No Atheists in Foxholes

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 24, 2012




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


There was a rumble like thunder, only it wasn't. Ezekiel "Zeke" Blaine Jenkins, Private First Class, sat on his backpack, eating an MRE and wishing like God he was back home. This time of year, he could have been sitting on a patio deck chair with his family around him, sipping an ice-cold beer and smelling the cooking of his Uncle Dave's barbecue, his own special recipe that turned simple burgers and franks into ambrosial delights that would practically melt in his mouth....

"Hey, Z.B.!" called Arthur Appleby, and Zeke turned his head at his "squad nickname." Arthur was a big, blond-haired Anglo-Saxon soldier, brawny framed, pale-skinned, blue-eyed and pretty as any farm-boy turned soldier could be. Even in the dingy mud-splashed uniform (there was a reason Zeke was sitting on his backback to eat) Arthur wore, he didn't look mussed, he looked like a man who'd put in a hard day at work and was ready now to relax. Just a quick bath to clean him up and he'd be ready to dance to some country music and chug some brews.

"Hey, Arthur." Zeke nodded.

"Got another one of those MRE's?"

"You eat all of yours already?" Zeke stood and reached into his backpack, fished out another MRE and tossed it to Arthur. "This one's beef stew, or what they call beef stew. Hot water's on the fire."

"Thanks." Arthur took the MRE, opened the dehydrated meal and took the biggest container of it over to the fire. It took a certain amount of training and practice to turn an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) into something palatable instead of merely edible, but no soldier in the field was an amateur at this particular pastime. Zeke watched Arthur work on the meal. "I swear you eat those things like they're worth eating."

Arthur grinned and didn't deny it. "I got a healthy appetite. I'm a growing boy."

"You're three growing boys from the way you eat." Zeke returned. "I lose weight every day I'm out in the field. You put on weight."

"It's all in your attitude." Arthur told him. "Don't think of it as eating, think of it as fueling your body. Like pumping diesel into a tractor. It smells like hell but...

Arthur's voice dropped suddenly, and in that same moment, Zeke heard it, too. "Incoming!" he heard another soldier scream, but the warning was unnecessary, this squad had been blooded innumerable times, it was only a matter of Zeke turning and diving for the nearest foxhole. Arthur landed behind and partially on him a heartbeat later.

Death walked their way on fiery legs and every step tore huge chunks of land up out of the ground and threw it all over the place. As for the unlucky stuff that sat on top of that land, it was ripped to shreds and smaller pieces, whether it was tanks, tents or human beings. There was the smell of burnt explosive, of burning cloth, of burning wood...of burning flesh.

Hunkered in the foxhole, Zeke hugged the muddy ground like it was a lover. All around him was the painful pressure of explosions of artillery shells, if one hit close enough to you, you didn't have to be hit by the shrapnel, the very pressure of the explosion could blow your lungs and heart out through your mouth. You could die with every organ in your body ruptured in a million places. You could...

Courage is in every soldier's repertoire, and Zeke didn't doubt his own courage even as it deserted him here. Artillery didn't care about courage, and Zeke didn't waste any that he had on it. "Oh, Momma!" he wailed. "Momma, please Momma, make it stop!"

"Sweet Jesus in Heaven, save me!" Arthur yelped with him. "Save me, sweet Jesus!"

But artillery is deaf, it kept right on coming. A foxhole is some protection, but only some. If a shell lands close enough to one, it wouldn't matter that you were in it. The blast would splatter you all around the hole in a smooth, bloody sort of paste held together by pulverized bones....

Zeke shuddered and words were no longer enough. He turned and got Arthur face-to-face and he wrapped himself around the big, blond man in an embrace that was too close to be intimate. Arthur didn't do anything but hold him equally tight. And they endured the bombardment. Artillery could land on you for quite some time if the enemy was cruel enough, it could go on and on and on.

But Death finished trampling their immediate ground and moved away to hit adjacent areas. Neither man made the slightest move to get out of the foxhole or even let go of each other. It could always walk back just as easily.

Male voices were out there, men crying out in pain, crying for their mothers, or crying out for medics. If the artillery would move a little further away, Zeke might go see what he could do for them. But the artillery was just too close, still, it was hitting the lines further south of them. Sometimes an artillery fusillade was intended to open a hole for an attack. Sometimes it was done just in order to do the enemy harm. A soldier developed a third-sense about such things...there would be no attack, beyond the artillery. Just a damned bombardment, to tear up their lines and damage morale.

Well, it was sure damaging his morale! The shells fell nearer again and Zeke clutched at Arthur even tighter. "I'm so scared!" he blubbered. "So fucking scared!"

"I know, I know." Arthur commiserated with him. "I know."

"Hold me!" Zeke begged him. "Hold me and don't ever let go!"

"You too! I'm scared too!"

Death was approaching again, oh, shit, not again, not any more, please, no more, no more! There was nothing for Zeke to do, just stay in that foxhole, hang onto Arthur and never let go!

After the shells had again danced over their landscape, and walked away, and now there were no voices calling out. Zeke dared to sit up and look over the edge of the foxhole and it was like looking at the surface of the moon. "Holy shit!" he breathed. "Holy fucking shit!"

The enemy wasn't attacking...but if they had, they could have walked through this desolation practically unopposed. Zeke and Arthur just sat on the edge of the foxhole and waited for the Army to send up reinforcements to patch the line. When those reinforcements arrived, they found Zeke and Arthur sitting there, arms around each other, shivering like a pair of frightened rabbits. Seasoned veterans themselves, none of them had a single word of mockery or doubts as to their sexuality. They knew...oh, yes, they knew too well.

Nightfall found the two, the sole survivors of their squad, at a MASH unit, settled into a tent kept for transients such as they. The next morning, an ambulance would take them further back for evaluation. The Army had learned to respect shell shock enough to check them out. Zeke knew he wasn't shell-shocked...he'd just been scared shitless for an awful hour and twelve minutes (or so he'd overheard). A few days R&R and he'd be ready for further punishment, no doubt. Back into the meat grinder....

He shuddered, shifted in his bed and that was when he heard it. Heard Arthur. Heard the big, strong, man's voice. Sort of.

Arthur was crying.

Zeke didn't have to ask himself what to do. His body, his spirit knew, without his having to ask it. He rose from his bed and went over to Arthur's bed. Lifted up the edge of the covers and slid in beside Arthur and Arthur turned and they held each other like they had in the foxhole.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's over now, it's over."

"I was just so scared, so scared!" Arthur blubbered.

"You did fine." Zeke assured him. "I was the one losing it out there. Crying for my mother. You just prayed."

Arthur snuffled a while, then essayed a soft chuckle. "I was praying, yeah. Never prayed much before."

"No such thing as an atheist in a foxhole." Zeke agreed.

"We were hugging tighter than I ever held anyone before." Arthur remembered. "Still holding each other when they came up to get us out."

"We were scared. And we're holding each other now. It doesn't mean anything."

"Means something to me." Arthur said softly.

"Yeah." Zeke agreed. "I love you, man."

"I love you, too." Arthur returned, and the two hugged. The first time that they had touched like this and it hadn't turned on fear, on panic, on comfort. That had been clinging to each other, this was affirmation of friendship, a friendship blooded in combat and fired in the daily miserable cauldron of military life on the front lines.

And in that hug, in that moment, it all coalesced into more. Zeke's cock had been shriveled up into his body during the bombardment, had behaved itself in all decorum during the consolation holding Arthur in bed while he cried. Now, it surged into life, stiffening and probing outwards against his boxers to rub itself through the cloth against Arthur's hip. Arthur's cock was doing the same thing to Zeke's leg, it had slipped out of his boxers and was rubbing Zeke's lower leg, where climbing into bed had pulled his boxers up his thigh, the bare hot flesh was there, it was alive, ALIVE! He was alive, and Arthur was alive, and that was all that mattered right now. A celebration of life....

Zeke's hand fumbled his cock free of his boxers, to let it poke out the fly and then he guided it into the fly of Zeke's boxers, and then returned the favor for Zeke's cock. Not the same as penetration, but hell, this was the fucking preliminaries here. Time enough to see how far this would go....

Rubbing against each other felt pretty fucking terrific all by itself. Zeke's prick was buried in warm thatch of blond pubic fur and rubbing his abdomen with his stiff prong made him feel so good! Shit, that hot shaft rubbing his own body felt nearly as good. He couldn't have done this with just anyone, no fucking way, but with Arthur, hell, this was just fine!

Arthur's hands came down over his back and cupped his buttocks, and ground against Zeke hard, that was good, too. Why should he deny this man, who had shared his fortunes and dangers uncounted, anything he wanted? He grunted and rubbed back at Arthur and when Arthur's hands went inside his boxers, he didn't do anything but grunt a little harder.

Arthur skinned Zeke's boxers down his body and Zeke was quick to return the favor when Arthur was done with him. Now totally nude, nothing impeded their bodies' touch. Zeke reached down and got hold of Arthur's dong, feeling the hot, hard, slightly sticky rod burning in his hand. He pumped it back and forth, feeling the glans' flare bumping under his fingers as he pulled up and down.

Arthur groaned and in a voice that lust strained into a hiss, he gasped, "I'll do yours if you'll do mine, okay? Okay?"

"Yeah, sure, yeah!" Zeke breathed.

Arthur squirmed about, the rather flimsy bed frame squealed in protest as the brawny blond moved above Zeke. Zeke understood and shifted himself lower down on the bed, and then Arthur's legs were resting on knees to either side of his head and that put Arthur's cock directly above Zeke, pointing down at him. Zeke didn't hesitate, he scarfed that thick tool down and began to suck it the same way that cheap hooker had done it to him the last time he'd been on leave. Arthur's mouth was a circle of warm wetness that embraced and slid down Zeke's pud an instant later.

The motions of the two men interlocked into a joyful circle of ecstasy. Zeke was sucking and being sucked and he couldn't quite make out which was which, it was like he was sucking himself, the way the joy poured into him as he moved on the hard dong hovering over him.

They shifted and were lying side-by-side now, lower bodies on the bed, their upper bodies twisted around so that they could suck the other.

Zeke was happy enough to do just this, he was working on Arthur's pud and had decided that he would drink down every drop of the jizz that this pale shaft would shoot and figured it wouldn't taste any worse than the rather delectable precome that the prod was already layering on his tongue, when Arthur broke off his own attentions to say huskily, "Can I fuck you now?"

Zeke nearly choked on Arthur's dong, before he remembered to spit it out before trying to talk. "Fuck me?" Zeke asked.

"Yeah." Arthur panted. "I fuck you, then you fuck me, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Zeke wasn't so sure about this! "That can hurt, can't it?"

"I'll be gentle, honest I will." Arthur begged. "And you can do me, after. You want to?"

Zeke gulped hard. "Yeah. Sure. Let's do it."

He shifted back up on the bed until his head was on the rather minuscule pillow they provided. Arthur was climbing on top of him, lifting his legs up and pressing them up towards his chest. Zeke looked up into those beautiful blue eyes glazed with desire and decided he'd do whatever it took to take that dick and take it all!

Arthur pressed his cockhead against Zeke's anus and paused. "You ready for it?" he breathed.

"Yeah! Sure! Go for it!"

"Here it comes." Arthur pushed into Zeke and Zeke gasped. Damn, that hurt! Hurt a lot!

"Want me to stop?" Arthur asked him.

"No, it's okay. Go for it." Zeke told him again.

It was wrenching to take the thick prong into him but it was in there at last. Zeke was groaning all the time and when Arthur said, "Okay, that's all of it," all Zeke could do was groan in relief.

Arthur sensed that Zeke was hurting and held still for a time. Zeke felt his bowels gurgle then and said, "I think I'm ready."

When Arthur began moving, Zeke knew he was damned well ready! Shit, this felt good! Pain still, yes, but that was diminishing all the time, and taking its place was a spot in his innards that was acting like a second cock! Whatever the hell Arthur's dick was rubbing inside of him, it was loving it!

Zeke moaned and began to move with Arthur and Arthur took the signal and began to move faster. Both men were already worked up and hot from their sucking, and Zeke found his body was quickly heading into climax's territory. "Oh, God damn!" he gasped. "This feels so fucking good, Jesus Christ, it feels good!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah-uh-uh-uh!" Arthur grunted. "I know, I know! Such a hot fucking ass you got, Z.B., so fucking hot!"

"Uh, uh, I think I'm gonna come!" Zeke groaned. "I'm going to come!"

"Yeah, shoot it, Z.B., shoot it for me!" Arthur gasped. "I'm about to squirt it myself!"

"Uh, uh, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

"Me, too, me, too, uh, uh, uh!"

"Ah-ah-hah-ah, GAH-HAHHHH!"


Again, Zeke couldn't tell where he left off and Arthur began, he was shooting and feeling hot spunk squirt into his own bowels at the same time, he felt interconnected in a way that he hadn't felt since...since the foxhole. God, yes, this was the same feeling, only borne out of ecstasy instead of terror. The very same feeling of being a single part of all Mankind.

And in that community of delight, Zeke squirted upwards heavily and was filled with hot white seed at the same time, and when it was done, and Arthur a gasping, sweaty puddle of man on top of him, he felt like they'd finally held each other the way they'd tried to do in the foxhole. Where fear had failed, love had prevailed.

"Ah, man, that was great!" he told Arthur. "I can't fucking believe it, I loved having a man's cock up my ass!"

"You did?"

Zeke saw the concern in Arthur's eyes and had to laugh. "Not like that. I wouldn't give up women for anything, but this wasn't bad, not bad at all!

Arthur relaxed. "Yeah. Me, too. I guess in the right circumstances, every man is capable of sex with other men."

"There are no atheists in foxholes." Zeke agreed. "And I guess there aren't any straight men in there, either."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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