Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Mar 14, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 5 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Sorry that I took so long to write this chapter, but I do get busy. Anyway, thanks to everyone who have responded to my story so far, and I try to respond to your e-mails but I only quickly check my box. I love getting responces to this story so keep sending me them.

Legal Stuff:

This story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Part 5- Jealousy and Lust

Lance stood there looking out the window thinking about the events of that day. The guys finding out about their secret, JC and his fight, Nick and Justin seducing him. All of it made Lance's head spin. Nick and Justin had left the room ten minutes ago, and had already got underway with playing "games" with each other, as the moans from the room next to his had pointed out. Lance headed over towards his bed and hopped in. As he was about to fall asleep, he heard a knock at the door.

" Lance, Lance, open up." The voice said. Lance got up and opened the door. Kevin and Chris stood there holding JC, who had passed out by that time.

" What happened to him?" Lance said taking JC into his arms.

" He had to many drinks." Chris replied rubbing his shoulder.

" God damnit Chris, you know he has a little drinking problem." Lance said loudly as he put JC down on the bed.

" Yeah well he wouldn't have done this if you hadn't...." Chris said before realizing what he was about to say. Lance looked at him with a look of anger,

" If I hadn't what? Make him feel better." Chris looked back at Lance a little hurt,

" I'm sorry Lance, I didn't mean to say that. I know he has a drinking problem."

" It's alright, just go back to your room. I'll take care of him." Lance said turning his back on Chris.

" Ok, good night Scoop." Chris said stepping out of the door.

" Night Chris." Lance said hearing the door close. Lance stripped JC down to his white boxers, and put him into bed. As JC laid there Lance looked at hi with a tear going down his cheek. ' Oh JC why did you have to do this to me. You know I love you.'

" AHHH!!!!" Nick yelled out after blowing his load inside of Justin. The two were sweating buckets full and were panting like two over heated dogs. Nick pulled himself out of Justin and layed on top of him.

"" Justin said between pants. All Nick could do was smile, as he was trying to catch his breath. Justin looked at Nick, smiled, put his hand behind Nick's head, and pulled him into a kiss. A few minutes went by and a knock was heard at the door.

" Damn." Justin said letting go of Nick. Nick got up and put one of the hotel's robes, and opened the door a bit.

" Who is it?" Nick said sticking his head out of the door. Then Brian stepped into Nicks view. He looked at Brian, who had tears rolling down his cheeks.

" I'm (sniff) so (sniff) sorry." Brian said through his tears. Nick stepped out of the room, and into the hall. He reluctantly gave Brian a light hug,

" It's ok Bri, it's ok." Nick said still feeling a little anger for what Brian had been doing to him for the past few months.

" No (sniff) no it's not. I shouldn't have (sniff) done that to you." Brian said squeezing Nick harder. Nick held onto Brian feeling a little bit sad for him.

" Listen Brian, I forgive you. For some reason, I forgive you." Nick said as Brian smiled a bit.

" You do? You forgive me?" Brian asked as Nick nodded his head. Brian stopped crying at this time and said, " You are so kind Nick, Justin is lucky to have such a sweet and forgiving person." Nick looked at Brian with a surpirsed and confused look on his face,

" What's with the change of heart all of a sudden, Brian?"

" Kevin made me see the wrong I was doing towards you, and it hurts me that I did all of this to you. I'm so sorry...." Brian said as he started crying again. Nick had a tear rolling down his cheek at this point,

" Would you stop crying Brian, I already said that you are forgiven." Nick said as Brian looked up at him.

" So are we still Frick and Frack?" Brian said trying to crack somewhat of a smile.

" Yeah we are Bri." Nick said letting go of Brian

" Alright Nicky, you should get back to Justin he needs you." Brian said walking towards his room.

" Good night B-Rok."

" Good night Nick." Brian said as he walked into his room. Nick walked back into his room and got in bed.

" Well I guess they are still freinds." AJ said to Howie who they had both seen the whole event.

" Yeah, I still can't belive that Brian made Nick do all of that stuff to him." Howie said climbing into bed.

" Well at least Nick forgave him. Now we can have a little peace around here." AJ said climbing into his bed.

The next day came fast for the Backstreet Boys and N-sync as the sun shown into their hotel rooms. Justin and Nick had gone at it again after Nick talked with Brian, I guess those two can get enough of each other. Anyway, Lance was the first one up on their floor. He had been walking around the hotel, in serch of some aspirin for JC. As he walked into his room he noticed that the entire room was pitch black,

" JC?" Lance said into the darkness. All he heard in responce was a small groan. Lance stumbled over to the window and opened the shades so that the sunlight filled the entire room.

" Uhhhhh!!!!" JC yelled as he covered his head with a pillow. Lance walked over to the bed and ripped the pillow off of JC,

" Yeah you better be in pain, why the hell did you get drunk last night!" Lance yelled as JC covered his ears.

" Stop it Lance, my head hurts....." JC said running into the bathroom and he began to throw up in the toilet. Lance walked into the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the tub,

" Now answer me. Why did you get drunk last night?" Lance said a little more softly than before.

" Everyone was having a good time, (hurl), and I was still upset from our fight, so I turned to the bottle." JC said a little sarcastically, before he threw up again.

" Don't get smart with me, JC. You know you have a drinking problem." Lance said in a dominating voice.

" I know I do, but I couldn't help it. (hurl) It was the only thing that got you off my mind." JC said still throwing up in the toilet. Lance got up and took a glass of water and the bottle of aspirin and handed it to JC,

" Here take this, you should feel better. And I want to talk about us showing our affections out of the hotel. If you feel uncomfortable about it, then I'll behave myself, but you have to be a little flexible. I love you JC and I will at times show it to you regardless where we are." Lance said sitting back down on the edge of the tub. JC downed the pills and water and then looked up at Lance with watery eyes.

" me?" JC said to Lance, who in return nodded his head. JC stood up from the floor and hugged Lance, nearly causing the both of them to fall into the tub.

" Of course I love you JC, I don't know how many times I have to tell you it. And I would like if you would make love to me tonight." Lance said as JC smiled a bit, but then he quickly went back down and began to throw up again in the toilet. Lance shook his head and began to laugh,

" Well now I know my answer for that one." he said as JC took his head out of the toilet.

" Ok tonight after the concert, I'll make love to you Lance." JC said with a big smile.

"Now before we go to breakfast, we have to get cleaned. Come on." Lance said grabbing JC's hand and pulling him up.

" So what do you have in mind?" JC said with a smile. Lance answered him by pulling his and JC's boxers down and stepping into the shower. Lance turned on some warm water and grabbed a bar of soap. " I see what you mean." JC said turning around so that Lance was behind him. Lance took the soap and began to make a lot of lather on JC's back with the soap, JC closed his eyes as Lance did his work. As Lance brought the soap down and began to rub it on JC's ass, he became aroused, VERY aroused. JC noticed Lance's erect cock pressing into him and he turned around, only to be met by two of the most beautiful blue eyes that he had ever seen,

" God Lance, do I turn you on that much?" He said looking down at Lance's throbbing nine-incher. Lance turned red and he reached down at JC's cock and began to stroke it, as JC started to kiss Lance fully on the mouth. Swirling their tounges aound each others mouths, practically choking each other. JC's mouth went from Lance's lips to his neck, where JC found a little surprise,

" Where did you get that?" JC said looking at the hickey on Lance's neck in confusion. " I know I didn't give you that." JC looked up at Lance who had turned whiter than a ghost.

" Ummmm I have to tell you something JC." Lance whispered out, almost trembling.

" Good moring Curly." Nick said as he gazed into Justin's big blue eyes. Justin looked back at Nick with a big smile on his face,

" Good morning Nicky." Justin was, at this time, laying on top of Nick. The two became lip-locked with each other as they usually did each morning, noon, and night. Justin broke off from Nick and said, "So how was it for you last night?"

" Which part, Us and Lance or you and my?" Nick answered with a question of his own.

" The you and us part, silly." Justin said with a smirk.

" It was fabulous, of course. And by the way, where did you get those handcuffs from?" Nick said with a laugh.

" Oh now why would I tell you. Thats the fun part of this whole thing." Justin said before getting off of Nick. Nick sat up and ran his hand through his soft blonde hair, before yawning loudly.

" God the way you worked me last night I think that I could use a lot more bed rest. How the hell can you have all of that energy, you're smaller than me." Nick said with a laugh. Justin playfully punched him on the arm,

" Well tonight you are going to have double duty in bed." Justin said pushing Nick onto the bed.

" Geez Justin, I'm not a sex machine." Nick said with a grin on his face.

" I'll be the judge of that." Justin said before placing his soft lips upon Nick's.

" You let Nick give you a blowjob!?!?!?" JC yelled as he stepped out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. Lance got out and grabbed a towel too. The two walked out of the bathroom and JC turned around and stopped Lance in his tracks with a look that could kill.

" Why the hell would you do this to me." JC asked with confusion.

" I don't know why I did it. I mean you made me upset, and Nick and Justin were trying to get me to relax..." Lance was interupted by JC.

" Whoa Whoa Whoa, you never said anything about Justin. What the hell did you let him do to you?" JC asked as he folded his arms.

" He just basically kissed me and held me while Nick gave me some head." Lance said as a tear rolled down JC's cheek.

" How could my best freind do this to me?" JC said aloud.

" They were just trying to get my mind off of you. It was killing me inside from our fight." Lance said drooping his head down.

" Wait you were feeling that bad about our fight. I didn't know that I meant this much to you." JC said starting to smile a bit. Lance looked up at him with sore red eyes,

" Well it did, I don't like it when people fight, especially me." Lance said. JC leaned in and kissed Lance on the lips,

" Don't cry Lance, I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I just....I'm not ready to you know.." JC said letting Lance finish the sentence,

" Show affection for each other outside of the hotel, or anywhere in public." JC nodded his head as Lance hugged him. " So am I forgiven?" Lance said hoping that JC would not lash back at his humor.

" Yes you are forgiven, but you'll have to make it up for me sometime." JC said with a big grin on his face. " So....was he good at it?"

" JC!?" Lance said in disbelief

" What I only wanted to know." JC said laughing a bit.

" It felt good." Lance said while lieing his ass off.

" Good??" JC said not beliving a word that Lance said.

" Ok it was awsome!!" Lance shouted out.

" Well I see that I have compitition." JC said sarcastically.

" No, how could I compare him to you." Lance said hugging JC.

" I don't know, maybe we'll find out sometime." JC said with a devilish grin.

" What does that mean?" Lance said a little confused.

" You'll find out." JC said before going out into the hall.

" Come on Justin (laugh), we don't (laugh) have time for this." Nick said while Justin was licking Nick's earlobe.

" You can't sit here and tell me that you don't like this." Justin said moving his hands down Nick's tight six-pack. Nick removed Justin's hands from him,

" It's not that I DON'T like it, we don't have the time to do it" Nick said getting up from the bed. Justin followed him into the bathroom as Nick turned on the shower. " Ok, I'll give you ten minutes in here." Nick said as Justin stripped him down. They got into the shower and Justin took it from there. He took a bar of soap and started to rub it all over Nick's smooth, sexy body. Nick moaned in an erotic fashion as Justin went down to Nick's pubes.

" Does this go to your liking?" Justin asked as he squezed Nick's cock. All Nick could do was moan. " I'll take that as a yes." Justin said with a grin on his face. Justin then got closer to Nick and began to grind his body up against his lover's, harder and harder, faster and faster. He then began to kiss the back of Nick's neck, licking it in the process. Nick, aroused by this, thurned around and began kissing Justin on his soft, sweet lips. Steam was forming on the mirror, and not because of the hot water.

" All right, we're here." JC said pulling Lance into Joey and Chris's room. They walked up to the food trays and pilled on eggs, bacon, and toast on their plates. The two sat down on the floor and began to eat.

" Where's Nick and Justin, they're the only two not here." Howie said as everyone laughed at him. " What's so funny?"

" Everyone be quite so Howie can figure out why we just laughed." Joey said with a big smile. The room became silent as the faint sound of moaning and groaning could be heard.

" Ahh'd think that they would keep it down." Howie said as everyone broke out into laughter. As the time passed Nick and Justin made their entrance to the room.

" Well there's the rowdy couple." AJ said cheerfully to them and Nick turned bright red.

" Sorry, we'll keep it down next time." Justin said as he took a plate and loaded food onto it. As everyone ate their breakfast and talked amongst each other, Kevin sorted through a bunch of papers. As Justin and Brian chatted, Nick was talking to Lance and JC.

" Ok Lance here's one for you. If you could make out with anyone other than JC, who would it be?" Nick asked as JC layed up against his man.

" Hmm other than JC? It would have to be Justin." Lance said smiling.

" Hey!" Justin and JC said in unison as Lance burst out laughing.

" Ok then, if you get Justin then I get JC." Nick said as Justin smacked him in the back. " You see he's so abusive." Nick said bracing himself for Justin's retaliation.

" Ok everyone, now onto business. We have a concert tonight, but before that we have to reherse at the stadium, then we leave here for North Carolina for a two day concert." Kevin announced to the boys.

" YEAH!! North Carolina baby!" Justin screamed as the five from BSB looked at him with confusion. Justin realized his outburst and turned bright red. JC looked at Nick,

" Yeah, the North Carolina is J's favorite college bastketball team. He'll wear anything that's baby blue, and I do mean anything." he said remembering that one time that the guys put him in a baby blue dress and covered him a silly string.

" Hey, that was because you guys put that dress on me." Justin said as Nick laughed at the notion of his lover wearing a dress.

" Anyway! We leave in about (looks at his watch) 20 minutes." Kevin said as they all got up and left the room. Half way down the hall JC told Lance that he would be back to the room in a few minutes. Lance nodded and went into the hotel room as JC went to Nick's room and knocked on the door.

" Nick open up. It's JC." He said into the door. JC only had to wait a second before the door opened. JC walked into the room as Nick shut the door behind him. " Where's Justin?" JC asked.

" Oh he's over at Joey and Chris's. What's on your mind?"

" Well, first off I know what you and Justin did to Lance last night." JC said as Nick nearly fainted.

"" Nick studdered out.

" Don't worry I'm not upset or anything. I'm acctually turned on a bit. And when you said that you would want to make out with me, that made me think a little." JC said as Nick sat down on the bed. JC sat next to him and put his arm on Nick's shoulder. " So what do you say?" He said non-chalantly. Nick looked at him with confusion. " Come on Nick, you know what I mean."

" No I don't JC." Nick said pulling away from him.

" Yes you do." JC said leaning closer to him. Nick just sat there as JC layed him back on the bed, kissing Nick, swirling his tounge around Nick's mouth. Nick wrapped his arms around JC as the two rolled around on the bed. The time just seemed to fly by as Nick and JC entangled on the bed, but then what they had forgotten about walked into the room.

" Nick....JC?"

To be continued.

Well I know that you readers hate cliffhangers, but I couldn't resist. OK people I need some ideas, comments, suggestions, whatever you can to help me with the story. Send them to Well thanks for reading and come back soon!

Next: Chapter 6

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