No Translation Required

By moc.liamg@1281anelehts

Published on Feb 27, 2020



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"No Translation Required" (The Continued Confessions of a Horny Catholic Boy) by John S-A Kwiatkowski

June, 1984

Nothing felt better than a cold beer after a long Summer day at the market- well, almost anything. Cock was always on my horny 24 year old brain, but I was in a town were I felt like the only gay guy in existence.

Sitting in a corner booth in my local Tavern was usual conclusion 10 hour shift at a Butcher's Shop. In my town, a Gay Bar was unheard of, so I had to make do at the blue-collar watering hole. Some guys caught my eye. However, I was back in the closet ever since I returned to my hometown after getting my Masters Degree in Fine Arts. Once home, I rented the studio apartment in the center of town.

I quickly learned that painting commissions would not flow in here in a mill town that was passed it's glory days. A portrait here and there was not paying for my living expenses. Luckily the market where I had worked during my school vacations was around the corner. More good fortune came my way when I saw they had a sigh in the window advertising for "help wanted."

Before a day passed. I was back to cutting chops. roasts and steaks. The two benefits of being a meat-cutter was being in a refrigerated room while the Summer's sweltered. Then there was the other positive effect was the physical work out I got lifting the various animal carcasses from hooks to the cutting tables. I started skipping the weekly visits to the Y.M.C.A. since a heaving the beef quarters kept me in good shape.

At 24, I stood at 5 feet 11 inches, carrying 165 lbs. Swimming and running helped giving my body respectable. The long auburn hair of my teen years was now cut into a preppy fashion, and my emerald eyes still sparkled. Once in a great while a did get some action from old fuck buddies from my randy years. From the age of 9, I was the neighborhood slut. I sucked and offered my ass up to all the guys who needed relief. No one complained about blue balls when I was around.

The '70's were a wild time and sexual opportunities more frequent. After High School, I went on to College at what's now UMASS-Dartmouth. A few boy friends came and went- but the Library restrooms offered plenty of horny college guys. But now back in my hometown in the '80's, I found the cum sources dry. My usual routine was a beer after work fantasizing about a few of the customers- then a vigorous stroke session at home with a porn magazines, Remember, this was the dawn of video porn.

As I gulped down the last drop of beer, I pondered if a second would be welcome. But my cock was swelling and I knew the 7 and a 1/2 inch unit needed attention- even if it was only my right hand. I got up from the booth in the smoke filled bar to take a last piss. The door creaked to the small restroom. With some effort I pulled my semi-hard cock out of my fly. The foreskin back smoothly over the glossy plum sized head. The steady stream splashed in the bowl much to my relief. Back into my Levis went my favorite toy- in anticipation of the work out it would have once I was naked on the couch. Up went the zipper as I sidled out into the barroom.

"Thanks, Joe! have a good night." I call out to the bar tender as I left my empty on the counter.

"You too, Johnny!" he answered, not even turning from the cash register.

The July air is a shock after sitting in the air conditioned lounge. There are at least two hours left of daylight, but the sidewalks were empty, with the exception of a young guy a few feet ahead of me. Slightly shorter, he was decked out in casual shorts, a white and orange stripped tank top and sneakers. Each step he took accent the tight ass tapped in the denim. A slight swerve in his gait gave me the impression that he too has just knocked back a few beers.

He caught my full interest when he turned into the alley behind the store fronts. Curious, slightly buzzed. I want to see were he was going. Either he was taking a short cut or need a piss. Following further behind I cautiously peered around the corner to see where he had gone.

I got a good look at the 19 year old face of a beautiful Puerto Rican stud, Thick pouty lips and dark eyes completed the angelic face. At first he was was oblivious to me as I dropped back discretely behind several stacked barrels, He had ducked into the alley to empty his bladder. The long fingers unzipped his fly and fished out out a thick uncut cock from his plaids boxers. He skinned back the fleshy hood before releasing a forceful stream of piss against the brick-wall.

The combination of lust and beer got the better of me as I stepped around the corner to get a better view. My action caused enough surprise to make him stop pissing and cover his penis.

I felt a pang of regret as I saw his reaction. In hopes of smoothing away any fears, I raised my hands up.

"Woah! No problem guy- I was just looking!" I said, but that did little to change his startled demeanor. So I figured I'd try to be upfront.

"I thought maybe I could help you with that," I offered with a smile

But his face was frozen in a mix of fear and confusion,

"Que?" he stuttered "No enteindo."

My town had a large Puerto Rican population now, larger than the French, Irish,Polish and others that came to work in the Mills, So, here- cock in hand- was a handsome young example of that statistic. Regrettably- I spoke no Spanish.

He stood like the proverbial "Deer In Headlights" covering his dick with both hands- yes it needed both! The dark curls of his pubic hair sprouted up to a treasure trail.

In an attempt to express my hunger for his Puerto Rican sausage. I raised a clenching hand to my mouth, miming a stroking motion of a blowjob.

His cute dimpled face broke into a wide smile. I guess he now understood what I was looking I intended. To show that the message was understood, he stroked his hardening prick.

"¿Te gusta mi pene?" he said in a low voice.

I stepped closer a reached for his shaft. He jumped back, stuffing his cock back into his fly. He looked side to side as he zipped up. My new found Spanish angel took my hand as he nodded. He was too nervous of being caught in the alley. He said something to me as he led me down the alley to the sidewalk.

There was a small empty lot by a closed auto repair shop. The adjoining land was over grown with brush and trees. He had let go off my wrist as we crossed over to the secluded destination. We pushed through the bushes to a grassy patch bordering a few trees. We were not visible to the curious eyes of any passer-byes. He turned towards ne with a willful gaze and devilish smile.

"¿Te gusta mi pene?" he repeated in a low husky voice, rubbing the bulge at in his jeans.

The language barrier was overtaken by a mutual sexual desire. My own cock was straining to be release its fabric restraint. He put his free hand on my shoulder to push be to a receiving stance- but I needed no encouragement. I was on my knees in a heartbeat with my own hands joining his at his zipper. His beast of a cock was well defined in his pants. one quick snap and rasp of the zipper freed his Latino tube of pleasure through the slit in the underwear.

He clearly out measured my own 8 inch dick easily. Additionally, the throbbing glands were still partially hooded my the fleshy cowl even though he was fully erect. Damn! I loved uncut cock and was eager to prove it. The snout of his fuck rod was aimed at my hungry mouth. I stroked the full length of the veined shaft, letting the foreskin slink back and forth over the deep red cock head. The ooze of drips of pre-cum stoked my need to feed.

"Oh sí, tómalo." He rasped in a sultry low tone, adding "You like?" in English.

My tongue gave him an answer as the tip glided over the helmet of his dick while I slipped up the skin over the edge of my tongue. With a little effort. I lick under the overhang. This made him moan in pleasure.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Nice" was his attempted English response.

I understood none of his Spanish but we were now connected in -over my tongue, the the sucking of his fuck rod. I slipped the shaft over my tongue and into my throat. I tried to take measure of the girth and length by comparing the mouth feel to the cocks I've serviced since I was 9 years old.

The strain of my jaws and the progress to take the whole cock made me estimate the length easily over 10 inches with a diameter of a little less than a Coke bottle. The rock hard penis was rooted to two large balls sagging in the hairless flesh pouch. I pulled is jeans and boxer shorts down past his knees before grabbing hold of two hard ass cheeks.

"Tómalo todo perra!" he said in a forceful tone, punctuating the order as he held my head and plowed the shaft to my tonsils, Saliva and cock-juice dripped down my chin. I gasped and gagged as the Latino stud fucked my face. Grunts and groans of sexual enjoyment from my Puerto Rican playmate fueled my cum crave.

One of my hand slipped of from his sweet butt and traveled up the sleek light brown skin. His muscle definition gave him a athletic build. The trail of hair that ran from the pubic crest and up the abs- disappearing a little passed the navel. I reached under his shirt to tease the quarter sized nipples. He helped my exploration by lifting the striped t-shirt up, exposing the pectorals. The other hand, entangled in my hair pulled back me off the throbbing dick. With head back I gazed into his dark eyes.

To my surprise and delight he leaned down and passionately locked his mouth over mine. The tongue tangled with mine- tasting the residue of pre-cum and stale beer. Now, over the years I have experienced that Latin men have a more fluid attitude towards sex. The labels "gay". "straight" don't set boundaries for sexual satisfaction. An example of this attitude was now sucking on my tongue- and what an lust filled example. Both of his d hands my face as we passionately kissed, He broke the lip-lock as he grabbed me under the arms to make me stand.

I stood up, breathing heavily as he now crouched down on his haunches, His hands made quick work of the snap on my pants. Since I always go "commando" in the Summer my drooling cock popped out of my jeans like a jack in the box. My foreskin was fully retracted on my 8 inch cock, It had already spilled a good amount of pre-cum in my Levis since the moment I saw the olive skinned teen in the alley.

" Mmmmmm Buen pinchazo." he crooned as his firm grip closed around the shaft. I groaned in pleasure in response to his advances.

"You like?" he asked in low voice. His English may have been limited, but his desire transcended this language barrier.

I looked down just as he took the plum-sized cock head into his mouth.

"FUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCK!" I rasped out as his sweet lips slipped up my cock. He worked my pants down to my ankles. I was getting a full on amazing blow job. The black curls of his head swayed as he bobbed up and down. Evert few motions were punctuated by my dick head reaching the back of his throat. He backed off, kicking up the underside of my prick. As my my piss slit coated his tongue with cock juice. I looked down at him- he returned my look by smiling up at me with a wink of one of his beautiful eyes.

His sinewy hands slipped around my swaying hips to my ass. He let by cock popped from his mouth and sway above his face.

"Quiero tu culo." he said between heavy breaths.

I could only look down to him and shrug in ignorance as a response.

He repeated "Quiero tu culo!", in a more forceful tone. To make his intent more clear, two fingers pushed into the crevice of my ass. The tips brushed the rosebud sphincter.

Now it was my turn to smile! He wanted to fuck my very willing. I shuffled over to the clump of trees with my jeans at my feet, I pressed my hands on the bark of the nearest maple, arching my back. This was the best response to his request. I leaned down and stuck my ass in the air.

He got back to his feet and moved closer to the target-my ass. I looked over my shoulder to see him stroking his tool. As he got closer, my new found friend hacked up some spit and fired it down at his cock. I braced myself against the trunk as I expected that with only saliva as lube,this was going to be a rough entry.

The Latino was now near striking distance of my butt hole. He primed his cock-stroking it to maximum hardness. .

"Te voy a joder duro." he said, but now knowing I was not understanding. he added. "Fuck hard."

Another bullet of spit was fired from his sweet mouth- but this time into my winking anus. One of his fingers worked it into the rectum.

Both he and I groaned in the knowing of the anticipated pleasure. I felt something else now pushing along with finger. My hole was stretching open as I gritted my teeth. Two hands gripped me by the pelvis grip with a strong grip. The invader at my back door began a slow progress, My ass lips opened to welcome the dark skinned cock.

"Abre ese culo!" he barked as he slapped my ass.

"UUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! God it's big!" was my response. I wanted to scream but that would draw attention to our secluded spot. I swear I heard a "pop" as his cock head broke passed the ass ring.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he moaned to signal his accomplishment. However I new that there was another 10 inches to follow.

My ass walls hugged the shaft and I felt every vein of the Spanish sausage. His finger tips dug into my flesh as he forced forward. To ease the pain he would stop or pull out a little to let me acclimate to the girth let alone the length. But now the thrusts were backed with a determination to get in up to his pubic hair. I endured the pain which was soon overtaken by a feeling of ecstasy. He nuzzled his pelvis to my ass cheeks to prove he was really in my ass. He chuckled in triumph.

The real assault began now- the hard-on being pulled out to the flair of the cock head and the then back in with one motion. Agony shot through me as the pace of his swinging hips increased.he tree,

Almost in response he huffed- "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH, NICE!!!" Together we sounded like an over-fueled steam engine. Added to our animalistic grunts was the slap of sweaty flesh as I was now being full-on plowed with no mercy. My shoulders hit the tree hard with each thrust. I swear we were making the leaves rustle. He was now on tip-toes with his firm grip on my hips- head thrown back, eyes closed.

He kept spitting out a string of Spanish words that were all lost to me. It was physical exertion was all I need- as he rode my ass- rough and hard. His swinging balls beat out frenzied pace as they slapped into me. They were a cum-filled metronome keeping time to the piston beating up my ass.

I had not touched my cock because my hands were full just bracing around tree. So I was surprised when I felt the churning in me. I was near an uncontrollable climax. My balls quivered as my cum shot out of my cock, Each convulsion sent a stream of cum against the bark of the tree. Every spurt caused my rectum to clench down on his cock.

"FFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuck me! FFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuck me! FFFFFFFFFFuuuuuuck me!" I chanted with every wave of orgasm.

Then his exclamations changed into heavy moans- each growing in volume.

"Me estoy retrasando!!! Me estoy retrasando!!! Me estoy retrasando!!!" he gasped a in rapid repetition.

Though I couldn't translate- I could feel what he meant. The column of hot flesh pumping into me swelled and trembled. His body folded over mine- his arms clamping around my sweaty torso. He froze in that embrace.


I felt each rope of Latin jizz being fired into my guts. It felt like a fire hose blasting inside of me. His motion eased up as he achieved orgasm. He pulled out a little the work back up my ass. The cum flowed out of my batter asshole in drips. He rested his head on my back as we both tried to return to normal breathing.

Hey raised his head up and nibbled my ear. " Mi nombre es Ricardo." he whispered in my ear.

I could barely get the breath to rasp out "I'm John." I guess it was appropriate that we should introduce ourselves. We began to pull ourselves together before heading out to the street. My abused ass was back in my jeans. I felt the cum leaking from my ass. Ricardo stuffed his softening prick into his boxers before the Levis were zipped up. We were both soaked in sweat. I turned to press on through the bushes. A firm hand grabbed my arm- Ricardo pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

"Niiicccee" he said in a sultry tone. I nodded with a smile.

I said goodbye as we parted ways on the street. The next day I was so sore after that hard fuck- I walked a little funny all through my day at the market. My cover was that I hurt myself at the Y. A few days later, I punched out and headed out to the tavern. Once I was nearer I saw Ricardo leaning against the wall near my watering hole.

"Ola Juan" he said with a bright smile.

"Hi Ricardo. Beer?" was my response as I pointed to the bar entrance.

"La Verga?" he asked as he grabbed at the growing bulge.

"Ohhh Yes!" was my immediate reaction. But this time I thought we would try a different spot. "My apartment?"

"Si," he said as he followed me. My asshole twitched in anticipation. I may not understand Ricardo, but the sex needed no translation.

I love feedback and reactions from readers; it's the main reason that I post on Nifty. I try to respond to all:


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