Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Jan 31, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. I'm sorry it took so long to get out, but doin' 40 hrs/wk at work and managing 15 credits at school is kinda tough :)

This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :) I'd like to thank everybody for there comments... I have yet to receive any type of bad remark. You guys make this even more fun to do.

Part 6:

"Are you all right?" Mike said as he let us in the room.

"Yeah, it was nothing. Just a very intense nightmare," I replied.

We got comfortable, had a couple of cokes, and chatted for awhile.

"So, what's your guys' schedule for the week? Will I get to see you at all this week?" I asked Nick and Brian, as I looked at Nick and grabbed his hand.

"Let's see. Well we have tomorrow off. The next day we have a photo shoot and an interview. I'm not clear on the rest, but we'll be free quite a bit," Brian answered.

"Cool," I exclaimed.

"Don't forget the concert is in three days aswell, Bri," Nick stated.

"Can't forget that, now can we," Brian smiled.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"They all went out for the night," Nick responded.

"It's just us four for the evening," Brian said as he smiled at Mike.

"Hey Mike, can I talk to you for a sec?" I said as I waved him towards the door.

He shrugged his shoulders, "sure," and followed me to the door.

"What? Keeping secrets from me," Nick asked with a pouting face.

I smiled, "don't worry, I'll tell you later."

"Good," he said with a smile and continued to converse with Bri.

We closed the door behind us and walked a little ways down the hall.

"So?" Mike asked.

"So," I replied in a questioning tone.

"So, what?" Mike asked with a laugh.

"Well, how's things going between you and Brian? You like, you dislike, you love?" I asked smiling at him.

"I didn't think it possible, but yes. He's great and I am falling in love with him. It's the type of love that's not dependant on sex or on money or on looks anymore. We love eachother for who we are," he replied very happily.

"So he feels the sameway?" I wondered.

"Yes, from what I feel, he does," he answered.

"That's great. I'm so happy for you guys. I can't believe it actually worked out," I stated.

"I know, me neither. Anyhow let's get back in their before they start thinking we're havin' an affair," he joked.

"Wait!" I said abruptly.

"What is it?" he said with a very puzzled look.

"Have you talked with Howie at all?" I asked.

"No. Brian warned me about him and his anger towards the four of us. I'm hoping he'll get over it," Mike responded.

"Just wanted to warn you, anyhow let's get goin'. We have a dinner date in less than an hour," I said as we headed back to Brian's room.

We finished getting ready and headed downstairs. We left a message at the front desk about where we were going and headed out to the waiting limo. We joked and laughed the whole way there.

We were seated in a booth. The restaurant was amazing. It was low lite with candles at all the tables and along all the walls. There was crystal everywhere aswell which shimmered with the flickering flames. The place was spoless, the people were well mannered, and the service was above and beyond anyother I had ever seen.

"Wow, this place is gorgeous," Mike exclaimed.

"I know, only the best for you," Brian said as he wrapped an arm around Mike's neck.

The waitress came by, gave us our menus, and (thanks to a little pursuasion by Brian) got each of us a martini.

"Holy Shit!" I nearly screamed.

"Shhhh..., keep it down. What's the matter?" Nick asked as he leaned and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.

I pointed to the prices on the menu, which all were over $15.

"It's well worth it, the ood here is beyond anything you've ever had. Well, maybe not so wih your mom's spaghetti, but great none the less," Nick smiled.

"I hope so," I laughed.

We ordered our food and waited for about 45 minutes and then started eating. The food was great and the portions were perfect (not small, at all, like most restaurants). We all felt dinner was excellent.

"Here you guys go and have a lovely evening," the waitress said as she placed the check on the table.

Both Nick and Brian sprang for it

"It's on me," Nick said.

"Oh no you don't, not this one. You got the last one," Brian replied.

"Just let me take it Brian," Nick pleaded.

"Uh-uh, no way. Now let go," Brian laughed.

"No!" Nick said sternly.

"Fine," Brian said.

Suddenly Nick jumped up in his seat and let go of the check.

"You fuck, that hurt," Nick growled at Brian.

"What'd he do?" I asked.

"He kicked me in the shin, you ass," Nick said as he looked at Brian in a pissed off mood.

Brian smirked, "Next time, let go."

Brian got up and headed over to the waitress, paid the bill with his card, signed the slip and returned.

"Ok fellas, let's go change into something comfortable and head out into the city," Brian said to us all.

"Cool," Mike said as he stood up next to Bri.

Nick slowly got up and rubbed his shin.

"Stop it you baby, now let's get goin' and have some fun," Brian said as he patted Nick on the back.

I walked along side out to the limo, and he seemed a little down. Brian and Mike had gotten in the limo, and before we got in I grabbed Nick's hand and stopped him.

"What's wrong Nick?" I said in a concerned tone.

"I wanted to treat you to dinner tonight, not Brian," he replied sadly.

"Don't worry about it. You've done more for me then anybody could ever imagine. Besides, I still love you as much as I did before we came, more in fact. Now come on, cheer up, for me," I said as I squeezed his hand.

"You sure you're not upset about it?" he asked.

"Nick, it didn't even phase me until you said something about it," I stated.

"Ok," he said as he started feeling better about it.

I smiled and opened the door.

"Why'd you guys take so long to get in the limo?" Brian asked.

"Remember, Kevin said no P.D.A.," Brian laughed.

"I know, and we obeyed papas rules too," Nick laughed back.

"You guys are too much," I stated as I started to laugh along with them.

We returned to the hotel, got changed, and hit the streets of New York.

"Let's see there's gotta be a good club around here someplace," Nick said as we walked down the bustling street.

"Wanna try this one?" Mike asked.

We heard loud music and laughter muffled from inside trying to break it's way to the outside world.

"Sure Mike," Brian said as he grabbed a hold of Mike's hand and pulled him in.

"Just a word of warning, this is my first time in a club," I told Nick as he started pulling me along with him towards the door.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," he said smiling back at me.

I smiled back as we ventured in. Lights were flashing, the music was pumping, people were dancing, some were drinking, and all of them were havin' a blast. I followed Nick who followed Bri and Mike to a table. Brian ran to the bar and got us two pitchers of beer.

No one had noticed the Backstreet Boys due to the commotion, atleast not for 10 or so minutes. We had a couple beers each, and mixed with the martinis from earlier, started to give me a buzz.

We were talkin' when a voice poured out over the speakers, "ladies and gentleman, we have two special guests with us tonight. Nick Carter and Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys."

As soon as he finished, the intro to "Everybody" started. Brian and Nick rushed to the center of the floor and started the dance routine for the song. Mike and I managed to force our way to the front so we could watch. The people were screaming and some of them joined in. The people were startin' to go wild and it was getting rough so I (along with Mike) headed back to the table.

"They are awesome," I said as I started another glass of beer.

"I know," Mike said as he joined me.

The guys stayed on the dance floor for the next four songs, as me and Mike chatted and drank. By the time they returned both Mike and I had started feeling the full effects of the alcohol.

"Hey, they're back," Mike said as we both started crakin' up.

"Look at what we got here, a couple of drunks," Nick said to Brian as they started laughing at us.

"Come on, let's dance," Brian said to Mike.

Nick extended his hand to me as well, "Come on, you too."

"Me dance? Yeah right," I said as I started laughing again.

"Come on, for me," Nick said.

"For you, all right. But I warn you, I can't dance," I said as I stubled out of my chair.

Brian and Mike had already lost themsleves in the huge crowd together.

Nick led me out there, and he got me goin'. We dance for a good 1/2 hour. When we came back Brian and Mike still hadn't returned. Nick poured himself a beer as I headed, more like stubled, my way to the bathroom.

When I returned Nick was still alone, and the once half full pitcher was now empty.

"Jeez, how fast did you suck that down?" I asked.

"Well, you were quite a few ahead of me, so I had to catch up. Besides, I don't think you need anymore," he stated.

We both started laughing for no reason what so ever. Nick was just as drunk as I was. I was also getting extremely horny and sat on Nick's lap facing him.

"I love you very much," I said as I ran my fingers through his hair, which was wet from sweat do to his dancing.

He smiled, "I love you to."

I kissed Nick, and he slid his toungue into my mouth. We kissed for about three seconds when Brian came up behind us.

"Yo! What are you two doing?" Brian said astonished at our display.

"Nick, you can't be doing this in public," Brian told him.

Nick looked at him with a vague stare. He seemed to be starring out in to space, "huh?" he said.

"How may have you had?" Brian asked.

He noticed that both pitchers were empty, and they were on their second fill of both of them already.

"Oh boy, I got three drunks on my hands," Brian said aloud.

"All right guys, time to get going before you do something you're gonna regret in the morning," Brian said to us all.

I had laid my head on Nick's shoulder and started drifting off to sleep. Nick placed his arms around me and started to doze himself.

"Guys, get up!" Brian said as he grabbed me and pulled me to my feet.

"Whoa!" I said as I started to loose my balance.

Mike grabbed ahold of me, stopping me from falling on to the floor. Brian then stood Nick to his feet.

"Come on, we gotta get you back to the hotel, now WAKE UP!" Brian yelled into Nick's ear.

"Ok, ok... you don't have to yell," Nick said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Mike are you ok?" Brian asked.

"Yeah," he said as he started to laugh under his breath.

Brian shook his head and held Nick up as we walked out of the club.

We all got a shiver as soon as the cool night air hit us.

"Wow," Nick said as he snapped to.

"It's fucking cold out here," Mike said.

"Extremely," I said as I started chattering.

"Come on, it's only a few blocks back to the hotel," Brian said.

"Adam?" Nick yelled as he started looking around.

"What babe?" I asked.

"Come here," he said.

I managed my way form Mike's side to Nick's. I wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Oh no you don't, You guys can't be all over each other in public. God forbid anybody in that club saw you two kissing. What were you thinking? Kevin's gonna kill you," Brian stated.

"Does Kevin have to know everything? I didn't even think about it. I can't help that I love him," Nick said defending himself.

"Just be more careful, and pray that nobody saw you," Brian said.

We finally arrived to the hotel, and with Brian's help, we managed our way to our rooms.

"Guys have a goodnight. I had a great time," Brian told us.

"So did I, see ya in the morning," I told Brian.

"Yeah Bri, thanks for everyting, have a good night you two. Later Mike," Nick said as he closed the door.

We started laughing as we headed to the bed. Nick grabbed me and started kissing me.

"Now where were we," Nick said.

"I'd say we were at this point. The point where I start ripping your clothes off of your body," I said as I started undoing his shirt.

Soon we were both completely naked and I was on top of him. I kissed him wildly, running my toungue all over the inside of his mouth as my hands roamed his body.

"I don't think I'll ever get sick of this," I said.

"Me neither," Nick replied and started kissing me again.

I slowly worked my way to his neck, and to his chest. I then sat up and started massaging his chest. He moaned with pleasure as he slowly relaxed.

"You are beautiful Nicholas Carter," I said as I smiled down at him.

I then leaned down and started swirling my toungue around one of his nipples. He placed his hands on my head as I continued. I moved even lower and eventually made my way to his throbbing cock. I slowly teased the tip with my toungue, I then slowly went down, inch by inch. Nick's eyes squeezed closed as his breathing became spuratic. I then went even lower and began licking his balls. Letting each into my mouth and swirled my toungue on it.

He moaned even louder as he called my name out lightley. I then managed my way lower where I started to rim him.

"Ohhh... Adam, that is wonderful," he managed to say.

He reached over and grabbed a bottle of lube from the side desk. He handed it down to me. I grabbed it and started to put it on his cock. I slowly massaged his cock up and down causing him to get closer and closer to a climax, which I could see him fighting to hold back.

I then placed a dab of lube on my finger. I then rubbed it on my hole, preparing myself for Nick's entrance into me. I through the bottle to the floor, and went back up to kiss Nick.

"I owe you for how wonderful you made me feel these past two times," I said as I began sitting back up.

I positioned his cock so I could sit on top of it. As soon as I was ready, I slowly lowered myself on it. Nick began to let out a high pitched tone. The further I went down, the louder he got. His eyes were closed, and his head was thrown back, as he supported his upper body off of the bed by his hands.

I finally managed my way to the base of his cock. I sat there, getting used to him inside of me again. I then slowly started to go up and down. I started grunting when I started speeding up. He started moaning and repeatedly called my name out as I continued. My cock was rock hard, and I was ready to explode. It was then that I felt him lift himself up and place his lips on my own.

He began to push into me each time I lowered myself down on him. Our pace seemed to continue to get quicker and quicker until I felt him grab me and held me down on his cock. He began pulsating as he blasted load after load of cum inside of me. His head was thrown back and I just sat there enjoying the warmth that was flooding my insides.

He seemed to never stop cumming. When he did he looked at me and kissed me.

"I love you Adam," he said.

"I love you too," I replied.

We stayed there as he gradually got softer.

"I better get cleaned up, before we fall asleep," I said.

Nick just lyed back, as I got up off of him. I went to the bathroom, cleaned myslef up, and returned. He was still awake, and smiled up at me. I smiled back as I laid next to him.

"I better clean myself up too," Nick said.

"No, don't you move a muscle," I told him as I got up.

I ran to the bathroom, grabbed a warm washcloth, and cleaned him up.

"I can do it, you don't have to bother," Nick said as he started to sit up.

"I told you not to move," I said as I smiled at him.

He lyed back down and I finished cleaning him up. I threw the washcloth on the floor and snuggled up next to him.

"Life is great, Nicky. I hope you know you make life well worth it," I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"You are too," he replied as he drifted off to sleep.

"Night, hun," I said as I closed my eyes.

Nick made a quiet 'hmmm' in response.

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Next: Chapter 7

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