Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Feb 7, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 7

"Nick I tried to stop him," Chloe said as her and Peter came in right behind Steve.

All three of them were in the room and Jimmy and I sat up. I threw the blanket over us so that there was more than the thin sheet but it was obvious we were naked underneath.

Just then Kayla and Jake came in also.

"What's going on?" Kayla asked.

I could tell that Jake knew right away.

"Oh shit!" I said out loud.

"I told you so," Kayla said to Jake.

Steve asked Chloe, "You knew about this?"

"Duh asshole."

"I'm sure you did also?" He asked Peter.

Peter nodded his head.

"Everyone please just..." I tried to say.

"So wait a minute. This is why you've been acting shady?" Steve asked me.

"I wasn't acting sha..."

"The only person that's acting shady here is you." Chloe said.

"Can everyone just..." I tried to get out again.

"You owe me a hundred bucks." Kayla said to Jake.

"What the..." Jimmy tried saying.

"You guys knew about this too?" Steve asked.

"Yeah we thought Jimmy was gay for a while now."

Jimmy's eyes bugged out and then he put a hand to his head.

"Can everyone please...?" I tried to say.

"My boy's not gay." Steve said.

"How the fuck would you know?" Chloe asked.

"I've known him longer than all of you." He yelled back.

"Will you all just lis..." I tried to plead.

"Right Nick? Tell them."

"Don't talk to him like that." Chloe demanded.

"Like what?"

"Like he's just some asshole you don't even know, this is your best friend."

"Guys?" Jimmy said.

Steve gestured with his hand towards Jimmy and myself, "Obviously I don't know him."

"Guys..." Jimmy said again.

"So what is it?" Chloe asked. "You've known him for longer or you don't know him at all?"

I put my head down in embarrassment but was already growing angry at the exchange that was going on in my bedroom.

"I know my best friend. We grew up together. This isn't him."


"Jimmy its okay." Kayla said.

I looked at Peter who had a weird look on his face.

"It's not okay." Steve said.

"Hey guys..." Jimmy tried getting out again.

"Why not you fucking asshole?" Chloe said.


All eyes focused on Jimmy and everyone instantly went silent. You could hear a car driving down the street.


Despite all the embarrassment and everything else with the truth coming out in such a harsh way, I was actually kind of touched. Everyone looked at me waiting for me to say something. I looked all of our friends in the eye.

"I love you too." I said to Jimmy.

I fixed my gaze back at all of them and nodded at the door with bugged eyes. Steve was the first to walk out without any words spoken.

Kayla grabbed jimmy's blanketed foot and whispered, "We love you anyway." Then she and Jake walked out.

"I'm sorry," Chloe apologized before leaving the room.

Both Jimmy and I looked at Peter waiting for his exit as well.

"Oh. Shit. Yeah." He began to walk out of the room. "Do you want me to close the..." He looked at us both, "Yes you want me to close the door. Good luck. Or whatever."

Jimmy held a hand to his head.

"Are you okay?"

"Mm Hmm." He nodded.

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"


"No. It's my...I thought I locked the door last night."

"You did. I saw you. It's probably my stupid door."

He looked at me and let out a long sigh.

"It's not your fault either Nick."

"This shouldn't be anyone's fault. We're not doing anything wrong."

"Then why do I feel like we are."

I looked at him as a small tear formed in the corner of his eye. I wiped it away and smeared my finger on my sheet.

"Because the world's such a fucked up place."

He sat for a moment looking straight ahead. I could tell he was deep in thought. I regretted being the reason he was found out.

"I'm sorry Jimmy."

"Don't be."

"If it weren't for me than you..."

"I love you Nick."

The words sent chills down my spine. They touched me to the core so I put an arm around him. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rubbed his other arm.

"I love you too. I really do."

We sat for a moment and listened to the debate go on in the living room. It was hard to hear what everyone was saying but really I just didn't care anymore.

"So now what?" He asked.

"Let's get out of bed before everyone sees our dicks."

He laughed and wiped away another tear. "Shit. I can't believe I just said that?"

I shared in his slight laugh, "Don't worry about it."

"But Chloe...and Kayla...and Jake...and Steve..."

"...they'll get over it. Your friends are great."

"I wish I could say the same about yours."

"He is. Really he is. I just should have been honest with him years ago. If only I would have done this a long time ago then he..."

"...wouldn't have walked in on you with a naked guy in your bed."

"Exactly!" I said with large eyes.

"Well really though he shouldn't have just walked in like that. Regardless of what was going on this is your bedroom and he should have been more respectful."

"Steve, respectful?"

Jimmy smiled.

"See you haven't even known him a day but you already know enough."

"You're right."

We sat for a moment listening to the birds chirp outside the window, listening to our friends chirp from the living room.

"Well at least the worse is over."

"No. It's not." Jimmy laughed.

"Why not?"

He looked at me with bulged eyes. "What are we going to tell our parents?"

My eyes widened as well.

After we got dressed we emerged from my bedroom. Jimmy wore my pajama pants and t-shirt which were very big on him. I took attendance in my head and noticed Steve was missing though his stuff was still where he left it by the door the day before.

"Hey." I said to the now quiet room.

"Good morning!" Peter said.

Chloe just shook her head at him.

"Jimmy," Kayla said.

He looked at both of his friends then looked down for a moment before looking back at them.

"Seriously. We've known for years. We just didn't want to say anything."

Jimmy looked back down again. I hated seeing that look on his face. I hated his pain. His turmoil and all the bullshit that came with it. I hated that he felt so bad and that there was nothing I could do about it.

"Where did Steve go?"

Chloe said, "The caveman is out back, probably beating his club into the ground."

"Really Chloe," Peter said, "caveman?"

"Well what else should I call him?"

Jimmy walked to the kitchen window, "No he's not beating his club into the ground."

"What's he doing?" I asked.

"He's looking right at me, and I think he just lit a joint."

"Oh really?" Peter's eyes got big and a curious wanton smile came across his face.

"Down boy," Chloe said.

I put on a zippered sweatshirt and a pair of shoes.

"You're going to talk to him?" Chloe said with surprise in her voice.

"Well what the fuck Chloe, he's still my best friend."

I walked out onto the small back patio. The smell hit me right away and Jimmy was right. It wasn't too cold out but cold enough to send a chill up my back.

He stood at the railing looking out at the small back yard and I walked up to stand next to him.

"Hey." I said.


We didn't say anything right away. He passed me the joint but I put up a hand to turn it down. He still held it out so I reluctantly took it and took a few hits.

"I see not everything has changed." He said.

"I don't smoke anymore." I said. "Not like we used to."

I passed it back.

"I didn't mean for you to..." I began to say.

"It's cool man."

No it's not. Some fucked up shit just happened Steve."

"I know man. I'm sorry I just never thought..."

"I should have said something a long time ago."

"A long time ago? How long have you been doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"How long have you been this way?"

"Since birth I'm sure."

He passed back the joint and after another two hits I was almost completely relaxed.

"I didn't mean to act like that. It's just..."

I waited for him to continue but he did not.

"Just what?"

"Never mind."

"Say what you gotta say Steve."

"I lost you man."

"I'm still here."

"Yeah but ever since you moved away everything changed."

"I'm still the same person."

"No you're not. I mean look at you. You're rich. You're famous. And now you like dick."

I laughed in embarrassment and was shocked by how casual he said that.

"I think that last part would have happened no matter what."


"Yeah man."

"So all those times growing up? All the times I spent the night at your house? You were always this way?"

I nodded and handed him back the joint.

"I feel like I don't even know you."

"You do Steve. You've always been like a brother to me."

"Brother? How often do you check out your brother?"

"Whoa whoa whoa! I never checked you out."

"Why not?"

"Well despite the fact that you've always kind of been family, you're kind of ugly."

"Fuck that," he laughed, "you can't be gay then."

I looked at him with confusion.

"Nobody could resist this." He gestured to himself.

I began to cough uncontrollably as I started to laugh.

He smiled back at me.

"I'm sorry man. I should have said something a long time ago."

"No. I'm the fucking idiot. I can't believe I acted like that. How can I even go back in there?"

"Don't worry about them."

"Your friends hate me though."

"No one hates you. You're fine."

"But Chloe..."

"She hates everyone. It's how she expresses love."

He laughed and coughed the same way that I did before.

"She must really love me then."


I hit the joint one more time.

"It's getting cold out here. Are you ready to go back in?" I asked him.

"Nah. L.A. has nothing on the weather back home. I'm going to smoke a cigarette then I'll be in."

"Alright man. Don't be too long."

"Hey wait a minute."

I turned around.

"It's cool. I'm cool. I don't want you to think I'm against it or anything. It just never thought in a million years...

I nodded my head, "I know."

We're cool right?"

"Of course."

He gave me the half hug handshake that he usually greeted me with.

"So what happened?" Chloe asked.

"I'm hungry, and my head hurts." I said.

"Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine."

Jimmy sat at the breakfast bar still unable to face anyone. I couldn't stand seeing him this way, but I didn't know how to comfort him in a room full of people. I felt his embarrassment as well.

"I have aspirin and water in the fridge."

"You keep aspirin in the fridge?" Chloe asked.

"No in the are you like this even when you're hungover?

"I'm not hungover."

"Me either," Peter said. "I'm hungry."

Steve opened the patio door and walked in. "I'm hungry also."

"You heard that?" Peter asked.

"Yeah you know that door is made of glass right?"

"Of course, I'm a carpenter."

Steve instantly looked skeptical. "Really now?"

"And I'm fucking good at it."

"He is." I said.

Steve, Kayla, and Jake looked at Peter as if they didn't believe he was a carpenter.

"Does anyone want to go to IHOP?" Jimmy asked.

Steve said, "I want moons over..."

"...that's Denny's." Chloe said.



Then just like that, everything all went back to normal.

We all piled into two cars. Jimmy rode with Kayla and Jake while I took Steve, Chloe, and Peter. Of course Chloe sat up front.

Had Chloe, Jimmy, or myself been there alone we could have pulled off not being noticed but the three of us together at a large table with our friends brought some attention. Through the hangovers and exhaustion we were able to keep up appearances for the few people that did notice and the rest that looked on at what little fuss they made.

After breakfast everyone decided to go their separate ways. I dropped Steve off back at my house and decided to take the thirty minute drive to take Jimmy home.

Driving along the ocean we passed by a group of surfers. I was reminded how well Jimmy looked in that skin tight shiny suit. How it clung to every part of his body and left almost nothing to the imagination. I looked at him then as he wore the same clothes he wore the day before, not having anything else to change into again.

"I can't believe you were out surfing this last week."

"Why not?"

"It's so freaking cold out."

"The water's not that bad. It's bearable until after the first week of December."

"Do the wetsuits keep you warm?"

"They're supposed to but not really. Only when it's hot out."

"You looked really good that day."

"In my wet suit?" He laughed.

"Yeah. I can't get it out of my mind."

I turned a corner heading away from the ocean.

"Really because I'm kind of skinny. Very skinny."

"I know."

"Can I ask you a question Nick?

"You never have to ask that."

He hesitated for a few moments and watched the passing street through the passenger window.

"What did you want to ask?"

"I don't know. It's just something I've wondered about for a while now. It's really no big deal."

I smiled, "well it's gotta be something if you've been thinking about it."

"This is going to sound so dumb but why me? What do you see in me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well really I mean you're like a nine out of ten, and I'm maybe a five out of ten."

"No way."

"Really, I mean, I'm okay with it."

"You're not a five out of ten."

"Then what am I?"

I realized I never thought about it before.

"I don't know. Really, I never really ranked you on any kind of scale before."

"Because I'm skinny, I'm short, I don't shave like I should, I keep breaking out..."

"I like you Jimmy. I love you. I don't want you to think that I would judge you that way."

"You're definitely the catch of this relationship Nick."

I was happy that he used the word relationship but still had to push back against the doubt that he shared.

"I am not."

"Yes you are."

"I have my faults."

"Like what?"

I smiled at him, "My small crooked eye for starters."

"You have no idea how that just adds to it."

"It's all I see when I look in the mirror sometimes."



He laughed as he looked at me.

"What's so funny?"

"You're so cute and you don't even know it."

"I know it," I smiled with a wink.

"Uh huh, and SOOO humble."

I returned to a bit of seriousness, "So why are you asking me this? Why does this bother you?"

"I don't know I just..."

He paused.

"Just what?"

"I'm afraid. That someday you're going to wake up and realize you can do so much better."

"That's not even an option."

"Why not."

"You know I've thought about this for a while. I thought about how this would work. How much I wanted this to work. The world is full of ten out of ten's. Full of opportunity and chance. But I only get one chance with you."

He smiled at me and rested his hand on my lap. "That's so sweet, and extremely cheesy."

"You have no idea!"

"I'm getting there."

After I made another turn I rested my hand on top of the hand he rested on my lap.

I looked him in the eye as much as I could without taking my eyes off of the road for too long.

"You really are perfect."

He gave me a skeptical look.

I said, "You're so cute and you don't even know it."

"You can't use my words against me," he said with a smile.

"It's true. Rat face and all."

His mouth dropped open in disbelief, "did you just call me rat face?"

"Wait, wait that wasn't it. Mouse face?"

He laughed loudly, "No you jerk, you said I had gerbil cheeks."

"Oh shit that's right!" I bit my lip. "And hamster cheeks too."

His expression was a mixture of a half-smile, shock, and fake hurt.

"What?" I laughed.

"I'm an ugly rat."

"Noooo! I spy with my crooked eye a cute, adorkable mouse."

He pinched my thigh.

"Ow shit! What is up with that?"

"What?" He asked as he pinched me again.

"Really?!?" I laughed again.

We stopped at a red light and just looked forward. I was sure he was reading the window stickers on the car in front of us.

Then the light turned green and as we took off he looked back at me. "Did you think about what I said earlier?"

"I don't remember what you said earlier."

"That thing about our parents. What are we going to tell them? IF we're even going to tell them anything."

It's funny how this cycle kept repeating itself. It's like listening to the same song over and over again. The same extremely scary, frightening song over and over again. I was already exhausted. Already tired of coming out of the closet repeatedly as it seemed like. It took a lot to accept and find comfort in the person I was inevitably becoming. If he weren't in my life I don't think I would have ever been this brave. It's taking a lot for our friends to accept it despite what they say, what they do, the obvious signs are there.

How were we ever going to tell our parents? I couldn't even pretend to know what would happen. No one ever knows what to say, what to do, or ever what's going to happen.

"I'm sorry." Jimmy said.

I glanced at him for a moment, not realizing he had been looking at me the whole time. A slight sad smile came over me.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I didn't mean to bring it up."

"No." I said. "I'm glad. I mean...this has to happen."

"You don't have to tell your parents any..."

"I have to tell them."

He scratched his head. We were getting closer to his house.

"I don't think this is ever going to go away," I said.

He was still quiet.

"I wanted to be different for so long, but I don't think that's ever going to happen."

He looked at me with that deep look in his forest greens. "I know. This is who I am."

I pulled up to his house and we both looked forward.

"So we're definitely gay then?" I asked.

He nodded.

"We have to get used to that word."

He laughed, "I know. It's just so weird. I never thought I would actually say that."

"Well technically it was me that said it." I said with a wink.

"You know what I mean."

The conversation went silent and we looked at each other.

"So when do I get to see you again?" I asked.

"Don't leave me just yet."

"We can't sit in the car forever. It's only a matter of time before your mom starts flicking the porch light."

He laughed. "That's why you should come in with me."

"What? Why?"

"I think I need to tell them."

Wait! Here? Now?"

"I want you there with me."

"But I don't know. Are you sure that's a good idea?"

He seemed kind of upset and I was torn between his wellbeing and my absolute fear.

"They don't even know me, I wouldn't know what to say, and I don't think that your mom..."

"I can't do this without you." He said looking deep into my eyes.

I looked away for just a moment then turned back to him.

"Of course then. I'll do it."

With an extremely shaky hand I undid my seatbelt then reached for the door handle. After checking the side mirror for cars, I realized that I hoped there would be at least one. Something, anything to delay what was about to happen.

He waited patiently for me at the gate.

"They don't even know I'm here."

He laughed, "Don't worry they don't even know I'm here."

When we reached the front door I turned back to watch my car and hit the lock button on the remote. The view was different from here as this was my first time going into his house.

The moment he touched the key to the bolt lock a small dog could be heard barking from the inside. After the first lock was undone he went to put a key into the knob only to stop when someone began to open it from the other side. My chest almost hurt as my heart beat so hard.

"You're home," a man I had never seen before stood in the door.

"Yes dad." Jimmy said as he walked past him.

He looked at me and I nodded, not wanting to cross that threshold. I knew I would have to find the strength. I would find it for him.

"Nick this is my dad, Dad this is my friend," he paused and looked like he was beating himself up for just a moment, "this is Nick."

"Hello Nick."

"Hi." I barely managed to say.

He shook my hand and I could feel the strength behind it. "Nice to meet you."

I was so scare I couldn't find too many words. "You too."

"Are you going to come in?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes. Of course."

After I walked in I reached down and tried to pet the small terrier but it just barked and danced around me.

"You were out all night," I heard a woman call from a different room.

"Everything's okay."

"What did you do last..." she stopped talking when she saw me standing by the door next to her husband.





"Nice to meet you," she said with tons of curiosity.

"Yes. Nice to meet you also.

Jimmy took off his sweatshirt and sat down on the love seat. He looked at me then at the seat next to him. I did not take my sweatshirt off but I did sit down.

"What's going on?" His mom asked.

"Really?" His dad said.

He began to breathe heavily. He looked at me but I had no answers. He was the captain of this ship, and I was just a passenger. He looked back at his mother.

"I'm gay." Jimmy said out loud for the very first time.

His parents looked at him then at each other, then both of them looked right at me. I wanted look them in the eye, but I couldn't do it. I wanted to curl up into a ball but I couldn't do that either.

"Nick is more than my friend."

"What do you mean?" His dad asked.

I looked down out of fear.

"He's my boyfriend."

"No you're not, you can't be," His mother said.

He also looked down and somehow found more strength that I could find.

"Why not?"

"Because. You're just not. I know you're not."

He nodded his head, "I am."

"Are you sure?" His dad asked. "I mean you're young still and..."

"No. I am gay."

"This is not how we raised you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"And what am I going to tell your grandmother?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll tell her." Jimmy's voice got loud.

"You'll kill her!" His mother got just as loud as he did.

He made a face, "I'm not going to kill her. You're overreacting."



"Everyone calm down." Jimmy's father said.

"Not your only son brings this person over and tells us he's gay, I WILL NOT CALM DOWN."

I tried to sink deeper into the love seat.

Jimmy put his hand up in a stopping motion. "It is who I am."

"Do you hear yourself?" This is just a phase. You change everything all the time."

"No I don't."

"Tomorrow it's going to be something else."

Jimmy looked insulted. "This isn't a phase."

"You're too young to know that."

"You know what," He said standing up, "I don't need this shit."

He reached for my hand and although I was so afraid I let him have it. He led me away from his parents and down the hall. I could feel their eyes burning holes into the back of my head.

His bedroom was not at all how I expected it would be. I expected tangerine colors with lime greens, but the color scheme was like the autumn. I also expected bright overhead lights but in their place were dimmed table lamps.

"I'm staying with you for a few nights."

I just nodded my head. I wanted to crawl out the window but I needed to be there for him. I never felt like a grown man more in my life than I did at that moment. I would be anything he needed me to be.

He threw an acoustic guitar into its case and hastily packed two duffel bags. I picked them both up before he could even try to sling them over his small shoulders. He took what seemed like one last look at his bedroom then switched off the main light switch.

His mother sat on the couch holding a wadded up tissue and his dad stood at the large front window looking out.

"Where are you going?" His mother asked as she stood up.

"I'm going to stay with Nick for a few nights." He said without looking at either of them.

He reached for the door handle.

"Wait! You can't leave like this." She said.

He turned to look at her. I could see the tears beginning to pool in his eyes. I wanted to grab a hold of him. Embrace him. Protect him. He wiped his own tears away.

She said, "We still have to talk about this."

He let out a small chuckle of disbelief, "there's nothing more to talk about. You either accept it or you don't."

He opened the door and I followed right behind, squeezing through so as not to let the dog out. By the time we reached the car I was able to look back at the house. His father no longer stood at the window, and his mother was not standing at the door. I was relieved that they no longer watched.

Right after we shut the car doors he began to cry.

"What can I do?" I sadly begged unable to bare his anguish.

"Drive. Let's just go." He said unable to hide his pain.

I started the car and got us out of there as quickly as possible.

It was late afternoon by the time we made it back to my house. I tried calling Steve to let him know to be cool when we got there but he didn't answer his phone.

When we walked through the door I was surprised to see Steve sleeping on the couch curled up on a blanket with the TV on. So deep in sleep that he was snoring.

Jimmy slightly smiled for the first time since we left his house. "You're friends!"

I quietly locked the front door.

In my bedroom he just sat on my unmade bed looking down at the floor. I crouched down in front of him and grabbed his hands in mine. He let out a long breath.

"Tell me you're okay?"

He looked back down and shook his head, "I'm not okay."

I stood to my feet and gently pulled him up with me. He couldn't stop himself anymore and as I held him he cried into my chest. Tears coated my own eyes as I held my trembling heart and was powerless to take any of it away.

I held him tight and rubbed his back. I gave him a few soft kisses on the top of his head. After a few minutes the heavy breathing, the fast beating heart, all of that stopped.

"You smell good," I said while breathing him in.

He pulled away from me and laughed.

"Really? Because I haven't showered since yesterday morning."

"Neither have I."

"I can tell."

"Oh no! I stink?"

"No," he said leaning back into me and taking a deep breath of my neck, "it's fucking great."

I looked at his duffel bags. "Grab something to wear."

"Are we going somewhere?"

"Just to the shower?"


"Yeah way?" I looked at him as if there were any other way.

"What about Steve?"

"He's sleeping. Besides I don't care. He'll just have to deal with it."

Jimmy thought about it. I was happy when he unzipped both bags on my bed.

Steve was still snoring loudly on the couch and I knew the TV would allow for some barrier.

Once in the bathroom we both wasted no time in disrobing. It came extremely easy this time around as we were no longer had any shame when it came to the each other. Still every time was the first time all over again.

I knew that he was right. Earlier I mean. When he said that I was the catch of this relationship. If were talking purely physical then yes I had to admit that in the back of my mind I knew that other's would view me as more attractive. It was him though, all of him, that I couldn't resist. His small frame. His shorter but thick manhood. The look he gave me from the corner of his eyes. Who he was as a person, the way he made me feel was what pushed it all into this extremely awesome package. Despite what others might see, other people's definitions, I couldn't think of a more beautiful person to be with.

After playing with the handles I found a suitable temperature and got in. I held the curtain open for Jimmy who followed suit but he instantly stepped back away from the splashing streams and made a face.

"What's the matter?"

"It's cold."

"Sorry. Weight lifter," I gestured to myself with my thumb.

After the water heated up a little I moved out of the way so that he could rinse. I watched as the wetness covered through his hair matting its shortness just a bit down his face. The water fell from his nose and as the rest of him got wet the hair on his body and legs stuck to his skin in small flat locks.

After he was completely wet he asked, "Do you want the water back?"

I nodded and we carefully walked around each other to switch places.

He watched as I sprayed a small amount of shampoo onto my palm. He didn't expect it but instead of washing my own hair I began to lather his. I massage as I lathered and he trustfully closed his eyes. When his hair was covered I moved over so that he could lean in and rinse it off. The steam was starting to significantly gather.

Then I washed my own hair.

He picked up the bar of soap and smelled it. "All of your stuff smells like man."

"What does that mean?"

"It smells like you."

I took the bar from his hands and used it to lather up a sponge. I let him get wet again and my excitement began to grow as I stared down at the water droplets glistening down his form.

I took my time and worked my way around his most delicate parts and when I had finished I washed myself as he rinsed. The whole experience was kind of weird at first but it grew on my quick.

At first it started with the usual kissing. I had to bend my head down and he had to reach up to meet with my lips. Then he began to kiss my chest and lick my nipples. Slowly I began to grow hard and up against his stomach. His hardness was pressed against my inner leg. I reached down and began to stroke him, the hot water falling between us. He reached for me and gently began to pull.

I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't control what I wanted. I crouched down and took him in my mouth. It took some creative positioning to be able to suck him good without breathing in water. His taste was amazing as it was the night before and I swallowed him whole again. I was getting better at that. Then I began to lick up and down his length from balls to tip. I could tell the sensation was getting to him as he tried to grab hold of my wet short hair.

I didn't know what I was doing but I did at the same time. I turned him around and put my mouth at the very top cleft. He moaned out and without hesitation he leaned forward so that his forearms were crossed leaning against the wall. This caused him to spread further and I could see exactly what I was looking for. He looked down between his legs though I knew he couldn't see anything that I was doing.

Slowly and with tons of reserve I began to kiss my way and run my tongue down...down...and down further until I reached it. He jumped as my cautious tongue took its first taste.

Then, as before, the animal within came out and I could not stop my eager exploration of his most private body part. He loved every moment of it and could barely control his moans. I couldn't believe I was doing it, but I loved it just as much as he did.

I started to stroke myself and when he saw this he stood back up.

"Don't do that."

"What?" I asked standing up.

"Don't jack off."

I looked at him, those full lips and leaned in for another kiss.

He reached up and whispered into my ear, "I want you inside me." be continued...

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