Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Feb 6, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :) I'd like to thank everybody for there comments... I have yet to receive any type of bad remark. You guys make this even more fun to do.

Part 7:

My eyes slowly opened. Nick was sound asleep next to me. I looked at the clock and it was goin' on 10:00. I set my head back down on the pillow when a sudden blast of pain struck, my head was killin' me.

"I must have drunken' more than I remember," I whispered to myself.

I slowly got up, as to not wake up Nick. I strolled my way over to the bubbling jacuzzi and slowly slid into the water. It felt great as I sat there with my head leaned back enjoying myself. I laid there for an hour or so when I decided to get out. I roamed back into the room where Nick slept silently. I starred at him for a minute smiling at how cute he looked and then decided to order room service.

I grabbed the phone and brought it into the other room, so I wouldn't disturb Nick in his sleep. I ordered breakfast for the two of us. Since I had a half hour before they would have it up here, I threw on a pair of boxers and a bathrobe, and began cleaning up the room a little. Soon enough, there was a knocking at the door. I opened the door and a cart was pushed into the room.

"Here you go," the lady said.

"Thank you very much," I replied.

"Call when you want it removed, or I'll take it when I clean the room later," she told me.

"Ok, have a good day," I said as I closed the door behind her.

I pushed the cart next to the bed. I sat on the bed beside Nick and placed my hand on his cheek.

"Nicky?... Breakfast is here," I said softly as I leaned down and kissed his forehead.

He started to stir, "Huh?"

"Breakfast is here hun," I replied as I ran my fingers down the side of his face.

He looked up at me and smiled, "Breakfast, huh? Sounds good."

He sat up and grabbed his head, "Ahhh... I feel like shit,"

"Yeah, I know how you feel, but the jacuzzi relaxes you and makes it feel a little bit better. Though what I wouldn't do for some Excedrin," I said as I rubbed my temples.

"Anyhow, let's eat," I said as I uncovered our mini buffet.

We ate breakfast and chatted about how drunk we were last night. We laughed about it and decided to call Kevin for some aspirin. I ran over and grabbed the bottle from Kevin, thanked him, and ran back to Nick.

"Here we go, this will help," I smiled as I downed three pills.

"Don't OD on me, ok?" Nick said as he took two himself.

"Don't worry, I grew up on this stuff," I laughed.

"Anyhow, why don't you lie down for a little while and I'll go shower, k?" I asked as I stood up.

He laid back down and smiled up at me, "No complaints here."

"I'll be out in a little while," I told him as I went into the bathroom.

When I came out he had fallen sound asleep again. I got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, rolled the cart away from the bed, kissed Nick, and left the room. I didn't bother grabbing my key or anything assuming Nick would be up in an hour or so. I decided to wonder the hotel for awhile, see the indoor pool, etc. I started climbing stairs, since I was in no real hurry. I managed my way to the top floor and starred out the windows for awhile just looking at the people and the buildings.

I had lost myself in my thoughts and was oblivious to anything around me.

"Boo!" AJ yelled as he poked me in the side.

"Jesus!," I screamed and jumped.

I was out of breath and supporting myself up with the window, "Don't do that to me, AJ"

"Hi, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing, just walkin. Nick's asleep, so I decided to go," I told him.

"Cool. You wanna head outside rather than starring at it through glass?" he asked.

"Sure, let's go," I replied.

We took the elevator to the first floor and headed out of the hotel. We started walking by some shops and AJ wanted to browse each one.

"What do ya think?" he asked me as he held up a fishnet t-shirt.

"Uhhh... sure," I said as I laughed at it.

"What? You don't think Nick would look good in this?" AJ asked me sarcastically.

"I don't think so," I replied.

"All right, come on," he said as he pulled me out of the shop.

"I got it!" AJ exclaimed.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Let's go to a hair stylist," he said as he smiled at me.

"What are you gonna do to my hair?" I asked as I took a step back from him.

"Trust me, Nick will love it," AJ answered.

"Tell me first," I insisted.

"Nothing permanent, but let's dye your hair," he replied.

"What color?" I asked.

"How 'bout blue?" he asked with devilish grin as he rubbed his hands together.

"Blue? You're nuts!" I told him.

"Well, we're gonna do something to you, so come on," he said as he dragged me into the hair stylists.

He forced me in the chair and stylist wrapped an apron around my neck.

"So what are we doin' today?" the stylist asked.

"I need my hair trimmed," I told her.

AJ took her to the side and chatted a bit with her. She smiled at me and nodded to AJ. She came over and started trimming my hair.

"Whatever he told you to do, ignore it," I told her.

"Sure," she replied in a very unconvincing tone which made me kinda uneasy.

She then laid me back and started washing my hair. She was soaping my hair, or so I thought, and then she asked me to go to the dryer. I sat underneath the dryer for about twenty minutes, she then sat me back in the chair.

"Ok, now we have to wash your hair again," she said smiling at me.

"Again, you just washed it," I inquired.

"No, I just colored your hair. Now we need to rinse the dye out," she said with a little chuckle.

"What!" I yelled.

"AJ, what did you do to me?" I questioned as I looked at him with an evil eye.

"I told you to trust me. It's nothing outrageous, but different," he said pleased with himself.

She finished washing my hair, and dried it. She then combed it in place, gelled it up, and I was done. My hair was naturally blonde, but now it was EXTREMELY bleached blonde. My hair looked wet due to the gel, but it was as bright as the sun. I starred into the mirror in silence for a minute.

"So? You like?" AJ asked as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"It's brilliant, and very blonde. Wow," I said.

"Is that a yes?" AJ asked in hesitation.

"It's cool," I said as I looked up at him smiling.

"Great. Now let's go show your other half," he stated.

I got up out of the chair and paid the stylist. She gave us a smile and we left. We got back to the hotel a little after 1:30.

"Excuse me, Adam?" the front desk said as soon as we walked in.

I looked over in confusion, "yes?"

"We have a message for you from a Mr. Carter," he said.

I walked over to him and said, "What'd he say?"

"He said he wanted you to call him immediately on Brian's cell phone," he replied.

"Ok, thanks," I said, looked at AJ, and headed for the elevator.

AJ and I got to the 6th floor and I ran to Nick's and my room.

"Shit!" I yelled as I pounded my fist on the door.

"What is it, no key?" AJ asked.

"Yeah, I wasn't plannin' on leavin' so I left it in the room," I told AJ.

"Here, you can use my phone," he told me as he opened his door.

I followed him in. His room looked exactly like ours did. I went to the phone and quickly dialed Brian's cell number.

"Hello?" Nick said eagerly on the other end.

"Hi Nicky," I answered.

"Adam? Thank God. Where are you? Are you all right?" Nick asked quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What's the matter?" I asked.

"What's the matter? I have spent the last two hours trying to find you, praying that you weren't lying in some alleyway, dead," he replied.

"Dead? I was with AJ. We went for a walk while you slept. Didn't mean to scare you. Didn't think we'd be gone that long," I said sympathetically.

"Hey, guess what? AJ took me to the hair stylists, so I got my hair done," I said happily.

"Oh no. What'd he do to you? You're not covered in earrings, tattoos, and have green hair do you?" Nick questioned.

"You don't like green? oh no," I convincingly stated.

"You didn't?" Nick asked.

"And if I did?" I replied.

"I'm gonna kill AJ! Listen, don't you go anywhere, and don't let AJ out of your site I want to kill him for touching you. Green hair, I can't believe it," Nick said as he hung the phone up.

I placed the phone on the hook, and both AJ and I started bursting out in laughter.

"He actually thinks I have green hair," I said between laughs.

"I'm not sure how long it'll take them to get back. They're on their way, but they've been searching the entire city for me," I told AJ.

AJ nodded in disbelief.

"Well, I wonder if Kev or Howie is around," AJ inquired.

"I'm gonna go hang at the lobby and wait for the guys all right?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll talk to you later," AJ said as he smiled at me.

"By the way, nice hair," he laughed.

"Yeah, thanks," I replied laughing as I left his room.

I headed towards the elevator when the doors opened. Howie stepped on to the floor and stopped to look at me.

"Great. You think you're gonna impress Nick with that shit coloring in your hair. I mean come on. You do realize he could have anybody, you're just around now. Doing something like this is just gonna make him turn away and pick the next guy he runs into. You're nothing to him, remember that. You're not an essential to anybody. Why not just do us all a fucking favor and leave, all you're doin' is taking up room," Howie belched at me.

"But...," I said.

"But nothing. When are you gonna get it through your head, you're just a cheap trick. Nothing but a toy for Nick's pleasure. Why hurt yourself anymore, just go home. Reality sucks, I know, but reality is reality so just accept it," he continued.

I had tears forming in my eyes even though I was fighting them back with all my strength. AJ walked out of his room when he heard Howie raise his voice.

"What's going on here?" AJ asked Howie.

I turned to look at AJ.

"He doesn't want to help you either. Why would he want to deal with you when he doesn't have to," Howie said just so I could here it.

I sped for the open elevator.

"Adam, what's the matter?" AJ yelled as he started running towards me.

Howie turned to me with an evil look and mouthed the word 'leave'.

"Wait!" AJ pleaded.

I pressed the button to close the doors and then pressed the button to go to the basement. I now had tears flowing down my cheeks. I was sniffling and my throat was nearly closed shut. The doors slid open, and I ran down the various halls until I found an isolated closet. I sat inside and closed the door where I started crying uncontrollably in the dark.

"Nick doesn't love me," I cooed between gasps for air and sniffles.

I continued on until I cried myself to sleep in the basement closet of the hotel.

"Hey, Adam?" a voice said as I was shaken to.

"Hmmm...?" I replied as I started to stir.

"Adam, come on we gotta get you out of here," the voice said again.

"Who's there?" I asked as I slowly opened my eyes and began to focus in on Kevin's face.

"Kevin? What are you doin' here?" I asked.

"I might ask you that same question," Kevin said as he lifted me to my feet.

"Now come on, let's go get you cleaned up. You must be starving it's already 8 o'clock and Nick is still crying in his room," Kevin told me.

That's when I backed away from Kevin.

"What?" he asked confused.

"I don't want to go back," I replied.

"But Nick is worried sick about you. If you don't go back, he'll never forgive himself," Kevin pleaded.

"What do I matter? I'm nobody compared to him. All I am is some cheap trick he managed to get to tag along so he could relieve his sexual tension," I said in a very unpleasant tone.

"So that's what he said to you," Kevin responded.

"What?" I asked.

"Howie. AJ said Howie was talkin' to you right before you bolted off," Kevin said.

"Anyhow, Nick has fallen into such a deep depression over you running away, and it's bad. Don't believe Howie, he's just jealous. Nick loves you a lot, trust me I can tell," Kevin continued.

"I'm sorry I flipped out, but it all made sense and it all hit me. I let it all go to my head," I stated.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad we managed to find you," Kevin smiled at me.

We got off of the elevator and Kevin knocked on Nick's door. Mike opened the door.

"Adam! Thank God," Mike exclaimed as he threw his arms around me.

"Hey, I'm fine. Sorry to make you all worry," I told Mike as he released me.

"Nick's in here. He's a mess being so worked up over you," Mike said as he lead me and Kev to Nick.

Nick had his back to us and was crying in Brian's arms. Brian was comforting him. He saw me in the room and immediately got a smile on his face. I stood and watched Nick cry uncontrollably in Brian's arms. My knees started getting weak and I started choking up at the sight.

"What have I done?" I whispered to myself.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"I can't believe I did this to him. I'm a horrible person, I don't deserve someone like Nick," I told Mike.

"The longer you stand here, the more damage you're doin'. And you deserve Nick more than anybody I know. Adam, you're a great person, take what is bein' handed you in life. Now stop this, and make his pain go away," Mike insisted.

He pushed me towards the bed. I sat beside Nick, who didn't even seem to notice me. All I could here was his crying.

"Why me, Brian? Why me?" Nick said repeatedly into Brian's shoulder.

I reached my hand out and placed it on Nick's shoulder. I then ran my hand through his hair and leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Hi Nicholas?" I said softly.

He slowly lifted his head off of Brian's shoulder. His eyes were beat red from crying and his hair was a mess. He looked at me for a few seconds before flinging his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Nick screamed repeatedly to me as he buried his face in my chest and cried uncontrollably.

"Why don't we leave them alone," Brian said as he waved everybody towards the door.

"If you guys need anything just call," Brian said sincerely as he closed the door behind them.

I ran my fingers through Nick's hair as he began to clam down.

"Shhh, shh, it's all right babe. Everything's gonna be just fine. I'm here," I whispered soothingly as I rocked him back and forth.

After a few minutes he managed to pull his face from my shirt and look me in the eyes.

With a sniffle he told me, "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything," I replied.

"Then why did you runaway? You ran from AJ when he came for you, did he do something?" Nick asked.

"No, it wasn't AJ at all. AJ and I had a good time this morning when we went out," I smiled down at him.

"Notice the hair?" I laughed.

"It is kinda blonde. So that's what he did to you, huh? I kinda like it," Nick said as a smile broke over his face.

He wiped his eyes and sat straight up.

"So, why did you runaway?" he asked.

"Well, don't flip out, but did AJ say anything about Howie?" I inquired.

"Yeah, he said he actually talked to you," he said surprised.

Then in an angered voice, "what did he say!"

"Do you really want me to repeat it all?" I asked him.

"Just give me the gist of it please," he replied.

"Well, here it goes. Now don't flip out on me. We've both been a wreck all day. He basically told me I was a worthless piece of shit. I was around to releave your sexual tension and that I wasn't worth a dime. You could have anybody you wanted and why waste your time on me. Shall I continue?" I questioned as I wiped a tear from my eye.

"And you believed him?" Nick yelled at me.

He quickly jumped off of the bed and ran to the door. I wiped my eyes with my hands and ran after him.

"Nick?" I called after him.

"Don't do anything you're gonna regret," I told him.

I ran to the hallway, and I found Nick pounding on AJ's door.

"AJ!" Nick screamed.

The door opened and AJ was there.

"What is it bro?" he answered.

"Where is he? Where's D?" Nick asked.

"I don't know, why?" AJ asked.

"He's the reason Adam ran off," Nick yelled as he went to Kevin's door.

"Kevin?" Nick screamed as he beat on Kevin's door.

Kevin opened his door, "what is it Nick?" he asked.

"Howie? Where is he?" Nick growled back.

"I don't know? Did you call the front desk?" Kevin asked.

"No," he replied and waltzed into Kev's room.

"Come right in," Kevin said sarcastically.

A couple of minutes later Nick came storming out of Kevin's room.

"Where is he?" Kevin beckoned.

"He's out at a bar down the street. Boy is he gonna get it," Nick yelled back as he ran to the elevator.

AJ flew out of his room and followed Nick.

"Here, let me join in on this one," AJ said as the elevator doors opened.

They closed and they were off. I stood there in disbelief about what was happening. I turned my head and there was Kevin in hot pursuit of the two of them.

"I have got to stop them before something bad happens," Kevin exclaimed as he started pounding on the elevator call button.

"I hope to God Nick is all right," I said as I closed the door to wait for his return.

I walked over to the bed and saw a bottle of vodka over on the table. I opened it and poured myself half a glass.

"I need to sleep, this ought to do the job," I whispered to myself as I swirled the vodka in the glass. I then reached over and grabbed popped three pills, from the small bottle, in my mouth and swigged them down with all the alcohol I poured.

I shook my head from the retched taste and walked over to the bed. I pulled the covers back and then headed for the bathroom. I came out and sat on the bed, grabbed the tv remote and started searching through channels. There were several movies on, bein' only 9:30 at night. I laid back and started watchin some sci-fi flick.

I started noticing that my body was starting to get tingly and I was unable to feel my hands and feet. I rubbed it off as bein' the alcohol and crawled under the covers in the bed. My loss of feeling started spreading to my legs and arms and I couldn't maintain consciousness much longer. I could barely move my body and I couldn't concentrate on anything but how tired I was. Eventually my eyes closed.

The next thing I remember was a consistent beeping noise, and a voice in the background that I couldn't quite understand. I started to move my head and arms as I began to attempt to rub my eyes.

"Adam!" Nick screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Huh? What is it Nick?" I said as I started rubbing my eyes.

I opened my eyes and started to focus on the room.

"What? Where the hell am I, Nick?" I asked confused.

"You're in a hospital," Nick replied as he leaned down and kissed me.

He looked as though he hadn't slept in days.

"Ok, I gather that much. Now will you tell me why I'm in a hospital?" I said sarcastically and still confused.

"Well, when I went running off towards Howie, you went back to go to sleep. From what the doctors say you overdosed on sleeping pills. You took three of Brian's sleeping pills, which are prescription strength, and took them with alcohol," Nick replied.

"We're lucky your heart didn't stop on us," Nick said gratefully.

"Sleeping pills? I took three Excedrin before I went to bed," I said.

"Those were Brian's pills. They had to pump your stomach and set you up on IVs all night," Nick told me as he ran his hand across my cheek.

"I'm sorry. It seems like I've been nothing but problems for you. Maybe we should reconsider this whole thing," I said as I started to choke up.

"You sleep for 27 hours and you get emotional on me again. You're supposed to feel good when you wake up after taking those things," Nick said smiling.

"I don't want you to go. In fact, I love you more now than I ever did before. Please don't leave me?" Nick begged.

"27 hours! Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Do you still want to leave me?" Nick said as he started to feel the onset of tears.

I looked up at him and reached towards the back of his head. I pulled him down to me and I gave him a long passionate kiss.

"No. I never want to leave you," I replied as I looked at him with a huge grin.

"You are right about that though. I feel wonderful," I said as I started laughing.

"Good. Do you wanna see the guys?" Nick asked.

"Actually, I'm starting to get sleepy again and I doubt I'd be good company," I told him as I started to close my eyes.

"No problem. I'll be right here when you get up, hun," he said as he kissed me.

Nick squeezed my hand and sat down next to my bed.

"I love you Adam," he said as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.

I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

I started to stir and slowly opened my eyes. Nick was no longer next to me. Mike was there reading a magazine.

"Hey, you're finally up," Mike said as he put down the magazine.

I smiled and replied groggily, "yeah."

"Where's Nick?" I asked.

"He fell asleep. He's been up for the last two and a half days. Kevin picked him up and put him in a bed down the hall," he told me.

"Poor guy. I feel horrible," I said sadly.

"Don't worry about it. Shit happens, and you guys will get over it. This will just make your relationship stronger," Mike smiled.

"Thanks," I said.

I started to sit up. Mike helped me until I was completely up.

"So how long do I have to stay here?" I questioned.

"I think they'll be releasing you this morning," he said.

"Cool," I said gratefully.

The door slowly opened and AJ peeked his head in.

"Hey, you're up," AJ said happily.

"Yup," I replied.

AJ walked in and closed the door.

"We never found Howie that night. In fact he's nowhere to be found," AJ said.

"Really? I hope he's all right," I stated.

"I know. Kevin's out tracking him down. Hopefully we'll find him soon," AJ said.

"I wish he'd just get to know us, and put his hatred behind this all," Mike said.

"He is stubborn," AJ said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's about quarter to 3," AJ replied as he looked at his watch.

"Well, I'm ready to get up. Is the staff awake?" I asked.

"Sure, I'll go get someone," Mike said as he left the room.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"So, did Nick say he liked the hair?" AJ asked as he ruffled my hair.

"Yeah, he did," I told him.

"Cool, so I'm not on his shit list then," AJ laughed.

The nurse came in, checked the monitors, and began to remove the IVs from my arms. She then shut the equipment down and had me sign some release form.

I lost my balance when I stood up, and thanks to AJ, I didn't hit the floor.

"Wow, slow down. Take your time" AJ insisted.

Mike and AJ helped me into my clothes and I slowly gained my balance back. We walked down the hallway towards the room where Nick was fast asleep. AJ and Mike made sure I made my way to the chair next to his bed and left.

I ran my hand through his hair as he slept peacefully. He was so beautiful and peaceful just lying there. A tear formed in my eye as I concentrated on the events leading up to this whole thing.

"How could I be so stupid as to listen to Howie? I love you, and I would give my life it meant saving yours," I whispered as I placed my hand in his. He stirred a little but continued to lay there peacefully.

There was a light tapping on the door, and then Brian slowly opened it.

"Hey, how you doin'?" he asked.

"I'm fine thanks. How goes the search for Howie?" I wondered.

"No luck yet. I'm sure he'll turn up though," he replied as he walked over to my side.

"Look at him. Isn't it the most beautiful sight you've ever seen?" I said as I smiled down at the sleeping Nick.

Brian smiled, "yeah, he sure is great."

"I just hope that next time before you run, you talk to him first," Brian continued.

"I know, I'm an ass," I responded.

"I don't think I can deal with him being that upset again. Besides I have someone else I have to worry about now, too," Brian replied as he sighed with ecstasy.

"Yeah, Mike's great," I said.

"He sure is. He makes me feel so special inside. I don't think I could've asked for anybody better," Brian told me as he looked towards the door.

"Hey, is there anything to eat here, besides ice chips and jello?" I questioned as I felt the onset of severe hunger.

Brian laughed quietly, "Yeah, let's go get you something to eat."

"Great," I said as I slowly released Nick's hand.

I leaned down, kissed his forehead, and followed Brian out of the room.

We met Mike and AJ at the lounge, where I got one of those prepackaged sandwiches outta one of the vending machines.

"Nothing compared to what our dinner was like, but man does this taste great," I said as I laughed.

The others laughed at the speed I was pounding it down my throat.

"You guys try eating ice chips for 27 hours, and see how hungry you get," I remarked.

"Well, I think we should be going. You're officially out of here so why don't we head out," AJ said as he stood up.

"OK, I'll go wake up Nick," I replied as I left.

"I'll inform Kevin that we're headin' back to the hotel," Brian told me as I turned the corner.

I walked up to Nick's side and sat down. I lifted his hand up and lightly squeezed it. I lowered my lips to his. When I released them, he started to stir.

"Who's there?" he said as his eyes slowly opened.

"It's me Nicky," I told him as I kissed him again.

He slid his tongue in my mouth and then drew back.

"You're up and out of bed? Can I take you home?" Nick asked as he sat up.

"Yup, I'm all yours for the taking," I smiled.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, like I said," he replied sadly.

"Don't worry about it. I was told you hadn't slept since I was out, and that means more to me," I told him as I helped him out of bed.

I laughed at him because he had a bad case of "bed head".

"What?" he asked confused.

I pointed at his hair, "Your hair is a mess."

"Ha Ha, I'm happy to see you too," he smiled.

I leaned in and kissed him, and then we headed out of the room holding each other's hands.

AJ saw us walking towards and cleared his throat loudly at us. So we released our hands, sadly.

"Sorry, but you know the rules," he said.

"I know, I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it though," Nick replied.

"Ok, let's go. There's a taxi waiting to take us to the hotel," Brian said as he waved us towards the door.

Brian finished signing some papers with the nurse about insurance and billing issues, and then we headed out.

When we arrived at the hotel it was just about 4:30am.

"My God, I can't believe we have to be up in 7 hours to start rehearsal for tonight's concert," AJ complained as he stretched.

"That's right, the concert is tonight. I'm sorry guys," I apologized.

"No, don't worry about it," Brian said as we climbed off of the elevator.

"I hope we find Howie before it's too late," AJ called out to us.

"I know. That's gonna be hard to explain to management," Nick replied.

"Well guys, have a goodnight. Wake-up calls are all set so plan on getting up around 11," Brian told us.

"Good night," I said as I closed the door behind myself.

Nick made his way towards the bed. He started removing his clothes when I came up behind him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?" he said with a puzzled look.

"For being there for me," I said as I kissed him.

"Anything for you," he replied.

"Well, you need your rest, so come on," I said as I started pulling back the covers.

Nick crawled under and closed his eyes. I wasn't in the slightest tired, seeing as I have done nothing but sleep for the past couple of days. So I went out of the room, this time leaving a note for Nick, and went down to the lobby to wait for Kevin and/or Brian's arrival.

I sat on one of the leather couches they had out, and started reading a newspaper article about the guys' concert.

Kevin eventually came walking through the door, dragging Howie behind him at about 5:45. I looked up, put down the paper, and went over to assist Kev.

"Hey, how you doin'?" Kevin asked as he was struggling to pull Howie along.

"I'm fine thanks. Where'd you find him?" I asked.

"Passed out in some bar," Kev said angrily.

"Ohhh... well the guys are all sleeping. There's a wake-up call at 11 for your rehearsal," I informed him.

"Cool, today's gonna be hell, because we missed yesterday's rehearsal. So it'll be twice as long today," he told me.

"Sorry," I replied.

"It's not your fault," he said as we pulled Howie out of the elevator.

We opened his room, and through him on his bed.

"There," Kevin stated being out of breath.

"Well, have a good night, I'm gonna go hang at the lobby for awhile," I told him.

"Just do me a favor, PLEASE don't wander off with out leaving a note at the front desk," Kevin asked.

"Sure, no prob," I smiled and he went into his room.

"Good night, Kev," I called to him.

He waved his hand out in to the hall, and then closed his door.

I headed down to the lobby, sat at the same couch I was at earlier, and finished reading the article on the guys.

After 20 minutes, I walked to the desk, informed the clerk that if anybody asked for me that I was walking around the area, and would be back around 9 at the latest. He took the message, and I left the hotel.

I started walking by a bunch of stores. Being only 6 in the morning not many people were out yet. All the shops were closed, but I noticed a lot of nice things through the windows. I made mental notes of which stores I would come back to, once they opened.

I wandered for a while and was shocked to see my watch read 8:20AM.

"Holy Jesus," I said out loud to myself.

I started heading back to the hotel when something caught my eye. There was a table set up outside a jewelers, and a woman was placing various jewelry on it.

"Anything I can help you with?" she asked kindly.

"Nothing in particular. I'm just looking for something to give my boy friend to show him how deeply I care for him," I said not even noticing what I said.

"Well, what's his name?" she asked without a change in her tone or kindness.

I looked up at her in shock and then smiled. She returned the smile.

"Nick," I said happily.

"Ok, well how serious are you and Nick?" she questioned.

"Extremely! I would die for him, I want to marry him now," I said eagerly.

"Let's go inside and look at some of my special things," she said as she led me inside.

She had her assistant watch the outside table as she began to show me some of the stuff she had behind lock and key.

"Here are some of my engagement rings," she said as she pulled out a display tray covered in diamond rings.

"Engagement!" I said shocked.

"You said you were EXTREMELY serious," she told me.

"Yeah, but that's just a very big word. Ya know what I mean?" I asked her.

"Yes, I think I do," she smiled as she returned the tray.

"How about some of these? They're love bracelets," she informed me as I started to look over them.

"You can get them personalized and wrapped before you leave," she continued.

"Wow, they're beautiful," I smiled as I looked them over.

"Can I see that one?" I asked as I pointed towards one of them.

"Certainly," she replied as she pulled it out of the case.

It was a 24K gold bracelet with a plate for a personalized message that would be embroidered in tiny emeralds.

"Can I get that one?" I asked.

"Sure, what would you like it to say?" she questioned as she handed me a paper to fill out.

"Uhhh...? Let me think for a minute," I told her.

She smiled as I began running things through my head.

"I know, " I told her as I began to write the message on the form.

I wrote 'My Eternal Love' and finished picking the font style.

"That is absolutely wonderful," she said as she went to work on the bracelet.

"This will take about 15 minutes, if you want to come back. But, before I can start this, I will need the bracelet paid for," she informed me.

"Sure, how much?" I asked.

"That'll be $112.00," she said.

"You take Visa?" I hoped.

"Of course," she replied as she took my Visa.

I signed the slip and then she set off to work on my bracelet. I was overjoyed at the gift I had just bought for my love. I waited patiently outside the shop as she worked. I looked down at my watch and it read 9:15AM.

"Shit! Not again," I said aloud as I stood up and walked in to the shop.

She looked up at me and smiled.

"Just putting the finishing touches on it right now," she said as she continued polishing it.

She placed it in a box, and wrapped a ribbon around it.

"Here you go, sir," she said as she smiled at me.

"This is absolutely gorgeous and tell Nick he's a very lucky man," she laughed.

"Thank you very much, ma'am," I told her.

"You're welcome, and thank you. Have a nice day," she said as I walked out of the shop.

I ran as fast as I could to the hotel, hoping nobody was up yet. I didn't want to be responsible for another altercation.

As soon as I entered the lobby I ran to the front desk.

"Hi, did anybody call for me this morning?" I asked the clerk.

"No sir," he replied.

"Thank God," I said as I let out a relieving sigh.

"Is something wrong, sir?" he asked.

"No, thank you," I replied as I headed to the elevator.

I went up to our floor and went over to Nick's room. I unlocked the door and crept in, so I wouldn't wake Nick up. I felt kinda disgusting, so I hopped in to the shower. When I was done, I walked out of the bathroom and got dressed for the big day.

I walked over to Nick, and knelt on the floor. I ran my hand through his hair as he slept peacefully.

"I love you, Nicky. That is the only constant in my universe right now. If only you knew how happy you make me," I whispered softly.

I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. I stood and grabbed the bracelet I bought for him, and placed it next to the phone by his head. Assuming that when the wake up call came through, he'd see it. After, I walked out on to the balcony and sat on the railing as I looked out over the bustling city.

I ran my hand through my own hair as I smiled.

"I hope this never ends," I said to myself as I leaned back against the wall of the hotel.

To Be Continued

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Next: Chapter 8

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