Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Sep 8, 2017


Closure and beginnings

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It had been a few weeks since Caleb was outed to his family. It also caused some weird looks at work since we were not known as a couple there but everyone there got over it. Colin even got over it and offered to have a threesome with us. I politely declined his offer since we were still working out everything between us.

The stepping on each other's toes literally and figurately has died down as well. We got used to each other and understood how to dance with each other in more ways than one. We got into habit of going to work when need be, talking and eating together. Things seemed to be settling down and getting back to a sense of normal.

Every Saturday we got into our own routine and this is how it started that. I would wake up and on Saturday's it was a little different than the normal workday. The first Saturday was a little odd because I forgot Caleb was there. Once I got into the living room, I would turn on some forest or nature background music and get in my pose. I stripped down to just my boxer briefs and start. I start my posing with a little light Tai Chi and go into my Yoga warm up. I enjoy doing this to reset my body and mind from all that has happened during the week. It helps me focus and re-center myself.

Like I said, I forgot that Caleb was there and I was getting into the downward dog position and my head looked between my legs and there was Caleb half awoke and half asleep. He did have a smile upon his face.

"That is a great way to wake up," he said with a smirk.

"Yes, it is," I said as I moved into my next position. "Would you like to join me?"

"I have never done this before," he admitted to me.

"Ok, we can start out slow. Come here," I said to him and he came over to me.

I reached down and pulled his gym shorts off his body. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

"You want to be less restricted when you do Yoga, so your body can move freely," I responded to him.

"I see," he said. "What next?"

"Now we start at Mountain Pose," I said and showed him. I went behind him and position him to show him the stances. We started going through the Sun Salutation routine. I would show him the pose then walk his body through it. I do not know if it was the morning horniness or just having both our bodies' curves matching up but I was completed turned on by the time we got to the cobra pose, the one where you arch your back looking forward. The sensual was driving me nuts and I noticed that Caleb was tenting in his boxer briefs as well.

Then I heard him exhale and a moan escaped his mouth as well. I knew he might not last much longer. I at least wanted to finish one full routine before starting anything but it did not happen that way. We went into downward dog position and my member was now rubbing between his cheeks and that is when he could not hold it any more. He exhaled one last time and I was holding just above the waist band of his boxer briefs when his hand slid mine down and I felt a wet spot where the tip of his cock was.

I smiled and start rubbing the area and it did not help things. He moaned my name this time and I felt that spot get bigger. I kissed the back of his neck as his butt started flexing them. I knew then he was at the point of no return. I quickly thrusted one last time and he could not hold it back. He came in my hand and made a mess in his boxer briefs. He clasped to the floor on his stomach and I was now hoovering above him.

A few seconds pasted and he slowly turned on his back. I looked at his face and he just had this look of pure bliss upon it. Then I follow his body, he was panting a little bit and small beads of sweat were forming on his stomach. His waistband of his American eagle boxer briefs he had on came into view. His bugle was still somewhat there but I noticed some other beads of creamy white stuff. I bent down and licked the front of his sexy underwear and it sent a shiver up his spine. I swallowed his cream then slowly licked my way up to his awaiting lips.

We kissed for a few minutes before I pulled away. "Would you like to finish our Yoga session?" I asked him slowly getting up.

"Can I just watch you finish the routine?" he asked as he followed me up.

"Sure," I said back to him. I started over with the beginning position and made it all way back to downward dog and looked at him through my legs. He was watching from behind and I noticed he already shucked his messy underwear onto the floor. He was just smiling at me with a half hard on between his legs. "Do you like the view?"

He just smiled and came up behind me. He slowly pulled down my underwear and let them hit the floor. "I like this view much better," he said to me and smacked my ass. I let out a moan and knew it was time for me to release my morning load. I finished the routine and closed my eyes. Caleb took this as his chance to return the pleasure. I felt his mouth encase my member and I just went with it. He sped up because he wanted me to relax and melt like he did.

It did not take long before there was some weakness in my knees. A few seconds after that feeling I was unloading into Caleb's mouth. After I shot my last round, I fell down to his level and kissed him. We unlocked lips and I told him, "Namaste."

"Namaste," he told me back.

We both started laughing. He got up and went into the bathroom. I went in the kitchen to start breakfast. I heard the shower turn off and I realized I was still naked since I did not really grab my underwear or sweats that I had on. I always enjoyed cooking in the buff. Soon I felt to hands wrap around my waist and a kiss on the back of my neck.

"How was the shower?" I asked.

"Great," he replied. "What's for breakfast?"

"Well, I made some breakfast burritos. Some sausage, bacon, eggs, potatoes and cheese. Just finished making the last one and I had him his plate. He took and plate and placed it on the table. He grabbed some orange juice and pour us some glasses. I took a seat as he served the juice. "Thanks," I said and dug into the food.

"I had a question," he paused.

"Ok, what's your question," I asked taking a bite out of my burrito.

"I think your cooking is top notch but I am no critic. Why are not a chef for work?" he asked me.

"Thanks and do you really think my cooking is top notch?" I asked trying to avoid the real question.

"I do, I really do. That is why I asked if you can teach me to cook," he said while taking a sip of Juice.

Thinking I avoid the question which I did not really want to answer at this time. I looked at his face as he was still waiting for the answer to that question and what might follow up to that question. I looked when something was pushed through the bottom of the apartment door. It was a white envelope with Caleb's name on.

"Umm...," I said and looked at it.

Caleb's focus went from me to the envelope on the floor. "I was not expecting anything."

"Well, let's go see what it is," I said. I grabbed my sweats off the floor and put them on as we made our way to the door. He picked up the envelope. He inspected it and then walked over to the couch. He took a seat.

I walked over and sat down next to him. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and kissed him on the forehead. He leaned into me and started to open up envelope. Two things feel out. One was a letter and the other looked like a check. He picked up both and looked at the check first. He had a confused look on his face.

He looked back at me and then looked at the note. The check from what I could see what made out to him but was not able to see the amount. Soon the letter was read but only to himself. I just gave him a hug because I figured it might be bad news. I rested my head on his shoulder and waited. We sat like that for a couple of minutes. All we could hear was ticking of the clock as the moments pasted us by.

Finally the silence was broken with a sob and a few tears streamed down his face. He turn so his face was now buried into my chest. I felt his tears on my body. A few more minutes pasted by and he finally stopped crying. He looked up and I wiped his tears away. I gave him one of those passionate kiss to let him know that everything will be ok no matter how bad the news is.

"How could they do that?" he asked me. "They just wrote me off like I meant nothing to them. I am now just like two ships passing in the middle of the night. A stranger on the street."

He handed me the letter and I read it. It pretty much said that the family made the decision to sell off everything in his room. Then it went on to tell him to never come back, his room will be gone and changed into a work out room. We disown you and will not even acknowledge your existents if we see you on the street. Here is a check for the amount that we sold your stuff for. Goodbye.

My mind just wanted to go over there and yell and kick the crap out of his family. I do not get how someone or people in this case are able to do something like this. This was completed fucked up. I did not know what to say but I know what to do.

"Hey love," I said with a pause to make sure he was paying attention. "I know you're in pain and your heart just shattered into a million pieces but we will get through this. So let's make a new family me and you against the world. I will never do anything like that to you or anyone for that matter. So you know what I do when I get bad news, I cook."

"You cook?" he asked with a sniffle.

"Yep, I cook my emotions into something, anything really," I paused. "Also do you know what you do after that?"

"You eat it," he replied.

"Nope, you destroy it," I told him with a big grin on my face. He looked confused. "Just trust me on this one and let's make got make some food. What would you like to make?"

"Something big enough to smash with a bat," he suggested.

"Got it. Go grab our aprons," I told him. He went and grabbed our aprons. I got everything ready for what we were going to cook. I already started mixing the dry ingredients, flour, salt, baking powder, sugar and start sifting those ingredients. He put his apron on and put mine on me. "Start cracking the eggs and putting all the wet ingredients into that bowl, eggs, vegetable oil, vanilla extract, milk."

"Now what?" he asked after mixing all the ingredients into his bowl.

"We put both of them together but not with a spoon," I told him.

"Then with what will we stir it with," he asked.

"These," I said while raising my hands up into the air.

"That sounds like fun," he said and a smile start to form on his face.

My plan started working. He just dove in and started mixing the ingredients. He was really putting all his emotions into the food we were making. Yeah, for all those out there that do not know this but all cooks and chef's put their emotions into what they cook for others. That is a secret ingredient that all cooks know about.

He finished mixing and making the batter for them. We poured the batter into the 8 inch round baking pans and tossed them into the oven. "Now for the frosting. I can do this unless you want to help," I told him.

"I want to help," he said to me.

"Great," I said and started mixing up the frosting. "Any color would like for the frosting?"

"How about green, blue and red?" he told me.

"Sounds good to me. In the second to bottom drawer, there should be some food coloring with those colors. Can you grab them while I split the frosting into three bowls?" I told him and start splitting up the frosting.

"How many drops do I put in each bowl?" he asked.

"Depends on how dark or light the colors you want. Your call," I told him.

"Cool, I want dark green so five drops, light blue so two drops and heart red so three and half drops," he told me and dropped them into the bowls. We both grabbed a bowl and stirred them with a spoon to mix the colors.

Just as we finished mixing the frosting, the cakes were done. We took them out of the oven to cool for a few moments and went into the bedroom to change and grab something. Caleb followed me into the bedroom and changed as well. We went back into the kitchen to finish up. I let him build the six tier cake and frost everything in-between. Soon we were ready to for the next phase.

I took the cake and carried it down to our parking garage. It was big enough to do what I want Caleb to do. He put down a sheet to catch most of the mess. "What do we do now?"

"Well, this is what I call an Emotion Smash Cake. This is what we will use to smash it," I said and handed him the wooden baseball bat that I pulled out of my closet early.

"Really, we can do this?" he asked me again.

"Yes, we are not harming anyone and I am sure you some feelings to let out but first..." I paused.

"First what..." he asked.

"We need to start this off right," I said. "On the count of three we both need to scream at the top of our lungs."

"Ok," he said.

"One..." I said.

"Two...," he said.

"Three," we both said then screamed at the top of our lungs. I backed up and he took his first swing at the emotional cake. He hit is square in the center of the cake and it exploded everywhere. A few more swings the rage, hatred, sorrow was slowly leaving his eyes. His swings start to get weaker and weaker. I knew it was time for him to let go of the bat. I walked up to him and grabbed the bat from him. He was breathing heavily but there was a smile on his face.

I cleaned up as he caught his composer. I went to the dumpster and tossed all the cake and sheet since there was no need for it any more. We walked back up to our apartment and just rested for the rest of the day.

Later that night in bed we were cuddling. He kissed me on the cheek and said," Thank you for all that you do for me. I need that smash cake."

"You're welcome. Yeah, smashing food is always fun to do and it does help get the angry out of anyone. I knew it does not extinguish all the pain but it does help with some of the pain within. Are you feeling any better?" I asked.

"Yeah, thank you," he said and kissed me again.

"Glad to help, plus I have one more surprise but we will have to wait for that one," I told him.

"Cannot wait to find out what that is but I still want to know one thing, why are you not a working as a chef?" he asked me

I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and was going to tell him that story.

Hey guys, sorry once again for the long delay for this chapter. If you follow me on my blog site you will know why at You can always email me at

Next: Chapter 11

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