Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Aug 28, 2000


Hello all! Thanks for all the wonderful comments...keep 'em coming ( I would like to clarify something from the last disclaimer. When I put no babes should read this, I was referring to underage people, not women. I want everyone to read my stories - the more the merrier, I say! So, I apologize if that offended anyone.

Now, I offer the usual disclaimer: If you are underage or a homophobe - go away! And I do not know any of the NSYNCers personally (although if they do read this, PLEASE let me know - wishful thinking, I know) and I therefore, do not know their sexuality. This story is a fantasy, plain and simple. Enjoy!

Chapter 5 - How can I put into words how I feel?

"Oh loverboys?"

Lance slowly opened his eyes. The morning sun was streaming through the window and it took him a minute to adjust to the light. When he did, he was staring in the face of Curly.

"Cam I help you?" Lance managed to mutter. A glance at the clock showed it to be a little after eight.

Justin sat on the bed and looked over Lance's shoulder, "Looks like you had a good time last night".

Lance's brain was a little slow in the morning, so when he realized what Justin meant he quickly turned over. JC was curled up in a fetal position on the other side of the bed. He smiled at the still sleeping boy, who had kicked his covers off. Lance couldn't help but take a quick peak at his long legs leading to his perfect...

"So, how was it?" Justin interrupted, causing Lance to spin back around. He slowly got out of the bed, so he wouldn't wake JC and walked with Justin over to the balcony door. He opened it up and felt a warm breeze blow across his face. They walked out and sat down on some chairs.

Lance coughed, "Not that it's any of your business, but nothing happened last night".

Justin replied, "You can't say nothing, because I got up the morning and burst into Josh's room and find his bed hadn't been slept in. Then I proceed to your room and find the two of you in your drawers. Now, maybe nothing sexual happened, but some stuff went down. Now, spill it".

Lance smiled, thinking about the night before: the soft lips of JC, how his tongue felt so good as it slipped in his mouth. "Well, we talked and I think we're gonna start dating".

Justin jumped up and began dancing around, "Yes! I am so happy for you guys!"

Lance stared at his curly-headed friend, "Man, you're more happy than I am".

Justin stopped and leaned in, "I doubt that".

Lance smiled as he heard a voice behind him, "Doubt what?"

He spun around to see JC standing there, still decked out in his underwear and T-shirt. He went over and pulled him into a hug, "He doubts that he is happier for us than I am".

JC looked into Lance's eyes, "You know Curly, you should get your self a significant other. They can do wonders for you." He leaned in and gave Lance a slight kiss on the lips.

Justin laughed, "I'm happy playing the field right now. And I'm extremely happy for the both of you. I don't think I've seen either one of you glow so much since I've known you," he headed back to the balcony door, "So, do you want to tell the guys, or can I?"

JC turned to him, "I think we should do that".

Justin nodded and headed inside. JC kissed Lance again, this time trying to make it more passionate. Lance pulled away, which confused JC. Lance calmed him, "It's not that I don't want to kiss you, but I think we need to get rid of this morning breath first, if you don't mind,"

JC giggled and the two guys went in to get cleaned up.

Joey and Chris were once again involved in a computer game death match of some sort and didn't even notice JC emerge from Lance's room and make his way over to his room to shower. Justin gave him a wink and returned to his bowl of cereal.

About fifteen minutes later, Lance came out of his room, dressed and clean.

He grabbed a glass and poured himself some juice, "So, what's on the agenda for the day?"

Joey, not looking up from his game, responded, "Aren't you usually the one who has all our plans laid out for us, Scoop?"

Justin jumped in, "Well, I'm sure he's had other things on his mind lately".

Chris said, "You can say that again. I'm surprised you have even thought about the band what with all you've been going through".

Lance was touched by Chris' sincerity, but it was ruined when Chris added, "I mean hanging out with four other hot guys like us must keep you distracted."

Lance smirked and threw a pillow at his bandmate. It caused Chris to mess up his game. Joey shouted a victory cheer and Chris cursed under his breath, shooting Lance a mock-dirty look.

Justin turned to Lance, "We actually have some radio interview at 10:00 and then that's it until rehearsal on Monday". JC emerged from his room and Lance smiled at him as he walked by. JC quickly patted him on the stomach as he reached for the juice and poured himself a glass.

Joey and Chris had started their game again when Joey asked, "So, how did things go last night guys? It was kinda quiet when we got in, so I assume no wild monkey love happened".

Lance jumped in, "Not unless you count your solo love fest in the shower this morning".

Joey blushed and made a face at Lance. JC looked at his new boyfriend and turned to the guys on the couch, "Well, we do have a sort of announcement," he paused dramatically to see how the guys would react, but Joey and Chris were still into their game; so, JC went on, "Lance and I are a couple now".

Lance liked how that sounded - a "couple". He and Josh were together.

They looked up at the guys. Justin sat back and smiled, still happy for the guys. Joey smiled too and said, "Congrats. I'm sure your children will be beautiful".

Chris on the other hand, was unusually silent. Everyone looked at him, upon which he simply said, "Good for you". This unenthusiastic response was so unlike Chris that it worried Lance. JC looked upset too. Chris felt the probing eyes and got up, "I have to go make some calls".

He left the room and no one knew what to say. So, Lance followed him. Chris was wandering around his room, trying to look busy. Lance just stared at his bandmate and when it became evident to Chris that lance wasn't going to leave, he sat down on his bed.

Lance took a seat next to him, "I thought you were okay with the gay thing, Chris".

Chris sighed, "I am. I'm fine with that".

Lance was confused, "So, why do you have a problem with Josh and I?"

Chris got up and began pacing, "I just think that this dating thing could cause more problems than it's worth. And I'm not even talking about being gay. If you were with a woman in our band, I'd feel the same way. I mean, what happens if you guys break up or something".

Lance got a little angry at Chris' presumption, "We just started dating. I'm not really thinking very far ahead".

Chris stopped pacing, "I know and that's fine. But, that is something you need to deal with. Seriously, I'm not trying to jinx you guys, but if something does happen, have you thought about how it's going to affect the group?"

Lance did see Chris' point. He really liked JC, and he thought it maybe could get more serious, but no one could really predict the future. There could be a hundred things that could go wrong with them and a break-up would certainly hurt the group dynamic. Still, that was something he didn't want to think about.

Lance stood up, "I understand where you're coming from, but I really like Josh and I think he likes me too. I think if we didn't explore our feelings, it could have just as negative an impact."

Chris turned to Lance and rested his hand on his bandmate's shoulder, "I know. I'm just overreacting, I guess".

Lance reassured him, "It's something that needs to be dealt with. I guess I need to talk to Josh about it". They had only had one date and here it was time for their first relationship talk. Lance smiled to himself. Relationships were work, that was for sure.

Chris smiled, "I really am happy for you guys. I know how hard it can be being honest about this stuff and especially with your family, I want you to be able to be open about things". He leaned into Lance, "Just no graphic details, okay?"

Lance laughed and nodded. He gave Chris a friendly hug and headed out of the room. Joey was now watching TV, munching on some cereal.

Joey looked up, "Everything okay?"

Lance, "Yeah. No biggie. Chris just gave me a dose of reality, which I need. And now I need to talk to Josh about it. Where's he go?"

Joey pointed to JC's room, "He and Just went in there a few minutes ago".

Lance thanked him and headed over to JC's room. The door was cracked and he could hear the two guys talking. It sounded serious, and he hated himself for even thinking about it, but when he heard his name, he leaned in to listen.

"Don't worry about Chris," Justin began, "If he has a problem with you and Lance together, he'll just have to deal."

JC responded, "I just want everyone to be happy for us. I don't want anything to ruin this. Although I do want everyone to be honest with me. No secrets".

Justin paused, "So, are you gonna be honest with Lance?"

Lance was taken aback? What was JC hiding. He didn't want to hear anymore, but his curiosity got the best of him.

JC had said something, but Lance missed it. Justin went on, "Don't you think you oughta tell him how you feel about him?"

JC was silent for a minute, "I don't want to weird him out. We're just starting things out. Things are fragile now."

Justin spoke, "Well, I think he has the right to know. I mean, sure you're dating, but what if Lance doesn't want this to get too serious? Don't you think he has the right to know your feelings?"

JC sighed, "I just don't know how to tell Lance I've been in love with him for years. It's not that easy".

Lance stood there in shock. JC was in love with him? He had no clue. A dozen emotions were running through his mind right now. He had no idea what to think. And he kicked himself for listening in. Now, he knew something he was supposed to not know and he hated keeping secrets. He had no idea how to react.

He didn't get the chance, for the door to JC's room suddenly opened, and Justin was staring him in the face, "Lance! What's up?"

Lance tried to regain his composure, "I...uhh...just came to see if you were about ready to go to the interview".

Justin smiled. Apparently, he didn't suspect Lance of eavesdropping, "That's our Scoop. Always on top of things. But, dude, we got half an hour before the limo gets here. And besides, you don't look ready either".

Lance looked at himself. He was still in his boxers. "Yeah. Well, just want to make sure we're not late".

Justin was still smiling, "Admit it. You just wanted to see if you could catch a glimpse of Josh naked".

"Yeah, that's it," Lance said half-heartedly. "You got me. Guess I better go shower".

He turned away before Justin could say anything and walked silently into his room.

The interview was the typical boring same-old same-old. The questions asked were the same ones asked a hundred times. And this was good for Lance. His concentration had been thrown off since he overheard JC declare his love and he was in no mood for any other surprises. He tried to act normal around JC, but he had to admit that he was a little weirded out by it and he was afraid it showed.

On the limo ride over, Lance made a point of sitting between Chris and Joey. JC looked a little hurt, but Lance played it off like he had to talk to Chris about something important. He had also refused JC's hand in the elevator on the way up to the studio, but played that off to not wanting anyone to see them. Of course, the elevator only held the NSYNCers. Lance was lame at making excuses and JC knew that.

After the interview, the guys went to lunch at this small Italian restaurant that Joey liked to go to when they were in LA. It was relatively empty inside, but there were no big tables, so Justin basically forced JC and Lance to take a small corner table, while they sat in a small booth.

Lance tried to act normal, but he could see JC was uncomfortable. They ordered their food and sat in silence for a minute. He noticed several times the other guys would look over there way, with concern in their eyes. They knew something was up.

Finally, JC broke the silence, "So, Joey told me you had to talk to me this morning. What was it about?"

Lance lied, "Just the reminder about the interview. I'm sure you heard me tell Justin in the hallway."

JC looked down, "He said you mentioned relationship stuff, not the interview."

Lance looked away. JC went on, "Is it about Chris, because we talked on the way over here and it sounded like he was okay with things".

Lance had head them talking, but briefly had thought about using that as an excuse. But, he didn't want JC mad at Chris and now that they talked, that wouldn't work anyway.

JC leaned in, "Lance, what is wrong with you?"

In the fashion that Lance had become accustomed to recently, he just blurted out what was on his mind, "Josh, are you in love with me?"

Apparently, he said this a little loud, for the other guys all looked over in unison. JC's face became red and he turned to Justin, about to say something.

Lance stepped in, "Justin didn't tell me. I overheard you guys talking today".

JC was still red, but now his anger was directed at Lance, "You did what?"

Lance tried to apologize, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

JC stated coldly, "You're lame, Lance".

He got up and walked out of the door. Lance wanted to cry. He had upset Josh and that severely depressed him. Justin came over to him, "Are you gonna go after him or not?"

Of course he was. Lance got up and ran out of the restaurant. There was a small park next to the restaurant and Lance spotted JC sitting on a bench by the playground. He went and sat next to him. They said nothing, but Lance could tell JC had been crying.

Finally, JC spoke, "I wanted to tell you on my terms. You had no right to listen in like that".

Lance nodded, "I know. It was totally wrong. There's no excuse".

JC was silent for a minute, "I guess I know how you feel now".

Lance turned to him, "What does that mean?"

"You're weirded out by my little revelation".

Lane put his hand on JC's, "I'm gonna be honest. Yeah, I am a little weirded out. But, that doesn't mean I want to break up."

JC's faced cleared up a little, "It doesn't?"

Lance squeezed JC's hand, "No. I may not feel the same way about you right now, but I will tell you this. When you ran out of the restaurant, my heart broke. That's never happened to me before and I hated it," he smiled, "I'm not in love with you Josh, but I think I am getting there".

JC smiled. Lance reached up and wiped a tear away from his boyfriend's eye. JC looked him in the eyes, "Why are relationships so much work?"

Lance offered, "Because if they were easy, we would take them for granted. And I don't ever want to take you for granted".

Lance wanted so bad to kiss JC there, but JC took the initiative and leaned in first. Their lips met for a minute. Lance felt one of JC's tears fall on his own cheek. He pulled away, a little shocked.

"Don't worry," JC began, "I made sure no one was around".

Just then, the other guys came traipsing up. Justin smiled, "I take it you worked things out?"

The guys nodded. Joey held up a couple of boxes, "I figured you guys might want your food, so I got it to go. But, if you don't want it, I'll be glad to eat it".

Lance and JC stood up. JC grabbed the boxes, "Don't worry, I am starving."

The guys headed back to the limo. Lance knew it was dangerous, but as they approached the car, he slipped his hand into JC's. But, at that moment, JC was all that mattered.

Okay, Chapter 5 is done...hope you like it. Keep those comments coming! Keep your eyes out for Chapter 6 - JC and Lance are going to get a lot "closer" in that one!

Next: Chapter 5: Next Window Please 6 7

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