Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Aug 29, 2000


Didn't get a lot of feedback for the last part; so, please keep the comments coming - hell, e-mail me to just say hi - anything is welcome (especially the positive things)

Disclaimer: You must be of legal age to view this material. And I am not familiar with the NSYNCers or their bed-habits...this work is fiction (unfortunately). Enjoy!

I Chapter 6 - I just wanna be with you

"I love your tattoo," JC said as he traced his finger around Lance's ankle-art.

"Well, my dear, "Lance began, "we all have them - except you, of course". "I didn't want to maim myself," JC jokingly replied.

Lance laughed, "Please! You couldn't stand the pain, wimp".

"I'll show you wimp," JC said as he grabbed Lance by the shoulders and pushed him to the ground. They wrestled around playfully for a second, before they were stopped by a loud cough.

They looked up to see Fatima, their choreographer staring at them, "If you're done with the horseplay, maybe could finish this rehearsal guys".

The two obediently got up. Lance went over to take him place for the next number. As he walked by JC, he muttered, "We'll finish this later".

Rehearsal had been going pretty well that day - not that the guys needed much of it. They had been doing the same moves for the past several months and this time was pretty much just a refresher. The truth was, things had been going well all week. Besides the rehearsals for the next leg of their tour, the guys had spent the early part of the week filming the video to their next single, "This I Promise You".

Lance always seemed to like the slow songs on the albums, although the other guys were more into the fast, dancy stuff. Part of it, Lance assumed, was because they didn't really dance to these songs and it meant Lance wouldn't have the chance to mess up in front of millions of screaming fans. He also just found the slow stuff soothing and after this week, he was understanding the meanings of them.

This time with JC had been wonderful. They had spent practically every waking day of the previous weekend together after their talk. They did iron some of the things that Chris had brought up. Basically, they would put the band first at this point and if any problems arose because they were dating, they would do their best to rectify it, even if it hurt them some. They were willing to sacrifice a little for the group. Lance was content with this since it was the group that first brought him and Josh together.

Lance was extremely smitten with JC. He found himself thinking about him more often than not and he got butterflies in his stomach everytime JC walked in the room. He wasn't sure if he was "in love" yet, since he didn't believe that was something that could happen in a week; but, he was getting there and with the happiness he felt now, he couldn't wait for it to come.

He was a little worried about JC's feelings though. He knew full well that people in love tend to be a little more sensitive. So, he wasn't exactly walking on eggshells around Josh, but he was a little more careful about things he said.

Unfortunately, their together time had been limited during the previous weekdays. They rehearsed all day on Monday (and that one was sorely needed, just to get their minds focused on the tour). The next two days were long twelve-hour shoots and then yesterday and today more rehearsal, although not as long or tedious.

It still wore out everyone and the evenings were spent indoors relaxing. It was nice, however, to just watch TV while JC sat next to him. Lance loved cuddling and holding hands. He also enjoyed the kissing sessions that had become more frequent. Lance could feel certain urges in his body and he felt that he was ready to take this thing to the next level sexually, but he wanted to be absolutely sure. He didn't want to do anything to hurt Josh.

Tonight, however, would be spent at home. Lance had decided to have the "sex" talk with JC to see where he stood. It would definitely be an interesting night.

"Okay, that's enough for today," Fatima said as she turned off the music, "I won't be around Monday, so consider it an early Christmas present. Just don't forget everything. I'll see you guys on Tuesday, when we get to start rehearsing for the MTV awards."

Lance dreaded that. The guys felt they had to top last year's ceremony, where they remixed Tearing Up My Heart and did a combo with Britney. He may have been on top of their schedules usually, but when it came to planning performances and the moves they would use, he left that to the real dancers - namely JC and Justin. He felt a little twinge in his shorts as he thought of the way JC moved. JC knew how to shake it and Lance couldn't wait to find out just how well that translated to the bedroom.

Lance was kind of shocked at his dirty thoughts, but he couldn't help it. JC was hot. It was at that moment that he decided he was 100 percent ready to move this relationship up. He cared about JC and furthermore, he wanted him.

The guys ordered pizza, as was the usual deal this week and as they munched on it, they discussed their plans for the long weekend. Justin was planning on staying in town and hanging out with Britney Spears. Those two had gotten closer recently and everyone saw it. The only problem was, they had been good friends for so long, neither one could see that they were interested in the other. Lance figured it was just a matter of time.

Chris really wanted to go back to West Virginia and finish the rest of the river trail that they had to miss, "Come on, Josh. I hear it's been raining like crazy and the water levels are back up."

JC turned to Lance and smiled, "If you don't mind, I think I have other plans already".

Chris sighed and then joked, "You mean you'd rather spend time with your boyfriend than hang out with me?"

"Come on Chrissy, you know booty calls take precedence over everything!" Joey said as he swallowed a bite of pizza.

Everyone laughed, except JC. He looked a little uncomfortable at Joey's comment and Lance realized that the topic of sex was on his mind too.

So, he got up off the couch, pulling JC with him, "If you'll excuse us, we would like some quality time together".

This drew the "oohs" and "ahhs" from the others. As the went into Lance's room, Joey shouted, "Just don't rattle the walls tonight, huh? I need to sleep."

Lance turned to Joey, "With your snoring, I could scream Hallelujah into a bullhorn and you wouldn't hear me". He smirked and went into the room before Joey could respond.

As he shut the door, he felt a couple of arms reach around his waist and squeeze. Lance stood there for a moment, savoring the warmth from JC. He could feel JC's hot breath on his neck and it sent chills up his spine. Slowly he turned around to face his boyfriend. He stared at him for a moment and then decided to start the conversation he knew they both needed to have, "I noticed Joey made you a little uncomfortable out there with his comments".

JC released his grip and walked over to the bed. He lied down. Lance joined him. They interlocked hands as they stared at the ceiling. JC finally responded, "Yeah, he just got me thinking about things".

Lance agreed, "I know the feeling."

JC turned to him, "Then, you've been thinking about getting a little more intimate?"

Lance nodded, "Yeah, a little. Not that I mind just cuddling with you and kissing you. But, I have been wondering when this thing will take the next turn."

JC laughed, "It's just that I've been waiting for this moment for so long."

Lance looked over at JC and ran his other hand across his chest. As his hand made it to the top of JC's shorts, Lance noticed that the boy was standing somewhat at attention. "I can see that," he said indicating JC's tent.

JC's face flushed. Lance kissed him on the cheek, "Don't worry. I take it as a compliment. Besides, these things have a mind of their own".

JC laughed again, "You don't know the half of it."

Lance sat up, "What's that mean?"

JC was hesitant, but went on, "Have you ever watched our HBO special?"

Lance looked perplexed, "The one in New York we did last month? No, I don't like to look at myself perform".

"Well," JC began, "I do like to look at you perform and I was thinking a bit much about it that night."

Lance was intrigued now, "And?"

JC sat up, "Well, you know during the encores we're wearing those nylon pants? Well, that particular night stupid me wore boxers, not thinking about things and...well, the thought of you coupled with the rubbing of those get the picture."

Lance put his hand over his mouth, trying to keep from bursting out laughing. When he calmed down, he spoke, "You got a hard on during the show?"

"Actually, it really got bad during 'Bye Bye Bye'. If you watch, I think I adjust my pants every five seconds. Man, I was in pain. And the whole world got to see my boner".

Lance laughed, "I'm sorry, but it's funny. I should see that sometime".

JC turned to Lance and put his hand on his cheek, "You know you don't have to watch it. You can have the real thing".

Lance smiled and kissed JC's hand. He then worked his way down his arm and back up to his face. He reached JC's lips and parted them with his tongue. As they kissed, they made their way back down onto the bed. Lance felt JC's hands run across his chest.

He moved away from Josh's face and began kissing him on his neck. JC moaned slightly. Lance wasn't sure how far to go, but he figured JC would stop him. He began unbuttoning JC's shirt, and with each button, he would open his shirt slightly and kiss him on the exposed skin. After he had opened the whole shirt, he let it fall away, revealing JC's thin, yet muscular frame. Lance made his way to JC's nipple and began tenderly biting it. JC moaned louder.

Lance glanced over at the door to see if anyone was moving towards it. The other guys were apparently playing Sony again, for he could hear Chris whining something about getting killed on Level 5. Lance looked up at JC, who had his eyes closed, enjoying the moment. Lance returned to JC's nipple, eliciting another moan.

After a few minutes, JC pulled Lance up on top of him. He grabbed his head and kissed Lance passionately. Lance could feel JC grinding his hips into his boyfriend and Lance could feel what the HBO watchers could see. He was extremely hard himself and wanted nothing more than to consummate this relationship.

JC pulled Lance's shirt over his head. Lance moved up a little, whereupon JC began sucking on his neck. JC spun Lance over and straddled him. Lance ran a hand over JC's chest, feeling his heart pounding inside. JC lowered himself and began licking Lance's chest. He worked his way down to Lance's belly button, sending him into a fit of ecstasy. He was about to burst out of his jeans, when he felt JC unbutton them and pull down the zipper.

Lance felt Josh's hand cup him through his boxers. He felt that he might come right there, but the growing noise of the three guys outside was distracting. He tried to concentrate on JC, but it was almost too much. He looked up at JC, who had stopped kissing. He also had an annoyed look on his face.

A second later, the door came crashing open and Justin flew through it, immediately followed by Chris, who was hurling Potato Chips at him. Lance just stared at the guys, who looked over and immediately stopped.

"Uh oh," was all Chris could say as he looked at Lance and JC, shirtless and entwined.

Justin didn't say a word, but quickly ushered Chris out. Joey poked his head in a second later, "Sorry guys".

He shut the door and JC flipped over and fell beside Lance. They both lied there for a moment before JC giggled. Lance joined him and moved to put his head on JC's chest. The moment had definitely passed.

"Not the most ideal circumstances for our first time, huh Scoop?" JC asked.

Lance looked up at JC and kissed him on the nose, "There'll be plenty of time for that."

After a minute of snuggling, JC spoke, "I'm kinda glad we waited. I think I want our first time to be really special."

"And quiet," Lance threw in.

JC changed topics, "So, I was thinking we could go to DC for the weekend."

Lance sat up, "Kinda long way to travel for three days. Wouldn't you just rather stay in town?"

JC got serious, "I love DC and I thought maybe could make a trip down to parents' house."

Lance knew where this was leading, "Don't feel you have to tell them because of me, Josh. Only when you're ready."

JC sat up and looked in Lance's eyes, "I am ready, Lance. I want to just be happy and to do that I have to be honest. I know I can't be open publicly, but I have to at least be honest with my family."

Lance sighed, "I felt the same way and it turned out shitty".

"Even though you're family took it bad, you have to admit it lifted a big weight off of your shoulders, right?"

Lance had to agree, but was still wary. However, if it was what Josh wanted, he would be happy for him, "I'm there for you."

JC smiled and kissed Lance firmly on the mouth. They both lied back down and assumed their usual spooning position. They lay there for an hour, talking and holding each other until they both fell asleep.

Chapter 7 - Baby, baby we can do more than just talk

Luckily for Lance and JC, their management didn't even know of their plans and so their trip to DC was uneventful - meaning no screaming fans meeting them at the gate at the airport. They checked into their hotel, which was conveniently located in the DuPont Circle area. After they had settled in, Lance went up to JC and hugged him, "I'm glad you thought of our gayness when you booked this room, but we still can't act like a couple in public."

JC nodded, "I know and I'm sure management would have a cow if they knew we were staying in the area, but it's a hip place and frankly, I don't care what the others think at this point".

Lance kissed JC's cheek, "Noble thought, but a little unrealistic".

JC smiled, "I know, but thanks for caring".

Lance let go of JC, "You know what is real, though? My hunger. I'm starving".

The two went out to a small pub-type restaurant. Even though Lance was starving and knew he should eat, the knots in his stomach were too much. This was the first night that he and JC had spent together where they wouldn't return with possibility of one of the guys bursting in the room. They had the whole town to themselves and Lance was excited about spending this time with his boyfriend.

He was also terrified about the parents thing. JC had called him mom before they went out and made plans to dine with them in town the following night. JC wasn't sure about going home, since he wasn't ready to tell his two younger siblings. Lance didn't even have to tell his sister - his parents blabbed to her already. But, she took it pretty well. Too bad he hadn't talked to any of them in over a week and had no idea. His e-mail inbox had remained empty.

"What are you thinking about?" JC asked when he noticed Lance's intense look.

Lance tried to brush it off, "Nothing really. Just thinking of you."

JC cocked his eyebrow, "Really? I think not. That look was not one of lust or desire. It was serious."

Lance pushed his food around on the plate, "I'm just worried about tomorrow."

JC set down his fork, "Don't be, hon. It's my parents we're telling. All I need for you is to be there for me, no matter what happens."

"And I will be," Lance offered. He smiled at JC and stared at his intense blue eyes. They were so beautiful. He was falling for Josh more and more everyday.

JC then got serious himself, "Can I ask you a question? Have you ever had sex?"

Lance was reluctant to talk about his one-time tryst at the park and that was really the only time he had done anything remotely sexual with another person. He decided to be vague and hope that would satisfy Josh, "I fooled around with this one guy back before I joined the band. It wasn't a memorable experience."

JC seemed content, "So, you've never been with a woman?"

"No, but I know you have."

JC wasn't surprised by Lance's revelation. There had been a period about a year ago, just after they started getting famous that JC had begun bringing girls back to the dressing rooms after the shows. It wasn't every show, but usually there was one a week.

JC held his head down, "I think I was going through that phase where you try to prove your not gay by being with girls. Even though I felt the way I did about you, I still thought maybe I was bi or something. I guess you didn't go through that, huh?"

Lance shook his head, "I never really denied it, deep down. I just suppressed it. But, can I be nosy and ask how many there were?"

JC looked up, "I don't really know. Most of the times, it was a quick makeout session and maybe a blow-job. I wasn't really interested in sex. Although I did do it with a couple of the girls."

Lance could tell JC felt a little ashamed, so he tried to sooth him, "That's okay. You were confused. You just had to sort things out. You're not a bad person, Josh".

Josh seemed a little happier now. Lance decided he knew enough and dropped the conversation. The rest of the meal was spent on happier topics.

The two finished their dinner and decided to walk around the area. They resisted the urge to hold hands, although on more than one occasion, they saw gay couples walking arm-in-arm down the street. Lance was surprised that they hadn't been approached by anyone yet. They had gotten their share of stares, but he assumed that gay men, while huge fans, tended to be a little more subdued about their like of boybands.

A light rain began to fell, and luckily the guys were only two blocks from their hotel. Unluckily, one block from their hotel, the downpour began. They were soaked by the time they reached the lobby, but they were laughing.

Both guys were having a great time and the weather wasn't going to ruin it.

If anything, the weather intensified the mood. As they stood in the elevator, Lance took one look at JC, whose shirt was clinging tightly to his thin frame, and pushed him up against the wall. Before he could think about it, he was kissing Josh passionately and rubbing his hips against the others'.

JC was taken aback, but eased into the kiss and soon they were groping each other. Lance wanted to see JC out of those clothes and soon.

They quickly parted as the door opened to their floor and they rushed to their room. JC went into the bathroom, while Lance proceeded to remove his wet clothes. His boxers were soaked through as well, so he removed them and pulled on a fresh pair of boxerbriefs.

"Looking good," a voice said. Lance spun around to face Josh, who was clad only in his boxerbriefs as well and had a big, beautiful grin on his face.

Lance went to him and put his arms around his waist, "How long were standing there and why isn't your underwear wet too?"

JC smiled, "Long enough to check out the goods. And the reason my drawers are dry is because I wasn't wearing these when we went out."

Lance was confused, "I coulda sworn you were wearing those when you went to change. And I can't believe you have two pairs of red and blue striped underwear".

JC smiled in an evil way, "These are the same. I wasn't wearing any underwear when we went out tonight".

Lance suddenly felt his crotch ache, "And why is that".

JC shrugged, "Don't know. I guess I was just trying to be a little more naughty."

Lance hugged him tighter, "Well, putting clothes on is not gonna make that happen."

JC took Lance's statement as a dare and reached down, removing his underwear. He now stood before Lance, completely naked. Lance had seen JC naked before on various occasions, but this is the first time he had studied his physique. His body was so firm and taut, with nary an inch of fat anywhere. Lance was skinny now, but he always had to watch his weight. He knew by looking at his dad that love handles were in his future.

But not with Josh; at least not in the foreseeable future. No, he looked like a god, with his dark facial features and smooth skin. Lance was afraid to look below the waist for fear of getting turned on too much, but when JC went up to him and hugged him close, Lance felt what he longed to see pressing up against him.

JC began to nibble on his ear and then whispered, "I want you to be naked with me".

Lance swallowed, "But, I thought you wanted your first night with me to be special".

JC backed away, "And this isn't? The fact that I'm here with you, with the one I love..." he cut himself off, realizing he had said the words that made Lance a little uncomfortable.

But, Lance didn't mind, "It's okay. Those words don't bother me. In fact, it makes me glad to know someone cares for me so deeply," he went to JC and rubbed his face, "I just hope I can return the feelings someday and make you the happiest man alive".

JC began leading Lance to the bed, "I couldn't be more happier, Lance."

JC slowly pulled down Lance's underwear, which got caught briefly on his erection. Then, they lied on the bed. They both stared at each other, taking in the forms before their eyes.

Lance rested his head on his elbow and began caressing JC's arm, "Can I ask you a question?"

JC nodded and Lance went on, "When exactly did you fall in love with me? I mean was there a specific time?"

Again JC nodded, "It was a few years ago, way before we got popular here. We were playing some benefit show for disabled youth and after the show we were running late - we had to catch a plane or something - and you saw this little girl, hobbling on crutches, staring at you, screaming your name. She was crying, I remember and you broke out of the line and went over to her, much to the management's chagrin. And you sat there and talked to her and hugged her for something like ten minutes."

"I remember. That was it?" lance asked.

JC shook his head, "Not quite. No, after you finished with her, you hugged her and as you turned my way, I saw a tear run down your cheek. It was at that exact moment, that I knew I was in love with you".

Lance felt himself well up with tears. JC pulled him close and kissed his forehead. Lance suddenly thought to himself what it would be like if JC wasn't in his life and the thought was too much to bear. He looked up at Josh.

JC asked, "So, why'd you want to know?"

Lance hesitated, "Because I think just now when you walked out of the bathroom, with that big smile on your face...that's when I fell in love with you and I just realized it. Josh Scott Chasez, I love you".

JC's eyes opened wide and suddenly they were filled with tears. Both guys began crying and holding each other.

"My God, we're like a bunch of old ninnies," Lance finally said as he wiped his eyes.

Lance looked up at JC and wiped his face. JC stared at him and finally said, "Please make love to me".

Lance didn't need to hear any more. He reached over and pulled JC on top of him. Their faces met and they began kissing. Lance placed his tongue in JC's mouth and soon JC returned the "favor". JC began working his way down Lance - his neck, his chest, then his bellybutton - just like the other night. But, this time, they weren't interrupted.

JC moved down to Lance's aching hard-on and slowly began licking the shaft.

Lance had only had one previous sexual experience and it involved the act that JC was doing right now. Still, this time was so different. He was with the man he loved and it was almost too much for him to handle.

JC began working his way down to Lance's balls, suckling them one at a time. Lance was on the verge of orgasm, but knew he had to savor this moment and tried his best to hold out. Suddenly, JC moved away from his cock and grabbed it in his hands as he began sucking on Lance's nipple. Lance couldn't take it anymore and suddenly he felt a wave of ecstasy rush through him as his dick shot out come all over JC's hand. JC continued to stroke Lance slowly until all the semen had come out.

Lance laid back, exhausted, yet full of energy. JC wiped his hand on a towel from the floor and lay back next to Lance. Lance turned to JC and kissed him again. He wanted to return the favor and began making his way down JC's body.

"You don't have to do this, Lance," JC stated.

Lance replied, "I really want this." And with that, he made his way down to JC's throbbing cock. Lance studied it for a moment. He had never really examined a penis up close. It wasn't the most attractive thing, but at this moment, Lance wanted nothing more than to taste it. He slowly wrapped his lips around JC's member and began sucking. He had no idea if he was doing it right or well, since it was his first time as the giver and his memory of the park was so distant he couldn't remember how that went.

But, JC's moans made Lance aware he was doing something right. He cupped JC's balls in his hands and continued to suck n the shaft of JC's cock. JC was writhing in pleasure and Lance was so happy. He loved giving pleasure to Josh. It was almost better than receiving it.

Lance released JC's balls and worked his way down between Josh's legs. He reached JC's hole and ran a finger across it. JC jumped slightly and Lance pulled away, but he heard JC moan, "Don't stop" so he returned to JC's anus.

He wasn't sure he was ready to go any farther than that, but he pressed his finger against the hole and JC moaned.

Lance returned his full attention to JC's cock, while still rubbing JC's asshole. He worked his way up and down, quicker now. He felt JC's cock begin to throb and get engorged and he knew his lover was about to come.

JC grabbed Lance's head and tried to pull him away, "I'm getting ready to come". But Lance refused JC's offer to stop. He wanted to taste all of JC and he wasn't going to stop until he had swallowed all of JC's come.

Suddenly, JC tensed up and Lance felt a hot stream shoot down his throat. His gag reflex caught him off guard and he choked slightly, but soon his throat muscles relaxed enough and welcomed the rest of JC's load.

After JC had finished, Lance made his way back up to JC. He didn't want to kiss him, since he knew some of the semen was still in his mouth, but JC pulled him close anyway and kissed him. His salty kiss went on for a minute before both guys just turned over on their backs. They were both spent.

Lance rested his head on JC's chest and Josh began playing with his hair. Neither said a word and neither had to. Both guys had just shared a special moment with each other that they knew they wouldn't recapture. They were in love with each other and had shared that in a most intimate way. Lance and JC were happy and it was these happy thoughts that helped them fall asleep in each other's arms.

Okay, that's my first sex scene...not too much going on, but I can assure you further chapters will develop the physical side much, keep those comments a'comin'!

Next: Chapter 6

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