Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on May 6, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 17

Our first class seats were extremely spacious and comfortable.

After the first hour of flight Jimmy fell asleep with his head against the window. I read from my e-reader and at one point Jimmy snorted and rolled his head straight up. His mouth was wide open and I tried to nudge him to roll back on his side before people started staring. He wouldn't budge.

I nudged him a second time, then a third time.

His head rose. "What? Are we there yet?"

"Not even close." I said with a smile.

After the second hour of flight they served us lunch. I picked at my plate of reheated chicken, too afraid of what was in it.

I looked at Jimmy who practically inhaled everything in front of him and shook my head.

"I can eat all day." He said.

I nodded.

After the third hour of flight Jimmy fell back asleep before they started playing the in-flight movie.

I woke him up again.

"What?" He asked.

I pointed at the screen just in time for him to see his younger self.

"You woke me up for Star Trek?"

"I just thought it was a weird coincidence."

"I've seen this movie a hundred times, it's not a coincidence."

"Yeah but you're so adorable."


Then he went back to sleep and I went back to reading.

Somewhere between the fifth and sixth hour of flight they started the second drink service. Jimmy woke up on his own.

"Are they bringing more food?"

I shook my head. "No. Drinks."


"Play it cool when the flight attendant gets here."

"Why?" Jimmy asked.

The flight attendant was only two rows up.

"Shh. You'll see."

Jimmy smiled. "Don't shush me."

A few minutes later the man asked, "Can I get you guys something to drink?"

"Two bud lights please?"

"Can I see some ID?"

"We're not twenty one yet."

"Sorry boys. I can't serve you liquor."

"Come on," I begged, "You don't have to be 21 to drink in Fiji."

"Ah. We're not in Fiji yet. Until those tires touch down we are still technically in America."

"Fine. Coke." Then I looked at Jimmy.

"Coke for me too."

"Is Pepsi okay?"


Jimmy elbowed me then whispered, "don't be so rude."

After the attendant gave us our drinks he looked at me with a flirtatious smile. "I loved you in Jurassic Park."

Then he moved on to the retired couple seated behind us.

I shook my head.

"Do you think they're going to serve food again?" Jimmy asked.

"I don't know. I didn't read the itinerary."

"I hope so."

"How much chicken have you eaten in the last twenty four hours anyway?"

"Not enough."


"Excuse me." The man from behind spoke between our seats causing us to jump.

We both turned to look at him and his wife.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He nodded back towards the flight attendant. "That jackass is an idiot. World not park. Jurassic world."

I didn't know what else to do so I smiled and said, "thank you."

"My wife and I, we're huge film buffs but we didn't know who you two were until we heard you talking about the movie they just played."

Jimmy gave the man a smile.

"You got old." The man said to Jimmy.

I noticed Jimmy's smile fade a bit.

My smile grew as I tried not to laugh and slap Jimmy in the arm.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that."

The man looked behind him as did his wife.

"Here." He held up two small bottles of rum. "For the Pepsi."

I smiled and quickly took the bottles from him before anyone noticed.

"Thank you so much." I reached for my wallet. "What do I owe you?"

"Nothing." The woman said. "Maybe an autograph for our granddaughter?"

"Of course."

By the eighth hour of flight Jimmy was asleep against the window again. When I looked up from my e-reader I noticed that most of the people had fallen asleep.

After nine hours of flight Jimmy got up to go to the bathroom. The hair on the right side of his head stood up and he was half awake.

Though everyone was still mostly asleep I loved how he never seemed to care what others thought of him.

He stopped just before going into the bathroom. He turned and looked at me.

A soft smile came over his face when he made eye contact with me.

I too remembered the first time we were in an airplane together. The first time he got up to go to the bathroom. The first time I realized I was extremely infatuated with this Jimmy Bennett.

Without further ceremony he stepped in and fought with the bi-fold door to get it to shut.

When he returned I put away my e-reader and rested my seat back. We both fell asleep.

By the eleventh hour of flight we were woken up by the flight attendants announcement.

I rubbed my eyes and Jimmy winced at the brightness coming from our window.

"...and the local time is 4:15pm. The current weather conditions are sunny and 83 degrees Fahrenheit, 28 degrees Celsius..."

"It's only 4:15?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah. Earth's rotation and stuff."

"I guess. I'm hungry."

I smiled as I pulled my seat up. "We'll get something to eat before we take off again."

Jimmy's eyes widened. "I almost forgot we had one more to go."

"Look." I said just as a cloud cleared and you could clearly see the island chain.

A huge smile came over his face and he turned to look at me.

The sight was amazing from twelve thousand feet.

The seatbelt light came on and we both put on our seatbelts.

Then Jimmy started humming the score to Jurassic Park.

"Dork." I said with a smile.

After Jimmy got a small sandwich from the airport, we claimed our bags and were driven by cart to a parked small Cessna single engine airplane.

"Where are the other passengers?" Jimmy asked.

"It's just us."

"When you said it seats four..."

"That includes the pilot and the co-pilot."

"Oh I do not have a co-pilot." A man wearing jeans and a polo approached us.

He held out his hand. "I am Isaac, I will be your chartered pilot today."

I shook his hand as did Jimmy.

As he got in to do the final checks another man loaded our luggage into a rear compartment.

"You chartered an airplane?" Jimmy asked.


"Someday you're going to tell me how rich you really are."

I raised an eye brow. "Maybe."

Isaac opened the door. "Do one of you want to ride up front with me?"

"No way." Jimmy said.

"Absolutely." I said.

I took my sunglasses from my messenger bag then put them on.

"Aren't you scared?"

"Always." I said before heading for the front door on the other side of the plane.

"Wait." Jimmy ran after me.

The plane made a lot of noise as it taxied to the runway. When Isaac pushed the throttle in the noise got louder and came with a tremendous vibration. I looked at him and he just smiled and nodded as we began to pick up speed down the runway. I turned back to look at Jimmy at the moment the wheels left the ground and he held onto the sides with both hands pushing himself back in his seat. His rainforest greens wider than I've ever seen them.

As we got to cruising altitude the vibrations, and the noise calmed down. I turned back to look at Jimmy who was also becoming a bit more relaxed.

"Isn't this awesome?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "We're taking a boat back."

"No way."

"Do you want to take the controls for a minute?" Isaac asked.

Jimmy quickly leaned forward. "No! No he doesn't!"

"Yes I do."

"We're going to die!"

"Just hold it gently like this." Isaac said.

I followed his instruction and as strange as it sounds I could feel the plane through the controls.

He let go on his side and adrenaline pumped through my veins when I realized I was in complete control.

I tried to hold the yoke still but even with the slightest movement of my hands I could feel the power of the machine going slightly up or slightly down.

After a minute I said to Isaac, "Okay. I'm good."

He took back the controls, hit a few buttons then let go of the controls altogether.

"Autopilot." He said.

I nodded.

The second flight didn't take long at all. The plane touched down on a grass field that was surrounded by white painted rocks. The skill of our pilot seemed at its full attention as he got the plane to a full stop just before the end of the runway.

When we opened the doors a rush of humid tropical air brought in a scent we never smelled before.

By the time we got to the resort lobby it was almost seven o'clock. The check-in was quick and we declined help getting our luggage to our room.

Upon opening the door we were both taken by what we saw.

The suite was huge, on the third floor which was also the highest the building went. It had two bedrooms, two baths, a living room, a dining room, and a full kitchen. All the large windows were left open and all you could see on the far wall was a beach and the ocean. There was a veranda you could walk out onto from the living area and the main bedroom. There were thin clothed, see through curtains over the windows that calmly draped in and out with the wind.

The environment was tropical however even with the windows wide open I didn't see any bugs.

Out on the beach there weren't that many people. That was one major perk to this hotel; that it had a private, secure beach.

The resort seemed normal but I knew better. It was why I chose this place. I knew that all the concierge's were really guards and that the hotel and its grounds were on a quiet lockdown protecting its inhabitants from the world outside.

Jimmy dropped his bags and I set mine down.

"It's fucking hot." He said and he took off his white polo revealing a black tank top underneath.

He threw his shirt down and walked to the window. I picked it up and could smell his scent all over it. Seeing him in his tank top and holding his dirty shirt began to stir my imagination.

He turned from the window. "Do you see that?"

"What?" I walked up behind him.

"Look at how big those waves are."

I thought to myself that the waves weren't the only thing that swelled.

"Nice." I said.

He turned again to look at me and I bit my lip. He almost turned back to the ocean before he stopped and turned to me again.

"What?" I asked at his growing smile.

"I know that look?"

"What look?"

He didn't hesitate a moment when he grabbed on to my growing hardness.

"Just as I thought." He said letting it go.

"Oh really?"

He laughed. "When it's that hard you can see it from space."

"Shut up." I smiled.

"How do you always know how to find it anyway?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "I know where it grows."

He peeled off his tank top so that he was now completely shirtless. His underwear showed a good two inches above the waist line of his jeans. Then he started to walk in the direction of the bedrooms.

He stopped a few feet away and turned to ask, "Are you coming?"


I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him back to the window. Then I leaned down to forcefully kiss him. He grabbed a handful of hair from the back of my head and pressed his lips as hard into mine as I did into his.

I leaned my head further down to kiss his neck and shoulders. He let out several moans as I worked my way down to his nipple.

He was slightly sweating. His didn't smell bad at all but his natural scent was abundant as it had been since that morning in LA that we last showered.

As I worked my mouth down to his belly button, then down his slight hint of a happy trail he gripped my hair even tighter. The boy was a hair puller but I loved it. He had a lot to hold onto since I started growing it out a little.

I used my teeth to pull the excess strap of his belt from its resting place in his pants loop holes. That didn't take much effort but I had to use my hands to undo it the rest of the way. I smiled and with one quick motion I pulled his belt through all the loops.

He raised an eye brow. "Impressive."

I threw it over my shoulder behind me and I expected it to land on the sofa but instead it hit a vase on the sofa table instead. It didn't break but did make a lot of noise as it fell over.

I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. "I tried."

Then with one hand I undid his pants button while with the other I pulled his zipper down. My face was only a few inches away and I could feel the warmth radiating through his underwear from his hardness.

"It's been a few days since we did this." He said.

"I know. More to swallow."

He smiled. "Perv."

But I knew he loved it.

I pulled his pants down a little bit letting his bulge shift from down his pant leg until it was poking out sideways. His breathing became heavy and I noticed a small wet spot begin to form on the white fabric where the tip of his head was pressed against.

I went back to licking his light happy trail, allowing his clothed shaft to rub against the bottom of my chin. I purposefully used my stubble to scratch his underwear over the tip of his head.

He let out a loud sigh.

I pulled his pants down further until they were shackles around his ankles. He kicked his shoes off one at a time and I was able to pull his pants completely off. I kneeled on the floor before him. The only thing he wore was a tight pair of white boxer briefs which were beginning to show more and more the precum spot that was growing from his tip.

I quickly stood straight up to kiss him again. I began to undo the buttons on my shirt but he grabbed the sides and pulled until they all came forcefully undone. I threw the shirt behind me then pulled my t-shirt over my head.

"Is that my wife beater?" He asked.

"Yeah right. It'd be a half shirt on me."

"I think it is mine."

I didn't answer. I went back to kissing him. Tasting his minty breath. Breathing in that boyish man scent. Listening to his deep labored breathing. I wanted to take all of him in.

He reached down and began to pull off my tank top. I leaned back enough to pull it over my head.

"Pants too." He said.

I kicked my shoes off then undid my belt and let my pants fall to the floor. After I stepped out of them I kicked them to the side in one motion.

Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I reached down and grabbed ahold of all of him. I cupped his balls in the tips of my fingers and let my palm grip his shaft. The fabric of his boxer briefs was beginning to become a nuisance so I moved my hand up and then down inside.

His mouthed opened and his body jumped a bit at the sudden sensation of having my hand holding him.

"Shit." He said.

I went in for another kiss as I began to stroke him. The stickiness of his precum was begging to spread all over.

I wasn't expecting it when he grabbed onto me and I also jumped a bit.

With my free hand I pulled his boxers loose and let gravity take them the rest of the way down. He did the same to me.

We both began to stroke each other as we kissed. I could tell by his drying precum that my motion was beginning to cause him some discomfort. So I used my mouth to find a path down his body again until my tongue found the base of his balls.

He jumped and clumsily ran his hand through my hair. His breathing became deep, quick, and very uneven. My tongue on this spot always drove him crazy. Maybe the pleasure was unbearable as whenever I licked his balls he half pushed my head away and pulled it closer at the same time.

After a minute he stopped me. "Nick."

"What's the matter?"

"The windows. Someone will see us."

"No they won't."

"How do you know?"

"It's dark in here and bright out there. Besides no one is even on the beach."

He thought about it for a moment then pushed the back of my head so that I could keep licking his balls.

The saltiness mixed in with his natural taste made me even harder. The weight of my dick held it in the down position, even when I was hard, but every time the excitement of what I was doing sent a thrill through me it momentarily shot straight up.

His hardness was also jerking slightly on its own and every few seconds I could feel it pulsing against my cheek.

His pubes were growing back and although they were at half-length they weren't bothersome at all. I actually kind of liked the way they brushed against my face every time I changed positions.

I felt something cold on my chest and when I looked down I saw a long string of precum coming from the tip of his dick and stretched to my chest.

"Someone's excited."

He nodded and without delay I used my tongue to lick up his shaft to the tip. Slowly and carefully, to his pleasure, I took him centimeter by centimeter into the warmth wetness of my mouth.

His already hard dick became even harder and my throat almost wasn't ready for the swelling inside.

He shuddered as my lips made it past his base and pressed against his pubes.

Then I pulled all the way off of him with the intention of going back down but the weight of his hard-on let him slip out of my mouth. Without using hands I followed his head down to pick it back up in my mouth again.

He still stood with his bare ass facing the window so every once in a while he would look back to make sure that no one was watching.

At first my rhythms were slow. Swallowing him down and pulling back up to run my tongue over his leaking tip. Everyone once in a while I would grab an ass cheek with a strong grip and push as much of him into my mouth as I could.

My gag reflex had completely disappeared and if he ever wanted to he could fuck my throat wildly. It really takes a lot of practice to learn how to breathe between onslaughts of hard dick in my airway.

I was in the crouching position and my balance wasn't the best. I had to constantly switch hands to stroke myself with one hand, and hold my balance from the floor with the other. I did not care. I had one goal in mind, and it involved draining all the cum right from his balls.

After my body became used to the foreign hardness I picked up the pace. He moaned louder and the part of him that kept watching over his shoulder was beginning to go away. I stroked myself faster to keep the pace with my lips.

I had to slow down just a little bit when he began to thrust himself into my wonton mouth. It didn't take long though for us to become in sync with each other.

His natural scent and taste was such an aphrodisiac that I had to stop stroking myself every few minutes and concentrate in not losing myself all over his bare feet and the floor.

Our windows faced west and despite my heavy concentration on his cock I noticed that the setting sun was beginning to cast a light at the heels of his feet. I knew that in a few minutes it would be up to the backs of his knees and would expose most of what I was doing to the outside world.

I sucked faster, and even hard than before. I was ready for mouthfuls of his emission and I knew I had to have it before we were on full display.

I could feel him begin to shake at my commitment to my goal. His legs began to tense up and his breathing became even faster and deeper. He began to pull on my hair and stopped thrusting. I could feel that I was also close but I had to let up from him, even just to watch the first shot.

As soon as I pulled him from my mouth he began to cum. The first spurt hit me on the bangs and painted a line over my eye and down my cheek. The second spurt fell on my nose and down my lips to the base of my chin. I quickly took him back into my mouth and his third spurt was onto my tongue. I began to shudder myself.

Pulse after long pulse I moaned on the tip of his head as he emptied into my mouth. I held myself in my hand as I felt myself cumming just as much as he was.

His spurts became short until they faded away as did mine. I still had a mouthful of his eruption and his softening cock. I sucked in a bit and began to pull off of him, running my tongue slowly under his shaft.

He shook and moaned.

When I let him fall completely out of my mouth I noticed a small string coming from his tip. I took his half hard dick back in my mouth and tried to suck out whatever remained.

"No don't." He said while pushing my head away. "It's too much."

I let up and looked down at what I did to him.

My own white mess was painted all over his legs, matting his black leg hair down where it hit. I even managed to land a line down a row of his toes. Most of it ended up on the floor.

Slowly I stood up. My body was sore from the awkward position and it felt good to be back on my feet again. He put a finger to my cheek and ran his thumb slightly through the line of his cum.

I leaned down to kiss him. Our lips were both now covered in him.

He let go of my head and when I leaned up I watched as he licked his lips.

"My cum tastes good." He said.

"I know."

I could almost feel myself getting excited again but it died down when he used his tank top to clean off his face then his legs and feet.

"I'm starving. And I'm tired." He said.

"What are you talking about the sun is still out."

"Yeah but what is it, like one in the morning in LA."


He looked at the luggage we dropped near the door.

"We haven't even unpacked yet."

"We've got nothing but time."

We at least picked up our dirty clothes from the floor. With one last swipe of his tank top he cleaned my gobs of sticky white from the stone tiled floor.

"Come on." I said nodding my head toward the shower.

We were already naked so all that needed to be done was to find the right temperature. He stood back while I played with the knobs until the temperature was just right for him.

"You don't have to do that you know." Jimmy said as we got in.

"Do what?"

"Sacrifice your own comfort for me."

"I'm not."

"I know you like colder showers."

"And you like warmer." I said.

"But you don't have to."

I thought about it for a moment and let the water completely infiltrate my hair and run over my face. I could feel his cum running off my chest with the warm water.

"Yes I do."

"No you don't." He pinched my bare side.

"I don't mind. Really."

"But I feel bad that you're always doing things for me."

"Doing things for you makes me feel good."

I didn't realize that until I said it. Making him happy actually made me happy.

Is that what love is?

"This is going to sound weird," he said, "but you go down on me a lot without me returning the favor."

"Oh don't worry, I'll get mine."

"Oh really."

I used the bar of soap to wash under my arms. "Yeah. Tomorrow night I'm going to fuck you on the beach."

He laughed. "Are you now?"

I nodded as I turned to rinse my pits. "I wanted to do it the other night on that beach but it was too cold out."

"Uh huh."

"Why is that weird?" I handed him the bar of soap.

"It's not. It's just...what if there's people around."

"Well obviously I'm not going to get on top of you in front of a crowd."

"Fuck it why not?" He said with a smile.

I gave him a weird look.

"Seriously. Let's just get it over with. Nothing says were coming out like a good public fuck."

Then the conversation went quiet. It always did when we used phrases like "coming out" and words like "gay" to describe what we were. It's funny how easy it was to eat someone's ass but the moment you label what you're doing, then the awkwardness sets in.

He turned around. "Wash my back."

I ran the bar of soap over his back and noticed how his muscles were even more developed from the last time I ran soap over his skin.

"How long have you been working out for?"

"Almost three weeks."

When I rubbed the soap and my lathered hand between his shoulders he leaned his head down and let out a breath.

I could feel the tenseness and with the lubrication from the soap I gently massaged his back. He picked his head back up and pulled his arms forward to stretch his back muscles in a different position while I continued to massage him.

Then he reached over his shoulder and grabbed my hand. Still holding my hand he turned around to face me. The water matted all of his hair against his head and somehow always lightened the green color in his eyes. Maybe it could have been the different lighting in bathrooms, I don't know. His eyes were amazing the way the environment made them change different shades of green. I could stare at them and watch them change shades for hours.

"You have amazing eyes he said."

"Can you read my mind?"

"No. Why?"

"Never mind." I said and moved aside so that he could rinse off.

"Why are my eyes amazing?"

He looked back into them. "I don't know.

I looked at him. "They're so dark brown that they almost look black. And the one is small and crooked."

"That's part of it."

I made a face. "What? My crooked eye?"


"And how dark they are?"

"That's why I call you dark unknown."

"You're insane." I said.

"True, but that doesn't make me a liar."

I noticed that we were both just kind of standing there, looking at each other.

"Are you done?"

He nodded so I shut the water off.

When we opened the hinged glass door the rush of cold air made him shy away.

I stepped out quickly then shut the door. I hung a clean towel over the top which he pulled in with him.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked him while I toweled off.

"Something local."

"I don't even know what local is."

"I'm sure it comes from the ocean."

I thought about his logic and realized he must be right.

"I don't really like sea food."

He opened the glass door a crack. "Who doesn't like seafood?"


He shut the door again. "Not even lobster."

"I've never had it."


"Never had that either."

"What have you had?"

I thought about it for a moment. "When I was a kid we had fish sticks once."



"So you've never tried it, but you know you don't like it?"

"It's just the smell. I can tell."


"What? I know exactly how you're going to taste from your smell."

"I don't smell." He opened the door again.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Uh huh...right."

"Come on it's getting late." I said.

We went to the resorts main restaurant. Half of it was outdoors and it was late enough to get a table right overlooking the sunset on the beach.

We both ordered wine which came well before our meals and leaned back in our chairs to watch the disappearing sun.

"This is weird." Jimmy said.

"What is?"

"I just realized I've never been served alcohol before."

I raised my glass and it took him a moment to realize he was supposed to tap it with his.

"To firsts." I said.

"Firsts." He repeated with a smile. "Is this your first time?"

I took a drink then shook my head. "No. We filmed part of the movie in Costa Rica. Chris and Bryce took me out for my birthday."

"Really?" He said with wide eyes.

I took another drink. "Yes."

"You never told me about that.

I raised an eyebrow. "You never asked." Then I took another drink."

He made a face. "I don't know how you can drink red wine like that."

"What's wrong with it?"

"It's too bitter."

"But you're not even drinking real wine." I said.

"You said it was wine."

"Yeah but Moscato is more of a wine you have with dessert."

"Wine with dessert." He asked with disbelief.

I nodded. "Mm Hmm."

"How do you know all this? Are you into wine?"

"No, but I do know that it comes from the Muscat family of grapes which is pretty common."

"Oh really. And your merlot." He pronounced it wrong.

"It's called Merlot, the T is silent." I said with a smile.

"Still. Wine with dessert...that sounds disgusting."

"Says the guy who ordered shell fish."

"Don't knock it til you try it."

I shook my head.

"No really. When the food gets here. I'm going to cut you off a piece."

"No way."

"You'll love it I swear."

I shook my head and took the last drink of my glass.

The alcohol was beginning to hit my system and I felt more comfortable. With everything that was going on I couldn't be happier to be where I was. Happy with Jimmy. Nothing to do but regain strength. Regain composure. Normalcy. Nothing to do but hope for the best in our escape.

Jimmy downed his glass in an attempt to keep up with me. After he made a face and took a few deep breaths.

"Are you okay there?"

He nodded. "But I have to go to the bathroom."

"Are you going to get sick?"

He made a face. "No." Then put his hands on the table as if he were going to stand up.



"Look." I pointed towards the ocean.

It was a site that we have seen before but watching it from this new point of view, this new angle was different. As the sun made its final descent behind the endless blue I thought about how happy I was this moment.

He got up and left for the bathroom. I always felt awkward sitting alone in a restaurant so I reached for my phone and realized that it was still in airplane mode from when got on at LAX.

Just a few moments after I turned the airplane mode off my phone came back to life. It was inundated with messages that came in so rapidly that I could only read the first few words of each.

Mom: Did you guys make ...

Chloe: Are you there yo...

Peter: OMG, you need to...

Mom: Hello?

Peter: You guys should ...

Chloe: Your phone is ...

Peter: I tired everyt...

Kayla: Nick? We cant...

Kayla: Please have hi...

Mom: I'm getting real...

Peter: CALL ME WHEN Y...

Jimmy's Mom: Nick? It...

Jimmy's Mom" Please h...

Mom: We're going to b...

Mom: We love you very...

Then finally it ended on Steve's message.

Steve: Dude. Shit is going crazy. Everyone is looking for you. Even Jimmy's mom called me but Idk how she got my number...CALL ME!"

I hit "home" and saw that I had nine new voice messages.

I did the math and realized it was somewhere between two and three AM in LA, but this couldn't wait.

"Hello...Nick?" Steve's crackled voice greeted me.

"Hey man..."

"Where have you been? Is everything okay?"

"Yes were fine. What's going on?"

Just then Jimmy returned from the bathroom and sat down. I didn't want to worry him so I pretended to carry on with a normal conversation.

"Who is it?" He whispered.

"Steve." I whispered back holding my hand over the mouth piece.

"Did you get my messages?" Steve asked.

"No I didn't have time, I just turned my phone back on and there were a lot."

"Everyone's been calling me. They're all going crazy."

I held up my hand. "Steve! Tell me what's going on?"

Jimmy looked up as he realized something was not right.

Just then our waiter approached with a tray of food from across the restaurant. Couldn't have had worse timing.

"Dude cat's out of the fucking bag." Steve said.

"What do you mean?"

"The stories out."


"Yes. Online. Peter said that Perez Hilton picked it up and it's going viral."

"Who had the Lobster Curry in Coconut Milk?"

I looked at Jimmy. His fading smile.

We waited for so long for this to happen, but I didn't know that it would hit so hard.

The dam finally burst. be continued... Feel free to provide feedback:

Next: Chapter 18

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