Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Jun 12, 2000


Alright everyone this is Chapter 10!!! First off before we begin the story I want to say sorry about this being up sooo late. The reason why is because my computer has been in the shop for the past two weeks.

Anyway this is Chapter 10!!!!! I want to thank all of my supportive readers who have sent me e-mails and to those who haven't, but have read my story. This is a milestone chapter so I hope you all like it.

Legal Disclaimer- This story is pure fiction and does not mean that the characters mentioned are what it says. Hell if it is, JC, Nick or Lance can give me a call any day :o)

To the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 10- Dirty Secrets and Dirty Sex

The two couples with their respective judge went into the seperate rooms. Justin, Nick, and Chris in one, JC, Lance, and AJ in another.

In Justin's room......

" Alright Chris just sit down their and enjoy." Justin said with a smile as Nick sat down on the bed. He turned around only to be met by Nick staring deeply into his own eyes. The erotic atmosphere in the room was so tense that you could cut it with a knife. Justin planted his soft lips onto Nick's as their part of the "Sex Games" started. As their kiss continued they opened their mouths to let their tounges enter and touch each other. Chris sat in the chair mesmurised by what he was about to see, two of the most sexiest guys on the planet going at it!!!

Justin, while still lip locked with Nick, began to take his pants off, as did Nick. Unfortunatly for Nick, his hand in cast prevented this, but then Chris was there to lend a helping hand, or mouth, or cock for that matter.(Hell you knew it was cumming). Anyway, Chris began to slip Nick's pants all the way down to his ankles, and then completely off. Justin didn't seem to care as he stripped off Nick's shirt, playing with his nipples along the way, teasing them with his tounge. Nick just sat back enjoyed the ride, putting his hand behind Justin's head as Justin went further down to Nick's boxers, licking the fabric that covered his manhood. Justin continued to toy with Nick this way as Chris began stripping himself down. After he was down to his boxer briefs, Chris tapped Justin on the shoulder. Just by the look on Chris' face Justin knew what he was thinking and he got up and started kissing Chris.

" Be gentle with him." Justin said with a big grin to Chris. Without taking that into consideration, Chris pushed Nick back on the bed and ripped his boxers off faster than light moves.

" Oooh frisky aren't we?" Justin said before stripping the rest of him and Chris down. Chris leaned down and started carressing Nick's lips with his tounge. Justin started moving his index finger around Chris' asshole, then pushing it in. In response to this Chris let out a moan. While continuing to finger fuck Chris, Justin began jacking off, and Chris bent down to start playing around with Nick's cock. He began by licking the beat-red head, swirling his tounge around it, then up and down the shaft. Finally Nick had enough and grabbed the back of Chris's head and forced all of his cock into Chris's mouth. Almost gagging, Chris got the idea and started going up and down on Nick's manhood. While this was happening, Justin placed a second and third finger into Chris's ass, moving them in and out, getting himself even more aroused. This "love making" continued while Lance and JC began theirs, or so they thought.

" Ok so what should we do now?" Lance said shyly, while sitting down on the bed. JC smiled at him.

" Ahh yes Mr. Modest himself. Well Lance its simple we just have sex while AJ watches us. You ready?" JC said quickly while stradling him.

" Whoa hold on Josh, I'm not so sure about this. I mean we've done it before, but never in front of someone else." Lance whispered to JC.

" Hey thats your fault, you picked these two. Now come on take it off." JC said smiling. Lance pushed JC's hands away.

" Come on Josh, will you be serious for once. I'm not that comfortable with him watching us." Lance said pointing to AJ, who was looking up at the ceiling tiles and humming.

" Lancey, all you have to do is just think about one thing, and you are looking at him." JC said trying to comfort him.

" Fine. But you owe me." Lance said trying to fake a smile.

(This is the point in a porno flick where the erotic music would kick in)

They started just with the ususal kissing, feeling around, etc, etc. AJ sat back in the chair and watched his new freinds start to make love to each other.

JC took off his and Lance's shirts and tossed them over at AJ, hitting him right in the face. This got AJ a little hotter. JC went back to Lance and started to kiss him, but Lance still didn't feel right. JC noticed this and stopped.

" AJ could you wait outside for just a minute?" JC asked. AJ nodded and stepped outside the room. After he left, JC turned around and looked at Lance, who was in tears. " What!?" JC said throwing his arms out. Lance looked up at JC with the reddest tears that he has ever had.

" I....can'" Lance managed to studder out through his tears. JC walked over to the bed and pulled him into a hug.

" Shhhhh Lancey, it's my fault. I pushed you into this." JC said trying to comfort the blonde.

"'s's mine....I can't even have sex with the person I...llllove." Lance said crying even harder.

" Now damnit Lance, thats not true. When we were by ourselfs..." JC was saying before he caught himself. Lance looked up at JC.

" Josh??" Lance asked with a sniff

" Oh sorry James. Listen, it was my fault not yours. So what if you can't "do it" in front of other people. You wanna know something James?" JC asked. Lance nodded. " I can't blow bubbles with my spit." JC said smiling. Lance started laughing hysterically. " You see, its not that bad.". Lance kissed JC on the lips and hugged him tightly.

" Thanks Josh, that made me feel a lot better. Go tell AJ that he can go sleep now." Lance said laying down on the bed. JC got up and talked with AJ outside. He came back in and Lance was already asleep. JC shook his head, crawled into bed, and fell asleep.

" NOW!!!!" Justin shouted as he shot a load of cum into Chris's ass. Almost at the same time, Chris shot his load into Nick. They laid in the same posistion for awhile before they started to move off of each other. Justin sat up and said, " Wow that was great." Nick smiled at him before crawling under the bed sheets. Chris got up, stretchedm and got his clothes on. He left the room and Justin fell asleep on top of Nick.

To be continued...

Ok I know that this wasn't as good as the rest of my stories, but I have been soooo busy that you would not belive.

E-Mail me with your questions/comments at

Bye and thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 11

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