Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on Jun 6, 2000


Channel Operators Needed

More Channel Ops are needed on the #boybands channel to help uphold the rules of the room. A list of all Channel Op requirements and channel rules and policies follow.

Rules For Becoming An Operator ------------------------------

To be a channel op you must... able to spend at least 10 hours every week on the

channel. an author in the Nifty boy-bands directory. willing to uphold all rules of the channel,

regardless. Even if the person breaking the rules

is a good friend of yours.

...adhere to the Disciplinary Polices at all times.

Please see below.

...follow all of the rules of the channel. It obviously

does not look good when the channel ops break the rules.

Disciplinary Policies ---------------------

When dealing with someone who is breaking the rules of the room, please follow the following policies. All reminders and warnings should be sent to the offender using the /msg command.

First Offense: Friendly Reminder Second Offense: Warning Third Offense: Stern Warning Fourth Offense: Kicking Fifth Offense: Stern Warning Sixth Offense: Kicking and Banning

Now, it should be noted that all offenses are cleared on a daily basis. For example if user JohnDoe gets four offenses and is kicked on Wednesday, and doesn't come back to the room until Thursday, he has been given a clean slate.

Also, on kicking, NEVER /kick someone as a joke, or simply because you have the power to do it. /Kick is a serious thing, and should only be used as a Disciplinary Tool. Any ops whom are found to be misusing the power granted to them, shall be stripped of their power.

Now, on banning, I would like to point out that a ban is not a permanent punishment, at least not right away. For those who are banned from the channel, their name will be added to the channel ban list for a period of 24 hours, at which point their name will be removed. However, records will be kept as to how many times people are added to the /ban list. If a person is added to the ban list more then 10 times, then the ban will become permanent.

Rules of Channel #boybands --------------------------

  1. No excessive use of profanity.

Occasional slips are okay. This rule is mainly directed to

anyone who has swear words in almost everything that they

say on the channel.

  1. No grossly repugnant messages, this includes sexually explicit messages (cybersex) and anything else distasteful or offensive.

I really don't think this rule needs further explanation.

  1. No harrassment of other users.

If another user finds comments that are directed towards

them to be offensive, and they inform an op, then the op

must remind/warn the person that another user finds

their comments to be offensive and that they should stop.

  1. No insulting the channel operator(s).

This rule basically means that it is against the rules

of the room to insult the channel operator(s) for

upholding the rules of the room.

  1. No excessive use of all caps, as it is considered to be yelling.

This is similar to Rule #1, as occasional use of all caps

is okay. Just as long as all of the messages sent by a

user are not written in all caps.

  1. No talking about illegal activities.

Talking about activities like carrying out a murder plot,

or committing copyright infringement, or anything else

that is illegal falls under this category.

  1. No nicknames containing profanity or otherwise inappropriate words.

Words such as Whore, Suck, Sex, Anal, Anus, Oral, etc

are inappropriate, and should not be used in nicknames.

Also, no profanity in nicknames. Now, this rule, is the

only rule to not follow the Disciplinary Policies. Anyone

coming in with an inappropriate nickname will be asked

immediately by an op to change their nickname. Refusal

will result in immediate kicking.

Well, this is all of the policies and rules involving becoming an operator for the #boybands channel. If you would like to become an operator, please either email me at, or stop by the channel, and let either myself, or Allen (the other SOp of the channel who has the power to grant ops) know and we'll take care of it. One final note, make sure that your nickname is registered before you ask to be an operator. Operator nicknames MUST be registered. ------- JCV

Next: Chapter 21: Boy Bands Screen Saver 2

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