
By rye encoke

Published on Jun 9, 2005



Authors Notes: A very short story of love at first sight. The characters are mine and unless you ask me you can't post this anywhere else.

Is this story realistic? Not a chance. Does it move too fast? Yep it does. Are you gonna love it? I think so.

I like writing these short stories. They usually are meant to evoke a strong emotional reaction without going too in depth into a plot. No sex, just emotion. Enjoy.

Nice Tattoo

I hated my early shift, I worked from 4 am to noon Monday to Friday. Sure it paid amazing and the job was easy, no stress, but the hours fucked with my sleeping. Then one day, February 2nd to be exact, I got off the elevator and was greeted with the sight of a gorgeous man in boxer's and t-shirt. I looked him up and down and couldn't help the twitch in my dick. He had this tattoo of a chinese dragon on his left shin.

"Nice tattoo," I said stupidly as we shuffled past each other.

"Thanks," he said and the elevator closed.

I watched it move and it stopped on the 6th floor, my floor. So this was the new tenant in the bachelor apartment at the end of the hall.

Okay so you like descriptions of the players right. Okay so I am 26 years old. I used to be chunky, not fat but heavy. That all changed when my shift changed to this ungodly one I work now. I found I had little to occupy my afternoons so I went and joined the gym. I work out 4 or 5 times a week so now I am tight and toned. I have hazel eyes that tend more to green than brown. I am just lightly hairy, mostly blonde. I wear my hair short, almost buzzed. I have one tattoo, a phoenix, on my right shoulder blade.

So anyway, I went to work and thought about the beautiful man I had seen. He was probably late teens or early twenties. Not quite out of my reach but unlikely. He was also obviously well toned, more likely natural rather than work out though. Finally my shift ended and I walked home. I couldn't believe my luck, there coming out of the laundry room was Mr. Tattoo. This time though he was wearing jeans, flip flops and a sweatshirt.

"Still doing laundry?" I asked.

He smiled at me and nodded, "Just moved in and have all kinds of stuff to clean. This is the last load though."

His smile was incredible and he had blue eyes. I held the elevator open for him and pushed 6.

"Hey that's my floor too," he said.

"I figured you were the new tenant at the end of the hall. I'm in 608 just 3 doors down. You all unpacked yet?" I asked.

"No not yet," he said and looked away uncomfortably.

"Well I just finished work and was gonna have lunch. Why don't you drop by and get something to eat with me," I asked. Okay I know like way too obvious, but Mr. Tattoo smiled and nodded.

"Sure. I am still looking for a job so I have nothing to do today. I know it's early but you want a beer?" he asked.

"Sure. I'll put the food on then I need to take a quick shower. Just let yourself in and make yourself comfortable," I said as we got off the elevator.

I quickly opened my door and then threw some lasagna into the oven to warm up. Oh yeah by the way I love to cook and make some amazing dishes. He was soon at my door and smiling holding a 6 pack of Blue and had changed into sweatpants and t-shirt.

"Okay I threw the lasagna in to warm up. I will make some salad when I get out. Make yourself comfortable while I shower," I said as I passed him in the hall.

I jumped into the shower and quickly washed off. I really wanted to jerk off but thought better of it since I tend to be noisy. Soon I was finished and wrapped a towel around myself as I slipped into my bedroom.

"Nice tattoo," he said suddenly behind me before I made it into my room.

"Thanks," I blushed and closed the door. Okay now I did have a hard on and what was I going to do. I shrugged off my towel and slipped into my well worn sleep pants and t-shirt and thought about Oprah Winfrey naked. Yep that did it. I heard the toilet flush and realized he had been heading for the bathroom cuz he thought I was done. I met him back in the living room.

"Cool place," he said. He was reclining on my sofa with his bare feet up and sort of dangling over the edge. I smiled at how relaxed he seemed.

"Thanks. I'll make the salad and then we can eat," I said. He nodded and followed me to the kitchen and watched me make the salad as we talked.

"You must work pretty early," he said.

"Yeah 4 til noon. It's not bad really. I don't even really have to work if I don't want to. I have a bunch of investments and I just published a book a few months ago which gave me a nice chunk of money. Just habit really and the need to be doing something with my time," I answered. I then realized how arrogant that must have sounded.

"Wow a book, I'm impressed. You'll have to show me. Me I just sorta ended up on my own. I was living at home but my parents died and so I am on my own now. I have some money, enough to last me a couple months, so I am good I guess. I am looking for a job though," he said and I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"You were close to your parents?" I asked. God how stupid can I get, I wanted to smack myself but thought that might make me look a little crazy.

"Yeah well they both needed home care so I helped out. That's why there wasn't much money for me when they died. It all went to bills and stuff. But I wouldn't trade those last few years with them for anything," he said.

I nodded and changed the subject, "You work out?"

"Ummm, no not really," he sounded surprised at the change of subject.

"I usually go during the week. Feel like going with me as a guest. It's pretty modern and if you don't feel like working out you can just enjoy the sauna or jacuzzi or swim in the pool," I asked.

"That would be cool I guess," he smiled.

"Ummm, by the way my name is James," I stuck out my hand realizing we had yet to introduce ourselves.

"Jesse," he blushed as he realized the same thing.

"Jesse James, sounds like trouble to me," I said and he laughed a pleasant laugh that sent a jolt right down to Mr Happy.

"You're a freak. You have any dressing for the salad?" he asked.

"The fridge," I answered and he opened the door.

"Wow is that cheesecake?" he asked.

"Yep. But that is sinful and we only eat that after we come back from the gym," I said then giggled and heard him laugh again.

I took the lasagna out and served up a couple slices.

"Wow that looks really good," he said eyeing the lasagna.

"Vegetarian I'm afraid but I hope you like it. Lots of cheese, portabello mushrooms, peppers. I have got many compliments on it," I said then mentally smacked myself.

"Sounds yummy," he said as he took a plate and then a bowl of salad which he drizzled some russian dressing over.

We returned to the living room.

"Music or tv?" I asked.

"Music would be great," he answered and I hit the button on the remote and started my jukebox. I saw him look over at the jukebox as it lit up.

"It works?" he asked and I nodded.

"Wow you have a cool place. I should hang out here every day," he laughed.

"Well if you hadn't already paid for your apartment you could have just moved in with me," I laughed.

He looked at me strangely then laughed but it sounded forced. Damn I was such an idiot.

"I like this music, blues right?" he asked.

"Yeah, that's Jonny Lang. He's like 19 or so but he's just amazing," I answered.

"You make a great lasagna, this is awesome," he said.

"I'll wrap you up some to take home. Probably not a good idea to fill up too much before the gym," I said.

We continued the small talk for a bit then set the dishes to soak.

"I'll just grab my stuff," I said and went and grabbed my gym bag and was back in a flash, "Okay let's grab you some stuff for the gym and head out."

I followed behind Jesse as we headed to his apartment. He blushed a bit as he opened the door.

'I, um, I don't have much stuff," he said then led me in.

He was right, he didn't. A wood frame futon was the only furniture besides a lamp and it obviously served as his bed since it was unfolded and had a pillow at one end and a blanket at the other end.

"I'll just run to the bathroom to change real quick," he said.

I nodded as he left and as the bathroom door closed on an impulse opened the door to his fridge. It was empty except for a jar of peanut butter and a half loaf of bread. I went back and stood at the door waiting for him to come back out. He came out in jeans and t-shirt holding a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and a pair of runners. He also had a bathing suit.

"Here, throw it in with my stuff," I said and he smiled gratefully as he put his stuff in my gym bag.

"Thanks," he said softly.

We headed out to my van and drove to the gym. I got Jesse the guest pass and we headed to the lockers. I stripped down and got into my gear and was pleased when he quickly did the same. I caught his eye as he was pulling up his shorts and he smiled shyly at me and blushed.

"So what do you want to do, I can show you were to go," I asked.

"What do you do?" he asked me.

"I do a few laps on the indoor track, then some pushups and crunches then a swim," I said.

"Okay I can do that, but if I slow you down you can just leave me," he said.

"Nah it's not like I am a fanatic, I do it cuz I like it really, just keeps me going I guess," I answered.

We left for the track and he kept up with my routine although doing fewer crunches and situps but still participating. We headed back and put on our swim suits and headed into the showers briefly to get the sweat off us before jumping into the pool. We just lazed around, did a few laps then got out and showered again and dressed then headed back.

"Woohoo, cheesecake," he did a little dance in the front seat and I had to laugh at him but then I thought back to his empty fridge and I lost my smile. He didn't notice though.

After parking we walked through the lobby and I had an idea.

"Hey Jesse, why don't you let yourself in and serve us up some cheesecake, I have to do a quick errand," I said.

"Uh sure okay," he said.

I watched him get on the elevator then I took the stairs up to the third floor where the building manager lived. Joan answered the door almost immediately.

"James what can I do for you?" she asked with a smile. She and I weren't friends really but we knew each other and got along okay.

"The new guy on 6, Jesse, did he sign a lease?" I asked.

"No. He is just going month by month. Sad really, he lost his parents in a fire. I don't think he will be here longer than a month," she said.

A fire, how awful.

"Listen, if he were to move in with me and I gave you the money he paid for the rent for the month, could you refund him his money?" I asked.

"Umm, sure. You wanta do that? I mean he seems like a nice guy, but you don't really know him," she answered.

"I don't really care about that, but he is a great guy and needs a break. So I need this to work so he isn't embarrassed. How quickly could you fill his apartment?" I asked.

"Tomorrow, easily," she said.

"Okay let me think a bit," I said and tried to come up with something but she had a plan right away.

"I will come up with a rent receipt for this month's rent for you. You invite me in I see Jesse. I make a comment about too bad you guys couldn't share your apartment so I could rent his out. You jump in," she said.

"Wow, you've done this before," I said in amazement.

"Nah, but you need the idea to come from someone else," she said, "gimme 15 minutes and make sure you guys are lounging so he looks like he belongs there."

I nodded and ran upstairs. I walked in and found Jesse sitting on the sofa again with two plates of untouched cheesecake on the coffee table.

"You didn't have to wait for me," I said.

He shrugged, "I felt odd eating alone."

I smiled and pulled off my sweatshirt and shoes and socks, leaving me in sweatpants and wifebeater.

"You can get comfortable if you like," I said and he smiled and took off his socks and folded them carefully and put them in his shoes.

"Gonna keep your sweatshirt on?" I asked

"I don't have a tshirt on underneath," he answered.

"Ah, here wear this," I grabbed a clean wifebeater from my own laundry basket which was in the hall having just done laundry the day before and not put it away. He quickly shucked his shirt and pulled on the wifebeater.

He grabbed a plate and stretched out a bit on the sofa, "Is it okay to have my feet up on the sofa?"

"Of course don't be silly," I said.

"I just don't really get to stretch out at my place and it's really comfortable," he said then looked embarrassed.

"No worries," I sat down on the other end of the sofa and brought my feet up as well and lay them next to his.

We were about halfway through our cheesecake when there was a knock on the door. I heard the door open and Joan's voice, "You in James?"

"Hey Joan," I called out and snuggled in a bit more on the couch.

"Hey James, brought your rent receipt," she said and put the receipt in the little tray on the pile of mail.

"Thanks Joan," I answered.

"Hey Jesse," Joan smiled.

"Hi Joan," Jesse said.

"Wow you two look like an old married couple. Too bad you're not together I could rent out that bachelor of yours Jesse," Joan said.

Okay so not exactly the words we had agreed to, she had added a whole new dimension to it, but I went with it.

"Really? You could rent out his place that quick," I asked.

"Sure. But I would need an answer by the end of the weekend if you want your whole month's rent back," she said to Jesse.

He looked at me with a combination of horror at how forward Joan was being and a glint of hope I liked to think.

"Hey thanks Joan. Give us the weekend okay?" I said and she nodded and turned to leave then turned back.

"You two look good together, I think you would make a really cute couple," she then left.

There was a very long silence after the door closed.

"You're gay?" we both asked at the same time then we both burst out laughing.

"Yes," we both said together again and burst into a fresh round of laughter.

After we finally settled down I said, "Listen though Jesse. I would love to have you as my roommate, and yes I find you very attractive, but it never has to go beyond roommates. I would love for you to stay here with me until you get back on your feet. And to show you how much I would love it I will even offer to let you stay here free of charge until you get a job. No strings attached, I swear it."

Jesse was silent for a long time and just picked at his cheesecake.

Finally, in a very soft voice, he said, "I was going to kill myself you know."

"What?" I said suddenly going still.

"I only had enough money for one month's rent and a little food. There was no other money, we lost everything. I was going to kill myself I just hadn't worked up the nerve yet and I didn't want to be on the streets. Silly I know, not wanting to be homeless when I killed myself," he said.

I couldn't believe it. I shakily put down my cheesecake then put his down and pulled him into my arms.

"Oh Jesse. You can't do that. You can live with me and things will work out for you, I promise you. We can look after each other okay?" I asked not realizing I was crying.

"Really?" he sobbed and I pulled him closer.

"Yeah really. Listen you go grab your stuff and bring it here. Leave the futon. You can either have the second bedroom, or if you like..." I stopped.

"I would like to sleep with you, if we can go slow. I'm ...." he paused and blushed deeply, "I'm a virgin."

He had said it so softly I wasn't sure I had heard him but I knew what he had said.

"As slow as you need, you will set the pace. Go get your stuff while I go tell Joan," I said.

I ran down to Joan and pounded on the door until she opened it. She broke into a smile when she saw me.

"Can you take a check from me and give him his money tomorrow?" I said breathlessly as I shakily pulled out my checkbook I had grabbed when I left.

"Here's his deposit, in cash and you don't have to pay anything. I can have someone in by tomorrow so there will be no loss," she said.

I hugged her tightly and took the cash and ran back upstairs. I saw Jesse carrying a load of stuff to our apartment...OUR APARTMENT...and ran to help.

"Any more stuff?" I asked with excitement which caused him to smile.

"A couple more bags of stuff but that's it," he said and I ran past him to his old apartment.

I grabbed the bags and ran back to my place passing him in the hallway where he laughed again at my eagerness. I ran into my bedroom, no our bedroom, and dropped the bags next to his. I quickly opened up the drawers of the dresser and emptied two drawers.

"What are you doing?" Jesse asked.

"Giving you space in the dresser," I said happily and got another giggle from him.

"I can't believe this," he said and I heard him break. I turned and saw tears streaming down his face again.

I went and pulled him into a hug and he held me tightly.

"Want to go listen to music?" I asked and felt him nod.

I walked him back out to the living room and dimmed the lights so that only the lights from the jukebox lit the room. I hit a couple buttons on the remote and some soft romantic music began to play. I held him in my arms and just swayed a bit.

"This is nice," he said softly, his voice muffled a bit as he spoke into my shoulder.

"Yeah," I said back just as softly.

"How did this happen?" he asked.

"Luck, fate, who cares. You're here now," I answered.

"Is this love?" he asked.

"Not sure, but if not yet then soon I think," I answered back.

"I'm glad. Could you..." he stopped and I felt him swallow.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Could you cuddle me a bit," he asked very softly.

"Sure. Let's get down to our boxers okay," I said and he nodded. I stepped back and pulled off my shirt and dropped my sweatpants. They dropped heavily.

"Oh I forgot. Joan gave you your rent back with no penalty," I said as I pulled out the cash and handed it over.

"No you keep it as my share of the rent," he said.

"Nope. I told you I have more than enough money. I could quit my job and live off of my investments for the rest of my life. In fact I may just do that. We could both just live off my money and be happy," I said.

"I don't want to live off you. I will get a job," he said.

"Okay what if we both got part time jobs then?" I asked.

He shrugged, "Can we think about it later?"

I nodded and helped him off with his shirt and he dropped his sweat pants.

"Nice tattoo," I smiled.

"Thanks," he smiled back and moved forward to gently offer our first kiss.


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