Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Aug 31, 2000


Here is the next part...not much to say, really...just send the feedback!!!!!!!!

And here is the usual stuff: Please be of legal age to read this and as far as NSYNC and who they like really like to get busy with, I haven't the foggiest. This story is 100% completely made-up. Enjoy!

Chapter 8 - Just hit me with the truth

Roy and Karen Chasez were a good-looking couple and Lance immediately knew that the couple at the door was them. JC was a perfect combination of his parents and he had definitely gotten all the good genes.

JC and Lance were in their cab at the restaurant. Josh's parents hadn't spotted him yet and Lance could tell he was glad. JC was practically hyperventilating and Lance was doing everything he could to soothe him.

"Did I tell you how hot you look tonight?" JC said as he took deep breaths.

Lance smiled, "Flattery will get you everywhere, Joshua".

"I just think of you and the nervousness I'm feeling seems to disappear".

"I'm glad I can be here," Lance began, "but, we had better get going on this".

JC agreed and they slowly exited the cab. Karen saw her son and immediately ran up to him, giving him a big hug. His father followed with a quick embrace. Karen turned to Lance, "Well, Lance, it's great to see you too!" She gave him a quick hug. Lance knew JC's parents, but wasn't as close to them as he was to Justin's mom and stepdad. He hoped that that would change one day soon.

They restaurant was another Italian place and they two couples were quickly seated. Lance secretly envied JC for this evening. Regardless of how his parents felt, they weren't likely to cause a scene in a public place. He kind of wished he had done the same thing. But, what was done was done and tonight was for Josh.

"So," Karen said to her son after they had ordered, "Have you started rehearsing for the MTV awards yet?"

JC shook his head, "We start Tuesday. It shouldn't be too big a deal."

Karen smiled, "Well, Josh, you've never had trouble with learning moves". Lance covered the big smile that came across his face. JC definitely had learned how to move and he proved that last night.

Roy, who had been pretty quiet until now, turned to Lance, "So, Lance, why is it just you and my son here in DC?"

The question almost sounded accusatory and Lance was wary. Still, he tried to offer an explanation, which for all intents and purposes was true, "Well, Justin went to visit a friend and Joey and Chris went rafting".

Roy turned to JC, "And you didn't want to go rafting too?"

JC shook his head, "Naw. I just went the other week. I just wanted to relax and see my folks, that's all".

This answer seemed to please Karen, but Roy still looked suspicious. He knew something was up.

The mean went on pretty normally, with the guys discussing the upcoming tour and the video shoot. Karen was especially interested in the goings on of NSYNC, while Roy was a little more passive.

As the plates were cleared away, Lance turned to JC and shot him a look that said, "It's now or never". JC nodded, but instead smiled and said, "Let's order dessert". He was hoping to prolong this as much as possible and Lance fully understood. JC's knees were shaking constantly and his voice had a nervous stammer that he was sure only fueled Roy's concerns.

Roy and Lance passed on anything else. Karen ordered a cup of coffee and JC ordered Tirimisu. He dove into it when it arrived and Lance just stared at him. He couldn't help but get a little annoyed at the situation. He really didn't want to feel this way - he knew how hard it must be for Josh - but, deep down he just wanted everything to be on the table.

Roy must've been reading his mind, for he looked at his son and asked, "Is there some reason you invited us to dinner tonight, son?"

Karen looked at her husband with an amazed look, "Roy! Can't Josh just want to visit his parents on his day off?"

Roy spoke, "I think it's a nice gesture, but I can't see him flying 3000 miles just to say hello."

Karen was shocked, but understood Roy's comment. She turned to JC, as did Lance. JC was getting more nervous and had even stopped eating his dessert.

He set down his spoon and looked at his parents across the table, "There is another reason. It's something I needed to tell you face to face and it can't really wait anymore".

Karen gasped, "You're not quitting the band are you? I know you like being behind the scenes, but you can't just up and quit at the height of your popularity".

JC halted her speech, "No, Mom it's not that. I'm happy in the band. In fact, I'm happier than I've ever been before."

His parents looked confused, so JC just dove in, "Mom, Dad, this is something I've known for years and I've only recently become comfortable with it. I just want you to be happy for me."

"Joshua, you're scaring me. What is it?" Karen asked, a look of desperation on her face.

Josh looked at Lance. Lance gave him a reassuring smile and JC turned back to his parents, "I'm...well, I'm gay".

Karen nearly dropped her coffee cup, but managed to return it to the saucer. Her eyes were full of tears and Lance was worried she would have a breakdown right there in the restaurant. Instead, she grabbed her purse and excused herself, heading to the ladies room.

Lance looked at JC, who was also on the verge of tears. He knew how he felt. He probably had some idea in his head that his parents would embrace him and tell him they didn't really care. Lance even thought that - and the exact opposite happened. There was no real way to gauge these things and JC now understood. Lance wanted to take his boyfriend in his arms and hold him, but that was out of the question.

Lance looked away from Lance, for fear that he may start crying too. He turned his gaze to Roy, who was sitting there with his arms crossed. His face showed little emotion and Lance had no way to tell how he was feeling.

Finally, Roy asked Lance, "Are you gay too?"

Lance nodded silently and was about to speak when Roy interrupted, "Are you two lovers?"

JC looked up, tears running down his face, and stared at his father. Lance was shocked too at Roy's bluntness; but, spoke the truth, "We're dating, yes".

Roy nodded and looked over towards the ladies room before looking at Lance again, "Do you love my son?"

Lance responded, "Yes, I do".

Roy looked at his son, who had wiped his face, "And you son. Is this really how you feel. Is it what you want?"

JC shook his head yes and meekly answered, "I love Lance. I want to be with him. He makes me happy".

Roy half-smiled, "I only want you to be happy, Joshua. I can't say I'm ecstatic about this or that I really understand it, but I know you didn't choose to be this way and if it's what you truly feel is the right thing for you, I'm not gonna say anything."

Lance was a little relieved that Roy was so accepting. He was also a little jealous. His father had been so cold to him and Josh's was so warm. Lance even felt another pang of jealousy when his father got up and went over to his son, hugging him.

He let go of JC and turned to Lance, "I think you had better just take him back to the hotel. I assume you won't leave him alone tonight".

"No sir, I wouldn't think of it," Lance replied.

Roy knelt down and looked at Josh, "Your mom will learn to deal with this. I know her too well to think otherwise. You're just her oldest and she needs a little time to get used to the idea. I mean, I do too, even though I'm not showing it; but she does love you. Just give her some thinking time".

JC nodded and hugged his father again. He said goodnight and went off to find Karen. JC fell into Lane's arms. Lance tried to play it off some, but knew people were already thinking something was going on between them. He put his arm around JC and led him outside, where they hailed a cab. JC continued to cry.

Back at the hotel, Lance had led JC inside and made him take a bath. Lance joined him, although sex was the last thing on his mind. The two just sat there in the water, JC leaning back on Lance's chest, the whole time not saying a word. Lance rubbed water over JC's shoulders and in his hair, carefully massaging his temples and aching neck.

Afterwards, JC and Lance dried off and got dressed in their boxers and crawled into bed. JC had stopped crying, but still wasn't saying much. Lance really didn't know what to say either, so they just lay there on the bed, holding each other, until they fell asleep.

Lance was awakened by a nice sensation. It took him a moment to register what was happening. The clock across the bed on the wall read 3:30am and Lance slowly looked down to see JC underneath the covers, his head at Lance's crotch.

Lance removed the sheet to see his lover carefully sucking on his penis. Lance moaned and JC looked up. He continued to suck for a minute, and then moved up to Lance's face, where he began kissing him all over. Lance, who was still not fully awake, tried to return the kisses.

JC finally reached Lance's mouth and stuck his tongue in. Lance felt Josh fill his mouth and was soon kissing him back. After a second, JC pulled away and stared at Lance, "I need you."

Lance wanted to protest and tried to put up an argument, "Josh, I think we shouldn't do this".

JC looked at him, "Why not? I love you and I want to touch you and lick you and love you back".

Lance sat up, "You've had a rough night. I just don't know if your mentally up to this. I don't know if this is just some way for you to get back at your mom's rejection by being totally gay and doing this".

JC climbed off of Lance, his face full of rage, "Why the hell are you overanalyzing things? I just want to make love to my boyfriend and he turns it into some psychological disorder."

Lance pulled up his boxers and tried to calm him, "I'm not doing that. It's just weird that you wake me up in the middle of the night by blowing me. It's not normal."

JC laughed, "Oh please! It's not that unusual. And I would think most people would like it. Maybe you're just a freak".

Lance was mad now, "Don't take out your anger on me, JC?"

JC got quiet, "You haven't called me JC in so long".

"Well, you haven't pissed me off in awhile," Lane coldly replied.

JC's eyes began to fill up with tears again, "God, what has gotten into me?"

Lance was calm now and grabbed JC and they returned to their lying position. JC whispered, "I'm sorry, Lance. I'm so sorry".

Lance just held him, muttering, "It's okay" over and over. Soon, the two guys fell asleep in each others arms. This particular night, neither one of them slept well.

This isn't the best chapter...I just wanted to get some of the serious stuff out of the way, so they guys can start having a little more fun...and they will in the next part, I promise!

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Next: Chapter 7

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