Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Mar 24, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 7 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

And I would like to suggest to all readers of this story to read "Two out of Five", it is a great story.

Legal Stuff:

This story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Part 7- When love dreams about the enemy

" We have to talk." AJ said grabbing Chris's arm. Chris nodded his head and walked over to the bed and sat down. " Ok, other than the fact that we were drunk, why did we do what we did." AJ asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders and said,

" I don't know. Are you gay AJ?"

" No." AJ said plainly. " I mean, I am a little bi..." he said quietly.

" So did you know what you were doing?" Chris asked

" I was just curious, I didn't mean to go that far." AJ said starting to cry.

" Don't cry AJ, listen even though I am not gay, or bi for that matter, I won't hold it against you." Chris said giving AJ a hug, but for some reason Chris felt a hint of dissecurity of what he had just said.

" Thanks Chris." AJ said with a smile. The two let go of each other and AJ gathered his clothes up and left the room.

Lance sat on the bed looking out the window while his sleeping beauty was resting comfortably on his chest. He played around with JC's hair while his mind was replaying flashbacks from the night before...... Nick blowing a hell of a lot of cum into his mouth, JC licking the excess cum out of his mouth, as well as taking his virginity, it was turning him on REAL fast. JC eyes fluddered open and he looked up at Lance who was smiling,

" Good morning, sleeping beauty." Lance said with a laugh.

" Same to you, babe." JC said snuggling more up against him. Lance helped JC up and gave him a kiss. JC made a funny look, " Your breath smells really bad." Lance smiled at him,

" So does your's, remember last night?" he asked. JC mind flashed back to when Nick had blown his load in Lance's mouth, and then he licked it off of him.

" Oh yeah, now I do." JC said geting up from the bed.

" You were pretty kinky last night, were you THAT turned on?" Lance said with a laugh.

" So what if I was a little horny, you'd be too if you were in my shoes." JC said defending himself. He gave Lance a kiss and walked into the bathroom. " You can join me if you want." JC said as the door closed. ' Well got to relive some more tensions I guess.' Lance said to himself before getting up from the bed and heading towards the bathroom, where sounds of falling water were coming from.

Nick and Justin slept quietly in their room, both dreaming, but the two's dreams were VERY different.


He was laying on the bed, the lights dim and romantic music filling the air. He felt an icecube being moved around on his chest, his nipples, his neck, over his lips. Justin, with his eyes closed, felt lips pressing against his. A tounge being forced into his mouth, and coming into contact with his. He reached down and began to rub the back of his seducer, as he grinded his crotch against him. Justin opned his eyes and saw who was making love to him.

" Mmmmmmm Brian." He moaned.


" Hold him down, he's going to be feeling this for a long time." the gang leader told his possie (lol). Nick was bleeding from his left nostrol and he had a black eye. The gang members held each arm as the leader continued to punch the fourteen year old in the face, as well as the stomach. " This teaches you to come onto me, queer." the gang leader shouted at Nick. They were in a dark, back alley, no one around to help him, all that could be heard were the sounds of flesh slamming into flesh. To Nick, the beating seem to last forever, it was five on one, there was no way he was doing anything but get the shit kicked out of him. " Alright I'm done let go of him." the leader said. His possie let go of Nick and threw him to the pavement. The leader stood over him and took out a switch blade and held it close to Nick's face, " The next time I see you, I won't be as merciful as I am today. You tell anyone about this, I'll take this knife and slit your throat with it." he said before leaving with the rest of his gang. Nick layed on the concrete, spitting up blood and holding his chest, which he had three broken ribs.


Nick sat up faster than a bolt of lightning, with trickles of sweat running down his face. He buried his face into his hands and let out a sigh. Justin, still in his erotic dream, began to grind his crotch against the bed. Nick looked back at him and let out a laugh. He reached back and put his hand on Justin's thigh,

" Justin....Justin, come on hunny wake up." he said shaking him.

" Mmmmmm Brian, oh yeah, ohhhh." Justin moaned as he continued to grind up against the bed. Nick's eyes bulged out of his head, as he heard what his lover was saying.

" JUSTIN!!" Nick yelled. He opened his eyes and looked at Nick, who had a scared look on his face.

" What's wrong with you?" He asked scratching his head.

" What's up with me? More like, what's up with you. What the hell were you dreaming about that you had to moan, OH BRIAN." Nick said, imitatting what Justin had said. After hearing that, Justin turned whiter than a ghost. " Well?" Nick said folding his arms.

" Ok, I was dreaming about Brian making love to me." Justin confessed.

" Oh I get it, while we're having sex, you can piture that it's Brian who's got his cock inside of you instead of me." Nick said getting madder and more frustrated.

" Calm down Nick, it was just a dream. It meant nothing." Justin said trying to calm down his boyfreind.

" Oh it meant nothing, did it. Well it must have or you would have been driving your dick into the mattress like you were having passionate sex!!" Nick yelled.

" Would you keep it down, you'll let everyone hear." Justin said with disbelief of Nick's attitude.

" Oh you would like that wouldn't you. You'd like for Brian to find out your feelings towards him. Trust me Justin, you don't want get close to him. He'll do to you what he did to me, and that's break your heart." Nick said with a tear rolling down his cheek.

" What feelings Nick? It was just a fucking dream, can't you get that through your thick skull." Justin yelled at Nick, before realizing whatt he had just said.

" What did you just say?" Nick asked with an evil look on his face.

" Nick I didn't......" Justin tried to explain before he was cut off by Nick.

" We are so through Justin, when we get to North Carolina, find a new roommate because there's no way you're staying with me." Nick said very coldheartedly. Justin was speechless, it was just a dream, yet Nick was taking it like he was cheating on him. Justin began to cry as he threw on some clothes and left the room. When he left the room, Nick thought to himself 'Why?'

Justin walked down the hall, crying his eyes out. Half way down the hall, a door opened and Joey and Chris walked out, talking to each other and sharing some laughs. Joey was the first one to notice him,

" What's wrong, Curly?" he asked looking at his crying bandmate. Justin looked at him with sore red eyes and replied,

" Nick...and I bbbroke up." he said braking up into more tears. Chris walked up to him and pulled Justin into a hug,

" Shhh, it's ok Justin. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

" No (sniff) no let's just get things together and leave. What time's our flight?" Justin asked wiping his tears on his sleeve.

" It's in an hour, are you packed yet?" Joey informed him. Justin shook his head 'no'. " Alright then I'll go get your things together and you can stay in our room untill we leave." Joey said patting his freind on the back.

" Thank's Joe, and don't say anything to Nick, he's probably hurt enough." Justin said as Joey aggreed. Chris took Justin into his room and sat him down on the bed.

" So what do you want to talk about?" He asked Justin.

" I don't know, anything to make me cheer up." Justin said laying on the bed. Chris layed down next to him,

" Oh I know the perfect story to tell you, wanna hear it." Chris asked and Justin replied yes. " Ok your going to laugh at this one, last night AJ and I got really drunk at this club we found, and we ended up sleeping with each other last night." Chris said. Justin looked at him and started laughing his ass off,

" Oh Chris, where do you get these stories from?" Justin said with a big smile on his face.

" I'm not kidding Curly, we did have sex with each other." Chris said very sinceraly. Justin's smile turned to a straight face,

" Oh shit, I'm sorry Chris I thought you were just joking around with me. You had sex with AJ?" Justin said with disbelief. Chris nodded his head. " So are you..." Justin said before getting cut off.

" No, well maybe, I don't know." Chris said becoming confused. " I told AJ that I wasn't gay this morning, but now that I think of it, I'm not so sure about it." He said getting up from the bed. " I mean, I always liked girls, but there's been this thing about guys that just apealed to me." Chris confessed to Justin.

" And you finaly realized it last night with AJ, right?" He asked Chris, who was sitting on the bed looking down at the floor.

" Yeah, but that's the thing, last night I was drunk. I don't know if what I did was because of my sexual preference or because of the alcohol." He said as the younger band mate kneeled down in front of him.

" Ok Chris stand up." he ordered

" What...why?" Chris questioned

" Just stand up."

" Ok. (stands up) What?". He walks over to Chris and kisses him almost as if they were a couple. They stood there in the middle of the room, kissing and feeling each other. Justin pulled back and said,

" Well, how did that feel?"

" It felt great....can we try it again." Chris said with a grin on his face.

" Sure." Justin answered and started kissing him again. They stood there, kissing each other, probing each others mouth's with their tounges. " Well I think we should get ready to leave." Just said braking their kiss.

" You're such a tease." Chris said with a smile and puching Justin on the arm.

" So when are you going to tell AJ."

" About what?"

" About, the fact that you have feelings for him, duh."

" I think when we arrive in North Carolina. But I kinda like this thing that we seem to be having."

" What thing? I've got my own problems."

" Yeah you're right. So, if your ever feeling bad or anything, just come to me and we'll do something, talk, make out, whatever." Chris said with a smile. Justin laughed and then his mind replayed what had happened earlier, and he became sad.

The ten heart-throbs packed up, went to the airport, and boarded the plane, and were on their way to Chapel Hill, North Carolina. On board the plane everyone went about their usual chatting with each other. JC and Lance sat next to each other, Lance gulping a jack and coke trying to relieve his fear of flying, and JC trying to comfort him. However Nick and Justin did not speak to each other the whole flight, not to Chris's surprise either. Howie and Joey took the liberty of informing everyone who had missed the morning's events, AJ and Chris both were blushing the entire flight. The guys landed in North Carolina and got to the hotel, what would happen in the next two days would only be somewhat short of a miricle.

To be continued -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Well there you go, chapter 7. I'm sorry that this chapter took me awhile to write, but what can you do? Anyway, I am also writing another story which the first chapter should be out in a day or two. Please e-mail me with your questions, comments, and/or suggestions to

And thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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