Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Nov 9, 2017


Everyone has a past

All T's and C's apply. Do not forget to

Caleb just asked me "Cannot wait to find out what that is but I still want to know one thing, why are you not a working as a chef?" I swallowed the lump that was in my throat and was going to tell him that story. Caleb noticed my hesitation and spoke up before I started. "Let's make it a little fun, every time your story makes me say "Ah" I will remove a piece of clothing. Every time I laugh or think something is funny, you have to remove a piece of clothing."

I thought for a quick second. My mind ran through the story and I liked my chances of getting him naked. "What happens when you run out of clothing?" I asked back.

"Well, if that happens the winner gets to have his way with the loser. No questions asked," Caleb replied to me with a smile.

"Ok, deal," I said and we both sat up on the bed. Our legs crossed and we both were staring in each other's eyes. The only light was coming from the full moon outside our window. I took a deep breath and started my story.

"So I did go through the culinary program in High school and applied for scholarships for culinary schools throughout the country. I was your average student, A's and B's. My culinary teacher liked me but always told me to slow down when I was cooking. I did and even placed third in a national competition for desserts. I made a chocolate grand piano and made a theme around it. Rum truffles on mirrors as notes on a sheet and some other things," I paused.

"Ah, that must have been so cool," Caleb said and realized that he "Ah". He quickly removed his shirt without me even saying anything. I smiled at that and took a quick glance at his hotness.

"Then the trouble started," I paused to think about it. "I got into culinary school. That is where I met him. Not my first boyfriend but it was a love that made me shelter myself. We met accidentally in class. We both reached for flour and when we did a giant flour cloud puffed up into the air. After it cleared, I started laughing. Some of the flour landed on his face. He shook it off and started laughing too," I paused because I heard a chuckle from Caleb. I took off my shirt to match him. After I took my shirt off Caleb switched positions and was now resting his head on my lap and looking up at me. I bent down and kissed him on the forehead.

"After that moment, I realized that his hand was holding mine within the flour. I did not pull away, I enjoyed the moment," I paused again because he quickly covered his mouth but I heard it. I reached down and pulled his socks off his body. I looked back down and his had sheepish grin on his face. "What's with the grin?"

"I thought I could hide that Ah from you," he told me.

"I have good ears. I trained myself to listen for the sound of food when it is ready. There was this one guy in our class that did not have that great of eye sight but he always knew when something was done. Yet that story I will save for another day," I said to him. "After that moment, we got close a little too quickly. His name was Trevor."

"We went out on a couple of dates and our love for food brought us close. We would have a game, we would try some experimental food on each other. It became who could out gross the other one out with their concoctions. One time, I made him just keel over from the smell," I paused because I felt a snicker come from my lap. I stood up and dropped my pants right on his face. I stepped out of them and left my pants right where they landed. He crawled out from underneath them and tossed them off the bed.

So let's see, Caleb still had his gym shorts and underwear left and me, my boxers and socks were still on. It seems like we are tied at the moment. Before he rested his head on my nearly naked crotch, he gave my bugle and my boxers a long lick. It sent a shiver up my body and made my cock start to stand at attention. He laughed at his doings.

I grinned at him and fought the temptation to just jump him. Yet, I knew I needed to finish the story before we could do anything else. His head was once more rested on my crotch waiting for me to continue.

"Like I said, the love for food was what kept us together. Every night, we would be at the other's place cooking and fucking," I looked down and the smile disappeared from his face. "I am here with you not him just remember that. Plus we have more history than you think."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes, it has been awhile since I have felt this with anyone," I said to him. "Plus the sex with him was emotionless. It would be just a fuck and nothing more. That is right where the story picks up. I wanted more and he wanted things to just stay the same. He wanted to just have the cooking and fucking, nothing more. That is when I decided to break things off with him," I paused to breathe at that moment.

Caleb got up from my lap and kissed me deep on my lips. That did not help my tent down below. If I was not fully hard before, now I was. I also notice the tent in his gym shorts. He slowly backed away and we just stared into each other's eyes. "So you just broke it off with Trevor and..." he asked me.

"Like you said, I just broke it off with Trevor and that is when hell rained down upon me. He started to make my life a living hell. He would pick on me during class, started spreading rumors about me, he even stalked me and interfered with my love life. It got to a point where my food that I was cooking for class was being sabotaged by him and my emotions," I paused because he had a confused look on his face. "What's with the confused look?"

"Emotions, what does that have to do with cooking?" he asked me.

"I did not tell you that early because it was more for you to take your anger out. A lot of people believe that how you feel does affect how your dish will taste when it comes out. So if you cook for someone that makes you happy, that emotion will go into the item. Same for when you're mad and sad. That is why we made the smash cake early," I told him.

"Ah, that sucks," he had a tear roll down his cheek. I kiss his tear away and my hands went on auto pilot. They slowly pulled down his gym shorts and now his tent was clearly noticeable. I smiled and teased him. I did the same thing he did to me. I bent down and licked the bugle but went one step further. My tongue worked its way into his the fly of his boxer briefs and licked the tip of his cock. A moan escaped his mouth as he tilted his head back.

I removed my tongue from his underwear and came back from bending over to see his eyes shut. I kiss his lips softly to let him know I was ready to finish the story. He opened his eyes and noticed I was smiling at him. "You tease," he said to me.

"Yep, so let's finish the story so we can get on to the dessert," I said to him. He just shook his head and waited for me to continue the story. "After all that, the emotional rollercoaster Trevor was playing with me, it made me just want to finish and never look back. I did finish and got my degree in culinary arts but I could not disassociate him and my feelings from the things I cooked. I did try to get jobs in the field but was always told my cooking sucked and did not taste right. That is when I fell into a pit of my own despair. Luckily, I had a couple of good friends to help me crawl out of that pit. I think I will save the rest for another night," I told him.

"Ah, yet your food tastes great to me. Is that because you love me? Did that help bring back some of the good feelings inside you?" he asked as he removed the last piece of clothing on his body. He just laid down on the bed with his member sticking straight up. He was ready for me to have my way with him.

"It did and i do love you," I told him as I slowly crawl over his body to have our lips meet once again. My cock found its way out of its confinement and both our cocks were touching. His hands grabbed our cocks and he slowly started stroking them together. You could feel the emotional charged energy within the air from the story and the feelings we have for each other. That turned me on even more. I moaned from his touch and could not help myself.

I knew that I wanted to be buried deep inside him. I moved back from kissing him and slowly turned him around. My hand grabbed the lube from the nightstand. He got on all fours and got himself ready. I lubed up his tight hole with my fingers and his hand lubed up my cock. I moaned his name and asked, "Are you ready, my love?"

He shook his head and I lined myself up with his pink hole. I slowly entered him and felt his hole engulf my member. He moaned out my name and told me to keep going. He loved me deep inside him. I waited a couple of seconds before I started to slowly make love to him. In my mind, that was what made this different. I loved him and was not just fucking him but making love with him.

His moaning and rocking up and down on my cock brought me out of my mind and I start speeding up my love making. His moan started to get replaced with the shallow intake of air. I reached around and started stroking his cock. It was not long before I felt his cock and hole tighten up. I quickly flipped him onto his back so I look at him when he came. I shoved my cock deep inside him for one final push and hit his sweet spot. He moaned from ecstasy and came all over him and me. That look on his face of pure happiness pushed me over the edge. I filled his insides with my cum as well.

I fell on top of him and we laid like that till our breathing came down from the adrenaline and pure emotions. I rolled off his body and we both just laid there looking up at the ceiling. Then we turned to each other. At the same time we both spoke, "I Love You," was the only words that came out of our mouths and filled the silence within the room. The room filled back up with silence once more as we kissed and feel asleep in each other's arms, mess and all.

A few hours later the cool moonlight was replaced with the warm sunlight creeping into the bedroom. I felt the light warm up my skin and give me goosebumps. I opened my eyes to see my partner in crime laying across from me. We were completely entangled with his arm over me and my legs between his. We became a two headed, four arm and leg human monster with our cum sticking us together. I smiled at the feeling of being with someone that loves you back. I slowly entangled myself from Caleb and walked towards the shower.

Once in the bathroom, I took a piss and tilted my head back. I closed my eyes and felt a presence next to me. I opened my eyes and Caleb was standing next to me taking piss with me. He was absolutely a mess, his hair was all disheveled and cum and sweat all over his hot naked body. That got my member down south to salute. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Look what you are doing to me," I said in a soft voice.

"Look what you left on me," he said with a big smile. We both busted up laughing. "It is too early for this."

"Yep, let's go hop in the shower," I said and grabbed his hand. We both hoped into the shower. I pulled him into a big hug and walked us both underneath the flowing shower. He rested his head on my chest and I kissed the top of his head. We stayed like this for a few moments then cleaned up. We both walked back into the bedroom, I picked up our clothes from last night and he grab from new clothes for us. We both got dressed and I went to start a load of laundry. Caleb stayed home while I did our laundry and got food for dinner.

A couple of hours later, I got home with our laundry and food for dinner. I was greeted with a hug and kiss on the lips. I knew that look, he did something. The look that a children gives their parents when they did something but not sure how to tell them. That was the look on his face.

"How was your afternoon?" I asked and dumped the laundry on the bed. We started folding and putting our laundry away before he answered.

"I did something that I hope you like. I will tell you everything over dinner tonight," I told me.

I had the look like what did you do written all over my face. "Not even a hint," I asked.

"Nope," he said to me and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Fine, then I will got start dinner while you finish this," I said and huffed out of the room. I just heard a chuckle as I walked away.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter of Noah's. Let me know what you think by emailing me at or leaving a comment on my blog site,

Next: Chapter 12

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