Night Shift Slave

By Thomas Marshall

Published on Apr 1, 2021



The following story, "Night Shift Slave", contains foot fetish scenes and m/m oral sex. If this content doesn't interest you, or is illegal to view in your region, please do not read any further.

This story was co-written by myself and a friend on April 1st, 2021. We can be reached at and Comments and criticism are appreciated.

This story is fictional, thank you for reading, we hope you enjoy ____________________________________

My eyelids, heavy from my Friday night beers, snapped open at the sound. My living room came slowly into focus, eyes burning a bit in protest. The clock read 1:03. I had fallen asleep on the couch watching TV again. Would've stayed here all night if someone wasn't at the door

Alex. Had to be Alex at the door.

He told me he was doing overnight security this weekend and he might drop by. Had to be him. I got up quick, still not fully awake but stomach quickly knotting up.

I woke him up. For sure. He's my "slave", I shouldn't be feeling guilty about it. If it wasn't for the smile when he made eye contact I probably would've muttered a "sorry man" and went back to my truck. But he lit up when he saw me, and I can't pretend I didn't want him to take care of me for a half hour. It was a shitty start to a shitty shift. Plus, I had a nice little surprise for him.

"cool if I come in?"

Why did he even bother asking?? I could feel the way I was looking at him, especially his boots. Thick, rubber cold weather boots, the kind that are as breathable as a brick wall. If he even took his boots off I would loose my cool and start begging him to let at them.

"what do you got to eat?"

"had some pizza for supper, couple slices left"

"got any Monster?"

"bought a pack for you"

Christ, a pack for me? I feel weird enough eating his leftovers on him, but he went and bought something he doesn't like just to have what I like?? Part of me shouted that this wasn't right. That I was taking advantage of Shane. And I definitely was, no way around it. But the look on his face, like he made me a Christmas gift and he really hopes I like it.

He loved being taken advantage of. He's made that clear. I swallowed my conscience and gave Shane my best cocky smirk.

"atta boy, go an get it then"

Shane set off into his kitchen without a word, although he tried and failed to adjust his boner without me noticing. I sat down on his couch, I had been standing for the past 5 hours.

I had an 8 PM to 8 AM shift, and the scheduling was such a disaster at the station. I was on the board for 3 weeks to do routes through an outdoor equipment yard tonight. When I turned up at 7:30, they told me to get my ass down to the plant itself, no time to change or anything, and I had been walking around in circles in that damn plant all night.

Which brought me to Shane's "surprise". It was around -20 tonight, so I dressed for outdoor duty. Fine as it was too strip down to a tee shirt and the joggers below my snow suit, all I had was the winter boots I wore in, with some black snowboarding socks. It was close to 30 degrees in some spots of that plant, and my feet were sliding around in my boots, it felt disgusting. And, for the first time, I was genuinely looking forward to shoving them in Shane's face.

At the start, him licking my feet was something I barely tolerated. He's a nice guy, and he sucks my dick better than any girl ever has and probably ever will. I wanted to help him out. I knew about his foot thing for a while, his friend Richard has told me, apparently Shane has quite a thing for him. He asked, so shy and scared he had to repeat himself before I understood what he meant, and I felt so bad for him that I pushed him right onto the floor and pushed my foot right into his face.

Usually when I let him have my feet I'd watch, then get bored and sit on my phone, or watch TV. But tonight just felt different, I wanted to see it. Partly because it was almost cute seeing how bad Shane would fall over himself licking my feet when they were clean, shaking and weakly rubbing one foot while slobbering all over the other, and partly because I was curious how anybody could have my feet on their face right now without puking from the stink.

Alex was sat down when I came in with his dinner, unlacing those chunky black boots. He reached up, grabbed my pizza and his Monster, and thanked me. He motioned to the floor, with the most serious "you're-in-for-it" look I've ever seen. I laid down on my stomach, and when he nudged my shoulder with his boot I understood he meant for me to roll over. Alex cracked his Monster and crossed one foot over the other, square on my chest.

Alex started to tell me about his night, idly clicking his boots together. Told me about the fact he was wearing cold weather gear indoors.

He slid his boots off and let them thump to the floor as he told me the circumstances that led to his feet being so "disgusting". His socks were thick, all black with dark red toes and heels, and "Burton" written heel to toe on the bottoms in the same red. He paused his story, sighing with relief and flexing his toes. It was pretty clear he wanted to rip the socks off too, but he was waiting. He was teasing me, and just that fact was playing my nerves like harp strings.

"so..." I finished, letting the word hang any looking down at Shane. He was staring at my feet and shivering all over. I could feel his heart, pounding so hard and fast in his chest I was wondering when it would burst out. He was squirming beneath me, hands nervously balled into fists.

"if I play this right" I thought, looking down at him "he'll give me the best head of my life". I had that right.

I brought my foot over, sliding it right up his chest. I took another bit of Shane's pizza, and tucked my toes just under his jaw. Shane's entire body twitched, like it was a taser touching his chin instead of my socked foot. I pushed in a bit and my toes cracked one by one, a feeling I always enjoyed. Couple that with eating good pizza I didn't pay for, and hearing Shane under my foot breathing in shaky, jagged gulps of air through his teeth, and I suddenly felt pretty good. Pretty damn good.

"rub one and you can smell the other"

Shane's hands were wrapped around my right foot instantly, as if someone fired a starting pistol around the word "rub". He had told me he wasn't sure how good he was at giving foot rubs, and I guess that just because no one ever gave him any feedback. His fingers sank right into the arch of my foot at the heel, right where it was sore the most, and it just felt incredible. I stuffed another bit of pizza in my mouth, raised my left foot, and landed it square on Shane's face.

The combination of smell and heat from Alex's socked feet made me lightheaded. He clamped his toes firmly around my nose, and really ground my head into the floor, to the point it probably would've hurt if I wasn't flying higher than a 747. I sucked in huge, greedy breaths of air saturated with Alex's musk. He usually had a light, sweaty, teenage musk smell to his feet and his balls, but this smell was thick, damp, almost sour, but still distinctly Alex. I filled my lungs over and over, savoring the stink and rubbing his other foot best I could. His sweat was coating my hands, and I knew I'd be able to cum after he'd left just from cupping a hand over my face.

I wasn't gonna hold out on him much longer. I wanted my socks off. He was sniffing my other foot, rubbing my left. He had made any soreness completely disappear, and the constant rush of air through my sweaty toes felt incredible.

I finished the last of the pizza and checked the clock. 1:14. I had about 15 minutes.

Keeping my left foot resting on Shane's face, I put my right foot over my knee and pulled off my sock. My foot was a bright red, almost pink, with little specs of black and red lint plastered all over the bottom by a film of sweat that glistened in the light. Red sock fluff was trailing from between each toe, and all my toes looked like I had been swimming, wrinkled up I guess from the sweat.

"are you gonna lick this?" I asked, shameful excitement building up "are you seriously gonna lick this man??"

"can I?"

My dick started to twitch, I tried to tell myself I was just excited for the blowjob, and I knew I was lying. The idea of him not only willingly licking my nasty feet clean, but asking for it like that just turned on a bank of switches in my head no woman would ever even find, nevermind touch.

"get up here and do it. now."

Alex slid his foot off my face, and I shot up onto my knees. I wish I could've taken a moment to look at his perfect bare foot, but I was operating on pure instincts. I took his toes into my mouth quick as I could, stretching to fit his size 10 foot into my mouth. Once I made it over his small toe all five slid straight into my mouth and disappeared, as if that's exactly what my mouth was made for.

Right away the taste was intense. It was very salty and somewhat sour, and it felt like I tasted it with every fiber of my being. I forced my tongue between two of his toes and started to work on the sock fluff stuck there. It came off slowly, small pieces almost melting on my tongue, and each swallow I could feel the big bits going down smoothly.

I looked up slowly while still working at all that lint, and Alex was looking me right in the eyes with the most adorable smug look. He was no Richard, but his side swept dark brown hair and dark eyes set off every nerve in my body.

"Good?" I asked, raising my eyebrows a bit.

Shane's nonverbal response assured me that, yes, it was good. Probably better than good. It really did feel incredible, having my toes sucked when I was so sweaty. Shane's little tongue had to really pry just to get some of my toes unstuck. He worked his tongue between each of my toes before going back to the first one he hit. It was at that point, the realization that he was honest to God trying to suck up all the crap between my toes sent a chill down my back and made my already half hard cock twitch. He was gonna have to suck me off soon.

Shane backed off my toes, probably to give his lips a break, and switched between kissing and licking the arch of my foot. He squeezed my heel a few times, even taking it into his mouth at one point and gently sucking on it, which felt so good it made me squirm a bit.

It was all just so incredible and he hadn't even gotten my other foot and oh fuck. It was 1:23. I had, at best, 5 minutes. And my cock was aching for Shane's special brand of service.

I pushed on his forehead to get him off my feet, but he didn't go willingly. Shane made noises like a person being shaken awake from a good dream, noises I don't think he was even aware of. I dropped my foot, opened my legs a bit, and pushed his face up to look me in the eye.

"I gotta head back soon. If you're lucky I'll come by after my shift and you can have the rest of that lint for breakfast, but right now, you're gonna suck me off, got it?"

I nodded, too excited to speak anymore. My dick was bulging painfully against my pants, and I had been leaking a steady stream of precum for at least 10 minutes.

"do it quick and maybe you can have my toes again before I leave" he said, dropping his pants and boxers to his ankles and stepping out of them carelessly. His dick was at half mast, head just starting to come out of his foreskin. He had short, curly pubes a bit farther than his hair, and his balls hung low enough to rest on the couch.

I moved right in, still on my knees. I kissed Alex's cock near the head, then down where it met his musky balls. I took the head of his rapidly stiffening cock into my mouth and sucked gently. I closed my eyes, savoring the flavor. The salty, musky taste from the foreskin mixed with the bitter taste that came from running my tongue over his piss slit.

Shane took the head out, and moved down. I knew exactly what he was doing, and tried to prepare. He had found my personal weak spot two weeks, and was heading straight for it. Any attention to the spot where my balls meet my taint just sends me over the edge. My second girlfriend found out about it, and she'd sometimes put her finger there.

Shane, however, had his nose buried between my leg and my balls, and was giving that spot wet, sloppy kisses. I groaned and melted into the couch. Almost involuntarily, I lifted my feet up until they were resting on either of Shane's shoulders and tilted my hips back to give him better access. Shane responded by sucking my taint popping my balls into his mouth. My cock was jumping with every stroke of Shane's tongue, and it seemed like the harder I dug my feet into his shoulders, the more passionately Shane worshipped my taint.

"Shane for fucks sake finish me off"

I gave Alex one last big lick, practically from asshole to piss slit, and took his cock into my mouth. He was past full mast now, his cock throbbed as I slid it further and further down. His feet slid off my shoulders and wrapped around my back, locking me in place, as if there was anywhere in the world I'd rather be.

Alex grabbed the back of my head and pushed, hard. The shock almost made me choke more than his cock, I'd gotten to be quite the good little cocksucker for him. But he never ever did anything. He always laid back and wanted me to do everything, usually pretty quiet till end.

"take it all Shane, fucking take it"

I was close. I was so, so, so close. I could feel Shane's surprise turn into his usual lust. He slid straight into the groove, sucking my cock like he was trying to make it fall off. He didn't fight me bouncing his head up and down at all, just kept a good seal, drank every drop of precum flowing out of me and moaned with pleasure while I treated his tight throat like a personal fleshlight. It was 1:26, only three minutes after he started, when I couldn't hold it anymore.

Alex had long since stopped asking if he could finish in my mouth. I knew he was getting close, slipped my hand between his legs, and rubbed his taint, just below the balls. His hips started rolling, his legs squeezed my head, and I felt load after load of Alex's hot cum shooting straight down my throat. Alex pumped a few times, sucking in air through his teeth, and let me off.

Shane laid right down on the floor, practically fell. I was gonna be back late. I pulled my other sock on and grabbed my boots while Shane struggled to catch his breath.

"I'm really sorry man, I gotta go"

"it's fine" he said softly, between deep, shuddering breaths

"want me to come in the morning?"

"yes, there's a spare key on the table if you want it"

"I'll come right in" I said, lifting my socked foot and bopping him in the face "and shove these right in your face"

Alex tied his boots, thanked me for the food, grabbed his key, and left.

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