Nikki Comes to America

By Kristen

Published on Aug 19, 2000



Nikki Comes to America (FF, interr, 1st time) by Kristen Kathleen Becker


The flashing silver Lear Jet flew high above the giant

city. Nikki couldn't believe her eyes; she had never

imagined a city so large. All she could do was look

down at it and wonder. Truly America was the land of

opportunity, and this strange city called New York only

proved beyond doubt that this was so.

Growing up in a tiny village in the middle of the huge

Zukov forests of Russia was no preparation for a sight

like this.

Ten minutes after spotting the east coast of Manhattan,

the agency jet was coasting to a smooth stop in front

of the executive terminal of LaGuardia International

Airport; the plane didn't have to wait for normal

landing clearance. Their taxiway was on the north end

of the field, reserved for VIP's, far above the petty

concerns of the day-to-day traveler. It was one of the

perks of being rich and influential, as Michael pointed

out to no one in particular.

As the plane taxied to a stop, Nikki could see two cars

parked close by. One was a big black limousine, like

the ones Moscow party officials usually used. A big man

in a black suit and cap stood by that car, waiting. The

other was a black van with mirrored windows.

The door of the jet swooshed open and a man jumped

through the opening, a radiant smile on his face. He

bounced into the cabin almost before the passengers

started gathering together their carry-on luggage,

going straight to Nikki and standing in the aisle in

front of her.

"Ms. Primikov, my name is Scott Williams. I'm the CEO

of the Buccannon Agency, and I wanted to greet you

personally." He thrust out his hand in a firm but

friendly fashion, and Nikki took it in the ritual

welcoming motion expected of her. She smiled, but said


Scott Williams, one of the most powerful men in

American business and a sophisticated man of the world,

felt for a moment as if the wind had been knocked out

of him. He could only stare into the mysterious,

brilliant blue eyes of this exquisite woman.

After a moment's pause he realized that the other

passengers were expecting him to say something, and

that he was beginning to look foolish just holding

Nikki's hand and staring at her. "Ahhh, Ms. Primikov,

may I have the pleasure of escorting you to the home

office, and to make arrangements for your stay with


Nikki looked at the handsome older man and smiled again.

She guessed he was in his late 30's, but she was never

sure about men's ages. At that moment he looked just

like her younger brother Alexi, a little awkward, a

little unsure of himself. She was struck by his friend-

ly manner, especially after her experience with Michael.

As if reading her mind, he turned to travel companion and

asked: "Mike, did Ms. Primikov have a good flight?"

"Absolutely, boss. I gave her the deluxe treatment."

Nikki looked at Michael with loathing, and said:

"Please, Mr. Williams, can we leave now?" she

hadn't liked traveling with him, he'd been a perfect

boar the whole trip, she didn't like the way he'd kept

leering at her.

Scott hadn't gotten to where he was by failing to pick

up on body language. He realized that something must

have happened on the flight, but he didn't want to make

an issue of it in front of their new asset. He made a

mental note to have Mike Borden called in to his office

on Monday so he could get to the bottom of things.

At that moment, though, all he said was: "Absolutely.

We just have a short trip to the heli-pad, and then off

to work." He escorted the young woman down the few

steps to the ground, and they were on their way.

Nikki was overwhelmed. First the short ride in the

luxury limousine to the helicopter, and then the

vertiginous flight to the top of a huge building in

the center of the city. She felt quite breathless.

And so did Scott Williams, though not from the travel.

His fight for breath was due to the vision sitting

beside him. Her face was flushed with excitement, her

eyes shone. From time to time this enchanting creature

would turn to him, pointing at, and chattering in

gleeful excitement about, something he'd never noticed

before, clapping her hands and giggling like a happy

child. Somehow he was extremely glad to see her enjoy-

ing herself so; it satisfied some deep need of his own.

Scott Williams was undeniably one of the most success-

ful fashion executives in the world. He was still

single at 38, and listed in People magazine as one of

the top ten most eligible bachelors in the U.S.. He

dated famous and important women; he just couldn't see

any reason to get involved in a long-term relationship

with any of them.

As number two man and heir apparent to the chairman of

the board, Mr. Buccannon, he had his days filled. He

just couldn't get excited about settling down.

Though all these things were true, however, he wondered

what it would be like to be with this exotic creature.

He'd have to be careful, he thought. He didn't want to

get caught up in the moment and find himself in court

or something even worse.

But still... Sitting by this woman made him think.

They landed at Buccannon headquarters, on top of the

100-story MACK Building in which the agency controlled

the top six floors, and Nikki was whisked into Benjamin

Buccannon's office.

By this time, Scott had made Nikki feel comfortable

enough to be on first name terms with her. As they

traveled down the elevator to the Chairman's suite of

offices, Nikki asked in a hushed tone: "How can there

be so much money in clothes? This building must cost

millions and millions of dollars."

Scott replied: "Our firm is worldwide. We cover Asia,

Europe and Russia as well as South America and, of

course, the U.S. markets. That's a lot of clothes,

Nikki, and that equates to a lot of money. Here we are.

Are you ready to meet 'His Supreme Heinous'?"

"Pardon me?"

"Just a little joke of mine. Never mind, here we are,"

Scott chuckled as he pushed open the tinted glass doors

leading to the reception room of the chairman's office.

After being announced, they made their way into the

huge plush office of "His Heinous." Benjamin Buccannon

stood facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, viewing the

city at dusk; lights could be seen coming on all over

the horizon.

When he heard them enter, he turned with a dancer's

grace and strode across the room to hug Nikki to his


Then to her surprise, he gave her the traditional

Russian greeting of a soft kiss on each cheek, saying

in Russian: "This is truly a wonderful day! A daughter

of Russia is a daughter to me."

Nikki was amazed that someone living thousands of miles

away would know her home region's rural greeting. It

was as old as time, but not widely used outside of her

forest region.

She stumbled over her reply. "H-How would you know

those words, sir? H-How could you?"

Scott chuckled and said in a playful voice: "The old

reprobate knows every trick in the book. He probably

had one of his researchers pull all the plugs to get

any information about you so he could impress you."

Mr. Buccannon shot Scott a look of mock pain and led

the young woman to the lounge area.

While they sat there he outlined Nikki's future for

her; in short, he was going to make her a supermodel.

He asked if she knew what a supermodel was. Nikki shook

her head, so he described it in terms she couldn't fail

to understand. "You will be loved by millions of people

all over the world. You will be idolized. Your looks,

your hairstyle, even your walk, will be imitated by

hundreds of thousands of women, from here to Russia and

beyond. You'll make millions of dollars, and you'll

have fun doing it. Now, does that sound good to you?"

All Nikki said was, "Yes sir, it does." Both men

laughed at the simple answer, and the look of awe on

her beautiful face which accompanied it.

They had a late dinner in the office suite, and after-

ward Scott took her by agency limousine to an apartment

block, a twenty-minute ride away.

In the elevator, on their way up to the penthouse

suites, Scott said: "Nikki, I'm going to have you share

an apartment with one of our other girls. Rachel is a

great person, and she has offered to help you find your

way around; sort of help you acclimatize."

Nikki expected to see a small apartment, but when an

attractive black woman opened the door, what she saw

was a very large room, large enough to put her family's

whole house into - the hen house too!

As they walked in, Nikki could do nothing but stare in


Rachel took Nikki's duffel bag from the doorman and

ushered them into the sunken living room. "Scott," she

said, "it was nice of you to bring our new Russian

friend home personally, but go home now. Nikki has been

on a plane for, what, 30 or 40 hours? And she probably

got the works at the office too, if I'm guessing right.

She needs a couple of days off now. You don't want to

harm those angelic looks of hers, do yah?"

Promising to show Nikki New York once she was settled

in, Scott was playfully pushed out the door. Once the

CEO had gone, Rachel turned toward the new girl.

She had understood what all the fuss had been about the

moment the door opened. This girl had a unique quality

about her. Rachel couldn't think of anyone that looked

remotely like this girl - and what a beauty!

The two women had some herb tea, and Nikki mostly

listened while Rachel told her what her life was going

to be like. Everything she heard from her new friend

sounded similar to what Mr. Buccannon had said, only

with funny things thrown in to make her laugh.

After about half an hour, though, Nikki was having

trouble concentrating and began to nod off. Rachel

smiled. "Ah, I see my sleeping potion is beginning to

work. Bedtime tea always sends me off. You needed to

wind down."

She showed Nikki to her suite of rooms. In her tired

state, it seemed to go on forever. Later on she found,

to her amusement, that one of the walls consisted of a

mirror, extending from floor to ceiling. The bathroom

also had floor-to-ceiling mirrors on one wall. Even-

tually, when she finally laid her tired young body into

a heavenly nest to sleep, she noticed, groggily, that

the four-poster bed canopy had mirrors above her. She

wondered why...

The next day, Nikki awoke at 2 p.m. In a panic, she

jumped up, threw on a robe and hurried out to the

living room; knowing that she must be in trouble for

sleeping so late.

Rachel was out on the terrace, lying in a chaise longue.

Nikki hurried out the sliding glass doors to apologize,

but stopped cold when she realized that she must have

made another terrible mistake. Her friend Rachel was

lying naked in the sun, obviously used to the privacy

that she had before Nikki had moved in.

"Oh no! I'm very sorry, Rachel," Nikki blurted out,

quickly turning to leave.

"NIKKI! Don't run away. Please come back. I'm not at

all upset with you."

Nikki, who was flushed with embarrassment, said:

"Rachel, I really didn't mean to invade your privacy,

and I'll be more careful in future, I promise you."

"Don't worry about it. We're models. Our bodies are our

principal assets, and we have to take constant care of

them. They've got to be pampered and exercised, or

we're outa business. Nakedness means nothing to a

professional model. Among us girls, we walk around the

house nude all the time. As a matter of fact, we should

do it as much as possible," Rachel added softly.

Nikki looked uncertain. "I don't know, Rachel. I'm not

used to exposing myself to others. It is not acceptable

behavior where I come from."

"Sweetpea, what do you think we do for a living? We

show off our bodies. Why do you think there are so many

mirrors in this apartment?"

Nikki had wondered about that, and now waited for her

new friend to tell her.

"Because the agency wants us to be aware of the con-

dition of our bodies all of the time. Walking around

nude in our safe little nest, we can see each other and

maybe make suggestions. If I slump, you can remind me.

If your tan line is obvious I can point it out. You

see, we are professionals, members of an exclusive

club, and we have to take care of each other."

Nikki started to explain why she had come out on the

terrace, but Rachel cut in. "Don't worry about work

just now. You look a little tired from your travelling;

consider yourself on rest and recuperation at company

expense. So come out here and grab a chair, and I'll

order us a low-cal lunch from the kitchen."

Watching as Rachel picked up the telephone beside her

chair and began to order food, Nikki wondered if she

would ever get used to this lifestyle. She looked at

her companion's perfect body and thought: 'She has no

tan lines, and looks much more exotic with her dark

skin than I do.' Then Nikki noticed her pubic hair; it

was neatly trimmed, and looked so...sophisticated; the

word popped into her mind.

She was a little embarrassed at the thought of

undressing in front of the other woman. For the first

time in her life, she felt ashamed of her body. She

thought: 'Will I measure up in this world of perfect

women?' She was, after all, just a Russian peasant

girl. Would they laugh at her?

"Nikki, lunch is on the way. Now take those clothes

off, and let me give you a professional critique."

Rachel removed her sunglasses and looked expectantly at

her Russian friend.

Knowing there was nothing for it but to do as she was

told, Nikki took a deep breath to try and slow her

pounding heart, and dropped her robe onto the chaise

longue. Then, without thinking further about it, she

drew her nightgown over her head and stood, trying to

strike as dignified a pose as possible.

"WOW! Major League!" Rachel breathed.

Just then the doorbell rang, startling Nikki, who

fearfully reached for her robe.

"NO! You don't need to worry about an intrusion. All

our servants are bonded, and have special security

clearances. Our food man - or woman, as the case may

be - will leave our food just inside the front door on

a rolling cart. Now let's see what we have here. Turn

around slowly and let me look at you properly."

Nikki reluctantly dropped her robe back onto the chaise

longue and began a slow model's turn, except that, this

time, she had no clothes on.

She knew she'd just die if Rachel called her an old cow

or something. She'd never been put in this position

before and was as jittery as a muskrat on a shed roof

on a hot Russian summer's day. She had an urge to cover

her hardening nipples, but resisted it, knowing that it

would only draw attention to them.

What Rachel saw made her instantly jealous. She was a

top model at the agency, and had made a ton of money in

her six years of employment. Even on her best day,

though, she had never looked as good as the woman

standing in front of her. The Russian girl was perfect,

not a flaw or blemish anywhere.

After traveling for almost two days, straight, and

wearing no make up, she still looked better than 98%

of fully-made-up models.

Rachel noticed, though, that Nikki's body was tense.

Her stomach muscles were quivering, and there was some

knotting between her shoulder blades.

"Girl," she said, "you've got a fabulous body.

You're going to make millions, but you got to relax a


"I'm nervous, that's all. I'm not used to showing my-

self off like this. I'm sorry."

"Okay, come with me. No, leave the clothes. I'm gonna

teach you about your body. A friend did this for me

when I was starting out, and I'm gonna pass on the

favor. C'mon, Sweetpea. Follow momma."

Nikki obediently followed her glamorous friend, watch-

ing her as she walked ahead, admiring her body in

motion. Rachel's walk was - sexy. That was it - sexy.

Her hips swayed just enough to suggest something

indefinable, but Nikki was sure that the rhythm had

something to do with sex. She followed Rachel into her

own bedroom.

"Now, Sweetpea, go in the shower and get the water to

your liking. Go ahead."

Nikki did what she was told. The jet spray felt so

good, so relaxing, that she almost forgot that Rachel

was standing outside the shower stall; that is, until

the other woman stepped in behind her.

Nikki tensed when she felt Rachel's hands on her

shoulders. "What?!"

"Just relax; I won't hurt you. If you want to walk the

walk and talk the talk, honey, you gotta get comfy with

yourself. Just think of me as your teacher. This won't

hurt a bit, I promise."

Rachel took a bar of soap and, holding it in the palm

of her hand, began running it up and down the young

Russian girl's back.

Rachel loved the texture of the skin under her hand,

and very soon became aroused. She could tell Nikki was

enjoying the sensations too, because she leaned her wet

forehead against the shower wall and sighed contentedly.

Rachel, though, had a plan, and to implement it she had

to take a chance. Without warning, she ran the hand

holding the soap under Nikki's right arm and over her


Nikki tensed again, but neither pulled away nor made

any vocal objection. Encouraged by this response,

Rachel wrapped her other arm around Nikki's body and

began to massage both breasts with soapy hands,

occasionally running them down the Russian girl's firm


What a heavenly sensation it was to massage perfect

skin, covering a perfect body, Rachel thought. She had

become utterly captivated by this innocent girl. It

occurred to her, as she ran her hands over Nikki's body

with increasing abandon, that not only was she not

protesting, she was actually responding.

Rachel now turned Nikki around to face her, and saw

that she had her eyes closed. She murmured in one ear:

"Now sit down on the jacuzzi seat and I'll shampoo your


Nikki sighed her acquiescence and nodded, her eyes

still closed and a contented smile on her lovely face.

Stepping behind her, Rachel sat down first, pulling

Nikki down by an arm to sit between her spread legs.

She began to shampoo the girl's long, blonde hair,

gradually working up a lather.

Unable to resist Nikki's erect nipples any longer, she

ran shampoo-covered hands down Nikki's shoulders and

over her breasts and nipples. All the while Rachel

fantasized that she was nursing at those opulent tits.

She longed to nip at them with her teeth, and to swirl

her tongue around the goose-bump flesh that surrounded


Rachel was already aroused, but such thoughts made her

hornier still. Unconsciously, the African beauty began

to move her hips, rubbing herself gently against her

friend's firm buttocks. As she continued to massage

Nikki's neck, shoulders, breasts and stomach, the

movement of her hands began to increase in intensity,

and so did her hip thrusts.

Soon she was humping against her young friend, pulling

her body back against her crotch, crushing her sticky

clitoris against the soft firm skin of the girl's

behind, all the while letting her quick hands dance

uninhibitedly over Nikki's front parts.

Rachel knew what was going to happen moments before it

did. As she started to convulse against the Nikki's

body, she dropped her hands down between her friend's

legs and began massaging there, sensually rubbing her

sex, deliberately moving her fingers in and out of

Nikki's vagina. It was as though she was douching her

friend with shampoo (which was, of course, exactly what

she was doing).

Nikki realized that Rachel was having an orgasm against

her, but she didn't mind. Her heart rate tripled,

though, when Rachel's hands had dropped between her

legs and moved to her vagina. Her eyes flew open

momentarily as the sensation of the other girl's hands

against her private parts gave way to the even more

intense feeling of being invaded by Rachel's fingers.

The sensations resulting from this sudden change made

it hard for Nikki to breathe. She felt wonderful! It

was lovely! She didn't want it ever to stop! But at

last it did...

"Oh god, Nikki, that was almost too much. I just had

maybe the best orgasm of my life." Rachel could barely

gasp the words out, she was so overcome by emotion and

her recent physical exertion.

Nikki reached behind her to brush the back of her hand

against her friend's cheek and said: "I'm glad that you

had an orgasm, and that it was a good one. I too feel

much better, and liked your idea very much." Nikki had

enjoyed her friend's attentions, and she would have

liked even more of them.

"Nikki, we aren't done yet. Let's rinse and dry off,

then finish this in bed!"

Nikki was shocked. What did Rachel mean by 'finish this

in bed'? Her heartbeat jumped into triple time again as

Rachel began rinsing her body. Was this woman going to

do lesbian things to her? Up until that moment, Nikki

hadn't really thought about what they had been doing.

She hadn't known how to react; hadn't known what to say

that wouldn't offend her new friend. But to go to bed

with her...!

Rachel turned the water off and pulled a towel from the

hanger. Standing close against Nikki's back, she

reached around her and began to dry her front. Nikki

just stood there, at first feeling very nervous. Then,

as she felt Rachel's wet skin at her back, the rough

terrycloth towel being briskly rubbed over her breasts,

down her stomach and then... down between her legs, she

stopped worrying about what people might think and

started to wonder just what Rachel intended to do to


She had absolutely no idea what two women could do for

sex. After all, she was no expert in sex, having had

just two experiences, one with a fumbling boy and the

other with a lecher who had taken unfair advantage of


When they were both dry, Rachel smiled up at the taller

woman, and said: "Nikki, I'm gonna give you back what I

got from you; and, believe me, it will be a pleasure!

C'mon Sweetpea, I'm gonna show you something new."

She flopped onto Nikki's bed and held her arms out

to the Russian girl. Nikki knelt on the bed, and flowed

into the other woman's arms, pushing herself over the

rumpled sheets. Both women giggled at the feeling of

freedom as they rolled around together on the bed.

Rachel, momentarily on top, reached for Nikki's face.

Holding it in both of her hands, she stared deeply into

the bright pools of blue and said: "Nikki, you're

wonderful. Let's be friends forever."

Then she smiled a smile that Nikki thought might be

the most beautiful she'd ever seen. As if in a dream,

Rachel lowered her mouth - slightly open - onto Nikki's

parted lips, and the two voluptuous beauties spent a

minute or two exploring each other's smiles.

Rachel was the first to break the embrace, to Nikki's

evident disappointment. Rachel said: "Now, now, little

grasshopper, you're here to learn something new. We can

kiss anytime you want, but I'm not done yet, and just

now I'm think'n payback time.

Nikki had no idea what her friend was talking about,

and nearly jumped out of her skin when Rachel leaned

forward and stuck her tongue in Nikki's belly button.

She held Nikki tightly so that she could only squirm

a little, after a while lifting her head to say:

"Sweetpea, you gotta stop wriggling for this part to

work. The belly button thing is for desensitizing. Once

you can take the tongue in the belly button, then

you're ready for the real fun. Now try to control

yourself. I'm gonna tongue you again, and I want you

to hold still."

Nikki was mystified, but a willing student. Rachel

swooped back over Nikki's splayed body and drove her

tongue once more into the young woman's navel. Nikki

jerked again; she'd never before realized how sensitive

it was in there! Of course, she'd never before had

anyone stick their tongue into her belly button!

After a minute or so of concentration she managed to

overcome the ticklish feeling, and was able just to lie

there and enjoy the sensations created by her friend's


She almost sat up, however, when Rachel suddenly moved

her mouth from her stomach to her vagina. What was she

doing!? In Russian, Nikki exclaimed "OH MY!"

Her whole body went tense when she felt the electric

invasion of Rachel's lips and tongue and ("Oh!")

teeth... Nikki remembered what she'd been told and

tried to lie still, but her mind was racing. That

someone would want to put their mouth on her sexual

organs had never occurred to her before. Now that it

was happening, though, she loved it!

Rachel's mouth and tongue played over Nikki's pudenda,

and each time they touched her clitoris she found it

impossible to remain still, no matter how hard she

tried. All the while she sucked at her friend, Rachel

was making little whimpering noises, and these became

too much for Nikki; she couldn't have held back even

if she'd wanted to.

She felt the familiar pulling sensation deep within her

stomach and thighs as her orgasm raged to the surface.

She weakly called out to warn Rachel, but her friend

only redoubled her efforts. Then it was upon her!

Nikki's sweat-covered body convulsed almost into a

sitting position, and stayed that way as wave after

wave of orgasmic currents raged through her. In

Nikki's tense, almost sitting, position, with her

perfectly muscled legs thrust out on either side of

Rachel's head, and balancing almost exclusively on her

shapely derriere, she was struck by the contrast of

skin colors between herself and her friend. The crazy

thought flashed into her mind that they would make the

most exquisite modeling partners!

The thought was suddenly replaced by pain, exquisite

pain, as Rachel nibbled on her clitoris. Nikki screamed

in lust and ecstasy, and came again, even more intense-

ly this time.

They didn't get around to 'lunch' until almost eight

o'clock that night, and by then Nikki had most

assuredly lost her shyness about walking around the

apartment, and sunning, in the nude...

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