Nick Lachey

By ken ny

Published on Oct 10, 1999


Still going at 4 chapters. Maybe I'll make it to whatever number Brian and Justin's at. As usual, this is a work of fiction. No wrong assumptions please (of course, assuming he's straight could be wrong too). By the way, I don't got AOL anymore, so my email is now Also, the blowjob scene at the end was written by a reader like you. You could've probably been able to tell since it's so good. His name's David.

Chapter 4

Nick woke up feeling horny as hell. Glancing at my nude sleeping form didn't help. There I was, lying in a dim pool of sunshine, the rays complementing my face, making it appear a golden-brown. He decided now was a good time to repay me for the awesome blowjob experienced yesterday. A tug of the covers exposed my naked body, each part highlighted once again by the sun; what a wonderful thing the sun. He licked his lips tentatively, hesitating for a second, but only a second. Then he dove in.

After a few, carefully placed licks, my cock sprang to life and I moaned, rubbing my eyes. I felt my cock engulfed and I let out a little gasp, surprised at the warm mouth enveloping it. I put my hands on Nick's head, letting him know I was feeling hella good.

"Oh god! What an awesome feeling! Come on, suck it hard. Make me cum!" I yelled.

Encouraged, he started using his tongue, taking his mouth off all except for the head and licking the slit.

"Mmmm, that is sooo gooo OH oood! You are fantastic."

The simple brush of my balls by his hand sent waves through me and I could feel myself teetering at the edge of bliss. That's when I felt the finger go up my ass and that's when I lost it. The cum gushed and he slurped it up hungrily as if he lived on it.

"Come on," he said when it was clean, "I want you in me doggie style now!"

"Can do," I said, getting up, kneeling on the bed.

I aimed and started pushing slowly.

"No, I want it quick and hard. I can take it, don't worry."

I did as he commanded and thrusted in smoothly. I felt the butt tense up a little, but then relaxing immediately. I reached around and wrapped my hands around Nick's cock. Soon, we developed a rhythm, me jacking him off and fucking him. It was a rapid beat and with one grab of his balls, Nick's cum spurted and hit the dark gray carpet. I fisted the head so I could catch some of it and taste it again. Meanwhile, I had been shooting as well, inside Nick. Some leaked out and I immediately pulled out, getting down to lick his ass clean. I darted my tongue in and out of the whole, tasting my own bittersweet cum. He turned his head down and looked at me with the smile I loved. As soon as I finished my job of cleaning his hole, I got under him, facing him and kissed those beautiful, full lips. My tongue invaded his space and he accepted it willingly, coating it with his own saliva. His arms collapsed and his body fell on top of me, chest to chest, lips to lips, cock to cock. I could feel our cocks getting hard again and I switched positions so we could 69. Our loads weren't as great as the first time, but it was great just feeling the cum trickling down my throat. This time, he moved and came up to me. I hugged him, using my legs as claws and wrapping them around his torso. We remained like that for a short period of time, relishing the comfortable silence after fantastic sex.

"So, good morning," he said.

"Yes indeed. A very very good morning."


"Oh yeah, definitely. But I think I'm going to need a shower. Care to join me?"

"You need to ask? Let's go."

We got up with him in lead and me checking out his cute, tight bubble butt. He turned on the faucet and tested the water for temperatures. When it was ready, he took my hand and pulled me in. I grabbed the shampoo and washed his hair. While he rinsed it off, I washed my own and while I rinsed, he soaped up my body. His hands glided over each inch with great care, taking extra special care at my hole and cock. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the experience, thinking of how I could repay him. As soon as I rinsed off the soap, I lathered him up and began to massage his body slowly. It was a little hard since we were standing so his body wasn't relaxed, but from the expression on his face, I could tell it was still soothing and pleasuring. I massaged him till we ran out of hot water (which wasn't for about 10 minutes), and then we dried each other and put on clothes we had bought yesterday.

"So, what are our plans for today?" I asked Nick while drying and styling my hair.

"First, we eat. Depending on what time it is, we'll eat either breakfast, lunch, or even brunch if you want. Then, I gotta make the arrangements for you. You're still going with your decision to come along on tour right?"

I nodded. "Oh yeah, I still gotta get some underwear. We forgot all about it yesterday."

"OK. While I'm making the calls, you go get whatever OK?"

"OK. So, let's go eat. Room service or restaurant?"

"Ummm, first lemme go check what time it is," Nick said as he walked to the bedroom. "It's 1:24 right now," he said.

"OK, I guess we'll be eating lunch. I'll go get briefs for me and boxers for you after, that won't take long. Then come back here for a quickie, and then depending on whether or not you've finished, go out to visit the world, go to dinner, have sex, and then sleep. Sound good to you?"

"Great, seems a little boring, but I'm sure you'll make it better. You know, we don't need to have so much sex. You're gonna have my balls working overtime at this rate."

"It's OK. They produce about 7 million sperm a minute...or was that a day? We learned in health in 9th grade and I don't remember anymore."

"Uh huh, OK. Thanks for the info, as vague and inaccurate as it is. So, let's get moving. I think we should get room service. I don't feel like going down to dine. We can do that tonight."

"No problemo. You order. I'll eat whatever."

He left to order and I followed. I surveyed the bed, it was really messy. I took off the whole bedspread, making it a ball and leaving it by the door.

"Hey, when you're done ordering, ask the maid services for a new bedspread," I whispered to Nick, who nodded.

I went downstairs, Nick joining me about 5 minutes later and we watched TV till the meal came. I finished the food quickly, and with a quick peck on Nick's cheek, left to get our underwear.

After telling the driver where to go, I sat back and reflected on the past couple days. It had been a rushed, yet exciting, painful, yet thanked for. I had found someone to love and for the time being, he loved me. It would be foolish of me not to admit the sex was great, but that wasn't the only reason we were in the relationship. My life was looking up a lot since my days of drinking French Vanilla and envying other people's lives; which reminded me, it had been a while since I had visited Jack. I decided to, since he was one of my few friends in this town I had lived in for so long.

I went to American Eagle first and got Nick 3 pairs. I wasn't sure what brand he would want so I had chose to get 3 from here, Joe Boxer, and Old Navy. I picked up my own Jockeys and CK briefs from Macys and then decided to stop at the Sam Goody next door. It was a lot of the same old crap, new pop singer here, cloned boy group over there, breast-implanted teen sensation all over the place. I left the store feeling a little digusted, but was immediately cheered by the sight of the bronze fountain scene in the middle of Quinton's mall. It depicted what must've been a half sunny, half rainy day since there was a rainbow arching across the sky. Little boys were flying kites and racing sailboats while one little girl was playing hopscotch and the other was just standing there, in what I think was a crying expression. I sat down on one of the benches and read the plaque.

"For Joseph Smith's 3 sons and 2 daughters. He loved them until the end of forever. They were his idols and they are eternally immortalized.

  • Francine Smith"

The inscription was short and simple, but I felt fantastic feeling emanating from it. A single teardrop fell into the water, causing ripples on the calm surface and distorting the view of the wishing coins people had thrown in. I turned back and observed the crowd, thinking about nothing at all, just sitting. Finally, I got restless and walked to the Old Navy. After about another half hour of shopping, I went back to the limo and directed it to Blackie's.

As I walked in, Jack's face lit up and he immediately came over to my table when he was done with his costumer.

"Hey! I was wondering where you went. I heard about your building. Sorry."

"Wow, someone in this town actually cared?" I said, smiling. "Thanks. I've just been busy...with a guy."

"Great! You finally found someone? This means I'm gonna have to find a new buddy huh?"

"Yeah, sorry. Unless I can get him interested in a little menage a trois."

He grinned, "Don't worry. With Quinton's huge population of gays," he rolled his eyes, "I'll find another guy. Oh, I forgot, do you want your French Vanille?"

"Yeah, sure, if you don't mind."

"Doesn't really matter huh? I got a break coming up. Lemme get you your drink and you can tell me about the guy."

He walked to the counter to make the order and I pondered what I could reveal about Nick and what should remain confidential. When he came back, I decided to just tell him whatever he asked.

"So, first, what's his name?"


"Mmhmmm, nice. What's he look like? Personality? Good in bed?"

I laughed, "Whoa, hold on. I can do one at a time. He's muscular, not too much to be freaky, but great build, sapphire eyes, square jaw, golden brown hair, killer smile. He's a great person, thoughtful, sensitive. bed...what do you think I am? A slut?"

"Exactly. Cmon, you got me in bed in 2 days. I haven't seen you in 2 days or something and already you've met a guy. I'll bet this week's pay you've already at least sucked him off."

"OK, OK, OK. You're right. I've blown him. And this morning, I fucked him."

"Whoa, you move fast kiddo."

"Yeah, get this though. I love him. Talk about light speed."

"DAMN! You sure? How long have you known him? 3 days?" I nodded. "It's only been 3 days and you're telling me he's the one? You are CRAZY!"

"Yeap. Crazy from love, drunk on amour, bursting with emotions."

"OK, I guess I'll have to take your word on this. You know, now that I think of it, I've never seen anyone in Quinton who looks like what you described. I've seen a lotta guys, but none of them fit the description."

"Yeah...well...ummm...have you seen every guy in town? He's new you know."

Giving me a suspicious look, Jack asked, "New in town? The only one I remember new in town is that guy that was in here a couple days ago. Nike hat, sunglasses."

"That was him."

"Uh he retarded? Why was he wearing sunglasses inside? It's dark as night in here. Noone needs sunglasses."

"He did. He...has bad eyes?" I said timidly.

"You have got to be kidding me right? That's so lame. Try again."

"OK, he needed it cus he needed to hide himself."

"Huh? What the hell you talking about? Why would he hide himself? Is he famous?"

"Yeah, you could say that. You know what? I gotta check out. Adios."

"Hey, don't leave me hanging. I wanna know who it is!" Jack yelled as I rushed out of the coffeeshop.

'That was a little too close,' I thought in the limo on its way back. 'Any more guessing and he would've known.' As much as I trusted Jack, I didn't know if Nick would want me blabbing to anyone yet. It would after all, destroy his career and that was going to good for me to come and ruin it. I just looked out the window for the rest of the ride and was glad and relieved when I got home.

I wasted no time in getting back to the suite and found Nick on the telephone.

"...yeah, I know. OK, thanks. Your the best. See you in a couple of days," Nick finished, hanging up. "Hey."

"Hey. I got the stuff. So? Is it OK if I go with you?"

"Yeap. I've got it all worked out. Of course, we'll be sharing a room and the other guys are excited to meet you."

"Excellent. So, I've got the stuff and it's...4:34!?!?! DAMN! I was gone that long?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I know I promised quickie, but I ain't in the mood. I don't wanna just base this whole thing on sex."

"I understand. I feel the same way. Hey, I gotta ask you something. Would you mind if I told someone about us?"

"Not at all."

"Lemme rephrase. How about if I gave them your name?"

"Oh. Ummm...I guess it would depend on how close you are with that person."

"OK then."

"Why? Someone asked?"

"Yeah, but I ran outta the place. It was that coffeeshop you went to and had coffee spilled on you. Blackie's, remember? I'm friends with one of the waiters, Jack."

"Oh, that place. OK. Sure, if you trust him."

"Got it. So, what you wanna do?"

"What'd we plan? Go out to sightsee?"

"In Quinton? I don't think so, but if you wanna..."

"Sure, let's go. We'll walk around, find somewhere to eat, and then make up something else."

"Vamos then."

It was bright and sunny out, a perfect day for walking. The wind blew hard, and the air was cold, but we were pretty warm. After just ambling along for a few minutes, we reached Welsh Park; this place had swings, a basketball court, baseball field, and playground. Not a great park, but it was OK for walking in the woods, and doing kid things. I felt like doing both. So, we went on the swings (after some coaxing from me and weird looks from the 6 year olds) and then the slide. After, we wandered around in the woods getting lost but then finding our way out again. By now, it was 5:30 and with all the excitement, I was starving. We found an Italian restaurant and took our time eating, enjoying the tranquil ambience. We went through a lot of topics of conversation throughout the meal, from family to personal past to sexual experiences. It was very enlightening and romantic, opening ourselves up to each other and I felt so much closer spiritually to Nick. After an eternity of this, we left and went back to the hotel. How I longed to hold his hand, feeling his warm touch and smooth skin.

"Nick," I turned to face him on the elevator, "do you think you'll ever be able to come out?"

"Huh? There's a question I wasn't expecting. Why do you ask?"

"Because I hate not being able to do anything incriminating in public. There's so many worries and uncertainties and this is all just really annoying. Hell, I've only been with you 3 days and I'm already sick of it."

He looked a little dejected and I immediately bit my lip; I had made a stupid mistake. The elevator bell dinged and we looked outside, back at each other, neither one taking a step. The door closed a few second later.

"Oh, OK. I'm sorry, I just thought you knew that would come with the whole package. Me, my life, my job, all wrapped in one. But if that's how you feel, I guess we can split...."

"No way. I...," I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I really do love you and wanna stay together. It just sorta pains me."

He lifted his hand up to my face and said, "I wouldn't wanna hurt you, and I'm sorry again. But what do you wanna do about it if you don't wanna go?"

"I don't know. I guess I can live with long as we never leave the suite again and stay indoors together for the rest of our lives." I smiled. Feebly.

"OK, I'll go with whatever you decide. I'm not too sure about that last part though...."

"That just sucks for you then, doesn't it?"

"Naw, you suck for me."

"Oh, ooh, smooth. Nice, maybe you WILL be getting some tonight."

"Can't wait. You OK now?"

I nodded, "Cmon, let's go back to our room."

We walked slowly down the hallway, reaching the door and stopping.

"What's wrong? Lose the key?" I asked Nick.

"Nah, I don't know, I was just thinking."

"OK. Would it be OK if you thought inside? My feet are kinda tired."

"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry."

He unlocked the door and we went in. I collapsed on the couch and turned on the TV. I wasn't really watching anything, just relaxing and surfing. I was so absorbed in surfing, I didn't notice Nick flop down next to me until he touched me.

"Hey, ain't you gonna shower or something?" he asked me.

"Yeah...later," I said, my eyes still glued to the screen.

He touched my chin and turned my head towards his so that our eyes met. There was a sadness in those beautiful blue eyes and I leaned forward to kiss him.

"Is something else bothering you?" he asked when we broke apart.

"No, not really. I don't think so. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Nothing could ever be wrong with you. If something's bothering you, you know you can talk to me. That's what lovers are for right?"

I smiled. "I hope so. Otherwise, what the hell would we be trying to save?"

He gave me a confused look, raising his eyebrows and pulling back a little.

"It's from "Armaggedon". You know, the scene where Liv Tyler and Ben Affleck are lying in the grass talking about animal crackers..." while I had been saying this, he just kept looking more and more confused, shaking his head.

"Augh, nevermind. It doesn't matter. I just always think of that line whenever I say, 'I hope so.'"

"OK...," he said. "So anyways, if nothing's wrong and you ain't too tired, wanna go upstairs? I've been in the mood ALL day."

I laughed, "Yeah, sure, come on."


We ran upstairs, me behind him and bumping into his ass with my face every couple steps. We were laughing our heads off at some unknown joke and throwing off clothes as we went along. I still had my briefs on when I reached the top and rushed into the bathroom.

"Hey, where you going?" Nick called after me, coming in a few, breathless seconds later.

"Well, I figured it's been a long day, and we both want sex, and like you said, I need to shower, soooo I figured we can combine."

"OK, you got no protests here."

We got in, the water flowing just right and Nick started licking my neck. I turned me head, letting him have a better angle and ran my hands over the muscular back. I inhaled, smelling his shampooed hair, tracing over his ass with my hands. Still, he was caressing my neck with his tongue. Feeling his hardening cock brushing against mine, I was so aroused, and I could feel my knees weakening. I grasped the wall on both sides, trying to support myself, leaving my prints in the fog. All this time, my moans had been crescendoing from inaudible to pants. The magic tongue just kept going, reaching, but not stopping at my cock. Instead, it went down to my shins and then Nick moved to the back and journeyed back up. He took careful care in bathing my butt with his tongue and leaving a path up my spine back to my neck. This was too much and I did fall down, the sensualness of it all, something I had never experienced to these heights.

"Whoa, watch it," Nick said as he caught me in a dip.

I smiled up at him, the water hitting my stomach, the mist clouding our view a little. He looked so sexy, the wet hair framing his angelic face, the gorgeous, perfect smile, and of course, those beautiful eyes. Tears came to my own and I stood up, kissing him. It was a regular kiss, no magic tongue, but it had such emotion in it; we didn't break for a good 30 seconds.

"I love you, Nick," I said, taking a long, deep breath.

"Me too, Kenny."

"Whoa hey, your cock's softening. I think I'd better do something about that. Can't let my man go limp on me."

I got on my knees and licked the head around and around, getting it to full mast again. His thrusts got more forceful and I knew he wanted my hot mouth wrapped around his beautiful organ. I licked the shaft up and down, making him quiver...I made my way down to his balls and put one in my mouth and started swirling it around, tasting it. He moaned in pleasure as I made my way from one to the other. Finally, I went back up to his cock and took the head in my mouth. I slipped my tongue into his slit as I fondled his nuts. He looked down at me and I kept going, never breaking eye contact with those gorgeous blue eyes. He grabbed my head and started fucking my face; I gagged a couple times, but soon got the hang of his huge monster going down my throat. He moaned and panted in pleasure, saying my name over and over again... I wanted his cum and he was about to. I started to suck really hard, right on the head, while looking up at him, rubbing his balls. Nick screamed as his cock exploded strand after strand of thick white, wonderful tasting cum. There was so much I couldn't keep it all in my mouth. I pulled off and his cum went all over my face and hair. He kept thrusting his hips and moaning as he came and I licked up all that I could. Finally, he collapsed against the bathroom wall and I kissed him deep, making him taste his own cum; he licked it off my chest.

"DAMN! That was fantastic. God, we should be working you on the streets!" Nick exclaimed.

"Nah, I don't think so. All those diseases and crap, you never know."

"Yeah, I was just kidding anyways. Just trying to show you how good you were."

"Thanks. Cmon, let's get outta here. The water's getting awfully cold. Hey, actually, I wanna try something. Let me carry you?"

"Hmmm...I dunno how safe that'll be. I'm pretty heavy."

"I promise I'll try not to drop you."

"Oh yeah, I feel tons better now."

"Cmon, please?"

"All right. But if you have to let me down, do it."

"No problem."

We quickly dried each other off and I picked him up, wobbling. I tripped once and almost did drop him but luckily, fell into the bed. I laid on top of him, the two of us laughiing like idiots. After we both finally quieted, we kissed, looking each other in the eye.

"You know, I was right this morning," Nick said.

"About what?" I asked.

"You did make this day better. I love you."

"I love you too."

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