Nick Lance and Jc

By moc.loa@etavirputS

Published on Apr 17, 2000


Nick, Lance, and JC. Part 9 Copyright 2000 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Hello all!! I'm soooo sorry that I haven't posted this chapter sooner, but I have had so many things to do, we had so many tests to do in school that it wasn't even funny.

I can't belive that this story has lasted this much!! Thank you to everyone who read this story and sent in their e-mails, I enjoy reading them! Also, I have started writing another story, the second entry is in the arcives. The title is The Secrets Behind The Music, so go and check it out, I've gotten great feedback from that story. Also, to all my readers, if you haven't read the story "Two out of Five" yet, go and read it!!! It's a really good story.

Legal Stuff:

This story does not imply that the characters in it are gay, bi-sexual, or straight, whatever floats their boat in real life is up to them. This story basically is about Nick Carter of the BSB, and Lance Bass and J.C. Chasez of N'Sync, but the story does involve other band members from both sides, and maybe other guest appearences, we'll see. Please e-mail me your comments and suggestions to . Now onto the story!

Chapter 9-

The guys were stunned. 'If the bleeding doesn't stop, Mr. Littrel will die.' was all that was running through their minds. At hearing this Justin buried his head in Nick's shoulder and began to sob. " You can go in and see him, but you'll have to leave in a few minutes. We're preparing for another operation." the doctor said before leaving the waiting room.

" Someone should call Brian's parents and tell them." Howie sopke up, breaking the silence of the room. Kevin nodded his head and took out his cell phone. Meanwhile, Justin and Nick walked into Brian's hospital room, which was lit dimly, the heart moniter bleeping every other second. He was laying in bed, resting comfortably with his hands folded ontop of each other on his stomach. Nick walked over to the bed and placed his hand on the rail and started to cry,

" I'm so....sorry Brian. Please.......please pull through." he said as Justin walked around to the other side, crying as well.

" Don't leave us Bri. I'll forgive you of everything you did if you can just hold on." Justin said putting his hand on Brian's. They stood there hoping that Brian would wake up. Minute after minute passed by and....nothing. " DAMNIT!!!" Justin yelled at the top of his lungs. Nick walked over to him and wrapped his arms around Justin from behind.

" It's ok Justin, he'll be alright." Nick whispered into his ear. At the same time, Kevin walked into the room, with tears in his eyes.

" Uh we've got to leave. They are ready for the operation." he said, with his eyes still fixated on his cousin. The two nodded their heads and they walked out of the room.

" So when is she coming in?" AJ asked Kevin as he walked out into the waiting room. Kevin sat down and took a sip of his coke, trying to calm himself down.

" Brian's mom should be here in the morning, around two." he answered, still sheading tears. AJ sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug.

" It's ok Kevin, he'll make it." he said, trying to comfort Kevin, as well as himself. JC and Lance had fallen asleep in the hospital bed they had just made love in. Nick and Justin were having a small talk outside of Brian's room. The rest of the guys were sleeping in chairs, thank god that they had a private waiting room or the press would be ruthless. Kevin stayed up all night long, he watched the hours go by. 10.......11..........12..........1...........2.........3am. Finally at quarter after three in the morning, Brian's mom walked into the waiting room. Kevin stood up and hugged her, both with tears in their eyes.

" How was your flight Jackie?" Kevin asked while letting go of her.

" It was fine Kevin. Where's my boy?" she responded while wiping her tears away.

" They're operating on him now, why don't you have a seat." he said, walking her over to the couch. He sat down and she looked at Kevin.

" How did this happen to him?"

" Ok heres how it went. For some reason Brian and Nick got in an argument and the two started fighting with each other, I walked into the room and stopped them, but it was too late. Both of them were on the floor, Brian was coughing up blood and Nick was holding his hand, which had gone through the window. We got to the hospital and Brian had some sort of illergic reaction to the medicine, and they couldn't stop the bleeding. The doctors are trying one last procedure to try and stop the bleeding, all we can do is wait." Kevin explained as Jackie started to tear up again.

" So where is he?" she asked trying to regain some composure.

" I already told you, Brian's in the operating room." Kevin said a little confused.

" No not Brian, where's Nick?" Jackie said looking around.

" Oh, he's with Justin, over near Brian's room." he said pointing down the hall. Jackie started walking down the dimly lit hall. She turned the corner and saw Justin sitting in Nick's lap, kissing him. Jackie was stunned, yet she didn't care, all that was on her mind was her anger at Nick. She continued walk towards the two, as she aproched them Nick noticed her and pushed Justin aside to stand up.

" Mrs. Littrel what are you doin...." Nick started to say before he was slapped hard on the cheek by her. Nick put his hand over the spot where she had hit him.

" How could you do this to him? How could you do this to my boy? Huh how could you?" She said before bursting out into tears.

" Mrs. Littrel if you would let me ex...." NIck said before being interupted again.

" I don't want to hear it Nick. You're lucky that you're part of the band, or I'd have you locked up so fast. You had better pray that he will be ok. Now I don't want you near Brian when he gets back, so go and stay in the waiting area." She said starting to give him a little push. Nick and Justin stood and walked away.

" Oh thank god doctor. Heart Rate returning to normal and the bleeding has stopped." the nurse said cheerfully.

" OK get me that suringe and we'll almost be done. Good work everyone. Lucille you can go into the waiting area and give them the good news." the doctor said moving around the operating table. The nurse left and they continued the surgery.

It was now 6:30 am, everyone was up except Nick, Justin and Joey, who all had fallen asleep on each other. Justin was snuggled up against Joey's arm, as was Joey to Nick's leg.

" Awww isn't that so cute, JC." Lance said while hugging his lover from behind.

" You know what Lance? You always get so lovey-dovey the morning after you get laid." JC said with a big grin and giving Lance a kiss.

" Yeah but you love it." Lance responded giving JC a kiss back, while Chris walked up behind them.

" Oh come on guys it's too early for that stuff." he said with a mockingly tone of voice.

" Why don't you go over to AJ and get some of this stuff. I'm sure that you both wouldn't mind." JC said in retaliation as Chris turned bright red. They chatted for awhile and a nurse soon came into the room and got everyone's attention.

" Alright everyone I have some good news, we got the bleeding to stop and Brian will be fine." She said cheerfully. Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief as Joey woke up.

" Whaaa whats going on." he asked grogily. He looked to the side of him and saw Nick and Justin sleeping on him. " Did I pull an AJ and sleep with these guys last night?" he asked as everyone laughed, except AJ.

" Very funny Joey, oh by the way when was the last time you got some?" AJ said with a grin.

" Well let's see, last week I..." Joey began to say before getting cut off by Howie.

" Yeah right Joe, anyway nurse when will we be able to see him?" he said hoping the answer was soon.

" Well they are fininshing up on him as we speak. When they're done we think that you can see him as soon as we get him to his room." The nurse said as she took a few glances at Howie. She then left the room, with Howie watching her every movement. Kevin managed to notice this,

" So um Howie, do you think that nurse wants a little of your ass." he said jokingly.

" I sure as hell hope so." He said walking in the same direction the nurse did. Kevin shook his head and laughed to himself.

" So hows the hand Nick?" Lance said sitting down at a table with JC, Justin and Nick.

" A little sore, and it's a pain in the ass when I get an itch on my hand and I can't get to it." Nick said taking a sip of his Coke.

" Yeah well baby, you know I have a cure for those things." Justin said putting his hand on Nick's thigh, causing him to jump a little.

" Oh you two are just too much. But Lancey here is better at that sort of thing." JC said smiling at them.

" Would you be quiet JC, they don't need to here it." Lance said blushing.

" Why not. It's not like we haven't done anything that you haven't done before." Justin said a little irritated.

" Justin!" Nick chastized.

" Well seriously Nick, I mean those two think that they have better sex than we do. And damnit thats not true." Justin said in his own defense.

" Ok Mr. Sex, what sort of things have you two done?" JC asked curiously.

" JC!!" Lance yelled, but Justin answered.

" We've done it lets see, about three times in a row one night." Justin said proudly. JC laughed at him.

" Four times here."

" You two are so sick." Nick said with a look of disgust.

" Oh come on Nick, what about that threesome that you, JC, and Lance had, what was that about?" Justin said a little loudly.

" Keep it down J. Besides you got your little piece of me, remember?" Lance said lifting his eye brows.

" Alright then, but there is only one way that we can settle this thing." JC said with a grin on his face.

" And what's that?" Justin asked.

" We have a....... sex-off." JC said with a bigger grin.

" A sex-off?" Nick and Lance said in unison.

" Yeah a sex-off, where we go into two different rooms, and have sex. The two with the best ideas win." JC explained as the three listened.

" Alright, but who judges this discreet event?" Nick asked.

" Yeah, we've got to get two of the guys who are crazy enough to do it." Justin said while thinking. After a few minutes, Lance looked up,

" AJ and Chris." he said with a smile.

" Of course, those two got drunk and did it with each other, why not watch two others going at it." JC said smiling.

" Alright then it's settled, may the best couple win." Justin said gleefully. They all shook hands and got up. Nick and Justin went over to talk to AJ. JC and Lance went to talk to Chris. After some debate, they agreed. The six walked down a hall that they were sure was not going to be filled with anyone.

" Ok, AJ will be judging JC and Lance, Chris will be judging Me and Nick." Justin said walking towards the door to his room.

" Let the games begin." JC said with a smile. They guys went into their picked out rooms. What would follow next would be one hell of an expirience, that they would never forget.


Alright there is chapter nine. E-mail me with any questions, comments, and/or suggetsions for my story to

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 10

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