Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Feb 18, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 9

"What do you mean? You know what?" I asked my mother.

"I know what you called for."

I was not sure that she really did know. The idea had me so scared that I could barely even breathe. Maybe she was thinking about something else. I did not know what was scarier, having to tell her, or her already knowing my deepest secret. I held a hand to my head as I could feel my headache coming back. My forehead felt a bit damp, I had not even noticed that I was sweating.


"Mom. Sorry. I..."

I couldn't get the words to come out. Actually I couldn't get any words to come out. I froze and had no idea how to continue. Was there even anything left to be said? I didn't know what to do.


"I need to know mom. What do you know?"

"I know that your friend is more than a friend."

"Which friend?"

My heart pounded in my chest.


I felt a shiver throughout my body. Dizziness was taking hold of me and I had to sit down.

" do you know?"

"You never asked about the water?"

I was confused, "What water?"

"The glass you had sitting out all night."

I thought back to the week before. I do remember her taking a glass from me.

I asked, "How did you know that it was sitting out all..."

I stopped as a sudden realization came over me. She had to have heard me get up that night. Then she must have heard me on the phone. With Jimmy.

"You heard me on the...what did you hear?"

"I heard enough."

I felt something I rarely ever felt for anyone in my family before, least of all my mother. It was an ugly feeling that I didn't know how to deal with. I felt like I had been betrayed. I can't remember a time my mother ever eavesdropped on me. Her timing couldn't have been worse. I was embarrassed as I tried to remember the conversation that jimmy and I had.

Luckily we were just beginning to talk again. The worse she heard was that I wanted to be with him. Even that sent chills over my whole body.

"I can't believe you listened to me."

"I know."

"Why would you do that?"

A mix of everything began to take me over. Guilt. Embarrassment. Anger. Sadness.

"I'm sorry. I had..."

She stopped talking. I was resolved. I waited silently until she continued.

"I had to know."

I stood back up, "YOU KNEW?"

"Don't get loud."

"You knew?" I sat back down.

"I've always known."

"What do you mean always?"

"Since you were a little boy."

My head pounded.

"Why didn't you say anything? My whole life..."

"Because I didn't want it to be true."


"I love you no matter what. WE love you no matter what...but this isn't a life I would have wanted for you."

Just then Jimmy came into the room, "What are you do..."

I held up my finger to my lips.


"Sorry mom. It's just. There's a lot going on you know?"

She didn't say anything.

"...and I don't know what to say about that."

"About what?" She asked.

"What you just said. About the life you wanted for me."

"No. Nick. It's not like that."

"I don't know how else to take it."

Realization of what was going on came over Jimmy's face. He walked all the way in then shut the door.

"I just didn't think you wanted to go through all that."

"It's not like I have a choice."

"I know."

There was a long silence where nothing was spoken. I think that everything that needed to be said had been said.

"Mom I have to go."

She didn't say anything. I could hear my father talking in the back ground.

"Tell dad for me."

Then I hung up the phone.

"Whoa." Jimmy said.

I whispered, "Yeah."

He sat down next to me on the bed.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't answer him in any way.

I didn't really feel all that sad, or mad. I didn't feel all that much of anything. I was hurt, but it wasn't as extreme as I thought it would be. I looked at Jimmy and felt his head.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"A little better since I ate."

I smiled at him and reached for the tissue box on my nightstand.

"Go figure food would make you all better."

"I'm not all better. Seriously Nick, are you okay?"

Before I blew my nose I looked him in the eyes and nodded my head.

"I'll be fine."

My phone began to vibrate and without looking at who it was I just hit the silence button.

"Aren't you going to answer that?"


I got up from the bed and the dizziness and headache were back. I closed my eyes and reached for my forehead. Jimmy stood up right behind me.

"Sit down."

I sat.

He felt my head like I did his. I could feel his cold hands, almost soothing my headache away.

"Don't you have anything else besides Tylenol?"

"No I don't."

He looked around and found the jeans he was wearing the day before. He dug out his wallet and searched it for cash.

"I'm sending Steve out."

"In my car?" I said as I laid half down on the bed still in the sitting position.

"In your car."

"Fine." My voice was muffled through the pillow.

I was too weak to resist. Jimmy left me laying there and I could hear him talking to Steve in the living room. My muscles felt week and I felt like I missed so many work outs when in reality I've only been down for a couple of days.

"He's going to the store." Jimmy said returning with a glass of water.

I sat back up and drank the glass he brought me. After he set the glass on my nightstand without a coaster. Again I was too weak to protest.

"Lift up your arms."

I did and Jimmy took the polo off that I was wearing leaving me in just a t-shirt. Then he went to my drawer and got me out some clean clothes to change in. I was happy when he opened the top drawer and I could see a few of his clothes neatly folded inside. Our lives were mixing together. The thought both excited and kind of scared me.

Things moved way too fast but I was happy anyway. I couldn't have been happier. So of course we got super sick at a time when I was beginning to find happiness.

"I'll carry your clothes."

Jimmy nodded towards the door and I followed him.

In the bathroom we both stripped naked and I began to freeze. I could see the goosebumps on my arm and could feel the heat coming from the stream after he turned on the water. He moved aside and I looked at him.

"Why such a curious face?" He asked with a smile.

"I should take...I should be the one taking care of you."

"You're worse off than I am." He pulled the shower door open wider.

Carefully I stepped in. The water was nowhere near hot enough so I turned the heat up and crossed my arms shivering. Jimmy got in right after me and noticed me shivering. He cupped his hands and began to spread warm water all over my shoulders and my chest.

"Turn around."

I did just that and the warmth had almost taken over where I once was cold. He began to run his hands down my back and I let out a soft moan and I felt his knuckle rub into my sore muscle.

"What?" He asked.

"That felt good."

He began to knead my shoulder with his knuckles and I put my arms up on the wall. Slowly, to my pleasure, he worked his way down and up my back. The water allowed his hand to glide over my aching muscles and I began to feel a little bit better.

As he continue to work away my soreness I rested my forehead against the shower wall. Water fell from my lips but I was too lost in the moment to care.

He picked up the shampoo bottle and I could hear the cap opening, then closing.

"Step back a little."

I did and he began to lather my hair. I couldn't see him but knew he had to reach up to do this. I helped him by doing the very top of my head. Then as he washed his own hair I rinsed mine out. I took the bar of soap and washed myself from neck to toe. He did the same but with body wash.

I handed him the bar of soap. "Wash my back."

He took it without hesitation. The bar felt like the light massage he gave me. Squeezing out all of my tension and pain. It almost felt like a rolling pin going down my back and I couldn't help but let out little moans along the way.

When he was done he handed me the loofa he was using. I returned the favor and scrubbed it back and forth working my way down his back. He allowed his neck to roll as I did this so I started to rub his neck.

As my breathing became heavy I stepped closer until I was pressed against his back. I kissed the top and sides of his head before he leaned back to kiss me.

We stood like that under the hot stream for a while. The heat seemed to make us both feel better. Slowly my desire began to overcome my current state of illness. Being pressed against Jimmy's lower back and feeling the sensation of his breathing got me a little excited.

"Remember what happened the last time we were in here?" I asked.

"How could I forget? It was just yesterday."

He turned around and his wet faced smile brought even more hardness on.

"You look so good when you're wet."

He stood on his toes and I bent down to meet him half way. A kiss in a stream of water hotter than our fevers.

Then there was a knock on the bathroom door. Steve's voice from the other side.

"We can't hear you." I called back.

"Then I could hear his voice again."

"Didn't I just say we couldn't hear him?"

Jimmy smiled.

I reached back and shut the water off.

"I said are you going to be long?" Steve's muffled voice came through that time.

"Just a few minutes." I said.

Jimmy got out before me and handed me a towel. I slid the shower door shut before drying off.

"Are you okay in there?"

"I'm just freezing." I said through chattered teeth.

"Hurry up so you can get dressed then."

"Every time I bend down to dry my legs my head hurts."

"So I guess you won't be bending down for anything else tonight."

The thought hit me as one I had never considered. I stood straight up again. I never thought about being the bottom in this equation. I tried to imagine how that would work. What position would he take? How would he mount me? I began to get hard again and I shook my head of it to the pounding in my brain.

When I had finished I opened the door and got out to get dressed.

"It's about time, I gotta piss." Steve said the moment the bathroom door was opened.

I could still smell the soup he made and decided I wanted more. On the counter was a white plastic bag and when I looked inside there were cough syrups and more pills. I put the bag back down and looked at Jimmy.


"Don't thank me."

"No I mean, thank you. For caring."

He smiled. "You're not going to cry are you?"

"No. Dork."


I walked back to the pot on the stove. "I'm going to have more soup, do you want some?"

"Do you have to ask?"

"Not really."

I got two bowls down from the cabinet and filled them half way. We both sat on the couch cuddled with the blanket and ate again. After I took some of the syrup and it didn't take long before the drowsiness set in.

When Jimmy noticed my drugged state he helped me up and we went to bed. I barely remember much about getting undressed or laying down as the moment my head hit the pillow I passed out.

I woke up early before the sunrise and I realized I felt much better. Jimmy still slept although I stirred the bed a lot as I got up to stretch. I shook my head as a test and there was no headache. I felt my forehead and there was no more fever. I took in a deep breath and there was no more congestion. I could breathe clearly through my nose.

I smiled and was extremely happy that the virus had run its course and that life could get back to normal. At least my life anyway I was not sure if Jimmy felt better or not.

Out in the living room I noticed Steve was asleep on the couch. I remembered that I meant to talk to him about what was going on with him but with everything that happened I completely forgot.

I grabbed my phone and dug through my messenger bag for my headphones. I changed into a tank top and a pair of basketball shorts and headed for the second bedroom

Right after I found something suitable to listen to I began with some simple stretches and breathing exercises. Already I could feel the adrenaline begin to flow throughout my body. The familiar feeling giving me a rush that I was starting to miss. Then I moved onto more complex balancing poses. After twenty minutes of working out all the kinks and residual soreness I was ready to hit the weights.

I started out simple at first out of fear of hurting myself. Eventually my body knew what to do as I was back in a full swing work out. My playlist giving me the motivation to push forward and work on every muscle group.

About an hour later I ended it all with some wind down stretches. I never felt better.

It was when I started to fill a pot with water to boil some eggs that Steve began to stir.

"What time is it?"

I looked at the microwave. "Quarter to seven."

"How are you up this early?"

"I'm better. I feel so much better."

"Good for you." He said while sitting up.

I reached for the cabinet, "water?"


I poured us each a glass and took both glasses to the living room. I sat in the love seat and put both glasses on coasters. Steve picked his up right away and drank half of it. Then without ceremony he got up and went towards the bathroom. I waited until he returned.

"So." I said.


"What's going on with you man?"

"What do you mean?"

"How long are you staying for?"

He took another drink of his glass. I didn't relent, I kept looking at him waiting for an answer.

"I don't know."

I could tell he was nervous, and I didn't want him to feel that way.

"It's cool." I said.

"I don't know I just...I just can't go back. It's so shitty back there right now."

"Is everything okay with your parents?"

"Yeah they're at their usual. It's just that I can't find a job."

"I see."

"No you don't. How could you?"

I realized that I had no idea what that was like. I could not empathize with him as I never really had to worry about generating income. Money came to me before I was even old enough to have bills.

"You're right. So what's your plan then?"

"Well I qualified for unemployment. I could pay you rent until I got a job and found my own place."

"No. Keep your money. You could stay as long as you want."

"That wouldn't be right."

"Fuck that."

"I'd have to pay you something."

"Whatever. We can talk about that later. I'll move all my shit out of the second bedroom."

"I can just sleep here."

"Dude you are not building a nest in my living room."

He slightly laughed.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean if you need time to think about it..."

"I already had a few days."

"What do you mean a few days?"

"I kind of figured this all out a few days ago.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"A lot's changed since them I said with widened eyes.

He seemed thoughtful. Probably thinking back to the events of the last few days.

"Yeeeeaaaaah." He said.

"What's going on out here?" Jimmy said with a yawn as he walked into the living room.

I could hear my eggs begin to boil.

"Steve is moving in."

"I knew that."

"How did you know?" Steve asked.

"Duh I'm not stupid."

"I see you're feeling better also."

When Steve said that I looked at Jimmy. "How are you feeling?"

He seemed to think about it for a moment then tried to pat down his bed hair.

"I do feel better."

"Good." I said. "Does anyone want hard boiled eggs?"

"No." They both said almost in unison.

"I'm going to make some juice also if either of you..."

"No." Again an almost unified response.

They both smiled at each other.

"Haters." I said.

After I ate breakfast I took a shower. I pulled Jimmy aside for a quick embrace before I had to leave for work.

"Yesenia will be here in a few hours, please pick up a little before she gets here."

"You want us to clean your house before the maid gets here?" Steve asked.

"She's a housekeeper, and yes, I want you to pick up your dirty boxers before she gets here."

"Point taken."

By the time I was done with work for the day it was already almost six in the evening. Things were getting more intense with the project since we were going to start filming five weeks from then.

When I was almost home my phone began to vibrate. I immediately starting thinking of my mom and how we had left things when we talked the night before. However it wasn't my mother calling. Chloe's name flashed large on the screen.


"Hey are you busy?"

She was never one to waste time.

"I'm about to pull into my driveway."

"Good. Did you know we were on TMZ yesterday?"


I put my car into park and turned off the ignition.


"Well what were we doing on TMZ?"

"Eating breakfast at IHOP."

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"Yes, one of those kids took a video."

"There's a video?"

I got out and headed for the door.

"Yes and it's on YouTube."

"It's already on YouTube? What the fuck?"

Jimmy met me at the door.

"Hey?" He greeted me realizing right away that something was wrong.

"Hi." I leaned in for a kiss.

"Is that lover boy?" Chloe asked.

"Who else?"

"Hi Jimmy." She yelled loud enough for him to hear.

He winced and looked sideways at my phone. "Hi Chloe."

"Hi Chloe." Steve shouted out.

"Is Steve still over there?"

"Yes and he says hi."

"Uh huh. Are you in front of your computer yet?"

"Yes because I keep my laptop running right next to the front door."

"Well hurry up smart ass."

I took off my jacket and went for my bedroom to bring out the laptop. By the time I set it up on the breakfast bar Steve and Jimmy joined me.

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked.

"We're on TMZ."


"Alright Chloe I'm pulling up YouTube what do I search?"

"There's a YouTube video?" Jimmy asked.

I nodded as I tried to grip the phone with my shoulder.

"Just type all three of our names."

I began to feel nervous as the three of us were only intertwined personally, and personally there was way more going on than what caught the public's eye.

Jimmy watched on with the same panic that I had. Then I hit play on the video that had to be the one she was talking about.

"I have Nick Robinson, the older kid from Jurassic World, Chloe Grace-Moretz from Kick Ass, and Jimmy Bennett who was the little kid from Star Trek all eating at IHOP together yesterday with some of their friends."

"Why am I always the little kid from Star Trek?"

Then an image of us all sitting at a table began to play.

"I'm fucking famous." Steve said as he pointed to himself on the screen.

"I wasn't even wearing make-up, and I had on the same clothes from the day before." Chloe said over the phone.

Jimmy and I had other concerns. I remember why it was I gave him that split second glance. I remember how he sat next to me and I wrapped my leg around his. I remember that quick look we gave each other in recognition of the other. The camera caught that glance as well. It did not seem that anyone else noticed it as I was sure it didn't even last a quarter of a second. Still there was video proof viewed four thousand times of Jimmy and me stealing one quick, fond look of each other.

"Why is this news?" A woman in the video asked.

"Because these kids are a good representation of young Hollywood and the way they greeted their fans when it was obviously a private outing is one for the books."

"So a celebrity is nice to a fan and you get all tickled."

"It's just the sentiment. It's lost on you."

"But not Nick Robinson. Look how happy he looks eating with his friends."

I dropped the phone as the camera caught another instance of Jimmy and me looking at each other.

"Nick? NICK?" I could hear Chloe's voice from the phone.

I picked it up, "yeah?"

"Did you see that?"

"How could I miss it?"

I looked at Jimmy who was starting to breathe heavily.

"Jimmy saw it also." I said.

"Saw what?" Steve asked looking at Jimmy.

I looked at all of my windows and noticed that some of the shades were partially open although it was dark outside.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jimmy who was visibly shaken.

"What did I miss?" Steve asked.

"Chloe I have to go."

"Call me tomorrow?"

"I promise."

I hung up the phone and began walking around the house closing all the shades as tight as they would go.

Jimmy started the clip over again.

"What happened?" Steve asked.

I continued to shut shades and curtains and checked the door to make sure that it was properly locked.

"Will someone please tell me what's going on?" Steve's normally playful demeanor became serious.

"This," I said walking back towards the breakfast bar and gently took the mouse out of Jimmy's hand. "This is what's going on."

I paused the video at that moment. Jimmy leaned forward and Steve did his best to squeeze next to him. There, frozen on the screen, was the image of us gazing into each other's eyes.

"Oh. Shit." Steve said.

"So you see it?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah man."

"Does it look like it could be anything else?"

Steve looked away from him.


"No. I'm sorry. No."

"Fuck!" Jimmy said out loud.

I backed up the video a bit to replay it without pausing.

"Maybe only if they pause it at that moment."

When the video played back you could barely even notice it.

"See. See look." I said with hope.

"It doesn't fucking matter." Jimmy said.

I looked down at the floor and he looked away from me also.


"It's okay."

"Maybe nobody will notice it." Steve said.

"Oh no," Jimmy said with a nervous laugh, "somebody will...and when they do..."

His eyes met mine. Those thoughtful greens. The dark rain forest. The pain behind them was the same that probably projected from my own. He turned back towards my laptop and slowly pushed the screen down. He held a hand there for a moment looking down at it.

"This is kind of a shitty situation." I said.

He did not respond.


Still no response.

I looked at Steve who was watching everything as it unfolded. I reached in my pocket to grab my keys.

"Here. Go to the...go...go wherever you want. Just for a while."

He looked at me for a few moments, then to Jimmy then back at me. He nodded his head and I had to wait the painstaking minutes it took for him to put on his shoes and jacket and leave.

"Jimmy talk to me."

"I don't know what to say."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

He snapped his head towards me but the moment he remade eye contact his anger turned into pain. His slanted eyebrows became arched.

"I don't know what to say Nick. I knew this whole thing. This great wonderful thing was going to blow the fuck up in our faces."

"Nothing even happened. They called us friends. You're overreacting."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are!"

He held up a finger. "Don't yell at me Nick."

I stopped myself and looked away.

"I'm sorry."

He softly chuckled, "I'm the one that should be sorry."


"I ruined your life."

My own anguish instantly came to the surface. All of my anger, my new doubt, all was replaced by this feeling of absolute doom.

I shook my head. "No."

"Yes. I told you I was bad for you."

I let out a slight chuckle. "Shut the fuck up."

He looked at me and I could tell he took offense.

"I told you, that this was going to happen no matter what. Whether or not you were around."

He didn't say anything. He continued to watch the floor.

"I want you around. You don't get to run off anymore."

"I don't know if I can handle this." He said as he looked back at me.

"We have no choice."

He looked away again. The room was so still at that moment that you could hear music coming from the house next door.

"I know."

I put my finger under his chin to lift his head up towards mine. Using my thumb I wiped away his tears then wiped them on my pants.

"That's so gross you know." He laughed with a stuffed nose.

"What?" I asked.

"Using your pants as a napkin."

I kissed him on the lips and looked deep into his eyes. "Then I'll just start using you."

He pinched my side.

"OW! Shit." I said pulling away from his devious smile.

"I'm back." He said with a wink.

"So am I." I bit my lip and raised an eyebrow.

He gave me a quizzical look but as I began to adjust the growing in my pants, realization and the same raised eyebrow came over him as well.

"How could we even think of doing that?" He asked.

"Of doing what?" I rubbed my nipple.

"That." He gestured with his hand. "What you're doing right now."

"Why shouldn't I think of doing this?" I asked while shoving a few fingers down the front of my pants.

"Because." He said.

I walked up and kissed him on the lips and put a hand on his inner thigh.

"Because we're in the middle of a fight."

I began to rub his thigh and occasionally brushed a hand across his own growing anatomy.

"To hell with it." He said.

He began to kiss me fiercely and grabbed onto my back. I had to bend down a little so that our lips could meet. I put my hands around his waist. His skinny frame was easily in my grip. Without further hesitation I lifted him up and onto the counter. He was not expecting this but when I pushed him into the laying position he began to have ideas about what was coming.

At first I observed the specimen laid out on my breakfast bar. He was still fully clothed however the bulge between his legs was beginning to pulse through his jeans. His anticipation seemed to grow as I began to rub my hands starting at his ankles. Slowly I massaged my way up and his pants began to jerk some more. Then I could feel his hardness through his pants. I did my best to grab ahold of it through the denim and cloth. It seemed to get harder in my grip which caused myself to grow hard down my right pant leg.

I guided my hand up and down his quivering, clothed, shaft until finally reaching for his belt clasp. Once the belt was off I undid the button on his pants. He was already slowly thrusting forward but mostly it was just into air. The cutest moan of desperation came out of him.

I quickly grabbed onto his belt and pulled the zipper down. Already this seemed to release some of the tension as he let out a long breath. I reached my hand down his pants and could feel that he was precumming through his underwear. Again the pressure in my own jeans throbbed away from my right leg. He began to rub himself into my hand through his white boxer briefs. I grabbed him tightly and he jumped a little bit.

Then I let go to grab at his waist lines and pull down his pants and underwear. He was extremely hard and I was right, precummed like crazy.

He reached down and scratched at his centimeter long pubes.

"Are you all itchy down there?"

"It's from the razor smart ass." He said with a smile.

I grabbed ahold of him again causing him to jump a little bit more this time. Slowly I began to stroke his entire length. With each upward motion he began to slightly sit up a little.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. You're hands are kind of rough."

"Say no more." I said with a raised eyebrow.

I leaned down and began to softly suck at the base. He involuntarily twitched and his shaft pushed against my cheek. I couldn't help but smile at the sound he made.

Then with my tongue I moved up, very, very slowly towards the tip. When I reached it he twitched into my lips and I sucked the area on the bottom of his head.

He let out a moan and grabbed onto the back of my head.

The pressure in my pants reached and apex and as I sucked off his precum I undid my pants to release myself. My jeans and boxer briefs fell to the floor with ease and it didn't take much effort to step out of them. I let off of Jimmy's head long enough to take off my shirts and while I did this he also took his clothes the rest of the way off. He still laid bare assed on my breakfast bar.

I leaned back down but wasted no more time. I took him in my mouth entirely and sucked him all the way down to the base. He immediately grabbed as much of my short hair as he could and did not hold back. I have to admit that the hair pulling felt very good.

I picked up a motion to his obvious sensations and could taste him slowly leaking onto my tongue the whole time.

His involuntary leg movements. His moans. His shivering every time I went all the way down. All of it excited me beyond comprehension. I had to be slow as I started to stroke myself out of fear that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from cumming too soon.

I stopped for a moment to kiss him. He still held onto the back of my head.

"Let's go to my room."

He got up almost before I could move out of the way and was off the counter and on his way to my bedroom. I looked around and grabbed all of our clothes before joining him. I wasn't sure what time Steve would be back but I didn't want him seeing obvious signs of us doing things in the kitchen.

Right after I locked the door he cornered me and we continued to make out naked. I didn't realize it but he managed to get me turned around and then pushed me down on my bed. I obliged and laid in the middle.

First he took my balls into his mouth. The sensation was hot and cold and I almost couldn't stand how good it felt. He didn't take the time like I did before. He went straight from that to going down on me. He moaned when he made it half way down and I could almost feel his vocal cords vibrating on my tip.

I was sure I was oozing into his mouth but at this point in our trysts I no longer cared. In fact I kind of liked it.

"How do I taste?" I asked.

He smiled and looked up at me.

"Good as fuck."

Then he went back down as far as he could go. I held on to the side of his head remembering that if I got too rough I could do some actual damage.

The feeling of his warm mouth, his tongue, it was all so amazing.

I pulled my right leg up so that my knee was bent and my foot was flat on the bed. As he continued with his sucking rhythm he let a hand rest on my inner thigh.

I became a little nervous when I realized what it was that I was craving. Something I had never done before.

I leaned my knee outwards a little and his hand fell a little bit more down. He left it there and continued to give me some of the most amazing sensations I had ever felt.

I let my knee drop a little more but this time he slid his hand up so that it rested on my taint. I let out a soft moan and realized I had no idea that this part of me existed. I loved it.

I pulled my left leg up so that both feet were flat on the bed.

Jimmy stopped sucking and looked down between my legs. He very gently used a finger and began to caress my opening.

My breathing was so rapid that I felt like I couldn't speak. He got up over me and kneeled in between my parted legs. Then he laid on top of me and gave me the most perverted kiss he had ever given. From there he sucked and bit on my neck just below the ear.

I could feel the tip of his hardness poke between my legs.

"I want to fuck you." He whispered.

I couldn't speak, so I just nodded my head. be continued...

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Next: Chapter 10

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