Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Mar 1, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 12

I woke up the next morning to the sound of one of my neighbors cutting their grass off in the distance. The noise was not that loud within my walls but I was a very light sleeper. I knew Jimmy and Steve would have no problem sleeping in.

I looked at Jimmy and he was laying on his side with one arm over my chest and one leg over my waist. He must have become hot at some point during the night as the blankets were thrown off of him however he seemed cold now.

Carefully with a lot of calculation, I slid from underneath his limbs. At one point he breathed in heavily which resulted in the cutest single snore. I smiled with a quiet laugh as I looked at his scrunched up sleeping face. Always deep in thought whether or not he's awake.

He let out a slight shiver and I used my half of the blanket to cover him up the best I could without moving him.

The clock said eleven AM but the house was quiet. It was Saturday so I knew that Yesenia did not come while we were sleeping.

I went to the bathroom and then grabbed something to wear for my workout. After I stripped myself of the clothes I slept in I stood naked before a full body mirror. The muscles in my legs were kind of always there so I affixed my attention to flexing my arms. The definition in my chest came naturally as I did this and I bent over to flex my stomach and see my six pack. I felt my abs and thought that I should work on them more since the definition in my chest was starting to exceed the slight definition in my abs.

I lifted my arms in the mirror and the definition in my arm pits was looking pretty good. I had no hair on my chest but a lot under my arms. I wondered how I would go about trimming my arm pits without cutting them completely off. Then I wondered if this was something that guys even did.

I patted the hair on my head down so that it was presentable and as I looked at it from side to side decided that it was about time to start growing it out a little bit for my next role. The days were counting down until filming and I didn't think I would have time to grow it out again should I get a haircut.

I turned around and was almost taken by surprise when I saw how well defined my back and my ass were becoming. We rarely see these parts of our own bodies so it almost felt like I was looking at someone else. My shoulders had become more defined. The muscles around my spine drew two lines down my back to two small dimples that began the curvature of my ass.

Must be all the yoga and running.

I turned back around and followed my body down. I would probably have to trim soon. I thought I could just let it go wild but I was sure that Jimmy wouldn't want a mouthful of hair.

Then again it's not like his mouth ever made it down to my pubes as even when I was soft I was over four inches.

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to come off as someone who is unhappy about being well endowed. Like a skinny person claiming, "I'm fat," for attention. It's just sometimes it would be nice to wear a suit in public, or a pair of shorts that didn't make me sweat, or do things in front of cameras without my obvious length snaking down my right Thigh. Forbid if I ever got excited on a red carpet, there would be no way of hiding it.

That being said, I wish Jimmy were not so thick and was less than his five and a half inches. My experiment into being a bottom was probably something I wouldn't be able to try again for a long time. The one time was great, but I don't think my insides we're built for that onslaught as I was very sore for more than a day.

I reached down and pulled up the black athletic briefs that gave me proper support during my workouts. Still I had to wrestle and adjust myself a few times to get them to fit comfortably. Then my black gym shorts followed by a tank top and a gray shirt.

For some weird reason I flashed a shy smile at my own reflection. I had to remember not get to full of myself. Try not to stare too long in the mirror. To not cross the line from just being proud of my accomplishments to absolute arrogance.

I loved my house companions but with the pending thought of having a house full of people later that night I needed to get out. I grabbed my ear buds and car keys.

On the way to the gym I noticed my car was starting to smell and it needed a good vacuuming. So I stopped off at the car wash. There was one other car there and I could see someone bent over vacuuming out there back seat. Out of courtesy I pulled two stalls over to keep a comfortable distance.

When I took out the floor mats to stack them on the vacuums cement ledge I couldn't help but to take one glance. The guy cleaning the car next to me was now bent over in the front passenger seat.

There was no crime in looking but he had a very nice ass.

I started in the back seat first and was turned away from the other car. When I had finished sucking up every last crumb I turned around to see that he was standing by the garbage can. He looked at me and smiled and I returned the courtesy. He seemed young but I was sure my sunglasses hid a lot about me. Then to the front seats.

After I got the floor mats in I counted out some quarters and took a few steps towards the vending machine. I noticed that he stood at the machine but it would have been too awkward for me to have stopped or turn back.

With one crank of the handle he got his freshener and turned around.


His voice was deep. He was just about my height and through his thin zippered hoodie I he seemed to be of a similar build. I had to admit to myself that he did look good.


He walked past me and back to his car.

Back in my car I pulled forward into an automatic wash bay and that was the last I saw of him.

I felt kind of guilty but really all I did was check him out.

The rest of the drive to the gym I turned the radio off and drove in silence. The morning was beautiful and I didn't want to waste it on all that noise.

The gym was already busy but I was determined to get in a good workout anyway. I was able to find space facing away from most people and when I started my playlist with my earbuds in they all just kind of went away. I started with some stretches. The tension in my muscles began to melt away as I bent and contorted my body to prepare for some weight training.

I started with my abs at first with the normal crunches and sit ups. Then I would move into planks and side planks. After my abs I worked my lower back with some chin-ups. I was never able to do much of those but I didn't want to end up with an extremely skinny waist so I pushed forward the best I could.

After an hour I was sore so I retired to more stretching. Felling the pulse of the adrenaline I decided to end it all with at least thirty minutes on a treadmill.

There was only one open and when I got on I realized the person next to me was looking at me. He wasn't wearing his sunglasses like he had at the car wash and I immediately noticed that he had stunning light blue eyes.

He smiled and said something.

I took out the earbud closest to him, "I'm sorry."

"Small world."

I smiled. "Tell me about it."

His deep voice was kind of sexy and his running form was definitely not bad either.

"Do you come here a lot?" He asked.

I took out my other earbud and draped the wire around the back of my neck.

"No I usually work out at home. You?"

"Every other day."

"Man that takes determination."

"You have no idea."

I programmed the treadmill and started at a slow jog.

"Do you get good workouts at home?"

"I do."

He smiled. "Yeah. I guess I can tell."

It took a moment for it to sink in that he was complimenting me. Not just complimenting me but definitely hitting on me.

"Thanks." I said with a shy smile. "Your workouts seem to be paying off also."

He smiled and looked down.

He had reddish blonde hair that was just a little longer on top. He was fair skinned with that ginger tone and had light blue eyes. His definition showed through his shirt and I couldn't help myself but to look.

"I'm Josh." He held out his hand.

"Nick." I said shaking it.

He continued to run but get a little bit faster. I let my mind wander. He probably had a nice defined chest and shoulders. Maybe even some well-placed freckles. Nice abs. The deviant in my rose when I began to wonder if the carpet matched the drapes. He probably had fair red pubes. Maybe a nice tight pink...

Then the big TV in front of me showed a close up of some man's eye. It was an eyewear commercial. Buy one get one free. The man's eye was green. Rainforest green.

What the fuck! What the hell was I doing? The fuck was I thinking? This is wrong!

My guilt for even thinking about this Josh guy, let alone even talking to him began to weigh down on my worse than anything I had ever felt. I couldn't believe I let my mind wander so far. Checking somebody out is one thing but I knew I crossed a line and felt extremely ugly for my actions.

There was only one person that I loved, and I'd never do anything to lose that.

After only a couple minutes on the machine I hit the cancel button.

He looked at me with confusion.

"Have a good day."

I wiped down the handle bars then turned around.

"Nick. What a surprise."

I was shocked by the man that had followed me.

"What the hell?"

"I didn't know you came here."

"Yes you did you fucking stalker."

I walked past him and he followed me. "Don't you want to introduce me to your new friend?"

"He's not my..." I stopped myself from saying anything else and continued to leave.

I sat for a moment in my car staring at the dash board. The anger, at the world but mostly at myself took over my demeanor. I couldn't help but ball up my fist and punch the steering wheel. Not once but twice. This caused a red mark to appear on my knuckles but I just didn't care.

The whole ride home the guilt hit me more than the fact that to that man nothing was sacred. I didn't really do anything that could be considered as cheating but I knew that just by the simple conversation and that fantasy that began to literally grow I had done something wrong.

My phone began to vibrate and Jimmy's name was large on the screen. I put in an earbud not wanting to drive too distracted.


"Good morning." He said.

"Did you just wake up?"

"No we've been up for half an hour. Where are you?"

"Coming home."


"I went to the gym. And the car wash."

"Steve wants to know if you can stop at the store."

"I'm coming up to the store now. What does he need?"

"He says if you get bread and eggs he'll make French toast."

I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. "Okay."

"What's wrong?"

I knew I couldn't lie to him. I knew I had to tell him immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"We're watching TV."

"Can you go to my bedroom for a minute?"

"Seriously, is everything okay?"

I pulled into a parking spot and shut off the car. I unplugged the ear buds and lifted the phone to my ear.

"Please I just need to talk to you. This can't wait."


I could hear him walking then I could hear the door close.

"What's going on Nick?"

"I did something. Something bad."

"What did you do?"

"There was a guy at the car wash. Then he was at the gym."

"A guy? What guy?" His anger grew.

"I don't know. Just some guy."

"What happened? What the hell did you do?"

"He introduced himself and we talked for a minute about the gym."

"Did you think he was cute?"


His breathing became heavy. "Then what?"

"Then I realized how badly I fucked up and I left."

His breathing stopped.

I didn't want to lie to him but for the moment I thought it best that I left the part out about the paparazzi soon following that.

"Jimmy? Say something."

"That's all that happened."


"That's it?"


He chuckled.

"What's wrong? Why are you laughing?"

"Nick you didn't do anything."

"Then why do I feel like a huge piece of shit?"

"Because you love me."

"Why aren't you mad?"

"Because I love you. And besides..."


"Don't think my mind doesn't wander when I'm...uh practicing."

I laughed for the first time. "Oh really?"


"Like who."

"Well there's always the obvious ones."


"Zac Efron."

"What? Really?"

"Oh and of course Dylan O'Brien."

"Uh huh." I laughed.


"Dylan O'Brien has nothing on me."

"Maybe." I could hear his sly smile.

"Asshole." I laughed.

Then there was a silence in our conversation for just a few moments. The quietness was only broken by the shoppers muffled conversations and sounds of their carts as they walked to and from their cars.

"I'm going to go inside now so I can get home."




"I love you."

"Hey." Jimmy greeted me as I walked in the door.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Did you get drinks for tonight?" Steve asked.

"How? I won't be twenty one for a few more months."

"I don't know, maybe get some old guy to buy it for you?"

"Right. Peter's coming over anyway."

"With Chloe?"

"Yes Steve."

"So I kind of have a problem." Jimmy said.

"What's that?"

"Well I hope you don't mind..."

I looked at him, waiting for him to spit it out."

He looked down. "Jake and Kayla are bringing my other friend Nichole.

"Is she hot?" Steve asked.

We both looked at him.

"That's fine. We just can't..."

"Yeah I know."

"I mean, I don't want this person thinking..."

"I know. She doesn't know about me."

"Jake or Kayla didn't say anything?"

"No they're pretty good about keeping shit to themselves."

"So why are you nervous about this?"

He didn't answer right away.


"She kind of, has a small little, thing for me."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah. I mean she's cool, and it just makes everything weird."

"No I get it."


"Yes. I'll step aside and let true love live."

He pinched my arm. "Be quiet."

I was becoming immune to the pain caused by his claws.

Jimmy sat down at the breakfast bar typing something on his phone. Again the guilt I carried earlier hit me and I couldn't believe how far I let my imagination go. I looked past him at Steve who was planted in front of the TV.


"What's up?"

"Weren't you supposed to cook or something?"

He got up. "Yeah...yeah."

"Good I'm starving."

"Where would you be without me?"

"Eating take out from restaurants I love instead of eating French toast at lunch time."

"I guess."

Jimmy looked up deep in thought. He began to get that troubled look on his face that I recognized as inner conflict. I sat down on the stool next to him and nudged his knee with mine.

"What?" He asked.

"What's the matter?"

"She wants to bring a friend."

I gave him a quizzical look.

"But I don't even know her so don't worry about it."

"No. I mean. The more the merrier. I just don't know if they should spend the night."

"Yeah I don't want to bring strangers into your house."

"No. I just don't have a lot of places for everyone to sleep."

He put his phone down and thought about it for a moment.

"Are you sure you're okay with it?"

"Yeah. If you are. I mean don't do anything you don't want to do."

"I'll tell her its fine."

I pulled out my own phone to confirm what time Peter and Chloe would be over. Also to warn them about the stranger danger. My text was interrupted by my phone vibrating. I recognized the name right away.


"Nick I'm so glad I caught you."

It was my direct agent Janine who worked for the agency that represented me.

"Janine, you always catch me."

"Good. So anyway I was talking to an exec for ABC and they love the chemistry between you and Chloe Grace-Moretz.


"They think you two look so good together..."

"We're not together."

"Right. Anyway they want you to do New Year's Eve live in Chicago."

"In Chicago? Why us?"

"Well over there they are having their first annual New Year's Eve..."

"It's freezing in Chicago."

"Right. So they want you both to host New Year's Live by the river."

"I just talked to Chloe and she didn't say anything."

"They wanted to confirm you first."

"Well I'll do it but I can't speak for her."

Jimmy looked at me with curiosity.

"Great, I will call them back right now..."

"I have one condition."

"Well I hope it's not too big because..."

"I want my friends to come with us."

"She was quiet."

"Not on camera or anything like that...just there with us."

"It depends. What friends are you talking about?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Well what do I tell them because they are going to ask?"

"Peter Calfe, he works for Universal, a few of our friends and someone else."

Jimmy gave me a weird look when he realized I didn't give out his name."

"Who else?"

"Jimmy Bennett."

She was quiet. I could just barely make out her breathing. Steve was mixing eggs and milk in a bowl.

"Jimmy Bennett?"

"Yes. You know who he is?"

"Yes. I do."

"So then were all good then."

"Nick. I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Well you know how the industry is. People talk a lot and I don't..."

"What do people talk about?"

"This and that, and I don't want this thing to snow ball out of..."

"Janine this is non-negotiable."

Jimmy smiled.

Steve looked at me, "Tell him."

"Her." I corrected him.

"You did hear him say Janine like twenty times right?" Jimmy asked.

"Nah dude I'm not paying attention."

"Obviously." Jimmy said.

"Nick are you still there?"

"Yes. So are you going to make the call?"

"Are you sure I should?"

"As sure as I am that you work for me and it's not the other way around."

"Right. Of course. It's a wonderful idea."

"Bye Janine."

After I hung up the phone the weight of the world came down on me again.

Steve began to fry butter in a large pan.

"So what's going on?" Jimmy asked.

"Want to go to Chicago for New Years?"

"I'll go anywhere if you're paying."

"Me too!" Steve said.

I smiled at both of them. "I'm claiming you both as dependents at tax time."

"Then how am I going to get a tax return?" Steve asked.

Jimmy shook his head. "He was kidding. Obviously."

I received a text from Chloe.

"They're on their way." I said.

"Already?" Jimmy asked.

Steve looked at him. "Hey, if Chloe wants to come over early that's fine with me."

"Peter's coming too." I said.

"Well duh. I've never seen those two apart."

"You've only seen them the one time." Jimmy said.

"True." He dipped bread into the bowl and slapped it on the frying pan.

I looked at Jimmy who was still playing with his phone. "I gotta tell you something."

"What did you meet another hot guy on the way home from the store?"

I smiled at him and shook my head.


The air was beginning to smell of cinnamon and eggs.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"I left something out about the gym...and I don't want to keep things from you."

"Okay." He said with widened eyes.

"He was there."

"Who was there?"

"The paparazzi."

"At the gym?"

"Yes. He followed me somehow, without me knowing."

Jimmy looked down to his feet which dangled off the stool.

"This is what I was hoping to avoid."

He looked up. "No. I'm fine. I can handle it."

"I just thought you should know..."

"This really isn't going to go away."

I looked down at my hands. "No. It's not."

We both sat in silence for just a few moments as Steve flipped the bread.

"Fuck that guy. He's got nothing." Steve said.

"He's got enough, and he won't stop until he gets it all."

"What does that mean?"

"We're both gay."

"So is half of this damn town."

"Yeah but...famous people only come out when their careers are over."

Steve shrugged and continued with what he was doing.

I looked at Jimmy who had that lost look on his face. The one that made me hurt just as much, if not more than he did.

"Fuck it." I said. "Let's just do it."

"Do what?" Jimmy asked.

"Let's come out." I shrugged.

"As if that's even an option." He said with a nervous laugh.

"Why not?"

"Well for starters your career is just beginning."

"I've been acting for over ten years."

"So have know what I mean."

I got up from the stool and walked towards the patio door.


I turned around. "I'm just so sick of you. You know?"

"Yeah I do. But I don't think coming out is going to make things better."

"Well it can't make things any worse."

He smiled, " can!"

"He's right dude." Steve said.

"You know I was only half serious but now it seems like a good idea."

"Why is this such a big deal anyway?" Steve asked.

"Two young Hollywood actors secretly in a gay relationship."

"I see your point."

He put more bread into the pan which resulted in an urgent frying noise.

"No." Jimmy said.

I looked at him already knowing that this was just an idea.

"I know." I said.

"I'm sorry."

"No. I just want to know what this feels like without all the baggage."

I could tell that my words hurt him. I didn't even know I had it in me.

"I'm sorry Jimmy. I didn't mean it like that."

A loud knock at the front door and I could see Chloe's face in the window. I let her and Peter in.

"Hi Jimmy," Peter said, "Steve."

"Hi Chloe!" Steve said.

"Hey guys." Jimmy said.

"Nick. James." Chloe said.

"What about me?" Steve asked.

"Oh I didn't even see you standing there. So anyway we were going to stop for booze but Peter didn't know what to get so we just came here first."

I looked at Peter. "You could have just got the same thing you got last time."

"See I told you." Chloe said.

"Are you two hungry?" Steve asked.

"Are you guys just now eating breakfast?"

"Hey I've been up all day. I just got back from the gym."

"I already ate." Chloe said.


"So this New Year's thing, are you down?" I asked Chloe.

"What New Year's thing? Are you having a party?"

"No. Your agent hasn't called you yet?"

"No why? They want us in Chicago. Some first annual party something or another."

"How do you know?"

"My agent called."

"Jesus my agent sucks big dick." She looked at the three gay guys in the room. "No offense."

"None taken." Peter said.

"What about you two?" She asked.

"What about us?" Jimmy said.

"Don't you want to spend New Year's with each other?"

"She said I can bring my friends."

"No," Jimmy chuckled, "He said he'd only do it if he could bring his friends."

Chloe laughed. "Of course you did."

"Yeah. I'll do it. If my agent ever calls me."

"He probably can't remember who you are." I joked.

"Fuck you." She smiled.

We ate our breakfast for lunch and talked more about the pending night. I explained everything again to Peter and Chloe. How this Nichole girl and her friend didn't know anything about Jimmy or myself. I included Steve and was very adamant that everyone would have to remain tight lipped about everything.

"I gotta take a shower." I said taking everyone's plates to the sink.

"Yeah," Chloe said, "I could smell you when you walked in the door. And I'm sure your boyfriend will thank you for it."

Jimmy made a face at her. "I think it's hot."

She returned her look of distaste and shook her head.

Then Jimmy leaned in and grabbed ahold of my shirt. He inhaled deeply. "Smells so fucking hot."

"Oh come on." Steve said.

"Seriously," Peter said, "that's just gross. Sweat is nasty."

"So says the carpenter." I said.

"Oh yeah. Dude how are you a carpenter? How do you even get that job?"

"It got me. I grew up construction. My dad is a general contractor."

"Yeah but general contractors don't actually do any of the work." Steve said.

Peter laughed. "You don't know my dad."

"Fair enough."

"He's had his own business for years."

"Can you get me a job?"

"Right," I said, "I'm going to get into the shower now."

I gave Jimmy a look but it was apparent right off that he didn't understand it. I opened my eyes wider and nodded towards the bathroom.

"Right," Jimmy said, "And I have check...the plumbing."

"Check his plumbing." Chloe said.

"No." I said. "Were just going to take a quick one."

"Riiiight. And I'm the Virgin Mary."

"Chloe, honey," Peter said. "We've already been through this." Then he lipped the words "You're not," while shaking his head.

In the shower we talked very quietly too each other. Our conversation was mostly innocent at first but I didn't want them to hear what we were saying nonetheless.

"Do I get to wash you?" Jimmy asked.

"I'm already clean."

He stepped closer to me and grabbed ahold of my shaft. "I think you misunderstand the question."

I can feel my hardness begin to grow right away. "Alright. Seriously though we have like five minute."

"More than enough time."

I was only half hard but he wasted no time in crouching into position and taking as much of me into his mouth as possible.

"Oh shit." I said out loud before covering my mouth.

That familiar warmth encircled me and already I was in heaven. His red lips went to work immediately and the suctioning brought me to full attention.

I tried grabbing onto his hair but the water flowing through it plastered it mostly to his head.

He reached down and cupped my balls and I looked down as he sucked me half way down then back out again. The feeling his flickering tongue gave me was amazing.

His wet hair made his ears stick out even more. I wanted so badly to grab on to his ears and fuck his face. But I knew at my size I would choke the poor boy. So I made it a point to just hold the sides of his heads as he rapidly worked on trying to make me cum.

My head moved in-between thrusting back and watching him work on me. He was never shy when it came to watching me as he gave me head. Our eyes locked several times and though I wanted to look away, I couldn't bring myself to do so.

I pulled all the way out of his mouth and he followed it with his lips trying to get more. I had other ideas.

I lightly pulled him by the arm pits and he stood back up. The steam from the shower made our breathing even more labored than it already was.

I started with a light kiss, not even caring that my cock just penetrated those lips. I would be a self-sucker if I could reach just a few more inches.

My mouth moved down and I nibbled his chin. I worked my way to his neck just below the ear as I knew how much that drove him crazy.

"Fuck." He whispered.

Then I made my way down to his chest and flickered my tongue across his right nipple.

He tried to cover his laugh. "Don't do that."

"Why not?"

"Not unless you want me yelling out obscene things."

I bit my lip and raised my eye brows.

His chest was smooth and smelled of body wash as I worked my way down. He laughed a little again when I made it to his stomach.

"That tickles."

As I ran my tongue down his thigh he held his breath. I took one of his balls into my mouth and he let the breath out. Water poured down my face but I could not close my eyes. I loved this view where his cock went up and rested on my forehead.

I licked up his shaft and he grabbed ahold of my hair as it was getting longer than his.

When I reached the tip he shuttered a bit.

"Are you okay?"


Then I took him all the way into my mouth. His pubes were growing back to stubble and they scratched against my soft lips. With his head poking at the back of my throat I let out a few small moans to his apparent delight.

"That feels so good."

He grabbed onto my ears and I knew what was coming next. The caged animal that was inside of him was about to get loose. I closed my eyes in anticipation. He held on tight to the side of my head, trying to grip my ears. Then he started to grind into me. Slow at first until he could no longer hold back and he began thrusting into my mouth.

I loved all of his sides, but this was one of my favorites. With a mouth full of his dick I looked up without any shyness and caught his eyes. His beautiful sexy greens locked into mine as he pulled out and thrust back in over and over again.

I thought I heard a knock at the door but after a few more moments there was nothing so we didn't even stop.

Then I was certain that I heard the door open. Jimmy heard it too and pulled out all of the way.

"What the fuck?" I said out loud still in the crouching position.

"It's just me." Peter said.

"Seriously Peter..."

"Jimmy's friends are already here."

"What?" Jimmy said out loud and opened the glass shower door.

"Oh Jesus." Peter said and looked away.

I pushed the door back shut. "They're here?"


I stood up and I could feel myself going limp. I looked down and saw that Jimmy wasn't too far off as the mood was definitely killed and replaced by fear.

"How the fuck are we going to get out of here now?" be continued...

Feel free to provide feedback:

Thank you very much for the great feedback you have all given me already. If it weren't for all of your kind words I don't think I would have been able to come this far. Especially a huge thank you to this stories number one supporter... G.A. Your push for more has been a great help.

Next: Chapter 13

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