Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Oct 13, 2000


This is it...the end...but, I promise all the guys will be back in my next story, which is tentatively titled "Hold the Pickle" (That's a Joey reference from the same song this story's title came from)...cheesy title I know, but the story will be along the same look out for it. But, first e-mail me and let me know how you like how this one wrapped up. Finally, thanks to everyone who has sent me feedback and encouragement - it's really great!

As usual, no illegal viewing and everyone is this story is unknown to me and that means so are their true life choices...this story is fake, made up, not real and nothing I say should be implied to be fact. So, one more time - Enjoy!

Chapter 25 - (He) was my once in a lifetime, happy ending come true

"I can't find it!"

Lance was racing around the hotel suite, frantically throwing pillows and sheets around. He was extremely upset and none of the other guys seemed to be any help.

JC was trying to calm him, "Hon, we've checked here three times. I don't think it's around. Are you sure you didn't pack it?"

Lance stopped and practically yelled at Josh, "No! I always wear it. Why would I have packed it?"

JC's face changed from compassion to hurt and he slinked out of the bedroom. Lance sighed and mentally slapped himself. JC was only trying to be rational. He hadn't taken Lance's ring. No one took it. It was simply lost and he didn't know if he could ever find it. And it wasn't just any ring. It was his ring. The ring he bought himself when they first struck it big. It was his symbol of his success and he never took it off, except to shower. But, he didn't have it this morning when he woke up and he didn't know when he had taken it off.

The truth was, he didn't remember much about the previous night - at least no small specifics. It was their last night in LA. They were flying back to the East Coast in a couple of hours and in the rush this morning, Lance hadn't even paid attention to the fact that he didn't have his ring on. They were going to spend the next few days in New York, doing Good Morning America and then finishing up rehearsal for the show, which started in a little over a week. So, they had spent the night partying. All the guys and their significant others went club hopping. Lance even found himself on the dance floor a few times. And occasionally, he would grind with JC, although never too seriously and never for too long.

Still, Lance liked being with JC and when everyone kept buying rounds of drinks, he couldn't refuse and before he knew it, he was trashed. He vaguely remembered standing on the bar at one place, pouring shots down everyone's throats (he wondered how much that bar tab was). He also remembered the limo ride home, where he mooned a couple of cars (which was pointless since their limo had tinted windows). And he fondly remembered having sex with JC. And it was definitely sex. Hot, wild and aggressive. He was extremely horny upon returning home and barely made it into the bedroom before he tore JC's clothes off and ravaged his body. Neither had said a word as JC fucked Lance. There was only the grunting and moaning. It was pure lust and Lance loved it.

Lance also loved the softer side with JC. In fact, he loved everything about JC. And right now he had hurt him and he wasn't happy with himself. He had checked the room over and over and the ring wasn't here. He knew it and so did everyone else. He had lost it somewhere during his night of debauchery and he probably wouldn't ever see it again.

He sat on the bed and almost felt himself crying. It was just a stupid ring and here he was, getting emotional about it. He knew it wasn't just the ring - it was what it meant. When he bought it, NSYNC was just starting to become the phenoms they had developed into. It was the beginning of a new phase for Lance. A phase that eventually led him down the road to love with Josh.

He pulled himself together when he heard a knock on the door. JC stuck his head in, "We better get going if we're gonna make the plane".

Lance nodded and patted the bed next to him. JC came in and sat down. Lance put a hand on his knee, "I'm sorry I'm being such a prick today."

JC understood, "I know how much that ring means to you. You never take it off, not even during sex".

Lance smiled, "I did somewhere along the lines last night".

"You'll see your ring again, I promise," JC said and Lance believed him.

JC rubbed Lance's back, "You ready? The guys are already in the lobby".

Lance got up and grabbed his jacket, following JC out of the hotel suite. Down in the lobby, the others stood there, waiting for the limo to get them to take them to the airport. Joey and Chris were thumb wrestling and Justin was just sitting there, dead to the world. He apparently hadn't had his cereal this morning and Lance just hoped he wasn't seated next to him on the plane.

The limo arrived and Lance reluctantly followed the others inside. As the hotel disappeared from his view, his sadness increased. But, he didn't want to worry anyone and threw a slight smile at JC when he put his hand on his knee to check on him. Lance stared out of the window, watching LA become smaller and smaller and wondering when he would be returning.

The airport was crowded. It was a Friday morning and everyone was rushing out to start their weekends. Luckily, the VIP entrance allowed the guys to avoid the crowd and they were ushered into a private lounge area until their plane started boarding. The guys received their boarding passes and Lance was relieved to see he was sitting alone with JC in a first-class row. At least he would have something to keep his spirits up as they took off.

JC was rubbing Lance's hand when he got a call on the cell phone. He got up to leave and Joey came over to him.

"I'm sure you're ring will turn up Scoop," he offered.

Lance smiled, "Thanks, Joe. I'm sure it will," Lance noticed that Joey wasn't quite as chipper as he had been the previous day and asked him, "Missing Drew?"

Joey nodded, "Yeah. I'm not gonna see him until next weekend and then the tour starts and who knows how long it'll be before I see him again. You're lucky because your man gets to come with you wherever you go".

Lance laughed, "Well, maybe we can do another Boys of Summer tour and pair up with 98 Degrees".

"I don't see that happening, but good idea," Joey replied. Lance offered him a reassuring smile and looked up to see JC returning. Joey got up and went over to the pay phone, Lance assumed to call Drew one last time.

"Who was that?" Lance asked, indicating the phone.

JC responded, "Oh, just some business stuff. Nothing exciting."

Lance nodded and laid his head on JC's shoulder. A few minutes later, an airport employee came into the lounge and told them that they could board the plane. They got on and found their seats. Lance still didn't like flying, but was glad JC was next to him to keep him calm. JC always seemed to make things okay.

About an hour into the flight, they hit some turbulence and Lance felt the turkey sandwich he had for lunch not sitting too well with his stomach. He excused himself and made it to the lavatory, where he tried to calm his tummy. Soon, the sickness subsided and Lance splashed some cold water on his face. He heard a knock at the door and ignored it. The occupied sign was obviously showing and if the moron on the other side couldn't read it, he didn't feel he needed to respond.

Again the knocking came, but this time he heard JC meekly muttering Lance's name. Lance opened the door and JC barged into the tiny room, "Are you okay?"

Lance shut the door and tried to position himself so he wasn't squeezing against JC too tight (although he did like that). "I'm okay. Just a little air sickness, but it passed".

"Good," JC replied as he wrapped his arms around Lance and pulled him into a kiss, "I was thinking maybe we could join the mile high club today".

Lance giggled, "You're kidding, right?"

JC shook his head no and kissed Lance again. Lance backed up, "Are you crazy? This plane is full. There are people right outside the door".

JC lowered his hand and grabbed Lance's crotch, "I can be quiet. Can you?"

Lance didn't reply, but instead decided to play JC's game. He also lowered his hand down to JC's crotch and grabbed the zipper, lowering it slowly. He placed his hand through the open fly and cupped JC's hardening cock through his briefs. JC bit his lip to keep back a whimper and Lance continued fondling JC.

JC fought back by undoing Lance's belt and button on his pants. He reached behind Lance and slipped his hand down his jeans so that a finger was rubbing against his crack. Lance halted his cupping for a moment, but wouldn't give in. Lance also undid JC's button and quickly pushed his pants and underwear to the floor. Lance dropped down and took JC into his mouth. JC couldn't help himself and after a minute or so, he let out an audible moan.

Lance stopped and stood up, "Guess you lose, huh?"

JC pulled up his pants, "If you call getting a blow job losing".

He kissed JC on the cheek and let himself out of the bathroom. Lance buttoned up his jeans and soon followed JC back to their seats. Luckily, no one was in line at the restroom, so they weren't spotted. But, as he sat down, he saw Joey's smug look and knew that he knew something was up. Lance just smiled and settled into his chair.

A few hours and one really bad in-flight movie later, the plane landed at La Guardia and the guys were ushered out first and shown to the special exit, where a limo awaited. They rode over to their hotel, with Chris the whole time expressing his excitement about being on Good Morning America, since he had this strange obsession for Diane Sawyer. Justin eventually smacked Chris on the head, "Dude! We get it. You have the hots for Diane Sawyer".

Chris sat back, pouting, "I'm just happy to be going that's all".

Joey smiled at Chris, "So, do you ever think about her when you're with Dani?"

Chris' expression changed to anger, "Shut up, Joe! Dani is all I think about with her, just like all you think about is Drew when you beat off in your room every night".

Joey punched Chris in the arm, "I don't do that".

JC jumped in, "Yeah Chris, you know Joey only beats off in the shower".

Joey began sulking, and the rest of the ride was quiet. But, by the time they got to their suite, all was forgotten and Chris was soon challenging Joey to a battle on the Playstation. Justin, Lance and JC went out onto the balcony to take in the crisp fall air.

Justin had spent their last night with Britney and Lance, ever the nosy one, had to ask him, "So, J, how did things go last night with Britney?"

Justin blushed and JC silenced Lance, "Honey, that's their business".

Justin held up his hand, "Naw, it's okay. We had a really nice time, considering we both passed out about five minutes after we walked in the room. We were both kinda trashed".

"We all were," Lance stated, remembering his lost ring.

Justin smirked, "But you guys weren't too trashed to rock the walls. I'm surprised I could sleep with the racket you guys were causing."

Now it was Lance who blushed. JC hugged Lance tight, "Yeah, this guy is an animal".

Justin grabbed Lance on the shoulder and then headed back inside. Lance's hand found JC's and they stood there, admiring the view in silence for a few minutes when JC's phone rang. JC answered it, and walked inside. Lance stood there, staring at the small cars and people ten floors below them. He contemplated spitting on them, but thought that a little immature.

A minute later, JC walked in, "So, I was thinking we could go to the Russian Tea Room for dinner tonight".

"Fancy," Lance replied, "A special occasion?"

JC grabbed Lance by the waist, "Every night is a special occasion with you".

Lance also wrapped his arms around JC and pulled him into a long, passionate kiss. JC told them he had reservations in a couple of hours and he wanted to get in a quick nap. Lance joined him, holding JC close as they dozed.

About eight, the two got dressed in suits and climbed in the limo. They made it to the restaurant in a couple of minutes, where they were seated immediately. They ordered their food, and Lance noticed the whole time JC had a big grin on his face.

So, he asked, "What's with the Cheshire Cat grin?"

JC shrugged, "I'm just in a good mood, that's all".

"Any particular reason?" Lance inquired.

JC wavered and then said, "Well, okay. I was gonna wait until dessert to give it to you, but I want you to have it now".

Lance look confused and JC pulled a box out of his pocket. He slid it across the table and Lance instantly recognized it as a jewelry box. Or more specifically, a ring box. He looked at JC and grabbed the box, opening it. Inside was the last thing he expected to see: his ring.

"Is this my ring?" Lance asked, wondering if it was a copy. Then he noticed the slight dent in one side he had made in it a few months earlier and knew it was, "Where'd you find it?"

JC grabbed Lance's hand, "Well, remember when I said I would check the limo? I found it in there."

Lance was suddenly a little upset, "You mean you let me worry like that and you had it all the time?"

JC shook his head, "No! I didn't actually have it all that time. No, I sent it out to get some work done. That's what was up with all the phone calls today".

Lance again looked confused and JC pointed to the inside of the ring. Lance looked and saw a new inscription on the inside. It simply read in tiny letters: JSC & JLB - a love that will never be lost.

Lance felt tears well up in his eyes as JC helped him put the ring on, "I love you so much, Lance."

Lance wanted to lean over the table and kiss JC, but knew he couldn't. So, instead, he calmly replied, "Me too. I love you more than I ever thought I could".

Lance didn't really even remember the meal. Nor did he remember what they talked about. He was just so happy and touched by JC's gift, that everything was a blur.

When they made it back to the hotel, there was a note for Lance from Justin: Me, Joe and Chris went clubbing. Hope you liked the ring.

Lance turned to JC, "You told Curly?"

JC began leading Lance into the bedroom, "I had to tell someone and Chris and Joe are big blabbermouths".

JC was right and as they walked in the room, he never wanted JC more than he did right then. He wanted JC to love him. So, he turned to JC as he shut the door, "I want you to make love to me, Josh."

JC brushed his hand along Lance's cheek, "And I want to".

Lance kissed JC and soon they were locked in a passionate embrace. JC leaned back enough as they kissed, so Lance could undo his tie and unbutton his shirt. He pulled it open, revealing JC's bare chest. Lance ran a hand through the light hair and pinched on of JC's nipples. JC's hands lowered and cupped Lance's ass.

They continued to kiss as JC let his shirt fall to the floor. Soon, Josh was undoing Lance's shirt and a minute later they were both locked together, their exposed chests pressing against each other.

Lance could feel JC's hard cock pressing against his thigh and wanted to feel it, to taste it. So, he undid JC's pants and let them fall to the floor as he had in the plane earlier that day. He smiled at JC, "Ready for a little deja vu?"

JC nodded, "Only this time, we're gonna complete the transaction".

Lance nodded back and slipped to his knees. JC stepped out of his pants and underwear and was now naked in front of Lance. Lance ran his tongue along JC's inner thighs, brushing his balls with his cheek. JC was moaning and Lance wanted him to scream. They were all alone and he wanted to be as loud as possible.

Lance continued licking JC around his crotch, giving minimal attention to his hard cock. He stuck his tongue in JC's bellybutton and began lowering himself until his tongue lightly licked the head of JC's member. JC let out a louder moan and whispered to Lance, "Please".

Lance complied and opened his mouth, surrounding JC's cock. He took it all in, sucking furiously. JC was pumping in and out slightly and his hands found Lance's hair. He caressed Lance's head as the blond engulfed the long shaft of his lover. JC began pumping harder and Lance backed off, not wanting him to come just yet.

He stood up and kissed JC, both of them tasting the salty precum from JC's penis. JC led Lance to the bed and lowered him onto it. JC mounted Lance and began kissing his smooth chest, concentrating on his hard nipples. He slid down to his lower torso and hungrily kissed Lance's hips. Lance was enjoying the teasing, but wanted JC to take him in his mouth; so, he grabbed JC's head and guided it to his aching cock. JC grabbed the shaft with one hand and then placed his lips around the head. He lowered his mouth down until he had the whole thing in his mouth, upon which he started moving up and down. Lance could feel himself on the verge of orgasm, but tried to hold off to relish this moment for as long as possible.

Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and he again grabbed JC's head, bringing him back up to his awaiting mouth. He licked his palm and reached down and gripped JC's cock, coating it with his saliva. He then guided it down to his hole. JC positioned himself between Lance's legs and placed the head of his cock against Lance's butt. He lightly inserted the tip and then forced it in, sending a bolt of pleasure mixed with pain through him. JC slowly inserted his entire length into Lance and when he felt his pelvis press against Lance, he stopped, giving his lover a second to get accustomed to him.

Soon, Lance was ready and gave JC a look telling him to start fucking him. JC began rhythmically moving in and out of Lance, who had grabbed his own cock and was stroking it slowly. A few beads of sweat were now appearing across JC's forehead as his moaning increased in volume and frequency. Lance was sweating himself and raised one hand to feel the light veil of perspiration that coated his lover's chest. He squeezed one of JC's nipples, causing him to moan again

JC was now pumping harder and Lance ran his hands down JC's back, lowering him, so JC's rhythms would cause his stomach to rub against with Lance's cock. Lance's hands made their way to JC's firm butt and he squeezed his buns lightly sending JC over the edge. Lance felt JC's jizz fill him up and soon the friction of JC's tummy caused him to shoot his own load, which coated both of their chests.

JC collapsed on top of Lance, causing Lance's come to ooze down his sides. But, Lance didn't care. He was so spent, he never wanted to move from this position. Finally, JC climbed off of him and hopped into the bathroom. He tossed Lance a towel and turned on the shower. Lance wiped himself dry and sat up on the bed.

He called out to JC, "You want anything to drink?"

JC responded from the shower, "Yeah, some water would be great".

Lance stood up and casually walked into the quiet living room. He went to the fridge and poured a glass of water for JC. He was just about at the bedroom door, when the front door burst open and Justin, Joey and Chris burst in.

"There's a full moon out tonight!" Joey cried as the three walked in. Lance spun around and quickly lowered the glass to cover his privates.

"Back so soon?" Lance stammered out.

Justin smiled as he shut the door, "Yeah, too many people recognized us, so we had to get out of there." Joey leaned against the kitchen counter, "Looks like you had a good night".

"Jealous?" JC asked, coming up behind Lance, still naked and dripping wet.

"Hell yes!" Joey cried as he tried to throw a seductive glare at JC.

Chris picked up a blanket off the couch and tossed it at the nude guys, "Dudes! Cover up! Nobody wants to see that!" he headed into his bedroom, "Why do I always have to see Scoop's naked ass?"

Joey and Justin laughed and waved goodnight to the guys, heading off to their own rooms. Lance turned around and handed JC the glass, "Here's your water. And thanks for coming out so I wasn't the only naked skinny white boy."

JC took a sip, "I just wanted to make sure you didn't get dressed or anything. Because I'm not tired yet".

Lance grabbed JC's water and hugged him, feeling JC's penis growing between them, "And you call me an animal!"

JC looked at Lance and seductively leaned in, then into his ear, he whispered, "Bow Wow!"

Lance looked down at JC's now-hard cock, and playfully grabbed it, "Guess I don't need to ask 'Who let the dogs out', huh?"

"It's all you, dear," JC said as he led Lance back into the bedroom.

Later that night, as they cuddled in bed, Lance thought to himself how lucky he was to have someone like JC in his life. And how much he looked forward to spending the remainder of it with him. Lance and JC. A love that will never be lost.

I suck at writing endings, so I'm sorry this is so sappy and silly, but I didn't want it to be too final, since I am in effect continuing this story down the road. I hope you enjoyed my obsessions as much as I did (and still do) and continue to enjoy some of the great stuff on this site...Adios for now!

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