Night Classes Story F/f

By Rose Brooks

Published on Nov 11, 2000



Night Classes F/f By Rose Brooks Comments are always welcome

I had noticed her in some of my other classes. Cindy sat next to me and we acknowledged each other as she came in. Here I am, a 42-year-old woman going back to school at night to earn a degree. Crazy I know but what the heck, my two children are grown and on their own, I don't work, and my husband earns a good living. I suppose it's because I'm bored more than anything else but I started the undergraduate program now and I intended to finish. It was the first night of the stat class and I knew I was in trouble already since math has always been hard for me. During break I spoke to Cindy over coffee since we had been in other classes together but never really spoke. It seems that Cindy is quite a math wiz and after the second class, she had agreed to tutor me with my homework. One night after class, we decided to go for a bite to eat at Denny's and during that time, I got to know her just a little bit better. Cindy is considerably younger than I am; she's a ripe 20 years old. One year younger than my youngest Son. She's very pretty, bubbly personality, and sexy you could say. She stands at 5'4", wears her hair short, dresses in tight fitting clothes that compliment her near perfect body. Oh yes to be young again I was thinking to myself. That night I went home and looked in the mirror and tried to remember how I looked at her age. I'm 5'6", and I can still squeeze into a size 8 if I breathe in and move my size 38 tits around to fit. Yes I thought to myself, I'm not too bad for an old broad! I was pretty hot when I was younger but I still looked pretty good now. Anyway while at Denny's, she had agreed come over to my house tomorrow night and assist me with the homework. It would work well since my husband was on one of his one week a month out of town business trips and I really didn`t like being home alone as it. He's usually gone for one week and weekend every month since his new promotion as National Sales Manager. The travel is a draw back to the job but the money is outstanding and the travel is only for another month or so. Sometimes I travel with him but now with school, that was out of the question. So to say the least, I was relieved that Cindy would come over and help me out. When Cindy arrived the next night, I offered her a coke and we got down to homework. While she was explaining the formulas Cindy would get up off her chair, walk around behind me to where I was sitting and would bend over my shoulder. In doing so sometimes she would rub her tits against my arm, back, or shoulders. Sometimes she would lean on her elbows over the kitchen table right beside me giving me a clear view of her perky tits. I was surprised that she wasn't wearing a bra. I guess I wasn't paying attention to the work since I found myself uncontrollably staring at her tits every shot I could get. She asked me a question and caught me off guard. Oh my God I thought to myself, she caught me staring, I was so embarrassed and I could feel my face turning red from blushing. I looked up at her and said "sorry I lost you, what did you say?" She looked at me with a knowing smile, stretched her arms up in the air, arched her back and with a yawn, she said it's getting late lets pack it in. I noticed when she stretched just how firm and her tits were through her V-neck style T-shirt.

That night I lay in bed picturing her in my mind's eye. I was getting wet and thought, this is crazy. I'm not attracted to her am I? God she's young enough to be my daughter. This is crazy! The fact was that after seeing Cindy's tits and her brushing so close to me, I was wet with excitement. I pulled out my "night buddy" and played myself to sleep. The next time I saw Cindy was at class. I thanked her for the extra help and she said "no problem." "I don't mind helping you get through the semester if you want the help." I said "yes, are you sure you don't mind?" "No not at all, it helps me learn the work as well" she said. "Well then it's a deal!" I was ecstatic to get the help but I think I was even more excited at the thought of being close to her again. During that week I was going crazy trying to sort out my feelings. Even my husband noticed something different. Did Cindy notice it? Is it just me? We stayed after class the following week for just a few minutes and reviewed formulas and the following week after that, I asked her if she could help me with the homework that Saturday night. She said yes and secretly I was hoping that she would say yes. I told her I'd make us a nice dinner on Saturday for her troubles and then we could get down to some major tutoring.

On my way home that night, I thought it rather odd that she would want to give up her Saturday night to do homework. I also thought about what she told me that night at Denny's, that she didn't date very much and when she did, it was almost always a disappointment. She said that after high school, she decided to work for a year but then decided to do night classes and continue working instead and during that time she lost contact with some of her friends. She basically didn't have any regular friends to go out with as she explained it. I never questioned her on it since it really wasn't any of my business and I didn't know her that well anyway.

The next Saturday night she arrived at six o'clock as planned. It was perfect since my husband just flew out the night before and I prefer not be home alone when he's not home. I greeted Cindy at the door and she gave me a cheek peck and hug as she entered. I showed her into the living room and suggested she make herself at home while I finish getting dinner ready. Cindy insisted on helping me. While she went about the kitchen setting things, I couldn't help but notice how lovely of a girl she was. She was wearing a tight fitting gray wool sweater that very much emphasized her perky breasts, a short black spandex style skirt, and I mean a short style skirt that hugged her natural curves and she wore no stockings. The difference between youthful dressing and middle age I suppose. I noticed her fragrance was definitely Claiborne and I commented that she looked great and smelled good. "I wear the same perfume." I said, "It's my favorite." She said "I know, that's why I wore it, I catch a sent of it when we're at class so I knew you'd like it." I offered her wine knowing that she was underage but she accepted anyway. We sat on the couch and sipped from our glasses until dinner was ready. While sitting on the couch with our legs curled under, I noticed her skirt riding high up her thighs. I couldn't keep my eyes away and as she sat there next to me and casually chatted about life in general. I realized that she wasn't wearing any panties. I was not thinking straight here. I'm not a lesbian, I'm old enough to be her Mother, I'm feeling wet down there and I'm supposed to try and learn some statistics, ya right! I guess the fact that my husband hasn't fucked me for awhile doesn't help.

As we sat down for dinner, I lit the two candles on the table and Cindy said "heck with such a beautiful table setting we should dim the lights" that she did and we enjoyed our veal Marcella in the flickering candlelight and soft music. It was such a tranquil and romantic atmosphere, I wonder if Cindy intended it to be that way? I went to the fridge and opened our second bottle of wine. By now we had both consumed a couple of glasses of wine and I knew I was getting tipsy and in no shape to do homework nor did I feel like it. I couldn't tell Cindy that, after all she gave up her Saturday night to help me. By the time we finished dinner, the second bottle of Chablis was dry and we were both two sheets to the wind. Our laughter got louder and our giggling got sillier. We both agreed that homework was not on the agenda tonight, hell we were both wasted and so we went to the living room. Cindy walked by the stereo and turned up Kenny G. "I love this guy", come on lets dance." I bowed to her as to accept the dance and we laughed trying to figure out who was going to lead! I pulled her closer to me now that I was a little bolder and our breasts rubbed together. Mine were aching to be touched. I could feel her breathing on my neck and for the first time, I knew what it felt like to hold another woman in my arms. After a few moments and stepping on each other's feet trying to figure who the lead is, I decided to sit on the couch. As I was flopping down, Cindy tripped and landed on me. God I wanted to kiss her right there and then but I was too chicken. I stole a feel of her beautiful tits though on the pretense of catching her as she fell. They felt so hard, so firm and rounded, and oh so young. There we were, sprawled out on the couch, me in a pair of tight and uncomfortable jeans and Cindy's short skirt hiked up her ass laughing so hard our stomachs were getting sore. Sitting side by side with our legs overlapping, Cindy said "I haven't had this much fun in a long time" you are a really good friend Rose" and with that she kissed me. Just a sisterly type kiss and then she said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I said "it's ok, it felt nice, I wouldn't mind if you kissed me again." With that, her lips swept mine, we embarrassed, we kissed, and we touched. Our kiss was deep and affectionate. I let out a low moan and said "oh you feel soooooo good I need you Cindy." Cindy was so wet with love juice when she let me move my hand up her inner thighs and she couldn't wait to undress me. She told me that this was the first time that she has ever been with a woman and I admitted the same. Funny how we're so attracted to each other. "I think I was attracted to you the first time I saw you back in English lit class" she said.

It was clear that Cindy would be spending the night. We held each other for a few more minutes and then without a word, we went upstairs to my bedroom and undressed each other. Cindy's tits were even more beautiful with nothing covering them. We caressed, kissed and fucked each other all night until we both fell asleep as the morning dawn sun flooded my bedroom window

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