Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Feb 26, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 2 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

First I would like to say thanks for all of the people who responded to my story. I never knew I was good at this sorta thing. I love getting these responses so keep sending them.

Ok this is my first attempt to write a story like this so don't be surprised if you fall asleep reading this or anything like that. Anyway, this story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Part 2- Revelations and Confessions

The morning sun rose in JC Chasez and Lance Bass's hotel room. The two lovers laid there in the bed snuggled together and facing each other. Lance was awake due to the sun shining in on him. He laid there quietly watching JC thinking to himself ' God he is beautiful when he sleeps. I shouldn't wake him up '. But his thought was soon shot down when the phone rang.

" Hello " Lance said very quietly, as JC stirred next to him.

" Hey you two sleepy heads, WAKE UP!!" Chris said loudly into the phone.

" God damnit Chris, you nearly blew out my fucking eardrum"

" Geez, I'm sorry." Chris said like a six year old.

" What do you want?"

" We are having a breakfast meeting in Justin and Kevin's room, so get up and over here quickly."

" Alright, we'll be there. Bye" Lance said a little iritated.

" Bye "


" JC time to get up baby." Lance said softly into JC's ear. JC mumbled something and then started snoring. " Ok I know what will get you awake." Lance said turning JC onto his back. Lance pinched JC's nose closed and put a hand over his mouth. After a few second JC started shaking uncontrollably and sat straight up removing Lances hand from his mouth.

" Why the hell did you do that?" JC said between gasps of air.

" You wouldn't get up." Lance said giggling a bit.

" Here, I am up." JC said putting Lances hand on his crotch. The two laughed and pulled into a kiss. " Ewwww, morning breath. Eat a mint or something." JC said as Lance punched him in the arm. JC got up from the bed and changed into a pair of Adidas break-away running pants and a black t-shirt. Lance whistled as he said,

" Damn you look good in black.". All JC could do was blush as Lance got up and threw on a pair of green running shorts and a white t-shirt. " Lets go to breakfast." Lance said grabbing JC's hand.

Half way down the hall JC let go of Lance's hand. Lance turned to him and said " Whats wrong?".

" Uh aren't we forgetting something?" JC said to Lance.

" What?" Lance looked dumbfounded.

" The rest of the guys don't know that we are gay." JC said leaning up against the wall.

" Do we want to tell them in there?" Lance said wrapping his arms around JC.

" I don't know yet, maybe if everyone's feeling good." JC said nervously.

" Well I'm ready when you are babe." Lance said giving JC a kiss on the cheek. The two walked into the hotel room where evryone was talking up a storm, except Nick, who was sitting on the bed quietly eating his food. The two slipped in unnoticed, until Joey spoke up, " So theres where you two are. What took you so long to get here, having wild sex or something?". Everyone laughed at the remark. Lance turned a little red. The two walked over to the food trays where almost every kind of breakfast food imaginable was there. They took two plates and filled them up with eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. They took a spot on the floor and sat next to each other. Kevin went over the usual ugenda for the day, luckly they had the day off.

" Well whats everyone doing today?" Justin asked.

" Joey, AJ, Howie and I were planning on going to the mall" Chris said taking a sip of his coffee.

" Lance and I are going to hang around the hotel today." JC said nudging Lance a bit.

" I was plannng on just staying in my room." Nick said not even looking up from his plate.

" Thats what I am doing to " Brian said giving Nick a dirty look that no one managed to notice.

" WHY WON'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" Nick yelled at Brian before running out of the room crying. Everyone froze in shock at what they just had see. All Brian could do was smile. Lance got up and ran after Nick.

" What the hell was that about?" Howie said still in shock.

" I have no idea " JC said getting up and running after Lance.

" Nick wait up!" Lance said trying to catch up to him. Nick finally stopped at the end of the long hallway. He fell down to the ground in tears and shaking uncontrollably. Lance got down on his knees and said, " What's wrong? Why did you just have that outburst in there?".

" Like I said last night it is too embarrasing." Nick said through his tears.

" And like I said last night, you can tell me anything." Lance said trying to comfort Nick.

" I'm....I'm....I'm gay Lance." Nick said bursting into more tears. JC had just caught up with them and heard what Nick said.

" Thats not embarrassing Nick. I'm gay too" Lance said as JC's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets.

" You are?" Nick said as his crying stopped.

" Yeah, there's nothing wrong with being gay." Lance said running his hand though Nick's soft hair.

" I'm gay too, Nick." JC said as Lance's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. Lance looked back at JC and saw a tear running down his face.

" Wow......are you two going out with each other?" Nick said hoping the answer was no. JC looked at Lance and he shook his head.

" Yes we are Nick." Lance said as Nick looked up at him.

" Well then I should leave you two alone, you don't need me in the way." Nick said with a lump in his throat. Nick got up and started to walk away, but was stopped by JC.

" Don't say that, you'll never be in our way." JC said pulling Nick into a hug. Lance cam up behind them and hugged the two.

" Oww, your squishing me." Nick said in a child like voice. And for the first time in a long time, he put on a real smile of happyness. The three laughed as they walked back to the room where evryone was in there talking a bit. " Umm guys theres something that I have to tell you." Nick said getting everyones attention.

" What is it Nick?" Justin asked.

" I'm (gulp) Gay." Nick said neverously.

" You're what?..." AJ said

Well there you go, thats part 2. I hope that you don't hate me for ending this part with a cliff hanger, but I'd thought I just do it for the hell of it. E-mail me with you comments/suggestions to .

Next: Chapter 3

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