No Free Rides

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 27, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



Three bedraggled, hungry hikers, we straggled along the rill. I eyed the stream, wondering if I should drink again, maybe that would ease the grumbling in my stomach.

"I recognize that tree." Hayden said, trembling, he was ahead of me.

"It's just a tree." Gilbert said, he was last in line. "Lots of them here in the forest."

"No, that tree, that knot. We're walking in circles."

"No, we're not." I said. "We haven't been going in circles."

"We're lost!"

"Yeah, we're lost." I agreed. "But if we keep moving in a straight line, we're bound to hit a road sooner or later."

"It's been three days." Hayden was getting the jitters. Hell, I didn't blame him, it HAD been three days.

It was Gilbert's fault. He had brought his girlfriend up here with him, she had been promised that other girls would be here. When she discovered she was alone here, she had wanted to leave. We had talked her out of it, but Gilbert must have tried something on her, because we woke up to the sound of the pickup truck starting. By the time we got there, all we saw was the ass-end of the truck heading downhill, inside was all our food and a lot of our supplies.

Bad enough, being stranded in the wilderness without proper provisions. We should have started immediately hiking down the road after the pickup.

But I'd had the map and knew of a shortcut. Cutting through the forest for a couple of miles, we could cut over five miles off our walk.

Somewhere after that, we had missed the road and missed the way out of this forest. Now we were heading due south, best as we could with no compass (also left behind in the truck) and our limited forest knowledge.

Between Gilbert's treachery and my bad navigation, you can't blame Hayden, the neophyte of our group, from getting the willies. Hell, I was fighting them back myself.

"We've been walking too long." Gilbert said. "If we'd been going in a straight line, we should have found a road by now. Shouldn't we?"

"Not that many roads up here, you know that." I said. "A national forest. Nobody's allowed to come in here. But there are roads, we'll hit the Interstate in another half dozen miles or so."

"Not if we're going in circles." Hayden said.

"I see a light." Gilbert said.

"It's the sun going down." Hayden said. "It's getting dark."

"Just the sun going behind the hills." I pointed out. "We'll have daylight for another hour or so. But we should think about where we're going to spend the night."

"That's not the sun." Gilbert said.

"It's not."

"Nope. That's a...thank God, that's a campfire!" Gilbert said.

"We're saved! We're saved!" Hayden babbled. And he led the charge toward the fire.

I wasn't far behind him. Hell, three days in the wilderness will make the most seasoned hiker into a babbling child! I'd been putting on a bold front for Hayden's sake, and so had Gilbert, but now, we didn't have to pretend any longer, we were rescued!

We bolted into the camp like three goggle-eyed, grinning idiots. A single small tent, a small campfire, a skillet meant for meals-for-one.

A lone camper. With a pickup! Thank God, a pickup!

"Hello? Hello!"


"Anybody here?" That was Hayden. "We're lost, we need you to get us back to civilization, please!"

"Who the hell are you?" came a voice behind us. A man with a small bucket, he'd been off getting water from the stream we'd been walking beside, I guess. He was older than us but not much, in his thirties, he had a scruffy-looking beard (not a real beard, just hadn't shaved in about a week) and a thick mat of chest hair over muscles a bodybuilder would have envied, thick, broad ovals spaced over the breadth of his chest, and forming a six-pack on his stomach with his navel a lost indentation among them. The sleeveless shirt (hell, it was practically a vest) over his worn blue jeans and construction boots. Why he was here, he wasn't here for fun and games, that was my take on it. Probably a worker for a forestry company, out here marking timber to be cut or some such. We had probably wandered onto some privately-held land in the national forest, such tracts were dotted around a lot of these lands. His dark-brown eyes were anything but welcoming, his eyebrows and mouth were drawn into a scowl rather than a smile.

We made a cacophony of prattling noises as we informed him of our situation. "And if you'd be kind enough to get us back into town, we'd really appreciate it." I concluded hopefully.

We three waited for his agreement.

"Can't do it." was his answer and he came on into the camp, like we weren't standing there, gawking at him, dumbfounded.

"You can't?" Hayden said. "But...we're lost!"

"Not my problem."

"It wouldn't take too long to get us into town." Gilbert argued.

"What's in it for me?" he wanted to know.

"We got money." I said after a short silence.

"How much?"

Our wallets had been in our bags, which had been in the pickup. "We don't have it with us." I said. "But get us back into town and our families will wire us the money, however much you want."

"Huh! I get you into town and you vanish. No, thanks!" the guy said.

"Guys, you'd better turn out your pockets." I said. "We've got us the mountain version of Ebeneezer Scrooge here."

We produced a fancy gold-leaf covered keychain, a pocket knife, and a handful of small change, less than a dollar. We showed it to the guy. "We got this." I said to him.

"That'll earn you a couple of biscuits each for your supper." was his appraisal.

"Hey!" I gasped out.

"Nothing's free." the man said.

"Well...all right." I said. Three days without food, you'll give up a keychain and twelve cents in change for a couple of biscuits to eat.

They were the kind of biscuits that come in a can of ten, he had baked them in a Dutch oven. Two each were doled out to us. I wish I could say we threw them back in his face in disgust, in fact, we ate them and craved more.

"Come on, man!" Gilbert pleaded. "You got to help us out. We're lost and don't even know which way to go."

"You got nothing I want." the man said. "Nothing you'd want to give me."

"So what do you want?" Hayden blurted out. "Maybe we do."

The man looked us over. "You heard the old rule about rides? Ass, gas or grass, no free rides.'" he said. "What you got for that?"

"We don't have any money." I said. "You know that."


"We don't have any drugs, either." Gilbert added. "You'd have seen it if we'd had any, we would have offered it to you."

"Yep." the guy went on.

And that left...

Hayden finally broke the general silence. "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" he groaned. "Guys, he wants to fuck us. He wants to fuck us."

"Got it right away, did you?" the guy said sarcastically.

"We can't do that!" I said, scandalized.

"Then you got nothing I want."

"Oh, God, oh, God!" Hayden moaned. "He's going to just leave us here in the wilderness."

"It only has to be one of you." the man went on. "One of you does the nasty for me tonight, and I'll give you all three a big breakfast and a ride back into town. Any one of you will do, you want to draw straws or something. But I'm leaving here at sun-up, so you'd better decide well before then." He stood, yawned, said, "I'll be in the tent. Oh, and don't bother trying to take the pickup, it's got a supersensitive alarm, that alarm goes off and the deal's off. And I have a gun inside the tent, too."

With that, he went inside, left us alone out in the increasing dark and the dying fire.

"I'm not going to go in that tent." Gilbert announced. "You can forget it. One of you wants to go fuck that guy for the ride, go ahead. Me, I'm going to lay down and try to sleep."

Hayden looked at me. "I can't do that, I can't do that, I can't!"

"Well, don't look at me." I said wearily. "He leaves in the morning, we'll try to follow his tracks, it ought to lead us down to a road. We can take that road into a town or hitch a ride from there."

"You expect me to do it, don't you, don't you?" Hayden was getting downright paranoid. And I was getting sick of it. We'd had a bitter disappointment that night, but hell, we had some food in us now and we had to be getting closer to civilization now, most private land lies next to settled areas. The national forest was made out of the pieces of land nobody else wanted, until somebody, I think President Teddy Roosevelt, declared them to belong to the federal government.

I imitated Gilbert's idea and lay down, we'd want to be as fresh as we could. And maybe, once morning came, the guy would relent and give us a ride. Or maybe even breakfast, God, some fried eggs and toast and bacon would taste so-o-o-o-o goo-oo-oo-ood! I thought about the pickup, the guy kept his shit in there I'd seen, he'd shut it up after he'd cooked and while we were eating our two miserably small biscuits. My stomach gurgled. Shit! I rolled onto my other side and tried to sleep.

My mind kept turning over. One of us, any one of us, had to go into that tent and have sex with that guy and he'd feed us and take us to town. No free rides. No free rides. One of us had to do it, had to "take a bullet" for the group. I was the one who'd suggested the short cut and gotten us lost, it was my fault we were lost, we could have hiked that road to begin with and been home by now.

I jerked and heard movement. Hayden was up. I turned and saw him lie down. A blanket, he had found a blanket somewhere and was curling up inside it. Lucky Hayden, the guy must have seen it and gotten up and grabbed it, quietly, so he wouldn't have to share it with us, his guides, the guys who had gotten him into this mess.

Me, I'd gotten us into this mess. I should be the one to get us out of it.

I had decided, and spent a quarter hour or so waiting for Hayden to settle in and fall asleep. I wanted the guy to "have a change of heart" in the morning and do it from the kindness of his heart, so far as anyone knew. I didn't want them to know I'd gotten corn-holed just to get us rescued.

When I was sure Hayden wouldn't hear me (I was confident Gilbert was sound asleep, he was snoring), I got softly to my feet. Picking my way so as not to rattle the leaves unduly, I made it over to the tent and lifted up the flap of the tent.

The guy was in there, stark naked, sprawled out on his bedroll. But when I opened the flap, he jerked awake and sat up, looking at me. "What do you want?" he asked me.

I swallowed hard. "You said one of us had to fuck you to get a ride into town."

"One of you had to get fucked." he correct me. "So?"

"So I'm here for you to fuck me." I said.

He was silent. "Yeah? Your friends know you're even here?"

"No way!" I said. "And you can't tell them, either. You just tell them you were joking last night, and meant to give us food and a ride all along, you got that? Not a word!"

"Okay, not a word." the guy agreed. "You're that black-haired guy, or the brown-haired one?"

"Black." I said. Gilbert was brown-haired, Hayden was blonde. But Hayden was a chunky sort of guy, not fat, but rounded in body, is why the guy didn't ask about him, probably. Gilbert and I were both health nuts, and slim and muscled, not like this guy, but not round like Hayden.

"Nice." the guy said. "I'm feeling a bit lazy right now, so why don't you get out of those clothes, get over here, and sit yourself down on my little love-monkey." He fondled his cock and it rose up, looking for a while in its half-flacid state a bit like a monkey, the round-faced type, what-you-call-em, baboons, or are they gibbons. Who cares. I had to ride this monkey. His hand pumped himself up and it was standing up.

"What you waiting for, an engraved invitation?" the guy asked ironically.

"No." I said. And I started getting deliberately undressed. My fingers didn't want to unbutton my shirt, but it did. My pants clung to my thighs, begging me not to do this to myself. I doggedly kept moving. I left my boots and socks on, just my t-shirt and soiled briefs to go. I hadn't bathed in four days, I felt filthy. But I was out to do something filthy, so that didn't matter none.

The guy had been watching me, spitting in his palm and rubbing spit on his cock. I was wondering how much this was going to hurt. The amount of spit he was putting on himself told me it was going to hurt like hell. But then I had figured that already.

"You look good, kid." He said to me when I was done. I was no kid, I was nineteen, nearly twenty. I hated being called kid. I bit back what I wanted to say and said, "Okay, get ready, I'm about to sit on that."

"Come on over, kid. And take your time, you don't want to rip yourself a new hole here. Just fill up the old one." And he chuckled at his coarse joke.

I could barely see him, he had kept his lantern on low, it was like a night-light, maybe 15 watts or so. Enough to see, but not much more, colors were barely colors. He looked darker than he was, he looked dirty. Maybe he was. I could smell his body from here, he didn't smell at all clean. My stink was all clean sweat of exertion, him, it smelled like something more careless. I nearly gagged on it as I got over next to him. Looked at his smirking face. I couldn't face that face. Couldn't let him look me in the eyes while I worked his cock into my butt. I stepped off from over him and then stepped back, the other way, facing his feet.

Now all I had to do was squat down. I started down slowly, dreading the impact, no clue where it was and not wanting to know when....

"You're a bit to the right." the guy advised me. "Swing those cheeks to the left, and spread them wider, with your hands. You don't want to miss this monster, it's going to make you yelp if you aren't careful. Then your buddies will find out you're in here."

I grimaced. He was right. I had to take this and I had to do it in silence! Oh, God! I had just touched my butthole to something sticky and slimy! Yuck!

"That's it, you're aiming right. Lower down now. Nice and slow. Let old Buster find his way into you."

Buster. His cock was named Buster. Figures. He must get off on making men ride his cock. "Feeling lazy," indeed! But he had me over a hole, in more ways than one, and I had to do it his way. So I pressed down slowly, felt that massive globe of his glans push against my sphincter.

"Okay, now, act like you trying to squirt out a hard turd." the guy said. "That'll relax your muscles."

I tried that. God knows I was empty, I hadn't eaten in days except for two tiny biscuits still being digested in my stomach. I hadn't crapped in nearly two days and felt no need to shit still. My body was empty. I pushed out and that cock of his pushed inwards and it slipped inside my asshole with a pop! feeling. Oh, God, his cock felt like he'd shoved a baseball bat into me! Oh, God, take it out, take it out!

"Easy, fellow, steady now!" the guy said as his hands clamped onto my buttocks. "You were about to fall off me. Got to get me off if you want a ride back into Winchester."

Winchester was a town in the area, I knew that, though only as a dot on the map. Yeah, I wanted a ride into Winston. I steadied myself, gritted my teeth, and pressed myself down further.

I felt the cock slide into me like a knife into my body! It hurt, it hurt like hell! I gritted my teeth and turned a yell into a groan.

The shithead thought I was getting into it. "Yeah, you like that love-muscle of mine, don't you, stud?"

"Go to hell!" I grunted out.

"Tell me you like it." he said. It wasn't a request.

I ground my teeth then said, "I like it."

"Tell me more."

"I like it, I love it, it feels great! Asshole!"

He laughed, he didn't care. "Now get it in deeper. I'm getting anxious and when I get anxious, I can lose an erection. You want to have to suck it hard for me?"

That threat was more than enough to get me inspired. I wanted this over with, having to deal with him losing his hard-on would be intolerable. God, I didn't have any shit in my bowels, but I felt a squelching in there that I didn't want to find out any more about. I'd drunk a lot of water, a liquid discharge could be in I said, didn't want to find out any more about it. I pressed down harder, and my buttocks felt a tickling. His pubic hairs. I had his dick in me to the hairs.

"How deep is it?" I gasped.

"You got all but two inches out of the eight." the guy said. "Not bad. Just bob up and down for me, now, and I'll get off just fine. Just fine!"

"Oh, God!" I gasped again. Six inches and it felt like six feet! But I had to get through this. For Hayden. And Gilbert. Just ride this fucking cock and in the morning, I could forget it had all ever happened. Just a bad dream. Just a bad fucking dream! I half-chuckled to myself, a bad pun!

I began to move up and down. Every motion was agony, every thrust down a torment, every pull up a misery, but I moved. For Hayden! For Gilbert! For myself, to get home again! Home!

My body's pain had stopped. I had ripped all I was going to rip, bled all I was going to bleed, hurt all I was going to hurt. Now it was just a vague ache. I could feel the nasty organ plunging into me, and out again. Get this over with, I told my body, get this over with and we can stop.

"Yeah, kid, you know how to ride a man's dick. A good hot fuck, I knew you'd be good, when I saw you bend over outside, that pert little butt of yours, I knew you could take a man's dong and ride it all the way home, yeah, shit, come on, ride my pud, give it the best fucking ride it's ever had, kid, come on, bounce on it harder, harder, yeah!"

I closed my eyes and moaned. Bounced harder, shifted back slightly, then gasped! I was still going up and down, feeling his prick inside me...but now it felt better, a lot better! Oh, God...was I loving this?

My cock rose up slowly as I moved, yes, I was enjoying this cock in my ass! Shit! I guess the brain is wired when this happens, wired to make it more tolerable by giving you joy. I was stuck being fucked, it was going to let me love it! Better than hating it, wasn't it?

His cock was humming and so was he, but his climax was slow in coming. I had plenty of time to feel my own desire rising in me, feel my cock wanting me to pump it, move it, work it, oh, God, yeah, yeah, like that, oh, like that! I was moving now because I wanted to, not because I had to, I was fucking myself, I was trembling as my pleasure rose, as my climax bubbled, as my orgasm clawed, as my body exploded and my brain ignited, as I ejaculated out into the air, and the guy below me laughed in his groans, he knew he'd made me come, he knew it, he knew he had made my squirt my jizz onto the tent floor.

His laugh became a guffaw, the guffaw became a groan, the groan became a moaning gurgle, and his prick splattered my insides with hot jizz, it sprayed out of him and dribbled down my bowels and out over my buttocks to plop onto the bedroll, I was fucked by him and he had loved it, loved knowing he had made me dance to his will, bounce to his command, to be his love-slave. Oh, God, I had sold myself for a couple of fried eggs and a ride in the back of a pickup!

Oh, God, oh, God! I felt so dirty I was never going to be clean! It was done, though, it was done and I wouldn't have to tell anyone anything, just go back to bed and wait for sunrise and our rescue. I got my clothes in my hands and got out of that tent, I didn't want to dress in front of him. I fitted my clothing on as best I could in the dark (I had my briefs on backwards, I learned much later), and stumbled back to my companions. I cuddled in next to Hayden and got some warmth from it. The fire was out entirely, now. The moon was close to setting.

It was over now. I had gotten fucked, gotten my rocks off, and tomorrow would bring a real meal and then rescue. I had rescued myself, Hayden and Gilbert. Overall, I had come out ahead of things. That let me find my slumber.

I got up in the morning to a clanging sound. The guy was banging his skillet with a spoon. "Come and get it, guys. I scrambled up eggs and made you some more biscuits. All for you three, then I'll take you home."

"How about that?" Gilbert wondered.

"Sounds like he's had a change of mind." I said, making my voice hearty. He hadn't changed his mind, he'd been paid for his ride, is all. No free rides...well, now we were paying customers.

"Yeah, I guess so." Hayden said. He took a few steps toward the food and then said, "I can't do it, guys."

"Come on, Hayden, it's food and then we get to go home." I urged him. God, don't let him ask questions, or say something to make me blurt out the reason we were entitled to that food! "Sit and eat and you'll feel better."

"Yeah, Hayden, come on." Gilbert said.

"I can't. Guys...he's feeding us because he has to." Hayden said.

"Well, now..." was all I got out, and just as well, because I didn't know what I was going to say.

"Truth is, last night, a bit after you two got to sleep I...I went and did it with him." Hayden confessed. "Paid for the ride, like he said. So eat up, guys, and then he'll take us home."

"I thought you didn't want to tell them about it." the guy said as he spooned the eggs onto plates.

"I just had to tell them." Hayden said. "I'm sorry, guys. I was just so afraid, I couldn't go back out in that wilderness again, I just couldn't."

"It's okay, Hayden." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "I'm grateful for what you did, and so is Gilbert."

"Thanks." and Hayden went over to get his breakfast.

"Shit." Gilbert said. "Wish he'd told us that last night."

"So do I." I said feelingly. Started to admit my own actions, when....

"Hell, if I'd known he'd already fucked the guy last night, I would have slept in." Gilbert said. "I crept into that bastard's tent and took care of him just before dawn this morning. That jerk got himself a two-fer out of me and Hayden." Gilbert rubbed his buttocks ruefully. "My butt's still aching, the bastard took so long, I was afraid you two would wake up and see us."

I looked at Gilbert, then at Hayden, eating his eggs, then at the guy, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Ate three canaries, actually.

"Give me the eggs." I said.

"Sure thing." the guy said. Then he yawned. "Damn, I didn't get a wink of sleep last night." Looked up at me. "Can't think why. You got any ideas on that?"

And the laugh he laughed then was just about the meanest one I've ever heard. But I had to admit the three of us had earned it!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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