No Way Out

By moc.loa@320274legnAteewS

Published on Apr 1, 2001


'Starting Anew' Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Not real. FICTION. I completely made this story up, and I am not implying anything about the sexuality of anyone involved. Oh, and if you're too young to be reading this or if you're homophobic (in which case you shouldn't even be at the gay male boyband archive) please leave.

Hello there. Here is the second chapter of my story. I have nothing intelligent and/or witty to say, so I'll just go right along with the story. Enjoy! --------------------------

Justin started to hear commotion in the back of the bus earlier than expected. He wondered who it was that had gotten up so early. He didn't have to wait long to find out. Just a few moments later, Joey appeared in the kitchen, clad only in boxers, and his hair sticking out in all directions.

"Morning. Didn't expect to see you up so early." Justin greeted his bandmate. Joey grunted some sort of reply then proceeded to fix himself some coffee. In the morning, he couldn't function before he had had some coffee. Ten minutes later, after he had taken his first sip of the brown liquid, he was finally able to reply to Justin.

"Morning to you too. And it's not that early." He said. Justin looked surprised.

"I'm beginning to think that you are actually not having a hangover. Why is that?" Joey dramatically rolled his eyes.

"I don't always get drunk. Besides, we spent most of the time talking about you." As soon as it was out, Joey started cursing himself silently. He really had the great talent of putting his foot in his mouth at all the right moments.

Justin was slightly taken aback.

"Why were you talking about me?" There was no point in even asking the question. He knew very well why they would have a meeting about him.

"Because you have been...different lately. And we are all worried about you, to say the least. And we are trying to figure out what we could do to help you." Joey explained. Justin sighed. He didn't want his friends worrying about him, but he also wasn't ready to just tell them what had been bothering him. He slumped back onto his seat and covered his face in his hands.

** I love them. They are all such great friends to me. More like brothers actually. But I can't just tell them. Or can I? Why not tell Joey? I'm sure he would like to listen and help me out. But I can't tell him. I'm too cowardly to tell him. I'm going crazy, aren't I? It's like I am a prisoner in my own mind. I want so badly to tell someone how I feel about Josh, but I just can't. And I even know why.

Telling someone would make it final. I wouldn't only have admitted it to myself, but also to some real life person out there, and somehow I feel that that would make my feelings irreversible. That it would give them extra weight. And I don't want that. I want to keep them to myself so that I can pretend that they aren't even there at all. **

"Just, are you okay?" Justin sighed. Hearing the worry in Joey's voice made him feel incredibly guilty for keeping to himself.

"Please, you have to talk to someone. I know that I have a reputation for not being able to keep secrets, but you could talk to Josh. I mean, you guys are so close, and he's worried sick." At the mention of JC's name, Justin flinched and felt the tears welling up in his eyes. He jumped up from his seat and raced to the bathroom, locking himself in. He couldn't afford to have a breakdown in front of Joey. That would only lead to more questions.

Joey refilled his coffee mug and went back to the sleeping area of the bus. Lance and Chris were still asleep, but JC was sitting on the edge of his bed, stretching.

"Morning babe." Joey greeted him.

"Shh, Chris is already awake." JC hissed. Joey turned to check if the curtain at Chris's bunk was still drawn shut, the leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on his boyfriend's lips. JC grabbed Joey, pulled him into the bunk and drew the curtain shut.

"And now I want a real good morning kiss." He whispered with a smirk. Joey didn't have to be asked twice.

Even though he had never said it and no one had ever asked, they all knew that Joey was bi-sexual. They had not been surprised the first time they had seen him take a male fan up to his room at night. Somehow they had even expected it. It was just the kind of person Joey was. The wild child of the group, he had to do everything.

It was only natural then, that JC came to Joey when he began to question his sexuality. They spent endless nights talking about everything. Eventually, one thing led to another and one night they ended up making out. Not long after, they confessed their feelings for each other.

It was because of Joey's constant urging that JC finally came out to the group when he became more comfortable with himself. By then, they were seriously dating. But it was still too early to say where their relationship would lead them, so they kept quiet about it. Now they knew that it was real, but they didn't know how to explain it to the others. What would they say, how would they react?

Justin was sitting on the cold bathroom floor, hugging his knees to his chest. He could feel the hot, salty tears make their way down his cheek and dripping on his bare arms.

**I think I really am going crazy. Heck, I'm probably crazy already. I am making way too big of a deal out if this. I should just talk to him. What's the worst that could happen? I mean, he's my best friend. He won't hate me for this. And maybe, if I am lucky, he even returns my feelings.

Ok, I'll talk to him. I will! This has been going on way too long already anyway. Tonight, after the concert, I'll go to his room and I'll tell him. **

Satisfied with the decision he had reached, he pulled himself off the ground. As he saw his reflection in the mirror, he winced. The face looking back at him had bloodshot eyes rimmed with dark circles, standing out against skin that was so pale it seemed almost transparent. The cheeks were tear streaked and he looked incredibly tired and worn out.

With a sigh he turned on the faucet and splashed the cold water onto his face. Today was going to be the last day of misery. Starting tonight, he would transform himself back into the Justin he used to be.

------------------------------------------------------ Aahh...the plot thickens. Will Justin talk to JC? Will he find out that JC is dating Joey? Tune in next time to get all the answers. Take care j

Next: Chapter 3

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