Night at the Jefferson

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Feb 3, 2002


One Night at the Jefferson By Colleen Thomas

Lauren was driving home with a great deal more care than was normal for her. Today was Friday, and her vacation had just started. She was taking no chances on missing her evening flight to New Orleans. It would be, she hoped a vacation she would long remember. Traffic was unusually heavy and she soon realized she would be hard pressed to make her flight.

She reached her home without incident and hurried inside. Collecting her bags, she said a fond farewell to her pets, left instructions for their care with her roommate and raced off to the airport. Traffic was worse than it had been on the way in and she was running late by the time she reached the airport parking lot. Check in was jammed with people trying to make their flights and she found herself having to run to make it to her gate.

It was only after she was seated in her assigned seat with a drink in her hand and the plane in level flight that she relaxed enough to begin to think again. This was going to be so much fun, she had never been to New Orleans. She had read a lot about the fabled city, and was enchanted with its air of romance and mystery. Her hotel was right in the middle of the quarter and she had devoured all the literature sent by the Chamber of Commerce.

Even more exciting to her than the city was the prospect of meeting Roxanne. They had met in a chat room devoted to battlefaeries, an online game. Lauren had spent the better part of a year, coaxing, cajoling and patiently waiting to finally convince the shy woman to meet in person. She had only obtained a tentative promise, with a warning that she might chicken out. Still the prospect of finally meeting was a nice one. Her feelings for Roxanne were deep, but confusing. They were alike in many ways, but there was something else there that she could not put her finger on. An undercurrent of something she could ill define was there of that she was sure. Perhaps, she admitted she wasn't ready to deal with what that undercurrent might be. She dozed on the flight, waking with an indistinct memory of a pleasant dream

The plane touched down smoothly and began to taxi towards the terminal, Lauren felt herself beginning to become excited, she was finally here! The plane glided smoothly to a stop and she gathered her carry on bag from the overhead compartment. The line moved slowly down the aisle and she was ready to get off the plane. Without the air conditioner it was becoming stuffy. Or was she just getting nervous? She couldn't tell.

When she reached the end of the tunnel she looked around expectantly, no one in the crowd of waiting friends and relatives looked like the pictures she had seen of Roxanne. She felt a deep disappointment, but tried to tell herself that with all the new security measures Roxanne might not have been able to make it to her gate. Lauren made her way to baggage claim, again scanning the crowd, but she saw no one familiar in the milling faces. By the time she reached the main concourse she was sure that her friend had backed out. It hurt her feelings but she tried to smile and remember she was on vacation.

She followed the signs to the taxiway planning on taking a cab to her hotel. Walking through the doors her breath was taken away. The heat and sultry humidity assaulted her senses. It was like stepping fully clothed into a sauna. She put her bags down and wiped her brow, this was not what she was used to. She felt a strange excitement, something in the air. It was a suppressed feeling of waiting for something to happen.

She was reaching down to pick her bags up when a small voice behind her said "Lauren?"

Lauren turned quickly to face the person who had spoken. She was a small woman, dressed in jeans, a flannel work shirt and work boots. Her auburn hair was up, in a pony tail and she looked like she was dying in those heavy clothes in the heat. Lauren remembered suddenly that Roxanne had said she would have to leave straight from work to catch her plane. Lauren felt a bit silly now; she had been searching for someone dressed like a woman, as she knew Roxanne liked to do.

"Roxanne?" She asked.

The smaller woman smiled shyly and nodded. Lauren could see how much just this simple exchange was taking out of her. She felt bad that she had inadvertently forced her friend to approach her. She was also strangely flattered, she knew just how difficult it was for her.

Lauren wanted to hug her at that point, but something held her back. Instead she held out her hand and the smaller woman shook it. She found herself at a loss for words.

"How was your flight?" she asked finally.

"It was O.K.," came the reply. Her voice was low, pleasantly modulated, but too deep for her size. Lauren remembered that she was very self-conscious about it and made a point not to notice.

The silence that followed was awkward and Lauren was glad to have a taxi pull in. A tall black man in gray livery got out and helped them put their bags into the trunk. The cool air conditioning inside the cab was a godsend after the stifling humidity outside. Roxanne seemed even more grateful for the coolness and sat in the corner pressed up against the door.

"Where to ladies?" the driver asked in a voice heavily tainted by his southern accent.

"The Jefferson," Lauren replied.

"Nice place," he said as he pulled away. "First time in the City?"

"It is for me, she has been here several times before," Lauren said.

"It's a great place to visit, good thing you didn't come at Mardi Gras your first trip. It is a different place then," he said.

They continued chatting as he drove through the streets of the city. Lauren stole a glance at Roxanne, she was staring out the window, apparently lost in thought. Lauren was happy for the talkative driver, she was sure that it would have been a silent ride otherwise.

The Jefferson was situated on Rue De Bienville in the heart of the quarter. It was four stories high with a red brick and wrought iron facade that fit perfectly with the architecture around it. Inside it was decorated in lavish Victorian style. Lauren and Roxanne made their way to the desk where a formally attired man in his middle fifties greeted them.

"May I help you?" he asked with a smile.

"We would like to check in," Lauren said.

"Reservations?" he asked.

"Yes," Lauren said as she handed him her print out from the reservation company. He looked it over then looked up and smiled "Are you together?" he inquired.

She was forced to smile when she saw Roxanne blush and seem to be looking for a place to hide. Something about her at that moment touched Lauren, she seemed to be totally vulnerable. She wasn't sure if it was her maternal instinct, or something else, but she took the print out from Roxanne's hand and said, "Yes."

The concierge arched an eyebrow but said nothing as he took the two print outs and entered them into the computer on the desk. Lauren felt rather than saw Roxanne move slightly closer to her. The concierge programmed two key cards and handed them to Lauren.

"I have taken the liberty of moving your friend to a room adjoining yours, second floor end of the hallway, the bell hop will bring up your bags momentarily," he said with a smile.

They made their way across the beautiful lobby. Old paintings showing the riverfront in the days of steamships and antebellum homes decorated the walls. The wainscoat was expensive wood and all the trim was mahogany. The architect had done an outstanding job of transporting those in the lobby back to a more elegant and genteel time. The elevator in the corner was right out of a movie. An open wrought iron cage, with an elderly black man, dressed in the hotel's livery operating it.

"Floor ladies?" he asked in a deep baritone, again infused with an accent that Lauren was not sure of.

"Two please," Roxanne said quietly before Lauren could answer.

"Two it is then," he said as he worked the archaic controls and the iron grill slid closed. When he opened it they were on the second floor landing. Lauren stepped off the elevator and started down the hallway. She realized Roxanne wasn't with her and turned back. She saw her friend taking a dollar bill and dropping it in the elevator man's hand. He tipped his hat to her and smiled as she got off the elevator. Lauren was reminded again that she was dealing with a very thoughtful, if painfully shy person. Somehow she found it unbelievably cute.

When they reached Roxanne's room she slid the key into the lock and opened the door. Lauren continued down the hallway to her room. She had a corner room, the last one on the hall. She opened the door and walked in, closing it behind her before she flipped on the lights and stood there in amazement.

The room was simply stunning. The lights were all shaped to look like gaslights. A large, four-poster canopy bed dominated one wall. It was finished in a dark color, but had sea foam green linen and a comforter on it. The walls were neutral beige, but the whole thing was finished in a dark wood trim. On the wall opposite the door was a stone fireplace. Lauren remembered reading that the fireplaces were gas operated and could give heat in the winter or just light if it was warm. A large print over the fireplace showed two steamboats racing up the river. There was a small writing desk in the corner, near a pair of french doors, that apparently opened onto the balcony. There was another door she assumed was a closet, and one that had to be the bathroom. A smaller door was set into the wall that she shared with Roxanne's room.

On the wall nearest her a massive armoire was placed. It was a dark wood and obviously very heavy. Two wingback chairs were positioned in front of it. A beautiful settee, with delicate Queen Anne legs was placed in front of the fireplace with a coffee table that looked to be a real antique. One corner held a kitchenette situated behind a counter, with two barstools in front of it. She moved into the room and began to explore a bit.

The armoire held a huge television and stereo system along with a VCR. The bathroom was finished in fake marble tiles and featured a large bathtub, rather than a shower. White linen with the hotel's monogram was stored in a small closet. The kitchenette had a small fridge, a microwave and a wet bar. She noticed that the bar was empty and decided she would have to remedy that first thing. The fridge was likewise empty. She found the thermostat and turned it way down, it wasn't her electricity after all.

She was playing with the fireplace controls when she heard a discreet knock at her door. She opened it to find a porter holding her bags. He brought them in and placed them on the floor. He was leaving when Lauren tried to give him a tip.

"Oh, no ma'm, the lady next door took care of it. Thank you much though," he said as he departed.

After he had left Lauren remembered the adjoining door. She walked over and undid the bolt on her side and tried the knob. It wouldn't budge. She knocked on it and heard movement on the other side. The bolt came undone and Roxanne opened the door a crack and peered through. She had removed her work clothes and was wrapped up in a red satin robe, her hair spilling down her back in a tangled mess.

"Welcome to the Ritz," she said softly.

"Decadent, isn't it?" Lauren laughed.

"Almost like the Poconos," Roxanne said and smiled. It was the first real smile she had seen, and it made Lauren feel better. Roxanne seemed to be opening up a bit. She opened the door all the way and walked into the bathroom where Lauren could hear water running.

Lauren walked in and looked around. Roxanne's room was smaller than her own, but similarly decorated. Both of Roxanne's bags were open and sitting on the bed and she saw that the smaller one seemed to be nothing but lingerie. She remembered her friend's admitted addiction and found herself smiling. Lauren rarely wore sexy under things for reasons of her own. She found herself wandering over to the bed and taking a closer look. A corset was sitting on the bed; it was ivory satin, trimmed in black lace, with black garters.

Like it?" Roxanne's voice came from behind her. Lauren whirled around, a little embarrassed. She felt the color rise to her cheeks for some reason.

"Maybe on you, but not this girl," she said with a laugh, hoping to cover her embarrassment.

"I think you would look smashing in one," Roxanne said quietly.

Lauren eyed her critically, raising an eyebrow. Her friends face was serious, with no hint that she was joking. The green eyes were intent and unreadable, and Lauren found herself coloring again. A strange feeling was upon her, one she wasn't quiet comfortable with. "

So what do you want to do tonight? Or are you too tired to go out?" She asked to change the subject.

"Its up to you, I just need to get a bath, I feel so sticky," Roxanne said smiling.

Lauren couldn't help but take a moment to admire her friend. She was shorter than Lauren, about five six. Her skin was pale, with a dusting of freckles, and few blemishes that she could see. Her eyes were a deep green and her auburn hair was worn long. The robe she was wearing only came to mid thigh and Lauren could see most of her legs, they were well toned from her job. She wasn't beautiful in the classic sense, but was what most men called cute. Her demeanor added to her looks, making her seem wistful and lonely. Somehow unapproachable.

"Well, if you're not too tired, I would like to see Bourbon Street," Lauren said.

"Great!" Roxanne said enthusiastically. "Just let me get a quick bath in."

"I think I will too, see you in half an hour?"

"It's only eight thirty, how bout an hour? That tub looks too inviting to rush," Roxanne said with a dreamy smile.

"An hour it is then," Lauren said with a chuckle. Roxanne looked so cute with that expression on her face.

Lauren retreated to her own room and ran a quick bath. She didn't take too long. She was out and dressed with time to spare. Looking through the open door she could see that Roxanne was still in the bathroom, as the door was still closed.

Lauren leafed through the information packed that she found on the writing desk. It contained a coupon book for things to do in the city and information on the hotel services. Tucked into a side folder was a movie list available to rent. This explained the VCR she thought. She leafed through the movies, seeing many current hits and quite a few older movies. The last page was filled with adult titles. Lauren laughed at some of the films names.

She glanced up at the clock and saw it was almost nine. She got up and walked quietly over to Roxanne's room. As she entered, the door to the bathroom opened and her friend emerged. Her skin was rosy from the hot water and had taken on a soft pink hue. Her robe was thrown over her shoulders, but not tied in front. She quickly pulled her robe shut, but not before Lauren got a glimpse of her breasts, her flat tummy and her fiery red pubic triangle.

"Impatient! I am hurrying," Roxanne giggled as she skipped past the doorway towards the bed.

Lauren laughed herself and went back to her room. In a few minutes Roxanne joined her. She was wearing a simple black dress with black stockings and low heels. The dress was familiar and Lauren recognized it as the one from her pictures,

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready," Roxanne smiled. She seemed to be getting more comfortable, and less prone to the long silences Lauren had come to expect from her.

"Where to?" Roxanne asked as they made their way down the hall towards the elevators.

"I have two free drink Coupons to Pat O'Brien's, how bout we start there?"

"Great, I haven't been to Pat O's in quite a while," Roxanne replied

"We aren't going to get lost are we?"

"I doubt it, I have been here many times."

"I am so excited!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Its a wonderful place, it has it's own aura. Sensual, mystical, mysterious, I love it here," Roxanne said earnestly.

"I know, you will have to give me a tour," Lauren smiled.

They left the lobby and entered the quiet Rue De Bienville. This street was mostly antique and estate shops and was usually deserted by dark. The boisterous noise of Bourbon Street could be heard as Roxanne led her down a darkened side street. The night was sultry, but not as humid as it had been. Lauren saw a few puddles and realized it must have showered while they were getting settled in.

Emerging onto Bourbon she was assaulted by the myriad of sights, smells and sounds. People were everywhere, pressed into lines in front of bars and shops, small groups made their way up the packed street. The noise of a hundred conversations mixed with music from the clubs to create a cacophony, which was somehow pleasant. The smells of stale beer mixed with exotic Cajun food and the press of people in close quarters mixed to create a distinct smell.

Roxanne gently touched her arm and smiled at her, then started off down the packed street. Lauren followed her, dodging in and out of groups of people. A lot of the people were college kids, she saw shirts proclaiming several different schools and universities. Everyone seemed to be drunk and all were having a good time. They passed shops of all types, mostly souvenir places, which sold shirts and mugs and the like. Many of the clubs had long lines that they were forced to detour around or through. Pat O'Brien's was no exception and they had to wait almost 45 minutes to get in.

Once inside they found a table and ordered drinks. Roxanne had a long Island Iced Tea, in a hurricane glass. Lauren had a crown and seven. Roxanne downed her drink very quickly and ordered another. Lauren remembered that she was very uncomfortable in crowds and decided she was probably trying to relax.

Lauren was a bit concerned the last thing she wanted was to put her friend into an awkward position. The drinks seemed to help and soon Roxanne was laughing and chatting away. They spent a couple of hours there, drinking and talking. By the time they decided to leave both of them were pleasantly buzzed. The streets seemed to be just as crowded as when they came in.

"I thought it would be a little less packed," Lauren said.

"Not here, the party won't slow down till well into the morning," Roxanne laughed.

They turned into the side street and were suddenly alone. Lauren could tell Roxanne was happy to be away from the press of bodies. As they passed a stairway leading down to the basement apartments Lauren saw a young man and woman making out. Their bodies were intertwined and she could hear the quiet noises of their passion. She realized this was the perfect place for a couple. The very air was heavy with sensual tension. She suddenly wished she were with someone it had been so long.

Roxanne noticed the sudden change in her mood.

"Are you all right?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, fine,' Lauren said quickly, with a forced smile. She fought hard to keep back the tears that suddenly threatened to overwhelm her.

"Are you sure?"

Lauren looked down at the smaller woman, in the half- light she seemed even smaller. Her eyes seemed huge though, with a luminous quality that was disquieting. In those eyes Lauren saw concern, more than she would have imagined. It touched her deeply and impulsively she enfolded Roxanne in her arms. Roxanne hugged her back, holding on tightly.

"I'm fine," Lauren said again as she broke the embrace.

"We had better get going before someone gets the wrong idea," Roxanne said with a mischievous grin.

Lauren laughed deeply and the sudden emptiness inside her was gone as quickly as it had come.

"Let em!" she said loudly and then laughed even harder as her friend blushed and giggled.

"My Hero," Roxanne said.

Lauren was about to make another comment when they rounded the corner, but she decided not to, there were several people in front of the hotel and she didn't want to embarrass Roxanne.

They made their way up to their floor and both went into Lauren's room.

"Drink?" Roxanne said as she walked behind the bar.

"Sorry, but the cupboard is bare," Lauren replied.

Roxanne reached into the fridge and brought out a bottle of crown and a two-liter bottle of seven up. "Really?" she asked.

"What the hell??" Lauren sputtered.

Roxanne burst out laughing. "Silly Lauren, haven't you ever heard of room service? I ordered the drinks from the package store, they delivered and someone from the hotel brought them up."

Lauren just smiled at her as Roxanne fixed them both a drink. She brought Lauren's to her and they both sat on the settee. It was good, if a little strong. A silence fell upon them then. Roxanne was staring at her with an uncertain look. Lauren suddenly felt warm and the room felt stuffy. She felt like a schoolgirl on a date again, unsure of what to say or do. There was a tension in the air, something almost palpable.

Roxanne drained her drink and smiled softly. Lauren found her eyes drawn to Roxanne's. Something passed between them, but she wasn't sure what. Her eyes darted to her friend's lips. She realized Roxanne's eyes were on hers. Her head moved forward, just slightly, hesitantly. What was she thinking? She felt a sudden panic well up within her and drew back for her friend.

Roxanne frowned and stood up quickly. "Good night Lauren," she called over her shoulder as she quickly retreated to her room and closed the door.

For a long time Lauren sat there, tying to decide what had just happened. She finished her drink slowly, trying to work through her own feelings. In the end she gave up.

"Horny, drunk and tired," She muttered to herself as she stripped off her clothes and curled up under the sheet. She lay awake for a long time, unable to get her mind off Roxanne's face. It floated there before her eyes as sleep finally claimed her.

She awoke with a start. The room was still dark, no sunlight shown through the curtains. She was bathed in sweat and had kicked off the sheet. She realized her nipples were aching and her hand was resting between her thighs. Her breathing was ragged and her mouth was very dry.

She brushed her hair back from her face.

"What a dream," she whispered to herself. It was then that she realized her fingers were sticky and that she was very damp.

"I must be loosing my mind," she whispered to herself as she got up and got a glass of water. She dried herself with a towel and washed her face. The image that stared back at her from the mirror seemed alien.

She returned to her bed, but try as she might, she could not remember what she had been dreaming.

Lauren awoke to the enchanting smell of fresh coffee. She was instantly aware that someone was in the room with her. She sat up quickly, pulling the sheet up to cover herself.

"Good Morning, sleepyhead," Roxanne said as she walked out of the kitchenette with a hot cup of coffee. She was wearing a deep metallic blue nightie that barely covered her behind. Lauren had to pry her eyes off of her friend to take the steaming cup of coffee from her. She looked so happy and relaxed.

Lauren propped herself up on her pillows and sipped her coffee. I t was hot and incredibly thick and strong.

"It's good, where did you get it?' Lauren asked as Roxanne walked back to the kitchenette.

"At the corner store, it's almost eleven o'clock, I have been up for a while. How do you like your eggs?" she asked pleasantly.

"Scrambled," Lauren replied automatically.

"Me too," She said as she started to break the eggs.

"I'll help," Lauren said as she started to rise.

"You will not, you will stay right there and relax. You are on vacation." Roxanne said.

"So are you," Lauren protested halfheartedly, she really did not want to get up.

"I am happy to cook for you, so just lye back and enjoy it," Roxanne called.

Lauren was too drowsy to argue, she relaxed and closed her eyes. Soon the sounds and smells of breakfast cooking filled the room. She had to admit it was very nice to be babied.

When she opened her eyes Roxanne was bringing her food on a silver bed tray. Lauren suddenly found herself ravenously hungry and attacked the sausage, eggs and toast with gusto. Roxanne pulled up one of the wingback chairs and sat down, watching Lauren eat. She crossed her legs and propped them up on the bed, Sinking deeply into the chair and sipping her own coffee. Lauren glanced up at her and smiled.

"You would make a good wife for someone," Lauren teased between bites.

"Are you offering?" Roxanne asked, there was a smile on her face, but the question seemed to carry a deeper meaning.

"I don't know can you keep house?" Lauren said as she toke the last bite of her toast.

"With the best of em, I even do windows," the smaller woman said.

"How are you in the sack?" Lauren asked. She was rewarded by seeing Roxanne blush a deep crimson.

"Score one for me," Lauren said giggling.

"Bitch," Roxanne said, giggling herself.

"I'll show you bitch!" Lauren said, jumping up and leaping on her friend. She dug her fingers into Roxanne's sides eliciting a squealing giggle.

"No!" Roxanne managed as she tried to squirm away. Lauren pulled her to the floor and rolled on top of her. Straddling her hips as she dug her fingers in and kept tickling.

Lauren continued to tickle her until she was reduced to gasping sobbing laughter.

"Give up?" she said with a smile as she stopped momentarily.

Roxanne's face was strange, a look of surprise and something else upon it. Lauren realized suddenly that she was still nude. Roxanne's eyes were glued to her breasts, which were just inches from her face. Lauren stood up quickly.

"Oops," was all she could manage.

Roxanne's nightgown had ridden up and Lauren was suddenly aware that her friend's panties were visible. Roxanne quickly pulled her nightgown down, coloring furiously. Lauren was almost sure that her friend was aroused.

Roxanne's eyes roved all over her body, and Lauren felt a strange feeling rising within herself. She laughed and quickly danced to the bathroom. She could feel Roxanne's eyes on her, all the way until the door closed.

When she came back out she was alone in her room. She quickly got dressed and had a second cup of coffee. Roxanne came in a few minutes later.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Where are we going?"

"You will see," she smiled.

They left the hotel and walked through the quarter. It was less crowded and Lauren was able to enjoy the scenery. The buildings were a mix of architectural styles, many obviously very old. The first place they stopped was Marie Laveau's Voodoo shop. Inside the small shop were tarot cards and gris gris bags. All the trappings of the fabled Voodoo priestess were displayed. There were potions here and there and magical charms.

Roxanne picked up a green bottle and said, "Here ya go. Have a swig of this."

Lauren examined it; Love Potion Number Nine was emblazoned on it. Lauren giggled and put the bottle back on the shelf. They browsed for a while, showing each other anything they found that was interesting.

A few doors down was a shop devoted to Mardi Gras masks. The had a ball trying them on and showing them to each other. The proprietress seemed used to such things and only smiled. Roxanne bought a small mask before they left.

Laughing and enjoying each other's company they made their way up to Jackson square. Lauren was immediately taken with the Cathedral there. It was beautiful and majestic, rising above the square. They waited in line for the tour, which was conducted by a very short priest with a French accent.

After the tour Roxanne led her across the busy street to the famous Cafe Du Mond. Lauren took a seat and was watching the crowds when Roxanne returned with two cups of coffee and a plateful of begets. Lauren took a bite of the sweet pastry, it was very good, very much like a funnel cake. She then took a swallow of her coffee. It was awful, thick and hot but terribly bitter.

Roxanne exploded into gales of laughter as Lauren struggled to keep from spewing coffee and cake all over the place. When she finally was able to swallow she gave Roxanne a dirty look.

"What is that shit?" she demanded.

"It's called chicory, the locals put it in all their coffee," she giggled.

"That was a dirty trick," Lauren said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Score one for me," Roxanne said sweetly.

"You'll pay for that, I promise," Lauren said with a hint of a smile.

"Ooh, a threat," Roxanne cooed.

"Not a threat, a promise," Lauren said smiling for real now.

They finished their snack. Lauren couldn't take the chicory coffee and was forced to go get a cup of regular coffee. When she returned Roxanne was staring at the Cathedral with a strange expression. Lauren looked at it, but could not determine what Roxanne was staring at.

They made their way up the steps to the River Walk after they finished eating. It was a beautiful view of the ships moving busily about the river. The river walk was full of shops and they spent quite a while shopping. Lauren picked up a few Cd's in the small underground music shop. Roxanne bought a few nick-knacks here and there for friends.

By the time they passed the Jacks Brewery it was dark outside. They made their way up the silent streets, which were filling with people again. Roxanne seemed to be looking for something. She stopped outside a nondescript shop with a sign that said Second Skin and pulled Lauren inside.

The inside was filed with leather goods. The walls held an unbelievable number of jackets, skirts, pants and boots. Lauren was amazed at the colors, from traditional black and brown to outrageous pinks, purples and even Day-Glo orange.

"Ready for some fun?" Roxanne asked.

Lauren looked at her suspiciously. Roxanne laughed and took her arm, half leading half dragging her through the hanging beads that masked a doorway that separated the shop into two parts. A sign read over 21 only.

The other side held a selection of bondage gear and sex toys. Restraints of every kind lined the walls. Leather corsets and dresses with cut outs at the most private places, collars, hand cuffs, gloves and anything else you could possibly imagine. Lauren was dumbfounded.

"I thought you might like it here," Roxanne said softly into her ear.

Women were trying on various things under the watchful eyes of their masters. One man experimented with a paddle on his sub's bare behind. A tall blonde woman led a smaller brunette through the racks on a leash. Videos of X rated bondage films were showing on screens all around the shop.

Lauren felt her heartbeat quicken and her breath seemed to catch in her throat. A tall, heavily muscled man wearing only leather chaps and boots approached them. His nipples were pierced and he had on a spiked collar.

"Can I help you ladies?" he asked in a deep voice, devoid of accent.

He exuded raw power and his black eyes seemed to hold a magnetic power over her. Except for the purple mohawk he could have been one of the men from her favorite fantasies.

"I was looking for a collar," Roxanne said. His eyes finally left Lauren's and she found she could breathe again.

"Of course, any particular style?" he asked as he led Roxanne away towards the back of the shop.

Lauren was left standing there still trying to take it all in. She had heard of such places, but never expected to see the inside of one.

"A pretty little thing, is she yours?" a voice inquired.

Lauren turned to see the tall blonde woman standing there. She wore her hair in a sever bob, and was coldly beautiful. She was even taller than Lauren and exuded an aura of supreme confidence. Her blue eyes were glued to Roxanne's ass and she licked her lips hungrily.

For some reason that look angered Lauren more than she would have believed. In her minds eye she could easily see this cold woman hurting Roxanne. Without consider the implications she replied, "Yes, she is mine."

"Pity, you should keep her on a short leash, she is to edible to last long around here," the blonde said as she tugged on the leash and moved away with her sub meekly following behind her.

Lauren stood there trembling in rage. She was not even sure why, but she mastered herself and walked quickly to the back of the shop where the man was showing Roxanne a huge selection of collars.

"What do you think?" Roxanne said with a smile as she showed Lauren a black leather mistress collar with a metal D ring in front.

Lauren's eyes were on the blonde woman who was watching from across the room. She barely heard Roxanne.

"Lauren? Lauren?? Lauren, are you all right?" she asked, her voice rising.

"What? Yes, it looks fine, I think you should get it,' Lauren said distractedly.

"I will then," Roxanne said, her voice showing her confusion.

"Will you excuse us?" Lauren said as she took Roxanne by the arm and steered her towards the counter.

Roxanne paid for the collar and was about to put it in her bag when Lauren said "Put it on."

Roxanne giggled and said, "Are you crazy?"

She looked into Lauren's eyes, the smile fading from her face. She meekly put the collar on.

Lauren nodded and led her out of the shop. The last thing Lauren saw was the blonde staring at them as they left. She stayed mad for about a block. Then she looked at Roxanne and smiled.

"You can take it off now," she said easily.

"What got into you?" Roxanne asked as she removed the collar.

"Nothing,' Lauren said. Roxanne searched her face, and then shrugged. Her face showed she wanted to ask more.

"I'll tell you later," Lauren smiled.

By the time they had reached the Italian restaurant where they were going to eat dinner they were laughing and joking again. The mitered showed them to a secluded booth and took their drink orders.

When the waitress returned with their drinks and took their orders they were left in comparative privacy. Roxanne sipped her wine and stared at Lauren. Lauren was on her third drink before she finally spoke.

She explained what happened in the shop. Roxanne watched her intently but said nothing. When Lauren finished she eyed Roxanne and waited.

"That was incredibly sweet of you," Roxanne said at last.


"Yes, very sweet,"

"Why do you say that?"

"You wanted to protect me, I find that sweet. Is that so odd?" she asked in a quiet voice.

"Well, no if you put it that way I guess. I don't know. I don't know what's come over me. Let just try and forget it and enjoy our meal."

The meal was excellent and the drinks were good. Lauren had an excellent Penne Rustica while Roxanne had chicken parm. By the time they finished Lauren was feeling very mellow. Roxanne was very giggly and Lauren remembered that she had mentioned that wine had a particular effect on her.

On the way back to the hotel Roxanne was laughing and talking a mile a minute. Lauren had never seen her like this; she was cute and bubbly without a trace of her usual shyness. Lauren decided she would get some more wine, she liked this side of Roxanne. They stopped at the package store and Lauren picked up anther bottle of wine and another two liter seven up.

When they got back to her room Lauren poured Roxanne another glass of wine and a drink for herself. She put the enigma disk she had purchased in the cd player and clicked on infinite repeat. Then she sat down on the settee next to Roxanne.

Roxanne looked at the glass with a small smile and said, "I probably shouldn't drink anymore."

Lauren laughed and said "Aww, go ahead, you're on vacation."

Roxanne giggled and took a sip. Her face was flushed and she had a crooked grin. Lauren took a swallow of her drink and closed her eyes, letting the music take her mind away.

She opened her eyes to see Roxanne swaying with the music. She had a very serene look on her face.

"What ya thinking?" Lauren asked.

"Hmm?? Oh nothing really," she replied a bit too quickly.

"Like what nothing?" Lauren asked as she placed her glass on the table.

"Well, I was just thinking how nice it has been and how glad I am I met you here," she said quietly.

"That's nice, I am glad you came too. What else?"

"Truthfully?" she replied, suddenly serious.

"Of course," Lauren replied, her eyes locked onto Roxanne's.

Roxanne looked at her, and then licked her lips. "I was thinking how pretty you are."

Lauren smiled at her. "Hold that thought, I have to powder my nose," she said as she rose and went to the bathroom. After she relieved herself Lauren wet a towel and wiped her face. She looked at herself critically in the mirror.

"Are you sure you know what your doing?" she asked herself quietly. Her reflection stared back, showing the doubts she felt. She straightened up and shook her head once to clear it.

"No, I guess I don't." she whispered, smiling wanly to herself.

When she returned to the settee she took a big gulp of her drink and leaned close to Roxanne.

"Now where were?" she purred.

Roxanne's eyes widened a bit and she stammered a bit, "I was saying how pretty I thought you were."

"And?" Lauren whispered.

Roxanne was staring at her with wide eyes, she licked her lips nervously but said nothing. Lauren had to make a decision now. Did she press her friend, or back off? She knew it was unknown territory, in times past she had pressed online and upset Roxanne badly.

Their bodies were close only inches separated them. She could smell Roxanne's perfume, a very light floral scent. Her own nipples were hard and she could see Roxanne's forcing the fabric of her green dress away from her breasts. Roxanne was breathing heavily and her face was flushed, but Lauren was sure it wasn't the wine this time. Her eyes locked onto Roxanne's, the deep green pools seemed bottomless. Her eyes shifted to Roxanne's full, soft lips. She leaned forward slowly bringing her face to Roxanne's.

Roxanne stood abruptly and with a strangled sound she ran to the French doors and out onto the balcony. Lauren sat back and snorted in frustration. The City, the booze, the music, having her friend nearby, her own aching loneliness all had brought her to this moment. If she didn't follow Roxanne she knew she would loose her nerve, and somehow she knew if she let it pass, the moment would never come again.

For several heartbeats her emotions warred with one another. Her fear of pushing her friend away was great and Roxanne was so unpredictable. Her own nature was not aggressive and she had never tired anything like this before. Rejection would hurt her even more than acceptance would scare her. Finally, it was not something she considered normal. All this weighed against her pressing.

On the other hand her instincts told her this was right. She gulped the last of her drink and stood up, she would not let this moment pass. She walked quietly and determinedly to the open French doors.

The sultry, velvety darkness of the New Orleans night enfolded her. Roxanne stood against the wrought iron railing, staring into the darkness. Lauren walked up behind her and leaned forward, placing both her hands on the railing on either side of her friend.

"Are you all right?" she asked softly.

"I. I don't know," came the nearly inaudible reply.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't explain," Roxanne said.

Lauren's head was very close to Roxanne's, she could smell the faint strawberry scent of her shampoo. She could feel the heat of Roxanne's body radiating through the thin fabric of her dress. Her breasts grazed Roxanne's back and she turned suddenly to face Lauren.

When she made no move to runaway, or even to escape the circle of her arms Lauren leaned very close to her.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked in a voice she barely recognized as her own.

Roxanne shook her head, apparently not trusting her voice.

As Lauren leaned closer Roxanne's hands lightly touched her arms. The feeling was electric. Here eyes were fastened onto Roxanne's lips, she saw them quiver very slightly. Roxanne's eyes closed and her lips parted as she leaned forward hesitantly.

Their lips touched and for a fraction of a second the world seemed to stand still. Still slightly unsure of herself Lauren tentatively pressed her tongue against Roxanne's soft lips. They parted readily and Roxanne's tongue gently responded to her own. Lauren could taste the sweetness of the wine and a taste she realized absently was the taste of another woman's lips. For a long time they stood like that, tongues caressing each other. Roxanne's hands moved up her shoulders and held her while her own left the railing and locked behind the smaller woman's back.

When the kiss was finally broken Lauren looked questioningly at Roxanne. Her eyes were still closed tightly, and she licked her still parted lips. Lauren pulled her gently along back into the room. The song had changed, and Lauren realized the disc had turned over. Time seemed to have no meaning. Roxanne was looking at her questioningly, Lauren found herself smiling.

"May I have this dance?" she said unable to keep in a giggle. Even as she said it she thought it sounded corny, but that didn't bother her.

"Of course," Roxanne murmured her voice still very quiet. Lauren had the impression this was like a dream to her friend, and that she was afraid to make any loud noises that might break the spell.

They moved together again, still hesitantly. Neither was exactly sure of what to do, or how to do it. Lauren slipped her arms around her smaller friend's slim waist. Roxanne's arms draped over Lauren's shoulders and held tightly to her. Lauren locked her hands together at the small of Roxanne's back and gently but firmly pulled her close. For a long while they stood like that, not really dancing, but simply rocking slightly back and forth in time to the music. Each seemed to take great pleasure in the close proximity of the other and neither wanted it to end.

It might have ended there, going no further than that single kiss. Lauren was unsure of what to do next, and Roxanne seemed to be in a dreamlike trance, simply swaying along with her. Then fate stepped in. The song ended and another began. Lauren, knowing the Cd by heart, changed to the new rhythm almost instantly. Roxanne was slower to pick up on the new beat and for a moment the two were out of sync. Lauren' knee slid between Roxanne's legs and her thigh gently bumped Roxanne's pussy. A small gasp escaped Roxanne's lips and her eyes shot open in surprise.

"Oops," Lauren whispered with a smile. Roxanne returned the smile as her legs parted more. Lauren let her hands slide down, over the rise of her friend's soft ass. She spread her hands and then gently squeezed the firm flesh in her hands, pulling Roxanne against her. Roxanne moaned softly, the sound was incredibly erotic to Lauren. She could feel herself becoming aroused now, passing the state of needing someone close and becoming excited. Her left hand continued to gently squeeze Roxanne's ass while her right gently glided back up to touch the bare skin of her neck.

Their bodies were pressed tightly together now. Lauren's thigh was pressed against Roxanne, trapped between the smaller woman's thighs. Her nipples were pressed into Roxanne, the soft swaying gently stimulating them until they became stiff and sensitive. The tenor of their swaying changed, becoming more urgent. Lauren looked into Roxanne's eyes and slowly pulled the zipper of her dress down.

The sound of it was unnaturally loud as it slowly slid downward. Lauren's eyes never left Roxanne's, searching them for any sign that she was going to far. The zipper reached the end of its run and stopped, Lauren held it a few seconds longer before giving it a final tug. Satisfied that it was all the way undone her hands glided up the silky material until they rested on Roxanne's shoulders. For a long moment they stood like that, neither moving, frozen as still as statues.

Last chance to stop, her rational mind told her, but she no longer wanted to stop. If this was wrong then so be it, her instincts were in control, and her suddenly awakened passion. Her fingers curled around the two halves of the dress and then gently pulled them apart. Roxanne released her hold on Lauren's shoulders and held her arms out and down. Lauren pulled the top down and it slid off of Roxanne's arms. The top came free and flopped forward, hanging down the front of the skirt, which was still held up by her hips.

Lauren placed her hands on Roxanne's shoulders and held her back, looking down to see what was revealed. Roxanne was wearing the ivory corset Lauren had seen earlier. A black lacy bra held her heavy breasts up. It contrasted with her pale skin, setting if off nicely.

Lauren traced a finger along Roxanne's bare shoulder, and down her arm. Roxanne shivered at the gentle caress. Lauren's fingers glided back up feeling the silken skin under them. Her fingers hooked under the dainty straps of the bra and she looked into her friend's eyes once again.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" she asked softly.

"Oh, Lauren. I have never been so sure of anything in my life," came the breathless reply.

Lauren nodded and their lips met again. There was no hesitation this time as their lips met. Lauren's tongue slipped between Roxanne's soft lips and the smaller woman sucked gently on it. The feeling was incredible and Lauren felt her own heartbeat quicken.

Her thumbs slid under the straps to Roxanne's bra and lifted them off her shoulders. Lauren's hands went behind Roxanne's back and fumbled with the bra's closure. She had undone and done her own bra's a thousand time with no problems, but she was frustrated by this one. Lauren broke the kiss and growled in frustration.

"Problems?" Roxanne asked sweetly.

"Take that damned thing off," Lauren growled in her best macho guy impression. Roxanne was seized by a fit of the giggles. She reached back and deftly unclasped her bra, letting it slide down her arms to the floor. Her breasts were heavy, with coral colored aureoles about the size of a half dollar. The nipples were very long and very erect, standing out from the aureole. Her skin was even paler than Lauren thought, and she could see the network of tiny veins just under the skin. They were firm and well shaped just now beginning to show the effects of age.

She managed to pull her eyes away and look at Roxanne's face. She could see apprehension written in her features. Lauren reminded herself that she was dealing with someone who had a wretched self-image.

"Beautiful," she whispered and was rewarded with the brightest smile she had ever seen.

Lauren licked her lips and tentatively reached out to gently stroke one of them. Her fingers traced along the underside, then up over the nipple, which seemed to jump under her touch. Roxanne's body shuddered and a long hiss passed her lips when Lauren gently placed her hands under each one and lifted them. Her thumbs gently rolled the taunt nipples producing tiny whimpering sounds from Roxanne.

Lauren continued to gently knead and fondle them, fascinated at their shape and texture. Her skin was soft and warm, like heated silk in Lauren's hands as they glided over it. The aureoles were rougher and the nipples were as hard as pebbles. She took one between her thumb and forefinger and gently squeezed it. This elicited a moan from Roxanne. Lauren continued to caress them and cup them, gently working the soft flesh with her fingers and palms.

She glanced up at Roxanne's face. Her eyes were clamped tightly shut, and she was unconsciously chewing her lower lip. As Lauren watched a quiver ran through the redhead's body and she began to sway unsteadily. Apparently her nipples were far more sensitive than Lauren's own.

"Problems?" Lauren asked, smiling.

Roxanne did not seem to hear her.

"Oh, God," she whispered. Lauren noticed that her friend's hips were bucking slightly. She was very aroused and more than a little jealous, she could tell Roxanne was very close to cuming. Lauren had a terrible time achieving orgasm with a partner, in fact she never had.

Lauren reluctantly released Roxanne's breasts, and watched as the girl immediately crossed her arms over her chest and hugged herself tightly. She shivered as if it was very cold.

Lauren placed her hands on Roxanne's waist and then slowly slid them down to her hips, pushing the green dress ever downward. When it passed the widest point of Roxanne's hips if fell to the ground around her feet with a soft flutter. Lauren looked down and laughed.

Roxanne was wearing royal purple panties, they were high thighs and she wore them over her garters. Her black stocking were laced at the tops with a lavender thread, and purple bows were attached to the front of each.

"What's this then?" Lauren asked in a husky whisper.

"Well, I knew you liked purple and well." her voice trailed off.

"You little minx, you were planning on this!" Lauren said laughing to herself and shaking her head.

"Not planning," Roxanne said defensively, "just hoping, I knew purple was your favorite color and well, I brought my purple corset, but I saw you looking at this one and." Lauren's hand trailed down and twirled around one of the bows, instantly silencing Roxanne.

"And you wore them for me?" she said quietly, looking directly into Roxanne's eyes.

Roxanne couldn't seem to answer she just nodded slightly.

"That's so sweet," Lauren said as smiled and kissed her nose. She could not remember the last time someone had tried to do something special for her, just to make her happy, much less to turn her on. While she was generally indifferent to lingerie, the thought behind it touched her deeply. She realized Roxanne wanted to make her happy, not just get off. That too was something Lauren had not experienced in a very long time.

She wrapped her arms around her friend and gave her a tremendous hug, literally lifting the smaller woman off her feet. Roxanne giggled and wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck.

Lauren had an idea then, she left one arm around Roxanne's back and stooped, quickly putting the other behind her knees and scooped her up. Roxanne held on tightly to Lauren's neck and kicked her feet as Lauren carried her over to the big four-poster and dumped her on it.

Roxanne rolled over on her tummy and stared at Lauren as she kicked her sandals off. Her eyes never left Roxanne's as she caught up the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Roxanne rose up and got her knees under her, sitting back on her feet. Her eyes were glued to Lauren's chest, as if trying to see through the plain white bra.

Lauren moved next to the bed and Roxanne rose up on her knees and embraced her. Their lips met, and this time it was Roxanne's tongue that invaded Lauren's mouth. This kiss was more urgent, hungrier than those that had come before. Lauren realized that Roxanne was really turned on, and the fact that she was so hot for her was an ego boost, on top of the arousal she felt.

Roxanne's hands cupped her face and gently held her cheeks as their tongues continued the sweet duel. The ferocity of Roxanne's desire took Lauren's breath away. Lauren's hands were on Roxanne's hips; she let them slide downward until they cupped her ass cheeks. The slick fabric of her panties felt cool to her touch, but she could also feel the heat from the firm flesh under them. She squeezed and kneaded the soft half moons, working her fingers into them.

Roxanne broke the kiss to moan as Lauren's hands continued to work on her. She then sucked Lauren's upper lip into her mouth and traced her tongue slowly and sensuously along it.

It was more than Lauren could stand, she gave Roxanne a gently shove which knocked her onto her back. Lauren was panting, and she could feel the thin sheen of sweat that now covered her body. Roxanne looked up at Lauren over her heaving breasts and ran her tongue over her lips, as if trying to get a last taste.

"Damn, Girl," was all Lauren could manage to say, her wry sense of humor seemed to have abandoned her.

Roxanne sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. She reached around Lauren's body and tried to undo her bra. Roxanne had even less luck with the maneuver than Lauren had had earlier.

"Not as easy as you thought is it?" she laughed as she reached back and deftly unclasped the bra. Lauren hesitated for just a moment. She really dreaded this. She was very unhappy with her tits, they were too big and as she often said gravity had not been kind. Her eyes never left Roxanne's as she let the bra fall to the floor. Unconsciously she held her breath. She searched Roxanne's face for any sign that she found them as unattractive as Lauren did. Roxanne smiled tentatively at her, and then spoke. The words nearly knocked Lauren to the floor.

"Oh, God Lauren, You are so beautiful," she breathed.

"You are nuts," Lauren managed to say after a moment.

"Come here and I will show you nuts," Roxanne said as she held her hand out to Lauren.

Lauren took it and Roxanne pulled her gently to the bed, guiding her down onto her back, with her head resting comfortably on the big pillows. Roxanne straddled her hips and sat up straight, looking down on her. She squeezed her own breasts and jiggled them laughing as a smile came to Lauren's face. She then lay on Lauren's body with her face only inches away.

"Relax," she cooed and then let her tongue trail softly over Lauren's lips. Lauren's lips parted, but Roxanne had already withdrawn from her lips. She kissed softly up the line of Lauren's cheek. Lauren was vividly aware of Roxanne's hard nipples as they dragged across her own swollen breasts. Her firm nylon covered thighs gripped Lauren's hips, creating a unique friction as she pressed farther up Lauren's body.

A soft warm breath in her ear snapped her attention back to Roxanne's face. A second exhalation sent chills down Lauren's spine. The tip of her tongue traced along Lauren's earlobe. The feeling was indescribable.

"Your are so beautiful, I have wanted this for so long," she whispered. Lauren was so aroused she didn't even have time to think anything negative about the statement before Roxanne's soft warm lips kissed her neck. She started behind Lauren's ear and worked slowly down towards the nape of her neck. Each kiss was light as a feather, she stopped here and there and gently licked or nipped. She spent a second at the nape of Lauren's neck, gently kissing and licking. Then moved back up to kiss her chin.

She was staring into Lauren's eyes then. Lauren had never seen any ones eyes sparkle like Roxanne's were then. She gasped when Roxanne's hands gently seized her tits. She kissed Lauren's chin then, and next her lips. Lauren tried to enjoy the kiss, but Roxanne's small hands were positioned over her breasts in such a way that her nipples were caught in the middle of each palm. Every time Roxanne gently squeezed, it felt like a tiny mouth was pulling at her nipples. Roxanne's hands were kneading and caressing her tits all through the long passionate kiss. By the time Roxanne broke it Lauren was panting.

She trailed her tongue down Lauren's neck, stopping at the nape to kiss her once more. Then her tongue continued downward into the valley between Lauren's tits. She pressed them together, her face between them, then she began to lick and suck in a slow circle around Lauren's left breast. She took her time, her warm tongue and feathery soft lips seeming to touch every millimeter of exposed skin. Slowly she wound her way around, rising a little each time. The sensation was pleasant, but slowly Lauren began to feel an increasing need to feel that soft, warm mouth on her nipple. While she was slowly working her way up, Roxanne's other hand gently massaged Lauren's right breast, keeping her fingers well away from the sensitive nipple. Lauren arched her back as the concentric circles her lover's tongue was making began to zero in on her nipple. Finally, Roxanne's tongue was almost there, she used just the very tip to circle the aureole.

Lauren's eyes were closed and she arched her back more as she felt the warm soft breath cover her nipple. She groaned in frustration as she felt Roxanne's tongue slide down her breast and back into the valley between her tits. Roxanne's hand switched and she began to gently massage Lauren's already achingly aroused left breast. Then her tongue began its long slow trip up her right breast. It was a sweet torture, and Lauren had to fight to keep from grabbing Roxanne's head and forcing it where she wanted it. Her eyes flared open and focused on her lover's face as Roxanne zeroed in on her aching nipple. Roxanne's pink tongue made a long slow swirl, just grazing the aureole and then stopped again.

"No," Lauren groaned.

Roxanne looked up at her and smiled, then opened her mouth and slowly, softly sucked Lauren's nipple into her mouth. Her eyes never left Lauren's until she began to gently suck. Lauren gasped at the contact, her nipples had never been so sensitive, the prolonged teasing and anticipation made the contact almost unbearably pleasurable. Roxanne rolled the nipple in her mouth, her tongue gently swirling around it. Her other hand gently massaged Lauren's other nipple.

Roxanne licked, sucked and even nibbled, cushioning her teeth with her lips. How long this went on Lauren would never know. All she knew was that it felt wonderful, and her whole world seemed to be centered where ever that soft warm mouth was. She had never had anyone pay such loving, gentle attention to her tits. Roxanne seemed perfectly content to stay there for the rest of the night. The caresses were so soft and loving that Lauren could barely keep from saying something. Roxanne caught her nipple between her teeth and while she gently nibbled on it her tongue lashed it with a furious side-to-side motion. It was more than Lauren could stand.

Without thinking she violently archer her back and rolled over. She expected Roxanne to end up on her side next to her, but she grabbed Lauren's shoulders and pulled, wrapping her leg tightly around Lauren's ass. The result was Lauren rolled over on top of her smaller lover. When her leg came clear Roxanne wrapped both of her legs around Lauren, locking her ankles just below her ass. Both of her arms were wrapped around Lauren's neck.

Lauren suddenly realized that her entire weight rested on Roxanne now. She pushed up with her arms, and tried frantically to disengage herself. This had the effect of shifting most of her weight to her arms and pubic bone, which rested squarely between Roxanne's legs. Roxanne gasped.

"Ohmigod, are you all right?" Lauren blurted out, fearing she has hurt her. One of her fears had been that she would weigh too much and hurt her smaller lover.

"I'm fine," she said in a small voice. "Could you do that again?"

"Do what?" Lauren said, her relief showing in her voice.

"What you just did," Roxanne said.

Lauren looked at her in confusion. "You mean this?" she said as see she raised her hips a bit and let he weight fall back on them.

"Yessss," Roxanne breathed.

"You silly thing," Lauren admonished. She was so relieved that Roxanne wasn't hurt.

"You could have been hurt, Now let me up," she said as she tried to rise.

"Uh uh," Roxanne giggled, shaking her head and refusing to release her hold on Lauren.

Lauren jogged her hips experimentally. Each down thrust elicited small noises from her lover. She realized that her pubic bone was pressed directly against Roxanne's pussy. While the stimulation was pleasant for her, the contact point was too high to give her clit direct stimulation, but it was right on Roxanne's.

"Sure about that?" Lauren asked with an evil grin.

"No way, I like having you on top of me," Roxanne said smiling.

Lauren smiled sweetly and began to jog her hips slowly at first, but quickly getting the rhythm down. Lauren found it disconcerting to be in the masculine position; it was like nothing she had ever imagined.

"N.. N.. No fair," Roxanne whimpered.

"Whenever your ready, you can let go," Lauren said sweetly.

"Ohh.. Ohhh. Ohhh.." was all Roxanne could manage. She tossed her head from side to side as her moans became louder and louder. Lauren found herself really enjoying this, the feeling of power to make Roxanne feel so good was intoxicating. She moved her own legs upward, spreading them out until she could dig her knees into the bed to gain more purchase. Roxanne's released her hold on Lauren's neck and her hands clutched spasmodically at the comforter. Lauren could easily get away now, but she no longer wanted to. Roxanne's moans became loud barks, each timed with Lauren's down thrusts. She could tell her lover was nearing orgasm.

"Cum for me baby," Lauren cooed.

Lauren quickened her pace. Roxanne's mouth opened into an "O" as a continuous series of little whimpers and cries escaped her lips.

"That's it baby, cum for me. Don't hold back. I want to hear you scream, like you have told me so many time you do," Lauren coaxed.

That was all it took, Roxanne's face contorted and she screamed as her orgasm washed over her. Her head tossed violently from side to side. Lauren was actually afraid she would bring hotel security to investigate, but she was not going to stop. She continued ramming down on her lover until the scream faded to quiet whimpering and occasional moans.

Roxanne slowly regained her composure and looked up at Lauren with an expression of love that was almost painful.

"Not fair at all," she whispered with a smile.

Lauren lowered herself onto her elbows and gently kissed Roxanne's lips. They were still sweet, but a salty taste from her perspiration was also evident. Roxanne unlocked her ankles and lay there limply. Occasional aftershocks rocked her body.

For several minutes they lay there, bodies pressed together as they kissed. They kissed deeply, but unhurriedly, Lauren felt languid and relaxed. There was no sense of urgency, but rather a general feeling of contentment and happiness. Roxanne's hands slowly stroked her back and sides.

Lauren slipped her arms under Roxanne's shoulders and then rolled over on her back taking her lover with her. Roxanne broke the kiss and sat up on her knees. She looked a little uncertain as she stared down. Lauren noticed that the crotch of her panties was a much darker purple now, soaked with the juices of her orgasm. They clung tightly to her pussy, outlining it so that Lauren could almost tell exactly what she would see when they finally came off. Lauren reached down and let her finger glide along them, they were wet and slick, and she could feel Roxanne shiver as her fingers pressed gently along the top part of her slit.

Roxanne inhaled sharply and shivered, both of her hands trapped Lauren's. She brought Lauren's hand to her mouth and her lips bushed her fingertips.

"No, it's your turn," she said softly.

Lauren was touched. It had been a long while since she had had a lover who was so concerned with her needs. She wanted to tell Roxanne that it was all right, that she was perfectly happy. She knew she did not usually cum with someone else.

She started to speak, but Roxanne gently placed a finger over Lauren's lips.

"Please don't say anything. I don't know what I am doing, but if we start to talk I am going to loose my nerve," she said quietly.

Lauren smiled up and her and nodded. The look of determination on her face was so cute and so Roxanne, she couldn't help but smile.

Roxanne sank back down on Lauren and they kissed again. Roxanne slipped down her body, staying between Lauren's legs. She stopped and kissed each of Lauren's nipples, and again to gently tongue her navel. From there she traced her tongue over Lauren's tummy until it stopped at the waistband of her panties. Roxanne was kneeling between her thighs now.

Her fingers slipped under the waistband and she tugged at them, Lauren raised her ass and she felt the material slide over her hips, then up her thighs and finally, the few touches at her ankles and then she was naked. She felt a fleeting feeling of being vulnerable, but it was gone the second she looked at Roxanne.

She was staring at Lauren's pussy with something akin to fascination. Roxanne hesitantly reached out and began to gently run her fingers through Lauren's dark reddish brown bush. Only her fingertips brushed through the soft curls, but even this slight contact sent thrills through Lauren's body. After a minute of this gentle torture Lauren found her hips thrusting upwards, desiring more contact with the softly stroking fingers.

Roxanne suddenly seemed to have come to a decision. She moved down the bed until she was at the very foot, her head near Lauren's feet. Lauren wondered just what she had in mind now, the gentle caresses had aroused her immensely.

Roxanne began by gently caressing her calves. She moved her face to Lauren's ankles and swirled her tongue around the little bone there. First the left, then the right then back to the left, moving slowly upwards. Kissing along her inner calf, stopping and taking her skin between her teeth and gently chewing, then moving back to her other ankle and working upwards. By the time she reached the knees Lauren was going insane.

When Roxanne reached Lauren's knee she gently lifted Lauren's leg and ran her tongue lightly along the crease at the back of her knee. Lauren had never felt anything like it, partly tickle, partly sexy, totally erotic. She was so aroused now, she could feel her own love juices oozing down her ass, forming a wet spot on the bed. She had to have release soon or she was sure she would go mad. Her hands stole to her breasts, gently massaging them.

Roxanne left her knees, kissing a licking slowly along Lauren's inner thighs. She unconsciously parted her legs even more. As the soft mouth and maddeningly warm tongue drew ever closer to her sex Lauren became aware of the scent of her own arousal. She could never remember someone taking such pains to arouse and tease her. Roxanne had now reached the juncture of her legs and body; she flattened her tongue and ran it up and down this sensitive area. Lauren heard an animal like groan and realized it had come from her own mouth.

Roxanne was lying on her tummy between Lauren's legs, arms resting on her thighs. All stimulation stopped and Lauren's raised her head, looking down her body questioningly. Roxanne was looking up at her, her face just inches above Lauren's now smoldering pussy. She looked expectantly at Lauren, her eyes sparkling. She softly exhaled a warm breath on Lauren's wet pussy, causing Lauren to groan again.

"Please," Lauren whispered hoarsely.

Roxanne beamed and in excruciatingly slow motion her head dipped. Lauren felt her friend's soft fingertips on either side of her mound, slowly massaging her. And then, when the tension had become unbearable Roxanne kissed her pussy. She started high up, just within Lauren's pubic hair and worked downward. With just the tip of her pink tongue she traced along Lauren's swollen lips. Lauren's hips began to undulate, trying to bring her clit into firm contact with that warm mouth which had become the center of her universe.

Roxanne continued to tease her, lightly tonguing her lips and even dipping into the entrance to her love tunnel, but carefully avoiding contact with her engorged clit. This went on for what seemed an eternity, until Lauren could not stand another second. Her hands wrapped into the mop of auburn hair and she guided Roxanne's face to her clit.

Roxanne flattened her tongue and gently swiped it across the super sensitive bud. Lauren gasped, and moaned despite usually being quiet during sex. Roxanne's fingers gently pried Lauren's slick lips apart, exposing her clit to the cool air and then she began to flick her tongue over it. She seemed to be instinctive, changing tempo and pressure often, pushing Lauren closer and closer to an earth shattering orgasm.

Lauren felt the muscles deep in her pussy begin to contract violently, blood rushed to her center and jagged waves of pleasure shocked her already overloaded system with each flick of the soft tongue. She was so close now, a continuous wave of small noises escaped her pursed lips. With uncanny timing, Roxanne gently pushed a finger into Lauren's sopping pussy. It was too much.

With a sharp cry Lauren came. Red waves of pleasure washed over her, thick and heady. Her hips bounced like a bronco and it was all Roxanne could do to keep her tongue glued to Lauren's clit. The probing finger dived in and withdrew, again and again, adding to the sensation, Lauren's mind spun away from her.

When she became aware of things around her again Roxanne was still softly tonguing her. Her finger was still inside, but she was no longer moving it in and out, just holding it deep inside. Aftershocks continued to rock her body. Roxanne's tongue gently glided over her clit and Lauren jumped.

"Enough! Are you trying to kill me?" she laughed sitting up abruptly. Roxanne smiled up at her and with drew her finger, which glistened with Lauren's juices.

"Score one for me," she said with a wink.

"Does that mean it's my turn again?" Lauren asked, arching an eyebrow.

"It doesn't have to be. I am very happy right were I am," Roxanne said seriously. Her fingers were playing with Lauren's pubes again, she seemed entranced by them. Lauren considered it for a moment.

"Roxanne, would you like to give sixty-nine a try?"

"Sure! But I want the bottom," she giggled.

"Don't be silly, I would squish you," Lauren laughed.

"Your not that big Damnit!" Roxanne snapped.

"Just look at me!" Lauren said in exasperation.

Roxanne smiled then. She didn't say anything, just looked at Lauren. Lauren smiled as she realized how silly her last statement sounded.

"I am on bottom, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it if I was on top honey."

"Awww, all right."

She looked so disappointed Lauren almost gave in, but she truly feared hurting her smaller lover.

"You be on top this time, and if we try it again, I promise we will switch, hows that?

"Deal," Roxanne said smiling happily. Lauren was amazed at how nice it made her feel to see Roxanne smile like that. She sat up on her knees and looked at Lauren. Neither moved then, the silence becoming awkward, if slightly comical. Neither seemed certain about how to proceed. Suddenly they both burst into gales of laughter.

When Lauren mastered herself again she said, "Well, first things first, lets get you out of your panties."

Roxanne quickly slipped her hands down and slid them over her hips and off. Lauren didn't look at her as this happened. She lay back and pulled a pillow up under her head.

Roxanne moved up next to Lauren's head and carefully straddled it. Draping her body over Lauren's she settled herself, moving a little to get comfortable. Lauren felt her fingertips pull Lauren's lips apart and begin to gently flick her tongue over Lauren's still sensitive clit. These feelings were at the back of her consciousness though.

As soon as Roxanne swung her leg over Lauren's head she found herself with a close up view of her lover's pussy. Her bush was fiery red, and damp. The delicate lips were swollen and puffed apart, revealing the brighter pink of her labia. Lauren tentatively traced her finger along them. They were incredibly soft, and slick with Roxanne's excitement. Lauren pulled the lips apart and saw her lover's clit standing out.

"Here goes nothing," she though as she extended her tongue and experimentally touched the puffy lips. It glided along Roxanne's lips easily, they were satiny soft and Lauren was engulfed in the scent of Roxanne's arousal. Lauren's tongue burrowed in between them and began to gently lick her first pussy. It was warm and wet, Lauren could tell Roxanne was very excited. The taste was different than anything she had ever experienced. Far less overpowering than a man's, it was musky, with a strange sharpness. Delicate overtones of something sweet were present. Lauren would have been hard pressed to describe it, for it tasted like nothing she had ever tried.

Both women were now lost in the moment. Each licked and nibbled and tried to bring the other the maximum amount of pleasure. Lauren was aware that the change in position had changed the angle at which Roxanne's tongue caressed her. This only seemed to make it feel better. Her body was still wired from the earlier stimulation and she realized that she would not be able to do this for too much longer before she came again. She bore down on Roxanne's clit with her tongue, lashing it with more pressure and faster than before, hoping to bring Roxanne to orgasm before her own crashed in on her.

From the moans and whimpering she could tell she was having the desired effect. Roxanne was close too. Roxanne suddenly pressed upwards with her legs, raising her self off Lauren's tongue. She sucked Lauren's clit harder and inserted a finger, then another into Lauren's pussy.

"Cheater!" Lauren moaned.

Roxanne did not reply, but began to gently drive her fingers into Lauren's sopping cunt, the stimulation causing her to gasp. She realized the little bitch was trying to get her to cum again before she did.

Lauren reached up outside of Roxanne's hips and pulled her down, holding tightly she began to desperately lick her pussy, concentrating on her clit and the upper part of her slit. She managed to get a finger into Roxanne's tight love channel and began to frig her.

Lauren felt the muscles inside of her own pussy begin to contract and grip Roxanne's probing fingers. She forced a second finger into Roxanne, realizing even as she did that she could not hold back much longer. Roxanne was moaning, but Lauren knew she was closer than her lover was.

Lauren realized suddenly that one of her fingers was right next to Roxanne's rosebud. Remembering that her little friend enjoyed anal stimulation she suddenly had an idea. Removing one of her fingers from Roxanne's pussy she pressed it gently against Roxanne's anus. Her finger was slick with Roxanne's natural lubrication and as she applied firm pressure she felt Roxanne's sphincter allow it to pass. After a few experimental attempts she managed to establish a rhythm with both fingers penetrating her friend simultaneously.

It took less than a minute of this before Roxanne screamed and came again. Hearing it, and feeling her lover' body shudder was more than Lauren could stand and she went over the edge as well.

Lauren awoke to light shimmering into the room through the lacey curtains. She stretched languidly, her muscles more relaxed than they had been in years. She became aware of the small figure curled up next to her then and propped her head up on her arm, looking down.

The soft light played across Roxanne's face. She looked so serene, almost child like. A stray strand of auburn hair had fallen across her face during the night. Lauren gently brushed it back.

"Hmmm??" Roxanne questioned in her sleep. She scooched her body backwards until she was pressed firmly against Lauren's warm body and a soft sigh escaped her lips.

Lauren thought about how much this vacation had changed her life. And to think, it was only Sunday.

The End?

Next: Chapter 2

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