Next Window Please

By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 5, 2000


Okay, here is the next part...I'm slowly trying to develop the other characters - but, I still will always make Lance and JC the center...Thanks for all the feedback - it's great...keep it coming!

As usual, if you are underage or don't approve of the gay thing, go away! And I don't know NSYNC and therefore, this story and any comments about their sexuality, is purely made-up. Enjoy!

Chapter 10 - Just close your eyes

Lance buried his head in the pillow, trying to escape the laughing noises coming from the other guys. He felt JC's hand rub his back lightly, then lean into his ear and whisper, "It's not that bad, Lance".

Lance hated to watch himself and now the guys had the TV tuned to the Disney channel where they were showing one of their concerts from a couple of years ago. Lance did enjoy performing, but he never thought he was all that good and he was way too critical. Of course, watching NSYNC shows also meant he got to watch JC jump around and shake his hips. That made Lance smile and emerge from his pillow cocoon.

The guys were pretty much all amused at looking at themselves. Even two years ago, they all seemed so different. Justin had his closely cropped platinum hair, as did Lance. Chris was wearing the braids, which Lance never quite understood and Joey - well, he looked pretty much the same. As did JC, only he seemed a lot more mature looking and his body nowadays was much more sculpted and firm. Lance got a shiver thinking about it.

"Did I ever tell you how much I hated the platinum hair, Scoop?," Chris commented as they watched the group perform "Tearing Up My Heart".

Lance coldly replied, "And you think I liked the braids, Christina? I can't tell you how many times I got smacked with them when I flip you in `I Want You Back'".

Chris scrunched his nose at Lance and then smiled at him. He had seemed to be a lot better with the idea of Lance and JC than before. Maybe he saw just how much they cared about each other. Justin had made the comment to Lance when they got back the night before that he mentioned to Chris that there wasn't a whole lot that he could do and complaining would only make things worse. Lance wasn't happy that Justin butted into things, but he did it out of the kindness of his heart and it seemed to make things better. So, Lance dropped any protests he may have had.

When they got back to the hotel suite, JC immediately deposited his things in Lance's room. Lance was going to suggest it anyway and was quite glad that JC was thinking along the same lines.

The guys had spent the night catching up on their weekends. Chris and Joey had a ball rafting and convinced the guys to go the next time. Lance loved the water and was an avid jet-skier, but he had yet to go rafting and did really want to. JC then recounted the story with the parents. The guys listened sympathetically and offered their support and, luckily for Lance, didn't mention his parents at all.

Justin, on the other hand, was quite aloof in his weekend doings. Lance secretly wondered if something had happened with he and Britney.

So, when the other guys had gone to bed, Lance knocked on Justin's door and walked in to find him doing his nightly regime of crunches.

"Have a seat, Scoop," Justin said pointing to Justin's bed. Lance sat down and Justin continued his sit-ups, "What's up?"

Lance thought about the diplomatic way to ask his question, but found no other solution than just simply asking, `So, what happened with you and Britney this weekend?"

Justin halted his exercise and looked at Lance, obviously not expecting the question, "Excuse me? "

Lance replied, "You heard me Curly. What's up with you and her?"

Justin resumes his crunches, "I really don't want to talk about it, Lance. It's kinda personal. Between me and Britney".

Lane got up and knelt next to Justin, "Well, I just figured since you interfered in my relationship with JC when you talked to Chris, the least I could do was interfere in yours".

Justin stopped and sat against the bed, "I never said we had a relationship".

Lance sat next to him, "But, you've obviously been thinking about it?"

Justin smiled and poked Lance in the arm, "You and your damn women's intuition".

Lance's jaw fell open and he quickly pushed Justin, before climbing on top of him and grabbing a pillow. He proceeded to beat Justin with it. Justin was screaming and holding up his arms, trying to block the hits. He was also laughing hysterically.

"Man, you hit like a girl too, Scoop!" Justin cried out.

Lance stopped and looked at his friend and then burst out laughing himself.

JC suddenly sprinted into the room, and seeing his boyfriend straddling his best friend, he asked, "Shall I leave the two of you alone?"

Lance got off of Justin and Justin ran to JC, and said jokingly, "Oh, help me Mr. Chasez! Your boyfriend is an animal! He won't keep his filthy paws off of me. I feel so violated!"

Lance just smirked as Justin continued his rant. JC just folded his arms and gave him a dirty look. Finally, Justin stopped and took a seat on the bed. JC sat next to him. Lance followed, sitting behind Josh.

He began rubbing JC's back as he asked Justin, "So, you wanna finish our talk later?"

JC gave a quizzical look to Lance and turned to Justin, who sighed, "No, it's okay. It's actually the two of you that have put me in this predicament."

JC asked, "What are you talking about?"

Lance kissed his neck and whispered, "Him and Britney".

JC nodded and looked at Justin, who continued, "it's just after seeing you together and when you said I should get a significant other, it made me look at Britney in a different light. I mean, up until this past weekend, I just thought of her as a friend. Don't get me wrong, I've always thought she was hot, but it wasn't romantic or anything. But, this weekend, I couldn't stop looking at her and wondering what it would be like to date her".

Lance was secretly glad of this. Justin had clearly had feelings for Britney for as long as he knew him, but he never wanted to force it. He asked, "So, did anything happen?"

Justin shook his head, "Naw. I do think she thought something was up though. I was pretty quiet all weekend".

JC broke in, "Yeah, you being quiet for more than five minutes is definitely strange".

Justin sneered, "Hardy har har. Seriously, I don't know what to do".

Lance put his head on JC's shoulder, "When's the next time you see her?"

Justin thought, "She should be at the awards next week".

Lance got up off the bed, "Then, that gives you over a week to think about things. You'll do the right thing. I believe in you, Just."

JC got up, "Man, could you guys be anymore Touched by an Angel?"

Justin laughed and threw a pillow at JC, "Goodnight guys. We gotta get up early for rehearsal tomorrow."

JC jumped and ran out of the room, sarcastically screaming, "Yippee!!"

Lance laughed and started out of the room, when Justin called to him, "Scoop? Thanks. And I mean that in the most Della Reece-riffic way possible".

Lance smiled, "I just want everyone to be as happy as I am. Even a player like you," and he left the room before Justin could retort.

JC was already in the bed when Lance walked in. He appeared to be asleep, but Lance knew better. JC was a heavy sleeper and certainly enjoyed this particular pastime, but he wasn't one to fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows. Still, Lance decided to play along with the game.

He slipped out of his shirt and pants and slowly climbed onto the bed. JC shifted slightly, but didn't move. His back was turned to Lance. Lance slowly leaned down and lightly kissed JC on the ear. JC didn't move, so he went further, kissing it again and then taking the lobe in his mouth, slightly sucking on it. Still, Josh refused to move, so Lance went all out and stuck his tongue in his boyfriend's ear.

This elicited a moan from JC and Lance pulled back, "Can't fool me buddy".

JC turned over, a big grin lining his face, "Have I told you recently how much I adore you?"

Lance lay down next to him, "Only thirty times today," and then kissing him on the nose, "But, thirty-one wouldn't be at all bad".

JC got up and climbed on top of Lance, "Well, I do adore you. I adore your cute, spiky hair," which he proceeded to stroke and with each subsequent statement, he fondle caressed that body part. "I love your beautiful green eyes and your cute little nose. I love your hot lips and your sweet deep voice." Here he kissed them, running his tongue across the bottom one.

He continued, "I really love your Adam's Apple and your soft neck," again with a kiss.

He made his way down to Lance's nipples, which he pinched slightly, "I love your smooth chest and your cute bellybutton."

He stopped and got off of Lance, "Oh, and I like your legs too! Goodnight."

Of course, Lance was extremely hot by this time and needed a little relief and Josh was playing his usual cock-tease role. A part that made Lance even hotter.

JC turned to Lance, "Kidding". He went to the edge of the bed and began digging for something on the floor. Lance leaned up, but JC turned around and gently pushed him back into the bed. He stared at him before saying, "Close your eyes, my dear".

Lance instantly obeyed his lover and closed his eyes. He hear JC scrounge some more before returning to his position straddling Lance. Lance heard JC open up something and then a squishy sound. Without warning, he felt a cold sensation on his chest. JC was rubbing him down with something. It had a slight fruity smell. JC rubbed it in for a second. Lance was covered in this lotion, or jelly or something and wondered what JC would do next.

The next feeling he experienced was one he was familiar with. JC's tongue began to move up and down his chest, licking whatever it was he had smothered Lance with. Josh worked his way up to Lance's neck and back down to his bellybutton, covering every inch.

Lance was extremely hard now, and he was sure JC could see his erection poking through the briefs he had on. And Lance was right, for a second later, JC slowly lowered Lance's underwear, slipping it off his feet.

He heard JC come back up to his ear, "No peeking now".

Lance nodded in the affirmative. He liked the mystery of not knowing what was coming next, but he wanted it to happen soon. He heard the bottle open again and the squeezing sound.

The sensation that ripped through Lance next was almost too much for him to bear. The cold lotion fell upon his penis and that, coupled with JC's hand rubbing it around almost made him come right there. He could only hope that what followed next was a replay of the chest licking.

To his delight, he felt Josh's mouth enclose around his cock. JC's tongue began to lap up all the cream (Lance still didn't know exactly what it was).

Soon, JC was moving up and down on Lance's penis and Lance felt himself coming. He called out to Josh that he was on the brink of orgasm and JC suddenly pulled off, causing Lance to spew his come all over his chest.

"You can open your eyes now," JC said as he took his place on the bed next to Lance.

Lance slowly opened his eyes, still recovering from the intense orgasm he just had. He looked over at JC, "Man, what was that?"

JC held up a bottle that read MISS NAUGHTY'S EDIBLE LOTION - PASSION FRUIT BONANZA. Lance laughed, "You bought this?"

JC put down the bottle, "No way. Joey bought it for me as a joke gift last year. Said it would spice up my nights with the ladies".

Suddenly, JC grew quiet, "I'm sorry. You probably don't want to hear about my past sex life".

Lance had wiped himself and was pulling his underwear back on, "It doesn't bother me, Josh." He went back to JC and kissed him, "What matters is the here and now".

JC smiled, "God, I love you". He pulled him into a kiss.

"Want me to return the favor?" Lane asked indicating the bottle of lotion.

JC shook his head, "Nope. I am just fine," he hugged Lance and they laid down on the bed in their regular spoon position, "Besides, that lotion didn't taste all that good".

Lance laughed and soon the two had fallen into a deep sleep.

Okay, that's it...tune in same NYSYNC time, same NSYNC channel for the next exciting installment. And be sure to check out the guys on the MTV Video Music Awards this Thursday!

Next: Chapter 9

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