Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Jan 27, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 4

What had I Done? I knew I didn't fully consider what my family my think, I just wanted to be near him. I didn't think this all the way through to the end.

My father looked at me waiting for me to say something. The fact that I wasn't saying anything was starting to become a bit weird and he noticed it.

"A friend for mine is going to be in town tonight."

"Someone we know?"

"No. Is it okay if he stays here?"

"Yeah that's fine."

I was relieved by my father's quick reaction. It was obvious that he wanted to get back to drinking with my aunts and uncles and was all but dismissive. My fear had subsided as he left me in the hall to return to the living room.

I did the math and realized his nine pm flight would put us back here between 9:15-10:00. I remembered my mom talking about taking the girls shopping the next morning so I hoped they would all be in bed before we got back.

I couldn't imagine the questions they would ask. With one of my sister's being sharp as a tack a fear began to grow that she would know. She would pick up on it right away. She would see him and me together and she would know that something was going on. Put two and two together and it wouldn't take her long to realize the person that I pined for was not a woman at all.

If she knew what was really going on would she tell anyone? Would I even be comfortable with just her knowing?

I paced between the upstairs hall and my bedroom for a few minutes with everything up in the air. I considered getting a hotel for the night but not only was that kind of cheap I also didn't know how I would explain that to them.

There was no turning back but I had no options. We were already going too fast, and I just stepped even harder on the accelerator. I checked the lock on my bedroom door. Not that I expected anyone to come barging in but I couldn't risk it. I couldn't risk anything.

I smelled my shirt and although I felt clean I changed my clothes anyway. I put on some more deodorant and cologne and brushed my teeth.

As I stood up from spitting out the minty mouthwash I noticed through the mirror that someone was standing behind me.

"Oh shit!"


"Sorry mom. You scared me."

I turned off the bathroom fan.

"Your dad said someone is coming over."

My heart began to pound.

"Yeah, if that's okay?"

"Do I know this person?"

"No, I don't think so. I met him a few months ago. He's an actor too."

I hoped the fact that he was an actor would alleviate any anxiety she would have about a complete stranger coming into her home and staying the night. I couldn't tell and it was risky to try too hard to read her reactions. I tried to remain as nonchalant as I could about the whole thing.

"How do you know him?"

"We might be working on something together soon." I lied and immediately regretted it.

"What brings him to town?"

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to build one lie onto the next but I had to think of something fast.

"I couldn't say." Was all I could think of.

She turned back down the hall and looked towards my room, "Maybe you should pick up a little in there, make room for the pull out."

"I was going to."

She walked away and I was relieved to think that the conversation was over. However when I went back to my bedroom to make it look like I intended to pull out the sofa bed she was right behind me.

"Here." She held out a folded set of sheets and a blanket.

I took them from her, "Thank you."

"We're going to bed soon. Do you remember the alarm code?"

I realized the house had gone silent and that the laughter coming from the living room was no more.

"Yes." I said, a heavy weight lifted off of me.

I was a bit more comfortable knowing that I wouldn't have to explain this to anyone else. I wouldn't have to keep up the lie.

I looked out my bedroom window at the rest of the neighborhood to see that everything was pretty much quiet. New emotions were growing in me when I realized that I didn't want to let my family down but at the same time I was tired of feeling like I was doing something wrong. I felt like a criminal when all I really wanted was to be with someone I cared about.

Then I remembered the reality of it all. I was going to be with him. In two hours he would be here. Though a smile broke the worry on my face, I still didn't know what to do. What to do about anything. Would he want to sleep in the same bed as me? How does that conversation even go down?

I watched the clock move insanely slow for almost an hour. When it was ten minutes to eight it was time to put my shoes on and go.

The rental car smelled of some type of lemon cleaner and was cold. I forgot how cold things got that far north. Since it was a rental I wasted no time on warming it up and hit the highway. I tried scanning the radio stations for some type of distraction but found nothing. My mind was on edge the whole time and I kept having to remind myself to pay attention to my driving. That inner voice we all have for some reason was screaming at me. I felt crazy as I was in a major conflict with myself. My wants and my fears clashing in my head.

There was basically no traffic so I knew that I would be early. Then again I began to question my actions. Do I drive around the terminals or meet him inside? Would he think it was weird if I he saw me standing there? Would he think it was rude if I didn't?

After the details were finally worked out in my head I parked the car and headed for the terminal. The airport was pretty dead but I was still careful to not be recognized. I was becoming a pro at turning the other way and blending in with the environment.

In passing I saw the arrival screen and realized that his flight landed early. I picked up the pace and reached the ticket check point before he did.

My phone rang.


"Hey I'm here."

"Do you want me to meet you in baggage claim?"

"No," he laughed, "It's only for one night so I just brought a small carry on. Where are you?"

He could not see me but I could see him. "Look to your right."

He looked the wrong way.

"Your other right."

He smiled and looked in my direction but still did not pick me out of the crowd.

"Black shirt." I said.

Recognition took over his face as he smiled and held out his phone to show me that he hung it up. I took the phone away from my ear and began heart pounding walk to meet him half way.

His overnight bag still seemed pretty big to me and it was obvious that he had to lean away from it to keep his balance.

I smiled at how adorkable he was.



"How was your flight?"

"Nerve wrecking!"

"Did everything go okay?"

"Yeah it was fine, it's just..."

"Just what?"

"I don't know man."

I smiled, "Tell me."

"I'm kind of nervous."

I didn't know what to say right away so I didn't say anything. As an automatic reaction I looked down as he tried adjusting the weight that hung from his shoulders. I couldn't help but smile.

"Is that funny?" He asked returning the smile.

"No. It's just...I know what you mean."

"You cut your hair." I said.

"So did you."

We both just looked at each other for a moment.

He slid his bag off then said, "Can you watch this for a minute, I really have to go to the bathroom.

"Absolutely not. I am going to leave it...unattended."

"Then they'll think it's a bomb or something."

"Hey now!" An airport employee said to Jimmy in passing.

He held up his hands to her, "SORRY! Sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

She nodded and kept walking. He looked back at me.

"Go. I got it," I smiled at him.

While he was in the bathroom I took out my phone and used it as a mirror. Then I remembered how I did this on the flight when we first met. A flood of memories came back to me. Remembering how his demeanor had changed the last time I waited for him to get out of a bathroom. I looked into my eyes on the phone and noticed that I could not hide the worrisome look on my face.

I could hear the hand dryer blowing and I knew he would be out soon. I expected that the happy go lucky Jimmy that went in would come out different just like in the flight. Although he came all this way I feared that he would catch a glimpse of himself again and regret coming up. I was afraid that in a short couple of minutes he could change his mind and I would see it written all over his facial expression when he came through the door.

The echo of the hand dryer went silent and I forced myself to look at the entrance and face whatever was to come next. It was the green rainforest and a soothing smile that I saw. He was happy to see me again too. I was happy that nothing had changed and that all of my apprehension had been for nothing at all.

As he walked back towards me he rubbed the shoulder that his bag's strap previously pulled on. It was obvious that it was heavy and already causing him pain. I picked up his bag and as he reached out for it I slung it over my own shoulder.

"That's very heavy, you don't have..."

"It's cool I got it, besides it doesn't really feel all that heavy." I said to make light of the fact that I was obviously stronger than he was.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I could probably carry you back to the car also."

He laughed. "Yeah, because that wouldn't cause attention."

I smiled but there it was again. Was I going to carry him through the airport, most likely not, but the implication that having any type of contact would cause attention was there. The idea that what we were doing together was not considered normal was there. I was always happy in his presence but it bothered me to know that this didn't come as easy to us as it did to most people. I resented the extra baggage that came along with being fond of someone of the same sex. I hated that some of my greatest feelings were followed by shame.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Let's do this."

As we drove off from the airport I reminded myself to let off the gas. I wanted to give the trip back to my parents' house some extra time to make sure that everyone was asleep by the time we got back.

"Front door: open." The electronic voice of the security alarm announced as we walked in.

I quickly shut the door and locked it before punching the four digit code into the console. I waited to hear footsteps as the alarm warning was louder than I remembered but there were none.

The house was colder than when I left and you could still smell the Thanksgiving meal we ate earlier.

"I'm kind of hungry."

I looked at him with surprise.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just remember at that café when you ate all that Alfredo. Where does it all go?"

I looked him up and down trying to figure out how someone so skinny could eat so much.

"I'm a growing boy."

I quietly laughed remembering the house was full of my sleeping family.

"I could probably eat." I said nodding my head in the direction of the kitchen.

He gave me a questioning with his huge coat still on holding up his arms. I still had his bag slung over my shoulder.

"We can leave all this by the stairs," I said.

I put his bag down on the floor and he took off his coat and put it on top. I watched while he did this. His shirt peaked up exposing his lower stomach when he took his coat off and I could see a small trail of light hair going up from his underwear line. I looked away as a part of me started to grow at the sight of his low waist line. Just trying to imagine what he looked like a few short inches down from the waist. I tried very hard to resist but I glanced back and searched for a bulge.

"Hi. My eyes are up here."

"Shit...I...I didn't mean to!" I said my face as red as it's ever been.

I looked away from him, unable to keep up eye contact.

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me with a look of curiosity in his eye that was framed by his own smile. "Don't be."

We stood there for a moment. I didn't know what to say or what to do. My embarrassment had reached a peak higher than it had in a long time.




"Yes. Yes I already forgot."

He raised an eye brow still amused by my embarrassment.

The kitchen had already been cleaned and everything was put away. After getting two plates out of the dishwasher and drying them off I asked, "What do you want?"

"What do you have?"

I thumbed through the containers and covered dishes in the refrigerator. "Turkey. Mashed Potatoes. Stuffing. Gravy. Broccoli with cheese. Macaroni and chee..."

"Macaroni and cheese."



"Of course." I made a face as if there was any other way.

"Done." He said with a smile.


"Yeah. My mom makes it every year but she didn't today."

I nodded, "Okay. I can use a carb load before my work out tomorrow morning."

He slightly grabbed my forearm sending gratifying chills up my spine. "You're always working out."

"Only every other day."

"I try to, but I'm lucky if I get to the gym once a week."


"Yeah, I don't know how you do it."

I reached out and touched his stomach for just a moment. "Where does this come from?"

He pulled up his shirt revealing his slight definition. "I don't know. Natural hotness I guess."

I laughed, "Natural hotness?"

"You know," he returned my smile.

"Actually I do," I said looking down at him with the slightest bit of flirtation.

I spooned a decent amount of macaroni into a plastic bowl and microwaved it. I had to stir it every minute quietly opening and closing the door every time. I watched the seconds tick down like a hawk so that I could stop the beeping before it woke everyone up.

The cheese smell was becoming inviting and I remembered how much I missed stuffing my face with pasta.

We sat at the kitchen table. I remembered how early that morning I ate breakfast with my family and how my sister called me out in front of my entire family for my constant phone checking.

"My sister thinks I have a girlfriend."



"Do you?"

I gave him a look and had to finish chewing my food before I could say, "really?"

I noticed that he had a small slight dot of yellow melted cheese on the corner of his mouth. As he kept eating I realized he did not notice this.

"I'm still not convinced that there's nothing going on between you and Chloe."

I laughed, "no way."

"Well I mean, you're a very good looking guy and she's a beautiful girl..."

"She knows. She knows about me."

The yellow dot still on his lip.

"Really?" His voice gaining a more serious tone.

Then it dawned on me. I hadn't thought much about it since the morning before but between Peter and myself we kind of outed Jimmy without him knowing. Without his consent. I felt terrible. I felt like I betrayed him and he didn't even know it.

I put my fork down, "She picked up on it the first day we met."

"That's crazy, I didn't even think you were until..."

"Really you didn't know?

"Not at all. I mean, I thought you were cute...I mean thought you looked good but I never thought in a million years that you were...that you uh...thought that I was too."

He put down his spoon. Only he eats macaroni and cheese with a spoon.

The conversation felt like it had been completely killed. Neither of us were eating. Neither of us were talking. Neither of us looked the other in the eye for those few awkward quiet moments. The heater kicked on causing him to jump slightly.

I looked at him. My face as solemn as I could make it. "I can't talk to you about serious things."

He looked confused, "Why not?"

"At least not right now."

He still looked at me with confusion. The feeling of hurt was just barely beginning to grow on his face.

I slowly lifted my hand towards his face. He obviously had no idea what I was going to do next.

With one finger I gently wiped away the small dot of cheese from his lip and showed it to him, "It's hard to keep a straight face when you have cheese on your lip."

"Jerk." He smiled and the tense conversation that had begun went back to being casual.

I wiped my finger on my pants to his immediate response, "Gross, don't do that."


"There's a whole roll of paper towels hanging right behind you."

I turned around to look, then turned back to him and shrugged. "I don't think it's that bad. Besides I'll be taking them off soon anyway."

"Oh really Casanova? You think so?" He asked with playful skepticism.

The innuendo was obvious.

I tried to chew my last bite through a smile, "You know what I mean."

I washed the dishes we used. I didn't want my mother to wake up to them. I didn't want to get the gears grinding again. I wanted to avoid any thoughts that would lead to questions. I shouldn't had taken things so far in such a short amount of time but I was glad to see him. Happy to be with him.

After we brushed our teeth and all that I changed in the bathroom to allow him to change in the privacy of my bedroom. Before I entered I lightly tapped three times on the door. I expected him to open it but instead he tapped three times lightly. I tapped again and received more taps in response.

I opened the door, "Dork."

When I saw him in form fitting sleepwear I bit my lower lip. It reminded me of him in that wet suit the day before.

"Nicholas." He said with a flirtatious nod.


We stood looking at each other. Again I didn't know what to say. The implication was there, both of us, dressed down, standing next to a bed. However, I don't think either of us knew how to even walk the short five feet to get there.

"Do you want to watch TV?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

When he turned to walk to the far side of the bed I reached behind my back to push in the door lock.

The bed was queen size and we both just kind of sat on the ends. With my height my foot rest comfortable on the floor but his just kind of dangled.

He tried to turn the TV on but didn't hit the right buttons.

"Let me see."

He handed me the remote and I pressed the right buttons and gave it back.

When he started to scroll through the menu I was too preoccupied with watching him from the corners of my eyes to even pay attention to what was on. I noticed he rubbed his shoulder from the bag strap earlier and kind of made a face

"Is that still sore?"

"Yeah I don't get it. I carry that bag everywhere and never had this problem before."

"Here." I said while standing up.

I got up to walk to his side of the bed. The whole time his eyes never left me. I wondered if his heart beat as heavy as mine. I could feel the dry lump forming in my throat but I did my best to appear calm.

"Move forward a little bit."

He scooted up allowing me enough room to sit behind him, his left leg still hung off the side of the bed. Instantly I was met with his scent and I closed my eyes for a moment to breathe it in. I stretched my right leg alongside his.

I put my hand on his side, "Scoot in a little more."

Carefully he lifted his dangling leg so that he was sitting completely on the bed in front of me, with my legs kind of wrapped around his.

Slowly I reached my hands up to his shoulders, at first touch I could feel that they were extremely stiff. At this point I was sure that this was more my fault then caused by the bag he carried earlier. I squeezed both shoulders, gently at first. After a minute or so, both of our breathing stopped coming in short spurts as we became more comfortable with what was happening.

His touch was amazing. I could feel his arms rise and fall as he inhaled and exhaled. The heat from his legs rubbed off on mine and it made the hair on my legs stand on end. Almost as if I were statically charged to him. I didn't know how it were possible but I could still smell the shampoo in his hair from whenever it was he last showered.

As he began to relax and let his head roll a little bit I rubbed a bit stronger and made my way towards where his neck meets his shoulders.

He let out a long sigh, "That's it. That feels so good."

He allowed himself to lean back into me a little bit more. I closed my legs just a little bit more around his legs. When I started to rub his neck I could see hundreds of goosebumps come up through the back of his t-shirt. He began to quietly pant.

His body heat and small involuntary movements began to stir something inside of me. I began to get hard as he scooted back closer in-between my legs. I knew there was no way he didn't notice but he didn't react at all to it.

He leaned his head forward as I rubbed a hand up the back of his head. Then he leaned his head all the way back so that all of his upper body was rested into me. I breathed him in and began kissing the back of his head. I began to go lower and lower until I was kissing his neck just where it met his jaw line just below his ear.

He whispered, "Wow."

"Do you like that?" I whispered back before slightly nibbling on his lobe.

He swallowed then said, "Yes."

I continued to kiss the area below his ear. With both hands he began to rub my legs just above the knees. The feel of his caress made me even harder. When he felt the pulse between us he pushed back into me just a little bit more which caused me to twitch a second time into him.

I was breathing heavy when I whispered into his ear, "you are so attractive."

He got up to face me, sitting on his knees, "You're so incredibly hot."

Then he dove in. Open mouthed. For the first time.

Our lips intertwined and our tongues scarcely meeting at first. Never venturing too far but enough to get a taste of each other. A taste I craved for so long. His minty warm breath exciting me beyond control. Without breaking lip contact, I reached for the bottom of his shirt to pull it up. We only separated long enough until both of our shirts were off. I put my hands on his waist to hold him up a little as I slid flat on my back. I lightly pulled him down until he was laying on top of me. Both of his arms were around my neck and I held one hand on his side and the other on his lower back.

He began to grind into me and we continued to kiss. His hardness was appealing to me greatly even through the layers of clothes we both wore. I could feel his naked chest against mine, his small frame easy enough for mine to support. He pulled a hand up to my chest and after finding a nipple began to rub it.

"Oh shit." I moaned quietly as the sensation was almost unbearable.

I continued to rub his back. He moved his hand from my chest and down to my stomach.

He ran his hand over my abs and said, "You have such a nice body."

He continued to grind into me and with incredible slowness he dragged his fingers down until they hooked into my waist bands. He rose up from our kiss to look me in the eyes.



"It's okay," I assured him.

He went back to kissing me and snaked his hand below the waist. He grabbed onto me with a tight grip and instantly his eyes bugged out. He rose up again from our kiss to look at me with absolute shock."

"What. What's wrong?" I asked.

He slid his hand down the length of my shaft until he reached the base and then he looked at me further in disbelief. I became bashful when I realized what he was just discovering. He pulled my shorts and underwear down and got off me just enough to look at what he was touching.

"Oh my god." He said.

"Yeah. It's kind of the way I am."

He sat up on his knees so that I was completely free of his body weight. With both hands he began to pull on both waist bands. As he did first my very trimmed pubes were exposed then the base. He slid them down inch by inch until finally after being free it slapped up to hit me in the stomach.

"Jesus Christ," he whispered, "where have you been hiding that thing."

Before I could say anything he wrapped both hands around it, "there's still three inches after I do this."

I smiled at his surprise although I was somehow embarrassed and proud at the same time.

The sensation of him touching me kept me rock hard and pulsing in his hands. Slowly he began to move his hands up and down. I probably could have let go almost immediately if I didn't concentrate hard on holding it in.

He laid down next to me with me still on my back. With his right hand he continued to stroke me. My hand was between the area above his knees and he grinded into my arm, the fabric of his pajama pants almost burning my skin. I tried to slide my hand upwards and he had to lift his legs a bit to allow me to pass. When I reached my target I could feel the warmth his own hardness admitted as I cupped it through his clothing.

He stopped rubbing me just long enough to help me pull his clothes down his legs until they were at his ankles. He was all natural and not trimmed at all, but this did not go without my appreciation. He was about five and a half inches compared to my nine, but we were just about the same thickness.

He grabbed ahold of me again and I jumped.

"Are you okay?"

I just nodded my head while trying to catch my breath before kissing him again.

I grabbed onto him completely for the first time causing him to jump as well.

I smiled, "Now are you okay."

"More than okay," he whispered into my ear.

Slowly we both picked up a rhythm, responding to the slight moans and short breaths that the other gave off. We were both slightly dripping from the anticipation and as it dried on my head his motion began to burn slightly.

"Hold on a minute."

I got up and ran naked for my bag. He lie in bed breathing heavy and continue to stroke himself. I couldn't help but stare with absolute lust as I fumbled through my bag for lotion.

The lid made a popping sound as I opened the bottle and jumped back into bed. We slid back into our cuddled position and I squirted lotion into both of our hands.

At first it was cold to the touch. As it heated up our hands began to glide with better ease. The feeling was incredible and I again had to stop myself from erupting too early. The look on his face as he concentrated and breathed in and out deeply was so fucking hot. I kissed him again but the embrace couldn't last too long as we both had much difficulty breathing.

I put my hands back on his waist and lifted him back on top of me. Using more lotion I rubbed both of us in one hand. He tried to pick up the motion while using his hips but he kept slipping out of the tight grip I tried to hold both of us in. So he just lowered down on me and with all of the lotion began to grind into me. Both of us were sliding together and between us. I could feel him poking into me and then into my stomach. I was careful not to push too hard but every time I tried to control myself he pushed in harder.

I could feel all of him pushed into me. His hard parts. His soft parts. His trembling body and the sweat that formed on his brow.

I kissed his soft full lips as we grinded easily into each other, his knees on the bed and his body pressed fully against me.

He began to pick up the pace as I could feel him rubbing into my stomach and pubes as I did into his. I could tell he was starting to lose control as the thrusting from his smaller frame made the head board slightly tap against the wall in rhythm with his motions.

I grabbed on to the head board to stop it from making noise with one hand, and with the other I grabbed ahold of his ass as I grinded into him. He began to kiss my neck and found the spot that drove me crazy.

He found the spot that would do it. I could feel him tremble and knew that he was close also. He was in tune with me as we moved at the same time and the same pace.

"Oh shit," I panted.

"Fuck...Fuck...Fuck!" He whispered.

With one final thrust we were both sent into convulsions. With a free hand he held a hand over his mouth in an attempt to silence his elation. Both of our bodies were extremely tense as I could feel squirt after squirt after squirt go off between us. The feeling was so energetic I could have cried.

My feet curled up and my face in his neck I tried to breathe but couldn't feel my face. My limbs felt numb and slowly we became spent.

He stayed laying on top of me and I held him close with his head on my chest looking straight to the ceiling trying to catch my breath. I could not tell whose sweat was whose. I did not care that between us was a great sticky mess. I did not care about anything but holding on to him. I did not want to let that feeling go right away. I couldn't do it if I wanted to.

Minute by minute we were able to regain our normal breathing, our normal heart beats and our normal thought processes.

"That was amazing," he said.

I could feel his voice on my chest as he spoke.

"It was." I agreed still looking at the ceiling.

I looked down at him but could only see his face and his body from the top down. I couldn't see his eyes from that angle but I could see him blink. I could see him open and close his mouth as he lye there thinking about who knows what.

I knew what I was thinking but I would not be ready to admit it out loud for a long time.

When I realized that we were becoming too comfortable and could easily fall asleep in that position I decided to get up.

"I'll get a towel."

I got up to put on a robe and go to the bathroom. I was still incredibly hard though at this point he was almost completely soft.

When I returned I used the towel on him first before giving it to him to finish the job. When he was done I used it next. We both got up to put on our underwear.

Under the blankets we cuddled and he finally found something to watch on TV. No other words were necessary for the rest of the time we stayed awake. The only communication that was necessary were slight arm caresses and soft random kisses. It was apparent that things were going to get much more intense but for that moment, the only thing that mattered, was the comfort we were now able to find in each other.

We fell asleep with the TV on. I would wake up a few times that night when he tossed or turned. I would remember how happy he made me then fall back asleep.

I was completely comfortable with everything and I hoped he was content as well.

All would be good until the following morning when I would wake up to a knock at the door and someone shaking the door handle. My fear opened my eyes wide and I looked at the clock to see it was almost ten am.

"Who is it," I asked in a panic.

"Your dad."

My heart raced as I looked down at Jimmy who was still sound asleep with that disgruntled look on his face, cuddled into me.

The door knob jiggled again, "Are you going to open the door?" be continued... Feel free to provide feedback:

Next: Chapter 5

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