Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Jun 19, 2000


Title- Nick, Lance and JC part 11 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hi everyone!! I got a lot of e-mails for my last entry and the whole story!! I'm glad that everyone enjoyed the last chapter even though it wasn't as good as the rest of them. Anyway the Boy Band awards are coming up and I hope that if you enjoy reading my story, then you will vote for it in any of the catigoeries it might get nominated in.

This is chapter 11 of this "saga" and I hope that everyone enjoys it.

Legal Stuff: This story does not imply anything upon any of the characters involed. It does not mean the any of the members of N Sync or the Backstreet Boys are straight, bi, or gay. Whatever their sexual preference is, well that's their choice.

Now to the story...

Chapter 11- Let the truth be told

The next morning in the hospital, roughly 12:00 noon, everyone was up and about. Justin and Nick sat down at a table and began their normal morning chit-chat, Lance and JC were doing the same, except they were in the corner, giving each other kisses here and there. Anywho, Brian was sitting in his hospital bed being spoonfed jello by his mom.

" Ugh..this stuff sucks." Brian said spitting it and making a face.

" Brian don't swear." Jackie scolded him.

" Oh, sorry mom." He replied like a good little boy. Just then there was a knock at the door. " Come in." Jackie said cheerfully, but that cheer turned to remorse when Nick stepped into the room. " Get out!!!" she yelled at him, and as quick as he was in the room, he was out faster. Brian looked at his mom,

" What was that for?"

" I don't want him near you, Brian." Jackie said wiping something from his mouth.

" Well I have to be near him, we are in the same band." Brian said trying to reason with her.

" I know that Brian, but he's the reason why you are in here. He's the reason why you're hurt. As long as it doesn't have to do with the band, he is not to come near you." Jackie said firmly to him.

" No it's not his fault mom!! It's mine. If I hadn't tryed to get in Justin's pants in the first place, this would never have happened." Brian yelled at her. She looked at him with eyes bulging out of her head.

" You're gay, Brian???" She asked as Kevin stepped into the room. " I can't belive my son's a faggot. I raised you better than that Brian. No what am I saying, I don't have a son. Goodbye stranger." She said leaving the room. As soon as the door slammed, Brian broke into tears and started to hyperventilate. Kevin rushed over to him and threw his arms around him.

" Shhh Brian, calm down." Kevin tryed to comfort him, but it did no good.

" th that I..I..I wasn't hhhhher sssson." He studdered out. AJ, Howie and Nick walked into the room and saw what was going on.

" What the hell is going on, I just saw Jackie walk out of the hospital with so much rage that it scared the hell out of me." Nick asked innocently. Kevin looked at him with a look that could kill.

" Thanks to you and your fucking boyfreind Nick, Brian's mom now doesn't even reconize Brian as a person. Get the fuck out of here!!" Kevin said standing up and pushing Nick out the door. AJ and Howie followed him out. " I'm so sorry about that Bri. I'm here for you." Kevin said pulling his cousin into a hug.

" Ok what the hell is going on here?" Nick confusingly said as he sat down in a chair shedding some tears, (I know that a lot of you think that there is too much crying in my story, too bad there's going to be some more).

" I'm sure that Kev didn't mean anything by what he said. You know how he gets when Brian's hurt." AJ said rubbing Nick's back.

" Yeah Nick, remember that time when you and Brian went skydiving and Brian almost broke his leg coming down? Kevin almost kicked your ass." Howie said laughing a bit. Nick smiled as he remebered that time.

" There you go Nick, now just let Kevin cool down a bit. But I still can't belive what happened with Bri's mom." AJ said staring out into nothing.

" Why would she just go off like that on Brian, just because he's.... well what is Brian? I mean hes pulled quite a few things these past few years and I can't really judge his sexuality." Nick said standing up and looking through Brian's window to his room. He made eye contact with Kevin, who gave Nick a death stare. Nick suddered and turned around.

" So Nick, where's Justin and Chris?" AJ asked blocking the view into Brian's room.

" He and the rest of the guys had to go to a poolside photo shoot or something like that." Nick said still in a little bit of a daze.

" JC, I am not wearing this." Lance said holding up a tight black short swimsuit. JC and the others looked at it and started laughing.

" Yeah you're right Lance, you could even put that thing on your big butt." Joey laughed at him. Lance threw the swimsuit at him, and hit Joey right in the face with it.

" Well I ain't the Phat one." Lance said looking through more of the wardrobe. " There's not shit in here that I like, I should just go to the shoot naked." Lance said, which made JC's dick jump. JC walked over to Lance and went looking through the clothes with him.

" Hell Lance, I don't think that all of our fans would mind." Justin said slipping on a pair of Adiadas swim trunks, so tight that he could barely breathe.

" Or me." JC mumbled as Lance elbowed him in his side. JC's eyes lit up as he pulled out a black and yellow pair of shorts. " Here you go, put these on and spin for daddy." JC said with a big grin on his face. Lance stripped down, with many catcalls and whistles from the other guys, and put the shorts on.

" Fa-bu-lous." Chris said snapping his fingers.

" Ok guys, we're ready when you are." a voice called from outside the trailer. The five guys walked out in their swimsuits, ready for their photoshoot.

" Shh Brian, just relax." Kevin said still hugging his cousin. As he did this he thought ' I'm seriously going to have to hurt Nick for this one'. And as he did, a plan formed in his head.

To Be continued.....

Well there you go, chapter 11. Now I know that these are short chapters, but in a few days I'll be able to make longer chapters for you all.

Please e-mail all questions and comments to

Thanks for reading!!

Next: Chapter 12

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