Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Mar 22, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :)

I'd like to thank everybody for their comments... I have yet to receive any type of bad remark. You guys make this even more fun to do.

Part 9:

We finally managed to pull ourselves out of bed at 1:45.

"Man, this feels GREAT!" Nick said as he stretched.

"You're telling me?" I laughed.

"Ok, let's shower and do something, just the two of us," Nick smiled as he pulled me to the bathroom.

We got undressed and I followed Nick into the shower. The water felt great as it flowed over our bodies. I wrapped my arms around him, from behind and just laid my head against his back as the water poured over us.

"I love you Adam," Nick said as he spun around and pulled me into a kiss.

"Hmm... I love you too," I grinned.

"Let's get cleaned up, and figure out what we are gonna do today," he said as he started washing his body.

"Ok, but I don't know if I can think too much with such a beautiful site in front of me," I said seductively.

Nick got a large smile across his face as he laid back against the wall. The water poured down the front of his chest, and washed the soap down his body. He looked absolutely gorgeous, and his growing erection wasn't helping either.

I shook my head and smiled at the site. I then lowered myself to my knees and began to massage his stomach and chest with my hands as I looked up at the smiling Nick. I smiled back at him, and he winked at me. I then kissed the underside of his throbbing cock infront of me. I licked it ever so litely, causing him to gasp in pleasure. He ran his fingers through my wet hair, and pressed me into his manhood.

I then opened my mouth and let his cock slide inch per inch into my awaiting mouth. I sucked ever so litely, and massaged his balls gently. After a few minutes of this I felt Nick begin to thrust into my mouth, and pull me tightly into it. He wanted to get off, and he wanted to get off now. I then pumped his cock in and out of my mouth from tip to hilt, faster than the speed of light.

He screamed in pleasure as I did this. With one final thrust he spewed ounced of cum down my throat. Spurt after spurt until I couldn't take anymore and I let it fall all over my body. Once he finished, he collapsed, unable to maintain his balance.

"My God, is it usually that good?" he asked as he smiled at me.

"I love you too sweety," I said as I kissed him.

We laid at the bottom of the tub, as the shower continued to spray on top of us. After 20 minutes of lying down, we managed to get ourselves washed and dressed.

"Ok? So what do you want to do today?" I asked him as he finished doing his hair.

"I'm not sure, let's figure that out once we leave," Nick replied.

I smiled, grabbed his hand, and dragged him out of the room.

"Well, then let's get going," I laughed.

He smiled and we went to the elevator. It appeared, and we headed to the lobby.

"Looks like we're walking," Nick said as we headed out the front doors.

"Fine by me," I smiled as I wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Ok, we're here in one of the largest cities in the world, we're free, and we're in love. What shall we ever do with ourselves," Nick said laughingly.

"Site seeing?"

"Sure, where you wanna go?"

"Lets go see lady Liberty," I told him as I pointed off into the distance.

Nick hailed a cab, we got in, and sped off towards the bay.

"SHIT!" Nick yelled.

"What is it?"

"Look at me? Everyone is gonna recognize me and ruin today for us," he said as he crossed his arms and began to get upset.

"Don't worry, we'll think of something," I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Hey, none of that back there," the cab driver said coldly.

I looked at Nick and Nick looked at me. Both of us thinking the same thing 'BASTARD'.

Finally the cab pulled to the side of the street, and we both got out. Nick paid the driver, and we started walking to the booth to get tickets for the ferry ride to the island.

"I'll be right back," I said as I ran off.

"Hey, where you going?" Nick called out but I kept on running.

I ran over to a small gift shop. I looked around until I found what I was searching for. I paid for the 2 items, thanked the clerk, and ran back to my love.

"Where'd you go off to in such a hurry?" Nick asked questioningly.

"To get you something," I smiled.

I pulled out a "Big Apple" black baseball cap, and a pair of sunglasses.

"That should help keep you my secret, hopefully," I smiled.

I nearly kissed him, but I stopped myself when I realized where we were.

"Sorry," I told him as I backed away.

"Sorry for what?"

"For nearly kissing you in public."

"Don't be. I'm not, we just have to be careful, both of us. Besides, if you hadn't stopped yourself, I wouldn't have," Nick smiled.

"Just the 2 of you?" the lady asked from behind the window.

"Yup," I replied.

"That'll be 16 dollars."

I handed her the money and she gave us 2 tickets, and then we boarded the ferry. We spent 2 hours climbing our way to the top of the statue, and looking out along the water, and then over at the city. No one even took a second look at Nick, so the hat and glasses were working wonders. We slowly became more and more oblivious to the outside world, and were evn beginning to hold each other's hands and sit while holding the other. I wrapped my arms around him during the trip back to the mainland and laid my head on his shoulder.

We then set off to go scale the Empire State building. After the quick lift in the elevators, we had finally reached the top floor.

"Wow, everything is so beautiful from up here," I said as Nick held me from behind.

"Yeah, and small too," he said softly in my ear.

He then started to lick and nibble litely on my ear. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed as he continued.

It took a lot of effort to say, "Hun, we can't. Not here."

"Sorry," he replied as he let me go and backed away.

I turned around to find him walking into the other room without me.

"Hey, where you going?" I called back at him.

I finally managed to catch up to him.

"You left me," I told him.

"I know, but you wanted me too," he replied.

"No, I don't want you getting shunned because of what you were doing. Trust me, I was loving every minute of it. Just looking out for you, afterall, that's my job, you know," I smiled at him as I took his hand into mine.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not mad at you, just at the fact we have to be careful, but I guess it comes with the life style, huh?"

"Unfortunately, that's something we're gonna have to deal with," I said as I looked down at the floor.

"Oh well. So what you up for now?" Nick asked.

"Hungry?" I asked.

"Actually now that you mention it, we haven't eaten in awhile," Nick laughed.

"Yeah, and I know how much you love food. Come on, let's go get some pizza, New York Style," I said as I pulled him to the elevator.

"Well, this is a change, you pulling me," he laughed.

We left the building, and found a pizza joint. We ordered a whole cheese and pepperoni pizza which we split. We got some wings, and coke along with it. We ate at the pizza place, and then continued to just walk and look at the small shops we passed.

We walked around for a short while, as the day went on. We stopped at several of the shops, and picked up small little souveneirs for the guys, and our families.

"Hey, let's go for a walk at Central Park," I asked.

"Central Park? We were just there last night," Nick looked at me funny.

"I know, but you were busy, and I walked with Mike. Not you," I replied.

Nick smiled, "I'd love to."

We hailed a cab, and we were off to Central Park. We strolled around for awhile, chatting, and having a good time. It seemed like nothing in the world could ruin today, nothing was going wrong. We wandered the park for about three hours.

"Hey, maybe we should head on back to the hotel, it's getting late," Nick said.

"Yeah, you're probably right,"

We took a taxi back to the hotel, and managed to walk in unnoticed by people.

"Excuse me sir?" the man at the desk called out.

"Yes?" Nick asked questioningly.

"Are you Mr. Carter?" he replied.

"Yes, is there something wrong?"

"We have an urgent message for you from Brian."

"Shit! I forgot to call and tell them what we were doing. How long ago was it?" Nick asked.

"It was about four o'clock this afternoon."

"That was five hours ago. They should be back by now."

"I'm not certain sir"

"Well, what's the message?" Nick asked.

"Here you go," he said as he handed Nick the piece of paper.

Nick started to laugh.

"What a jokester Brian is. Thanks, I needed that," Nick laughed as he grabbed my hand and headed for the elevator.

"What is so funny?" I asked.

"Listen to this. Nick, you need to call me at the NYPD. We need you to bail us all out, and soon! Hurry, please. Brian," Nick smiled.

I smiled back nervously.

"Are you sure it's a joke?" I asked.

"Of course, what could they do to get all of them arrested? I mean come on now"

I smiled, "Yeah."

We went upstairs, and Nick ran over to Brian's room.

"Hey, B-rok, open up. I know it was all a joke!" he screamed as he pounded on the door.

"Hmm..? No one seems to be home," I stated.

"They're just trying to freak us out for not calling. Come on, let's go chill. They'll be back soon," Nick said seductively as he opened his door.

We sat and watched tv, and just held each other. No one had come back, and it was already midnight.

"Nick?" I asked.


"I'm worried about the guys. This is no longer a funny prank."

"I know, I'm getting worried about them too"

"Are you sure that note was a joke?" I asked cautiously.

"I don't know?"

"Maybe we should call just to be on the safe side."

"Yeah, let me get the number," Nick said as he grabbed the phonebook.

"Ok, here it is," Nick stated as he picked up the phone.

Nick dialed the number. When he got an answer he asked about the guys, and was placed on hold.

"They're checking," Nick told me.

"What! Oh my God, I'll be right there, thank you!" Nick yelled as he slammed the phone down.

"They've all been arrested!" Nick said as he started to throw clothes on.

"Arrested? Why?" I asked as I started to rush as well.

"I'm not sure, I didn't ask. All I know is I'm gonna get it for this one.

We ran to the lobby, and caught a cab.

"I can't believe I let them down. How stupid can I be?" Nick asked as he figited.

"Don't worry, everything's fine. We didn't know. They'll understand," I said as I tried to comfort him.

We paid him as we ran towards the door.

"Hi, I'm here to bail out some friends," Nick told the officer at the front.

"I'm sorry, we can't process bail until 9am," he said.

"What! Come on, please," Nick begged.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do until 9 in the morning."

"Well, can I at least see them?"

"That we might be able to work out, if they're still awake"

"What are they in for?" I asked.

"They are under investigation for drug dealing," the officer said coldy.

"Drug Dealing! Do you know who they are?" I said in shock.

"Yes, I have their names. They claim to be some music group called the Backstreet Boys."

"They are the Backstreet Boys. They had a concert in Central Park last night, ring a bell?" I asked sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me!" he yelled.

"I'm sorry," I replied softly.

"Yes, I knew of a concert in the park, but I wasn't there, nor did I care to be. Now, once they're clear of the charges, they will be fine. Otherwise, they're looking at two to five years"

"Can I see them?" Nick asked.

"Let me see if they're awake. Have a seat you two," the officer said as he pointed at a bench against the wall.

We sat down as he left.

"Figures? The perfect day for us ends like this," Nick said sadly.

"Don't worry, things can only get better," I said as I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

We leaned against each other as I held Nick's hand fumbling with his bracelet.

"Ok, they're awake, you may see them, but you have only ten minutes, ok?" the officer said coldly.

"Thank you, officer," I replied as we headed into the jail room.

"Nick, please tell me you're getting us out of here!" Howie said desperately as he grabbed the bars.

"I'm going to, but I can't get you out until nine," Nick replied.

"We need to set some rules on leaving messages where we're all gonna be, is that clear," Kevin said angrily as he sat back down.

"So, how did you get yourselves into this mess?" Nick asked.

"Well, we were in some small shop, that AJ and Mike wanted to go in to. Well, we all went in, and after five minutes ten cops came storming in," Brian explained

"Why did they arrest you? You were the innocent by standers," I stated.

"Because when we told them we were all together, they searched us, and found some marijuana on Mike. That hit it off, and they busted us all," Brian answered.

I looked over at Mike, who was in the corner all alone, crying lightly, as he starred at the wall. I walked slowly to Brian.

"Why is Mike crying?" I whispered.

"He's upset he got us all into this mess, and none of us have forgiven him. I didn't know he had drugs on him. I knew he used them, but I didn't know he had some with him. Kevin was pissed when he found out that he used them. Kevin won't let me near him, not that I've really tried, just that I'm still upset with him," Brian answered.

"You can't blame him forever, trust me, I learned the hard way. Hurting someone you love, and watching there pain, knowing you're causing it, it's well, it's horrible. I wish I could go in and hug him and comfort him, but I can't. Please, I beg of you, make him feel better, Please!" I begged.

Kevin, Nick, Howie, and AJ were all talking about bail in the morning, and some of the things they needed to do. They left us alone, as I talked with Brian.

"I know, but do you think he hates me?" Brian asked.

"Just remember when Nick was crying in your arms, did Nick hate me? No, he wanted me back, and you knew that. So know our positions are reversed, he wants you, he just thinks he ruined your relationship, and unless you really want it over with, I think you should be there with him and make him feel lovedm," I continued.

"All right, time's up you two. Nine in the morning, no earlier. Now let's go!" the officer barked.

"Guys, we'll see you in a few hours," Nick waved as he started heading out with the cop.

"Mike, I'll see you, guys, take care, and sorry. We'll be here at nine, bye" I yelled as the outer gate was locked shut.

We were escorted out of the station. It was nearly 1:30 and so we decided to go get some sleep. We made it back to our room, and just laid in bed, both of us unable to sleep knowing the guys were in that dirty cell. They were pissed, Mike was in tears, and the guys hated him. I was praying that Brian comforted him, and made him feel better. Who would have thought that Kevin wouldn't help out Mike. He helped me out, yet he decided to watch Mike suffer. I rolled to my side, and pulled Nick close to me.

"Hey," he sighed lightly.

"I can't sleep knowing where they are," I confessed.

"Yeah, me neither. There's a wake up call at 7. There will also be a limo taking us, so nobody will recognize us, and hopefully no one will know of this incident, specifically management," Nick sighed unhappily.

"I hope Mike is ok," I said lightly.

"Yeah, he looked bad. Kevin. Howie, an AJ are pissed at him," Nick told me.

"I know, Brian feels bad, but Kevin didn't want Brian near him. However, I talked with him, and hopefully he's comforting him," I explained.

"I just hope they're all ok, and I can't wait for this to all be over with," Nick said.

"Me too, well we should try and get some sleep."

I kissed him and laid my head down, and closed my eyes. I felt safer and more comfortable knowing Nick was in my arms, beside me. I felt him relax as he tried to fall asleep as well. 'Everything should be fine by tomorrow morning' I thought to myself.


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