Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Oct 6, 2000


Here is the next to last chapter...not too much to sat, except e-mail me with your comments!

Need I repeat it? If you should not see this for whatever reason, please leave. And even though my dreams are filled with them, the truth is, I have never met anyone in this story and do not know their sexual preferences. Enjoy!

Chapter 24 - Whenever my heart is crying out for you

Lance rushed up the stairs, forgoing the elevator all together. He didn't want to wait to see Josh. It had only been a little over 24 hours since he had left him, but his heart was already aching - in fact it had been aching since the moment he boarded the plane two days before. He never thought that he could miss one person so much, yet all his thoughts had been of JC and coming back to his warm embrace.

He had thought of asking JC to come with him on his trip to Nashville, but he knew his boyfriend wasn't a really big country fan and since Lance was going there for 'business', he didn't know if he would have much time to spend with him and Lance knew JC got moody when he got bored.

Lance had gone to Tennessee for two purposes: he was meeting with a couple of performers about joining FreeLance Entertainment and he also made an appearance on the Country Music Awards, handing out the Best Male Performer Award. Even though the other guys would poke fun at him, Lance loved country music. He had grown up on it and really liked the beat. He knew that if he hadn't gotten involved with NSYNC, he probably would have gone into country music in one form or the other.

Not that he didn't like pop music - he had just always had a special place in his heart for bluegrass. And he was certainly glad he had gone popular, since that was where he had met Josh and had fallen in love with him.

Now, as Lance burst in through the hotel door, he couldn't wait to run into JC's arms and feel the touch of his moist lips against his own. But, when he walked in, the place was dark. He knew Justin and Joey were off doing some promotional thing and Chris was probably asleep, but he expected JC to be there. When he called him from the plane to tell him he took an earlier flight (he would've left the night before, but there weren't any flights), he told JC to stay at the hotel.

He could've been sleeping. It was early afternoon and prime JC-napping time. He set down his suitcase and walked into the bedroom. No JC.

He secretly began to wonder if Josh was mad. He seemed a little upset that Lance had talked him out of going on the trip and when Lance told him he didn't want to be met at the airport, he could vision the frustration on his face. But, he wanted to rush home and knew that if they met at the airport, they wouldn't make it out of the parking lot with their clothes on. Lance wanted JC in every way and was getting upset that he wasn't there.

Lance went to the window and looked down at the pool to see if JC was maybe there; but, nothing. Suddenly, he heard the door close shut and he grinned.

A few seconds later, hands came around his head and covered his eyes. He felt a body press up against him and knew immediately from the cologne it was JC.

Still, he feigned ignorance, "Oh my! Who can this be?"

He felt JC's hot breath on his neck and heard him whisper, "Three guesses"

Lance was in a playful, yet horny mood and played along, "Umm, Brian Latrell?"

JC said nothing, so Lance went on, "Is that you Tim McGraw? Because I told you last night that it was only sex".

He heard JC sigh and decided to answer, "Could it be that really hot twenty-four year old with brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes who is amply endowed in many respects that I love with all my heart and soul?"

JC spun Lance around and kissed him, "Nope, it's just me".

Lance laughed and put his arms around JC, holding him tight, "God, I missed you so much. Where were you?"

"I had the front desk call me when your cab pulled up," JC began, "and I was gonna meet you in the lobby. I guess we must've missed each other , because when I got to the lobby, they said you took the stairs up here".

Lance ran a hand through JC's hair, "I couldn't wait to see you. I thought you were mad at me for not asking you to come to Nashville with me".

JC led Lance over to the bed and laid him down, "I was a little irked and it killed me to be separated from you".

"Me too," Lance broke in.

JC continued, "But, having you back makes me realize just how much I love you and never want to be apart from you again".

Lance was going to agree, but JC leaned over him and placed a sweet kiss on his mouth. Lance reached around and held JC down, parting his lips and probing JC's mouth with his tongue. JC gave in and climbed on top of Lance, his erection pressing into his lover's stomach.

Lance was getting hard himself and wanted JC so bad. He reached behind JC, placing his hands on his ass and squeezed them, causing JC to moan slightly.

JC backed away and Lance smiled, "I missed you ass too".

JC climbed off of Lance and laid on his back next to him, "And what else did you miss?"

Lance took the cue and straddled JC. He leaned his head down and began to nibble on JC's ear, "I missed your ears and your eyes," upon which he kissed them. He sat JC up and pulled his shirt off. Lance was now on JC's lap and he began to suck on his neck, "Man, did I miss your long neck too, not to mention your cute nipples".

Lance proceeded to name all of the body parts on JC's upper body, making sure to place a kiss on each of them. He laid JC back down and scooted down to the foot of the bed, where he removed JC's shoes. He then went back up to his pants and slowly undid them. JC stopped him, "We have to be careful. I'm on Chris duty and have to be ready if he needs me".

Lance moved up to JC's chest and began working on it again, "But, I need you too".

JC chuckled, "I know you do and vice-versa, but Chris is a different type of need".

"I hope so," Lance commented as he licked JC's chin.

JC pulled Lance's mouth to his and continued kissing him, "Tonight".

Lance understood. He had waited this long. He could wait a few more hours. So, he laid his head on JC's chest, just listening to the sound of his racing heart, which gradually clamed down, as did the bulge in his pants. Lance felt himself drifting off and soon he was asleep. A little while later, he felt JC move underneath him and get off the bed. He heard the bedroom door open and shut again. Lance slowly woke up and stretched.

He moved out of the bedroom just as JC was coming from Chris' room. JC smiled at him, "I didn't wake you did I?"

Lance shook his head, "No, unlike you I don't require 17 hours of sleep a day".

JC stuck out his middle finger, "I love you too".

Lance sat down, "How's the patient?"

JC sat next to him and grabbed his hand, "Dead to the world. Which is good. He was such a pain yesterday. So demanding. He was acting like Christina Aguilera or something".

Lance smiled and snuggled with JC. He was glad to be home.

"Dinner?" Lance asked.

Britney smiled, "Yeah. I had a great time doubling with you and Josh before I thought we could do it again".

Lance wasn't sure how to speak his feelings. He was sure Justin had talked to Britney about the whole Josh/hook-up thing, and he didn't think right now would be the best time to go out together. Justin seemed okay with it on the surface, but he had a hard time letting things go and tended to bottle them up. It would probably be a little uncomfortable for everyone, but Britney obviously didn't see it.

Lance was having lunch with her the next day while their respective boyfriends attended to some business at the studio. Lance recalled the morning when Britney came over and spoke to JC. He could see the anger rising in Justin. The boy obviously had some issues with it and might would blow a gasket if confronted with it. Lance didn't want that.

So, Lance spoke his mind, "Brit, I just think J needs a little time to deal with the whole you and JC thing. He did talk to you right?"

Britney nodded, "Yep and from this morning's awkwardness, I can see he still hasn't gotten over it." So, she did see it. But, Lance wondered why she wanted to make things worse and he asked her. She replied, "I've known Justin forever and he never fully expresses his feelings about things until it's gotten so bad it causes a blow-out. He needs to talk about this, but his pride won't let him. So, I figure with a little prodding from us, the two might talk it out. This isn't just about us making out. There's more to it. I just don't know what exactly".

Lance leaned back. Britney was making a point. Obviously, Justin had some unresolved feelings about something somewhere and this dinner could help sort that out. Too bad he had to be involved. Lance liked to avoid conflict as much as possible. But, he agreed with Britney and told her he would try his best to convince JC to go. He knew that wouldn't be easy.

And he was right. JC resisted the whole thing from the moment Lance brought it up, but Lance pressed, "This isn't gonna go away. You remember when J got upset with the management last year and he held it in and it festered so bad that he physically attacked the guy?"

JC nodded and replied sarcastically, "Yeah, and I would just love that to happen to me!"

Lance hugged JC, "Please. Besides, you owe me".

JC looked at Lance, "Really? And why do you say that?"

Lance smiled, "Well, I heard that while I was gone, you went to the Moby concert here in town with some beautiful woman".

JC giggled, "Jealous?"

Lance pushed him away, "No, but you know I like Moby".

JC began massaging Lance's shoulders, "That girl was Suzie, one of our dancers, and a lesbian. And Moby was only in town the one night."

Lance tingled under JC's touch and felt a stirring in his pants. But, he knew he had to get JC to dinner and asked, "Will you go?"

JC stopped his massage and sighed, "For you, I will".

Lance turned around and kissed JC, "Good. I love getting my way".

JC smirked, "Well, later tonight, I get my way".

Lance smiled back and put a hand on JC's crotch, "I see you're already ready".

Just then, the front door of the suite opened and Drew and Joey walked in, arm-in- arm. Joey smile at the guys and pointed to Lance's hand, which still was squeezing JC's groin, "Are we interrupting something?"

Lance removed his hand, "Nope. We're just heading off the dinner. Chris hasn't been too whiny today. So, have fun".

Drew and Joey sat on the couch, "We will,"

As they walked out the door, they heard Chris' voice from his bedroom, "I need something to drink". Lance was glad he didn't have Chris duty tonight. But, he feared it would be easier than the evening they had planned. Secretly, he was scared a fight would ensue and that was not what he wanted. But, he didn't tell JC, who was nervous enough.

They got in the limo and took it to this bistro, where they were shown to a secluded area. Britney and Justin were already there. Justin's face showed signs of disappointment and as they sat down, he didn't look at JC. Lance opened his menu and wondered what he had gotten them into.

And things were certainly tense. No one said a word, except to the waiter when they ordered. Lance occasionally glanced at Britney, who looked as uncomfortable as he felt. Someone had to break the ice, but Lance felt it should be the guys.

Britney, however, did not feel this and finally spoke as their salads arrived, "So, Justin, are you going to tell us what's really bugging you or should we go around the table and make guesses?"

Justin glared at Britney, obviously not happy at her comment. JC's face blushed, but he did look at Justin, "Look, J, things seemed to be fine after this thing came out and now all of a sudden, you aren't happy and I know it's about me and Britney's hook-up".

Justin sneered, "Well, it bothered me a lot more once I thought about it".

Lance jumped in, "Well, talk to us - him - about it. There's no point in letting this weigh you down. You of all people, know how you get when you don't speak your mind."

Justin hesitated and took a bite of his food, "I don't wanna talk about it".

Britney put a hand over Justin's, "It's not going to go away".

Justin stood up, "Can you please drop it?"

JC hushed Justin, which didn't go over well. Justin sat down and lowered his head. JC tried to make it up to him, "Curly, what has gotten into you? I'm so sorry about what happened, but I can't change that".

Justin laughed, "You don't get it, Josh. It's not just the make-out session with Britney. It's everything".

Lance and JC looked at each other, confused. Then, all three looked at Justin, who slowly began explaining, "Look, I know I'm supposed to be the popular one of the group and that's fine, but I look at you - at all the other guys - and see you accomplishing so much outside the band and all I can do is stand there and look pretty".

JC sat back, "J, you are so talented".

Justin sighed, "Sure, I can sing and shake my hips, but how long can that last?"

Lance understood, although it seemed so weird: Justin was jealous. But, he didn't want to say anything, so he kept silent while Justin went on, "I see you in the studio, writing and producing and I'm proud of you, but I don't think I can do that and I never will".

JC leaned forward, "You have talents in other areas. You're a performer, not a backstage guy. You like strutting your stuff and that's great. I see you up there on stage, so confident, and to be honest, I wish I had your dedication. You're a natural and so what if you don't write your own music? You're only 19 - you can't expect to be Elton John or something".

Justin smiled, "I think you're closer to Elton John than I am in many respects".

This elicited a laugh from the table and the tension seemed to ease somewhat. Justin picked up his fork, "I'm sorry guys. It's just that when I found out about what happened between you two, it caused me to think just how important I am to this group".

Lance broke in, "Believe me, J, you are the glue that holds us together".

"I guess my status as stud puppy of the band was threatened and I took it out on you," Justin conceded. JC smiled at him, but said nothing.

Their main courses came and they all began eating. Soon, the conversation started and by the time the plates were cleared, Justin was back to his old self and everyone was getting along famously. Lance felt immensely relieved and was glad this ordeal was over with. Now, he could concentrate on JC. He wanted to get him back to the hotel so they could at the bare minimum hold hands: this no public displays thing got on his nerves sometimes.

Afterwards, Britney and Justin wanted to go dancing. JC, for once, begged off and he went with Lance back to the hotel. When they got in, it was dark and they didn't see anyone in the living room, but as they came closer to the couch they heard movement and saw two figures lying prone on the sofa. JC coughed and Drew, who as Lance adjusted to the dark, could tell was on top of Joey, shot up. Joey also sat up, his hair disheveled and shirt unbuttoned.

"You're back early," Joey stammered. Drew just smiled.

Lance smiled back, "We decided to stay in tonight. But, I see the living room is occupied, so we'll retire to our room".

Joey saluted goodbye to them and as Lance and JC went into the bedroom, he could hear them returning to their necking.

Once inside the room, Lance grabbed JC by the waist and pulled their crotches together. JC stood there and Lance asked what was wrong, "I'm just a little tense. Do you think you could massage me?"

Lance let go of JC, "I thought you were gonna take charge tonight?"

JC sat on the bed, "That was before I wore myself out 'discussing' things with J".

Lance sat next to JC, who added, "Besides, I massaged you this afternoon".

Lance kissed JC, "I love it when you whine," he got up and headed to the bathroom, "Take off your shirt and lay on the bed".

Lance retrieved some baby oil from the cabinet, causing some fond memories of when the half-filled bottle had been used before. He went back in the bedroom to find JC lying on the bed, having removed all his clothes, save his boxerbriefs.

Lance decided to join JC and removed his shirt and jeans, leaving only his boxers. He climbed on top of JC and straddles his back. He opened the bottle of oil and poured some on his hands. He let the surplus on his hands drip onto Josh's back, causing him to buckle slightly. "You okay?" Lance asked. JC muttered a yes and Lance continued.

He started at JC's shoulders, rubbing the lotion into his warm skin. His muscles were tense and Lance kneaded them slightly with his hands. He heard JC's breathing get slower and wondered if he was falling asleep.

He plotted to keep JC awake and quickly ran his hands down JC's back to the waistband of his underwear. He slipped a hand in and gently massaged JC's cheek, brushing a finger against his crack. JC moaned a little and Lance knew he was awake now. Lance moved back up to the back and rubbed the oil all over him.

"That's so nice," JC sighed and Lance leant forward, feeling the oil against his own chest. He laid on top of JC and began kissing his neck. JC raised his head and slowly turned over, making sure Lance stayed on top of him.

Lance felt JC's erection as they now faced each other.

JC stared at his boyfriend and ran a hand through his hair, "God, you're gorgeous".

Lance said nothing, but tilted forward, placing his lips on Josh's. JC opened his mouth slightly to allow Lance's tongue to enter. As they kissed, JC ran his hands down Lance's back to his boxers and carefully lowered them. His hands grabbed Lance's butt, causing Lance to jump a little. Soon, he settled back down and JC helped totally remove the boxers.

"Taking charge now, huh?" Lance asked.

JC grinned, "Got my second wind".

JC began pulling Lance forward so his crotch inched closer to his lover's face. JC was lying with his head towards the wall and as Lance approached it, he placed his hand on the wall. JC raised his head and slowly began licking the tip of Lance's hard cock. Lance moaned and moved closer, allowing JC to take the whole thing in his mouth. JC devoured Lance's penis, taking the whole thing in. Lance slowly began moving in and out as JC sucked on his throbbing member.

After a minute, Lance climbed off of JC and reached back to remove his underwear. When JC was nude, Lance lay next to him, his head towards his boyfriend's feet. JC turned on his side and Lance grabbed a hold of JC's cock. Lance's own penis was in JC's face and soon JC had it back in his mouth, sucking away. Lance did the same and relished the feeling of having his own penis sucked while he returned the favor.

It wasn't long before Lance could feel himself getting close and he knew by the way JC's balls had tightened up, he was close as well. Lance let out a slight yelp and shot his load into JC's awaiting mouth. JC sucked harder, taking in every bit of Lance's wad.

As Lance finished, JC began to spasm and Lance felt the warm jizz spray against the back of his throat. He swallowed it all and soon he felt JC began to soften in his mouth.

He released JC's cock and turned around so they were now face-to-face. A drop of sweat fell down JC's forehead onto his cheek and Lance wiped it away. JC smiled and kissed Lance. They snuggled close to each other and within minutes were fast asleep.

I wasn't going to have a sex scene - it just happened...oh well. Anyway, stay tuned for the last chapter...I won't promise any big surprises or anything, but I do promise a happy ending for the guys - for now!

Next: Chapter 23

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