Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Mar 29, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 8 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

I can't belive that this story has lasted this much!! Thank you to everyone who read this story and sent in their e-mails, I enjoy reading them! Also, I have started writing another story, the first entry is in the arcives. The title is The Secrets Behind The Music, so go and check it out, I've gotten great feedback from that story.

Legal Stuff:

This story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Part 8- Tragedy

The guys landed safely in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The only mishap on the flight was Lance throwing up, but that's another story. Anyway, the ten celebs luckly made it to their hotel without incident. They pulled into the hotel parking garage and got out.

" Alright everyone, we made it!" Kevin announced to the group. They all made mild cheers and streached out.

" Well thanks to Lance over here, I got my new shirt stained." Howie said unhapily as the guys laughed.

" Sorry about that, but me drinking and flying at the same time doesn't go together well." Lance said holding his stomach as JC held him up.

" Anyway, here are the room assignments. Brian and me, Justin and Chris, Nick and AJ, JC and Lance, and last Howie and Joey." Kevin said handing them their hotel keys. The guys grabbed their luggage and headed up to the rooms.

" So Justin, want to tell me about Nick and your's fight?" Chris asked as he took of his shoes.

" Nah you would be interested." he responded laying down on the bed and turning on the tv.

" If I wasn't interested then why would I ask? Come on Just, we freinds." Chris insisted.

" Ok, well he woke me up this morning ans started yelling at me about something that I must have said while I was asleep. He just lost it, I told him it was just a dream and it meant nothing to me." Justin said flipping throught the channels.

" Well what were you dreaming about?" Chris asked the younger band member.

" It's too embarassing Chris." he replied.

" Justin, I think that nothing can come close to embarrassing to what happened between me and AJ." Chris said sitting down in front of Justin. " So come on tell me."

" I was dreaming that I was having sex with Brian." Justin said looking into Chris's eyes. After hearing that Chris started laughing his ass off. " What's so funny?" Justin asked with confusion.

" You (laughing) and Brian." Chris said as he continued laughing.

" You think that this is so funny. That the only person that I love hates me because of some stupid dream that I had. Thats whats funny Chris!!??" Justin yelled at him. Chris stopped laughing and looked at his freind who was begining to cry.

" I'm sorry Justin. I didn't mean to be so insensitive. It just sounded funny when you said it to me." he said giving Justin a hug.

" Well I'm going to get something to drink. Want anything?" Justin asked before opening the door. Chris shook his head 'no' and Justin left the room. On his way down the hall, Justin was pulled into a room and a blindfold was put over his eyes. He then felt soft leps press against his and a tounge parting his lips and sliding in. After a passionate kiss from an unknown person Justin asked " Nick is that you?"

" Good guess but try again." the person said in an southern accent.

" Brian?!" he asked.

" Well you know my voice." he said pushing Justin on the bed and getting on top of him. He removed the blindfold.

" Brian what are you doing?" Justin asked trying to move.

" Well I heard that you had dream about you and me, so why not experience it for yourself." Brian said pinning his arms to the bed.

" It was just a damn dream, I love Nick not you." Justin said defending himself again.

" Oh come on Justin, Nick's just a kid. I'll show you what a man can do in bed." Brian said starting to rub all over Justin's chest. He leaned down and started kissing him on the neck.

" Brian...get off!!!" he yelled pushing Brian off him and to the floor. But before he could get up, Brian slapped him in the face. Justin fell back on the bed holding his face in pain.

" You son of a bitch!!" A person yelled behind Brian and soon tackled him to the floor.

" Get the fuck off me!!" Brian yelled as Nick and him rolled around on the floor giving each other shots to the body. They managed to get up to their feet and Nick threw a punch at Brian, which he ducked and Nick's hand went right through the glass door to the balcony. He yelled out a scream of intense pain as the door shattered and fell to the ground.

" What the hell is going on in here?" AJ, Kevin, Joey, and Chris said in unison walking into the room. They saw Brian on the floor holding his stomach, Justin on the bed holding his face, and Nick laying next to a pile of broken glass with blood gushing out of his right hand.

" Holy shit, AJ call 911." Kevin ordered as he bent down next to Nick, who was writing in pain. Brian layed back on the floor and started to cough up blood, as Justin got up and bent down beside Kevin.

" Nick I'm so sorry." He said starting to cry.

" It's not your, OWW!!!, fault Justin." Nick said not trying to move his hand. The paramedics arrived shortly and took care of things. They put Brian on a stretcher and took him down to the ambulance as a second paramedic started to patch up Nick's hand. He got done and helped Nick down to the ambulence. When it sped out of the garage area Kevin and AJ got a cab and left for the hospital.

" I'm going too." Justin said walking towards the outside.

" Justin look at yourself. You're in no shape to go out." Chris said trying to calm down the younger bandmate.

" I don't care, I'm going wether you like it or not." he said trying to get past Chris.

" Well at least clean yourself up first." Chris said leading Justin to the bathroom. " You're probably want to put some ice on that." he said pointing to the huge red mark on Justin's face. He started washing his face with cold water, gasping when he touched the red mark.

" There I'm done, can I go now?" Justin asked impatiently.

" Yeah, come on we'll split a cab." Chris said walking out of the bathroom.

" Doctor, he's got internal injuries, we have to get him in the E.R. stat." a nurse said running along side the stretcher.

" Get him in their and prepare for surgery." the doctor aggreed. The guys who had got their first were stopped at a pair of swinging doors. " You'll have to wait out here. I'll com eout and talk to you after surgery." the doctor said before going through the doors. They all took their seats and began the long process of waiting. Meanwhile Nick's hand was getting attention, as the nurse cleaned it off for him.

" OOOWWWWW!!" Nick yelled as she touched it with a wet cloth.

" Sorry about that, but this is going to hurt a bit, your hand is broken. Here bite down on this." she said handing him a what seemed to be close to a chew toy. Nick put it in his mouth a bit down so hard on it that he nearly broke it in half. This agony lasted for awhile, as piece by piece of glass was removed from Nick's hand.

" Where's Nick?" Justin asked as he walked into the hospital and saw the rest of the guys sitting in chairs.

" Well Brian's in surgery....." Kevin started

" I don't give a fuck about Brian. Where the hell is Nick!!" Justin yelled starting to attract attention to himself.

" Calm down Justin he's getting his hand taken care of. Why don't you sit down and relax." AJ suggested to him. Justin took a seat and opened a magazine with so much force that it ripped the first ten pages right out of it. JC walked over to his best freind and took a seat next to him.

" Justin, do you want to talk about it?"

" No, just leave me alone JC." Justin said in an order like voice.

" Well I'm, going to keep on asking because I hate to see my best freind like this." JC insisted

" What is with everyone and trying to get me to open up to them!! You wanna know JC, well here it is. I was walking down to talk with Nick, where Brian pulled me into a room and started to kiss me and touch me on the bed. When I pushed him off me, he slapped me in the face. Then Nick came in and tackled Brian to the floor. They wrestled around, puching and kicking each other. When they got to their feet Nick went to punch Brian, which he missed, and his hand went through the glass door. There it is, are you happy now!" Justin said breaking out into tears. JC pulled him into a hug and placed Justin's head on his shoulder. Lance came over and tried to comfort him.

" Justin, it'll be alright. Nick will be fine, he's just getting his hand cleaed up and put in a cast." Justin continued to cry in JC's arms for hour after hour.

" Oh shit, get me some antibiodics, stat!" A doctor ordered. The E.R. had gone from normal to panic state when the person lying on the table started to convulse.

" Nick!!" Justin yelled as he saw him walk out of the office, his hand heavily wrapped in a cast. He ran at him and nearly knocked him off his feet. " I was so worried. I missed you Nick." Justin said wrapping his arms around Nick.

" I missed you too Curly." Nick said wrapping his arms around the younger blonde. " I heard what you and Chris were talking about earlier, and I realize that I was wrong to say the things I said to you. Can we go somewhere private to talk?" Nick asked letting go of Justin.

" Yeah, follow me." Justin said with the first smile that he had shown since earlier that day. The two left and went down the hall.

" Speaking of talking, I need to talk to you JC." Lance said to his lover. JC looked at him with confusion and Lance took his hand and left. Lance lead JC down the hall and went into an empty room. He locked the door behind him,

" So what did you want to talk about?" JC asked sitting down on the hospital bed.

" I just wanted to tell you that I love you with all of my heart." Lance said with a big smile.

" Awwww Lance that's so sweet, and I love you too." JC said giving Lance a kiss on the lips. " But seriously what did you want to talk about?"

" Well I was wondering when you are going to tell your parents about us?" he asked. JC hadn't thought about this factor in his life, his mom and dad.

" I don't know Lance. I don't think that I'm ready to tell them yet. My mom might understand, but my dad hates gay people. He always made fun of them and kept me shielded from anything he thought that would give me ideas about it." JC said as Lance held hugged him tightly.

" That's what I am thinking too JC. I mean I am of southern baptist belief. I don't have a clue on how my parents will react. I'm scared JC..." Lance trailed off into tears. JC looked up at the crying blonde,

" Listen Lance, no matter what happens, no matter if our parents can't stand the fact that we are in love with each other, I'll still love you. I won't leave you Lance." he said with a smile and his eyes beginning to tear up. After hearing that Lance felt more in love with JC than ever.

" JC, that was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me." he said. The two looked into each others eyes, time came to a halt, and they started kissing so passionatly. Wrapping their arms around each other, separating their lips with their tounges. Lance and JC's minds were thinking the same thing, ' This feels so good.' Still entangled with each other, JC layed Lance down on the bed, getting on top of him in the process. He open his shirt and began to lick Lance's chest, over every square inch of his body, swirling around his nipples. Lance moaned as JC moved his tounge up his neck, to his ear lobes, and finally to Lance's soft lips. They tounched the tips of their tounges together and JC un-zipped Lance's jeans, pulling them to his ankles. He began to rub Lance's cock through the boxerbreifs he was wearing, getting the meat REAL hard. Lance sat up and took off JC's shirt, revealing his nicely firm abs and chest, which always turned him on. He took his hands and ran them through JC's hair, who went down and took Lance's cock out and began to lick up and down the shaft.

" Oh yeah....JC....oh." Lance moaned as JC put his cock in his mouth, going down on it a little bit at a time, even after doing it with him so much he still didn't adjust to Lance's size. He grabbed the rails of the bed as JC went furiously up and down on his cock, sucking him like a pro. JC pulled Lance's cock out of his mouth before he could cum and took off his pants and boxers. Lance looked at him with confusion, which quickly turned to a grin when JC put a condom on him and stradled him, guiding Lance's cock to his hole. He began to move down slowly, feeling Lance's meat squeeze into his ass, moving past his prostate. He let out a loud moan as all of Lance got in him. The two kissed as JC got a nice rhythm going, grinding against Lance's body, grabbing his lovers hair. " I....think...I'!!!" Lance yelled as his cock unloaded a shit load of cum inside of JC. They remained in the same posistion, breathing heavly. " I love you Josh." Lance said.

" I love you too James." JC responded.

At the same time....

" I want to say that I was an ass to say those things to you. I was just so worried about you, thinking that you would leave me for him and then have him break your heart." Nick said sitting down in a chair as Justin took a seat on the bed.

" I know Nick, but like I said earlier it was just a harmless dream." Justin replied.

" I know it was Justin and I want to make it up to you sometime." Nick said with a smile. Justin walked over to him and sat in his lap, giving Nick a kiss. " So what were you two doing in the dream." he said a grin.

" NICK!!" Justin yelled turning bright red. Nick laughed as he hugged his boyfreind.

" I'm just joking with ya." he said smiling. The two sat there talking to each other for awhile, before Kevin came storming into the room.

" You guys had better come quick, it's Brian." He said looking like he had seen a ghost.

" What's wrong?" Nick asked standing up.

" Just come on." Kevin said leaving the room.

Kevin, Nick and Justin walked back into the waiting room where everyone was there waiting with a doctor. They all took a seat and the doctor began to talk.

" Ok everyone, my name is Dr. Smith and I was the head doctor in Mr. Littrel's surgery. Now when he came in he had some internal injuries. I don't know how he got them, but by looking at the bruises on his stomach, it looks like a fight. Anyway, while we were working on him, his body had reacted to a drug that we gave him, which was supposed to help stop the bleeding, however his body rejected the drug and he contiues to bleed." He said as the room became dead silent.

" I'm afraid that if we can't get the bleeding to stop, Mr. Littrel will die. Only time will tell." The Doctor told the eight guys.

To be continued...

Well there you go. I'm sorry that this chapter wasn't hear earlier, but I am kinda busy. Anyway please send me all of your questions, comments, and suggestions to

Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 9

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