Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Feb 28, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 3 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

First I would like to say thanks for all of the people who responded to my story. I never knew I was good at this sorta thing. I love getting these responses so keep sending them.

Legal Stuff:

This story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Part 3- Relationships unfold

" I'm gay, AJ " Nick said with a tear rolling down his cheek. When Brian heard this, his jaw nearly hit the floor. Howie was the first person to respond,

" Thats whats been bothering you these past few days. That you're gay. Nick, none of us would be bothered that you were gay." he said pulling Nick into a hug.

" Speak for yourself. Since when have you been freinds with a fag?" Brian said as everyone in the room looked at him in shock. Nick burst into tears and ran back out into the hall. AJ walked up to Brian and looked him straight in the eye with a look that could kill,

" How the hell could you say something like that to him, you heartless bastard.". After hearing that, Brian cocked his arm back and was ready to punch AJ in the face when Kevin grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the hall. Kevin walked with Brian to the next room over and threw him into the room.

" What the hell is wrong with you Brian? I have never known you to be this mean before." Kevin said looking at his cousin.

" I'll tell you what the hell is wrong with me. It's that queer, Nick." Brian said coldheartedly

" You and Nick have been freinds for years. Just because he's gay doesn't mean that you can get off calling him all of these names. And why are you taking this so personally, anyway?" Kevin said with a tone of anger in his voice.

" You know why I'm taking this personally? I'll tell you why, remember a year ago when I was dating Jessica?" Brian asked Kevin. Kevin nodded as he remembered.

" Well, we were so good for each other. I loved her and she loved me. But then there was Nick. Jessica adored him, everytime she would see him, she couldn't take her eyes of him. Finally she dumped me and started dating him, but he wasn't interested in her, oh no, he was interested in me. He dumped her faster than a pile of dirt. Then he told me that he was gay a few months later, and said that he wanted me." Brian explained to his cousin. Kevin could only stand there, still in shock.

" That's what all of this is about?" Kevin asked Brian.

" Yeah, and do you want to know how I got back at him for it Kev?" Brian asked him

" Acctually I don't Brian." Kevin said turning his back on his cousin.

" Well you're going to hear it anyway. After I told Nick that I don't like fags, he started crying like a damn baby. He then asked me not to tell anyone that he was gay. So I took that to my advantage, and blackmailed Nick. I told him that if he didn't suck me off every day, that I would tell you guys his secret." Brian said as Kevin looked at him in disgust.

" How could you Brian? You are fucking sick. I should have let you hit AJ, because he would have kicked the crap out of you. All Nick wanted was friend that understood his posistion in life and what do you do, you use it to your advantage. For now on Brian, until you appologize to Nick, and mean it, I, nor the rest of the guys will talk to you. Only if we have to for business reasons, will we talk to you. You will become nothing but a fly on the wall that no one cares about." Kevin said before walking out of the room. Brian was stunned at what Kevin had just said to him. Before he knew it he collapsed to the floor in tears thinking ' You sure as hell did it this time Brian, now you have not only lost Nick, you have lost your cousin. '.

" Nick!! Nick!! Where are you " Justin said in the parking garage area of the hotel. He had chased Nick in there after running through the whole hotel. All Justing needed to do was follow the sound of whimpering. After a few minutes of serch, he found Nick sitting in the corner of the garage. " There you are, I have been looking all over for you." Justing said walking up next to Nick, who was still in tears.

" What do you want?" Nick said through his tears.

" I wanted to find you." Justin said putting his arm on nicks shoulder.

" Why so you can make fun of me, just like Brian." Nick said shoving Justin's arm away.

" No, so I can tell you that you can room with me, instead of him." Justin said as Nick looked up at him. Justin looked down at him with a smile on his face.

" Why are you being so nice to me, Justin?" Nick said standing up and brushing himself off.

" Because I'm a nice guy, Nick" Justin said with a laugh

" Well I guess you are if you followed me down here." Nick said with a laugh too.

" Come here and give me a hug, big guy." Justin said opening his arms.

" Thank you J, for being so understanding." Nick said hugging Justin.

" So there you two are." JC said walked with Lance.

" Yeah Justin followed me down here." Nick said releasing Justin.

" Well lets get out of here and back up to the hotel rooms, so you can switch rooms with me." Justin said grabbing Nick's hand and walking towards Lance and JC. As they walked past the two, Lance looked at JC and said,

" What's going on with Justin? He's never been like this with anyone but you."

" I know, you know what I think?" JC asked Lance.

" No I don't think like you, I just love ya." Lance said grabbing JC's hand.

" That's so sweet, but seriously. I think Justin likes Nick, a lot." JC said with a grin on his face.

" Well lets get upstairs and fix this whole thing." Lance said running off with JC.

Back upstairs Justin had spoken to Kevin about them switching rooms so Nick could be in his room, and away from Brian. Kevin reluctantly agreed, not telling Justin about what Brian had done to him. Justin helped Nick move his things into his room. After settling in he asked Nick what he wanted to do.

" I don't know, do you want to stay here and order some room service or something." Nick asked.

" Yeah thats sounds crunk." Justin said as Nick looked at him with a strange face.

" Crunk? " Nick said cocking his eyebrow.

" Yeah, it's an expression that I have, it means cool or phat." Justin explained.

" Oh, alright. Listen, you order the food and I'll take a quick shower." Nick said standing up and heading towards the bathroom. As Justing heard the shower turning on he picked up the phone,

" Room Service " the phone operator said

" Yeah I would like to order a plate of hot chicken wings, four cheeseburgers, two large salads, and a six-pack of pepsi." Justin told the operator.

" Ok what room should I send that up to."

" Room 316 "

" Ok then, the bill is $34.95."

" Thank you."

" Good bye "


As he hung up the phone he heard a knock on the door. Justin looked through the eye-hole, JC was standing there. " Hey JC whats up." Justin said opening the door.

" Not much Justin, where's Nick?" JC said to Justin sitting down on the bed.

" He's in the shower." Justin answered

" Oh ok. Listen, I was wondering, how do you feel about Nick?" JC asked his friend.

" What do you mean, JC" Justin responded a little dumbfounded.

" Well you did offer to have him stay in your room quite quickly. And the way that you looked at him in the parking garage, please." JC said as Justin stood there stunned.

" Yeah, I asked if he wanted to stay in my room because I was being nice, and I was trying to be his freind." Justin said a little hurt.

" Justin, I know you better than anyone else does. You look at him the same way you used to look at me." JC said as he wrapped his arms around Justin.

" Ok JC. I do like Nick, I like him a lot. He is so cute, that blonde hair of his, his voice, everything about him turns me on." Justin finally confessed to JC. Then the shower turned off.

" Well I'll leave you two be. I'm going back to my room." JC said heading towards the door.

" Bye " Justin said as JC closed the door.

As JC opened the door to his hotel room he noticed that there was romantic music playing. " Lance where are you?" JC asked into the dark room. He walked in and noticed that there were rose petals spread all over the bed. " Lance? " JC asked again.

" Right behind you baby." Lance said slipping his arm around JC's stomach. Lance started kissing JC on the back of his neck. JC started to moan as Lance turned him around and started kissing him on the lips. The two stood there kissing each other, slipping their tounges in and out of their mouths. Lance layed JC on the bed and slipped his shirt off. JC sat up and started licking Lance's nipple. Lance then pushed JC back down on the bed and took off JC's shirt and started to lick all over JC's smooth chest. He made his way down to JC's pants, where with his mouth, he unsnapped the button and un-zipped the zipper. JC became aroused at this and said.

" You know you don't have to do this Scoop."

" I want to, Joshy. " Lance said returning to JC's crotch area. He moved the flaps of JC's jeans and pulled them down and off of him. Now, JC layed there only in his black-silk boxer shorts. Lance rubbed JC's hardon underneath the shorts before pulling them down to his ankles. Lance then started to stroke JC's manhood, JC only layed there and moaned. He then started licking JC's cockhead, and JC moaned even louder. Lance put it in his mouth and started moving his head up and down, up and down, up and down.

" Oh Lance, oh yeah, oh...oh.....oh" JC moaned. Lance moved faster and faster. " Lance...oh...I think....I'm going to....cum." JC managed to get out before he blew four loads of cum down Lance's throat. " Oh god that felt fucking good, Scoop." JC said catching his breath.

" Well actually something will feel even better." Lance said with a grin on his face. " Can I make love to you JC?" Lance asked JC showing him a bottle of lube and a condom.

" Are you sure? If you don't want to then you don't have to." JC said still in pleasure from that blowjob Lance just gave him.

" Yeah I'm sure, I've never been more sure in my life. I love you JC." Lance said with a tear rolling down his face.

" Then yes, make love to me." JC said pulling his legs up. Lance slid his pants down, his boxers were the next to go. He rolled the condom on his 9 incher and applied a large amount of lube to his cock. He also put some on JC's tight hole and pointed his thobbing cock at it. " This might hurt a bit, so tell me if you feel any pain." Lance said to JC as he placed his dick on JC's hole. JC nodded and Lance pushed in slightly. JC let out a gasp and Lance stopped.

" Go on Lance, push it in me." JC said scrunching his face.

Lance continued to push in, then finally, all nine inches of him was inside JC. Lance pulled out a bit and pushed back in and JC let out another gasp. " I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Lance wispered to JC.

" Listen to me babe. I love you, the pleasure worth the pain. Now keep going" JC said to his lover.

Lance nodded and started moving at a slow pace, in and out, in and out. After a few minutes the pace quickened, in and out, in and out, faster and faster. JC was getting so arosed that he grabbed Lance's assand started pushing his hips faster and faster into him. Then Lance let out a yell as he blew his load inside the condom. He layed ontop of JC as he caught his breath. JC ran his hand through Lance's spikey blonde hair. " That was great " JC said.

" Yeah it was." Lance said with a grin on his face.

A few seconds earlier

" What the hell was that?" Nick said as he looked away from the tv. Justin took a sip of his Pepsi and said,

" It sounded like Lance moaning." Nick looked at him.

" Did JC or Lance tell you about them?" Nick asked Justin.

" What about them?" Justin replied.

" Oh nothing." Nick said taking a bite of his burger.

" Don't give me that crap. What is going on with them." Justin said standing up from the bed.

" Ok I'll tell you. JC and Lance are gay and are going out with each other. Nick said standing up from the bed as well. Justin looked at Nick with a startled look on his face. But that startled look turned into a big smile as Justin pushed Nick back onto the bed.

" What the hell was that for?" Nick asked trying to reposistion himself. Justin pushed him back down and got on top of Nick. He leaned in real closly,

" Well those two aren't the only ones who can have fun around hear." Justin said secductively.

" What do you mean, J?" Nick asked curiously. But he soon found out what Justin meant, as Justin leaned down and started to kiss Nick on the lips. Spreading them apart with his tounge, and putting his hand behind Nick's head. After a bit, Justin broke the kiss and said,

" Well what do you think?".

" I think that somebody like me." Nick replied in an five year old voice. After hearing this Justin bent down and continued making out with him.

" Oh god that was good, JC." Lance said cuddling up next to JC. JC nodded and said,

" Yes it was. And I think I want to tell the guys about us tommorow." Lance aggreed and the two went to sleep in each others arms.

The next morning the sun shined into the hotel room as JC got up from the bed and stretched. Lance woke up and saw JC standing there in the sun's glow. " Good morning sunshine." Lance said as JC turned around.

" Well it is a good morning because you are here with me." JC said walking towards the bed.

" Aww how cute. Come here." Lance said pulling JC into a kiss.

" Morning breath (cough)" JC said.

" Well I'm off to take a shower, would you like to join me?" Lance said walking towards the bathroom.

" You bet your sweet ass I will." JC said jokingly, walking towards Lance.

" Thats odd, no one answered when I called Justin and Nick's room." Chris said to Joey.

" They're probaly still asleep, call over to JC's room" Joey said still in bed.

" Yeah, you're probably right." Chris said dialing JC's number.


Lance got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, he picked up the phone.

" Hello?"

" Hey Scoop, are you two up?"

" You can say that."

" (Laugh) Ok then, we are meeting in my room in fifteen minutes, so get over here soon."

" Ok we'll be there."

" Also, can you go over to Justin and Nick's room, no one is answering the phone."

" Ok, will do"

" Bye "

" Bye "


" JC get out of the shower and get dressed!!" Lance yelled. The shower turned off and JC stepped out, completly nude! Lance laughed a bit and said,

" As much as I want to do that, we have to go and check on Justin and Nick, and then go to Joey's room for a meeting.

" Damn, well ok. We'll get a quicky later." JC laughed as he threw on some clothes. Lance did the same, and they walked to the door. " Umm, I was just wonderng, how come you had a change of heart last night. I mean the night before you didn't want to do it so fast, and then last night you did."

" Well, earlier on yesturday, when we were talking to Nick, you were so nice to him. I just had to show my appriciation to you." Lance said.

" Oh ok, it was sooooo good too." JC said as he thought ' Why is he always thinking about Nick?'.

" Now are you sure you want to tell them about us?" Lance asked JC before heading out.

" Yes I am sure." JC said before giving him a kiss. The two walked out into the hall and went up to Nick and Justin's door. JC pointed out that the door was cracked open, and the two slipped in quietly. The two looked at the floor, which there were clothes and food containers strewn about. But what they saw on the bed would shock the hell out of them.

" Nick?" Lance said

" Justin?" JC said

To Be Continued -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Well there you go, another cliffhanger. I know this drives you people craz, but it does keep you coming back. In the forth chapter, I am predicting a fight between Lance and JC and possibly a threesome!! Only time will tell. E-mail me with you comments/suggestions about the story so far. And look for the next addition to be out in the next few days.

Next: Chapter 4

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