Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Dec 24, 1998


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :)

Part 4:

Both Nick and I jumped at the sound of the phone ringing next to the bed. Nick reached over for the phone.

"Hello?" he asked grogily.

"What time is it?" he spoke into the handset.

"Wow, that late already, ok we'll be ready. Thanks Kev," Nick said once again.

He then placed the handset on the phone and rolled over to face me.

"That was Kevin, it's already 8:00, we gotta get goin' if we're to be up and ready to see your mom by 11 this morning. So, we have to get showered and eat and shit," Nick said as he began to yawn.

"Ohhh, alright," I responed as I laid back down to go to sleep.

"Oh no you don't, come on, wake up," he said as he began tickling me.

"Stop, come on! I'm up, ok? I'm up," I said between laughter.

"That's better, now come on, let's go shower," he said as he leaned into kiss me.

"You should have asked me that way in the first place, Nick," I said smiling at him.

"Alright, let's go babe," he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bed with him.

I followed my love into the bathroom. We both got in the shower and as soon as the hot water hit our bodies we were kissing eachother. I began to kiss his ear, and moved down to his neck. He moaned with pleasure as he ran his fingers through my hair. Both our cocks had become rock hard, and both of us were extremely horny. I came back to kiss him on the lips when he pushed me up against the wall.

The water was now runnin' down my body, since the spicket was aimed at the back of my neck. He began to kiss my chest, and stomach. His hands began to rub my upper legs and sqeeze my ass cheeks. He then grabbed my cock with his hands and began to jerk me off. He continued to kiss my stomach as I tilted my head back in ecstasy. He began to lick the head of my cock, which caused me to let out a loud moan. I could hear his heavy breathing down below as he continued to work on my cock.

I began to feel the onset of an orgasm approaching. I was breathing quicker and quicker as he began to give me the ultimate blow job. The warm water running down my chest combined with the warmth of his mouth on my cock, and his hands wandering all over my body was taking a physical toll on me. He then grabbed my waist and shoved my entire cock in his mouth as I spewed shot after shot of cum down his throat. Each shot accompanied by a lite scream of pleasure, until I calmed down.

He slowly stood up, looked straight into my eyes, and kissed me. I could taste my cum as our toungues danced together. He then laid his head on my shouler, and held me as we stood in the shower with the water running down our bodies.

"We have to get going. Otherwise the guys will have a fit," Nick stated.

"That was great, thankyou," I said as I smiled at him.

"Anytime baby, anytime," he said as he released me.

We finished cleaning up and got out of the shower. We through on some clothes, and finished getting ready.

"Where are we eating?" I asked.

"The hotel should be bringing up some food," he replied.

"What room?" I asked.

"A couple of doors down in the lounge. The guys are probably already eating, wondering what the hell is taking us so long," he said.

"Oh well," I said as I smiled at him.

"Ok, ready?" Nick asked.

"Yup, let's eat," I told him.

We left the room and headed down the hall. Kevin, Brian, and AJ were in the room eating from the table of food prepared for them by the hotel.

"Wow, what a selection, " I said as I looked over all the food.

"Yeah, isn't it great. Dig in, " Nick said as he grabbed a plate.

"Mornin' guys, how are you," I said towards the other three.

AJ nodded since his mouth was full.

"Mornin' guys," Brian and Kevin said in unison.

"Where's Howie," Nick asked as he was piling food on his plate.

"Don't know, he wasn't in his room when I called," Kevin replied.

"That's odd," Nick shrugged and continued to gather food.

"Hungry, jeez," I laughed at him as I grabbed a couple muffins and a glass of orange juice.

"Damn right," he said sternly as he sat down and dug in.

"Well, if we don't get a hold of Howie in an hour, then we're gonna leave without him," Kevin stated.

"Alright," I answered.

"It's like him to do this kind of thing too," Brian said in slight disguist.

"Oh well, my mom only really wants to meet Nick, and I need Kevin to talk to my boss at work, but I want you all to come. My sister will flip," I laughed.

AJ smiled, "Well, I'm glad. How old?" he asked sarcastically

"Too young for you, she's like 10," I said laughing.

Everybody smiled at that.

"Hey, I had to ask," AJ said.

"Anyhow, the bus isn't gonna be taking us, so we're gonna have to catch a cab or something," Kevin told us.

"No limo?" Nick asked disappointed.

"We can look into it, but we're gonna have to pay for it, Kevin replied.

"Well, uhhh. I'm gonna have to drive my piece of shit car home," I said.

"We'll need someone to show us the way, so we'll follow you," Kevin replied.

"Alright," I nodded as I finished my oj.

"I'll go with him," Nick said in between mouthfulls of food.

"I don't think you wanna be seen in my car," I told him.

"I don't give a shit," he replied.

"I just want to be with you," Nick continued.

"Does that mean you don't want the limo then?" Brian asked frowning at Nick.

"Of course not, we need wheels while we're down there," Nick smiled at him.

"Besides we gotta get there too," Aj spoke up.

"Alright I'll get the limo situated. Meanwhile keep an eye out for Howie," Kevin said as he set his plate down and headed off to his room.

"I wonder where that bum went off to anyways?" AJ said as he set his plate down.

"Who knows," Brian said as he rolled his eyes.

"Anyhow, what's in Fredonia, Adam?" Brian asked.

"Not much, a lot of department stores and bars, other than that... not-ta," I told him.

"Sounds like the place I grew up," Brian laughed.

Nick set his plate down, "Ok, I'm stuffed."

"You better be after all that food you just downed. That was enough for a freakin' army," I said to him.

"Sorry," Nick replied.

"Don't be, I'm just kidding you," I responded as I gave him a friendly push.

He shoved me back, and started tickling me.

"You guys are nuts," AJ said as he stood up and left laughing at us.

Brian started in with us. He pinned my arms so Nick could tickle me without any resistance.

"Stop, please, stop," I screamed while I laughed myself to tears.

"Get him Nick, he ain't goin' anywhere," Brian said.

"You're in for it now," Nick said as he laughed along with Brian.

"Ok, I'll stop," Nick said as Brian let me go.

I couldn't speak because I was so out of breath, and I couldn't see due to the tears in my eyes. Nick leaned over and kissed me and wiped the tears from my eyes. I just laid there, sprawled on the floor too exhausted to move.

"Well you gonna stay there all day?," Nick asked as he stood up and looked down at me smiling.

I nodded yes and smiled back.

"Come on," he said as he reached down and pulled me up to my feet.

"Well, let's go finish getting ready," Nick said as he started pulling me out of the room.

"Brian I'll see you in a few. Bye," I yelled as I was pulled down the hall.

"Bye," Brian screamed back laughing at the scene.

We got into Nick's room and finished picking the few odds and ends up off of the floor. We gathered everything I had brought with me. Kevin had the limo situated and waiting at the hotel by 9:30. The three of them piled in the limo, after they left a note for Howie explaining where we had gone. Me and Nick headed for my car, as I apologized for it's uncleanliness. We then sped off towards Fredonia.

"You make it very difficult for me to drive with you," I said to him.

"What did I do," he asked?

"I haven't touched you that much, yet," he smiled.

"Well, it's kinda hard being distracted by your gorgeous face," I said sincerely.

"And they say flattery won't get you anything," he said laughing.

He then leaned over and kissed me on the cheak, rested his head on my shoulder, and wrapped his arms around my waist as I continued to drive towards my home town. All the while the limo was right behind us. We got off of the thruway and headed towards my home. We pulled into my driveway a few minutes after 11am.

"And here we are, my house," I said as I parked in the garage.

The limo parked and let the guys out. Nick and I walked over to them, and I proceeded to lead the group to the door. My mom was waiting at the the enterance to the house, as I opened the door.

"Hi mom," I said excited as I gave her a hug.

"Hi Adam, so these are the Backstreet Boys? I thought you said there were five of them?" she asked.

"There are, but we couldn't find Howie," Nick replied.

"Well, come on in," my mom offered.

All of us piled into the house and walked into the living room where we all sat down.

"Mom this is Kevin Richardson, AJ Mclean, Brian Littrell, and this is Nicholas Carter," I said pointing to each one of them.

"Nice to meet all of you," she said as she stood and shook each of their hands.

"Your son is very nice, and has been a good friend to have around, Mrs. Smith," Kevin said.

"Thanks, and I'm told you're in love with him, as much as he's told me he's in love with you," she said to Nick.

"More so, I assure you," Nick replied as he looked over to me.

We continued the conversation. My mom asking questions about what the trip would consist of. How long I'd be gone. If I'd be coming back to continue college in the coming semester, etc...

"Well, as long as you talk to the college about independant study, so you can still do your college work while on the tour. Then, I guess it's ok," my mother said.

"Cool," I yelled as I hugged and kissed Nick who was just as happy.

Everybody looked at us smiling at our happiness.

"So you wanna head over to your boss, so we can discuss this with him?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, we'd better before it gets too late," I replied.

"Are you guys gonna come back?" my mom asked.

"Sure, we don't have to leave until 6 at the latest, so that'll give us 5 hours to get everything situated," Kevin told her.

"Ok, I'll have dinner ready for you guys by 4:30 then. What do you guys like?" she asked.

"Anything," they all said in unison.

"Italian food ok?" she asked once more.

They all nodded enthusiastically with approval.

"I'll see you around 4:00 (ish) then, see you guys later," mom said as we left the house.

"Your mom is great," Nick said as we hopped in the limo.

We gave instructions, on how to get to my store, to the driver. During the trip, they complimented me on my mom and how nice she was. Everybody watched as the limo pulled up to the front door, and we poured out. We managed our way to the front office without too much hassle. Kevin and my manager talked about my leave of absence from the store for awhile as I answered questions in between.

They had agreed on having me quit, and they'd rehire me as soon as I came back with my current pay. My manager was happy for me, of course he didn't know about Nick and I, but he was excited none the less. I ran back to my department as the guys fled to the limo. I told everybody the gist of what happenned and that I'd be gone for awhile. They were all sad to see me go, but happy at my fortune. I then ran back to the limo, and we pulled away, thankfully with no incident.

"Thanks alot Kevin," I said.

"Very much so," Nick added.

"No prob guys, I'm glad to have been of assistance," Kevin nodded happily.

"Well, it's quarter after 3, where do you wanna go?" AJ asked everyone.

"We can go back to Adam's," Brian said.

"Sure, nothing else to do," I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"My brother and sister should be getting out of school soon, anyhow," I said.

"We should go pick them up, and suprise them," Nick said smiling at the guys.

"Yeah, that'd be pretty awesome," Brian said, sharing Nick's enthusiasm.

"Ok, We'll have to hurry to beat the busses though," I said smiling at Nick.

"Cool," Kev said.

I informed the driver on how to get to the school, and Brian handed me his cell phone to call and have the school hold my siblings. The limo driver thankfully sped all the way there cutting the time down. We arrived at 3:35, and the busses were just getting ready to pull out.

"Ok, you two. No P.D.A out there, Brian keep an eye on them two. Me and AJ will be waiting here, alright?" Kevin said as Brian, Nick, and I prepared to get out of the limo.

"Ok dad," Nick said sarcastically as we hopped out.

The kids on the busses started waving frantically at them. They screamed out the windows and pounded on the glass as the busses began to pull out. Nick and Brian just waved and smiled at them.

We ran over to the school and headed inside. My brother and sister were being held in the nurses office. My sister nearly fainted at the sight of the Backstreet Boys infront of her. The two of them laughed and Brian reached out for her hand.

"Come on you two, let's go home," I said to them

The busses were now out of sight when we had gotten back, outside of the school.

"They don't know about me or us, so no mention of gay," I whispered to Nick who passed it on to Brian.

The message was quickly passed to AJ and Kevin when we got in and headed home. My sister started talking a million miles a minute, and they all happily answered her quesions. They all thought she was cute, and enjoyed her company. My brother was also liked, he just wasn't as talkative.

When we pulled into the driveway at my house, it was about 4:00.

"You guys are early. How sweet, you picked them up. That was very nice of you guys," my mom said smiling.

"No problem Mrs. Smith," Kevin said as he put my sister down after carrying her in the house from the limo.

The limo drove off. It was promised to return by 5:30. Brian and AJ went into the other room and played with my brother and sister on the Sega. Kevin stayed in the kitchen talking to her about all sorts of things. While me and Nick went up to my room.

"It's a complete mess, but here's my room," I told Nick.

"Cool," he said as he nodded.

I closed the door behind him and locked it. I then went over to stereo and put on some music, so no one could hear us. I then threw Nick on my bed and began kissing him like there was no tomorrow.

"You know how long I've been dying to do that to you," I said.

"Ohh, I know, trust me," he said smiling at me.

"I love you so much Nick," I said.

"I love you too," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and began to slowly kiss my neck.

"I wish this moment would never end," I told him as he continued.

"I know what you mean," he said as he laid his head on my chest.

We laid there just holding eachother, listening to the music and feeling eachother's bodies against one another.

"Dinner will be ready soon, I'm sure," I said to him.

"I knew something would interrupt this moment sooner or later," he said as he looked up at me.

I leaned down to kiss him again, and he began to grind his hips into me. I ran my fingers under his shirt and massaged his back. I then pulled the shirt up and over his head and began kissing his body. I started from his neck and worked my way to his shoulders and eventually down to his chest.

We swapped positions so I was on top of him now, still kissing his chest and licking at his nipples. He sighed litely with the pleasure as his eyes sqeezed shut tighter and tighter.

"I don't know how you do this to me, just never stop," he said in a whisper to me.

I just continued going. I sat up and ran my hands up and down his chest and stomach. I massaged his sides, and litely tickled his gorgeous body. Suddenly there was a loud knocking on my door, so I muted the stereo.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Dinner's ready," Brian yelled from the other side.

"Thanks, we'll be right down," I replied.

"We gotta go Nick," I said disappointed.

"I know, I know, I don't want to move either," he said just as upset.

I laid back down and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tightly to him.

"Come on, before they get upset," Nick said.

"Ok," I replied as I got off of him.

He placed his shirt back on, and got up off of the bed. He fixed his hair as I shut the stereo off. We then headed down to the kitchen where the guys were eating spaghetti.

"There you guys are. Hey Nick, his mom makes the BEST spaghetti ever," Brian said as he filled his mouth with another fork full.

The Kevin and AJ nodded in agreement as they were chewing. Nick and I sat down next to eachother and began to eat ourselves. As dinner continued we talked about little things here and there. We all had a good time.

"Adam? Me and your mom were talking and we feel that you shouldn't leave with us tonight," Kevin said seriously.

"What!" Nick said shocked as my face went completely pale.

"No, No he's still goin' on tour with us," Kevin replied, "but he'll meet up with us in a couple of days when we arrive in New York."

"I feel you need a couple of days to say goodbye to us, gram, your friends," my mom stated.

"Don't you think that's a good idea? I doubt your family and friends would feel too good if you just ditched them at the spur of the moment," Kevin said to me.

"I suppose you're right," I said.

Nick looked at me and grabbed my hand under the table, "They're right you know, besides it will only be two, three days tops."

"Alright, but don't you forget me," I said as I squeezed his hand tighter.

"Never," he answered as he placed his other hand on my hand.

"Ok, well lets' help clean up so we can head on back," Kev said to everyone.

We all pitched in and cleaned up the kitchen. It was now getting close to 6, and he limo was waiting outside to take Nick and the guys away from me. They had all thanked my mother for the wonderful meal, and headed on out. Nick gave me the numbers to the hotel rooms he'd be in.

"Remember, I'll call you everyday, and if you're not home, I will page you," he said as he gave me a quick kiss.

"Ok, I will miss you SOooo much. I doubt I'll be able to keep you off my mind," I smiled at him.

"Well, unfortunately I gotta go babe, I love you," he said as he kissed me.

I opened the door for him, and he gave me one more quick kiss, and then he headed out the door.

"Adam," Brian yelled as he put the back window down.

"Yeah," I yelled back.

"Here's my cell phone number, if you need to get a hold of us, call me," he said as I ran to the limo to get the piece of paper from him.

"Thanks Brian. Guys I will see you in a few days. I love you Nick, have a good trip. C-ya," I yelled into the limo.

They all were yelling bye as the limo pulled away. I moped my way back into the house.

"I can't believe he's gone," I said to my mom.

"Don't worry Adam. It's only for a few days. We have to set up a going away party for you and I think you'll want to talk to your friends about this too," she told me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go call Mike and tell him," I told her as I headed back upstairs to my room.

I picked up the phone and dialed Mike's number.

"Mike, it's Adam," I said.

"Hi, you home yet?" he asked.

"Yup. Guess what? I have great news," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, I can't say over the phone, but it is important, so can I come over?" I asked.

"Sure, come on up," he told me.

"Ok, I'm on my way," I replied.

"C-ya in a while," he answered as he hung up the phone.

I grabbed my keys and ran downstairs. I told my mom where I was going and hopped in my car. I drove over to Mike's and knocked on his door.

"Hi, so what's so important you wanted to tell me that you couldn't say over the phone?" he asked as we headed up the stairs.

We entered his computer room at sat down.

"Well?" he asked me again.

"Well I've spent the last few days with the Backstreet Boys, as I told you," I started.

"And, well, it just so happens that Nick, the blonde one, is gay," I said as I smiled at him.

"Oh my god, you didn't?" he said as his eyes got wide open.

"Yup. I'm in love with him and the feeling is mutual. I now have my first boyfriend, a Backstreet Boy," I said as I leaned back in my chair with pride.

"You lucky fuck," he said as he laughed.

"I love him more than life itself," I continued.

"So when do I get to meet him, them?" he asked anxiously.

"I don't know? They're on their way to Florida tonight, and in about three days I'll be flying to New York City to meet up with them. Then from there I will be on tour with them for a while," I told him.

"So I won't see you for months dude," he said astonished.

"I know, I'm gonna miss you so much Mike," I replied sadly.

"Well, you'll keep in touch, won't you?" he asked.

"Of course! I ain't gonna ditch you. You're too good of a friend," I said.

"Anyhow, they all seem real cool. Me and Bri didn't hit it off too well at first, but now things are getting better," I told him.

"How come?" he questioned.

"Well, he was afraid I was gonna hurt Nick. He used to date Nick, but things didn't work out as well as they hoped, so now they're the best of friends," I continued.

"Cool. Well I'm very happy for you, and I hope everything goes well for you two," he said as he smiled.

The rest of the night was spent screwin' around on the net and messing around. We listened to music and watched tv. We played some Playstation and drank some beers. I spent the night and awoke around 11:30 the next morning by my pager. I reached over and recognized the number as being Brian's cell phone. I crawled out of the bed, and threw my clothes on. I asked Mike if I could make a call and he said it was ok. So I dialed the number.

"Hi, Brian?" I said.

"No silly, it's Nick. How you doin'?" Nick asked.

"A lot better now that I hear your voice. Where you at?" I asked.

"I'm at our hotel in Orlando. What about you?" he wondered.

"I'm at Mike's. He says hi," I said as Mike told me to tell him that.

"Well tell him hi for me," Nick replied.

"Nick says hi," I told Mike.

He smiled and nodded.

"Anyhow, I just wanted to call and tell you I miss you babe," Nick said.

"I love you too. This wait is gonna kill me," I told him.

"Me too, me too," he said.

"Well, I gotta get goin'. Have to be ready in a little bit for the interview, ok?" he asked.

"Alrighty, well good luck and have a good day. Tell the guys I said hi, alright?" I said to him.

"No prob, talk to you later, bye," Nick said and then made a kissing noise into the phone.

I laughed, "good bye."

I then hung up the phone. Mike was starring at me with a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm just happy for you," he replied.

"Thanks," I said.

We then went down and grabbed something to eat. I got my things together and headed on back to my house, because I promised my mother I'd be home before noon. When I arrived, my mom told me about the get together planned for tomorrow. She explained how all my family would be there to send me off. I acknowledged it and went upstairs to start packing.

I grabbed my cds, some of my vidoes, and clothes. I managed to fit it all in a suitcase and a backpack. I then called some of my other friends telling them that I was leaving for a while. They all congratulated me on my fortunate encounter, though I never spoke of the real reason I was going, because I couldn't trust anyone to keep a secret as Mike could.

That night Nick called me again. We talked for over an hour about all sorts of things. Especially about how much we missed eachother.

"Brian's been down recently," Nick told me.

"How come?" I questioned.

"He wants to meet someone. He wants a relationship, like you and I have," he continued.

"We should hook him up with someone," I replied.

"That would be cool, but who can we hook him up with? He wants a sensitive and sweet guy," Nick said.

"I don't mean to seem weird or anything, but how 'bout my friend, Mike?" I asked.

"I don't know? Tell me about him," Nick asked.

I began going into detail about what Mike did for me. Explained his horrible childhood and how he finally escaped that dismall life. How considerate he is and how much of a friend he's been to me. I also told him what he wants and expects a relationship to consist of.

"Wow, he sounds like a very sweet guy. Well, I won't promise anything, but I'll bring it up to Bri. Well, I'll see you in two days and it's getting late," Nick stated.

"Yeah we better get goin'. I love you and have a good night," I told him.

"I love you too sweetie. Wish you were here in my arms. Last night I felt so empty without you," he said unhappily.

"Me too. But it's only two more days, we can make it," I said forcing a cheerful tone through the phone.

"Alright baby, have a good night. Talk to you tomorrow, bye," Nick said as he hung the phone up.

I laid down in bed dreaming about Nick. I had the 'NSYNC cd playing in the background when "God Must Have Spent a Little More Time on You" came on. It brought tears to my eyes, because it meant so much. It was exactly how it was for me and Nick, how my life changed with just one kiss. I cried myself to sleep.

My mom woke me up the next day at noon. She told me people would be commin' over momentarily and I still needed to shower. I got out of bed and showered. I got dressed and finally came downstairs where I found several family members sitting in the kitchen.

I explained to them all how I had met the group, and that we all became friends. I also explained where I'd be going and for how long. There was a cake, and lots of laughter between us all. When 8 o'clock rolled around the last relative had left. I ran upstairs and called Nick's hotel room.

"Hello?" a voice asked anxiously.

"Hi Nicky, how are you darlin'?" I asked happily.

"Adam, I'm so happy you called," he said.

"Hey, I talked to Bri, and told him all about Mike," Nick told me.

"And?" I asked.

"He's very interested," Nick said enthusiastically.

"So how do we get them together?" I wondered.

"Well, we will be arriving in New York the day after tomorrow, around three in the afternoon," he stated.

"I booked a flight for the two of you to arrive in New York four hours before we do. This way you guys can get set for our date," Nick continued.

"Cool, what time does our flight leave?" I asked.

"Well, a limo will pick both of you up around noon that day. Then your flight leaves at two. When you arrive at the airport in New York, another limo will be waiting for you to take you wherever," Nick said.

"Coolness, hey hold on a sec," I told him as my mom slowly opened the door to my room.

"What?" I asked her.

"You need to sign for a package downstairs. Here's the cordless," she said handing me the phone.

I switched phones.

"You there?" I asked.

"Yup, what's up?" he wondered.

"I gotta sign for a package, I guess," I replied as I headed downstairs.

I went to the door, and signed the pad. The UPS guy handed me a yellow envelope that had Nick's name on it.

"What did you send me?" I questioned.

"Oh you got it, good," he answered.

I opened the envelope and inside were two plane tickets, a receipt to allow us into the hotel so we could get into their rooms, and a credit card with my name on it.

"What's the credit card for?" I asked.

"Well, we're going to an extremely fancy restaurant that night, and so you're gonna need to buy some rather expensive clothes for the two of you. It's linked to my account. I trust you with it," he responded.

"Wow, this means a lot to me. I don't meant the fact I have the card, but the fact you trust me that much. I can't say how much I love you. It's not humanly possible," I told him as a tear ran down my cheak.

"Don't flip out on me, I'm not there to comfort you. Besides it's only a credit card," he laughed.

"Well, I gotta get goin'. Remember, be ready by noon and tell Mike too," he said.

"Alright then, I'll talk to you later, ok?" I stated.

"Yup, love ya, bye," Nick said as he hung up the phone.

I then quickly dialed Mike's number and told him the awesome news. He flipped. He hung up so he could start packing and everything. The day took forever to go by. I went out to dinner with my family and spent the night watching a couple of movies.

The next day was just as long. My mom constantly made me promise to call her constantly. She also kept goin' through all my things to make sure I didn't forget anything. I called Mike and went over our plans for tomorrow again. Everything was set, and I went to bed that night anxiously awaiting the next day.

My mom cried her eyes out as she hugged me once the limo arrived. I hugged my brother and sister who were sad to see me leave as well. My father hugged me and wished me the best of luck. He also made me promise to call, if not for him, for my mom. I said my good byes as I headed off to go pick up Mike. Mike waved good bye to his family and hopped into the limo. We talked about how cool this was, and how happy he was. It took us an hour to get to the airport. Thankfully the flight left on schedule, and all was well.

We talked most of the way there. We couldn't believe we were gonna be at the Grande Hotel. We also had no clue how good of clothes we were to get and we wanted to get haircuts. We found the limo driver and we headed into the limo. Nick had already informed the driver on which store to go to so as soon as we were in, he took off.

We pulled up to this real classy looking clothing store. We walked in, and a woman came right over to us.

"Are you Adam and Mike?" she asked.

"Yes. How'd you know?" I asked.

"The Backstreet Boys called me yesterday and informed me you were their guests tonight. My job is to make you look good," she said with a smile.

Mike looked at me, "Cool."

"Yeah," I replied as we followed her.

After an hour of looking around, trying on clothes, and being measured, we were done. The clothes we were in were absolutely awesome. They made us look like royalty, practically.

"Perfect," the sales woman said.

"We'll take it," I responded.

"Ok," she said as we went back to the dressing room to get back in our original clothes.

We handed her the clothes, which she folded and placed in boxes for us to take.

"Ok, that'll be 753 dollars and 43 cents," she smiled.

"Holy Shit!" I screamed.

"Can I use your phone before I pay, maam?" I asked.

"Certainly," she said as she handed me the phone.

I dialed Brian's cell number.

"Hi Brian, is Nick there?" I asked.

"Sure, is everything alright?" he wondered.

"Yeah, I just need to ask Nick something," I responded.

"Alright, here he is," Brian said.

"What's up, Adam?" Nick said sweetfully.

"Ummm, these clothes are over 750 dollars, do you really want to spend that much," I questioned.

"Is the sales clerk there?" he asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I wondered.

"Just let me talk to her," he stated.

"Maam, he would like to talk to you," I told her.

"Hello?" she said as I handed her the phone.

"Extremely," she said smiling at us.

"He wants to talk to you again," she told me as she handed me back the handset.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"Get them. Hey, I hate to cut this short but the signal isn't too great on the plane, and we'll be there in about an hour or so. I'll see you in a little while babe, c-ya," he said as he hung up.

"Ok, here you go," I told the sales clerk as I handed her the credit card.

I signed the slip, and walked back out with Mike to waiting limo. We hopped in and he sped off to the hotel. Mike was astonished at the fact that we bought 375 dollar outfits. We arrived at the hotel and a bell boy took our purchases upstairs to our rooms after I showed them the receipt. We then hopped back in the limo to go to the airport and pick up the guys.

"Well Mike. There's their plane," I said as a huge 747 landed at the John F. Kennedy runway.

We waited anxiously as it slowly pulled up to the gate. There were several guards standing by for crowd control. One of the airport workers came by and unlocked the exit door to allow the passengars to get in the airport.

"Here they come dude, ready?" I asked impatiently waiting for Nick.

"No, but I don't think I'll ever be truely ready," he nervously said.


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