Noahs New Job

By samuel coher

Published on Dec 25, 2019


Noah's new Job pt. 17

All T's and C's apply. Do not forget to Donate to this awesome site if you can.

After that night and a few weeks later, we had the easy stuff done. The menus, the floor plans, some basic designs and everything in-between has been taken care of but there are always things to tweak. I call that easy because the next step is what stopped me the first time. It was getting the money and location. I started calling banks and entrepreneurs to drum funds for Foggy's mist.

Since Caleb was out on summer break from college, we started driving around looking at buildings and thinking about spots to put this restaurant. A few of the places were too small then others were too large. I know sounds like goldilocks, but you know you need it to be the right place.

A few weeks went by and we got calls from our real estate agent and she took us around as well.

"We are never going to find a place," I said with some defeat in my voice.

"Do not give up. We will find the place," Caleb told me.

"Thanks but the right place is not just going to magically appear. I think maybe we need to go with one of the small places and just make it work," I told him.

"If that is what you want but I think we should keep looking a little bit longer before we just settle,"

He said to me with a kiss of hope.

That night I had a dream about this building. In my dream, I was floating above the building and was just slowly spinning around the building until I hit the bottom. It was a two-story building and had a double door entrance. Once you walk in the second set of doors, it would lead you into what would be the dining area. It was not set up, but my dreamscape just knew what I wanted. As I walked by the tables and everything would just appear. Then I start to go upstairs, that is where the kitchen would be, away from everything and you could start to smell the food being a cook as you walked up the stairs. The upstairs was smaller than the dining area, but it seems to work. Just as I was about to take a bite of the food in my dream, I sat up in bed.

I looked over and Caleb was looking back at me. "Did you just dream about the building and layout of it," he asked me.

I just nodded. That gave me the energy to keep looking and guess what I did find the place. Caleb, our agent and I walked up to the doors and it looked just like my dream. The doors slid open with ease, and then the second set did the same. The amazing part was that there were tables and chairs already there. It was an old restaurant that shut the door because the owners moved or something according to the verbiage that the real estate agent told us.

"Now that you see the first floor, the kitchen is upstairs. Follow me," she said to us as we ascend the staircase up.

"Wow," is the only words that came out of Caleb and mine's mouth.

Impressed is an understatement. It had everything we needed. It had two side by side fridges that we bigger than we need, a full cook line from flat grill to stove ranges. It had long steel tables that stretched the length of the cook line to make it easy to transfer food to plates and some preparing areas as well. It had industrial mixers and ovens for cooking.

"Well, did I find you the perfect place?" she asked.

"What about the nightlife and foot traffic?" I asked.

"Well, it is a couple blocks away from downtown to the west; it is about a five blocks away from the college and high school so you got those students, and you got the airport about five miles away so they might trickle in if they get hungry after a long flight...," she told us and continued to ramble on.

"I can image it," I whispered to Caleb.

"I am glad that we found this place. This is going to be awesome," Caleb said back to me and kissed me on the cheek.

We both looked over at our agent and she was just looking at us, "I take it you want this place."

We both shook our heads.

"Ok, let's start the paperwork. I will get back to you after we see if they accept your offer," She said, and we all walked out together.

Now the waiting, I did not know what during this time. I was too nervous to cook anything, did not want to go over any plans just in case we did not get it.

A few days have passed and we both were sitting at the table. Caleb was trying so hard the last couple of days to divert my attention onto anything else. He was walking around in nothing but some of the skimpiest underwear he owed. It was just a pair of tight ass-less underwear. That did get my attention for a moment but then it went back to this place. Then he would just sit in my lap and that worked on my lower half, but my mind was just not there.

He literally could have had sex with me and my mind would just not even know. He did not because it would not be any fun for him if I was not into it. He does like both of us to enjoy it not just one-sided. So he took a seat at the table then the phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hello, this is Sarah," she replied.

"Hi Sarah, how's it going?" I asked her back.

"Going well, so I just heard back from the realtor and the banks," she told me.

"Ok, just rip the band off," I said to her a little snappy.

"Sorry, but I wanted to do it in person if possible," she told us.

I took a deep breath and told her, "If that is what you want to do. I guess we will see you at your office."

"Not my office, the building if that is ok," she said to me.

"Oh okay," that gave me some hope and you could hear it in my voice.

I hung up the phone and finally realized what he was in and smiled. "Keep those on and get dressed. We are meeting Sarah at the building," I told him.

We quickly got dressed and drove down to the building. Sarah was already standing in front of the building waiting for us. We parked on the side of the building since there was small parking attached to it. We got out and walked over to where she was standing.

"It is a great building and inside is mostly furnished," she started telling us. "Since it has been on the market for a little while I was able to get the cost down. The owners just wanted to get rid of it since it brought back bad memories he did not want. So I talked him down to and knock off another hundred thousand, which in turn made the banks agree to the rates. So the place is yours."

"We got the place?" I had to ask again to make sure I was not dreaming.

"Yes, it is completely yours once we sign the paperwork. The bank also wants a copy of your business plan and budget with the signed papers," she told us.

"Not a problem, it is all ready to go. I'll email you once we get home," I told her.

"Well, let's go inside and finish this up," she told us as she handed me the keys to the place.

I took the keys from her and unlocked the door for the first time. They slid open and I could smell the food cooking like in my dream. Caleb quickly grabbed the cloth that was on one of the tables and pulled it off. A big cloud of dust came off with it. We coughed a little bit but smiled through it. We all sat down, and Sarah and I went over everything.

An hour had passed, and Sarah collected her stuff and told us, "Congratulations on your purchase. I cannot wait to come to eat at your restaurant. If it is half as good as what Caleb has been bragging about then I am sure I will enjoy it," she told us we walked towards the door.

"For making this happen, there will always be a table for you," I told her as she walked outside the sliding glass doors in front of the building. The doors shut and it was just us inside our new adventure.

"Well, it is going to be a lot of work. Are you ready for this?" I asked him.

"We are in this together," he told me.

That put a smile on my face, and I got a dirty thought. I quickly grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs.

"Well since you are going to be my chef or manager, which depends on you, I should give you some special treatment. First, I am going to see if you are physically fit for this job," I said as I was backing up onto the steel table tops.

He did not say a word but just went with it since the last couple of days nothing happened.

I reached up and just pulled his shirt over his head. "So far you look good, but I think I need closer inspection," I said to him.

My lips started on his neck and my tongue traced down his nipples. I spent time on each nipple circulating them. He arched his back, yearning for more and for me to continue farther down. My tongue left his nipples and found his belly button. A moment there and then my hands got into the act. They followed the same path as my tongue.

A moan escaped his mouth and I knew he was enjoying this just as much as I was. My hands left his body temporary to just remove my pants. I let them hit the floor and I stepped out of them. My boxer briefs that I had on were completely tented up. I pulled him to the edge of the steel table and started rubbing my hard member on his jeans that he had on. His hands just ran through my hair which turned me on a little more. I was so hard and just wanted to fuck so hard now. My mind said, "Go slow."

I reached down and start to remove his jeans. I since his legs we no resting on my shoulders, I just let them hang off one of his legs. Then I say what I wanted. These ass-less undies he was wearing. I just dived in and start rimming the life out of him. He could not control his moan and soon it was echoing off the walls.

He titled his head up and I looked up at him. "Just fuck me already. My mind is exploding from all the attention you're giving me," he told me.

My hands quickly made work of my undies and they were around my ankles. I lined myself up and slowly inserted it into him. He moaned even louder than before and arched as far as he could. I almost popped out of him but was able to keep it inside. He came down and started to hump me. I was just standing there as he was working his magic on me.

I looked down and noticed a wet spot on the front of his undies. I reached down and freed his member which was leaking like mad. I bent over and start sucking his cock while fucking my partner. This lasted a good thirty minutes.

Soon we started reaching our climax, if he was not moaning then I was. "Oh fuck, Caleb. I'm..." was all I could say before I shoot deep inside of him.

In turn, he said back to me, "Oh, Noah, fill me up." He grabbed me before I came and pulled me deep inside of him. With that last thrust, it hit his sweet spot and he started squirting between us as well. I collapsed onto him and nothing was said. The only sound was our heavy breathing filling up everything.

I rolled off him and was now beside him on the steel table. I looked down both our bodies and that is when I felt the coldness on my bare butt. I jumped up quickly and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Caleb as he sat up looking at the both of us.

"Just that was cold. I am more excited than before first go around," I told him as I tucked his member back into his undies. I pulled my undies back on and pulled him off the table. I embraced him and whispered, "Thanks for all of this. I could not have done this without."

"As I said before, you got my back and now it is time for me to get yours," he told me.

We just went into a loving embrace. We both looked down and realize we both were just standing in our undies.

We both busted up laughing and got dressed. I pinched his ass and told him, "Well, let's go shopping."

Merry Christmas to all and hope everyone has a Happy New Year. Hope you guys enjoy. Hit me up at

Next: Chapter 18

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