I am so happy right now".

Jim looked at Lance, "Does this mean you're seeing someone?"

Lance wasn't sure he was ready to tell his dad, but he did ask, "Yeah. Actually I'm in love".

Jim seemed taken aback, but adjusted and looked around the room, "It's JC, isn't it?"

Lance again hesitated, but managed to get out, "Yeah. How'd you know?"

Jim pointed to the mess around the room, "These aren't your clothes and you did come out of this room together."

Lance smiled, "Dad, I love you and I want to get through this with you".

Jim pulled his son into another hug, "I will. And everyday, it'll get a little better. Just give me time".

Lance joked, "Does this mean I can bring Josh home for Thanksgiving".

His dad was not amused, "One day at a time, please".

They laughed and headed back out into the living room. Diane was there, intensely talking to JC. She arose when they walked in. Jim asked to use the bathroom and Lance pointed the way. JC got up too and stood there, a look of nervousness on his face.

Diane looked at JC and then at Lance, "Don't be mad, but I weaseled the truth out of him".

Lance looked at JC, wondering what she meant. But, he knew. He turned to his mom, "I really love him".

Diane smiled and held her son, "And he feels the same way. I'm happy for you. Did things go okay with you father?"

Lance nodded, "And he even figured it out about Josh and me. I think things will be okay".

Diane hugged her son again as Jim emerged from the bathroom. Jim suggested they all go out to dinner and directed the statement to JC. JC was pleasantly surprised, and agreed to go with them. The dinner was nice, and Lance tried his best to make it easier on his parents; so, he only occasionally would place his hand lovingly on JC's thigh and then remove it.

Afterwards, his parents called and got a late flight out - they had left in such a hurry and had to get back - and Lance and JC saw them off at the airport. Jim gave his son a big hug before he left and shook JC's hand heartily. Diane also gave her son a hug and kiss on the cheek and then also hugged Josh. Lance heard her whisper something in his ear and then she boarded the plane.

Curiosity got the better of him and Lance asked what his mom whispered to JC as they rode home. JC smiled, kissed Lance on the nose and replied, "She told me to take good care of you".

Lance blushed slightly, and relaxed, leaning against JC's chest. Things with his family finally seemed to be going good and, although they would never get back to normal, he hoped their relationship could get stronger. He felt that since he no longer had to hide himself, he could be more open and form a tighter bond with his family. For the first time since he came out, Lance was looking forward to coming home for the holidays and even though he had meant it as a joke at first, he did want to bring Josh home to share that time with him. He wanted to be with him always.

The next day, the gang went over to visit Chris in the hospital. His mom and sister were there and they all spent time catching up. Chris' mom had spent a lot of time with the guys when they were first starting out, and Lance looked to her as a substitute when his mom wasn't around.

Chris was fully awake now, although he grimaced in pain anytime he made a wise-crack and laughed, which was every five minutes. He was due to be released in a couple of days and this meant the group would have some time off. There was no real sense in rehearsing unless they all were there, and Lance was grateful. The circumstances causing this little break weren't the happiest, but at least it meant an extended weekend with Josh.

Chris was getting tired after everyone had been there awhile, so the four guys left to grab some lunch and then do their own thing. Britney was in town, so Justin wanted to go out. He asked the others to join him, but Joey had some business to take care of so he politely refused. Lance and JC, however, were up for a night of dinner and dancing (Lance was really into the double date thing now) and neither one of them had seen Britney in awhile and were looking forward to it.

So, that night, Lance and JC got dressed up and met Justin in the lobby, where they headed over to Britney's hotel to pick her up. In the limo, JC asked, "Now, she's cool with us and everything, right?"

Justin laughed, "When I told her you guys were a couple, she was more excited than I was, if that's possible".

Lance was glad JC had asked, because he didn't really want to deal with any awkward moments tonight. He knew Britney knew he was gay - they had talked about it - but, he hadn't mentioned his relationship with JC to her and being accepting of homosexuality in theory is a lot different than having it put in your face. But, Lance really wasn't too worried. After all, half of Britney's dancers were gay and she got along great with them.

And it turned out, Justin wasn't lying. When she came out, she ran up and gave both of the guys a great big hug, "I am so glad to see you guys. You are the cutest!"

JC and Lance gave each other a funny look and everyone climbed in the car. Lance spent the car ride over listening to Brit tell all the things that were happening in her life and he, in turn, filled her in on everything that had happened with he and Josh. "I have never been happier," he gushed to Britney, who smiled at both of them and then turned to Justin.

"This guy makes me pretty happy," she said as she held his hand tight. Justin blushed slightly at her statement.

Dinner was pretty crappy. They had a horrible waiter, who seemed to resent them for their choice in careers. One time, he even came up to the table with their appetizers, mumbling and Eminem song. Lance just shook it off, but Justin was getting a little pissed and when the meal came, he made a point of sending it back twice, even though there was nothing wrong with it.

Lance hated the idea of not leaving a tip, but Justin insisted and Lance was slightly surprised at his friend's aggressive attitude. Sure, J was always somewhat in your face, but around Britney he was different. He seemed to want to be a real man to her and show her how tough he was. Lance laughed to himself about this. Justin was so cute sometimes.

After dinner, they made their way to a club, where - of course - Lance couldn't dance with JC. Not that he could really even do this in a gay club. They could never dance together anywhere with other people present and it was one thing Lance resented. The thought of grinding with Josh made his heart skip a beat and his pants bulge out a little.

Justin and Britney were on the floor, going at it and this made Lance just a little jealous. JC, also dancing, saw his upset expression and came over to Lance, "What's wrong?"

Lance pouted, "Nothing, really," and then pointing to J and Brit, "I just want to be able to do that with you".

JC sat next to him and Lance smelled the sweet scent of his sweat, which always sent him into a tizzy. JC leaned in, "I want to dance with you too, but you know we can't do anything close to what they're doing."

Lance said nothing. JC looked over and saw Lance's sadness and grabbed his hand, "Let's go".

Lance got off his stool, "What about the others?"

JC waved to Justin and pointed to the door. Justin nodded and returned to his dance. JC pulled Lance out of the bar and they hopped in a cab and went back to the hotel.

The place was quiet and Lance saw a note from Joey that said he was spending the night at a friend's house. JC went over to the stereo by the TV and turned it on. He popped in a CD and soon the tribal rhythms of some house band Lance didn't recognize came pouring out of the speakers.

JC went up to Lance, who asked, "Who is this?"

JC smiled, "It's some demo reel from a band Jive is thinking about signing.

They asked me to take a listen and see what I think".

"And?" Lance asked as JC pulled him close.

JC slowly stared grinding his hips into Lance, "I like the beat. It makes me want to shake my groove thang!"

Lance laughed and slowly began to get into the dance with JC. He could feel JC's hardening erection pressing against his thigh and it only made him get harder.

JC thrust his hips into Lance, "You like dancing with me?"

Lance kissed JC, "Yep. That and so much more".

JC said nothing, but closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Lance. The music slowed down and Lance also closed his eyes, feeling the music. He felt JC put his head on his shoulder and he lowered his arms and put his hands in JC's back pockets.

They stood there for awhile, in each others' arms, just rocking back and forth to the music. Lance loved to just take in JC's sweet scent and once in awhile, he would lightly nibble on his neck.

The CD ended and JC backed away from Lance. Lance smiled, "That was great.


JC grabbed Lance's hand and started leading him to the bedroom, "Oh, the night's not over yet. It's just beginning".

I wanted to have a nice resolution chapter with a happy ending...please send me any ideas you might have, as I'm kinda running low on fresh things for the guys to do...but, I'm sure I'll think of something. Stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 21

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