Nifty News

By Jason Phillip

Published on Aug 9, 1999


Hey Everyone! Apprentice here--author of 'BSB Addition'. Recently I spoke with Leprechaun, another Boy Band section author about wanting to interview him sometime. We batted the idea around for awhile until I read 'Unsent', his collaboration with MindPieces. When I read that story, I thought everyone that read these two guys' work would want to know more about the authors of these stories. Anyway, I'm interviewing Mindpieces -- author of Unsent and Afflektion, and Leprechaun-author of Bad Boy B-rok, Loving Luca,and Unsent. I have done first, an inteview on just Lep, 2nd, an interview on just Mindpieces, and 3rd a longer interview on both of them together. Our e-mail addresses, in case you feel the urge to e-mail any of us are as follows:

Mindpieces- Leprechaun- Apprentice-

Disclaimer: Please do not redistribute this interview in any shape or form without the express permission of me--Apprentice. If I DO give my permission, you will still have to include my e-mail address, giving me proper credit for my work. I know this may sound unreasonable to you--but this interview is an intimate look at Leprechaun and MindPieces. THEY have a right to know where they're interview is being posted.

PART 1-Apprentice interviewing Lep

Apprentice: How old are you lep?

Lep: I turned 20 July 29th. I'm middle aged now. Boo hoo.

Apprentice: Middle aged? So you'll live until 40? (laughs)

Lep: That's the plan. I don't like that whole "Over the Hill" thing. Forty will be fine for me.

Apprentice: Do you have a boyfriend?

Lep: Are you asking me out? (laughs) Yeah, I gots me a man.

Apprentice: Who might that be? Or is it private?

Lep: My boyfriend? He's the guy I'm in love with. (laughs) It's private.

Aprentice: How long have you been writing?

Lep: Well, just writing in general--probably since I was a little kid. I've been writing "stories" since probably I was able to form a sentence. I've been writing stories for NIFTY since September 1998.

Apprentice: You've been writing for NIFTY for awhile. What are all the stories you have written for NIFTY?

Lep: I've written 'Bad Boy B-Rok', 'Loving Luca', and 'Unsent'. I started off with Bad Boy B-Rok, then went on hiatus. I came back and submitted Loving Luca, went on hiatus again, then did another chapter to Bad Boy B-Rok. I then worked on Unsent with MindPieces. Lastly, I came back and did two more chapters to Bad Boy B-Rok and FINALLY ended it. (sighs)

Apprentice: Where did you learn about NIFTY?

Lep: (laughs) I have a subscription to The Gay Cafe. Their erotic story archive just happens to be NIFTY. I bet Nathan Johannsen will appreciate me plugging his wedsite, by the way.

Apprentice: What inspired you to write?

Lep: Probably an overactive imagination. I always liked telling stories, even when they were completely not interesting. Boring people to tears is one of my hobbies. So anyway, I got tired of telling these cutesy little stories when I was a little kid and decided to start writing them. It's just progressed from that I guess. Ofcourse, I hope my style has gotten better since I was five.

Apprentice: Well I imagine it has, unless you wrote explicit sex scenes when you were 5?

Lep: Actually......(laughs)

Apprentice: What connection do you have with Matt Thompson from Bad-Boy B-rok?

Lep: Well, he's SORT OF like me. He chain smokes--I do that. He's a smartass--I am, too. He has a great fashion sense--I do, too. (laughs) He has his tongue pierced--I do, too. It's all just amazing similiarities, ain't it? I really came up with him as a character because everyone's, well most everyone's, dream is to be rich and famous. So I figured that if I'm going to live vicariously through my character, I may as well go all out and make him a superstar, right? Besides, the "Pop singer falling for the geek off the street" plot is so pase nowadays.

Apprentice: Well your right about the smart ass part. (laughs)

Lep: Thank you, I take pride in that.

Apprentice: What are your favorite nifty stories?

Lep: ANYTHING by Saviore-Fair. I love 'Some Dumb Surfer Dude', 'Brown-Eyed Boy', 'Dark Angel', 'Find Your Own Way', anything he writes. I also am in love with 'Afflecktion', 'My Night With Howie D.', 'Discovering Mark', 'Insecurities', OH, and my new favorite 'Mall-Punk'. Everyone should read that. It's excellent. Also, I think your story 'BSB Addition' is coming along well. And who isn't in love with the epic 'Brian & Justin'? Another fav is 'Nick & Adam', that one is really good.

Apprentice: What kind of music do you like?

Lep: Well, you can bet I love the Backstreet Boys. I also LOVE me some Riot Girrrrrrls. My favorites are Alanis Morissette, Hole, Garbage, Madonna, Sheryl Crow (that was me in the gas station, girl!!!!), and Sarah McLachlan. I like the Spice Girls, yes I will admit to it. 'NSync is another favorite, but they'll never top Backstreet Boys. I also like Sugar Ray, Marilyn Manson and Jewel 'cause my boyfriend made me. I also like Limp Bizkit, Korn, Lauryn Hill, Melissa Etheridge, Rufus Wainwright, Robbie WIlliams, and all the VH1 Divas, as well as The Dixie Chicks. To encapsulate this long thing here, I just love music in general, but those are my favorites.

Apprentice: Of those which would be your all-time favorite?

Lep: Oh no, don't ask me that. (laughs) I'm gonna say Alanis Morissette, because I find alot of truth and thought-inducing aspects in her lyrics. Besides, one of my boyfriend's songs to me is an Alanis Morissette song, so what else could you want?

Apprentice: Whats your favorite movie?

Lep: I'm gonna have to say "What's Eating Gilbert Grape". Leonardo DiCaprio was excellent in that, and was so convincing. He was robbed when he lost the Academy Award to one of those old fart actors. I also liked him in "The Basketball Diaries" and "Total Eclipse", but WEGG is the best.

Apprentice: Whats your favorite story that you've writen?

Lep: Well, I've only written three so far, so I don't have TOO tough a decision to make here. I really like Bad Boy B-Rok 'cause it got me started, and Loving Luca holds a special place in my heart, too. However, I'm going to say 'Unsent' is my fav. I really enjoyed the experience of working with MindPieces, and I am rather impressed with what he had to add to the story. Also, it really taught me to play well with others. (laughs) Anyway, I think it was just a great learning experience and I'm very pleased with the finished product.

Apprentice: I loved Unsent and I really hought you did a good job of the back and forth with Mindpieces. Working off the other's lead must of been hard. Did you have problems with disagreeing on ideas?

Lep: Actually, we agreed on EVERYTHING. Amazingly. We really just wrote it from the hip. He wrote the first section and we just went from there. We didn't plan ahead or anything, except how we wanted it to end. We did confer with each other every now and then, but we pretty much gave each other free reign to do what we wanted. We didn't argue about anything the other wrote. It was great. He'd write, then I'd add and send it back to him. Then he'd add back on and send it back to me. We just sorta flowed like that It was really a great experience. I'd do it again if he asked. Oh wait, we did have ONE arugment. On one my sections, I only wrote 7K and he jumped my ass over that and made me write more. (laughs) But he was right. He has his moments.

PART 2- Apprentice interviewing Mindpieces

Apprentice: How old are you?

MindPieces: I'm 20 years old.

Apprentice: Do you have a boyfriend?

Mindpieces: Yep, I'm committed like a mental patient.

Apprentice: Who would that be, if you don't mind my asking?

Mindpieces: My boyfriend? Just the guy I love, he's nobody famous I assure you. (laughs) Well, he is to me I suppose.

Apprentice: How long have you been writing?

Mindpieces: I've been writing little stories since elementary school, but I didn't do anything really big until high school, which is when I wrote my first REAL story, called "Twisted Innuendo".

Apprentice: Is that on NIFTY? And if so, what section?

Mindpieces: Actually, no it's not. It's not a gay themed story at all. It's sort of this crazy action/comedy about the entertainment industry. Maybe I'll throw in a gay sex scene and send it to NIFTY. (laughs)

Apprentice: Where did you learn about NIFTY?

Mindpieces: It's been so long I don't remember. (laughs) I think a friend must have told me about it.

Apprentice: What or whom inspired you to write?

MindPieces: Well there are certain writers I really look up to. I think Kevin Williamson is an amazing screenwriter, he did the Scream movies and many others. I'm also a big Stephen King fan. As for me, everything in my life inspires me to write, and a lot of my friends or family become inspiration for characters. I love to create a world that I can control, anything can happen that I allow to. I'm power hungry I guess. (laughs)

Apprentice: (laughs) What connection do you have with David in Afflecktion?

Mindpieces: David and I have some things in common. Same age, same hair color, but I'm NOT dating Ben Affleck. (laughs) Seriously though, his personality and mine are very intertwined, but our lives are completely different.

Apprentice: What are your favorite NIFTY stories?

Mindpieces: There aren't many that I have time to keep up with, but there's a few. Ryan's Love is a great story, it's also in the celebrity section. Everyone should read that. Savior-Faire is also a great author...and I love Bad Boy B-Rok and Loving Luca of course.

Apprentice: What kind of music do you like?

Mindpieces: I like almost everything, except for most rap and most country. Sugar Ray completely rocks my world, followed by Madonna, Alanis, Hole, Shania, Garbage, BSB, N Sync, Korn, Jewel, Janet Jackson, countless others. I also practically worship Marilyn Manson, and my Hole intake has greatly increased since I met my boyfriend.

Apprentice: If you had to pick one artist who would it be?

Mindpieces: Ouch, that's a brutal question. Usually the music I listen to depends on my mood. I don't think I could walk through the world without Madonna though, that woman does it all. I want to build a shrine to her in my house. (laughs)

Apprentice: Whats your favorite movie?

Mindpieces: Oh lord, I could never pick ONE. (laughs) The best movie I've seen this year so far is Eyes Wide Shut, and I adore anything written by Kevin Williamson. One movie that's really special and personal to me is Jerry Maguire, so that's high on the list too.

Apprentice: What's your favorite story that you've written?

Mindpieces: I'm really fond of Twisted Innuendo cause it was the first real thing I wrote, but I'd have to say the best writing experience I've had was Unsent. It was really interesting to write my section, and then watch how Lep would then take the story in a new direction from what I would have thought of. I think collaborating with him made me more creative, and I'm really proud of that one.

Apprentice: I'm going to have to ask the same thing I did with Lep. Didn't you have trouble agreeing on certain aspects of the story?

Mindpieces: Actually we both thought there'd be trouble, but it went by without a hitch. I think we both really respect each other's writing, and we're big fans of each other as well. So there was only our usual bitching and bickering, but not related to Unsent. (laughs)

PART 3 - Apprentice interviewing Lep and MindPieces

Apprentice: Okay let's get this show on the road. First question...How'd you two meet?

Mindpieces: Let's see...we met cause I IMed you, since I was a big fan of Bad Boy B-Rok. And you didn't have a clue who the hell I was.

Lep: And I thought you were some dorky psycho stalker fan for awhile.

Mindpieces: Yep, and that was about a year ago.

Lep: A year ago next month. And might I add, for the amusement of everyone, that you irritated the piss out of me when I first met you. (laughs)

Mindpieces: (laughs) But you grew to love me soon enough, cause I'm irresistible.

Lep: Right, now you hold a special place in my heart. (laughs)

Apprentice: Whats this Lep? Does this mean you thought I was an annoying stalker too?

Lep: I have this unparalleled fear of intimacy, so when people IM me out of the blue, my first instinct is to get rid of 'em. (laughs)

Apprentice: How did you and Donnie come up with the idea for Unsent?

Lep: Oh lawd, how did we do that? Let's see.

Mindpieces: It was your idea I think.

Lep: Oh yeah, we borrowed that from real life. We decided to come up with two guys with serious issues that we both have and make them end up finding love with each other in the end.

Mindpieces: Right, a good ol "love conquering issues" story.

Lep: Ofcourse, they had to be oblivious of how much they loved each other 'til the end.

Mindpieces: Right.

Lep: next?

Mindpieces: Hit me with your best away!

Apprentice: Okay MP this is a good one. Which character did each of you write in Unsent and do they relate to your personalities?

Mindpieces: Well I wrote Ryan's character, and I definitely had more than a few similarities with him. Ryan always fell for straight guys, I always fell for straight guys through high school. Plus we both have some family issues.

Lep: My turn?

Apprentice: Yep.

Lep: I wrote Brad's character...(laughs)...and I have a very bad habit of pushing people away when they get a little too close, plus, he's another one of those damn smokers and smartasses.

Apprentice: Should've figured. (laughs)

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: Have you ever noticed how well you write smart ass bitches?

Lep: Yes, it's amazing, isn't it?

Mindpieces: You could make a career out of it. (laughs)

Lep: Hush you. (laughs)

Mindpieces: Next?

Apprentice: I'm like the question bitch here. (laughs) Okay...where did you come up with the name for Unsent and what does it mean?

Lep: Oh great, I'm the one that gets to admit our plagarism. (laughs)

Mindpieces: (laughs) This is a good story

Lep: We couldn't think of a suitable title, so we were talking about music and which lines we liked from them to "steal" a title. And since the story is about two guys that never fully express their feelings for each other until the last minute, Alanis Morissette's song 'Unsent' was perfect.

Mindpieces: About the things that are thought but not said.

Apprentice: I should've known Lep and his obsession with Alanis

Lep: Yep. (laughs)

Mindpieces: We also thought of calling it The Dope Show, but Allen nixed it.

Lep: That was MY idea bitch YOU nixed it.

Mindpieces: Oh, yeah. Well, whatever.

Apprentice: Okay, lets finish the interview and you can bitch all you want. Here's the next question. How long did Unsent take to write and how did you divide the writing?

Mindpieces: Let's took a couple weeks I think, I don't remember exactly how long. I wrote the first section, sent it to him, he would write the next one, and we'd trade back and forth. Of course I had to write the big finale when they get together cause Allen is afraid of sex scenes

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: Well, you are. (laughs)

Lep: Yeah, more afraid of sex with blonde headed guys that use hair gel.

Mindpieces: LOL

Lep: Smartass, ain't I?

Mindpieces: Cuntwad is more like it.

Apprentice: Back to the interview children. (laughs)

Lep: It didn't take us long to write Unsent, we were very good at writing off what the other did.

Mindpieces: Yeah, we stopped each other from procrastinating too much.

Apprentice: Thats a miracle. (laughs)

Lep: (laughs) Yeah, if one of us went two days without sending back, we'd dig in each other's asses and make them write. Wait, that was a bad choice of words.

Mindpieces: Figuratively question?

Apprentice: Okay this oughta get you two bitching. What do you dislike most about each other?

Lep: Uh oh.

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Mindpieces: You go first.

Lep: What do I dislike about you? I can't really think of anything...well except that you worship Jewel, Sugar Ray and Marily Manson. Then send me their songs and make me listen to them.

Mindpieces: I'm listening to Marilyn now, aren't you happy?

Lep: Yes, very happy. Oh, and how you butcher a good song Karaoke style just ruins my concept of you. (laughs)

Mindpieces: (laughs) Let's see what I dislike about you.

Lep: Go ahead, sweetness.

Mindpieces: I don't really dislike anything about you. You smoke and you like Jimmy Buffett, but i can overlook those.

Leprechaun: (laughs) Margaritaville is a classic!!!

Apprentice: Margaritaville is good but Hamburger In Paradise kicks it's ass!!!

Lep: No, Margartaville is way better.

Apprentice: Oh, god I'm starting to sound like you. That was scary, lets get on to the next question before anyone notices. What do you like most about each other?

Mindpieces: This one is better.

Lep: Yes but it will take forever. (laughs)

Apprentice: Aww...spread the love. (laughs)

Lep: LOL

Mindpieces: What do I like most? Frightening as it can be, I think I like how much you're like me. You're able to balance your evil sense of humor with your OTHER side, and I don't think I know anyone who does that better than you

Lep: Good answer.

Mindpieces: Thanks.

Lep: But I'll top it.

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: (laughs) Despite that what you said was true, I think what I like about you most is the calming effect you have on me. I don't feel a moment of urgency or feel introverted when I'm around you. Like I can be myself. Plus you're a sexy bitch, that helps.

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: (laughs)

Apprentice: Okay you two are getting too nice. I'll have to change that. What pisses you off most about each other?

Lep: (laughs loudly)

Mindpieces: Do we have enough time? (laughs)

Apprentice: Thats more like it. (laughs)

Lep: (giggles) No shit. Let's see...probably the nights when you get drunk without me and then get mad when I make fun of your shit. But I enjoy them too 'cause atleast I get to talk to you.

Mindpieces: My turn?

Apprentice: Yep.

Lep: And your taste in music is atrocious.

Apprentice: Okay shut-up Lep your turn is over! (laughs) MD?

Mindpieces: Probably the nights when I get drunk without you and you make fun of my shit.

Lep: (laughs loudly) We agree for once.

Mindpieces: And though you constantly hound me about the fact that I worship Sugar Ray, Manson, and Jewel, you respect it and deal with it.

Lep: Right.

Mindpieces: But sometimes you get on my nerves. (laughs)

Lep: Ditto. (laughs)

Apprentice: Maybe I shouldn't do this but I'm gonna be brave. In a quick paragraph describe eachother.

Mindpieces: A quick paragraph, alright. Let me whip out my notes. (laughs)

Lep: (giggles)

Mindpieces: Let's see....I'd say that Lep is a very smart, funny, modest, talented, charming individual. The type of person who doesn't get close to and spill his life story to everyone, but if he does get that close to you he'll be loyal for life. Oh, and he's a fine ass bitch, too.

Lep: (laughs) Damn I'm a sexy bitch!

Mindpieces: There's no denying it.

Lep: Nope, my turn. Donnie is um, intellectual, very calming, very provocative--and I don't mean sexually--political, and he keeps you on your toes. However, his best quality is that outwardly he seems like another guy. He really convinces people he wants nothing to do with that he's nothing special, when just under the surface is an enigma.

Apprentice: That was better than I expected. lol What are each other's flaws and weak points in their writing?

Lep: His flaws are that he procrastinates like a bitch. That's the only bad thing I've seen.

Mindpieces: (laughs) And his flaw is that he doesn't like writing sex scenes, but when he lets loose, woo boy, hold on tight.

Apprentice: Okay one with the next question. What are each others strong points in writing?

Lep: His good points are that he is really good at writing a "fairy tale" without making it fantasia, it's very logical and plausible, and fun to read.

Mindpieces: Hmmm...I think what I like most about your writing is the realism you bring to it. It's not always pretty and happy and nice. Plus, there's no earthquakes or natural disasters in ANY of your stories.

Apprentice: See how smoothe it goes when you don't bitch. Next. If you could describe each other in one word what would it be?

Lep: (laughs) JUST ONE? Damn.

Mindpieces: I know, this question is too hard. (laughs)

Apprentice: What can I say? I'm just good. (laughs)

Lep: (laughs) Let's see.

Mindpieces: Let me grab my dictionary.

Lep: Donnie would be ambiguous, to most people anyway.

Mindpieces: Like Pat?

Lep: That's androgynous.

Mindpieces: Oh, right.

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: I have a good one for Allen....I'm going to call him labyrinthine.

Lep: Did you ask Webster for that one, baby?

Mindpieces: I had to look it up. (laughs) I didn't know how to spell it, aight?

Lep: It's better than the obligatory "Enigma" usage.

Mindpieces: Thank you.

Apprentice: What is the sexiest thing about each other?

Mindpieces: Woo hoo!!!!

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: The sexiest thing about Lep, let's see....

Lep: Yes?

Mindpieces: I think the fact that you can go from mushy, lovey guy to a practical dominatrix in about 3.5 seconds is a turn on. Actually, you can combine the two, which is even better.

Lep: (laughs) That's good, right?

Mindpieces: Yes.

Lep: Okay, my turn. I don't want to resort to the aesthetically pleasing features, but he's just so damn cute, it's a major turn on. Besides, his demeanor is just so cute. Plus, he gives really good head, so that's good, too.

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: Great, let's broadcast THAT across NIFTY. I'll have 200 e-mails in the morning.

Lep: Well, I read it on the bathroom wall, so it's public knowledge already baby.

Mindpieces: (laughs) You're a bitch.

Lep: Duh!

Apprentice: Okay enough bickering here's the next question. What BSB or 'N Sync member reminds you most of each other?

Lep: Hmmmm .....well, I LOVE, and I am not using "love" lightly here--I LOVE Brian, he's like my ideal guy, so I guess Donnie would be Brian. Except that whole southern baptist feel about him, Brian rocks.

Mindpieces: I think if Brian and AJ had a love child, it would be Allen.

Lep: (laughs loudly)

Mindpieces: You've got qualities from both of them mixed together.

Lep: I try.

Apprentice: Moving on...You two sound like and old married couple. Were you in fact ever a "couple"?

Mindpieces: Oh great. (laughs) Well Allen and I have always had a pretty complicated relationship. I wish that was just a yes or no question. (laughs again) We're more like best friends actually, just a little closer than most.

Lep: Good answer.

Apprentice: Well that was a boring question. Anyway, enough with that. Which one of you two is the smartest? (laughs)

Lep: Me, duh. (laughs)

Mindpieces: You wish. (laughs)

Lep: I think we're both on the same level of intelligence here.

Mindpieces: It's hard to say really....Allen knows TONS of tidbits of info that I have no clue on.

Lep: Yeah, but you have all that useless movie and music trivia stored too.

Mindpieces: i think we even out.

Lep: Pretty much.

Apprentice: Okay (laughs, I'm so horrible, but here goes...which one of you is the hottest?

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: He is.

Lep: No, you're much cuter you're just soooooo adorable it makes me want to shit.

Mindpieces: Uh uh, it's all you.

Lep: I'm the Mary, and you're the Rhoda!! (laughs)

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Apprentice: (laughing loudly)!!! God this will go on for days. Are you two gay or bisexual?

Lep: I'm actually trysexual.

Mindpieces: Oh lord, not again.

Lep: I'll try anything once and if I like it, I'll try it again. (laughs) I'm gay.

Mindpieces: I'm gay too...and it's a valid and wonderful choice!

Lep: Yes it is Mr. Alda.

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Apprentice: Do you two ever plan to co-write a story again?

Mindpieces: Yep...we've kicked some ideas around actually, but want to finish some of our "solo work" first.

Lep: Same here.

Apprentice: What are your both of your current projects?

Lep: I'm working on a new story, non-celeb entitled "Humorous Oblivion", that should be out in a month or so.

Mindpieces: And I'm writing a follow up to Afflecktion that will be out when I stop procrastinating.

Lep: (laughs) That's about right.

Apprentice: Okay, I've decided to end this with a bang, I'm going to see how much you guys actually know about each other. I'm gonna ask 5 last questions. Here is number one. What is the most common thing the other person says?

Mindpieces: Hell if i know. (laughs)

Lep: I don't say that.

Mindpieces: That's not my answer by the way.

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: I'll say "otay", isn't that like YOUR word?

Lep: Yes, and people need to stop stealing my shit by the way. (laughs) You people that use it know who you are.

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: Your big thing to say is... jesus, let me think...Donnie's big thing is to call cute guys "Tasty Boys", which I stole from HIM.

Mindpieces: Yes, that term belongs to me.

Apprentice: Okay question #2 What is the other person's occupation?

Lep: He's like a recieving (hehehe) guy at a office supply store. He recieves more than packages, though.

Mindpieces: Yeah, lucky me. And this bitch is unemployed. (laughs)

Lep: GO ME!! (laughs) AT THE MOMENT.

Mindpieces: Right, he's not a deadbeat or anything.

Lep: Right. snickers

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Apprentice: Question #3. What is the other person's favorite color?

Mindpieces: Black and white.

Lep: And yours is blue.

Mindpieces: And black.

Lep: Right, but he said COLOR, not COLORS.

Mindpieces: Well black and white are 2 colors bitch.

Lep: Well you're a numb snatch for answering that way, aren'tcha?

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: (laughs)

Apprentice: Okay question #4. What is the other person's favorite food?

Lep: Oh shit, pretzels come to mind--just no honey mustard.

Mindpieces: (laughs) Pretzels are up there, and no, nobody should buy honey mustard.

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: I like cereal though--I could live off cereal and yogurt.

Lep: Oh shit, I forgot those.

Mindpieces: I don't know what your favorite is ....

Lep: Tell them what your fav cereal is, baby.

Mindpieces: Grape Nuts O's!!! Not the regular Grape Nuts, the O's people.

Lep: Right very important: the "O". Fat free too, woo hoo. (laughs)

Mindpieces: Anyways.

Lep: You mentally anorexic, bitch. (laughs)

Mindpieces: You like steamed shit..steamed squash maybe? I don't know.

Lep: That was it, actually.

Mindpieces: Woo hoo!

Lep: Steamed squash rules my world people.

Mindpieces: I'm proud of myself on that one.

Lep: (laughs)

Aprentice: Uh! We've come to the final question. What is the other person's favorite celebrity guy?

Lep: Ben Affleck or Mark McGrath. Probably Mark.

Mindpieces: Wrong.

Lep: You said they're highly fuckable, boy.

Mindpieces: Now are we talking favorite celeb, or celeb we'd fuck first? Cause there's a difference.

Lep: Favorite celeb, so I was wrong. Fuck off. (laughs)

Mindpieces: I want to guess Brian for you, but i know i'm wrong.

Lep: Yes, you're VERY wrong.

Mindpieces: Well who is it bitch?

Lep: Care to press your luck? No whammies, no whammies?

Mindpieces: (laughs)

Lep: (laughs)

Mindpieces: I don't know who it is and you don't know mine, we suck. (laughs)

Lep: Yes we do, very well, too. It's Leonardo DiCaprio 'cause of his performance in What's Eating Gilbert Grape.

Mindpieces: Ahhh, ok.

Lep: And Total Eclipse and Basketball Diaries. So, that's it, we're done, go us.

Mindpieces: And Romeo and Juliet kicked ass, too.

Lep: Yes it did.

Apprentice: Okay. thats it everybody. Thanks for reading this. PLEASE go read Unsent(by Lep and Mindpieces), Afflektion(by Mindpieces), Bad-boy B-rok(by Lep), and Loving Luca ( by lep) and his new story, which will be out soon. The date of release for his newest will be in my story: BSB-Addition. If you'd like to e-mail any of us, Mind pieces can be e-mailed at, Leprechaun at, and me at THANKS!!!

Next: Chapter 5

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