Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Mar 2, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 4 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

First I would like to say thanks for all of the people who responded to my story so far. I like getting these responces so if you do read this story, it would be most appriciated if you would send me a comment about the story so far.

Legal Stuff:

This story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Part 4- Lovers and Cheaters

A few seconds earlier

" Nick?" Lance said

" Justin?" JC said as he saw his best friend Justin Timberlake laying on top of Nick Carter, with nothing but a sheet that didn't cover much, covering them. Both Justin and Nick had grins on their faces as they layed there on the bed, asleep. JC walked over to the bed and put his hand on Justin's shoulder,

" Wake up, J" JC whispered. Justin stirred a bit before mumbling,

" Nicky, I don't wanna get up.". After hearing this both Lance and JC started to crack up. Justin's eyes fluddered open and he turned around to see the two standing in front of him and Nick laguhing their asses off.

" What are you two laughing at?" Justin whispered, not trying to wake Nick up.

" Oh nothing, J" Lance said throwing Justin's boxer-briefs at him. Justin looked down and turned 16 different shades of red as he threw them on. He put a blanket on Nick, who looked like an angle, in Justin's eyes, laying there.

" So what do you guys want?" Justin said as he got up from the bed.

" Well first off it wasn't to see you, butt ass naked in bed with Nick." Lance said a with a hint of sarcasm and anger in his voice.

" We came in here because Chris had been trying to call you, but no one had answered." JC said, making the save for JC. Justin then walked over to the phone and bent down, he came back up with the phone cord,

" We didn't want to be disturbed." Justin said with a grin. JC laughed a bit but Lance didn't even show any sign of emotion.

" That's odd, when I went to sleep there were only two people in the room." said Nick, who had just woken up. Justin plopped onto the bed and kissed Nick fully on the mouth,

" Good morning, Nicky."

" Good morning, Curly."

" Good morning, aspirin." Lance said as he left the room in a huff. Justin and Nick looked at each other with looks of confusion, on their faces. They both looked at JC, who made an " I don't know " gesture.

" We're meeting in Chris and Joey's room for breakfast. Get up and get dressed." JC said before making his exit. Nick looked at Justin,

" Do you think they were surprised?"

" Yeah, but not as surprised as the guys will be." Nick said giving Justin a kiss on the lips.

The four loverbirds got dressed for breakfast and headed towards Joey and Chris's room. They went in, first Justin and Nick, then Lance and JC. As Lance walked over to the food cart, he was saw AJ, Howie, and Chris looking at him with grins on their faces. JC and Lance both piled eggs, bacon, and toast onto their plates and sat down on the floor.

" Ok lets get down to buisness. Today we have rehersals for the concert tomorrow, as well as N'sync having a little studio work to do." Kevin said in his "professional" tone of voice. " Also, the hotel has added a new policy, no loud moaning past 10:00pm, this means you two." Kevin pointed at JC and Lance. JC spitted out the sip of coffee that he had in his mouth and Lance turned whiter than a ghost.

"" JC studdered out. Everyone nodded their heads and cracked big smiles. " So you know then?" JC asked as everyone nodded their heads again

" You're ok with this, right?" Lance said starting to turn back to his normal skin color.

" Yeah, we're ok with this. Why would you two be any different from Nick?" AJ said as Kevin shot an evil look at Brian, that said "Don't even say a word".

" I'm just surprised that it took you guys this long to give us a hint." Joey said.

" What are you talking about? We've only been going out with each other for a few days." JC said in confusion.

" Wow, only a few days. Chris and I thought that you've been going out with each other for a month." Joey said with a smile on his face.

" A month? " Lance said in confusion.

" Yes Lance, a month. We've seen the way you looked at JC, with that look of desire." Chris said with a mocking/seductive tone of voice as everyone laughed, including JC.

" I wouldn't be laughing JC, you looked at him the same way, except your's said, Man I would love to have a piece of that ass." Joey said as everyone burst out into laughter.

" Well come on, let's see it, let's see the new couple kiss." Chris said with a grin on his face. JC moved over to Lance, put his hand behind Lance's head and placed his lips on Lance's soft ones and started giving Lance a kiss that nearly lifted him off his feet. All of the guys started hooting and hollering as Nick and Justin looked at the two with smiles on their faces. After JC and Lance broke their kiss, they both turned red and had grins from ear to ear. Justin spoke up,

" Well, as long as everyone is happy with JC and Lance being together, Nick and I have some news." Everyone turned to Justin, who was standing next to Nick. He grabbed Nick's hand and said,

" Nick and I are going out with each other.". Then to Justin and Nick's surprise, everyone started laughing!

" Oh you sure as hell know how to make us laugh Curly." Joey said standing up and patting Justin on the arm. Nick looked at Joey,

" He's not kidding. We are going out with each other." Nick wrapped his arm around him, as Justin let a small tear roll down his cheek. As that happened, the entire room came to a stand still. Howie, AJ, Kevin, Brian, Joey, and Chris's jaws nearly hit the floor. There they saw the two youngest members of both bands standing in each others arms, confessing their love for each other and what did the six guys do? Laugh and in a sense make fun of them for it. Realizing for what they did, AJ and Joey stood up and went over to hug Justin and Nick,

" We're sorry you guys, we thought that you were just kidding around with us." AJ said squeezing them as hard as he could.

" You're forgiven (gasp) could (gasp) you let (gasp) go" Justin managed to gasp out. AJ let go of the two,

" Oh sorry, I forgot that I had that strong of a squeez." AJ said apoligetically. Lance and JC stood up and went to the door,

" Well, we'll be getting ready for rehersals, what time should we be downstairs?" JC said grabbing Lance's hand.

" Be down there in 15 minutes. Now could everyone please get out!" Kevin said loudly as everyone got out of the room.

JC and Lance walked into their room and Lance sat on the bed. JC straddled Lance's hips,

" I think that went pretty well, don't you?" JC said staring into Lance's deep blue eyes. JC started to kiss Lance deeply before he could get his answer. After awhile the two broke off,

" So I see that I've got a horny boyfriend. I guess that I'll have to take care of that later." Lance said with a grin on his face.

" What do you mean later? What's wrong with now?" JC said as he pushed Lance back onto the bed and started kissing him on the neck. This lasted for only a few seconds, as a knock on the door broke their make out session.

" Hey guys, you don't have time for that, get ready." AJ said from the other side of the door with a laugh. So then the two got dressed and headed out towards the elevator. Once in the elevator JC turned to Lance,

" Also there's one thing that I have to remind you, Scoop."

" What's that?" Lance asked with curiostiy

" We can't, you know, hold hands or touch each other like we would in front of the guys. If word of us being gay leaked out..." JC was cut off by Lance,

" Yeah I know, it'll be hard to hold back but I can do it." he said a little depressed at the whole situation. The elevator hit ground level and the two went out into the lobby, where Kevin was giving the final instrutions,

" Ok, since we are going to the same place for rehersals, it doesn't matter who gets in which limo, also tonight AJ, Howie, and I are going clubbin' if anyone else wants to join us, they're more than welcome to." After that, they all went out into the parking garage and pilled into the two limos, Justin, Nick, JC, Lance and Chris in one, Brian, Kevin, Howie, AJ, and Joey in the other. The two limos pulled out of the garage.

In the first limo

" So uh JC, what's it like?" Chris asked with an unmature type of voice. JC looked over at him with a " what the hell are you taking about" look.

" What's IT like?" Chris said giving JC a hint on what he was trying to ask.

" Oh ok. Well it kinda hurts a first but you get used to it after a few push-ins." JC said as Lance smiled a bit.

" Um (gag) gross! I didn't need to know what you do." Chris said jokingly. Justin was listening to the whole conversation while sitting on Nick's lap. Every once in a while he would lean over a start to kiss Nick on the mouth, and Nick would return the favor by kissing Justin's neck. The limos pulled into the arena and the ten guys got out and stretched, hoping there wouldn't be a mob of fans waiting for them, and to their luck, there wasn't any.

" Come on Lance, get those hips moving!! Joey it's step left turn right not step right turn left!" Their choreogrpher Fatima shouted at them. As N'sync was on stage practicing Nick was watching them, especially Justin and Lance. He couldn't wait for tonight when everyone went out clubbin', because Nick knew that Lance wasn't going to go even if JC was. After the long rehersal for practice, JC looked at his watch, 5:30pm,

" God we have been working our asses off today." he said as Lance gave him a big hug from behind. " We'll have time for that later" JC said removing Lance's arms from him. Lance looked at JC with confusion,

" What's wrong JC? Ever since we have left the hotel, you seem to be embarrased with me touching you or showing any affection to you."

" I'm sorry, I just don't want the public to find out about us. You know there could be a photographer around here taking pictures of us right now" JC said walking towards the soda machine.

" So that's it, you're just worried about your image, not us." Lance said a little hurt.

" Lance, that's not it..." JC said before he was cut off by Lance,

" Then kiss me right here." Lance said as Justin and Nick walked in.

" What?" JC said a little confused.

" If you are not just worried about your image to the public, then kiss me." Lance said getting closer to JC. Nick and Justin stood by watching the two in silence.

" I'm sorry Lance, I love you, but I don't want to kiss you here." JC said walking away with a tear rolling down his cheek. Lance sat down on the couch and buried his face in his knees and started to weep. Justin sat down on the couch next to Lance and put his arm around him,

" Lance stop crying, he'll get used to this after awhile." Justin said trying to calm Lance. Nick went over to him and bent down in front of Lance,

" Listen, we'll go back to the hotel, JC will go out and cool down a bit, then you two will work this whole thing out." Lance looked up at Nick with slightly red eyes and hugged him.

" You're probably right Nick. I'm just going to stay at the hotel tonight, will you guys stay there with me while everyone else goes out?" Lance asked the two. Both of them nodded their heads in agreement. After awhile, they guys Justin, Nick, and Lance went back to the hotel, when the rest of the guys went out clubbin'.

" So what do you two want to do?" Lance said walking into his hotal room with Nick and Justin following him in.

" You wanna get a movie or somethin'?" Justin asked sitting down on the bed. Nick sat down behind him and started to massage Justin's shoulders. Justin started to moan a little before Lance cut the two of them off,

" Uh could you guys not do that, it reminds me of JC." Nick let go of Justin,

" Yeah sorry Lance, but if you let your mind forget JC maybe you'll feel better" Nick said trying to comfort Lance.

" I'll try to but it probably won't work. Anytime I think, my mind flashes back to him, I can't get him off my mind." Lance said starting to get teary eyed. Justin got up from the bed and motioned for Nick to come with him. Nick did just that and Justin whispered something into his ear, after he did Nick looked at Justin with confusion, all Justin did was smile at him with a big grin.

" Well Justin and I have an idea that might work." Nick said with a devilish grin on his face.

" What's that?" Lance asked still thinking about JC. Nick walked over to Lance, sat on his lap facing him, and started kissing Lance on the mouth, sliding his tounge in and out of Lance's mouth. Lance just sat there on the bed and let it happen, he was just stunned at this whole thing, Justin acctually wanted Nick to do this! Nick stopped kissing Lance and said,

" Well did that take your mind off him?"

" I can't say that it didn't, but why are you doing this?" Lance asked while his mind was spinning. Nick got off Lance and Justin took the question,

" Lance, all you could think of was JC, and it was hurting you, so I thought, well we'll just have to get his mind off him no matter what. Lance, still stunned just sat there. " Come on Lance snap out of it" Justin yelled at him before pushing him on the bed and getting on top of him, he started to kiss Lance, on his mouth, cheek, neck, forehead, anywhere where he could. Nick sat behind Lance and started to rub Lance's chest underneath the white t-shirt he was wearing. Justin quickly let go of Lance's lips to remove his shirt. Once this was done, Justin was back on the job. Lance snapped back into reality and saw what was being done to him, and he pushed Justin away.

" This is how you kiss someone, Justin." Lance said turning around. He grabbed Nick by the back of the head and pulling him into a kiss. The two swirled their tonges around each others mouth, as Justin watched the two, removing his jeans in the process. Justin went behind Lance and pulled him back by his arms. Nick got on his knees and grabbed Lance's shirt pulling it upwards, Justin helped Nick do this. Lance was getty so turned on, he thought ' This is wrong, but it does feel good. I mean I got one of my best friends and Nick Carter seducing me at the same time.' Nick reached down and started to squeeze Lance's crotch slightly, as Lance let out a moan.

" Ohh so you get aroused by this huh. Justin could you give me a hand?" Nick said as Justin nodded his head. Justin reached around Lance's body and unzipped his pants, kissing Lance on the back of the neck as he did it. He then pulled Lance back while Nick pulled Lance's pants forward.

" Nick gives a hell of a blowjob, so just lay against me and relax." Justin said as he rubbed Lance's chest. Nick grabbed the elastic strap of Lance's green boxerbreifs and pulled them down. Lance's cock was at it's full erection, nine inches. " Damn Nick, thats quite a challenge. Do you think that you can get all of it?" Justin said as Lance got really red in the face.

" Wow, I don't know. It's huge!" Nick said as Lance got even redder.

" Hey you two got me like this so don't dissapoint me." Lance said to Nick. Nick smiled and then started to lick up and down Lance's hard shaft. Justin started playing with Lance's hair as Nick went to playing around with Lance's cockhead. Lance let out a loud moan as Justin started to suck on Lance's neck. When he was done, Justin didn't notice that he had left a hickey on Lance's neck. Nick then put a few inches of Lance's cock into his mouth and started to go down on it slowly. Lance moaned in an erotic fashion, as Nick nearly gaged as he finaly got all of Lance's manhood inside his mouth. He went up and down and his cock as Lance put his hand on his head and pushed it harder onto his dick.

" Ooooh god, this is so good." Lance said as Justin turned got up and went behind Nick and started rubbing his ass. Nick was getting so turned on by this, as Lance started to buck his hips. Justin took the zipper of Nicks pants and pulled them down, as well as starting to stroke his own cock, which was a good 6 1/2 inches in length.

" OOOH....AHHH....I'!" Lance said as his cock blasted it's hot juice into Nick's mouth. Nick swallowed all of it and let go of Lance's cock. Lance started to get up, but he was cut off by Justin, who was completly nude,

" And where do you think you're going?" He said pushing Lance back onto the bed. Nick took a condom and rolled it onto Justin's erect cock, and spread some lube onto it, as well as Lance's butthole,

" When you and JC had sex, did he fuck you?" Nick said boldly. Lance shook his head, and Justin and Nick looked at each.

" Then we shouldn't do this. Your virginity is something that you should give away to the person you love, not to someone who is you're doing it with for a fling." Justin said taking the condom off of his dick.

" Yeah we shouldn't." Lance agreed with Justin. Nick stood up and got all of his clothes off the floor, as well as Justin doing the same. The three put their clothes on and sat on the bed, Lance looked at Nick and gave him a kiss, he did the same for Justin.

" Thanks, for keeping my mind off of JC." Lance said giving them a hug.

" No problem, and we hope that you and JC will work things out with each other." Nick said as Justin nodded his head in agreement.

" We will, hopefully." Lance said getting up from the bed and went over to the window. " Hopefully...."

While the threesome was going on...

" How many drinks has JC had already?" Howie said looking at JC attempting to dance.

" Let's see here, 3 beers, 4 shots of Jack Daniels, and an Alabama Slammer." Chris said looking at the bill that JC had racked up. Howie looked at him and started to laugh,

" He is going to be so shitfaced in the morning." Chris started laughing too as Joey walked over,

" What's so funny?" He said wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

" Oh nothing, just the fact that JC is going to feel like crap tomorow." Howie informed Joey. JC stumbled over to the table, where everyone was seated,

" Hhhey (hic) evrrrrryone (hic)" Kevin stood up to help JC maintain his balance. Brian stood up and helped JC as well,

" Come on guys, we should get him back to the hotel" He said putting JC's arm over his shoulder. The rest of them nodded their heads and they all got up and headed towards the door.

" Bbbbuttt I doonnnttt wanna ggooo" JC managed to slur out.

" Too bad, we're going." Chris said before letting out a laugh.

To be continued -----------------------------------------------------------------------

So what did you think of the chapter? I bet you were all thinking that the threesome was going to be with Nick, JC and Lance. Fooled ya. But it will happen in one of the chapters to come. In the next chapter you might be reading a lot of sex, JC might find out about what Nick and Justin did to Lance, he may not. Maybe him and Lance will have make up sex? Who knows. Send all of your comments/suggestions to

Next: Chapter 5

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