Night with Chris

By Ben Keller

Published on Oct 12, 2000



Disclaimer: This story contains consensual sex between two teenage boys. If this is not your cup of tea, then it is your choice to leave. If this sounds interesting, please read on. The choice is yours. --------------------*

The night was so black that you could only see the bright stars above, and about 10 feet in front of you. I was a regular guy. At seventeen years old, I'm average height and weight. My brown hair is cut to medium length, and I have chestnut brown eyes that are comparable to a puppy's. I'm the kind of kid that lived next door and would offer to mow your lawn or shovel your snow for you. The girls at school didn't flock to me, but also didn't mind sneaking peeks during lunch. Never in a thousand years you would guess that I'm gay, but that is the case. I was on a summer trip with my Boy Scout troop from Washington, D.C. to the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. It is almost in the middle of nowhere to the point that the blackness of night invades every part of the landscape.

Walking next to me is Chris, one of my best friends. When Chris walks down the hallway at school, the females ferociously attack him. The clinginess levels are so large that it's almost disgusting. That child is blessed with golden locks of hair and piercing blue eyes. He will melt anyone on contact. These two have been friends for a while. The friendship started in high school, grew in the BSA, and just flourished during this particular trip.

Earlier in the evening Chris, couple of adults, and I went down to the lake near the chosen camping spot. The adults entered the closed beach and sat on a small stone wall about a hundred feet from the water. Chris and I were a tad more daring and sat atop the ten-foot high lifeguard tower. The seat wasn't that wide, so there was constant contact. The two pairs of humans could not hear each other's conversations.

"Damn, you can really see the stars tonight," said Chris.

"Yeah. It's not like this back home. This is the middle of nowhere," I replied.

Both of us sat conjuring their individual thoughts. This was a moment for personal reflection on both of our parts. The dark abyss of water is only dimly reflecting us sitting on the stand.

"You know what would be cool?"

"What's that, Chris?"

"If Kathryn Simpson was drowning right now."

"Hah, it would be better if her brother, Taylor, was drowning right now," I blurted out.

Thoughts of Taylor's latest wrestling match, and the revealing singlet he wore, flashed through my mind, as I comprehended what I just said. It was as if my limbic system was disabled and I was mindlessly blabbing whatever thought came first.

"And if he was wearing a black Speedo, that would also be cool," I added.

"I bet you'd want to give him CPR too"

"Of course. That would be the best part."

"Hmm," pondered Chris.

I didn't know what was happening, or when to shut up. I was just divulged my deepest and darkest fantasies to Chris and getting a minimal reaction. Our position and our closeness to one another at this point remained unchanged. We both sat staring at the horizon and stars, as if that was just a normal conversation.

"We're heading back," boomed the loud voice of Chris's Dad as he told us his immediate plans. We replied with an acknowledgement, and went back to staring. I was shaking for two reasons. The most prevailing one was that it was a very cool New York summer. The second reason is that I just told my best friend that I would like to rescue a Speedo clad wrestling hunk from perishing in the cold waters of this lake. Both of these thoughts nagged me until action was taken.

"I'm really shaking, Chris. I gotta go back and get a sweater."

"That's cool. I need one too. My nipples are getting hard," Chris added.

I looked from the lake to Chris's face to see the sweetest smile. I knew that Mr. Joker was pulling my leg again.

Both of us would have won a gold medal in Synchronized Jumping off of a Lifeguard Tower if a judge were watching. Our two pairs of feet hit the ground at the exact same time. It was no lie that we were friends.

Walking back to the campsite, Chris and I were quiet. It was also an unusually slow pace for both of us, being fit young men. It was if there was no worry or responsibility on either of our shoulders at this point. If one was so inclined you could say we were floating back to the campsite, each in our own bubble of consciousness and thought.

We had to split up since our one-person tents were on opposing sides of the campground. Chris ducked in to his cocoon, and me into mine. Chris threw on a hooded sweatshirt to cover his white t-shirt he was wearing earlier. He did nothing about changing his black silk soccer shorts. I also donned a hooded sweatshirt and shorts.

I strolled to Chris's tent with the enormous aid of his flashlight. I wasn't so lucky as to have it with me before his most recent visit to my tent. At the tent, I found Chris staring at the trees. After a closer investigation, it was evident that he was actually staring at the half moon shining through the trees. We stood like statues together, side-by-side; watching the painfully slow progression of this celestial body make it's way around the planet we call home. It was, in itself, beautiful. The patterns cast by the moonlight engraved odd shapes on the trees and ground. I just stared at his friend. The little dot that represented the moon was fixed in Chris's eye. It gleamed at me. It tempted me in ways that only had invaded my mind, and not my reality. But, tonight was different.

"Do you have a paper and pen?" I asked, painfully sorry that I broke Chris's concentration and observance of our moon.

"Why would you want that now?" replied Chris, raising one eyebrow in an inquisitive fashion.

"I have a need to write," I said, with a small tear forming in my left eye.

"Hey Ben, take a walk with me."

Chris smiled at me. Only half of his face was evident on account of the absence of light, but I could still see. We both shuffled our feet until they got to the middle of the campgrounds. The Scouts that went on this trip were split up in to two crews, and each was separate. There was a small clearing where no tents were pitched and private conversations could stay that way.

"Seriously, why do you want something to write with?" asked Chris as he crossed his legs and sat on a mini hill in between the two campsites.

"I wanted to write a poem," I replied as I sat down and was now able to look at Chris eye to eye. We were sitting toward the moon, and we could see each other's face perfectly.

"Oh my god. That's good. Poetry is good," Chris said with a rush of air.

"Why? What did you think I wanted to do with it?"

"Write a suicide note."

Chris was painfully blunt sometimes. This was one of those times.

I was shocked at what he had imagined I would do. Albeit, I did have those feelings earlier in my lifetime, but not for this reason.

"Chris, I'm probably the farthest away from committing suicide than I could ever be. I was shocked that you would think I would do that. Why did you think that?"

"Because you're gay," said Chris, almost in a whisper.

I stared at him for about five minutes. Words can be used to describe part of what my feelings were, but they will never do them the least bit of justice. I was happy, sad, overwhelmed, relieved, and scared... My brain ceased processing all information and centred around that one word:


A million things flooded into my head when my brain decided it was time to start working again. It was like Moses had released the Red Sea to fall back on the Egyptians. I was happy that I had the guts, or the stupidity, to put it out there on the table to be discussed or judged. I was hoping for the discussion. I was also sad about what might come of this revelation. I was petrified at the thought of Chris outing me to everyone in existence. Out of all my fears I could only muster the will to utter one word:


Chris smiled and pierced my heart with his eyes. He threw one arm around my shoulder and pulled me close.

"Come on, snap out of it. The ton of bricks that just hit you are all gone," pleaded Chris to my deaf ears. It was an overload. If I were created a robot, a system failure message would have been displayed and I would have self destructed by now. I didn't have that option. There was no escape for me, and in a way, I didn't want to escape.

"Yeah, I guess so. But..." I came to and admitted to him.

"Ssh. Don't say anything right now," Chris whispered into my ear as he put his finger to my lip. He gave me the much needed thinking time that I deserved.

We spent the next hour talking. He promised me that if I didn't want him to tell, then he wouldn't. I didn't explicitly tell him not to, but I implied it. We talked about my suicide attempts earlier in my existence. I had to end that part of the conversation quickly because it was not something I wanted to talk about. It is very saddening to think of those times, and I was just the opposite of that right now. I was relieved and happy that I had someone special to share with. I felt as if I could tell him anything. And, I almost did. I took a leap when I asked him one question.

"Chris, now that you know I'm gay, will it change anything? Will you still say 'Hi' to me in the hallways of Blair? Will I still be your best bud?"

The absence of light was equal to the absence of sound. We didn't say a word, but just looked into each other's eyes. We turned our heads to look at each other, and with our noses almost touching we looked into each other's soul and tried to find an answer to my last question. He found it first.


I smiled and hugged him. He was the best person to be friends with. I could not have asked G-d himself for a better friend.

We went back to just chatting. He asked me some questions, and I answered them the best I could. But, I had one nagging question. I guess it was the typical teenage boy hormones going at it again.

"Now that you know I'm gay... Um... Do you think you'd want to do anything?" I said while trailing off.

Chris needed some thinking time for that too, and I don't blame him a bit. That was one huge question to plop down on him. Some would think that he's damned if he said 'Yes' and damned if he said 'No'. We just sat there, looking ahead into the distance. I was tired and dozing off as he interjected:

"Let's go back to the beach."

I agreed, and we both started walking to the beach that we had been at just hours before. While walking, Chris spoke up.

"You know back there when you asked me if I was interested in you?" he tried to make sure I remembered.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"Well, I kinda got a woody," he confessed. "So, I'm all game."

I turned my head to look at him, and he turned to look at me. While walking down the road, I tried to take in exactly what he just said to me. All he could do was smile.

"Ok," I acknowledged.

We continued to the beach in the blackness. With the help of Chris's flashlight, it was slightly easier. We made it to the beach, hopped the measly excuse for a barricade, and climbed our famous tower. We sat there like we did before, except now without the watchful eye of adults behind us. The horizon and lake were exactly like we left it before; pristine and tranquil.

Pulling one of those cheesy movie moves, I yawned and moved my arm around him. He chuckled as he realized that I had just imitated millions of other guys around the world. I looked at him and pulled his firm body closer to me. His shoulder was nestled closely near mine. He turned his head to look at me, and our noses touched. We stared into each other's eyes for the millionth time this evening. This time, something happened. I dared to move closer to his lips, and he dared to move closer to mine. Centimetre by centimetre, we grew closer together until we collided. His soft lips touched mine, and a shock went between us. I glided my hand up to his jaw, and softly pulled his head in. My other hand took a place on his stomach. He placed one on my thigh, and another on my jaw. He got in to the kiss a little more and opened his mouth. I consented and opened mine too. We played with each other's tongue while gently massaging whatever body part our hand was on. I broke the kiss to move down Chris's neck. His soft skin was beautiful under the moonlight. He lifted his head up and I nibbled on his neck. I pulled away a little to propose something to him:

"Why don't we get down from here before someone breaks something," I said.

He agreed, and we both dismounted from the tower again. We went around to the back of the tower and met each other there. Immediately, the kiss was resumed. The second spark flew between us. I could tell he was really enjoying it, and he could say the same for me. I coaxed him onto the sandy ground, and lifted his shirt off. The moonlight revealed the most sculpted chest and abs. My dick was standing at full attention, and so was his. I chewed at his neck, and buried my face in his chest. I licked those hard nipples, and teased him when I stuck my tongue in his belly button.

As I was removing his shorts to reveal his cock enclosed by a pair of briefs, I realized I had crossed the point of no return. I pulled off his shorts and threw them on top of the recently discarded shirt.

"Wait," he interjected.

Chris sat up and kissed me full on the lips again. After playing with my mouth some more, he tore off my shirt. My nipples also froze as the chilly air hit them. Chris tried his hardest to keep them warm by dousing them with his saliva and licking them. It worked a little. I was so turned on that he was doing this to me. I spotted the large amounts of pre-cum working it's way out of his piss slit as he did me the favour of removing my shorts. He stopped a second as he saw what was revealed. It was the same black Speedos that I had jerked off many times before in to the thoughts of Chris. I was quickly able to sneak them on in my tent so that I could keep my cock in check when I would get horny. It wasn't doing a very good job now. My cut dick snaked it's full 7 inches to my left along my leg. Chris saw it and smiled. With me kneeling above his knees, and him leaning all the way forward, he was able to get his mouth on my nylon-covered cock. It was the greatest feeling as he teased the underside of my monster with his tongue. I wanted to do the same to him, so I got up and went around him. I put us in the sixty-nine position, with him on the bottom, so that our two teenaged mouths could eat cock uninhibited. Chris wanted a little more, so he slipped off my Speedo and let my dick smack him in the face. He didn't waste any time at all.

It was the first time for both of us sucking dick, but we acted like pros. He licked the underside with his tongue and deep throated me. His nose hit my pubes and I knew he was in all the way. I had pulled off his briefs a while ago and did the same to him. We were both having the time of our lives. He was doing such a good job that I was ready to cum. I tried to moan and signal of my impending ejaculation, but my mouth had other business to attend to. Jets of spunk flew down his throat at amazing speeds. There was so much of it that a bit leaked out of his mouth. I sopped sucking on him, and flipped around so that we were face to face. Our smiling faces were pressed together as I tasted my cum and wrestled his tonsils.

"I want you in me," I said in between kisses.

I moved back down to his cock and put it in my mouth again to get it as hard as possible and to lube it up for it's pending journey. After sucking on it, I got on my hands and knees by Chris's feet. He immediately got up and buried his face in my rosebud. It was the greatest to have his tongue rimming my asshole. I almost protested as he took it out, only to realize that he was going to replace it with his eight-inch tubesteak. He got in position and put the large helmet of his circumcised cock up to my asshole and gently pushed it in. I moaned and told him to keep going. He was worried that it was hurting me.

"Just take it slow," I assured him.

He put in an inch at first. Then another inch, and then another. After finally getting his entire shlong up my ass, he started bucking and shoving. My asshole was burning and at the same time giving me the greatest amount of pleasure that I'd ever had. It was wonderful to have two young studs out on a beach making love. I made sure to squeeze my ass and put more friction on his lovestick. Between the sucking and fucking, he was wiped out. After a couple of minutes of shoving himself up my virgin hole, he let it go.

"Oh, Ben... I'm cumming! Oh yeah!" he yelled in pleasure.

I felt his dick tense up, and then release. Gushers of cum invaded my ass as Chris came in me. After his last spurt, he pulled out of me. I rolled over, and he got on top of me. We kissed forever to get us down from our high. We felt up each other's body as we kissed. My hands ran over his smooth ass and back, and he massaged my chest. When we were all finished, he put his head on my chest and dozed off a bit. I wasn't worried at all.

"I love you, Chris," I whispered to him, knowing that the sleeping beauty would never hear.

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